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      • 홍콩의 경도에서 중도에 이르는 정신지체와 중복장애 학생들에 대한 교육과정과 평가 수정

        John Lian, Ming-Gon 국립특수교육원 2004 국제세미나 자료집 Vol.- No.11

        홍콩의 경도에서 중도에 이르는 정신지체와 중복장애 학생들을 가르치는 교육 실행가들은 최근의 교육과정 개혁, 통합교육, 학교 프로그램의 질적 수준 향상 등을 포함하여 특수교육 실제에서 일어나고 있는 일련의 진보적인 변화에 대처하려고 노력하고 있다. 따라서 이들의 헌신적인 노력은 통합된 학교교육이나 통합된 지역사회의 생활에서 학생들이 잠재력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하는데 더욱 도움을 줄 것이다. 이 원고에서는 홍콩에서 시작된 성공적인 교육과정과 평가 수정 및 관련된 움직임이나 활동에 관한 노력들을 소개하고자 한다. 이것은 대안적 평가, 참평가(authentic assessment)/기능적 평가, 포트폴리오 평가, 장애학생들의 평생학습과 학습에 이르기 위한 학습(learning to learn)을 위한 학교교육과정 재발과 교육과정 통합에서의 생태학적인 접근을 포함한다. 또한 효과적인 교수전략, 보조공학, 부모참여, 가정-학교 협력관계, 프로그램 평가, 그리고 실행연구(action research)와 같은 관련된 제언들을 소개한다.

      • Curriculum and Assessment Adaptations for Students with Mild to Severe Mental and Multiple Disabilities in Hong Kong

        John Lian, Ming-Gon 국립특수교육원 2004 국제세미나 자료집 Vol.- No.11

        School practitioners for students with mild to severe mental and multiple disabling conditions in Hong Kong are trying to cope with a series of evolutional changes in special education practices, including recent curriculum reform, inclusive education, and quality level school program advancement, so that their dedicated efforts can be more effective in enhancing their students' potential for inclusive schooling and/or living in an inclusive community. This paper will introduce these efforts for successful curriculum and assessment adaptations and related movements and activities that are initiated in Hong Kong, including alternative, authentic/functional, and portfolio assessment; and ecological approaches in school-based curriculum development and curriculum integration for learning to learn and life-long learning of students with mild to severe mental and multiple disabilities. Related implications such as effective instructional strategies, assistive technology, parental involvement and home-school partnership, program evaluation, and action research are also addressed.

      • Curriculum and Assessment Adaptations for Students with Mild to Severe Mental and Multiple Disabilities in Hong Kong

        John Lian, Ming-Gon 국립특수교육원 2004 The Asia-Pacific Journal of Inclusive Education Vol.1 No.-

        School practitioners for students with mild to severe mental and multiple disabling conditions in Hong Kong are trying to cope with a series of evolutional changes in special education practices, including recent curriculum reform, inclusive education, and quality level school program advancement, so that their dedicated efforts can be more effective in enhancing their students' potential for inclusive schooling and/or living in an inclusive community. This paper will introduce these efforts for successful curriculum and assessment adaptations and related movements and activities that are initiated in Hong Kong, including alternative, authentic/functional, and portfolio assessment; and ecological approaches in school-based curriculum development and curriculum integration for learning to learn and life-long learning of students with mild to severe mental and multiple disabilities. Related implications such as effective instructional strategies, assistive technology, parental involvement and home-school partnership, program evaluation, and action research are also addressed.


        ( Ming-gon John Lian ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2014 Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Vol.1 No.1

        Major educational reforms occur, in many countries, in an attempt to cope with the rapid- and constant-changing as well as technology-demanding modern life. The Education Commission in Hong Kong (HKEC) gave recommendations for educational reform to be geared toward life-long learning and whole-person development. To this, Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council (HKCDC) disseminated consultation document for reconstruction in school curriculum, including the advancement of nine generic skills in eight key learning areas. Special education practitioners are trying to follow the HKEC`s recommendations and the HKCDC`s guideline. A great number of task force activities and staff inservice workshops have been engaged. This paper shares the experiences and outcomes of recent curriculum development in schools for students with severe disabilities, including enhancement of generic skills through 8 major areas of learning

      • 홍콩의 특수교육 요구학생을 위한 통합교육의 진전

        Ming-Gon John Lian 국립특수교육원 2005 국제세미나 자료집 Vol.2005 No.-

        오늘날 홍콩에 있는 학교의 학생들은 다양한 환경에서 학습하고 있다. 여기에는 다양한 수준의 학습 능력과 학습 문제가 포함된다. 과거 10년 동안, 특수교육 요구 학생(SEN)들에 대한 통합교육의 추세는 한결같이 계속 되었다. 제 일선의 전문가들은 장애학생이든 일반학생이든 간에 상관없이 모든 학습자의 개별화된 요구를 충족시키기 위한 필요성을 계속적으로 인식해 왔다. 이 보고서에서는 통합교육의 개념과 이론의 주요배경과 영향력, 통합교육을 성공적으로 실행할 수 있는 홍콩에서의 효과적인 참여와 실제(이것은 정부기관, 학교 교직원, 그 외 참여집단이나 자원봉사집단의 상호보완적이고 협력적인 팀웍에 의해 가능하다) 등에 관련된 정보를 공유하고자 한다. Children in today’s schools in Hong Kong are learning in a diverse environment, including various levels of learning abilities and difficulties. During the past decade, there has been a steady trend of inclusive education for students with special education needs (SEN). The frontline professionals have increased their awareness of the requirements to fulfill individualized needs of all learners, whether disabled or nondisabled. This paper shares information regarding major backgrounds and influence in concept and theory development, and effective engagements and practices in Hong Kongthat can be implemented for better success of inclusive education for all students through the mutual and collaborative teamwork of the governmental agencies, school personnel, and other advocacy and volunteer groups.

      • Parents' Perceptions of their Children with Disabilities, Inclusive Education, and Related Services in Taiwan

        Ming-Gon John Lian 대구대학교 2002 Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education Vol.2 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate 366 parents' perceptions toward their children with disabilities, inclusive education and services in Taiwan. Data revealed that parents generallt had positive perceptions toward their children with disabilities. They indicated that inclusive education and related services were needed but tended to be inadequate. A number of parents' and children' s demographics were found to be related to parentls' perceptions.

      • SAME 프로젝트: 공통(중앙)교육과정의 접근을 향상시키기 위한 홍콩의 경험

        ( Alison Man Ching Li ),( Andrew Chung Yee Tse ),( Ming Gon John Lian ) 대구대학교 특수교육문제연구소 2009 한국특수교육문제연구소 학술대회발표자료집 Vol.2009 No.-

        홍콩 교육부의 교과과정 개발위원회가 교육개혁에 대한 협의안을 발표한 이후, 완전통합교육을 실행하는 홍콩의 mainstream 학교들은 그 수가 증가했으며, 이와 더불어 특수학교들도 “one curriculum for all"의 정신을 반영하는 그들 자체의 교육과정을 개발하기 위해 노력해왔다 (CDC, 2001; Lian, 2001a, 2001b). 하지만, 적절하고 효과적인 교육과정을 개발하는 도중 다음과 같은 여러 가지 문제들이 생겨났다: (a) 특수교육을 요구 하는 학생들의 공통(i.e., mainstream)교과과정에 대한 접근을 도와주기위한 지도가 부족하다; (b) 교수와 평가시스템은 물론 학생들의 학습 진전과 성취를 기술하는 협의된 성취기준들을 갖춘 합의된 언어가 사용되어 오지 못했다; 그리고 (c) 기술훈련 위주의 교육을 중시하고 주요 학습 분야에 대한 지도방향과 이해의 부족으로 학습곤란 아동들에 대한 기대가 일반적으로 낮은 현상이 있다. 따라서 본 논문의 목적은 (a) "공통교과과정에의 접근”에 대한 추세와 관련 연구들을 국제적 경험을 통해 재검토하고, (b) 특수교육을 필요로 하는 홍콩학생들이 “one curriculum for all"을 토대로 공통교과과정에 보다 용이하게 접근할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 평가와 교과과정 개발상의 문제점들을 논의하며; 그리고 (c) 홍콩의 the SAME 프로젝트에 대해 언급하고 프로젝트의 1 단계에서 성취한 결과들을 주요 설명하는 것이다. 또한, 관련분야에 대한 논의도 포함되어있다.

      • The SAME Project: A Hong Kong Experience in Enhancing Accessibility of the Central Curriculum

        ( Alison Man Ching Li ),( Andrew Chung Yee Tse ),( Ming Gon John Lian ) 대구대학교 특수교육문제연구소 2009 한국특수교육문제연구소 학술대회발표자료집 Vol.2009 No.-

        Special schools, along with an increasing number of mainstream schools that implement inclusive education in Hong Kong, have been making efforts to develop their own school-based curriculum to echo the spirit of "one curriculum for all" since the Education Bureau’s (EDB) Curriculum Development Council (CDC) released the consultation document on education reform (CDC, 2001 Lian, 2001a, 2001b). However, several concerns surfaced in the processof developing an appropriate and effective curriculum: (a) it was difficult to help students with special education needs (SEN) access the central (i.e., mainstream) curriculum due to the lack of guidance; (b) a common language, as well as a teaching and evaluation system, has not been used with agreed-upon performance standards to describe students’ learning progress and attainment; and (c) the phenomena of having low expectations for children with learning difficulties (CWLD) is common due to high emphasis on skills training-oriented education, a lack of direction inteaching and the understanding of the key learning areas. This paper is, therefore, in an attempt to (a) review the trends and related studies on "access to central curriculum" from international experiences; (b) discuss the concerns on assessment and curriculum development for improving access to central curriculum for students with SEN in Hong Kong with respect to "one curriculum for all" and (c) describe a project (the SAME project) in Hong Kong and to highlight the accomplishment of the Phase 1 of the project. The implications to the field are also discussed.

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