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      • In situ hybridization과 염색체 미세해부에 의한 특정 염색체 띠에 대한 유전자 발굴

        홍기정,김현수,전용혁,김현,박선화 고려대학교 의과대학 1996 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.33 No.1

        Recently surmountable amounts of genes are being cloned but it is hard to define the chromosomal location and functions of these genes. In this study, a new technique was developed for cloning genes expressed in the developing human brain with confirmed chromosomal location. The mRNAs were extracted from 18 week old human fetal brain, cDNAs were made by reverse transcription from these mRNAs and Uni-amp cDNAs having Uni-amp adapters a t both ends were made for subsequent PCR. To observe the distribution of the Uni-amp cDNAs on the chromosome, fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed with biotin labeled Uni-amp cDNAs. Among the chromosome bands showing strong hybridization with the cDNAs, lq21, lq25, lq32 and lq42 were microdissected from the chromosome hybridized with unlabeled Uni-amp cDNAs and amplified by PCR with Uni-amp primers. These amplified cDNA fragments were subcloned to plasmid vectors and the nucleic acid sequences were analysed. As a result 18 different clones were confirmed the chromosomal localization. They were categorized as 4 clones of well characterized genes, 3 clones showing low homology with known genes, 5 clones of simply registered uncharacterized human cDNAs, and 6 clones of unknown genes. The evidence suggests that the technique is very useful to clone the genes that express in the developing human brain, with confirmed chromosomal location. In addition, this cloning technique can be used to discover the new genes related with neuronal development in combination with functional screening method.

      • 장구균의 동정에 대한 PCR 방법의 유용성

        최연화,이영선,김홍빈,김치경,김봉수 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.2

        Background : Enterococci are important cause of nosocomial infections. Recently, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) has been increasingly reported as significant nosocomial pathogens. Therefore, accurate identification of enterococcal species is a prerequisite step for the appropriate antibiotic treatment and epidemiologic surveillance. We wanted to know the usefulness of PCR method compared with Vitek automatic identification system. Methods : Totally 105 isolates were identified on the species level by Vitek (GPI card and software version R06.1), methyl-α -D-glucopyranoside test, and PCR methods. Results : Among 105 enterococcal isolates, 59 were identified as E. faecium, 11 E. faecalis, 6 E. gallinarum by Vitek. But 29 isolates (28%) were unidentified. Subsequently all of these isolates were analyzed by PCR, the results of which were as follows : 17 E. faecium, 5 E. casseliflavus, 7 E. gallinarum. Two isolates identified as E. gallinarum by Vitek were reidentified as E. casseliflavus by PCR and other methods far phenotypic characterization. Conclusoin : PCR method was more accurate and sensitive than Vitek for the identification of enterococci species. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:123∼127, 2001)

      • KCI등재
      • 月經痛 및 冷帶下에 活用된 外治法에 對한 文獻的 考察

        조선화,鄭鎭鴻 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2000 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        According to the literatual study on the external medical treatment of Menorrhalgia and Leucorrhea for gynecologic condition, the results were as follows. 1.Using external medical treatment for Menorrhalgia is to insert vagina theraphy, fumigation theraphy, to wash vagina theraphy, to insert anus theraphy, to apply hot pack theraphy and use with suppository such as BANSUKHWAN(礬石丸), SASANGZASAN(蛇床子散), KUMBONGHYUNGJU(金鳳衡珠) 2.Using external medical treatment for leucorrhea is washing and fumigation on vagina, to wash vagina, to insert vagina, cleansing theraphy and use with Suppository such as YONGYEOMGO(龍鹽膏), KAMISASANGJASAN(加味蛇床子散),SASANGSACHUNGSEJE(蛇床子洗劑). 3.ANGELICAE GIGANTIS RADIX(當歸) is in mostly general use for external medical treatment of Menorrhalgia and leucorrhea, in that order ANSU SEMEN(杏仁), EVODIAE FRUCTUS(吳茱??), TORILIS FRUCTUS(蛇床子), CORYDALIS TUBER(玄胡索), CINIAMOMI ORTEX(肉桂), CARYOPHYLLI FLOS(丁香) ALUMEN(枯白??), AQUILARIAE LIGNUM(沈香). 4.The efficacy of medicines to use external medical treatment is as follow to help circulation of blood, to warm spleen and stomach, to warm blood, to warm uterus and remove cold, to remove heat and dry moisture, to down heat-product, to contract bloodvessel, to counteract poison and destory virus, to make energy and blood. 5.KUMBONGHYUNGJU, made same size as cherry and shape vagina medicine, use for Menorrhalgia, menstural irregularity, Leucorrhea, it has the efficacy as follow to remove cold and dry moisture, to warm uterus, to help circulation and romove pain, to down moisture-heat.

      • 공동주택의 발코니 확장부위의 열환경 향상방안

        박선효,배상환,홍천화 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1

        In recent days, is usual case to extend the dwelling area to the balcony which is provided by service area. But the use of the extended area can be arose discomfort with a view point of thermal environment by excessive heat accumulation in summer and excessive cold draft in winter. In this study, the skills were reviewed to improve the thermal environment of the extended area and evaluations were carried out. Additional heat supply by heat-convector installed at the lower end of the curtain wall can improve the thermal environment of the extended area and also arise surface temperature of the curtain wall surface. And aluminum plate installed under the floor could not improve thermal environment, but it was effective to shortening the initial heating time.

      • KCI등재

        Extraction Procedures for Free Radical Scavenging Activity from Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia)

        Mi-Kyung Gwak,Hee-Sun Choi,Benya Manochai,Jeong-Hwa Hong 한국약용작물학회 2011 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        In this study, we investigated maximum yield of radical scavenging activity (RSA) using each of various extraction solvents and procedure from noni friut (Morinda citrifolia). Noni fruits were either sun-dried (FS) or hot-air dried (FO) at 60℃ after steam blanching. For optimum aqueous extraction, noni fruits should be sun dried and autoclave extraction time should not be over 30 min to produce extraction with high RSA with low cost. In case of 50% ethanol extraction, reflux extracts of FS and FO resulted in IC50 of 1.92 mg/mL and 3.06 mg/mL at 8 hr. When IC50 values were lower than 5 mg/mL, coefficient of correlation was 0.71 indicating that 71% of the phenolic antioxidants in noni fruits were accounted for the activity by scavenging free DPPH. However, coefficient of correlation significantly decreased to 0.63 over IC50 values of 5 mg/mL. Autoclave extraction contained chlorogenic acid of 14.69 μg/mL and scopoletin of 3.86 μg/mL. Reflux extraction showed all three compounds, chlorogenic acid (26.19 μg/mL), quercetin (19.59 μg/mL), and scopoletin (17.4 μg/mL). Therefore, the result of this study indicated that the potential antioxidant activities and functional values were obtained significantly with reflux extraction from noni fruit.

      • 항결핵 치료과정에서 호전되었다가 악화된 뇌 결핵종 1예 보고

        이대훈,유진홍,강미자,김홍기,김선화,고동훈,천지성,유원종 대한화학요법학회 1997 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        In spite of nationmide tuberculosis control program, tuberculosis is still prevalent in Korea. Accordingly, tuberculous meningitis also poses one of the main trouble some problems. Recently, We experienced a perplexing case of tuberculous menin-gitis and tubercdoma in a 24-year old female patient. She was admitted to our hospital owing to meningeal irritation sign, aphasia, VI nerve palsy, and ,fever. CSF analysis showed a finding consistent with that of presumptive tuberculous meningitis.. Initial MRI of the brain revealed a large mass(tuhercu1oma) on left parieto-temporal area. Antitubeculous regimen(1soniazid (INH), rifampin(RMP), ethambutol(EMB), pyrazinamide(PZA)} of meningeal dose was given immediately, and her symptoms and signs were dramatically disappeared with a few days after treatment. She was discharged with improved condition and under maintenance treatment of tuberculosis. Follow-up one year after treatment. revealed that the previous lesion was nearly diminished. She showed no symptom at all until she recognized a total blindness of sudden onset on her left eye a t the 18th month of treatment. Brain MRI checked at that time showed multiple masses of tuberculoma scattered over the brain base and one of them invaded left optic nerve. In our opinion, the cause of relapse in this patient might he explained by the selection and ultimate replication of a minor population of resistant strain. Although such relapse is an extremely rare event, we think that we should always pay attention to this possible resistance problem every time we meet patients with tuberculous meningitis.

      • KCI등재후보

        복합문화공간의 색채계획 : 수원시 영통구 상업지구를 중심으로

        서주환,여화선,최선주,박선영,김옥경,승지현,김홍균 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2007 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The recognition on leisure living which have been enjoyed by prestige level from popular persons is now widely spreaded in modern capitalism society and change of the leisure living influenced very much to the society and Industry. The 5 day work per week system expanded to the school and contemporary leisure living of the people is recognised as one culture with various contents. This change of leisure living made a recognition on the need for a space for leisure culture contents, which related to a creation of Complex-culture facility to contain various type of multiple leisure culture. The Complex-culture facility is mainly focused on the entertainment space with increased leisure living, which is consist of important element of the Complex-culture facility as performance space, exhibition, sports and shopping space to construct performance hall, theater, exhibition room, sports center, shopping mall, leisure space and plaza. This study, therefore, will Investigate on the function and value of color, and review on the cases of Complex-cultural facility and then choose a space of cultural element lack. It will recompose in Complex-cultural facility.

      • Duchenne형 進行性 筋異養症 保因者 檢出에 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism 이용에 관한 硏究

        李美正,朴吉洪,朴善華,柳總根 고려대학교 의과대학 1991 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.28 No.3

        We performed genetic analysis for detection of carrier state of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD). As genetic markers of the disorder, We used DNA-sequence polymorphisms detected with 6 different DNA probes derived from the vicinity of the DMD locus at genetic distance less than 15 cmo or from within the gene. on the short arm of X chromosome. In the family we studied. a consultand was a 29 years old woman whose maternal grandfather was a DMD patient who was unavailable. Therefore, all of her maternal aunts were DMD carriers whose next generations were requested for DNA studies. On the basis of linkage analysis. a proband and her niece were deemed to be unaffected with an accuracy of more than 99%, and we anticipated another two femals and one malt to be unaffected with 98% probability (normal serum creatine kinase level) where crossover events between intragenic(pERT 87.30) and flanking probes(pXUT23) were detected. but carrire risk of a female with the same haplotype was elevated to 41% taking account of an increased serum creatine kinase level. Two other females were predicted to be affected with 99.9 and 97.1% probabilities each. However. a genetic interpretation was impossible for one male in which a crossover breakpoint could not be determinied because of his mother's homozygosity of the alleles between crossovered alleles where hitherto pessibility of intragenic crossover could not be ruled out Our experience suggests that genetic diagnosis based on recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid techniques are assuming increasing importance. and provide a highly accurate method for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis of DMD. By the way, despite the large number of intragenic and flanking DNA polymorhpisms available, uncertainties often remain in the genetic diagnosis of DMD. Pitfalls are presented by the large size of the region in which Duchenne's mutations can occur. Crossover events in this region. especially intragenic ones, which result in an exchange of DNA between two X chromosomes, can,rener DNA-marker studies inaccurate.

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