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        윤덕진,임성래 洌上古典硏究會 2002 열상고전연구 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper researches the methods to be loose the story of Namwon-Kosa, a version of Chunhyang-Jeon. For the end, I research the plot and many kinds of the songs in the work. The songs in the work were other kinds of the songs in Chunhyang-Jeon. This songs were not the songs of Panson, but the popular songs at the 19c in Seoul. And some songs were new works. He also rewrote the words of songs for the suitable situations. In this work, the writer used to many popular songs of Selul, not Pansor, for the enlargement of story. Because he considered that the readers who lived in Seoul were more important. He also used the cheerful songs for the readers.

      • 順天地域의 삼설양굿 調査硏究

        崔德源,鄭漢基,任成來,奇世官 順天大學校 1983 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.2 No.-

        We can say Shamanism is the Korean religious Phenominon from ancient times. In addition, foreign religions had been brought in Korea and they had intermixed on the substructure of shamanism and then a new folk religion has been formed. We, human beings, who have blessed that we remove evil, call happiness, treat a desease, invoke a good harvest, invoke having a son and the dead enter into paradise from old times, have been relied upon the ritual of shamanism for our existential problem, but the Mu-dang(Gut: which is a ritual performed by a shaman) of traditional folk customs is now gradually going out of sight and even the historical meaning and function are becoming forgotten. In Chonnam district, Sam-sol-yang Gut in which a shaman puts on a mask like a ghost-face, sings and performs a dramatic Gut(or, a dramatic ritual), was widely prevalent, but it is difficult to see the unique Mu-gut(or, shamanistic ritual) in these days. By good luck have we found that Sam-sol-yang Gut remaining only in Sunchon district is being performed by a hereditary shaman. This is the shaman who has been inherited since six generations and has a Dang-Gol Pan in Sunchon district. Sam-sol-yang Gut is a hereditary shaman song type and a Mu-gut which prays for the healing of a mental patient by the help of god. We think this Gut becomes good data in examining the shamanistic religions and its chant and the story about god are the works which drives away devils and have a lyric structure. The purpose of this paper is to supply the classical literature and the folklore and the like with several shamanistic data and is to study the interpretation of the shaman song, its rhythm and the structure of the ritual and the god's response and peculiarity of the Mu-gut so as to examine the original thoughts and trace the meaning to its origin as we should have carried into the fieldwork of Sam-sol-yang Gut. And also the result of this study is very helpful to the ontological interpretation of Korean shamanism and in addition is more meaningful in arranging the transmissive data which are going away.

      • Improvements of phosphorescent white OLEDs performance for lighting application.

        Lee, Jonghee,Chu, Hye Yong,Lee, Jeong-Ik,Song, Ki-Im,Lee, Su Jin American Scientific Publishers 2008 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.8 No.10

        <P>We developed white OLED device with high power efficiency, in which blue and orange phosphorescent emitters were used. By introduction of multi-functional interlayer which has partial doping of orange dopant inside EBL, we report WOLEDs with peak external efficiencies up to (14.1% EQE, 31.3 Im/W) without light out-coupling technique. At 1000 cd/m2, the performance achieved was 11.9% EQE, 18.7 Im/W with CIE = (0.39, 0.44). We also found that WOLED performances are related with doping ratio of the orange dopant that was inserted inside EBL.</P>

      • 고전소설의 유형분류 시론

        임성래 順天大學校 1985 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.4 No.-

        There has been no study made on Korean romances. And there exists no theory classifying them. If they were transsmitted from the myth and the folktale. they may be divided into two types by the structure, one is the mythic type, and the other the folktale ale type. The mythic type has the structure of a biography and the folktale type has the structure of a event on hero. The mythic type may be divided into two types by hero's character, which is positive or negative. So I named the positive type 'heroic romance' and the negative type 'common mortal romance.' Therefore Korean romances are classified into three types; heroic romance, comman mortal romance, and folktale romance.

      • <까치전> 연구

        임성래 순천대학교 어학연구소 1990 어학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Kkachijon's plot is composed of two rounds of judical hearing. One trial is involving the complication with the trouble solving. the incidents are arranged in the following order : (1) origin of affair (2)seeking solution (3) outbreak of another incident (4) seeking solution again (5) failure of trouble solving (6) seeking conciliation (7) amicable settlement of dispute (8) sequence to the event. The writer of Kkachijon seems to have had the intention to satirize the bribery prevailing then and the ancient bureaucrats' incompetency and to criticize the way of the world that attaches more importance to self-protection than to social justice. More concretely speaking, the fact that the second trial was done fairly by an under cover emissary of the king seems to symbolize the wish of general public for the celestial solution of unsolvable earthly troubles. But this short novel has the happy ending and it seem to be in accord with the old novel pattern.

      • 「血의 淚」 硏究

        임성래 順天大學校 1983 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.2 No.-

        So far, although the academic achievements in studying on Sinsosol(novel) are piled up, the study which has researched each work is not so much. In spite of its position is so important in the history of Korean novel, the studying on 'Hyoleunu' is not sufficiently accomplished. So, the purpose of this paper is to find its value through analyzing the work. In result, Hyoleunu has overcome the romantic convention in plot. But, it is diminuated the value of the work by overexplaining and author's intervening in the work. 'Oknyon' and 'Kim Kwanil', the heroine and the hero, are not the enlightenmentist. Their acts are too passive to enlighten our country. This work has failed because the author had intended to enlighten our country by them.

      • GISAR : 공간 분할 지수를 이용한 이미지 데이터 연관 규칙 마이닝 Association Rules Mining of Image data using Spatial Factor

        金庚昶,宋任英 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The task of spatial data mining is to discover suggestive and potentially useful information, that is not previously known, from a large scale spatial database. Spatial association rule is a rule that describes the close relationship that exists between one or more spatial objects with other spatial object within the spatial database. In this paper, the frequent item sets extracted from the original image by Max occur, an existing multimedia association rule mining algorithm, are used to find the spatial relationship between frequent item sets. An Image association rules mining method is proposed that uses spatial factor (SF) based on grid cells. In addition, an efficient mining algorithm is proposed that applies the minimum spatial support to the repeatedly occuring items and through the spatial relationship between items. The speed and the performance of the mining results decreased since we considered only the spatial association relationship between frequent item sets extracted by the Max occur algorithm, while removing all infrequent items as outliers. However, since the objective of this paper was to find the spatial relationship between frequent objects in an image by looking into the spatial relationship between frequent item sets, we believe that the discovery of association rules between data through spatial relationship between data objects in an image could result in useful and important knowledge.

      • 구조용 중탄소강 SM45C의 열처리에 따른 기계적 성질변화

        전상조,이임균,김송희 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1986 産業技術硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The aim of this study is to find out the relationships between the microstructures of SM45C(AIS11045) steel and fatigue crack propagation behaviour. Three microstructures such as (ⅰ) as received (fully annealed). (ⅱ) water quenched and tempered, and (ⅲ) ail quenched and tempered were used for fundamental mechanical testing and fatigue crack proagation test. The microstructures of (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) showed superior in tensile strength to (ⅰ). Resistance against fatigue crack propagation was higher in structure (ⅰ), while tensile properties were better in structures(ⅱ) and (ⅲ). It is believed due to that the enhancement of roughness of fracture surface obsered in structure (ⅰ) increases ?Kth and lowers fatigue crack growth rate. However it does not necessarily mean the quenched and tempered structures (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) are undesirable for the engineering component because fatigue limit in low cycle test appears usually higher in the microstructures of higher strength.

      • 中學校 科學科의 實驗實習 敎材의 開1發硏究Ⅰ

        郭宗欽,朴炳彬,李元求,宋寅命,崔斗文 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1981 과학교육연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The present condition of science education has been investigated b means of questionaires, interviews and referring to literature, and the points at issue gave been extracted on the basis of them, and in consideration of the problems various materials for experiment and practice have been developed to be used for the effective inquiry learning. The present condition and problems of science education in junior high schools are as follows; 1) Science teacher's backgrounds for their teaching profession and majors are good, but they are overburdened and the classes are overcrowded. 2) The textbooks now in use contain too much contents, the levels are high, and the books lack in appropriateness. 3) Especially the contents Presented for experimental activities require too many tasks to be digested in a given time. 4) Experimental facilities or instruments are unsatisfatory in their quantity or quality, and instruments or teaching materials that can be used effectively are far from being sufficient. Futhermore, some experimental instruments are too crude to work successfully. 5) Students' elementary knowledge is not sufficient, and the degrees of their interest or understanding are low. 6) With the teaching methods still conservative and the teachers unable to give satisfactory inquiry leaning. the students are disencouraged. 7) Support of experimental facilities, encouragement of teachers, appropriate school inspection, and administrative or financial aids are desired. In this study, materials for every branch of science have been developed to be available for the effective performance of experiments and practices through inquiry. The materials developed in this study are as follows. 1. The following materials are presented in physics: the relations between the heat quantity of water and the temperature change, and between the heat quantity of the electric heat line and the electric current, for group experiments; the observation of Brown motion, Law of Archimedes, altimeters, comparing the heat capacity of metals, the transmission of radiation, the frictional electricity, the interaction of electric current with magnetic needle, and Fleming's right-hand rule, as the reference materials of demonstration; a program learning materials for diffusion of light with experimental kit utilized in learning the properties of light; a program learning material on the diffraction of light with an experimental kit utilized in learning the diffraction and interference of light. 2. In chenistry, the experimental materials for electrolysis are presented as the teaching-learning material of group experiment. Besides, the errors in the experimental materials and inappropriate expressions in the textbooks now in use are corrected and completed: 3. In biology, problems have been extracted by means of questionaires about the general learning contents and the analisis of Japanese textbooks, and the materials for experiment have been developed. The observation of somatic cell division, that of mold, and that of prothallium are presented as the materials for group experiment. Inquiry learning based on experiment and practice should be settled on the scenes of learning, and the suggestions are made to the effect as follows. 1) The quantity of learning should be reduced, and the levels lowered in the new textbooks. 2) The development and distribution of individual learning materials for the master learning are desirable. 3) The items for group experiment should be reduced to the minimum, and the thorough inquiry learning should be pursued, and the greater part should be replaced by the demonstrative experiments or audio-visual materials. 4) The experimental instruments should be manufactured and distributed on the national scale to ensure their solidity and accuracy. 5) The atmosphere in which inquiry learning is performed by the teacher's creative efforts is greatly needed, To support this conditioning, exhibitions of scientific works should be held continually, science museums operated, the research centers of science education cooperated, new materials for practice developed and studied, and the corporations for research of science education fostered. 6) The measures to lighten the teachers' burden and to encourage them should be contrived.

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