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      • Gene flow of GM pepper

        Sun-Hee Shin,Min Jung,Jung-Mi Park,Eun-Mi Jeon,Chang-Gi Kim,Chee-Hark Harn 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        CMVP1 (cucumber mosaic virus pathotype 1) has been frequently occurring virus causing damage in pepper farms, and it is hard to control the outbreak due to lack of the genetic source resistant to this specific pathotype. Therefore, we have developed transgenic peppers tolerant of CMVP1 using a CP gene of CMVP0 pathogen. In order to fulfill the requirement of the biosafety assessment criteria, we have studied the horizontal gene flow from GM pepper to non-GM pepper by monitoring the transgene movement. If the pepper farms are located closely each other and the pollen moves from GM pepper to non-GM pepper, it would cause unintended fertilization. Therefore, a buffer zone to separate the cultivation regions is required to avoid the contamination of transgene. Previously, several data regarding the movement distance of pepper pollen were reported by judging the phenotypic change. However, no tool as a trace marker was available. The objective of this study was to assess the frequencies of gene flow from GM peppers to non-GM peppers in neighboring farms using the transgene of CP as a trace marker. The GM and non-GM peppers were cultivated in the isolated farm of Nongwoo Bio Co. (NW GM pepper field) and pepper fruits were collected from the NW GM pepper field as well as the neighboring pepper farms. The pepper seeds collected from the farms were planted and the massive PCR analysis was performed to answer the question how far the pollen of GM pepper migrates. The conclusive data based on the consecutive experiments for 6 years is that the gene flow by pollen movement did not occur in peppers that were separated each other over 30 m.

      • A case of HPV-16 positive squamous cell carcinoma arose in vulva

        ( Chang Il Kwon ),( Young Bin Shin ),( Jeong Won Jo ),( Yun Sun Moon ),( Eui Chang Jung ),( Chi Yeon Kim ),( Tae Jin Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2019 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.71 No.1

        Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common non-melanoma skin cancer. In SCC, ultraviolet radiation is known as typical risk factor and it is mainly found on sun-exposed areas such as face, neck, and arm. SCC that occurs in a female vulva is a rare cancer. It represents 3-5% of gynecological cancers with an incidence of 2 per 100,000 women/year. It can occur at any age, mainly in women of the 6th decade. Clinically, it is represented as an erythematous to whitish colored patch and it may also be nodular or ulcerative appearance. A 76-year-old woman visited our hospital with multiple erythematous erosive patch on labia minora 6 months ago. We performed biopsy and we can confirm the diagnosis as SCC with no other metastasis. In addition, there was HPV-16 positive in HPV genotyping. The prognostic significance of HPV in vulva SCC is not established firmly. Some studies of vulva SCC have shown that HPV-associated SCC have a better prognosis where as others have not. HPV-associated SCC occur typically in younger women and HPV-independent SCC occur more frequently in older women. Herein, we report a case of 76-year-old woman with HPV-associated SCC.

      • Clinicopathological study on metastatic skin cancer

        ( Chang Il Kwon ),( Seo Mi Gon Jeong ),( Young Bin Shin ),( Yun Sun Moon ),( Eui Chang Jung ),( Chi Yeon Kim ),( Tae Jin Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2020 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.72 No.1

        Background: Various primary tumors can cause metastatic skin cancer. Metastatic skin lesion should be distinguished from other skin lesion. Objectives: We studied patients with metastatic skin cancer to find out average age, gender distribution, frequency of primary tumor, time interval between manifestation and primary cancer, and their clinical appearance, location and other metastatic sites. Methods: We reviewed the medical records, clinical photographs and histopathologic records of patients who had been diagnosed with metastatic skin cancer. Results: In the comparison according to clinical records, the mean age at the time of diagnosis was 60.6 years. The ratio of men to women was 1.05:1. The most frequent primary tumors were breast cancer (22.0%), lung cancer (17.0%), head and neck cancer (17%), melanoma (17.0%), gastrointestinal cancer (11%), urologic cancer (11%), and gynecologic cancer (6%). Metastatic skin cancers usually presented as discrete, painless, hard nodules, with sudden onset (88%). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is believed that it is important to recognize the metastatic lesion between various skin lesion such as infections and granulomatous changes of other cause due to drugs and reactive changes.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Research Trends in Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Upland in Korea

        Sun-Il Lee,Chang-Kyu Lee,Gun-Yeob Kim,Hyo-Suk Gwon,Jong-Sik Lee,Eun-Jung Choi,Joung-Du Shin 한국토양비료학회 2019 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Global climate change, especially global warming is considered as threat to our future and posterity. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) are the main causes of global warming. The Korean government has set a goal to cut the carbon emissions by 37% based on business-as-usual levels by 2030. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agricultural sector is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, it is common belief that reducing of such emission is of great significance to global climate change. In Korea, upland is one of the main sources of agricultural N₂O emission. In order to analyze domestic research trends related to N₂O emissions in the upland, 53 academic publications from 2009 to September 2019 were critically reviewed. The results were classified according to the research purposes. Reduction technologies of N₂O emission account for approximately 28.3%. N₂O characteristics and assessment for 24.5%, development of N₂O emission factors for 22.6%, and N₂O inventory assessment for 20.8% etc. Biochar, green manure, no tillage, and inhibitor were studied as a means of reducing N₂O release. The optimum technologies to reduce N₂O emission in Korea were discussed and proposed through the previous researches.

      • KCI등재

        Changes in Spatiotemporal Parameters and Lower Limb Coordination During Prosthetic Gait Training in Unilateral Transfemoral Amputees

        Yunhee Chang,Chang-Yong Ko,Bo Ra Jeong,Jung Sun Kang,Hyuk-Jae Choi,Gyoosuk Kim,Hyunjun Shin,Sehoon Park 한국정밀공학회 2022 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.23 No.3

        When applying prosthetic gait training to patients with lower limb amputation, monitoring the gait change process is crucial for establishing and modifying rehabilitation training plans. In addition, since human gait involves complex movement of several joints, it is necessary to analyze the organic movement of adjacent joints rather than a single joint in the lower extremities for understanding the process of gait change. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze changes in spatiotemporal parameters and lower limb coordination during prosthetic gait training in unilateral transfemoral amputees (TFAs). This retrospective case–control study included 10 unilateral TFAs and 10 healthy individuals as controls. TFAs received prosthetic gait training for 12 weeks and gait changes were analyzed every 2 weeks using a 3D motion analysis system. The measured variables were spatiotemporal parameters and the continuous relative phase between hip and knee joints. The highest improvement in walking speed was seen at week 4 of training, and the continuous relative phase was most symmetric at week 8. The lower limb coordination pattern was more in-phase in the TFAs than in the controls, and the coordination variability was also lower for the TFAs than for the controls. In addition, the rate of change in lower limb coordination of TFAs was lower than that of spatiotemporal parameters and was significantly different from that of the controls even after training. Considering that the decrease in lower limb coordination is related to gait efficiency, balance, and risk of fall, there is a need to develop therapeutic strategies that can further improve the coordination of TFAs.

      • KCI등재후보

        정책홍보 수행과정 모델에 따른 정책홍보 수행 현황과 모델 충실도 연구

        신호창(Shin Ho-Chang),이두원(Lee Du-Won),김정선(Kim Jung-Sun) 한국정치정보학회 2006 정치정보연구 Vol.9 No.2

        국가정책에 대한 홍보는 국민의 의견을 수렴하여 정책을 결정하는 사전 홍보로부터 시작하여, 정책을 집행하기 전 문제관리 및 위기 예방차원의 홍보, 정책 집행을 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 홍보 프로그램 수행, 그리고 효과 평가에 이르기까지 단계적으로 수행되어야 한다. 국가의 정책홍보 프로세스는 크게 정책 구상 단계, 정책 결정 단계, 정책 발표 및 집행 단계, 정책 홍보 효과 평가 단계인 4가지 단계로 분류된다. 이를 기본으로 각 단계별 세부 내용에 따라 국가정책의 홍보 활동을 제시하고 분석할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 정책홍보의 수행과정 모델에 따른 정책홍보 수행 현황과 모델 충실도를 파악해보고자 하였다. 따라서 과연 국가의 정책 수행 과정 속에서 실제 ‘정책홍보’는 어떻게 이루어 지고 있으며, 정책 홍보를 담당하는 부처 담당자들은 정책홍보의 수행 과정 절차를 충실하게 따라 이행하고 있는가에 연구의 초점을 맞추었다. 특히 정책홍보 담당자들이 단계별 정책홍보 수행 내용을 충실하게 이행하고 있는지, 만일 그렇지 않다면 어떤 이유가 주된 것인지, 그 문제를 파악하여 정책 홍보 담당자들에게 효율적인 업무 수행 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 또한 정부의 정책홍보 수행 과정에서 홍보팀과 비홍보팀간의 수행정도의 차이가 있는가를 살펴보고자 하였다. Government policy PR activities range, longitudinally, from the conception step of a policy to the completion of the policy and include, latitudinally, such PR activities as media relations, community relations, issue and crisis management, MPR, advertising campaign, and public affairs. For the last several years Korean government has emphasized the Policy PR practices to acquire people's supports and agreements on her policies. However, regardless of Korean government's effort to promote the policy PR activities, many opinion leaders and the press have pointed out the lack of the government's rapport with people in policy PR communication. The purpose of this study is to examine "the fulfillment of the performative model for the government policy PR practices." In this study “the performative model for the government policy PR practices" indicates "the model for the proper policy PR practices at the four different stages of carrying out a policy, i.e., the stages of policy designing, decision-making, carrying out, and evaluation. Accordingly, four research questions are explored surveying 160 government officials and the results of each question are briefly as follows: Firstly, at the stage of 'a policy designing' how substantially the PR research and proactive PR activities are carried out and is there substantial difference between the policy PR team and other task teams in the fulfillment of those policy PR activities? The study result shows that some substantial PR activities like planning, proactive communication, building media relation, etc. are being carried out. Secondly, at the stage of decision-making on the policy, how substantially the PR activities needed at this stage are carried out and is there substantial difference between the policy PR team and other task teams in the fulfillment of those policy PR activities? The study result indicates that some substantial PR activities like public analysis, issue analysis, PR program planning, building cooperative relationships are being carried out; yet, the limitation of PR budgets, personal resources, sincerity in proactive policy PR still needs to be improved. Thirdly, at the stage of 'carrying out a policy,' how substantially the PR activities needed at this stage are carried out and is there substantial difference between the policy PR team and other task teams in the fulfillment of those policy PR activities? The study result shows that at this stage such PR activities as internal communication, crisis management, PR agency consulting, publicity are often being practiced. Fourthly, at the stage of a 'policy evaluation,' how substantially the policy PR activities are evaluated and is there substantial difference between the policy PR team and other task teams in the fulfillment of the policy PR evaluation? The study result shows that a policy PR evaluation is mostly being focused on publicity on media and the evaluation result is sometimes used as the feedback for the next project. However, there appeared the lack of evaluation on those target audiences' attitude changes. And, at the four stages of carrying out a policy, there appeared respectively some significant differences between the policy PR team and other task teams in the fulfillment of those policy PR activities required at each stage.


        The Peculiar Response of DNA Hydrogel Fibers to a Salt and pH Stimulus

        Lee, Sun Hee,Lee, Chang Kee,Shin, Su Ryon,Kim, Sun I.,So, Insuk,Kim, Seon Jeong WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009 Macromolecular Rapid Communications Vol.30 No.6

        <P>DNA hydrogels which are composed of an entangled network without a crosslinker are synthesized and examined in regards to their sensitivity to salt and pH changes. The DNA hydrogel fibers only exhibited a marked response – that is a fast and large change in length – under biological conditions ([Na<SUP>+</SUP>] = 0.15 M at pH = 7) and are therefore suitable materials for bio-inspired devices.</P><P> <img src='wiley_img/10221336-2009-30-6-MARC200800677-gra001.gif' alt='wiley_img/10221336-2009-30-6-MARC200800677-gra001'> </P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        축소형 틸트로터 무인기의 안전줄 호버 시험

        강영신 ( Young Shin Kang ),박범진 ( Bum Jin Park ),유창선 ( Chang Sun Yoo ),장성호 ( Sung Ho Chang ),최성욱 ( Seong Wook Choi ),구삼옥 ( Sam Ok Koo ) 한국항공운항학회 2007 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Tilt rotor aircraft can take off and land vertically and cruise faster than any other helicopter. A scaled flight demonstration model of a tilt rotor aircraft has been developed by KARI. Because the flight characteristics of tilt rotor are not well known, the developed scaled model would be helpful to evaluate flight control algorithm of a full scale aircraft. The tethered hover test has been performed in order to improve hover flight characteristics of tilt rotor aircraft prior to flight test of the small scaled model. During the tethered hover test, the performance of rotor speed governor, rate SAS (Stability Augmentation System) and control surface mixers have been evaluated. We expect that the results of real flight hover test would be quite same as tethered hover test. Therefore the tethered hover test results will reduce the risk of flight test properly by fixing some of hidden problems which might occur during the flight test. This paper presents the results of tethered hover test in detail and shows how it could be final ground test before flight test. The control mixer gain and rate SAS feedback gains were modified in order to get higher controllability and stability during the tethered hover flight. The rotor governor showed that it could keep rotor RPM constant with very small deviation even during severe pilot collective input change. The tethered hover test results gave pilot and engineers confirmation and experience about the scheduled flight test.

      • A survey of counseling and behavior regarding skin cancer

        ( Young Bin Shin ),( Chang Il Kwon ),( Jeong Won Jo ),( Yun Sun Moon ),( Eui Chang Jung ),( Chi Yeon Kim ),( Tae Jin Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2019 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.71 No.2

        Background: As the incidence of skin cancer increases, more information and education on skin cancer are needed. Although skin cancer is not rare, most patients are little known about general awareness of skin cancer. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the post-education effects on skin cancer in our hospital outpaitents and carers. Methods: We reviewed a written questionnaire and patients’ self-checked records including patients’ basic medical information and knowledge of skin cancer protective modalities. Results: In total 340 cases, 215 (63.2%) patients were female and 125 (36.8%) patients were male. 6 people in their teens, 56 people in their 20s and 30s, 156 people in their 40s and 50s, 122 people in their 60s or older. Before education, 142 people said sunlight can cause a skin cancer and 178 did not. After education, 246 people said Yes and 94 people did not. When asked how you wanted to get more information on skin cancer, 104 (30.6%) people said that they were printed handout, 142 (41.8%) were visit to dermatologists, 52 (15.3%) were photos of skin symptoms, and 42 (12.3%) were phone calls. Conclusion: This result showed that people are little known about risk factor of skin cancer such as sunlight and artificial tanning. However, we found that through education, people's perceptions could change. The education on behavior for skin cancer prevention should be continued so that the awareness of the risk of skin cancer can be changed.

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