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        Ward, James--Robert Korean Mathematical Society 2000 대한수학회지 Vol.37 No.5

        Conley index is used study bifurcation from equilibria of full bounded solutions to parameter dependent families of ordinary differential equations of the form {{{{ {dx} over {dt} }}}} =$\varepsilon$F(x, t, $\mu$). It is assumed that F(x, t,$\mu$) is uniformly almost periodic in t.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 대미 사회-정치 인식 변화: 1960-1991년의 『조선중앙년감』을 중심으로

        WARD ROBERT PETER CHISHOLM 한국세계문화사학회 2019 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.53

        North Korean official perception of the US society and politics is very important given what an significant role anti-Americanism plays in North Korean state identity. Yet it has largely remained neglected as a topic of research both in South Korea and elsewhere. Up to now, most research on North Korean official discourse on the United States has focused on other issues like the social reproduction of anti-Americanism inside North Korea, the portrayal of the United States as an actor on the Korean peninsula, and the view of the United States as an imperial. The North Korean view of US society and politics within its broader ideology of anti-Americanism has remained largely unstudied. This article seeks to fill this gap in the literature by focusing on how US society and politics are depicted in a particular official North Korean source: The Korean Central Yearbook. This source is published yearly by the state's wire agency, which makes longitudinal, qualitative analysis easier to do systematically. The period under analysis here is 1960-91, and this period was chosen because this is when Kim Il-sung, having faced Soviet and Chinese intervention in North Korean internal affairs, sought to distance the country from its erstwhile backers. North Korean discourse in this period with respect to US politics and society are quite consistent, with little change noticeable change in how ruling US elites are depicted. Conversely, in North Korean discourse, perceptions of US society become less positive, with less hope put in revolutionary/progressive forces, and more emphasis on the 'diseased and rotten' nature of US society as the period goes on. The latter may speak to loss of hope in 'progressive' social forces in the United States on the part of the North Korean elite. 반미주의를 국가 정체성의 기본적 요소로 삼은 북한에게 있어 미국 정치 및 사회에 대한 인식은 중요하다. 그렇지만 지금까지 국내외에서 진행된 연구에서는 반미주의의 사회적 재생산, 역사적 배경, 주한미군 그리고 소위 미제국주의 등 북한 공식 담론의 다른 요소에 초점을 맞추었다. 북한 공식 담론에 있어서 반미주의를 구성하고 재생산하는 대미 인식에서의 미국 사회 및 정치에 대한 인식을 다루지 않고 있다. 본 연구는 기존 연구에서 거의 다루어지지 않아 온 북한 담론의 미국 사회 및 정치에 대한 담론에 대한 분석을 중심으로 한다. 담론의 실체 및 변화를 주기적으로 파악하는 데에는 북한 관영통신사인 조선중앙통신에서 매년 출간하는『조선중앙년감』을 기초자료로 활용한다. 1960년대에 접어드는 시점, 즉 북한이 독자적 외교노선을 취하게 될 때로부터 1990년까지의 북한 대미 정치-사회 인식을 주된 분석 대상으로 삼아, 김일성 시대의 대미 인식 변화를 밝히고자 한다. 이 시기 동안, 북한 담론에서의 미국 정치에 대한 논의는 일정한 일관성을 지니며 미국 지도층에 대한 비난의 논조 및 내용에서의 변화는 관찰되지 않는다. 반면에 미국 사회에 대한 인식은 시기별로 변화가 보이는데, 이는 미국 사회의 진보세력에 대한 북한의 희망이 감퇴되어 가는 현상 및 북한의 사상 변화로 해석된다.

      • Adoption of preventive behaviors in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic: a multiethnic perspective

        SteelFisher, Gillian K,Blendon, Robert J,Kang, Minah,Ward, Johanna R M,Kahn, Emily B,Maddox, Kathryn EW,Lubell, Keri M,Tucker, Myra,Ben-Porath, Eran N BlackWell Publishing Ltd 2015 Influenza and other respiratory viruses Vol.9 No.3

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>As public health leaders prepare for possible future influenza pandemics, the rapid spread of 2009 H1N1 influenza highlights the need to focus on measures the public can adopt to help slow disease transmission. Such measures may relate to hygiene (e.g., hand washing), social distancing (e.g., avoiding places where many people gather), and pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., vaccination). Given the disproportionate impact of public health emergencies on minority communities in the United States, it is important to understand whether there are differences in acceptance across racial/ethnic groups that could lead to targeted and more effective policies and communications.</P><P><B>Objectives</B></P><P>This study explores racial/ethnic differences in the adoption of preventive behaviors during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.</P><P><B>Patients/Methods</B></P><P>Data are from a national telephone poll conducted March 17 to April 11, 2010, among a representative sample of 1123 white, 330 African American, 317 Hispanic, 268 Asian, and 262 American Indian/Alaska Native adults in the USA.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>People in at least one racial/ethnic minority group were more likely than whites to adopt several behaviors related to hygiene, social distancing, and healthcare access, including increased hand washing and talking with a healthcare provider (<I>P</I>-values <0·05). Exceptions included avoiding others with influenza-like illnesses and receiving 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccinations. After we controlled the data for socioeconomic status, demographic factors, healthcare access, and illness- and vaccine-related attitudes, nearly all racial/ethnic differences in behaviors persisted.</P><P><B>Conclusions</B></P><P>Minority groups appear to be receptive to several preventive behaviors, but barriers to vaccination are more pervasive.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Affinity Apheresis for Treatment of Bacteremia Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and/or Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus (MRSA)

        ( Mattsby Baltzer Inger ),( Tomas Bergstrom ),( Keith Mccrea ),( Robert Ward ),( Lars Adolfsson Msc ),( Olle Larm ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2011 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.21 No.6

        Staphylococcus aureus (SA) bacteremia is associated with high mortality, and often results in metastatic infections. The methicillin-resistant SA (MRSA) is an urgent health care issue, as nosocomial infections with these bacteria represent limited treatment alternatives. Samples of whole blood containing challenge inoculums of SA and MRSA strains were passed through columns packed with surfaceheparinized polyethylene beads. The bound bacteria were eluted and quantitatively determined by culturing and by real-time PCR. Significant amounts of both SA and MRSA adhered to the heparinized beads (more than 65% of inoculated bacteria). After rinsing with buffer at high ionic strength, viable bacteria or bacterial DNA were eluted from the columns, indicating that the binding was specific. The conclusions that can be made from these experiments are that, as earlier reported in the literature, the high affinity of SA to heparin is retained in whole blood, and MRSA in whole blood binds to heparin with similar or higher affinity than SA. It should be possible to lower the amount of SA and/or MRSA from the blood of infected patients to levels that could be taken care of by the immune system. In previous studies, we have shown that passing blood from septic patients over beads coated with end-point-attached, biologically active heparin is a useful technique for regulating the levels of heparinbinding cytokine. These findings in combination with the present findings indicate the possibility of creating an apheresis technology for treatment of sepsis caused by SA and/or MRSA.

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