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      • Β-thiocyanatobenzylidene malonic acid ester 유도체의 합성에 관한 연구

        김순옥,홍사미,고정희 성신여자대학교 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.9 No.-

        The derivatives of β-thiocyanatobenzylidene malonic acid ester were synthesized by the nucleophillic vinyllic substitution of thiocyanate, were obtained in 30-65% yield. The reactivity and yield were related to the structures of benzylidene malonic acid ester derivatives and the effect of the substituent of the para-substituted benzaldehydes were decresed the order of -NO2> -H, -CI> -OMe and also the reactivity of the malonic acid derivatives were reduced in order of diesters>cyanoacetyl ester>dinitrile. The separation and purification of β-thiocyanatobenzylidene malonic acid esters were carried out by column chromatography and recrystallization. The structure of synthetic compounds were identified by the NMR and IR spectroscopy.

      • KCI우수등재

        Representing the Unspeakable and Unimaginable Horror of the Holocaust in Jerzy Kosinski’s The Painted Bird

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 한국영어영문학회 2021 영어 영문학 Vol.67 No.2

        One of the challenges that the Holocaust victims have confessed to is that they cannot convey in language what they experienced, since the horror of that ordeal is beyond description. This paper shows that Jerzy Kosinski in his autobiographical novel, The Painted Bird, represents the unspeakable horror and violence of the Holocaust effectively by way of the graphic representation of its violence. More importantly, his representation of the unimaginable horror of the Holocaust is reinforced by focusing on the violence in daily life. That is, he accentuates the violence of East European peasants to the unnamed boy, which serves as a metaphor for the Holocaust. In so doing, Kosinski lets the readers face the horror of the Holocaust more directly, rendering them more engaged in the experience. In particular, I point out that Kosinski’s representation of the horror of the Holocaust is highlighted most in the portrayal of the unnamed boy’s degraded morality. By overlapping the Holocaust perpetuated by the Nazis and caused by racial hatred with the boy’s cruel plan to kill innocent people caused by his revengeful hatred, Kosinski shows how the boy comes to degrade himself morally like the Nazi oppressors, thereby rendering the atrocity of the Holocaust visible to the readers.

      • KCI등재

        Role Reversal and Relationship between a Parent and a Child in Holocaust Literature

        Sa, Mi Ok 한국중앙영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학연구 Vol.61 No.2

        One of the characteristics of the literary works of the Holocaust is family disintegration. For instance, often we confront children who neglect their filial duty for their own survival. Also, we see mothers or fathers who abandon their parental roles facing the horrible threat of death in the Holocaust. Among these abnormality of family values, I explore the absence of fatherhood and the role reversal between a parent and a child in Dawid Sierakowiak’s The Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak, Ida Fink’s short story, “The Key Game,” and Isaiah Spiegel’s “Bread.” By looking at the portrayal of the absence of fatherhood, I demonstrate how diaries and short stories from the ghettos differ in presenting the role reversal and the relationship between a parent and a child. In short, I illustrate that while Dawid’s Diary presents his personal reactions for his diminished father directly and authentically through the first-person perspective, it has limits in that it does not offer the whole picture of the situation which leads the father to abandon his assumed parental role. On the contrary, Fink and Spiegel’s autobiographical works show the complexity of the situations that make the fathers lose their parental responsibility and let their children be exposed to the danger of death through the third-person point of view.

      • KCI등재

        『순결한 열정: 중세 영국 처녀 순교자 전설』에 나타난 처녀 순교자의 아름다움의 역할 탐구

        Sa, Mi-ok 한국문학과종교학회 2017 문학과종교 Vol.22 No.4

        처녀 순교자 전설은 고대에서 중세시대에 걸쳐 가장 뛰어나고 인기 있는 문학 형태 중 하나였다. 페미니스트 관점에서 처녀 순교자 전설의 비평가들은 대 체로 두 관점으로 나눠져 왔다. 많은 비평가들이 처녀 순교자 전설을 여성에 대한 가부장적 억압과 폭력으로 읽어왔다. 그러나 다른 비평가들은 처녀 순교자 전설을 가부장적 억압에 대한 여성의 저항으로 해석해왔다. 이러한 두 비평관점 에 반대하면서, 필자는 처녀 순교자 전설을 젠더특정적인 관점에서 볼 수 없다 고 생각한다. 이를 입증하기 위해서, 필자는 『순결한 열정』의 다섯 처녀 순교자 전설의 텍스트 분석을 통해서, 처녀 순교자의 아름다움은 젠더특정적인 세속적 문학 작품의 여주인공의 아름다움과 다름을 증명한다. 즉, 처녀 순교자의 아름 다움은 젠더를 초월한다. 또한, 처녀 순교자의 아름다움의 역할은 세속적인 작 품의 여주인공의 아름다움과 다르다. 세속적 작품의 여주인공의 아름다움이 남 성의 욕망을 자극하지만, 처녀 순교자의 아름다움은 신의 영광을 위해 쓰인다. A virgin martyr legend was one of the most outstanding and popular literary forms during late antiquity and the Middle Ages. In terms of feminist perspective, critics of virgin martyr legends usually have been divided into two different views. Many critics have read them as patriarchal violence toward women. However, others have interpreted them as women’s resistance against patriarchal oppression. Rejecting both critical perspectives, I think we cannot see virgin martyr legends in terms of gender-specific point of view. To demonstrate this, through the textual analysis of five virgin martyr legends in Chaste Passions, I show that the beauty of the virgin martyr is different from that of the secular heroine whose beauty is gender-specific. That is, the beauty of the virgin martyr transcends gender. Moreover, the role of the virgin marty’s beauty differentiates itself from that of the secular heroine’s: While the beauty of the secular heroine triggers male desire for her, that of the virgin martyr is used to glorify God.

      • KCI우수등재

        Reading Against the Grain: Whiteness, Class, and Space in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 한국영어영문학회 2018 영어 영문학 Vol.64 No.2

        Many critics on William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying have read Addie Bundren as the disrupter of patriarchal power. By raising a question about the usefulness of language, which is the symbolic power of patriarchy and having an affair with the preacher Whitfield outside her wedlock, Addie directly challenges patriarchal power. From a quite different vantage point, however, we can read Addie as the faithful protector of the norm of whiteness in the South in light of the social hierarchy. As a former school teacher, Addie is from middle class before her marriage. By her marriage to Anse, who is a lower-class white, Addie has class anxiety that her social status in the stratum of whiteness could be degraded from a middle to a lower-class white, “white trash,” which means that she is not white enough to be considered as the normative whiteness. Especially, Addie’s anxiety increases due to the fact that her lazy husband is reluctant to work and relies on her neighbors, causing her family to be entrapped at the bottom in the stratum of whiteness. Therefore, she decides to take revenge on her husband after giving birth to her second child Darl by asking Anse to bury her dead body in her familial burial site in Jefferson. By rendering her family to suffer the hardship during her funeral procession, not only does she succeed in taking revenge on Anse on the surface, she regains her social status as a middle-class white by being buried in Jefferson fundamentally.

      • KCI우수등재

        Raced Body and Raced Space in Richard Wright’s Native Son

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 한국영어영문학회 2020 영어 영문학 Vol.66 No.1

        Scholarship on Richard Wright’s Native Son has accepted the work differently. Some critics such as Irving Howe have read the novel as the reflection of Wright’s personal feelings. However, others have interpreted the novel as the warning of the devastating effects of racism. Focusing on the latter position, I point out one important aspect of the novel. That is, Wright shows whiteness through presenting the interconnection of space and race construction during the 1930s. Although racialized space set by Jim Crow laws was very pivotal in sustaining the racial hierarchy in the South at that time, it was formed in the North as well through different ways. That is, unlike the South, the North constructed racialized space customarily via racially restrictive covenants. What is remarkable is that Wright uncovers that whiteness created racialized space de facto in the North, which ultimately demonstrates that racialized space for white power and privilege was practiced during the Jim Crow era both in the North and in the South. In addition, through Bigger Wright portrays black subjectivity realistically facing the racial oppression in the raced space. Finally, I demonstrate that the novel shows that space is not just a physical place; a human body can be read as space. In sum, I demonstrate that Wright shows that racialized space was not confined to the South; it was a nation-wide phenomenon during the Jim Crow period; for whites, racialized space is not only for economic profits but also for the protection of white identity.

      • KCI등재

        White Identity, White Violence, and Divided Psyche in James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man”

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2018 현대영미소설 Vol.25 No.2

        In this paper, I explore the intersection of white masculinity and violence in James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man.” In so doing, I demonstrate that Baldwin offers insightful perspective on the way whites use violence for white dominance in the South such as brutal practice of lynchings during and after Reconstruction era. Also, it examines how white masculinity relies on committing violence on blacks. Finally, my study looks at the white man's divided mental state in which he feels both anxiety and guilt, which illustrates white double consciousness. To be more specific, the white male protagonist Jesse is a deputy sheriff whose assumed job is to put blacks in their place in the South. Despite his belief that he is a good man whom blacks respect and love, he is a cruel and hate-filled racist. When he undergoes impotence when he is in his bedroom with his wife, he tries to be aroused by recalling two violent incidents. That is, he first recalls the incident in which he beat and sexually insulted the black boy, the ringleader of civil rights movements activists. He also recalls his boyhood memory in which he first witnessed a lynching of a black man. Through Jesse's recollections Baldwin reveals how an innocent white child comes to be initiated to whiteness and white violence. Also, through the fact that Jesse regains his manhood by recalling the incidents Baldwin illustrates the interconnection of white masculinity and violence. Most importantly, by revealing his mental state torn by anxiety and guilt, Baldwin gives powerful message to Americans that the harmful impact of racism is not limited to blacks. Rather, whites also are severely harmed by racism.

      • KCI등재

        Racialized Space in Charles W. Chesnutt`s The Colonel`s Dream

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2017 현대영미소설 Vol.24 No.1

        In this paper, I explore whiteness in Charles W. Chesnutt`s The Colonel`s Dream. I demonstrate that the novel portrays how whiteness and white privilege are sustained by racializing space in the New South. To this end, I employ space theories such as Cresswell`s, Delaney`s, and Mills`s. In Colonel`s Dream, the colonel Henry French, a former Southern aristocrat and ex-Confederate officer, visits his hometown, Clarendon, in North Carolina after spending twenty-five years in New York City. Shocked at the severe racism and retarded economical situation in Clarendon, he attempts to ameliorate racism through economic progress. Nevertheless, his dream fails at the end of the novel. One of the reasons for his failure is that the Old South is continuous in the New South by way of racializing the space. For instance, through the vagrancy laws, whiteness racializes the Southern space to limit black mobility and exploit blacks. In addition, Chesnutt portrays the racialized space through the colonel`s conflict with poor laborers in his construction of a cotton mill. When the colonel hires a black man as a foreman of white laborers, the whites quit. Since whites` assumed role is a master and blacks` is a servant in the racialized space, the whites reject to work under a “nigger.” Failing to understand the norm in the racialized space, the colonel has conflict with the whites. Another reason is the colonel`s ambivalent attitude toward race relations in the South. Though the colonel seems to be liberal and humanistic, unconsciously he wants to sustain the racial hierarchy in the South. For example, he cannot endure the fact that a black barber lives in his old house. Since racialized space is the very means to sustain whiteness, the colonel needs to buy his old house back from the black barber to sustain his whiteness, which leads to the maintenance of the racialized space.

      • KCI등재

        The Interconnection of Race, Class, and Environment in Helena Maria Viramontes’s Under the Feet of Jesus

        Sa, Mi Ok 한국중앙영어영문학회 2017 영어영문학연구 Vol.59 No.4

        In this paper, I explore Helena Maria Viramontes’s Under the Feet of Jesus published in 1995, in terms of what I call “postcolonial environmental injustice.” That is, I demonstrate that through the hard life of Estrella’s family, Viramontes shows how Mexican workers have been oppressed in American society. They have been exploited as cheap, “illegal” laborers without legal protection; They have been threatened by dangerous working conditions. In addition, I explore this work with postcolonial approach, on the basis of the historical background that through the Mexican War in 1846 and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 Mexicans lost their lands and property rights; Since then, Mexican laborers have been exploited as “illegal” migrant workers. In short, I demonstrate that in Under the Feet of Jesus, Viramontes shows the postcolonial environmental injustice that has been done on Mexican migrant workers. By shedding a spotlight on these invisible migrant workers who are racially, socioeconomically, and environmentally underprivileged and oppressed, Viramontes ultimately critiques American society.

      • KCI등재

        The Complexity of Satire in Tabitha Gilman Tenney`s Female Quixotism

        ( Mi Ok Sa ) 미국소설학회 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.1

        Charles Knight argues that women satirists were barely found until the 20th century because of two facts. First, during the 18th and 19th centuries women could not access the public sphere and consequently couldn``t write satire which is essentially related to public issues; Secondly, since satire is a kind of masculine genre aimed to attack other people or public matters, it was unsuitable for women to write it. In opposition to Knight``s argument, in this paper I argue that despite of their unaccessibility to the public sphere, 19th century women writers satirized public issues in their novels. As one example of this, I demonstrate that in her work, Female Quixotism, one of the first American women writers, Tabitha Gilman Tenney, satirizes public issues such as unfair female education that does not allow women to get formal education as men do. Furthermore, she critiques the unfair marriage system that denies women``s property rights, which ultimately results in women``s subjugation. Through the duality of satire in this work, Tenney possibly deals with public discourses without directly accessing the public sphere. That is, on the surface, through the heroine Dorcasina, who reads romantic novels excessively, which leads her to misreading her false suitors as true ones, Female Quixotism satirizes female novel reading which was the trend at that time. As an undercurrent, Tenney attacks the unfair marriage system that usurps women``s property rights and unjust female education that confines women to the domestic sphere by focusing on the education of “Republican Motherhood.”

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