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      • Timescales for the evolution of oxygen isotope compositions in the solar nebula

        Lyons, J.R.,Bergin, E.A.,Ciesla, F.J.,Davis, A.M.,Desch, S.J.,Hashizume, K.,Lee, J.E. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2009 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Vol.73 No.17

        We review two models for the origin of the calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) oxygen isotope mixing line in the solar nebula: (1) CO self-shielding, and (2) chemical mass-independent fractionation (MIF). We consider the timescales associated with formation of an isotopically anomalous water reservoir derived from CO self-shielding, and also the vertical and radial transport timescales of gas and solids in the nebula. The timescales for chemical MIF are very rapid. CO self-shielding models predict that the Sun has Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>SMOW</SUB> ∼ -20%% (Clayton, 2002), and chemical mass-independent fractionation models predict Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>SMOW</SUB> ∼0%%. Preliminary Genesis results have been reported by McKeegan et al. (McKeegan K. D., Coath C. D., Heber, V., Jarzebinski G., Kallio A. P., Kunihiro T., Mao P. H. and Burnett D. S. (2008b) The oxygen isotopic composition of captured solar wind: first results from the Genesis. EOS Trans. AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., P42A-07 (abstr)) and yield a Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>SMOW</SUB> of ∼ -25%%, consistent with a CO self-shielding scenario. Assuming that subsequent Genesis analyses support the preliminary results, it then remains to determine the relative contributions of CO self-shielding from the X-point, the surface of the solar nebula and the parent molecular cloud. The relative formation ages of chondritic components can be related to several timescales in the self-shielding theories. Most importantly the age difference of ∼1-3My between CAIs and chondrules is consistent with radial transport from the outer solar nebula (>10AU) to the meteorite-forming region, which supports both the nebular surface and parent cloud self-shielding scenarios. An elevated radiation field intensity is predicted by the surface shielding model, and yields substantial CO photolysis (∼50%) on timescales of 0.1-1My. An elevated radiation field is also consistent with the parent cloud model. The elevated radiation intensities may indicate solar nebula birth in a medium to large cluster, and may be consistent with the injection of <SUP>60</SUP>Fe from a nearby supernova and with the photoevaporative truncation of the solar nebula at KBO orbital distances (∼47AU). CO self-shielding is operative at the X-point even when H<SUB>2</SUB> absorption is included, but it is not yet clear whether the self-shielding signature can be imparted to silicates. A simple analysis of diffusion times shows that oxygen isotope exchange between <SUP>16</SUP>O-depleted nebular H<SUB>2</SUB>O and chondrules during chondrule formation events is rapid (∼minutes), but is also expected to be rapid for most components of CAIs, with the exception of spinel. This is consistent with the observation that spinel grains are often the most <SUP>16</SUP>O-rich component of CAIs, but is only broadly consistent with the greater degree of exchange in other CAI components. Preliminary disk model calculations of self-shielding by N<SUB>2</SUB> demonstrate that large δ<SUP>15</SUP>N enrichments (∼ +800%%) are possible in HCN formed by reaction of N atoms with organic radicals (e.g., CH<SUB>2</SUB>), which may account for <SUP>15</SUP>N-rich hotspots observed in lithic clasts in some carbonaceous chondrites and which lends support to the CO self-shielding model for oxygen isotopes.

      • SCISCIE

        The SAURON project – XIX. Optical and near‐infrared scaling relations of nearby elliptical, lenticular and Sa galaxies

        Falcó,n‐,Barroso, J.,van de Ven, G.,Peletier, R. F.,Bureau, M.,Jeong, H.,Bacon, R.,Cappellari, M.,Davies, R. L.,de Zeeuw, P. T.,Emsellem, E.,Krajnović,, D.,Kuntschner, H.,McDermid, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.417 No.3

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>We present ground‐based MDM Observatory <I>V</I>‐band and <I>Spitzer</I>/InfraRed Array Camera 3.6‐<IMG src='/wiley-blackwell_img/equation/MNR_19372_mu1.gif' alt ='inline image'/>m‐band photometric observations of the 72 representative galaxies of the SAURON survey. Galaxies in our sample probe the elliptical E, lenticular S0 and spiral Sa populations in the nearby Universe, both in field and cluster environments. We perform aperture photometry to derive homogeneous structural quantities. In combination with the SAURON stellar velocity dispersion measured within an effective radius (σ<SUB>e</SUB>), this allows us to explore the location of our galaxies in the colour–magnitude, colour–σ<SUB>e</SUB>, Kormendy, Faber–Jackson and Fundamental Plane scaling relations. We investigate the dependence of these relations on our recent kinematical classification of early‐type galaxies (i.e. slow/fast rotators) and the stellar populations. Slow rotator and fast rotator E/S0 galaxies do not populate distinct locations in the scaling relations, although slow rotators display a smaller intrinsic scatter. We find that Sa galaxies deviate from the colour–magnitude and colour–σ<SUB>e</SUB> relations due to the presence of dust, while the E/S0 galaxies define tight relations. Surprisingly, extremely young objects do not display the bluest (<I>V</I>−[3.6]) colours in our sample, as is usually the case in optical colours. This can be understood in the context of the large contribution of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars to the infrared, even for young populations, resulting in a very tight (<I>V</I>−[3.6])–σ<SUB>e</SUB> relation that in turn allows us to define a strong correlation between metallicity and σ<SUB>e</SUB>. Many Sa galaxies appear to follow the Fundamental Plane defined by E/S0 galaxies. Galaxies that appear offset from the relations correspond mostly to objects with extremely young populations, with signs of ongoing, extended star formation. We correct for this effect in the Fundamental Plane, by replacing luminosity with stellar mass using an estimate of the stellar mass‐to‐light ratio, so that all galaxies are part of a tight, single relation. The new estimated coefficients are consistent in both photometric bands and suggest that differences in stellar populations account for about half of the observed tilt with respect to the virial prediction. After these corrections, the slow rotator family shows almost no intrinsic scatter around the best‐fitting Fundamental Plane. The use of a velocity dispersion within a small aperture (e.g. <I>R</I><SUB>e</SUB>/8) in the Fundamental Plane results in an increase of around 15 per cent in the intrinsic scatter and an average 10 per cent decrease in the tilt away from the virial relation.</P>

      • SCISCIE

        First cosmological results using Type Ia supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: measurement of the Hubble constant

        Macaulay, E,Nichol, R C,Bacon, D,Brout, D,Davis, T M,Zhang, B,Bassett, B A,Scolnic, D,,ller, A,D’Andrea, C B,Hinton, S R,Kessler, R,Kim, A G,Lasker, J,Lidman, C,Sako, M,Smith, M,Sullivan, M,Abbo Oxford University Press 2019 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.486 No.2

        <B>ABSTRACT</B><P>We present an improved measurement of the Hubble constant (H0) using the ‘inverse distance ladder’ method, which adds the information from 207 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) at redshift 0.018 &lt; z &lt; 0.85 to existing distance measurements of 122 low-redshift (z &lt; 0.07) SNe Ia (Low-z) and measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs). Whereas traditional measurements of H0 with SNe Ia use a distance ladder of parallax and Cepheid variable stars, the inverse distance ladder relies on absolute distance measurements from the BAOs to calibrate the intrinsic magnitude of the SNe Ia. We find H0 = 67.8 ± 1.3 km s−1 Mpc−1 (statistical and systematic uncertainties, 68 per cent confidence). Our measurement makes minimal assumptions about the underlying cosmological model, and our analysis was blinded to reduce confirmation bias. We examine possible systematic uncertainties and all are below the statistical uncertainties. Our H0 value is consistent with estimates derived from the Cosmic Microwave Background assuming a ΛCDM universe.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Open versus robotic cystectomy: Comparison of outcomes

        Rachel B. Davis,Nicholas J. Farber,Alexandra L. Tabakin,Isaac Y. Kim,Sammy E. Elsamra 대한비뇨의학회 2016 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.57 No.-

        Open radical cystectomy (ORC) is the current gold standard treatment for muscle invasive bladder cancer. As surgeons become more proficient in minimally invasive and robotic surgical techniques, the number of patients undergoing robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) is increasing. Although minimally invasive methods are on the rise, research that critically compares open surgery with robotic methods is limited. In this review, we surveyed and appraised the current literature comparing ORC and RARC with regards to perioperative, functional, and oncologic outcomes in order to distinguish the benefits and disadvantages of each method. Here we report that RARC is associated with several perioperative advantages over ORC such as lower estimated blood loss and transfusion rate, and possibly faster gastrointestinal recovery, lower narcotic requirement, and shorter length of stay. ORC is less costly and permits less time in the operating room. Recent data suggests that there is no difference between ORC and RARC when comparing urinary continence and postoperative quality of life. Moreover, ORC and RARC are both associated with similar rates of obtaining positive surgical margins, lymph node yield, and recurrence. However, RARC patients had an increased likelihood of having distant metastases to extrapelvic lymph nodes and the peritoneum. At this point, it is unclear if ORC or RARC has superior patient outcomes, and more research is needed to ascertain management-altering conclusions.

      • Particulate and gas sampling of prescribed fires in South Georgia, USA

        Balachandran, S.,Pachon, J.E.,Lee, S.,Oakes, M.M.,Rastogi, N.,Shi, W.,Tagaris, E.,Yan, B.,Davis, A.,Zhang, X.,Weber, R.J.,Mulholland, J.A.,Bergin, M.H.,Zheng, M.,Russell, A.G. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier [distribution] 2013 Atmospheric environment Vol.81 No.-

        Gaseous and particulate species from two prescribed fires were sampled in-situ, to better characterize prescribed burn emissions. Measurements included gaseous and fine particulate matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) species, particle number concentration, particulate organic carbon (POC) speciation, water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and water-soluble iron. Major PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> components included OC (~57%), EC (~10%), chloride (~1.6%), potassium (~0.7%) and nitrate (~0.9%). Major gaseous species include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, methanol and ethylene. Particulate organic tracers of biomass burning, such as levoglucosan, dehydroabietic acid and retene, increased significantly during the burns. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) also increased significantly during the fire and levels are highly correlated with total potassium (K) (R<SUP>2</SUP> = 0.93) and levoglucosan (R<SUP>2</SUP> = 0.98). The average WSOC/OC ratio was 0.51 +/- 0.03 and did not change significantly from background levels. Thus, the WSOC/OC ratio may not be a good indicator of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in regions that are expected to be impacted by biomass burning. Results using a biomass burning source profile derived from this work further indicate that source apportionment is sensitive to levels of potassium in biomass burning source profiles. This underscores the importance of quantifying local biomass burning source profiles.

      • Long-term global water projections using six socioeconomic scenarios in an integrated assessment modeling framework

        Hejazi, M.,Edmonds, J.,Clarke, L.,Kyle, P.,Davies, E.,Chaturvedi, V.,Wise, M.,Patel, P.,Eom, J.,Calvin, K.,Moss, R.,Kim, S. American Elsevier 2014 TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE Vol.81 No.-

        In this paper, we assess future water demands for the agricultural (irrigation and livestock), energy (electricity generation, primary energy production and processing), industrial (manufacturing and mining), and municipal sectors, by incorporating water demands into a technologically-detailed global integrated assessment model of energy, agriculture, and climate change - the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM). Base-year water demands - both gross withdrawals and net consumptive use - are assigned to specific modeled activities in a way that maximizes consistency between bottom-up estimates of water demand intensities of specific technologies and practices, and top-down regional and sectoral estimates of water use. The energy, industrial, and municipal sectors are represented in fourteen geopolitical regions, with the agricultural sector further disaggregated into as many as eighteen agro-ecological zones (AEZs) within each region. We assess future water demands representing six socioeconomic scenarios, with no constraints imposed by future water supplies. The scenarios observe increases in global water withdrawals from 3710km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2005 to 6195-8690km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2050, and to 4869-12,693km<SUP>3</SUP>year<SUP>-1</SUP> in 2095. Comparing the projected total regional water withdrawals to the historical supply of renewable freshwater, the Middle East exhibits the highest levels of water scarcity throughout the century, followed by India; water scarcity increases over time in both of these regions. In contrast, water scarcity improves in some regions with large base-year electric sector withdrawals, such as the USA and Canada, due to capital stock turnover and the almost complete phase-out of once-through flow cooling systems. The scenarios indicate that: 1) water is likely a limiting factor in meeting future water demands, 2) many regions can be expected to increase reliance on non-renewable groundwater, water reuse, and desalinated water, but they also highlight an important role for development and deployment of water conservation technologies and practices.

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