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        김은실 이화여자대학교 인문학연구원 2004 제4회 김옥길 기념강좌 : 문화와 권력의 관점에서 본 상상력과 세계화 Vol. No.

        This paper investigates the Cultural Politics in transnational zone which is created by cultural representations that freely cross the borders of globalized countries. In particular, this paper will examine middle aged women's receptive process of Korean cultural representations in Japanese society, their way of understanding and dealing Koreans, Korean culture, colonized and colonizing relationship between Korea and Japan, and the Cultural Politics in transnational zone of Feminist film festivals that provide sense of cultural liberation and escape to many women in Korean society. These phenomena will be discussed in view of women's cultural power and right in transnational and globalized era.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선족 사회의 위기 담론과 여성의 이주 경험 간의 성별 정치학

        김은실,민가영 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2006 여성학논집 Vol.23 No.1

        Migration in the globalization era is causing changes in both theexporting and receiving countries, destabilizing the various gender categories ofanalysis formerly applicable in specific locales. This paper looks at theKorean-Chinese community’s discourses on the migration of Korean-Chinesewomen entering Korean society as labor providers and how the migrantwomen’s self-identification and experiences of supporting their family are relatedto such discourses. The results of the study are, first, the particularity of theKorean-Chinese as a minor ethnicity within China which leads to the describingof the Korean-Chinese women’s migration as undermining, reducing, anddisintegrating the community, even though the women migrants are capable ofsupporting the community. Second, the Korean-Chinese women have variousexperiences, economically and culturally, through migration, and when theyreturn to their original home place, they find themselves contesting the genderroles which had been expected of them before they migrated. The localpatriarchal discourses of the Korean-Chinese society are being contested andstirred up by the new exposure and new desires of the returned women who nolonger take the Korean-Chinese society as the sole reference point for their lives. 지구화 시대의 이주는 송출국과 수용국 모두의 변화를 야기하며 기존에 한 지역 내에서 적용되던 여러 가지 성별 분석 범주를 불안정하게 만들고 있다. 본 논문에서는 한국사회에 노동력으로 유입되고 있는 조선족 여성들의 이주를 조선족 사회에서는 어떻게 담론화하고 있는지 그리고 이주를 통한 여성들의 자기 정체화와 가족 부양 경험은 이 담론들과어떻게 연결되어 있는지를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과는 중국 내 소수민족이라는 조선족의 특수성으로 인해 여성들의 이주가 공동체 부양능력을 가짐에도 불구하고 이주를 공동체의약화 축소 그리고 해체로 언설화한다는 것이었다. 이주를 통해 경제적 문화적 차원에서다양한 경험을 하고 조선족 사회로 귀환한 이주 여성들은 한국의 소비문화 그리고 교환가치를 창출했던 자신의 노동 경험에 의거해 조선족 사회의 위기 담론을 준거시킨다. 조선족사회의 지역 가부장제 담론은 더이상 자신의 경험을 조선족 사회에 준거시키지 않는 귀환한 여성들의 삶의 경험 새로운 삶의 욕망과 경합하면서 변화를 겪고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 1공화국 국가 건설기 공적영역의 형성과 젠더 정치

        김은실,김현영 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2012 여성학논집 Vol.29 No.1

        이 논문은 1공화국의 여성단체와 여성지도자들이 어떠한 방식으로 국가형성에 참여했으며, 또 여성들은 국가 내에서 어떠한 자리와 공간을 가질 수 있었는지에 대한 관심으로 출발했다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 해방과 한국 전쟁을 겪고 여성지도자로 부상한 여성들과 그들이 주축이 되어 활동한 여성단체의 활동양상을 1공화국 국가건설기에 여성적 공적영역을 만들고자 했던 시도로 보고, 이러한 시도들이 수용, 협력, 배제되어가는 과정을 공적영역의 젠더화라는 관점에서 분석하였다. 1공화국은 식민이후 독립국가 건설과정에서 국가건설의 주체가 되고자 했던 다양한 집단들이 쏟아져나왔던 시기였다. 1공화국 건설에 적극적으로 관여했던 여성들은 여성의 목소리를 대표할 수 있도록 단체와 협회를 조직하고, 국가행정기구에 부녀국을 설치할 것을 제안하였으며, 입법기관에 여성들이 참여할 수 있는 공간을 확보하는데 주력했다. 이승만 정부는 정권 초기 여성들의 활약을 인정하여 공직에 다수의 여성들을 임명하였으나, 남한단독정부수립을 둘러싼 국제사회의 인정 여부가 일단락 된 이후부터는 여성단체와 여성지도자들을 일방적으로 동원, 협력의 대상으로 보기 시작한다. 이후 이승만 정부의 독재와 부패 문제가 수면위로 떠오르면서 1공화국 국가건설에 참여했던 여성단체와 여성지도자들의 다양한 활동 등은 공적 공간이 점차 남성화되면서 남성공간에 침입한 부적절한 여성 섹슈얼리티의 문제로 이해되기 시작했다. 여기서 공적영역에 참여하고자 하는 여성들은 남성 이성애의 성적 환상이 실현되는 사적이고 성적인 존재로 재배치되면서, 여성들이 그동안 구축했던 여성적 공적영역 공간들은 주변화되고 축소되었다. 1공화국 여성들의 국가건설에의 참여의지를 여성적 공적영역을 형성하고 제도화하기 위한 노력으로 보는 본 논문은 한국 사회에서의 성별화된 공적영역의 제도화과정을 탐색하기 위한 시론적 의미를 가진다. This paper grew out of an interest in the ways in which women's organizations and women leaders of the First Republic of South Korea took part in the formation of the state as well as the kinds of places and spaces that women held within the nation-state. It focuses on the women who rose to leadership in the 1950s following the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule and the Korean War and takes the activities of women's organizations in which they played primary roles as their attempts to create the women's public sphere during the nation-building period. It also analyzes the processes through which these attempts were accepted, negotiated or obstructed, using the perspective of the gendering of the public sphere. The First Republic was a period in which numerous groups tried to lay claim to establishing the nation-state after colonial rule. Women who had been actively involved in the building of the First Republic set up organizations and associations to represent women, proposed that state administrative organs include women's sections, and concentrated on procuring a space for women in legislative organs. Acknowledging the contribution of women in the beginning of his regime, Rhee Syngman appointed many women to public office. However, once the issue of setting up an independent government of South Korea seemed to have been resolved, the attitude toward women's organizations and women leaders was shifted to seeing them as objects of mobilization and collaboration. Since then, with the internal power struggle within the regime becoming heightened and problems such as dictatorship and corruption rising to the surface, the public sphere gradually became masculinized, and the various activities by women's organizations and women leaders in both official and unofficial spheres came to be understood in terms of women's sexuality having inappropriately entered into spaces of men. As such, women wishing to participate in the public sphere were redefined as private and sexual beings upon which male heterosexual fantasies were realized, and spaces of women's public sphere which they had worked hard to achieve were marginalized and reduced. Interpreting women's will to take part in the nation-building of the First Republic as an effort to create and institutionalize the women's public sphere is an attempt to problematize the gendered institutionalization of the public sphere in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        지구화, 국민국가 그리고 여성의 섹슈얼리티

        김은실 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2002 여성학논집 Vol.19 No.-

        It has been the most conspicious scene of golobalization in the end of 20th century that capitals, commodities and people move rapidly and widely beyond nation-states. In addition, women's migration is also one of the most characteristic aspects of it. Women have always migrated actively cross countries to pursue their own interests including economic and social things. However, women's migration has never been dealt with seriously because women were considered to migrate as spouses or members of families. Gender has never been seriously taken as the critical mechanism by which migration itself is differently organized and migrants are differently arranged even before and after migration was done. This article explores the notion of gender as a new way of constructing inequality contesting with race, nationality, age in the context of globalization. Especially this article deals with how the globalization of capital and migration affects the market demands of Korean prostitutes and transforms women's sexualities into differentiated and hierarchized commodities in Korean sex industries appropriating their race, nationality, age etc. This article describes several episodes about women's sexualities in globalization; women's sexualities are still regarded as the allegory of national morality; political contestation of citizenship between dollar-earning Korean prostitutes and dollar-sending out foreign prostitutes in Korean military bases; commercialized international marriage trading nationalities and sexualities; hierarchy of nation-states' human rights depending on national policy of women's traffiking. This article tries to show how migration of foreign women's sexualities in globalization affects, destabilizes and challenges the integral identity of the national and the cultural and political legitimacy of the local. They also question how and what kind of political locale can be made to secure basic rights for the migrated women in globalization. This article does not suggest the solution of contradictory aspects of different dimensions of globalization that the nation state confronts including economic, political, social and cultural domains. However this article at least shows how nation state is re-framing women's identity constructing the political meaning of women's sexualities in globalizing context.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일 시설노인에게 나타난 주요 간호진단의 관련요인 분석

        허혜경,박소미,김기연,신윤희,임은실 성인간호학회 2003 성인간호학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze related factors for major nursing diagnoses used in caring for institutionalized elders. Method: This study was a descriptive study. The participants were 92 residents in a long-term care facility in Wonju, selected by convenience sampling. The instrument was a checklist designed on the basis of the related factors suggested by NANDA (1997) and a literature review. Data was collected by chart review, observation, and interviews with the participants. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the SPSS WIN program. Result: The most frequent nursing diagnosis was 'risk for injury', 'self-esteem disturbance', 'activity intolerance', 'impaired physical mobility', and 'powerlessness'. The most frequent component for related factors for the five component for each nursing diagnosis was the physical component, followed by the social component. Common related factors for the nursing diagnoses were 'pain', 'change of emotional state/disorder', 'cognitive disorder', 'change of physical structure and function', and 'physical impairment', and 'immobility'. Conclusion: The results of this study can contribute to the development of appropriate nursing intervention programs for elders (eg. 'Injury Prevention Programs', 'Self-esteem Improvement Programs' etc.). Clinical guidelines that gerontological nurses can use to accurately assess health problems and select appropriate nursing interventions may be developed.


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