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      • Implementation of ethical codes of conduct in Korean collegiate athletics

        ( Dean Myers ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study is to review current ethical issues in Korean collegiate athletics with the intention of recommending implementation of ethical codes of conducts for players, coaches and universities. These codes were based on current NCAA (National Collegiate Athletics Administration) ethical codes of conduct enforced by the NCAAs’ governing body. Method: This study reviews the empirical findings of existing literature in regards to ethical issues of South Korean collegiate athletics. In order to frame the social and cultural pressures athletes, coaches, and universities are subjected to, works by the following authors Park, Lim & Bretherton (2012); Hong & Yu (2007) were drawn from. The pressure to succeed was found to cause many of the current ethical issues in collegiate athletic programs and in the lives of athletes themselves. Cases of physical abuse, bullying and academic misconduct were found to be prevalent in existing literature and in athlete interviews of Korean collegiate programs. The pressure to produce results in athletics is not unique to Korea, and neither are the various unethical methods used to facilitate athletic success. To place these problems in a cultural and social framework the underlying causes were researched and concluded to draw from Confucian ideological systems of hierarchy and power relationships. Currently no major initiatives or government interventions have been implemented to rectify said issues. As no Korean based system currently exists to guide ethical behavior of athletics, existing systems of ethical conduct were examined outside of Korea. The NCAA of America was looked to as a foundational construct for the creation of a similar guidance system in Korea. The NCAA has varying ethical codes of conduct for coaches, players, universities and officials to draw from. These ethical codes of conduct were then benchmarked and recommended as new policy to be implemented for Korean collegiate athletics. Result: This study presents a viable option for laying the foundation needed to rectify current ethical issues in Korean collegiate sport. Through identifying current ethical issues in Korean athletic programs, problems were first framed based on their sociocultural circumstances. Framing these issues allows for the proper application of ethical codes of conduct in Korea. Once the problems are framed, benchmarking NCAA protocol and case studies can begin. The process of benchmarking provides a legal and ethical path for future policy makers to institute ethical changes. Conclusion: It has been found that sociocultural reasons for current ethical issues in sport are mendable with the strict implementation of ethical codes of conduct. Key to implementation of ethical code of conduct will be depended on the governing body’s ability to hold perpetrators of ethical misconduct accountable for their actions. The NCAA provides an enforceable framework that Korean collegiate athletics should benchmark as a means of rectifying current ethical issues ushering in a new frame of higher moral standard.

      • KCI등재

        An Ethical Approach to the KBO Regulation of the Number of Foreign Players in Relation to Fair Play

        Dean J. Myers,Sung Joo Park 한국체육철학회 2016 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This essay analyzes the restriction of foreign players in the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) through the work of scholars Butcher and Schneider’s (1998) position regarding fair play as “respect for the game”. The main question of inquiry focused on the limitation of 3 foreign players per team and whether this rule can stand up to scrutiny when analyzed under the concept of fair play as described by Butcher and Schneider. Previous work has failed to look at the limitation of foreign players through the specific circumstances of the KBO while applying the ethical concepts of fair play and its components. The concept of Butcher and Schneider’s position regarding fair play was broken down according to their conclusion of fair play as “respect for the game” and the two components it is comprised of; elements of players perspective and the KBO’s governing bodies responsibilities. Conditions of respect for the game provided by scholars Morgan and Meier (1988) were also referenced and found to be personified in the KBO league such as contestants should be evenly matched and the contestants must have a high degree of skill. The conclusion of this essay is that KBO’s rule restricting foreigners was found to be within the bounds of fair play as described by the scholarly work of Butcher and Schneider. The analysis of fair play and the KBO is important as Korea is becoming more diverse and this author believes only through moral evaluation of existing systems and rules can we prevent forthcoming issues.

      • KCI등재

        Sport as a Means of Empowerment for Korean Women

        Dean J. Myers,Sung-joo Park 한국체육철학회 2016 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper sets out to discuss the utilization of sport based female empowerment initiatives as a method of mitigating Korea’s Confucian-based gender roles. The main aim of this paper is to examine how empowering Korean women through sport initiatives could help nullify Confucius-based gender roles and ideologies in Korean society. To achieve this aim, the following three objectives were addressed. First, women’s current gender roles were examined through the context of Korean Confucianism and the function it plays regarding gender roles in Korean society. Second, sociocultural, sociostructural, patriarchal and cultural theories were used as a theoretical framework to explore women’s traditional and evolving social roles relative to men. Last, before implementing a sport based empowerment program, the validity of such programs was examined through a literature review of existing entities such as the program titled Women Win. Analysis of the existing programs and their frameworks were pivotal to the exploration of possible empowerment initiatives in South Korea. The results of this paper show that Korean empowerment programs could help female participants empower themselves. However, difficulties such as Confucian-based gender roles, hierarchy of speech, age based status and in group out group social circles will need to be addressed according to Korean sociocultural needs.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study in the Development of Codes of Ethics in Korean Collegiate Athletics

        Dean J. Myers,Park Sung-joo 한국체육철학회 2017 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This research examined the ethical guidelines mandated by the American College Athletic Association`s (NCAA) and different cases of ethical codes of conduct at Clemson University, Ohio State University, and Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of this study is to clarify the developmental process, method, composition and contents of these projects as a means to develop Korean university sports ethics codes of conduct. To achieve these objectives, the concept, necessities, and purpose of the college sports ethics code was examined based on related literature. Case studies of American universities and their individual development of ethical codes of conduct and the NCAA`s development and implementation of ethical codes of conduct for schools were analyzed according to their differences of structure, form, contents, roles and background. Finally, based on the results and values of this analysis, a framework was drafted and proposed with the goal of developing an ethical code of conduct for Korean universities. As a means for broadening the experiences of student-athletes and university affiliates, the drafted code of conduct discusses responsibilities, duties, issues of fair play, and sportsmanship for starting in the right direction.

      • KCI등재

        University Students` Perceptions and Experience in a Physical Activity English Teaching Module

        Dean Myers(딘 마이어스),Im, Hyun-Ju(임현주) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        현대사회에서의 교육의 중심은 창조적 시대에 부합하는 글로벌인재를 양성하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며 스포츠나 신체활동을 영어로 가르칠 수 있는 능력이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 신체활동 교수를 위한 영어 티칭 모듈을 활용하여 대학생들의 경험과 인식을 해석적으로 탐색하는데 있다. 본 연구는 사례연구이며 현상학적 연구로 설계되었다. 본 연구의 참여자는 비확률표집 중 하나인 유목적 표집을 이용하여 연구자와 라포가 형성되어 있는 학생 중 11명을 선정하였다. 심층면담, 참여관찰과 관련문서 수집을 통해 자료를 수집하였고 수집된 자료는 귀납적 범주분석과 사례기록 분석을 통해 분석하였다. 연구의 진실성을 높이기 위하여 다각도 검증법, 구성원 검토, 전문가 협의과정을 거쳤으며, 연구의 윤리성과 중립성을 고려하였다. 연구결과 연구 참여자의 경험과 인식은 1)효과적인 학습경험, 2)원어민 교수자와 학생관계 3)영어에 대한 중압감으로 범주화되었다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 이주여성의 스포츠참여와 사회적 자본에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰

        딘마이어스 ( Dean Myers ),박성주 ( Sungjoo Park ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2018 교육문화연구 Vol.24 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 이주민 여성들의 스포츠 활동 참여와 사회적 자본 형성 가능성의 관계를 탐색함으로써 이주민 여성의 사회적응을 촉진하기 위한 스포츠정책 및 스포츠 프로그램 개발연구의 기초자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 통합적 문헌고찰 방법을 활용하여 사회적 자본의 이론적 분석을 실시하고, 스포츠 프로그램을 사회적 자본의 관점에서 고찰하였다. 또한 도덕교육과 사회자본이 어떻게 스포츠를 통해 얻어질 수 있는지를 규명하기 위해 국내외 관련 문헌과 해외 교육프로그램 및 사례를 분석하였다. 끝으로, Green, Johnson, & Adams(2006)가 개발한 ‘내러티브 개요 등급’에 근거하여 이주민, 사회자본, 스포츠에 관련된 문헌들을 고찰하고 취사선택한 후 등급을 매겨 평가하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이주민 여성의 스포츠참여 활동은 사회적 자본의 구성요소들과 긴밀한 연관성을 가지고 있으며, 스포츠가 인성교육의 역할을 수행함으로써 이주민 여성들 사이의 관계를 향상시키고 사회적응을 촉진할 수 있음을 규명하였다. 둘째, 이주민 여성들의 스포츠참여 장벽의 요인으로는 사회문화적 배경, 경제적 의무, 가족에 대한 책임 등으로 나타났다. 셋째, 스포츠참여와 사회적 자본이 가치 지향적이고 관계중심적인 결합과 순환을 통하여 안정적인 발전을 이룰 수 있음을 주장하였다. 본 연구는 이주민 여성의 스포츠 활동 참여의 사회적 가치와 필요성을 제시하고, 스포츠 활동 참여에 따른 사회적 자본의 형성을 통해 한국사회 구성원으로서 성공적인 자립에 필요한 역량 개발 가능성에 대한 논의의 출발점을 제공한 것에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This article examines social capital in sport participation as a means of benchmarking future programs in South Korea. A narrative literature review of previous studies was done for this articles research methodology. An analysis of sport ethics was also undertaken to parallel how moral education and social capital are achievable through sport. Previous studies related to immigrants, social capital, and sport were reviewed. This was done according to a narrative overview scale created by Green, Johnson, & Adams (2006). The purpose of this was to amass all relevant literature and then benchmark previous studies for implementation in Korea. This research has shown evidence that sport participation leads to environments that facilitate moral education for participants. If sport programs are set up for group dynamics of immigrants in Korea, sport participation can help facilitate social capital for participants. Finally, this study shows that obstacles preventing participation in sport for Korean immigrant women are predicated on sociocultural backgrounds, economic and family responsibilities. The findings of this research support sport to be used as a means to help facilitate improved relations and social capital for female immigrant women of South Korea.

      • 주짓수와 탭의 윤리성

        딘마이어스 ( Myers Dean ) 국민대학교 스포츠윤리연구소 2021 스포츠와 윤리 Vol.1 No.2

        브라질리언 주짓수(BJJ)는 지난 20년간 엄청난 인기를 얻으며 MMA와 UFC의 확장을 주도해왔다. 이 연구의 목적은 규범적 측면에서 브라질리언 주짓수가 스포츠로 정당화될 수 있는지 그 여부를 비판적으로 검토하고 주짓수의 도덕적 근간을 제시하는 데 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 위해 온정주의, 자율성, 위해원칙과 같은 윤리적 개념을 고찰하고 BJJ의 도덕적 평가에 적용하였다. 또한 선제적 온정주의의 개념을 토대로 권투와 종합격투기(MMA)의 본질적인 부도덕성을 주장한 딕슨(Dixon)의 저명한 문헌들을 고찰함으로써 규범적 측면에서 BJJ의 평가에 관한 핵심 쟁점을 도출하였다. 본고는 ‘탭 아웃’ 개념이 스포츠로서 BJJ의 안전성과 도덕성을 지지하는 근간이 될 수 있음을 주장하였다. BJJ를 도덕적으로 평가하기 위해서는 이것이 생산하는 내재적 가치 자체가 도덕적으로 결함이 있는지 그 여부를 검토해야 한다. 이 논문에서 주장하는 BJJ에서의 탭의 역할과 벨트에 따른 수준별 대결 방식이 BJJ의 도덕성을 전적으로 변호해주지는 않지만, 이 종목이 본질적으로 부도덕하다는 주장에는 그 근거의 논리적 결함이 있음을 규명하였다. Brasilian jiu-jitsu has found tremendous popularity in the last 20 years, driving the expansion of MMA and the UFC. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is ethically justifiable through a literature review. Literature on Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), boxing ethics, and ethical concepts such as paternalism, autonomy, and the Harm Principle were examined and applied to the morality of BJJ. Dixon’s prominent literature regarding his concept of preemptive paternalism and his arguments regarding the intrinsic immorality of boxing and MMA were also reviewed for this study. This literature review found the concept of ‘the tap out’ to be a pillar for the intrinsic morality of participation in BJJ. The clear hierarchy of belt levels in BJJ can be considered paternalistic as it provides a clear delineation of skill through a protective framework of acceptable movements participants are ethically obligated to follow. In conclusion, BJJ is an innately moral activity due to “the tap out”, hierarchy of belts, and the continued autonomy which practitioners can expect through long-term training.

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