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      • Single Somatic Embryogenesis from Transformant with Proteinase II Gene in Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer

        Yang,Deok-Chun,Kim,Se-Young,Rho,Yeong-Deok,Kim,Moo-Sung 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.3

        Ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is a perennial herbaceous plant which grows very slowly. It takes about 3 to 4 years from seeding to collecting the ripe seeds and the ginseng propagation is very difficult. and so, it is very difficult to breed ginseng plant. Ginseng tissue culture was started from at 1960, and ginseng commercial product by in vitro callus culture was saled, however upto now, regenerants were not planted to soil normally. Recently, plant genetic engineering to produce transgenic plants by introducing useful genes has been advanced greatly. In a present paper, transformation of ginseng plants was achieved by co-cultivation with Agrobacterium harboring the binary vector coding Proteinase-II gene, which confer resistant or tolerant to insect pests, The binary vector for transformation was constructed with disarmed Ti-plasmid and with double 35S promoter. The NPT II gene and introduced genes of the transgenic ginseng plants were successfully identified by the PCR. Especially the transgenic ginseng plants were regenerated using new techniques such as repetitive single somatic embryogenesis.

      • 표현도구로서의 컴퓨터 그래픽스에 관한 연구 : focussed on Practical Sample of 3D - Image 3차원 영상의 활용사례를 중심으로

        전양덕,박찬익 서울산업대학교 산업대학원 1996 大學院論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper indicates that the 3D - Image will be a good way of assistance of publication design. The publication design and its practical use will be improved thanks to the efficiency of the 3D - Image. This new process of practical use will surely initiate a lot of change and progress in the areas of visual design process.

      • 컴퓨터를 이용한 편집 디자인 표현 방법에 관한 연구 : focussed on 2D-Image Media 2차원 영상매체를 중심으로

        전양덕,금진우 서울산업대학교 산업대학원 1996 大學院論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The informational processing in modern society become a very important concept and one of the type is editing design. Computer is utilized by almost entire field for design process today. Mow, computer is used as an indispensable tool in the moulding expression and the computer is also recognized as to solve all the design problems. However, in order to efficiently perform the design service to learn effective expression method on design elements through proficiency in tools first of all and must understand overall design process. Because of the ideas the designer has can be indicated by visual delivery upon acquisition of understanding and proficiency of the expressing tool. Hereby this study tried to rearrange the computer graphic field and the possibility of digitalization of editing design process. For this the purpose of this study is to grope for new likelihood in editing design expression method by comparing and analyzing it by looking back roles and expressing manner of computer in the design process course upon resettlement of the traditional editing design elements and values in the computer environment.

      • 産業디자인에 있어서 포스트모던 傾向에 關한 硏究 : Concentrated on Graphic Design 그래픽 디자인을 中心으로

        全洋德 三陟大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The Post-Modernism, of which the mental basis is originated in France, Germany and also in America at 1960'S to the field of Art, Music, spread fast throughout all over the Western. The term 'Post-Modernism' first used by Arnold Toynbee right after World WarⅡ means new Avan-garde against Modernism that attained the power of new tradition. Joseph Hudnut, however, used first in the full in the full sense of the term in 1949 and began to go current in Design after Charies Jencks used in his book " The Language of Post-Modernism Architecture', Rosemarie Tissi applied it the Graphic Design for the first time. Ihab Hassan, the enthusiastic supporter of Post-Modernism, defined the characteristics as follows' 1. Indeterminacy 2. Fragmentation 3. Decanonization 4. Unrepresentability 5. Hybridization 6. Populism 7. Performance and Participation 8. Immensity Also, the characteristics of Post-Modernism in Desigh are following; 1. Historicism 2. Metaphor and Symbolism 3. Ornamentation 4. Dual Coding 5. Complexity and Contradiction 6. Conctextualism 7. Electicism And the expression of Post-Modernism characterized as follows; 1. Layering 2. Superscale 3. Supermannerism 4. Supergraphic 5. Overlapping When we recognize the fact that Post-Modernism regained the historical view which Modernism abandoned and focused on the public's concentration, it can be the first step toward the Design of these days of nationalism, democracy which we aim to. Therefore, we have understand Post-Modernism in general not as a method only for fixing the form, but as a New Design method based on the new perception of human beings.

      • Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58에 依하여 形質轉換된 人蔘組織에서의 saponin 生産

        梁德春,李政明 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1988 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The present study was conducted to obtain some basic information on the transformation of ginseng tissue, identification of opine compound and protein, and saponin production from ginseng tissue transformed with pTiC58. Ginseng tumor callus induced by pTiC58 could be continuously cultured on the phytohormone-free basic medium. The transformation was reconfirmed by the detection and identification of opine compounds from the tumor callus. The transformed ginseng calli contained higher amount of protein than normal calli and the protein pattern of transformed calli was quite different from that of normal callus. Higher saponin content was found in the transformed callus than the normal callus, and ginsenoside composition of the transformed callus was similar to that of cultivated ginseng root, but quite different from that of normal callus.

      • Simple Sequence Repeat Primer에 의한 딸기의 Genomic DNA 분석

        양덕춘,최성민,김무성,민병훈 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 2002 硏究論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        본 연구는 진핵세포에 널리 산재되어있는 repeat sequence를 primer로 사용하여 딸기의repeat sequence 좌위를 증폭시켜서 분석하고 이를 같은 종일지라도 지역간의 차이로 인한 환경의 변화 또는 재배방법의 차이에 의해서 일어나는 변이를 분석하는 방법에 활용할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 수행하였다. GGC repeat sequence의 딸기 genomic DNA에 존재여부를 판명하기 위하여 (GGC)_(6) probe를 DIG을 사용하여 labeling하여 딸기 genomic DNA에 hybridization한 결과 확실한 spot이 나타났다. 또한 repeat sequence로 이루어진 UBC SSR primer 100개중에서 4가지 서로 다른 primer에서 선명한 band를 확인할 수 있어서 딸기의 genomic DNA내에 여러 종류의 repeat sequence가 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 따라서 각 품종별 표지로서 이용성을 알아보고자 PCR을 수행하였는 바 (ACC)_(6)와 (CCG)_(6)의 primer에서는 다른 band에 비해 매우 확실한 밴드를 형성하였다 이러한 PCR product의 염기서열분석을 위해 우선 대량증식을 위한 PCR의 적정 조건은 primer 10p㏖, DNA 50ng으로서 수행하는 것이 DNA의 증폭에 좋았다. 증폭된 1 Kb DNA 절편을 이용하여 염기서열을 조사하였던 바, 808bp의 서열을 알아냈고 그 반복염기서열은 효모와 사람에 존재하는 유전자이었으며 Cdontella sinensis와의 유의성 검정결과 ACC 반복염기에 62% 동일성을 나타내었다. This study was carried out to investigate genetic variation caused by environmental change or cultural method difference, which was performed by amplifying repeat sequence loci of strawberry widely dispersed in eukaryotic cell. DIG labeled(GGC)_(6), probe was used to test if GGC repeat sequence exists in strawberry genomic DNA, resulting in clear spot on the filter. Among the 100 UBC SSR primers which contain repeat sequence, four different primers amplified clear DNA fragments, suggesting that the repeat sequence exist in the genome of strawberry. PCR was also performed to test whether these primers could be used for a marker among strawberry cultivars. (ACC)_(6), (No. 861) and (CCG)_(6) (No. 865) primers showed very clear bands compared to the other primers. The amplified 808 bp of 1 kb DNA was sequenced, and database search using the sequence information showed that the repeat sequence was the gene existed both in yeast and human, and a significant sequence homology to Odontella sinensis was found.

      • 시각 기호로써 ICON에 관한 연구 : 디자인의 원칙과 평가 방법을 중심으로 Around the principle of design and assessing method

        전양덕,금진우 서울産業大學校 1996 논문집 Vol.43 No.1

        As the computer has popularized among the masses the computer environment also follows to need of the masses. As the delivery method of all messages changes to symbolic method using graphic from the printing type as the majority the window with diversified from to provide GUI(Graphic User Interface) environment in the computer field closed up on stage. The appearance of such GUI manner has provided footing ground to contribute by the graphic designers in the computer science field. This is that has provided another expressive method to the designers but is not solved desire of computer users. Since therefore, in order to grope for solution of numerous problems encountered when designing the ICON a part of the informational design, there is need to compose the information scientifically by applying the principle and knowhow of visual design in addition to make design the interface by the graphic designers. This study has groped for the assessing method of designed ICON as well as the principle and method of visual design may be applicable when designing the ICON.

      • Ti-plasmid에 依하여 形質轉換된 煙草組織의 特性과 再分化 樣相

        梁德春,李政明 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1987 硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Studies were conducted to examine the characteristics of teratoma shoots obtained from diploid and haploid tobacco crown gall tumor tissues induced by the inoculation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the effects of plant hormones and active carbon in the cultural media on the growth and regeneration patterns of the teratoma shoots. Results can be summarized as follows. 1. Teratoma shoots could be obtained when the crown gall tumor, induced by the inoculation of A. tumefuciens strain C-58 to the stem, was successively grown on hormone-free medium. 2. The growth of tumor callus induced by C-58 strain was inhibited when several plant hormones were added to the cultural media. Plant regeneration could not be obtained from the tumor callus or the teratomas. 3. Addition of active carbon and benzyl adenine to cultural media was effective for shoot elongation and reduction in multiple shoot formation. 4. The growth of tumor callus obtained from the haploid plant was promoted by the addition of plant hormones to the media. Whole plants were also regenerated from the teratoma shoots formed from tumor callus. 5. Normal or transformed plants were regenerated from the tumor callus formed by the inoculation of a strain of A. tumefaciens collected from field soil. The transformed plants are characterized by having twisted dark-green leaves, shorter internodes, and abundant axillary shoots.

      • Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA를 이용한 인삼의 DNA 분석

        양덕춘,김무성 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 인삼의 종 및 변종간의 유전적 다양성을 식물의 분류학적 연구에 이용하여 품종육성을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 인삼 조직의 DNA를 사용하여 RAPD primer를 선정하고 RAPD양상을 조사하고자 수행되었다. 인삼의 RAPD를 수행함에 있어서 DNA분리에 이용되는 조직의 차이가 PCR이후 DNA band 양상에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 조사하고자 포장에서 정상적으로 생육하고 있는 자경종에서 조직별로 시료를 채취한 후 primer를 사용하여 PCR을 수행하여 나타난 band의 양상은 모든 조직에서 동일한 band를 형성하였다. 50개의 서로 다른 10-mer random primer를 이용하여 band가 확실히 나타나는 18개의 primer를 선발하여 자경종, 풍기황숙, 중국삼, 미국삼의 DNA를 사용하여 PCR 증폭을 하였다. 그러한 PCR product를 1.2%의 Agarose gel에 전기영동하여 banding patter에 따라 분석하였다. 이러한 RAPD 결과를 Cluster analysis 방법을 사용하여 similarity index(SI)로서 원연관계를 조사한 결과 자경종과 풍기황숙이 근연관계를 가졌고 중국삼은 자경종과 약간의 차이를 가졌으며 또한 자경종, 풍기황숙, 중국삼은 미국삼과 변이의 차이를 나타냈다. This study was carried out to analyse genetic variability among different ginseng cultivars, and to use it for the basic information on rearing ginseng cultivars. In performing RAPD of ginseng, DNA was extracted from the different tissues of 'Jakyung' growing normally in the field. PCR was performed to check if there is difference among different tissues, resulting in the same banding pattern, Eighteen of 50 different 10-mer UBC primers showing clear bands were selected, and PCR amplification was performed using DNA extracted from ginseng cultivars, Jakyung, Punggi Hwangsuk, China, and America. The PCR product amplified was analysed according to banding patter after electrophoresis in 1.2% agarose gel. Genetic difference based on RAPD result was investigated by similarity index (SI) of Cluster analysis. As a result, Jakyung and Punggi Hwangsuk had close relationship, whereas Chinese ginseng differed a little from Jakyung. Jakyung, Punggi Hwangsuk, and Chinese ginseng showed genetic difference from America ginseng.

      • Induction of Ginseng Hairy Roots And Their Possible Application To Large Scale Culture

        Yang,Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.1

        Ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) is important medicinal plant but requires 4-year cultivation for root harvest because of slow growth. In contrast, ginseng hairy roots induced by introducing Ri-plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes into genomic DNA of plant cells show vigorous growth, and the hairy roots produce the same or more saponins than natural ginseng roots. Therefore, hairy roots can be used for commercial purposes. The present study was carried out to induce hairy roots with both active growth and high saponin contents. Numerous hairy roots of Panax ginseng were obtained after root disks of three-year old roots were infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1000 A4T in dark condition after one month of culture. About 3 hundred lines of hairy roots were selected according as morphological characters on medium with carbenicillin. After pre-selection of fifteen lines of hairy roots with active growth, KGHR-l and KGHR-8 lines were finally selected which had characters of high content of ginsenoside-Rd and ginsenoside-Re, respectively. The optimum growth of hairy roots was achieved in the culture of 1/2 MS liquid medium in dark (22℃) under 60 rpm gyratory shaking. Hairy roots grew well in 5L Erlenmeyer flasks, lL roller drums, 10L jar-fermenters, and especially in 20L air-lift culture vessels.

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