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        COVID-19 and changes in Korean consumers" dietary attitudes and behaviors

        Jong-Youn Rha,Bohan Lee,Youngwon Nam,Jihyun Yoon 한국영양학회 2021 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.15 No.S

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has dramatically changed nearly every aspect of our lives. Although Dietary lifestyle includes attitudes and behaviors to meet their most basic needs, but few studies have examined the pattern of changes in dietary lifestyle driven by COVID-19. This study explores changes in dietary attitudes and behaviors among Korean consumers after COVID-19. SUBJECTS/METHODS: An online survey was conducted with 549 Korean adults aged 20 and older to identify general demographics and changes in dietary attitudes and behaviors. Data were collected from Oct 12 to Oct 18, 2020. Frequency, percentage, and mean values were calculated and a K-means cluster analysis was performed to categorize consumers based on the 5S of dietary attitudes (i.e., savor-oriented, safety-oriented, sustainability-oriented, saving-oriented, and socializing-oriented). RESULTS: Findings indicate consumers considered safety, health, and freshness to be most important when choosing groceries and prepared meal such as home meal replacement and delivery food. Among the types of services, a large proportion of consumers increased their delivery and take-out services. Regarding retail channels, the increase in the use of online retailers was remarkable compared to offline retailers. Finally, consumers were classified into four segments based on changes in dietary attitudes: “most influenced,” “seeking safety and sustainability,” “abstaining from savor and socializing,” and “least influenced.” Each type of consumer exhibited statistically significant differences by sex, age, household composition, presence of disease, and perceived risk of COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: This exploratory study provides initial insights for future research by identifying various aspects of dietary attitudes and behaviors among Korean consumers after COVID-19.

      • Customer Relationship Management for the E-Grocery Sector

        Rha Jong-Youn,Hooker Neal H.,Widdows Richard The Korean Home Economics Association 2005 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.6 No.1

        In this paper, the e-grocery sector of the U.S. is used as an illustrative example of how to assess consumers' demands for customer relationship management and to investigate whether these demands coincide with effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies suggested by academic researchers and provided by practitioners. Surveys evaluating the perceived importance of CRM items were administered accordingly. The findings show that, overall, consumers' did not differ considerably to the experts. The results of descriptive analyses showed that academicians had a more closely in-lined view with consumers than did practitioners. Although not statistically significant, practitioners perceived loyalty programs to be more important than did consumers or academicians. This might suggest that loyalty programs are primarily serving as a way of data mining, and are thus failing to provide benefits to consumers. Overall, items related to technology deployment were perceived to be more important by practitioners than consumers or academicians.

      • The Family Satisfaction of Business-Owning Families

        Rha Jong-Youn,Stafford Kathryn The Korean Home Economics Association 2001 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.2 No.1

        This paper expands empirical research on family satisfaction by introducing the family APGAR scale, developed and validated in the field of nursing, to measure the satisfaction of business-owning families and applying the Stafford et al.(1999) model of sustainable family businesses to the assessment of family satisfaction. More specifically, this study compares the differences in the effects of business- and family-related variables on family satisfaction for the families of lifestyle business owners and earner business owners. The sample was drawn from the 1997 National Family Business Survey. The family satisfaction was greater for the families of lifestyle business owners, but the family variables made a greater contribution to the explanation of variance in the satisfaction of families of earner business owners. The regression equation explained a higher percentage of the variance for the families of earner business owners. Nine family variables were significant in the satisfaction equation for earner business owners, in contrast to seven significant family variables in the equation for lifestyle business owners. Structured families had a significant positive effect on the satisfaction of lifestyle business owners. The family manager's education, putting the family first rather than the business, and the family management score had significant effects on the satisfaction of earner business owners.


        A study on the relationship between purchases of meal kits and home meal replacements

        Jong-Youn Rha,Haerang Lee,Sohyun Kim,Youngwon Nam 한국영양학회 2024 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.18 No.3

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Meal kits and home meal replacements (HMRs) are rapidly growing segments in the convenience food industry. Consequently, numerous studies have examined consumer perceptions of HMR and meal kits, respectively. HMR is an established segment, while meal kits are a recent category. Both segments offer convenience compared to home-cooked meals. However, meal kits offer a wider variety of recipes with fresh ingredients, requiring simple cooking steps to prepare the meal rather than merely heating the food. Despite the commonalities and differences, previous studies have only examined the purchasing behavior and influencing factors of either the meal kits or HMR. However, changes in the purchasing patterns of both segments may be correlated. This study investigates the relationship between consumer purchasing trends of meal kits and HMR and presents practical recommendations regarding the need of consumers for convenience foods. MATERIALS/METHODS: We conducted a panel regression analysis of consumer purchase data obtained from shopping receipts, spanning the 2019, 2020, and 2021 waves of the Korean Rural Development Administration. RESULTS: The results show that the purchases of meal kits and HMR increased during the period, suggesting a complementary relationship between the 2. We also found significant increases in purchases within 2 sub-categories of HMR, namely, ready-to-prepare and readyto-cook, alongside meal kits. These findings were further supported by the results of the sub-regression analysis. CONCLUSION: The simultaneous growth of meal kits and HMR indicates that convenience foods continue to play a crucial role in meeting consumer needs in the food industry. In addition, considering the significant growth of the HMR sub-categories with fresh ingredients and cooking, we suggest that companies should aim to satisfy the desire of consumers for both convenience as well as freshness and culinary aspects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공유가치창출(CSV) 시대의 소비자 연구 제안

        나종연 ( Jong Youn Rha ),김학균 ( Hakkyun Kim ),김학진 ( Hackjin Kim ),이유리 ( Yuri Lee ),이진명 ( Jin Myong Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        최근 사회적 가치와 경제적 가치를 동시에 추구하는 공유가치창출(CSV)에 대한 논의가 확산되고 있다. 하지만 CSV는 아직 생소하고 모호한 개념으로 공유가치가 정확하게 무엇이며, 공유가치를 창출하는 전략이 무엇인지를 명확하게 이해하고 활용하기는 쉽지 않다. 이에 본 연구는 CSV에 대한 이론적 이해를 높이고 CSV가 실무영역에 보다 효과적으로 적용될 수 있도록 하기 위해 CSV의 개념과 특징을 살펴보고, CSV를 학문적, 실무적 관점에서 비판적으로 고찰한 후, 향후 연구의 방향과 실천 과제들을 제언하였다. CSV는 기업이 창출한 이익을 재분배를 통해 사회에 환원하는 CSR과 달리 사회적 문제를 기업의 경제활동과 일체화시켜 기업과 사회가 함께 공유할 수 있는 가치의 총량을 확대하는 발상의 전환을 의미한다. CSV는 사회적 문제를 전략적 차원에서 접근하여 기업경쟁력 강화의 기회로 보았다는 점에서 분명한 강점을 지니나 이론적 독창성과 개념의 모호성, 지나치게 이상적이라는 점 등에서 제한점을 갖는다. 아직 태동기에 있는 CSV 패러다임이 건강한 사회, 건강한 자본주의를 이끄는 원동력이 되기 위해서는 가치창출에 관련된 모든 사회구성원들의 통합적인 노력이 요구된다. 학문영역에서는 사회적 가치의 정의 및 CSV 혜택의 범위에 대한 협의가 필요하고, 공유되는 가치 영역의 최적점(optimal point)을 찾는 노력이 필요하다. 또한 다양한 이해관계자들 및 가치의 하위요소들 간의 갈등과 이를 완화시키는 방안에 대한 연구도 이루어져야 한다. 이를 통해 궁극적으로 CSV의 패러다임이 기존 자본주의의문제를 극복하고 사회의 지속적인 성장을 이끄는 동력으로 작용할 수 있는가를 고민해야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 Porter와 Kramer가 기업만을 CSV의 주체로 본 것에서 나아가, 소비 의사결정의 주체인 소비자의 영향력과 역할 에 초점을 맞춰 논의를 확장했다는 점에서 학문적, 실무적 의의를 가진다. The term CSV(creating shared value) which refers to the notion of pursuing social and economic value simultaneously has been gaining a lot of attention lately. The idea was first introduced in 2011 by Porter and Kramer, and soon it became sensation among leading companies all over the world, Korea being no exception. As Korea recently experienced market problems where economic value such as efficiency and social value as reviving small business collide, CSV became an important research topic in Korea, too. CSV has the obvious advantage in the point of seeing a social problem as an opportunity to strengthen corporate competitiveness. However CSV is only a recent concept and its limits have been raised which include the lack of theoretical originality, conceptual ambiguity, and excessive idealism. CSV is only at the beginning stage where only framework concept is presented. A review of Korean literature on the topic revealed that research thus far have been limited to the topic of business strategy development and empirical studies showed that the notion of CSV has not yet been cleared distinguished from the notion of CSR. Also, the number and scope of research on the topic thus far is very limited. The objectives of this study are as follows. First, in order to understand CSV, the market environment and changes behind the introduction of CSV was reviewed, and the notion of CSV will be comprehensively explained. Second, theoretical and practical limits that CSV has are critically investigated. Third, future subjects of study and practical tasks with regard to CSV are proposed. An integrative effort of all members of society in relation to value creation is required for CSV implementation. A company should make the structure of company in general so that CSV implementation is possible. And the government and civil society should actively support and cooperate so that the company can sufficiently display ability that the company has. Besides, consumers should recognize a role of consumer citizen, and should take an interest in the activities of company, government and civil society. In the academic area, it is necessary to discuss the concept of created value and the range of benefits through CSV. And it is necessary to make an effort to find what is intersection of sets of economic value and social value previously regarded as antagonistic to each other, and to find the optimal point of shared value area. Besides, we should carry out a study on a conflict between the stakeholders concerned in CSV and a plan of relieving it. We should eventually think whether the paradigm of CSV can overcome the problem of conventional capitalism and can act as an engine for sustainable development of society. This study has academic and practical significance in the point of expanding a discussion focusing on the influence and role of consumer that is the subject of consumption decision-making, going further than Porter and Kramer``s study that regarded only company as the subject of CSV.

      • KCI등재

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