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      • Anatomical Properties of Compression, Lateral, and Opposite Wood in a Stem of Ginkgo biloba L.

        Byantara Darsan Purusatama,Nam-hun Kim 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        This study was performed to understand and compare the anatomical characteristics of compression, lateral, and opposite wood in a stem of Ginkgo biloba L. The qualitative and quantitative aspects were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy, while crystalline characteristics were evaluated with an X-ray diffraction method. The compression and opposite wood showed abrupt transition from earlywood to latewood, while the lateral wood showed gradual transition. The compression wood of Ginkgo biloba showed circular shape tracheids, intercellular spaces, varied size of lumen and few spiral checks in cross section. In radial section, the compression wood showed slit-like bordered pits on the cell wall and piceoid pit in the crossfield, also few spiral checks appeared . Uniseriate rays frequently appeared with few biseriate rays in the tangential section. The lateral wood showed rectangular shape tracheids, varied size of lumen and few intercellular spaces were found in cross section, compared to the compression wood. In radial section, the lateral wood cuppresoid pit in the crossfield. Uniseriate rays frequently appeared with few biseriate rays in the tangential section. The opposite wood showed similar characteristics with lateral wood in cross, tangential, and radial section. The compression wood had shorter tracheid lengths than the opposite and lateral wood. Tracheid lengths were consistently increased with increasing annual rings in the compression, opposite, and lateral wood. The number and heights of rays significantly different among compression, lateral, and opposite wood. Compression wood had lower relative crystallinity than both lateral wood and opposite wood.

      • Anatomical Characteristics of Reaction Wood in Tropical Softwood Species Grown in Indonesia

        Byantara Darsan Purusatama,Jong Ho Kim,Fauzi Febrianto,Seung Hwan Lee,Nam Hun Kim 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2022 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.10

        Pinus merkusii and Agathis loranthifolia woods are common raw materials for lumber, wood panels, musical instruments, pulp, and paper. However, compression wood commonly occurs in the stem wood of fast-growing species, such as Pinus, Agathis, and Podocarpus and also caused trouble in the industry when mixed with the normal wood. Therefore, it is essential to identify the occurrences of reaction in commercial wood to increase efficiency in utilizing Pinus merkusii and Agathis loranthifolia woods. The present study observed and compared the anatomical characteristics of compression (CW), lateral (LW), and opposite (OW) woods in the stem wood of Pinus merkusii and Agathis loranthifolia. The qualitative and quantitative anatomical characteristics were observed by optical and scanning electron microscopy, and the crystalline characteristics were analyzed with an x-ray diffractometry. In qualitative anatomical characteristics, CW of both species showed a gradual transition from earlywood to latewood in both species, circular tracheid shape, many intercellular spaces, irregular tracheid tips, helical cavities, and slit-like bordered pits. CW of Pinus merkusii showed an indistinct growth ring, while CW of Agathis loranthifolia showed a distinct growth ring. Helical ribs occurred only in CW of Pinus merkusii. LW and OW of both species showed similar qualitative anatomical characteristics. The quantitative anatomical characteristics of CW, LW, and OW in both species will be shown in the oral presentation.

      • The Characteristics of Cross-Field Pitting in Compression, Lateral, and Opposite Wood of Pinus merkusii and Agathis Loranthifolia

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Fauzi Febrianto ),( Seung Hwan Lee ),( Nam Hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2021 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2021 No.2

        This study was aimed to investigate and compare the cross-field pitting characteristics in compression (CW), lateral (LW), and opposite wood (OW). Pit type in the cross-field, pit number per cross-field, and cross-field pit diameter in the earlywood of both species were observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. CW from both species showed piceoid pit. LW and OW of Pinus merkusii showed pinoid and window-like pit, while LW and OW of Agathis loranthifolia showed taxodioid and cupressoid pit. In Pinus merkusii, pit number per cross-field of CW was the smallest among parts with a range of 1-2 pits, while LW and OW had similar values with a range of 1-3 pits. Pit number per cross-field in CW, LW, and OW of Pinus merkusii slightly increased from near the pith to near the bark. CW of Agathis loranthifolia showed the smallest pit number among parts with a range of 2-6 pits, while LW was the highest, including a range of 3-6 pits. Moreover, OW was the intermediate by a range of 2-7 pits. Pit numbers per cross-field of CW and LW decreased from near the pith to near the bark, while the pit number per cross-field of OW increased from near the pith to near the bark. In both species, CW had the smallest pit diameter. In Pinus merkusii, LW had similar cross-field pit diameter with OW, while LW of Agathis loranthifolia had larger cross-field pit diameter than OW. In conclusion CW had distinctive cross-field pitting characteristics than LW and OW, while LW and OW mostly showed a similar characteristics.

      • Physical and Mechanical Properties of Compression, Lateral, and Opposite Woods in Sumatran pine and Agathis

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Fauzi Febrianto ),( Seung Hwan Lee ),( Nam Hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2021 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2021 No.1

        This study aimed to investigate and compare the physical and mechanical properties of compression (CW), lateral (LW), and opposite (OW) woods in Sumatran pine and Agathis. The physical and mechanical properties were performed according to the Korean standard. The samples for each test were prepared from near the pith and the bark of each part. For the physical properties, CW showed the highest green density, oven-dry density, and longitudinal shrinkage and the smallest green moisture content, radial, tangential, and volumetric shrinkages in both species. LW and OW showed a similarity in green moisture content, radial, tangential shrinkages, and volumetric shrinkage. LW had a higher longitudinal shrinkage than OW. For the mechanical properties, CW of both species showed the highest compressive strength, shear strength, while LW had similar shear strength to OW. The compressive strength of OW was slightly higher than that of LW. In conclusion, CW of both species had distinctively different physical and mechanical properties compared with LW and OW, while LW and OW were similar.

      • Cross-Field Pitting of Compression, Lateral and Opposite Woods in the Stem Wood of Pinus densiflora and Ginkgo biloba

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Nam Hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2021 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2021 No.1

        The characteristics of cross-field pitting among compression wood (CW), lateral wood (LW), and opposite wood (OW), in the stem woods of Ginkgo biloba and Pinus densiflora were investigated with optical and scanning electron microscopy. In Ginkgo biloba, CW exhibited piceoid pits, while lateral and opposite wood exhibited cupressoid pits. The CW of Pinus densiflora exhibited cupressoid pits and piceoid pits, while lateral wood and opposite wood exhibited pinoid and window-like pits in the cross-field. In both species, CW yielded the smallest pit number among each part, while opposite wood yielded the greatest pit number per cross-field. Cross-field pitting diameters of CW and OW were significantly smaller than lateral wood in Ginkgo biloba, while the cross-field pitting of CW was the smallest in Pinus densiflora. In conclusion, the cross-field pitting type, pit number, and cross-field pitting diameter could be used to identify reaction wood in the stem wood of Ginkgo biloba and Pinus densiflora.

      • [< 전시-P-06 >] Anatomical Characteristics of Compression Wood , Lateral Wood, and Opposite Wood in a Stem of Ginkgo biloba L.

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Nam-hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2017 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.2

        This study was performed to understand and compare the anatomical characteristics of compression, lateral, and opposite wood in a stem of Ginkgo biloba L. The qualitative and quantitative aspects were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy, while crystalline characteristics were evaluated with an X-ray diffraction method. The compression and opposite wood showed abrupt transition from earlywood to latewood, while the lateral wood showed gradual transition. The compression wood of Ginkgo biloba showed circular shape tracheids, intercellular spaces, varied size of lumen and few spiral checks in cross section. In radial section, the compression wood showed slit-like bordered pits on the cell wall and piceoid pit in the crossfield, also few spiral checks appeared . Uniseriate rays frequently appeared with few biseriate rays in the tangential section. The lateral wood showed rectangular shape tracheids, varied size of lumen and few intercellular spaces were found in cross section, compared to the compression wood. In radial section, the lateral wood cuppresoid pit in the crossfield. Uniseriate rays frequently appeared with few biseriate rays in the tangential section. The opposite wood showed similar characteristics with lateral wood in cross, tangential, and radial section. The compression wood had shorter tracheid lengths than the opposite and lateral wood. Tracheid lengths were consistently increased with increasing annual rings in the compression, opposite, and lateral wood. The number and heights of rays significantly different among compression, lateral, and opposite wood. Compression wood had lower relative crystallinity than both lateral wood and opposite wood.

      • Microfibril Angle, Crystalline Characteristics, and Chemical compounds of Reaction wood in Stem wood of P inus densiflora

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Jung Kee Choi ),( Seung Hwan Lee ),( Nam Hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2019 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        This study aimed to observe and to compare the microfibril angle (MFA), crystalline characteristics, and chemical compounds in compression wood (CW), lateral wood (LW), and opposite wood (OW) in the stem wood of Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora). The MFAs of CW, LW, and OW were determined by using iodine staining methods and optical microscopy, while the crystalline characteristics and chemical composition were measured by an X-ray diffraction method and FT-IR spectroscopy, respectively. The CW had the greatest MFA, whereas the OW showed the smallest MFA. The relative crystallinity of CW was the lowest, whereas the OW showed a slightly greater value than that of LW and CW. The crystal widths of CW were slightly smaller than those of LW and OW. The CW and LW showed similar FT-IR spectra in juvenile and mature wood, whereas some peaks from lignin disappeared in the juvenile and mature wood of OW. The MFA of Pinus densiflora was decreased with increasing growth ring number. The relative crystallinity from each part was increased with increasing growth rings, whereas the crystal width showed no radial variation. The FT-IR spectra from CW, LW, and OW in mature wood showed a smaller number of peaks compared to the juvenile wood. In conclusion, the CW, LW, and OW showed a distinct difference in the MFA, crystalline characteristics, and chemical compounds, wherein the MFA and relative crystallinity of CW, LW, and OW showed a radial variation.

      • Hardness of Reaction Wood from Sumatran Pine and Agathis Woods

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Fauzi Febrianto ),( Seung Hwan Lee ),( Nam Hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2020 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2020 No.1

        This study aimed to evaluate and compare the hardness and fracture morphology of compression wood (CW), lateral wood (LW), and opposite wood (OW) in Sumatran pine (Pinus merkusii ) and Agathis (Agathis loranthifolia). The hardness of the cross, radial, and tangential sections was examined by Brinell’s method according to the Korean standard, and the fracture surface was observed by scanning electron microscopy. In all sections, CW from both species showed the highest hardness, and there was no significant difference between LW and OW. On the cross-section, intercellular failure along rays occurred only in CW and LW. CW and LW showed shortening of the tracheid with a smooth cell wall surface, while OW showed a fractured cell wall with a brittle surface. On the radial and tangential sections, the tracheids from CW, LW, and OW buckled to the tangential direction. The fracture area of LW and OW was more severe and deeper than that of CW. CW showed buckling tracheids with helical cavities on the longitudinal wall, whereas the tracheids of LW and OW were buckled with horizontal stress lines. In conclusion, the CW from both species had the highest hardness value for all sample surfaces. Furthermore, CW showed distinct fracture morphology compared to LW and OW, whereas LW and OW showed mostly similar characteristics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Qualitative Anatomical Characteristics of Compression Wood, Lateral Wood, and Opposite Wood in a Stem of Ginkgo biloba L.

        ( Byantara Darsan Purusatama ),( Yun-ki Kim ),( Woo Seok Jeon ),( Ju-ah Lee ),( Ah-ran Kim ),( Nam-hun Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2018 목재공학 Vol.46 No.2

        This study was conducted to understand and to compare the qualitative aspects of anatomical characteristics in compression wood (CW), lateral wood (LW), and opposite wood (OW) in a stem of Ginkgo biloba. The qualitative analysis was examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. CW in Ginkgo biloba disks were dark brown in color, and the OW and LW were light brown in color. CW and OW showed abrupt transitions from earlywood to latewood, while LW showed a gradual transition. Cross sections of CW presented circular tracheids with angular outlines, many intercellular spaces, and varying sizes of lumens. Cross sections of LW and OW showed rectangular tracheids, fewer intercellular spaces, and varying sizes of lumens. In radial sections, CW showed an irregular arrangement of tracheids in earlywood, while LW and OW showed comparatively regular arrangements. Slit-like bordered pits on the tracheid cell wall, piceoid pits in the crossfield, and a few spiral checks were present in CW. LW and OW showed bordered pits with slightly oval-shaped apertures, as well as cuppresoid pits in the crossfields. Rays were primarily uniseriate, with few biseriate rays in the tangential sections of CW, LW, and OW. The tips of the tracheids were branched in CW but had a normal appearance in LW and OW.

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