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      • Thin Film Coating of Photocatalytics on Ultra Light Ceramic Tile by Use of Supercritical Fluid

        Kato, Shigekazu,Kato, Shinji,Taoda, Hiroshi,Katoh, Shunsaku 전남대학교 촉매연구소 2001 觸媒硏究 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Although sol-gel method is an easy procedure to form a thin film, it's extremely difficult to coat on the surface of small size particles, fibers, and fiber ceramics, because concentration occurs by capillary phenomena and causes peeling or breakage of film. In order to solve this problem, we use supercritical CO₂ rapid expansion from supercritical solution (RESS), nano-sized particles of TiO₂ with high intensity can be sprayed out of a nozzle, then collected on the surface of substrates, but can be absorbed in fibers or porous materials, being not interfered by viscosity of a solution. TiO₂ sol made by hydrolysis process is set in a pressure cell and mixed together with super-critical CO₂. Controlling the pressure and the temperature, we could obtain TiO₂ sol and super critical fluid mixture, and then discharge to the substrate. At this point, Titania sol viscosity is so low that a surface wettability of the substrate becomes negligible. By the use of the characteristics of the supercritical fluid, without constraint condition of viscosity or capillarity, this sol can penetrate into the interstices of the substance's structure. Thus, clearing obstruction of capillary phenomena, supercritical fluid coating method shows its capability to penetrate deep into inside of entangled fiber of the three-dimensional structure so as considered to be a heat resistant filter with 95% porosity.

      • KCI등재

        The Middle East within Asia A Note on the Middle East in the context of Asia from a historical perspective

        Hiroshi Kato(히로시 가토) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2007 중동문제연구 Vol.6 No.-

        중동은 현대 경제사에서 유럽중심체제에 밀려 그 중요성이 배제되어왔다. 그러나 1970년대 오일 쇼크 이후 에너지 자원을 바탕으로 한 중동지역의 경제적 중요성은 간과할 수 없다. 본고에서 저자는 아시아와 중동, 특히 21세기의 동아시아와 중동간의 관계를 중동을 연구하학자의 관점으로 서술하였다. 단순히 중동과 아시아의 역사를 고찰하는 것이 아닌 중동과 아시아의 관계 현안에 대한 일본 학계의 몇몇 관점을 소개하였다. 본 논문은 세 부분으로 나뉘어져있는데 첫째, 현대 경제사 속 유럽 중심적 담론에서의 중동의 위치를 고찰해보고 둘째 과거의 경제사에서 중동과 아시아의 관계가 왜 발전되지 못했는지를 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 거대한 오일머니의 등장과 그로 인한 아시아와 중동의 경제적 역학 관계를 연구하였다. 잘 알려진 바대로 시장경제는 상품의 교역과 인적교류의 활성화에 비추어볼 때 근대 중동지역에서 번성하였다. 이는 유럽과 아시아의 중간에 위치한 중동의 지정학적인 위치에도 기인한다. 그러나 실크로드로 번성하던 중동의 상업무역이 상업로가 변화하고, 중동과 유럽의 경제 시스템 경쟁에서 중동이 패배하고, 자본축적의 메카니즘 부재에 따라서 중동의 경제는 점점 쇠퇴하게 되었다. 이에 중동은 현대 경제 담론에서 그 입지가 점점 줄게 되었다. 그러나 20세기 후반에 들어 세계 경제의 판국이 바뀌면서 중동 지역은 주목을 받게 되었다. 20세기 이후 유럽 경제는 포스트산업 사회로 불리어지며 세계화가 중심이 된 정보사회, 포스트모던 사회로 변모되기 시작했다. 새로운 경제체제는 에너지 집약적, 소비위주의 경제 형태를 띠면서 오일머니가 등장, 중동 지역의 경제적 중요성이 강조되기 시작했다. 이어 서구와 중동 동아시아를 잇는 오일 트라이앵글이 형성되었다. 석유를 수출하는 중동, 석유산업 중심의 동아시아, 그리고 이를 수입하는 서구가 연결된 삼각구조는 동아시아 경제의 부흥을 가져왔다. 수지하라 교수는 고유가가 동아시아에 이익을 가져가 줄 것으로 예측하고 있다. 최는 지속되고 있는 유가의 고공행진이 에너지 효율을 강조하는 동아시아 경제에 해를 미치기보다 이익을 가져가 줄 것이라는 관점이다. 따라서 21세기의 동아시아 경제는 세계 경제의 흐름 속에서 어떻게 오일 트라이앵글을 유지하고 보존하느냐의 과제를 안고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Role of Central Government and Local Government for Intellectual Property Policy

        Hiroshi Kato 조선대학교 법학연구원 2008 法學論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        Central Government is developing the plan for Intellectual Property Policy every year. However, the plan for Intellectual Property Policy should be developed also by Local Government because Intellectual Property Policy depends on the feature (e.g. the most leading induetry, the most advanced technology) in each local area. Therefore, some Local Governments started to develop their own plansfor Intellectual Property Policy in their own local area. Under the situation above, it is becoming new issue to think about the different role of Central Government and Local Government for Intellectual Property Policy. In this paper, the difference between Central Government and Local Government for Intellectual Property Policy becomes clear by the analysis based on the Questionnaire Survey.

      • Thin Film Coating of Photocatalytics on Ultra Light Light Ceramic Tile by Use of Supercritical Fluid

        Kato, Shigekazu,Kato, Shinji,Taoda, Hiroshi,Katoh, Shunsaku 전남대학교 촉매연구소 2000 촉매학술발표회 Vol.- No.17

        Although sol-gel method is an easy procedure to form a thin film, it's extremely difficult to coat on the surface of small size particles, fibers, and fiber ceramics, because concentration occurs by capillary phenomena and causes peeling or breakage of film. In order to solve this problem, we use supercritical CO_2 rapid expansion from supercritical solution (RESS), nano-sized particles of TiO_2 with high intensity can be sprayed out of a nozzle, then collected on the surface of substrates, but can be absorbed into fibers or porous materials, being not interfered by viscosity of a solution. TiO_2 sol made b hydrolysis process is set in a pressure cell and mixed together with super-critical CO_2. Controlling the pressure and the temperature, we could obtain TiO_2 sol ad super critical fluid mixture, and then discharge to the substrate. At this point, Titania sol viscosity is so low that a surface wettability of the substrate becomes negligible. By the use of the characteristics of the supercritical fluid, without constraint condition of viscosity or capillarity, this sol can penetrate into the interstices of the substance's structure. Thus, clearing obstruction of capillary phenomena, supercritical fluid coating method shows its capability to penetrate deep into inside of entangled fiber of the three-dimensional structure so as considered to be a heat resistant filter with 95% porosity.


        Factors Regulating Changes of Head-to-Head Agglutinability in Boar Spermatozoa During Epididymal Transit and Capacitation In Vitro - Review-

        Hiroshi, Harayama,Seishiro, Kato Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.8

        In boar spermatozoa, the head-to-head agglutinability changes in parallel with the development of the fertilizing ability. Namely, both abilities gradually increase in the distal caput and corpus epididymides, but are subsequently suppressed in the cauda epididymidis. It has been postulated that these changes of the agglutinability are controlled via sperm interaction with specific epididymal plasma factors including agglutination mediators (agglutinins) and inhibitors (anti-agglutinins). Expression of these abilities (sperm agglutination and capacitation) is hardly observed in spermatozoa immediately. after ejaculation, but it occurs during incubation in a capacitation medium. Recently, we have purified and characterized epididymal plasma anti-agglutinin for boar spermatozoa. Moreover, we have conducted a series of experiments to reveal biological significance and mechanism of the head-to-head agglutination and have accumulated data indicating that boar sperm agglutination is mediated by capacitation-supporting factors including calcium, bicarbonate and sterol acceptors. This review introduces our recent data and discusses a possible mechanism for suppression of the agglutinability in the distal epididymidis and relationship between agglutinability and fertilizing ability.

      • KCI등재

        Gas diffusion in an automotive catalyst in an unsteady state

        Hiroshi Yamada,Tomohiko Tagawa,Satoru Kato,Naoki Takahashi 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.119 No.-

        The influence of gas diffusion is often ignored because the washcoat layer is thin. Therefore, in addition todeveloping new catalytic materials, modifying the washcoat pores is important for improving effectivegas diffusivity. The gas diffusion phenomena in an unsteady state in an experimentally simulated washcoatlayer were evaluated by the pulse injection method. Wicke–Kallenbach diffusion cell was used. Effective diffusion coefficients obtained in an unsteady state were compared to those obtained in a steadystate. The effective diffusion coefficients were similar to the values obtained under a steady state, exceptfor low-molecular-weight gasses, due to the difference in mean molar speed between the evaluating gasand atmospheric gas.

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