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        수동태에 관한 분석

        원성옥,유병수 慶南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1995 人文論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        Abstract The purpose of the present paper is to show that the active passive relation can't be accounted for by a passive transformation, and that active and passive sentence are derived from different underlying structures. The argument against a passive transformation presented above has been motivated by two independent hypothesis : (1) Emonds'idea that PASSIVE is a structure-preserving rule ; and (2) Jackendoff's suggestion that semantic function do not change under transformation. This entails that the specification of semantic functions must be independent of tree configurations, which do change under transformation. This means that semantic functions should be interpretable from surface structures.I have suggested that the get passive and be passive have very different underlying structures, and that their semantic differences are reflected in part by the correct assignment of structure to passive type : this is reflected in the fact that the superficial subject is the logical subject of get, but not of be.Hence what we have achieved is a partial understanding of the passive, which most of mysteries yet to be unravelled.

      • KCI등재

        강한 섬과 약한 섬

        원성옥,안병철 慶南大學校 人文科學硏究所 1997 人文論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        ABSTRACTThe basic purpose of the linguistic study is to logically explain the knowledge unconsciously acquired by man. In this process, we've tried to pursue the explanatory validity. Futhermore there has been much change in studying generative transformational grammar of English. At the aspect of the first Standard Theory, in generating the ungrammatical sentences by transformational rules, we need some constraints on universal grammar. Thus Ross suggested that we should need the Island Constraint on movement of constituent from the Island. By doing so. we've progressed the proper description of universal language. Thus I regard a certain structure as Island. I wanna classify the weak and strong island by being extracted or not extracted from Island. When wh-constituent can be extracted, it is called the weak island. Otherwise, it is called the strong island. There are many Islands such as Subject Island, Adjunct Island, Relative Clause Island, Wh-Island, Extraposition Island, That Clause Island, NP Island, Apposition Clause Island. When wh-constituent as an object can't be extracted from Subject Island, Adjunct Island, and Relative clause Island, they are classified a strong island. As for the adjunct wh-word, most of all islands except That Clause Island, and Apposition Clause Island are a strong island. However, the extraction of subject from the island has very various explanation according to linguists. So it will be mentioned later.

      • 벼 엽록체 small HSP의 과발현에 의한 형질전환 식물체의 내열성 증가

        원성혜,조진기,이병현 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2003 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2003 No.-

        To investigate the function of chloroplast small heat shock protein (HSP), transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L, cv. SR-1) that constitutively overexpress the rice chloroplast small HSP (Oshsp26) were generated. Effects of constitutive expression of the Oshsp26 on thermotolerance were investigated with the chlorophyll fluorescence. After 5-min incubation of leaf discs at high temperatures, an increase in the Fo level, indication of separation of LHCII from PSII, was mitigated by constitutive expression of the chloroplast small HSP. When tobacco plantlets grown in Petri dishes were incubated at 52℃ for 45 min and subsequently incubated at 25℃, leaf color of wild-type plant became gradually white and all plantlets were finally died. Under the conditions in which all the wild-type plants died, more than 80% of the transformants remained green and survived. It was also found that the levels of Oshsp26 protein accumulated in transgenic plants were correlated with the degree of thermotolerance. These results suggest that the chloroplast small HSP plays an important role in protecting photosynthetic machinery, as a results, increases thermotolerance of whole plant during heat stress.

      • 해성점토의 물리적 및 화학적 특성에 미치는 염분의 영향

        元燦喜,李秉錫 全北大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the salt on the physical and chemical properties of marine clay based on the experiments such as specific gravity, grain-size analysis, consistency limit and PH test. The main results of this study are summarized as fellows. 1) The specific gravity of soil containing salt was greater than saltless soil and the specific gravity of soil containing salt was found to be decreased with desalting soil. 2) Due to floculation by the effect of salt, the grain size of marine, soil was found bigger than original grain size and passing percent also was more then 100% 3) The values of liquid were decreased by 7 ∼ 16%, plastic limit 0 ∼ 10%, with the increase of salt content. 4) The PH value was increased by 9.7 as 1% Na_2CO_3 was added. But when Na_2CO_3 was added more than 1%, the increase of PH value was little, with the increase of Na_2CO_3 content. And quantity of NaCl did not appear to influence PH value of sample soil and soil containing Na_2CO_3.

      • 緊急避難에 있어서 利益較量

        元瀅植,崔秉文 尙志大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        1. Es gibt zwei Notstandsarten, also den rechtfertigenden und entschuldigenden Notstand(Differenzierungstheorie). Der rechtfertigende Notstand nach §22 StGB begrundet sich auf dem Prinzip des uberwiegenden Interesses, das eins von den allgemeinen Prinzipien der Rechtfertigungsgrunden ist. Wer zur Abwendung einer gegewartigen Gefahr fur sein Leben einen anderen totet, handelt nicht in rechtfertigendem Notstand nach §22 StGB, weil das geschutzte und beeintrachtigte Interesse gleichwertig sind. Aber wenn ihm normgemaβes Verhalten nicht zumutbar ist, wird die Tat entschuldigt werden. Den ubergesetzlichen Entschuldigungsgrund, der sich auf den Grundgedanken der Unzumutbarkeit normgemaβen Verhaltens begrundet, nennt man entschuldigenden Notstand. 2. Es gibt einige Falle des rechtfertigenden Notstands, also agressiven und defensiven Notstand und Pflichtenkollision. Bei dem agressiven Notstand greift der Notstandstater zur Abwendung von Gefahr in das Rechtsgut eines unbeteiligten Dritten, wahrend beim defensiven Notstand wehrt er sich gegen eine von Opfer ausgehende Gefahr. Und eine Pflichtenkollision liegt vor, wenn zwei verschiedene Handlungspflichten bestehen, von denen der eine nur auf Kosten der anderen erfullbar ist. 3. Beim agressiven Notstand muβ das geschutzte Interesse das beeintrachtigte Interesse wesentlich uberwiegen. Aber beim defensiven Notstand genugt es zur Rechtfertigung der Abwehrhandlung, wenn das geschutzte Interesse zum beeintrachtigten Interesse nicht auβer Verhaltnis steht. 4. Bei der Behandlung der Pflichtenkollision ist zwischen Kollision gleichwertiger Handlungsflichten und die verschiedenwertiger Handlungspflichten zu unterscheiden. Der Tater handelt nicht rechtswidrig, wenn er bei verschiedenwertigen Pflichten die hoherrangige erfullt. Bei gleichwertigen Handlungsflichten ist seine Unterlassung rechtmaβig, wenn er eine von beiden erfullt. 5. Bei der Anwendung von §22 StGB wird nicht nur eine Guterabwagung, sondern eine umfassende Interessenabwagung verlangt. Folgende Umstande mussen dabei berucksichtigt werden: Wert der Rechtsguter, Intensitat der Rechtsgutsverletzung, Grad der drohenden Gefahr, Autonomieprinzip, Gefahrtragungspflicht usw. 6. Die h. L. beschrankt den rechtfertigenden Notstand durch Angemessenheitsprinzip. Danach ist die zwangsweise Blutentnahme zur Rettung eines Menschenlebens unangemessen, weil sie autonome Entscheidungsfreiheit verletzt. Aber dieses Prinzip wird insoweit uberflussig werden, als bei der umfassenden Interessenabwagung der Entscheidungsfreiheit Rechnung getragt wird.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Combining Timber Production and Wood Processing for Increasing Forestry Income: A Case Study of 6th Industrialization in Korean Forestry

        Won, Hyun Kyu,Jeon, Hyon Sun,Han, Hee,Lee, Seung Jung,Jung, Byung Heon Institute of Forest Science 2017 Journal of Forest Science Vol.33 No.4

        This study was aimed to analyze the increased forestry incomes by combining timber production and wood processing, which is one of 6th industrialization types in Korean forestry. The selected household has been engaged in forestry for two generations and they produce timber and associated wood products in their own facility. The wood products include dimension lumber, interior wood material, cutting board, and cube chips, the household also utilize logging and sawmill residues as well as seed and seedlings as by-products. Incomes and expenses that have been incurred on individual processes of the sequential timber production and wood processing were surveyed, and we analyzed the economic outcomes of entire business. The results of this study indicate that the gross income of the household is 122.3 million Korean won and the net income is 93.6 million Korean won. The net income of the household is approximately 2.8 times higher than the average net income of whole households in the forestry of Korea in 2016, which is approximately 4.3 times higher than that of households that have been particularly engaged in timber production over the country. We found that the 6th industrialization by combining the two sequential processes creates approximately 3.2 times as much added value compared to the case relying on timber production only.

      • KCI등재

        사지의 주요 동맥손상의 처치: 23증례에 대한 분석

        원형섭,김상은,배성만,박철완,이 근,조상훈,김상일,우병완 大韓應急醫學會 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Extremity vascular trauma is common in most emergency centers, and controversy remains about the optimal management of arterial injuries. Retrospectively we reviewed the records of 23 patients who had upper or lower extremity arterial trauma from July 1994 to December 1995. The purpose of this study was to evaluate our department`s management policy to major arterial injuries. The leading cause of major arterial injuries was penetrating trauma. We found that there were clinical findings such as absence of or decreased strength of pulsation(82.6%), cool ischemic extremity(69.6%), large expanding hematoma(43.5%), major bleeding(17.4%) and bruit or thill(8.7%). We gave the priority to management of life-threatening injuries and applied the pressure dressing to wounds as early as possible. There were 18 men(78.3%) and 5 women(21.7%); the mean age was 35(range 20-56 years old) years. There were 12 arterial injuries(52.2%) in the upper extremity and 11 arterial injuries(47.8%) in the lower exteremity. The most commonly injured artery was the brachial artery in the upper(34.8%) and the femoral artery in the lower(30.4%) extremity. The etiology included knife stabbing in 10 patients(43.5%), motor vehicle accidents in 6(26.1%), industrial accidents in 4(17.4%), falls in 2(8.7%) and a farm equipment accident in 1 patient(4.3%). The associated injuries were muscle injuries(78.3%), fracture(56.5%), nerve injuries(52.2%), vein injuries(43.5%), shock(17.4%) and dislocation(13.0%). All patients with arterial injuries were given a preoperative prophylactic antibiotic and TIG(tetanus immunoglobulin). We used Doppler technique as a means of detecting the blood flow. Fourteen patients(60.9%) underwent preoperative arteriography in the radiology department. We performed surgical exploration as soon as major arterial injuries were suspected. The most common methods of treating major arterial injuries were interposition vein graft(69.6%) and end to end anastomosis(21.7%). Systemic or locally infused heparin was used for all vascular repairs. In many of our patients(56.5%), fasciotomy was performed before the vascular repair, as a part of the exploration of the distal arteries. There were 2 amputations(8.7%) but no death. The reason for secondary amputation were wound infection in one and failure to achieve sufficient arterial flow to the involved extremity with resulting gangrene in the other. As the time factor is vitally important in the management of arterial injuries, we advocate prompt and early surgical treatment within 6 hours of the trauma. In conclusion, we believe that the crucial factorsin successful management of major arterial injuries of the extremities are early diagnosis, prompt treatment, complete debridement, fasciotomy when indicated, and simultaneous treatment of concomitant injuries.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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