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        طرائقيّة علم الاجتماع الديني المعاصر

        خ;ليل أحمد خ;ليل(칼릴 아흐마드 칼릴) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2007 중동문제연구 Vol.6 No.-

        “알지 못하는 것을 함부로 말하지 말라”는 말은 현대 종교사회학 분야의 연구자가 밟게 되는 첫 번째 발걸음이 될 것이며, 이는 알지 못하면서도 학문을 말하는 필로독스(Philodoxe, المتفيهق )와 학문으로써 학문을 생산하기 위해 방법론을 추구하는 학자(Sarant,العالم)를 구분할 수 있도록 한다. 이데올로기적 편견을 버려야 하는 것은 매우 중요하며 이는 사회학 역사의 처음부터 강조되어 온 것이다. 학문 수련과정에서 이론적.방법론적 지식을 충분히 쌓지 못하고 또한 이데올로기적 치우침을 가진 여러 사람들이 종교현상 연구 분야에 접근하면서 심지어 이슬람학(Islamologie) 과 이슬람 사회학(Sociologie de l’islam)을 구별하지 못하는 경우도 찾아볼 수 있다. 이에 대한 예로 코란 속의‘헤즈볼라’와 레바논의 ‘헤즈볼라’를 들어 설명하였다. 현재 아랍지역 대학교들의 사회과학분야에 대한 지원이 매우 열악한 상황에서“적은 지식은 신으로부터 우리를 멀어지게 한다”는 파스퇴르의 말은 큰 의미를 가질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        نيآرقلا صقلا ليكشت في لاعفلأا رود اجً ذَ وُ&

        فلخ; ىونج(Nagwa Kalaf) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.4

        This study attempts to study stylistic phenomena in Surat Yusuf. It became clear that the verb was one of the most stylistic phenomena that have been used frequently in that Surat, 25.2 of the total number of words. It is worth mentioning that the types of verb are different past and present and imperative mood with different rates. This research shows that each verb has a stylistic advantage that the narrator depended on it by in dealing with this story. So the study concluded that: First, the past verb is one of the most frequent verbs, thus it played an important role in the storytelling narrative within Surat Yusuf, and therefore the narrator used it to narrative events, and therefore the narrator use it to narrate event, most of the verses began with “Said,” to tell the story on its owner’s tongue, it was also a starting point for expressing the present, The time of the verb has changed from the past to explain the time of storytelling, to the present tense to express the time in which the story takes place. Second, the present verb came in second place, it also gave an area in which to move the character to express the drama of the event, it gave the character an opportunity to express itself by present tense that indicates the presence of the character at work. Third, the imperative mood, although it came in third place, but it played a prominent role in expressing the strength of the character, so there is a direct relationship between character and its strength, it has already grown up with Yusuf’s growth, at first he was a weak character as a child who could not resist his powerful brothers, so we don’t find the imperative mood mention. And on the contrary when he grows up and becomes a young man, he uses it. Thus it turns from his brothers to strong Yusuf.

      • KCI등재

        الاشتقاق في الصرف العرب

        غ,ا,ز,ي,خ,ض,ر,ع,ل,ي,ا,ل,ز,ن,ا,ه,ر,ة,(Alzanahreh, Ghazi) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.2

        استقر في الدراسات اللغوية في العربية أن أنواع الاشتقاق أربعة؛ الاشتقاق العام والكبير والأكبر والاشتقاق الكُبّار أو النحت، وأن اثنين من هذه الأنواع؛ الكبير والأكبر، غير منتجين، أي أنه ، بتعبير السيوطي، لا يمكن أن يستنبط بهما اشتقاق في لغة العرب، وليسا معتمدين في اللغة. وأن النوعين الآخرين؛ الاشتقاق العام والاشتقاق الكُبَّار أو النحت هما المعتمدان في توليد الألفاظ العربية. لقد حفلت كتب اللغويين والنحويين العرب القدامى منهم والمحدثين بمناقشة قضية أصل الاشتقاق، وقد اعتمد كل من الفريقين على المنهج الكلامي المتأثر بالمنطق العقلي في إثبات صحة رأيه وبطلان رأي الطرف الآخر. وقد ثبت أن البحث في أصل الاشتقاق غير مجد على العربية ولا على البحث اللغوي في العربية. تؤكد الدرا This research sheds light on the phenomenon of derivation in Arabic morphology and discusses the opinions put forward by grammarians and linguists concerning its origin. The phenomenon has long been a subject of dispute. The research discusses the existing view on the origin and branch and proves that such view is incorrect. According to this research, the linguistic reality supports the claim that neither the verbal noun nor the verb is the origin of the derivatives. The research also displays various types of derivation in Arabic and explains the value each type has in enriching Arabic by providing the vocabulary and linguistic elements required to keep up with the times and adapt accordingly. The research concludes that derivatives originate from linguistic elements and the three consonants. The consonants themselves are meaningless but combining a tense gives them a specific meaning.

      • KCI등재

        The Acquisition of Arabic Language and Teaching it to Korean Learners

        د. هاديا عادل خ;زنة كاتبي(Hadiya Adel Khaznah Katibi) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2015 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.19 No.4

        This study deals with some of the important issues pertaining to teaching Arabic language as the challenges and problems faced by teachers and Korean learners as well as the assets of the teacher, which are considered the basic factors in making the didactic process a success since they form the connecting link between the learner and the content. The lingual vocabulary is the lingual foundation, which teachers depend on in bridging the gap with learners of Arabic as a second language. Consequently, the study also sheds light on the utilized curricula in teaching Arabic language by shaping them to meet the aspirations of teachers and learners. Then modern technologies in teaching Arabic as a second language are focused upon along with the strategies that are used by learners in acquiring a second language. Finally, the experiences and the needs that are required in teaching Arabic as a second language whether in Arab communities or other foreign ones that teach Arabic language are tackled as well.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of the Resistance Components in War Novels: Based on Novels from the Wars of Iran, Vietnam, Ireland, Palestine, and World War II

        Somayeh Aghajani Kalkhoran(ن,ا,ر,و,خ,ل,ک,ی,ن,ا,ج,ا,ق,آ,ه,ی,م,س,) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2019 중동문제연구 Vol.18 No.3

        The present study was conducted to answer this question: How the representation of resistance literature in Iranian and non-Iranian novels is and whether there are similarities or differences in these representations in the novels. There are so many books that have been published in this area. In this article, eight novels from several wars have been selected: (1) Hidden Crescent by Ali Asghar Shirzadi about Iran-Iraq War; (2) Resurrection Machine Chess by Habib Ahmadzadeh about Iran-Iraq War; (3) Umm Saʻd by Ghassan Kanafani about the Palestinian struggles; (4) London, July 13 by Käthe Recheis on the Republican Irish Army’s struggles; (5) Bao Nine’s Sorrow of War about the Vietnam war; three World War II novels, (6) Far from Homeland by Imaran Kasumcf, (7) Rose Francis by Jean Lafitte, and (8) Angel Became Silence by Heinrich Theodor Böll. In this study, at first the resistance components were first extracted and reviewed in eight novels, and then the components that were common to most of these novels were reviewed and adapted as resistance components. The results show that the representation of resistance has the highest frequency in the novels of Umm Saʻd, Rose Francis, Far from Homeland and then in Iranian and Palestinian novels. Additionally, the presence of women is also very high in the afore-mentioned three novels and Sorrow of War. This presence is also very visible in the stories of Rose Francis and Umm Saʻd.

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