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      • KCI등재

        أثر القرآن الكريم في الشعر الاندلسي

        عدنان كر;يم ر;جب(아드난 카림 라잡) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2008 중동문제연구 Vol.7 No.-

        안달루스 또한 이슬람문화의 영향 하에서 시를 비롯한 문학이 발달하였다. 이 논문에서는 안달루스의 시에 미친 코란의 지대한 영향과 중요성을 살펴보고자 한다. 이 논문은 다섯 개의 소주제로 나뉜다. 첫째, 시인의 문화적인 측면에 미친 코란의 영향, 둘째, 시에 사용된 코란 인용의 흔적, 셋째, 시에 사용된 코란의 어휘, 넷째, 안달루스 시에서 발견되는 코란의 율격, 다섯째, 코란 속의 이야기가 안달루스 시에 미친 영향이 그것이다.

      • KCI등재

        الاشتقاق في الصرف العرب

        غ,ا,ز,ي,خ,ض,ر,ع,ل,ي,ا,ل,ز,ن,ا,ه,ر,ة,(Alzanahreh, Ghazi) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.2

        استقر في الدراسات اللغوية في العربية أن أنواع الاشتقاق أربعة؛ الاشتقاق العام والكبير والأكبر والاشتقاق الكُبّار أو النحت، وأن اثنين من هذه الأنواع؛ الكبير والأكبر، غير منتجين، أي أنه ، بتعبير السيوطي، لا يمكن أن يستنبط بهما اشتقاق في لغة العرب، وليسا معتمدين في اللغة. وأن النوعين الآخرين؛ الاشتقاق العام والاشتقاق الكُبَّار أو النحت هما المعتمدان في توليد الألفاظ العربية. لقد حفلت كتب اللغويين والنحويين العرب القدامى منهم والمحدثين بمناقشة قضية أصل الاشتقاق، وقد اعتمد كل من الفريقين على المنهج الكلامي المتأثر بالمنطق العقلي في إثبات صحة رأيه وبطلان رأي الطرف الآخر. وقد ثبت أن البحث في أصل الاشتقاق غير مجد على العربية ولا على البحث اللغوي في العربية. تؤكد الدرا This research sheds light on the phenomenon of derivation in Arabic morphology and discusses the opinions put forward by grammarians and linguists concerning its origin. The phenomenon has long been a subject of dispute. The research discusses the existing view on the origin and branch and proves that such view is incorrect. According to this research, the linguistic reality supports the claim that neither the verbal noun nor the verb is the origin of the derivatives. The research also displays various types of derivation in Arabic and explains the value each type has in enriching Arabic by providing the vocabulary and linguistic elements required to keep up with the times and adapt accordingly. The research concludes that derivatives originate from linguistic elements and the three consonants. The consonants themselves are meaningless but combining a tense gives them a specific meaning.

      • KCI등재

        جماليات الوقف في خطاب النقد العربي

        ع,ب,د,ا,ل,ك,ر,ي,م,أ,س,ع,د,ق,ح,ط,ا,ن,(Qahtan, Abdulkareem Asaad) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.2

        وجدنا أنه في مستوى خطاب النقد العربي كانت المعالجات النقدية - في طابعها العام - إمّا قاصرة في ذاتها ،أي أنّها لم تبن على أسس سليمة علمية أو فنيّة وإمّا جزئية، أي محصورة في معالجة وقائع التعارض بمستوى نمط شعري معين أو بمستوى شاعر معين أو بما هو أقلّ من ذلك. مع أنّ بعضها لا يفسّر الواقعة الملاحظة بقدر ما يملي عليها تصوّره النقدي، وهنالك فرق شاسع بين أن نعرض الواقع وأن نعرض طموحنا في ما ينبغي أن يكون عليه الواقع. أمّا في مستوى الخطاب الشعري- وكما وجدنا في الجزء الأول من الدراسة- فإنّ التعارض في الوقف مثل سمة جوهرية من سمات الخطاب الشعري العربي، وهي سمة تطورت مع تطوره على المسار الزمني والفني. This research paper consists of an introduction, a preface, an outline of the modern and old Arabic discourse criticism as well as modern foreign criticism and a conclusion. The introduction presented the aim of the research and the significance of the topic and its importance in the modern critical studies compared with previous studies in the discipline. The preface reviewed the research methodology used in the analysis and inference. In the analysis, the research paper showed that the old Arabic criticism concerned with the external inclusion of poetic line and it was not considered or proved as an aesthetic. The modern Arabic criticism came influenced by modern international criticism. However, this contraction didn’t include contraction that is achieved by verbosity level i.e. the internal structure of poetic line, then it was lost in the justifications that make contradiction deserves that. The aim of the research paper is to present the shortcomings of previous studies.

      • KCI등재

        في كتاب الأمثال الشعبيّة الأردنيّة التبد

        أ,ف,ن,ا,ن,ع,ب,د,ا,ل,ف,ت,ا,ح,ا,ل,ن,ج,ا,ر 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2018 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.22 No.4

        This paper dealt with the active participles and qualificative adjective in Hani Al-Amad’s book “Colloquial Jordanian proverbs.” According to a statistic made for this paper, the two mentioned kinds of derivatives are the most available ones in the Jordanian proverbs. The most repeated morphological changes in Active Participles & Qualificative Adjective were changes of short vowels, letters, apocope, elision, adding or deleting “Hamza” and using derivative instead of another.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of the Resistance Components in War Novels: Based on Novels from the Wars of Iran, Vietnam, Ireland, Palestine, and World War II

        Somayeh Aghajani Kalkhoran(ن,ا,ر,و,خ,ل,ک,ی,ن,ا,ج,ا,ق,آ,ه,ی,م,س,) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2019 중동문제연구 Vol.18 No.3

        The present study was conducted to answer this question: How the representation of resistance literature in Iranian and non-Iranian novels is and whether there are similarities or differences in these representations in the novels. There are so many books that have been published in this area. In this article, eight novels from several wars have been selected: (1) Hidden Crescent by Ali Asghar Shirzadi about Iran-Iraq War; (2) Resurrection Machine Chess by Habib Ahmadzadeh about Iran-Iraq War; (3) Umm Saʻd by Ghassan Kanafani about the Palestinian struggles; (4) London, July 13 by Käthe Recheis on the Republican Irish Army’s struggles; (5) Bao Nine’s Sorrow of War about the Vietnam war; three World War II novels, (6) Far from Homeland by Imaran Kasumcf, (7) Rose Francis by Jean Lafitte, and (8) Angel Became Silence by Heinrich Theodor Böll. In this study, at first the resistance components were first extracted and reviewed in eight novels, and then the components that were common to most of these novels were reviewed and adapted as resistance components. The results show that the representation of resistance has the highest frequency in the novels of Umm Saʻd, Rose Francis, Far from Homeland and then in Iranian and Palestinian novels. Additionally, the presence of women is also very high in the afore-mentioned three novels and Sorrow of War. This presence is also very visible in the stories of Rose Francis and Umm Saʻd.

      • KCI등재

        ةيبرعلا ةغلل تيوصلا ءانبلا في ماغدلإاو في&#

        Abd al-Karim Asad Qahtan(ن,ا,ط,ح,ق,د,ع,س,أ, ي,م,ر,ك,ل,ا, د,ب,ع,.د,.أ) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.4

        Assimilation and Reduplication in the Structure of Arabic Language This paper contains an introduction, which defines both assimilation and reduplication, moreover, it highlights the different opinions of the ancient and contemporary scholars who tackled this phenomenon and their limitations, and then, it highlights the aim of this paper. The aim is to prove that both assimilation and reduplication are two conditions that actually do exist in the structure of Arabic language. When they agree in some of their Syntagmatic conditions, each would have a different nature, function and standard of perception. This paper also contains a preface that explains the relationship between assimilation and reduplication to structure of the Arabic phoneme differentiated mainly by the volume of stress, in addition to highlighting the authenticity of stress and its volume in Arabic language. In the body of this paper, the researcher presents both assimilation and reduplication according to his understanding accompanied by the opinions of both ancient and modern linguists and their limitations. Then, it tackles the function of both assimilation and reduplication in the structure of speech within the requirements of the semantic and linguistic context. This paper arrived at the conclusion that the phonetic and phonological cases tackled by ancient Arab linguists under the category of assimilation, are not actually assimilation, but reduplication to the same sound through its point of articulation with two different methods, in two consecutive points in speech chain, with two different functions, within two different but consecutive syllables and in two different values. It became clear that reduplication is a result of either assimilation, a separate reduplication or according to the origin of its derivational position. In all of these cases, it stipulates that its first syllable must be stressed. Moreover, it has become clear that assimilation leads to reduplication but it is not reduplication itself. When they both stipulate stress, they differ in its concept, function and the standard of perception. Assimilation, as it refers to the linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to anther adjacent sound, occurs at the process of replacing a certain sound with a similar one adjacent to it in the place of articulation. This takes place before articulation itself as a process, but during articulation, reduplication takes place, which means the repetition of a certain sound in its place of articulation in two different methods and in two consecutive positions in the phonological chain. If we related the sound to its function within the unity of the syllable movement, we would say that: assimilation is the process of overlapping the sound of the most stressed syllable with another sound of a similar place of articulation whether the assimilated sound is present in the first margin of the next syllable in speech or outside speech itself as in dissimilation (Iqlab), while reduplication is the repetition of the sound of the most stressed syllable at the beginning of the margin of the next syllable in speech. Consequently, assimilation can only be recognized mentally, that is… through analogy and comparison while reduplication can be recognized through speaking and listening. The function of assimilation does not exceed facilitating the process of speaking while the function of reduplication varies to include enabling language to add more additional meanings, compensating for assimilation, enabling the root to adapt for the conditions of semantic extension through conjugation and derivation.

      • KCI등재

        The poetic of Place and the Language s Formation: A study in Al Harafyesh;s Epic by Najyeb Mahfouz

        Mahmud Ahmad Abd al-Ghafar(م,ح,م,و,د,أ,ح,م,د,ع,ب,د,ا,ل,غ,ف,ا,ر,) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2016 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.20 No.3

        There is no need to discuss that Najyeb Mahfouz is not just a great novelist but a great poet as well. It is true that he never published an anthology but his poetic style is clear and easy to be found within his novels. From this view point this paper aimed to find out the poetic style in his big novel Al Harafysh s Epic . The paper started with defining the concept poetic , the way of using place and time in literature. Then it discussed the poetic style at that novel under these headlines: First: the poetic of text structure (the relation between this novel s structure as an epic with the traditional classic old epics in Greek literature. This novel consists of 10 stories started with the main character Ashour Al Najy who came from a very low standard as a child that never knew his real parents struggled to be the strongest person in the area and to run it with justice and belief. After his death, the whole new generation from his family couldn’t be like him until the last story with last grandson shams Al deen . The structure depended on the mysterious time that always came from the sound of Parisian odes, and mixing the real time with it. Second: the poetic of opposite couples (such as opposing words: epic/very poor and low social level people as in the title for example) Third: the poetic of intensification (every story has been divided into chapters, the beginning of each chapter was always written with a poetic style that look like a poem.) Fourth: the poetic of Parisian odes (the novel depended on the mysterious atmosphere that the Parisian sound brings every time we read that odes in specific chapter, this paper followed these odes and found out their relation with the main characters in every novel. the main ideas on which the text focuses to make the reader aware of themes like; life/ death, reality/ dream, justice/ injustice...etc. Fifth: the poetic of dreams (dreams always had relation with looking for justice in the whole text, from other side; dreams looked like the shadows of meaning for some big events before it happened.)

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