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      • Insect Diversity on the first designated Paddy Field, Gonggeomji Wetland, from Korea

        Myeong Hwan Kim,Eun Young Choi,Jeong Ho Hwang,Hee Woon Lee,Tae Young Kwon,Jong Kyun Park 한국응용곤충학회 2015 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        This study is carried out to know the insect diversity at Gonggeomji wetland in Sangju city where the first designated as a rice paddy wetland protection area from Ministry of Environment of Korea. As the results, 330 species of 234 genera belonging to 90 families in 10 orders were collected and a total of 1,327 individuals were surveyed in this study. Among them, highest collection ratio was 54. 3% (162 species) of Coleoptera, next order was 22% (66 species) of Hemiptera. In seasonal variation, 28 species were surveyed in the first quarter, 81 in the second, 78 in the third, and 87 in the fourth. Ancylopus pictus asiaticus in Coleoptera, Nysius (Nysius) plebejus in Hemiptera were the most dominant species. As a diversity analyses, species diversity index (H'), dominance index(DI), species richness index and evenness index (EI) were provided in here.

      • KCI등재

        주행거리연장형 전기자동차를 위한 발전기 가동시점 알고리즘 개발

        황명환 ( Myeong-hwan Hwang ),이계성 ( Gye-seong Lee ),김동현 ( Dong-hyun Kim ),차현록 ( Hyun-rok Cha ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2018 공학기술논문지 Vol.11 No.3

        This paper describes how to determine the optimal generator operating point for Re-EV(Range-extended Electric Vehicle). Re-EV is being developed as one of the solutions to the short driving range and charge problem of electric vehicles. It can solve the problem of battery full discharge with fuel remaining in existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm through actual driving tests can be used in nonlinear power consumption patterns. And it is applicable to other range-extended electric vehicles. Simulation and experiment result validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        서거정 한시의 <등황학루(登黃鶴樓)> 용사(用事)와 그 의미

        황명환 ( Hwang¸ Myeong-hwan ) 한국문학언어학회 2021 어문론총 Vol.90 No.-

        본고는 서거정의 한시에 나타난 <등황학루> 용사와 그 의미를 살펴보기 위해 작성된 것이다. 최호의 <등황학루>는 고려 말엽부터 우리나라 문인들에게 널리 알려졌다. 그리고 서거정 역시 <등황학루>에 관심을 가졌던 바, 그는 한시에 황학루 및 <등황학루>를 용사함으로써 자신의 시재를 드러내었다. 서거정이 <등황학루>를 용사하여 창작한 한시에는 자연 경관의 묘사, 회고의 정서 표출, 은거에 대한 지향 등이 나타난다. 이는 황학루가 아름다운 자연 경관을 배경으로 건립되었다는 점, <등황학루>에 황학 고사가 투영되었다는 점, <등황학루>에 등장하는 앵무주가 실의한 문인인 예형과 관련이 있다는 점 등이 영향을 미친 결과라 할 수 있겠다. 그리고 서거정은 <등황학루> 용사를 통해 동(東)에 대한 자부심을 나타내었다. 이러한 자부심은 우리나라의 자연 경관 및 인물이 중국에 못지않다는 인식으로 표출되었다. 또한 그는 명나라 사신들과 수많은 시문을 창수하였는데, 이 가운데 <등황학루>와 관련된 용사가 유독 자주 등장한다. 이는 명나라 사신들에게 익숙한 시문을 용사함으로써 교류를 원활히 하고자 함이었다. This paper examines Yongsa(用事) of “Deunghwanghakru(登黃鶴樓)” and its meaning in the Sino-Korean poetry of Seo Geo-jeong(徐居正). Choi Ho(崔顥)'s “Deunghwanghakru” has been widely known to Korean writers since the end of the Goryeo(高麗) dynasty. Moreover, Seo Geo-jeong was also interested in “Deunghwanghakru”, and he revealed his poetic genius by using Hwanghakru and the poem, “Deunghwanghakru”. In a Sino-Korean Poetry created by using “Deunghwanghakru”, Seo Geo-jeong describes the natural landscape, expression of emotions of retrospective, and orientation for seclusion. This is said to have been influenced by the fact that Hwanghakru was built against the backdrop of a beautiful natural scenery, that the ancient history of Hwanghak appeared in “Deunghwanghakru”, and that the Aengmuju(鸚鵡洲) mentioned in “Deunghwanghakru” was related to Ye Hyeong(禰衡). Furthermore, Seo Geo-jeong expressed pride in the east by using “Deunghwanghakru”, which was articulated through the recognition that the natural landscapes and figures of Chosŏn(朝鮮) are not inferior to those of China. Additionally, he wrote several poems with envoys from the Ming(明) Dynasty, which often portrayed ancient histories related to “Deunghwanghakru”. It can be argued that this was to facilitate exchange by using poems familiar to the envoys of the Ming(明) Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        성호 이익의 『논어』 용사시(用事詩)에 나타난 출처의식(出處意識) 연구

        황명환 ( Hwang Myeong-hwan ) 온지학회 2024 溫知論叢 Vol.- No.78

        성호의 『논어』 용사시는 전체 성호 한시의 약 9%를 차지한다. 시작법(詩作法)의 측면에서 단일 텍스트를 용사한 시가 이 정도의 비중을 차지한다는 점은, 그 자체로서 특별한 의미를 지닌다고 할 수 있겠다. 특히 성호는 『논어질서』의 편찬 등을 통해 확인할 수 있듯이, 『논어』에 대해 각별한 관심을 지니고 있었다. 한편, 성호의 출처의식은 『논어』로부터 직간접적인 영향을 받았음이 분명하다. 이는 공자가 강조한 학문이나 수양이 사회적인 영역으로까지 확장되었음을 의미한다. 실제로 『논어』에는 출처의 대원칙 몇 가지가 제시되어 있으며, 공자의 출사 의지와 더불어 퇴처의 중요성 역시 함께 언급되어 있다. 이에 영향을 받아, 성호는 그의 『논어』 용사시에서 출사의식과 퇴처 의식을 동시에 드러내었다. 그는 개인적·가정적인 문제로 인해 출사를 단념하게 되었지만, 출사 자체를 부정적으로 바라보지는 않았다. 출사란 백성들의 삶을 편안하게 하기 위한 수단이라 여겼기 때문이다. 그러나 붕당 정치의 변질로 인해 성호는 퇴처의 길을 택할 수밖에 없었다. 그래서인지 그가 스스로의 뜻을 드러내거나 자신과 같이 퇴처의 삶을 택한 이들을 위해 쓴 시에서는, 퇴처의식이 두드러지게 드러난다. 성호의 『논어』 용사시에 나타난 출처의식은 성호가 퇴처한 상황에서도 어떠한 형태로든 현실 정치에의 참여를 희망하고 있었음을 반증한다. 실제로 그는 일상생활 속에서 마음을 갈고 닦는 것도 곧 정치 참여라 인식하였으며, 더 나아가 『논어』 용사시를 통해 중농학파로서의 인식을 확고히 드러내었다. 결국 성호의 『논어』 용사시는 성호가 자신이 처한 상황하에서 출사와 퇴처 양면을 모두 합당하게 하고자 하였음을 드러냈다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 하겠다. The Sino-Korean Poetry in which Seong-ho uses the Analects of Confucius account for about 9% of all Seong-ho's Sino-Korean Poetry. The fact that Sino-Korean Poetry using a single text occupies such a proportion can be said to have a special meaning in itself. Especially, Seong-ho had a special interest in the Analects of Confucius, as can be seen through Noneo Jilseo(論語疾書). On the other hand, it is clear that Seong-ho's consciousness of taking up a public office and seclusion was directly or indirectly influenced by the Analects of Confucius. This means that the studies and discipline emphasized by Confucius were extended to the social realm. In fact, the Analects of Confucius present several general principles regarding taking up a public office and seclusion, and the importance of seclusion along with Confucius's will to taking up a public office is also mentioned. Influenced by this, Seong-ho simultaneously revealed his consciousness of taking up a public office and his consciousness of seclusion in his Sino-Korean Poetry using the Analects of Confucius. Although he gave up taking up a public office due to personal and family problems, he did not view the civil service itself negatively. This is because they thought of taking up a public office as a means to make the lives of the people comfortable. However, due to the deterioration of factional politics, Seong-ho had no choice but to choose the path of seclusion. Therefore, in the Sino-Korean Poetry he wrote for those who expressed his will or chose to live a life of seclusion like him, the sense of seclusion is remarkable. The awareness of taking up a public office and seclusion expressed in Sino-Korean Poetry using the Analects of Confucius proves that Seong-ho hoped to participate in real politics in some form even when he was in seclusion. In fact, he recognized that sharpening one's mind in daily life was also part of political participation. Furthermore, the perception of importance on farming was clearly revealed through Sino-Korean Poetry using the Analects of Confucius. In the end, it can be said that Seong-ho's Sino-Korean Poetry using the Analects of Confucius is meaningful in that it reveals that Seong-ho tried to make both aspects of public life and seclusion reasonable under the circumstances he was in.

      • KCI등재

        수파(守坡) 안효제(安孝濟)의 한시에 나타난 만주 공간 인식과 그 의미

        황명환 ( Hwang¸ Myeong-hwan ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2021 嶺南學 Vol.- No.78

        본고는 守坡 安孝濟(1850~1916)가 만주에서 남긴 한시를 대상으로 그의 만주 공간 인식을 살펴보고, 그것이 지닌 의미를 확인하는 데 목적이 있다. 수파는 한일병탄 당시, 단식으로 순국하고자 하였으나 뜻을 이루지 못했고, 일제로부터 모진 고초를 겪었다. 이러한 상황에서 그는 만주행을 결심하게 된다. 이때 만주라는 공간은 그에게 남다른 의미가 있었던 것으로 보인다. 이는 『수파집』에 실린 대다수의 한시들이 만주 망명 이후에 지어진 것이라는 사실을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 수파의 한시에 나타난 만주 공간 인식은 크게 네 가지로 대별된다. 첫번째는 古土로서의 인식이다. 수파는 만주가 고조선의 옛 강토라는 점을 이야기하며, 만주에 대한 남다른 애착을 보였다. 두 번째는 可居地로서의 인식이다. 수파에게 있어 만주는 풍요로운 곡식이 있고, 一身의 자유를 안겨주는 곳으로 인식되었다. 세 번째는 受難處로서의 인식이다. 이러한 인식은, 수파의 만주행이 자의적으로 이루어진 것이긴 하지만, 어쩔 수 없는 상황에 따른 것이기도 했기 때문에 나타난 것으로 보인다. 네 번째는 守道處로서의 인식이다. 이는 수파가 만주에서 中夏의 문물전장을 보존하고자 한 것을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 수파의 만주 공간 인식은 민족의식의 계승을 보여준다는 점에서 주목을 요한다. 이뿐만 아니라, 그가 만주에서 지은 한시들은 그의 유학정신을 강하게 보여 주기도 한다. 수파가 나라를 구할 인물의 도래를 기대하거나, 道의 중요성을 설파한 데에서 이러한 점들을 확인할 수 있겠다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the perception of Manchurian space and to understand its meaning in Chinese poetry by Supa Ahn Hyo-je. At the time of the Japanese colonial rule, He tried to die by fasting but failed to achieve his purpose, and suffered from the Japanese empire. In this situation, he decided to go to Manchuria. At this time, the Manchuria seems to have a special meaning to him. This can be confirmed by the fact that the majority of the poems in the Supajip were created after the Manchurian exile. The perception of Manchuria in Supa's poetry can be roughly divided into four categories. The first is the perception of Korean old territory. Supa tells us that Manchu is the old territory of Gojoseon, and showed a lot of attachment to Manchuria. The second is perception as a place worth living. For him, Manchuria was perceived as a place to have abundant grain and freedom. The third is awareness as suffering space. This seems to have occurred because the Supa's Manchuria exile was due to the inevitable situation. The fourth is recognition as a space to keep the Tao. This can be confirmed in his attempt to preserve the Chinese cultural heritage in Manchuria. It is noteworthy that Supa's recognition of the Manchurian space shows the succession of ethnic consciousness. In addition, he showed a strong spirit of Confucianism through the Chinese poetry created in Manchuria. We can confirm these points when Supa anticipates the appearance of a person who will save the country or preaches the importance of the Tao.

      • 설화에 나타난 來庵鄭仁弘의 형상과 그 의미

        황명환 ( Hwang Myeong-hwan ) 남명학연구원 2019 南冥學硏究論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        본고는 설화에 나타난 내암의 형상과 그것이 지닌 의미에 대해 구명하였다. 내암은 어려서부터 뛰어난 자질을 드러냈으며, 이로 인해 남명의 수제자가 되었다. 그는 남명의 가르침을 받들어 평생 敬義로써 자신을 단속하였으나, 스승에 대한 존숭이 지나친 나머지 독선적인 노선을 견지하기도 하였다. 그리고 이러한 경직된 사고로 인해 그는 인조반정 당시 반대파에 의해 누명을 쓰고 죽음을 맞이하고 만다. 내암 설화에는 이러한 내암의 모습이 잘 형상화 되어 있다. ‘중동’으로 나타난 그의 모습과 높은 벼슬아치에게도 굽히지 않는 그의 태도는, 바로 내암이 지니고 있었던 뛰어난 자질을 형상화 한 것이다. 그리고 내암 설화에서 내암은 스승인 남명을 보호하기 위해 중동을 이용하여 구렁이를 죽인다. 이를 통해 구렁이가 내암이 배척한 타학파임을 짐작할 수 있다. 한편, 내암 설화에서 내암은 장모 혹은 퇴계의 입을 통해 역적으로 죽을 것임이 예견된다. 그러나 내암 설화 내에서 내암은 폐모살제에 동의하지 않는 인물로 그려진다. 즉, 내암의 죽음에 억울한 측면이 있었다는 사실을 설화 전승자들은 이야기하고자 했던 것이다. 본고는 설화에 나타난 내암의 형상이 지닌 의미를 역사적 측면, 지역적 측면, 구비전승적 측면으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 역사적 측면에서는 내암 설화가 서인세력에 의해 왜곡된 사실을 바로잡으려 한다는 것을 이야기하였다. 그리고 지역적 측면에서는 내암 설화에 담긴 경상남도 지역의 자긍심을 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 같은 경상도 지역이라 할지라도 경상북도와 경상남도에서 내암에 대한 평가가 상반된다는 것을 통해 드러난다. 이러한 사실은 내암 설화가 지역에 따른 학파의 결집과 무관하지 않음을 보여주기에 의미하는 바가 크다고 하겠다. 마지막으로 구비전승적 측면에서는 구비설화가 지닌 특성으로 인해 설화 전승자들이 보다 자유롭게 내암에 대한 평가를 내릴 수 있었다는 사실을 이야기하였다. 본고의 논의를 진척시키기 위해서는 내암과 관련된 보다 다양한 자료들을 함께 검토해 볼 필요가 있다. 또한 내암과 대척점에 서 있었던 여러 인물들에 대한 설화도 함께 확인해 보아야 할 것이다. 이러한 점들이 온전히 검토되어야만, 내암 설화가 지닌 의미가 보다 폭넓고 정치하게 밝혀질 수 있을 것으로 보인다. This study investigated the figure of Jeong In-hong in the folktale and the meaning of it. Jeong In-hong revealed his outstanding talents from his youth and became Nam Myoung's best pupil. He has been in control of himself for the rest of his life with the teachings of his master, but respect for his teacher went too far and he became a self-righteous person. And because of this rigid accident, he is framed and killed by opponents at the time of King Injo’s Restoration. In the folktale, Jeong In-hong's figure is well shaped. His appearance as 'compound eyes' and his attitude that does not bend to the high government official are shaped Jeong In-hong's outstanding qualities. And in the folktale, Jeong In-hong killed the serpent by using the compound eyes to protect his teacher. From this, we can guess that the serpent was a different school from Jeong In-hong. Meanwhile, in the tale, Jeong In-hong is expected to die as a rebel through the mouth of his mother-in-law or Toegye. In the folktale, however, Jeong In-hong is portrayed as a figure who disagrees with the confinement of Queen In-mok and the murder of the General Yeong-chang. In other words, the storytellers tried to tell that Jeong In-hong's death was injustice. This study looked at the meaning of Jeong In-hong's figure in the folktale in terms of historical, regional and oral literature aspects. From a historical point of view, folktail of Jeong In-hong tried to correct the distorted facts by Seoin party. And from a regional perspective, we could confirm the pride of the Gyeongsangnam-do region, which was included in the folktail about Jeong In-hong. This is illustrated by the conflicting views of Jeong In-hong in between Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do. This fact is significant as it shows that the folktail of Jeong In-hong is related to the solidarity of school districts by region. Finally, a oral literature point of view, because of the characteristics of folktail, storytellers were able to freely evaluate Jeong In-hong. To compensate for the discussion in this study, more diverse materials related to Jeong In-hong need to be reviewed together. It is also necessary to check the folktails about the various characters opposite to Jeong In-hong. If these points are thoroughly examined, it is likely that the meaning of Jung In-hong's folktails can be revealed more broadly and clearly.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한강 수계의 남조 Anabaena 대발생과 강우의 관계

        변정환 ( Jeong Hwan Byun ),조인환 ( In Hwan Cho ),황순진 ( Soon Jin Hwang ),박명환 ( Myung Hwan Park ),변명섭 ( Myeong Seop Byeon ),김백호 ( Baik Ho Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 2014 생태와 환경 Vol.47 No.2

        To evaluate the relationship between dynamics of Cyanobacterial bloom and rainfalls, a monthly monitoring of water quality and phytoplankton from the three serial lakes (Lake Ui-am, Lake Chung-pyeong and Lake Pal-dang) in the North Han River System were examined 12 times from May 2012 to March 2013. A dense bloom of cyanobacterium Anabaena spp., was occurred over three lakes in the summer season of 2012. In Lake Ui-am, the Anabaena population appeared in June, showed a peak in July (43,850 cells mL-1) and disappeared in November 2012. In Lake Chung-pyeong and Lake Pal-dang, Anabaena population commonly appeared in July, showed the peaks (31,648 cells mL-1 and 7,136 cells mL-1, respectively) in August, and entirely disappeared in September 2012. Over the three lakes, the phytoplankton community was commonly dominated by diatoms before Monsoon, cyanobacteria during Monsoon, and diatoms after Monsoon, respectively, indicating a Monsoon-dependent succession. A correlation analysis revealed that dynamics of Anabaena population was strongly related with rainfall (r=0.72, r=0.83, r=0.88, P.0.01 for three lakes), and partly with nutrients, inflow and outflow of lakes. Therefore, this study indicates that the outbreak and destruction of Anabaena bloom in North Han River System between 2012 and 2013 was impacted by rainfalls. However, a high density of cyanobacteria in Lake Ui-am remained after Monsoon, and thus, may produce bad-order and toxins from phytoplankton.

      • Dextran- <i>b</i> -poly( <i>L</i> -histidine) copolymer nanoparticles for ph-responsive drug delivery to tumor cells

        Hwang, Jong-ho,Choi, Cheol Woong,Kim, Hyung-Wook,Kim, Do Hyung,Kwak, Tae Won,Lee, Hye Myeong,Kim, Cy hyun,Chung, Chung Wook,Jeong, Young-II,Kang, Dae Hwan Dove Medical Press 2013 International journal of nanomedicine Vol.8 No.-

        <P><B>Purpose</B></P><P>Nanoparticles based on stimuli-sensitive drug delivery have been extensively investigated for tumor targeting. Among them, pH-responsive drug targeting using pH-sensitive polymers has attracted attention because solid tumors have an acidic environment. A dextran-<I>b</I>-poly(<I>L</I>-histidine) (DexPHS) copolymer was synthesized and pH-responsive nanoparticles were fabricated for drug targeting.</P><P><B>Methods and results</B></P><P>A DexPHS block copolymer was synthesized by attaching the reductive end of dextran to the amine groups of poly(L-histidine). pH-responsive nanoparticles incorporating doxorubicin were fabricated and studied in HuCC-T1 cholangiocarcinoma cells. Synthesis of DexPHS was confirmed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, with specific peaks of dextran and PHS observed at 2–5 ppm and 7.4–9.0 ppm, respectively. DexPHS nanoparticles showed changes in particle size with pH sensitivity, ie, the size of the nanoparticles increased at an acidic pH and decreased at a basic pH. DexPHS block copolymer nanoparticles incorporating doxorubicin were prepared using the nanoprecipitation dialysis method. The doxorubicin release rate was increased at acidic pH compared with basic pH, indicating that DexPHS nanoparticles have pH-sensitive properties and that drug release can be controlled by variations in pH. The antitumor activity of DexPHS nanoparticles incorporating doxorubicin were studied using HuCC-T1 cholangiocarcinoma cells. Viability was decreased in cells treated with nanoparticles at acidic pH, whereas cell viability in response to treatment with doxorubicin did not vary according to changes of pH.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>Our results indicated that DexPHS polymeric micelles are promising candidates for antitumor drug targeting.</P>

      • bFGF-defendent feline induced pluripotent stem cells reprogrammed by Sendai virus vector

        Myeong-Don Joo,Ji-Yun Hwang,Kyeong-Lim Lee,Seok-Hwan Song,James Kehler,Il-Keun Kong 한국수정란이식학회 2017 한국수정란이식학회 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.05

        The production of feline induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can solve the problems that are related with existing unstable supply and demand of eggs as well as ethical aspects about embryonic stem cell at the same time. On the basis of excellent proliferation, it is to facilitate the researches about human disease like FIV and Allergen at the level of cells, not experimental animals. But, a lot of advanced researches are lean too much towards on the transduction using DNA type virus that have the risk of tumorigenesis during reprogramming and on the mLIF-dependent culture condition for the production of feline iPSCs. This being so, this study shows the reprogramming results using Sendai virus vector that is RNA type virus and have no the footprint after transduction. In addition, the feline iPSCs were stably cultured in bFGF-dependent culture condition during the reprogramming step and culture step. In conclusion, we found the bFGF-dependent culture condition in feline iPSCs and suggested the approach using Sendai virus vector as an alternative for reprogramming without concern about tumorigenesis. These methods can be universally applicable to not only the researches about reconstruction and conservation of feline species, but also to a lot of deep studies related with iPSCs or LIF, bFGF to find new approaches.

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