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      • 강직성 척추염에 대한 연구 : 척추 골절을 중심으로 Focused in Spine Fractures

        이준규,안재성,김형성 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1996 충남의대잡지 Vol.23 No.2

        In ankylosing Spondylitis, ankylosis of some or all segments of the spine, segmentally or diffusely can be affected. Because all the ligaments become ossified in the involved area, a fracture that occur through this involved segment traverses both bone and ligaments, producing an extremely unstable situation similar to a shearing type of fracture. As the disease enters a chronic phase, the pathologic changes lead to a rigid, brittle, and osteoporotic spine. Mild trauma can lead to fractures that are difficult to diagnose, cause a high incidence of neurologic deficits, and present treatment problems. Patients known to have ankylosing spondylitis should be counseled regarding the possibility of a fracture, and if pain persists after an injury, they should be thoroughly investigated radiologically to rule out a potentially serious problem. Reduction of the displacement and stabilization is best achieved with posterior instrumentation, and laminectomy is not indicated. From March, 1990 to October, 1996, 11 cases of the ankylosing spondylitis in the department of orthopaedic surgery at Chungnam National University Hospital were managed nonoperatively with good healing and one case is operatively treated by anterior interbody fusion for cervical lesion, posterior instrumentation for thoracolumbar lesion.

      • 황복(Takifugu obscurus)에 대한 중금속, 유기주석화합물 및 다환방향족탄화수소(PAHs)의 급성 독성

        이정석,이규태,김동훈,김진형,한경남 한국환경독성학회 2004 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        We exposed juvenile puffer fish, Takifugu obscurus(30 days after hatching) to various aqueous pollutants including 4 kinds of inorganic metals(Ag, Cd, Cu and Hg), 2 organotin compounds(tributyltin [TBT] and triphenyltin [TPhT]) and 5 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(PAH) compounds(chrysene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene) to estimate median lethal concentrations(LC50s) of each pollutant after the 96-hour acute exposure. Among the inorganic metals, Hg(52㎍/L; 96-h LC50) was most toxic to test animals and followed by Ag(164㎍/L), Cu(440㎍/L) and Cd(1180㎍/L). Aqueous TBT was more toxic between the two organotins; the 96-h LC50 for TBT(5.1㎍/L) was 3 times lower than that of TPhT(17.3㎍/L). The acute toxicity of PAH compounds was highest for chrysene(1.5㎍/L; 96-h LC50) and decreased in the order of pyrene(65㎍/L)>fluoranthene (158㎍/L)>phenanthrene(432㎍/L)>naphthalene(8690㎍/L). The toxicity of PAH compounds was closely related to their physico-chemical characteristics such as K_(ow) and water solubility, and well explained by simple QSAR relationship. The sensitivity of puffer fish to various inorganic and organic pollutants was generally comparable to various fish species widely used as standard test species in previous studies and further evaluation should be conducted to develop adequate testing procedures for T. obscurus when used in various toxicity tests.

      • 商法 중 會社編(일반)에 대한 改正意見

        이형규 圓光大學校 法學硏究所 2005 法學硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        Der Aufsatz bezieht sich auf Vorschla¨ge zur Reform des Gesellschaftsrechts im Koreanischen Handelsgesetzbuch(KHGB). Die wichtigen Gegensta¨nde der Untersuchung und Reformvorschla¨ge sind wie folgt: (1) Nach § 169 KHGB definiert die Handelsgesellschaft als em "Verein". Aber diese Begriffsbestimmung ist inkompatibel und unzweckma¨ßig, weil auf die Innenverha¨ltnisse der OHG und KG die Vorschriften der Gesellschaft entsprechende Anwendung finden, und auch weil Einmann- AG und -GmbH gesetzlich anerkannt sind. Daher soll der Wortlaut "Verein" m der Begriffsbestimmung der Gesellschaft im § 169 KHGB gestrichen werden. (2) Nach § 362-2 KHGB ko¨nnen Minderheitenaktiona¨re, die mindestens 3% der Gesamtzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien innehaben, spa¨testens sechs Wochen vor dem Tag der Hauptversammlung verlangen, bestimmte Angelegenheiten zum Gegenstand der Beschlußfassung zu machen. Sie ko¨nnen jedoch dieses Recht tatsa¨chlich nicht geltend machen, denn schriftliche Einladung fu¨r die Einberufung wird nur zwei Wochen vor dem Tag der Hauptversammlung u¨bersandt. Zum effecktiven Schutz der Minderheiten soll Einbringungsrecht eines Gegenantrags gesetzlich hinzugefu¨gt werden, um die Minderheit der Aktiona¨re das Recht bis zu einer Wochen vor dem Tag der Hauptversammlung auszuu¨ben. (3) Um die Willensbildung der Hauptversammlung wirklich nach Merheitsprinzip zu erfolgen, soll die Regelung u¨ber die Beschlußfa¨higkeit der Hauptversammlung wie volgt gea¨ndert werden: Die gewo¨hnliche Beschlu¨sse bedu¨rfen einer Mehrheit der Stimmrechte der anwesenden Aktiona¨re, die mehr als die Ha¨lfte der Gesamtzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien innehaben und die besonderen Beschlu¨sse bedu¨rfen einer Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit der Stimmrechte der anwesenden Aktiona¨re, die mehr als die Ha¨lfte der Gesamtzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien innehaben. (4) KHGB sieht keine perso¨nliche Eignungsvoraussetzungen der Directors vor. Deshalb ist es umstritten, ob eine juristischen Personen zum Director bestellt werden kann. Nach herrschender Meinung kann eine juristische Person zum Director nicht gewa¨hlt werden, weil seine Stellung auf einem perso¨nlichen Vertrau¨nsverha¨ltnis beruht und das Amt des Directors perso¨nliche Ta¨tigkeit voraussetzt. Um die Eignung der Directors klar zu machen, soll eine juristische Personen von der Bestellung der Directors gesetzlich auszuschließen sein. (5) KHGB hat keine Bestimmung uber die Deftnition der Outside Directors. Um die Rechtsstellung der Outside Directors klar zu machen, soll der Begriff der Outside Directors im KHGB deftniert werden: Outside Directors sind Directors, die allta¨gliche Angelegenheiten der Gesellschaft nicht wahrnehmen und die Eignungsvoraussetzungen des § 415-2 Abs. 2 KHGB befridigen. (6) Nach § 400 KHGB bedarf die Befreiung der Haftung der Directors gegenu¨ber der Gesellschaft der Einwilligung aller Aktiona¨re. In Publikumsgesellschaften ist daher die Befreiung der Haftung der Directors fast unmo¨glich. Und KHGB erha¨lt keine Regelung u¨ber die Beschrankungen der Haftung der Directors. Um befa¨higte Person zum Director zu bestellen, ist die Regelung u¨ber die Beschra¨nkung der Haftung der Directors vorzusehen und die beschlußfa¨hige Zahl fu¨r die Befreiung der Haftung der Directors zu erleichtern. (7) Nach § 460 KHGB du¨rfen die Ru¨cklagen im Sinne der §§ 458 und 459 KHGB nur zur Deckung von Verlusten des Grundkapitals verwendet werden. Aber nach § 461 KHGB kann durch den Beschluß des Board of Directors die Gesamtheit oder einen Teil der Rucklagen in das Grundkapital einstellen. Die beiden Vorschriften sind unvereinbar. Also soll KHGB nach § 460 Satz 1 folgenden Satz hinzufu¨gen "das gilt jedoch nicht fu¨r den § 461 Abs. 1 genannten Fall." (8) Nach § 460 Abs. 1 KHGB darf der Gesamtbetrag der Schuldverschreibungen das Vierfache der Summe des Reinvermo¨gens nicht u¨berschreiten. Die Beschra¨nkeurig des Gesamtbetrags der Schuldverschreibungen ist zum Schutz der Inhaber der Schuldverschreibungen vorgeschrieben. Die Vorschrift ist jedoch wirkungslos, weil die Summe der Schulden der Gesellschaft außer den Schuldverschreibungen nicht beschankt sind. Vorgeschlagen wird daher die Aufhebung der Vorschrift u¨ber die Gesamtbetragsbeschra¨nkung der Schuldverschreibungen.

      • KCI등재

        구호흡을 동반한 증식성 치은염 환자의 치료증례

        이종갑,이남형,손흥규,김형태 大韓小兒齒科學會 1993 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        Mouth breathing gives direct irritation to gingival tissue and increases gingivitis by increasing debris deposite. Generally, it is reported that gingivitis increases at puberty and it is mainly caused by microbial change and hormonal imbalance. This study included generalized gingivitis accompanying mouth breathing and localized gingival hypertrophy. This 11 years old female patient had no past medical history but she had menarchy a year ago. As a treatment, primarily eliminated the cause of mouth breathing and conducted tooth brushing instruction, scaling, and gingivectomy which resulted good.

      • KCI등재

        매복 상악 견치의 맹출 유도에 관한 증례 보고

        이종갑,권태희,손홍규,김형태 大韓小兒齒科學會 1993 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        Upper cuspid impation is a serious that occurs with sufficient frequency to justify diagnosis and intervention as early as a dental age of 8 years. The maxillary cuspid follows a more difficult and tortuous path of eruption than other tooth. Where upper arch crowding prevents such a tooth from following its normal eruption path, it will diverted either buccally or palatally. The diagnosis of canine impaction is on both clinical and radiographic examinations. When clinician detects early signs of ectopic eruption of canines, an attempt should be made to prevent theier impaction and its potential sequelae. Screening consists of identifying patients who lack a normal cuspid bulge on palpation, with follow-up radiographic evaluation where indicated. Selective removal of deciduous cuspids is a suggested interceptive measure in class Ⅰ uncrowded malocclusions. Each patient with an impacted canine must undergo a comprehensive evaluation of the malocclusion. The clinician should then consider the various treatment options available for the patient. Surgical exposure of the canine and orthodontic treatment to bring the tooth into the line of occlusion is the most desirable approach. After the surgical exposure of the impacted tooth, an auxiliary(button) is attached to the crown. It should be reemphasized that in the surgical exposure of an impacted tooth, only enough bone should be removed to allow for the placement of a bracket and that during the procedure the CEJ should not be intentionally exposed. The removable appliance was designed This applied traction along a desired path of eruption using elastics changed daily Removable appliance seemed to offer more in vertical anchorage than did the fixed appliances. 13 year-old male and 14 year-old female with impacted maxillary canine were treated with surgical exposure and direct traction.

      • 서울시에서의 酸性降雨에 關한 硏究

        朴奉奎,李仁淑,崔炯善 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1983 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        본 연구는 1982년 5월부터 9월까지 서울특별시를 2×2㎞로 mesh analysis하여 pH, 산성도, 전기전도도를 측정하여 강우에 의한 대기오염현황을 조사한 것이다. 조사지 97지역중 63% 61지역이 산성강우현상을 나타내고 있었고 특히 오염이 심한 지역에서 가용성 염류의 량이 많은 것으로 나타나, 가용성 염류의 량과 수소이온농도와의 밀접한 상관관계를 밝힐 수 있었다. Over the last several decade rain in the world has become more acidic presumably as a result of anthropogenic inputs of SOx and NOx to the atmosphere and their conversion to H_2SO_4 and HNO_3. Generally, precipitation in equilibrium with the carbon dioxide normally present in the atmosphere has an caidity on the pH scale 5.7. Therefore, polluted areas were determined by concentric difference of free H^+ ions in each site and those, in which pH is lower than 5.7, were considered polluted areas. The highest concentric site of free H^+ ions was considered the most polluted area, which also showed the highest conductivity. There were close relationships between quantity of soluble salts and concentration of H^+ ions. When the concentration of free H^+ ions were same in the polluted areas, the more polluted areas were determined by comparison of concentric difference of total H^+ ions of the sites. The higher the concentration of total H^+ ions, the more polluted areas. The results suggest that 73% (61 sites) of the 97 sites in Seoul were polluted areas.

      • 폐굴껍질을 혼입한 콘크리트의 기초적 성질에 관한 실험적 연구

        어석홍,이형진,황규한 國立 昌原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 産技硏論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the fundamental properties of concrete mixed with crushed oyster shells(OS) as coarse or fine aggregates. For this purpose, five reference mixes with W/C ratios of 0.4∼0.6 at intervals of 0.05 were considered. The replacement proportion of OS was varied with ratios of 0, 10, 30, 50 and 100% by volume of fine or coarse aggregate in the reference mixes. OS was washed and crushed for using as aggregates. New chemical reaction between crushed OS aggregate and and cement paste was tested through XRD and SEM analysis. The compressive and flexural strength properties were considered. Strength tests were carried out at the ages of 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. The variation of workanility, air content and density, drying shrinkage of the specimens with different proportions of OS were also studied. Finally, the hollow concrete block using OS as a substitute material for fine aggregate was made for testing the application of OS. Experimental results showed that any new chemical reaction did not occur due to mixing crushed OS in ordinary concrete. The workability and strengths decreased with increase in proportion of OS. The same trend was observed in density and unit weight, but air content increased due to the inherent shape and texture of OS, which showed a possibility to produce light weight concrete with low strength by using OS as coarse aggregates for concrete. Tests on hollow concrete block showed that the compressive strength and absorption ratio were satisfied with quality requirements when the fine aggregate was substituted with OS up to 50% in volume.

      • 고립성 폐결절의 조직학적 진단에 있어서 경기관지폐생검의 진단적 가치

        김치훈,김정주,왕준호,연규민,김형수,리원연,용석중,신계철 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        Transbronchial lung biopsy(TBLB) is a relatively simple and convenient diagnostic tool in solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN) on chest radiograph, which is cannot be diagnosed through routine tests. To investigate the diagnostic value and diagnostic rate of TBLB according to the variable factor, we analyzed 69 patients with radiologically SPN lesion on chest radiograph which was confirmed histologically. A histologic diagnosis of TBLB was made in 47 of 69 patients(68.1%), in which 26 of 37(70.3%) with malignancy and 21 of 32(65.6%) with benign lesion. There were no significant differences in diagnostic yield according to age, sex and location of the lesion. The diagnostic rate tended to increase with the more than 5 pieces to acquired by TBLB. When the size of SPN was less than 3 ㎝, it cannot be diagnosed. In conclusion, TBLB is a diagnostic procedure with good yield and safety, but percutaneous needle aspiration, transbronchial needle aspiration, and bronchial washing fluid cytology may be a complementary procedure to overcome the limitation of TBLB and get higher diagnostic yield for SPN.

      • KCI등재

        비유기중의 소유방염에 대한 항균펩타이드(Buforin Ⅱb)의 효능실험

        김인송,권성균,임형준,이완규 한국수의공중보건학회 2002 예방수의학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Recently, a novel antimicrobial peptide including Buforin II has been emphasized to kill multi-drug resistant bacteria and avoid promoting multi-drug resistance. This study evaluated the efficacy of an antimicrobial peptide (Buforin IIb) on bovine mastitis. Based on the Minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC, 4 g/ml) of Buforin IIb, syringes were made five concentration(MIC×10, ×50, ×100, ×300, and ×500). Thirty three cows(38 quarters) with bovine mastitis were selected using California mastitis test and grouped in dependant on drug concentration and treatment duration. Each group treated by intramammary infusion twice a day for 3 5 days. The milk samples of 5 groups were aseptically collected from quarters at 0, 3, 7 and 14 days, and 2 groups were collected at 0, 5, 9 and 14 days after first treatment. Collected samples were used for bacterial culture and somatic cell count. Bacterial number(log_(10) mean CFU/ml) was decreased in dependant on drug concentration and extending treatment duration. In group D(MIC×300), bacterial number was decreased from 4.59±0.10(day 0) to 2.89±1.37(day 3), 4.04±0.33(day 7), and 4.19 ± 0.10(day 14), respectively(p 0.05). Bacterial number of B2(MIC×50, 5 days treated) is decreased, approximately 10%, than group B1(MIC×50, 3 days treated). Somatic cell count of group D was slightly decreased from 11,100(×10³)(day 0), to 7,386(×10³)(3 day), 6,886(×10³)(day 7), and 9,661(×10³)(day 14). Staphylococcus spp., was the most common isolate, was bacteriologically cured 100% by Buforin IIb treatment. Overall results indicate that Buforin IIb could have possibility to cure bovine mastitis, if higher concentration over experimental concentration were treated with extending treatment duration.

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