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      • KCI등재

        A Critique of Modern Science and Technology: Baconian Utopia and New Atlantis

        ( Ko¸ Kang Yl ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2018 영어권문화연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Building on Marina Leslie's definition of utopia as “a critical practice investigating the historical subject in the interrogative mode,” this essay argues that Francis Bacon's utopian text, New Atlantis (1627), explores the limitations of modern science and technology. The elite scientists of New Atlantis fail to solve the under-population problem and are ultimately forced to admit that their scientific knowledge cannot explain all natural phenomena. This paper also explores how Bacon's text examines ethical and political problems that scientocracy can cause. In the virtual society that Bacon presents, a few elite scientists marginalize non-scientists populace and dominate its political system. New Atlantis illustrates how the dominant elite scientists control the information regarding scientific discoveries, and abuse science and technology for their own profit and power. In doing so, Bacon critically reflects on the possible disaster that modern science and technology might bring about in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Restoring Immigrant Voices : Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses

        KANG YL KO 국제언어인문학회 2007 인문언어 Vol.9 No.-

        In his most controversial work, The Satanic Verses (1988), Rushdie criticizes discrimination against colored immigrants in British society where ethnic minorities have to be silenced. This paper addresses how Rushdie reveals in the novel the distorted representation of racial Others in white discursive practices. In addition, my arguments focus on the author's attempts to subvert the linguistic hegemony of mainstream British society. In the work, Rushdie explains that the dominance of white class is backed up by the support of racist language. He demonstrates how the British media and authorities manipulate the images of immigrants by demystifying the conventional language that has been thought to be objective truth. Rushdie also sheds light on immigrant existence in British history by employing a variety of words that mirror the hybrid history between Britain and India. The hybridized English that the author employs in the novel, that is, Angrezi, presents an instrument to challenge the authority of white mainstream society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김훈의 『칼의 노래』와 정신분석학의 윤리

        고강일(Ko Kang-yl) 한국비평문학회 2008 批評文學 Vol.- No.29

        Jacques Lacan read Antigone's burial of her brother against the law as an act based on her 'pure desire.' From Lacan's perspective, Antigone's act is 'ethical' in the sense that it separates the subject from the Symbolic Order. This paper begins with the premise that the readers can identify the same ethical acts in the representation of Yi Sun-shin in Kim Hoon's Song of Sword. In the novel, Yi performs ethical acts which cannot be subsumed into the Symbolic. The paper examines how Yi resists the signifying chain of the Symbolic. In analyzing his subversive acts, my arguments follow the ethics of psychoanalysis that Lacan and Zizek address. It is with the theoretical frames that the paper examines performative mechanism of the power and the symbolic death of the subject. This paper concludes that Song of Sword presents a subject of the Real separated from the Symbolic.

      • KCI등재

        〈브로크백 마운틴〉과 재생산적 미래주의

        고강일(Kang Yl Ko) 한국비평이론학회 2016 비평과이론 Vol.21 No.3

        리 에델만의 “재생산적 미래주의”에 대한 비판을 원용하며, 이 논문은 이안의 〈브로크백 마운틴〉이 이성애규범적인 가치와 폭력을 어떻게 조명하는가를 살펴본다. 자신의 2005년 저서 『미래는 없다: 퀴어이론과 죽음욕동』에서 에델만은 이성애규범성의 특권적 위치가 “재생산적 미래주의”에 의해 보존되고 있음을 밝힌다. 그에 따르면, “재생산적 미래주의”는 비생산적인 쾌락의 유예를 요구할 뿐 아니라, 주체와 존재가 합일을 이루는 불가능한 미래를 위해 현재의 희생을 끊임없이 요구한다. “재생산적인 미래주의”의 대척점에 “퀴어다움”을 위치시키는 에델만은, “퀴어다움”이 지배적인 담론과 제도가 요구하는 강제적인 이성애적 섹슈얼리티와 재생산을 거부한다는 점에서 윤리적인 가치를 지님을 천명한다. 이 글에서는 〈브로크백 마운틴〉이 그 같은 이성애 규범적이고 동성애 혐오적인 담론들과 어떻게 협상하고 타협하는지를 규명한다. 또한, 이 논문은 〈브로크백 마운틴〉이 1980-90년대 미국사회에서 발생한 에이즈의 위기 속에서 퀴어 주체들이 겪은 트라우마와 그들의 대응을 재현하고 있음을 시사한다. 마지막으로는 프로이드의 멜랑콜리아 개념을 이용하여, 영화의 마지막 장면을 자세히 분석함으로써, 퀴어주체가 과거와 맺는 윤리적 관계의 양상에 대해 살펴본다. Building on Lee Edelman’s critique of what he calls “reproductive futurism,” this essay investigates how Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain (2005) bears and interrogates the traces of heteronormative values and violence. In his searing book, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive (2004), Edelman argues that the absolute privilege of heteronormativity is preserved by “reproductive futurism,” which not only demands the deferment of non-(re)productive pleasures but also the brutal sacrifice of the present for the impossible future in which the subject’s alienation would fade away into the seamlessness of identity. Presenting queerness as antithetical to the “reproductive futurism,” Edelman asserts that queerness achieves its ethical value in that it refuses the heteronormative mandate by which our dominant culture and institutions demand compulsory heterosexuality and reproduction. The present study examines Brokeback Mountain as a cultural site in which such heteronormative and homophobic discourses can be questioned or endorsed. I also argue that the discussion of AIDS is central to the film, which symbolizes the traumatic experiences of queers amid the AIDS epidemic in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s. In doing so, this discussion suggests that Brokeback Mountain shows how a melancholic queer subject establishes an ethical relationship to the past that refuses the mandate of reproductive futurism embodied in the figure of progressive future.

      • KCI등재후보
      • P145 : Evaluation of therapeutic response of pincer nail deformity using shape memory alloy: A case series of 15 patients

        ( Min Ji Kang ),( Hye Soo Ko ),( Jong Hyuk Moon ),( Chan Yl Bang ),( Ji Won Byun ),( Jeong Hyun Shin ),( Gwang Seong Choi ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Pincer nail deformity(PND) is characterized by an increased transverse curvature of nail plate which may cause pain and impair patient`s daily activities. Treatment of PND using shape memory alloy is a simple method which helps to retain the normal shape of nail. However, there have been limited clinical studies about therapeutic response of shape memory alloy in Korean literature. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate clinical manifestations and therapeutic effect of shape memory alloy device for treatment of PND. Also, we tried to find out any factors that can influence therapeutic outcome. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated medical records and photographs of 15 patients with PND who were treated using shape memory alloy from January 2010 to August 2013. Therapeutic outcome was evaluated by subjective assessment of pain relief and physician`s global assessment of improvement after treatment. Results: All patients showed satisfactory results after treatment using shape memory alloy. Partial and complete relief of pain was achieved in 6.7% and 93.3% of patients, respectively. Physician`s global assessment showed <50% improvement in 5 patients(33.3%) and ≥50% improvement in 10 patients(66.7%). Family history, presence of onychomycosis and type of PND did not significantly affected therapeutic outcome(p>0.05). Conclusion: A shape memory alloy is an effective and simple treatment modality which can be easily done with excellent therapeutic outcome.

      • P172 : Clinicohistopathologic patterns of extra mammary Paget`s disease

        ( Jong Hyuk Moon ),( Hye Soo Ko ),( Min Ji Kang ),( Chan Yl Bang ),( Ji Won Byun ),( Gwang Seong Choi ),( Jeong Hyun Shin ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Though the histology of extra mammary Paget`s disease(EMPD) is known to be variable pattern; it has not been studied in Korean patients. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate clinicohistopathologic patterns of EMPD. We also tried to find out any histologic findings that can influence its clinical behavior. Methods: We reviewed the medical records and the skin biopsy slides of 11 patients with EMPD. Clinical information for each patient included sex, age, duration of the disease, location, underlying malignancy. Results: There were 8 males and 3 females(Mean age, 65.5 years old). Mean duration of the disease was 17.4 months. The tumor cell proliferation pattern showed: single cell pattern, 69.2%; nest pattern, 69.2%; acantholysis-like pattern, 53.8%; glandular pattern, 15.4%. Combined pattern (more than two patterns) was shown in 69.2%. There were 9 in situe EMPD and 4 invasive EMPD. Conclusion: Korean patients showed various types of histology of EMPD. Not only single cell pattern, also nest and acantholysis-like patterns are common. Most of the cases showed combined pattern. Its relationship with clinical behavior was not revealed.

      • P204 : Therapeutic effect of 308nm excimer laser on alopecia areata patients

        ( Jong Hyuk Moon ),( Hye Soo Ko ),( Min Ji Kang ),( Chan Yl Bang ),( Ji Won Byun ),( Jeong Hyun Shin ),( Gwang Seong Choi ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease characterized disease by round alopecic patches. Follicle specific T helper 1 cell-mediated autoimmune reaction is considered most important reaction. There are many case reports on 308nm excimer laser therapy for alopecia areata, however there are few studies using side-by-side method. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate therapeutic effect of 308nm excimer laser therapy in 10 patients of alopecia areata and to analyze the results. Methods: We measured MED on alopecic patch in advance then we radiated laser to the right half of the lesion (MED-50mJ). We treated twice a week for 12 weeks. We took photos and analyzed phothotrichogram monthly. Results: 2 of the 10 patients were dropped out. In treated area, the number of total and vellus hair were statistically increased after excimer laser treatment(p=0.018, p=0.043). But, there were no statistical difference between treated and control areas. In treated area, the diameter of hair shafts were significantly increase after excimer laser treatment(p=0.012), also, there were statistical difference between treated and control areas (p=0.013). There were no significant side effects after excimer laser without mild erythema. Conclusion: We found that the preliminary clinical trial showed regrowth of hair. These results showed that excimer laser has a therapeutic effect on alopecia areata, large scale of clinical trial will clarify the effects and safety of the excimer laser.

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