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      • The status of waste management and waste to energy for district heating in South Korea

        (Thanos) Bourtsalas, A.C.,Seo, Yoonjung,Tanvir Alam, Md,Seo, Yong-Chil Elsevier 2019 Waste management Vol.85 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This paper focuses on waste management and waste to energy (WTE) for district heating in S. Korea. The chemical formula for the materials disposed of in volume base waste fee (VBWF) bags that are processed in WTE plants was calculated as: C<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>9.9</SUB>O<SUB>2.3</SUB>, with a heat of formation of 27.6 MJ/kg. The average heating value for the 35 WTE plants was 9.7 MJ/kg, and the average amount of energy recovered was calculated at 1.5 MWh/ton waste processed. 22 of the 35 WTE plants comply with the limits of the R1 formula for energy recovery plants (R1 > 0.61), as introduced by the EU. It was estimated that 8% of the district heating demand is provided by WTE in S. Korea. WTE plants can contribute to about 0.6% to the total electricity demand of S. Korea and aid the efforts of the nation to phase out the dependence on fossil fuels. The average dioxin emissions of all WTE plants were 0.005 ng TEQ/Nm<SUP>3</SUP> (limit:0.1 ng TEQ/Nm<SUP>3</SUP>), and most of the other pollutants examined indicated a ten-fold to hundred-fold lower emissions than the national and the EU standards. S. Korea indicated an improved performance in sustainable waste management, with combined recycling/ composting and WTE rates of about 80%, as compared to the average of the EU-28 with 65%, and the US with 36.5%, even if the EU and the US had higher GDP/capita (PPP) than S. Korea.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> WTE emissions were a tenfold to a hundredfold below the limits for most pollutants examined. </LI> <LI> The average dioxin emission of all WTE plants was 0.005 ng TEQ/Nm<SUP>3.</SUP> </LI> <LI> The average amount of energy recovered was 1.5 MWh/ton waste processed. </LI> <LI> 8% of the total district heating production in Korea is provided by WTE. </LI> <LI> WTE plants can contribute to about 0.6% to the total electricity demand. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Waste management in Greece and in China and potential for waste-to-energy

        ( K. Songtao ),( W Kun ),( E. Kalogirou ),( A. C. Bourtsalas ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2011 ISWA Vol.2011 No.0

        The Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council - “SYNERGIA” (www.wtert.gr, www.synergia.com.gr) is a non-profitable, scientific organisation. Its mission is to promote the sustainable waste management techniques and especially Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technologies. In this paper the current generation and disposition of MSW in Greece is compiled and analysed; and proposal for inclusion of waste-to-energy is examined, and the successful case of China is presented. A study conducted by Bourtsalas presented detailed information on the generation and current disposition of municipal solid wastes in the thirteen Regions of Greece. It was estimated that about 6 million tons of MSW were generated in 2010, of which 23% was recycled, 2% composted, 50% was disposed in sanitary landfills that recover some biogas; the remainder (1.5 million tons) is dumped in 316 non-regulated and illegal landfills.The European Union Legislation for Sanitary Landfills (1999/31/EC), imposes the decrease of biodegradable waste that are deposit to sanitary landfills; thus WTE methods of MSW is one of the best, in terms of affordability in a competitive world and environmental friendly, proposed solutions. A specific proposal for the implementation of a waste-to-energy facility in the most populous Region of Greece is presented. The calorific values of the MSW generated in China ranges from 3,5 MJ/ kg to 5 MJ/ kg, relatively low comparing with other nations. Contradictory to that, China is ranked 4th, after the EU,Japan, and the US, in the world concerning the facilities of waste-to-energy, operating 100 such plants. However, the incineration of municipal waste involves the generation of climate-relevant emissions. In this paper, data from the emissions of Chinas’ WTE plants are presented as well.

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