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      • 지역사회복지 증진을 위한 주민자치센터 역할강화방안 : 부산광역시 주민자치센터를 중심으로

        노윤석 부산대학교 행정대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 3966

        The purpose of this study is to promote the welfare of the community through strenghtening the role of community autonomy centers.(CAC) The nation-wide network of Dong offices, except for town and Myon offices, generally administer residents' autonomy center. Resident autonomy centers have a positive impact on the community but their administrative and operating procedures have problems in terms of standardization and duplication of programs. There are also limitations on the number of users and difficulties securing operating expenses. There is a perception by the general public that the potential of community centers has not been fully realized. However, given that the performance of residents autonomy centers is meaningful to the promotion of community welfare when their purpose, functionality and value are considerd, activation methods for promoting community through the use of community center should be positively considered. Methods for promoting welfare through the efficient use of residents autonomy centers are as fellows. Firstly, residents autonomy centers and community welfare centers should be set up to strengthen co-operative relations with government institutions and private institutions in its initial phase. Government-initiated residents autonomy centers need to operate in an administratively logical manner. Therefore, the government's continuous attention and institutional methods for supporting should be implemented to help CAC operate more efficiently and effectively. Secondly, institutional methods should be implemented for professional social welfare workers to directly participate in carefully selected and the community welfare actively. Special education and the trained professional social welfare workers should be utilized to optimize the use of CAC and thus improve community welfare. Thirdly, CAC should include a residents campaign organization for improving community welfare. The campaign organization should make residents pay more attention toward community affairs and co-operate closely by utilizing each CAC for its pro-functionality. The campaign organization should also be a place for educating volunteers and providing opportunities for volunteers to participate in the operator of the CAC Fourthly, the residents autonomy center should function as a resource for identifying community protection target community residents are ideally placed to identify who need protection and support. The CAC should also play a role in minimizing the number of illegal beneficiaries and in identifying persons who need financial, security and health support. Fifthly, the CAC should provide a function to educates residents'. The CAC couldn't exist without residents participation, therefore, the CAC should help residents participate in community affairs and provide access to community educator programs. Sixthly, the CAC should provide a function that integrate the community. The CAC should be a place where the disabled, the healthy, the poor and the rich can lead a life together impartially. Finally, the CAC should open the door for volunteers' participation, hold various events and lead a residents' campaign for improving community welfare.

      • 住民自治센터의 運營改善에 관한 硏究 : 동해시를 중심으로

        오정임 三陟大學校 産業大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 3919

        우리나라의 지방자치는 1990년대 초반부터 부활 실시되었으며 권위적이고 중앙집권적이던 행정에 많은 변화를 가져왔다. 행정개혁의 일환으로 실시된 읍·면·동 기능전환 정책의 추진으로 행정계층의 축소를 통한 행정비용의 절약은 물론, 정보통신기술의 발달로 인하여 다양한 정보를 가정에서도 쉽고 빠르게 접할 수 있게 되었고 따라서 읍·면·동에서의 행정의 역할이 줄어들게 되었다. IMF관리체제하의 위기상황을 맞아 출범한 김대중 정부는 행정의(읍·면·동) 역할감소에 따른 효율적인 행정체계개선의 필요성에 부응하고자 읍·면·동 기능전환을 100대 국정과제로 채택하였고 행정자치부에서는 1999년 1월 정부개혁의 일환으로 읍·면·동의 주민자치센터화를 위한 기능전환 기본계획을 발표하였다. 도시지역의 동은 1999년 1년간 시범실시단계를 거쳐 2000년 6월부터 전면 적으로 확대실시하고 도·농·읍·면지역은 2001년 이내에 모두 주민자치센터를 개소하여 운영하게 되었다. 그러나 주민자치센터 정책은 출발단계부터 여러 가지 문제점을 안고 있었다. ① 지방자치단체나 지역사회주민들의 요구가 아닌 중앙정부의 일방적인 정책 이라는 점 ② 오랜 기간 주민과 함께 했던 하부행정기관(읍·면·동)을 단기간에 그 기능의 대부분을 축소(자치단체로 이관) 함으로써 주민들의 일상생활에 많은 불편을 주었다는 점 ③ 주민자치센터를 운영하는 과정에서 각종 프로그램이 운영하는 담당자나 지도자들이 부족하거나 재정적 지원이 부족하다는 문제점이 제기되어 왔다. 이러한 맥락에서 중앙정부의 정책의도를 검토하고 현장에서의 경험을 통하여 문제점을 분석하며 바람직한 대안을 찾아야 할 필요가 있다. 이 논문에서는 읍·면·동 기능의 다양화와 차별화가 이루어져야 하며, 주민의 종합복지욕구를 수용하여 일선행정기관의 기본기능 이외에 주민회의 장소, 주민복지편익시설이 강조된 기능 중심으로 전환되어야 한다는 것을 제안하였다. Local Autonomy restored after 1991 in Korea. Since then, there are many changes in public administrative practices that has been cental and authoritative. The offices of Eup·Myon·Dong have been transformed to Local Community centers(Residents Autonomy Centers or Local Autonomy Centers) from 1999. The introduction of Community Centers aimed at administration reform. Reform means down-sizing administrative hierarchy. The Development of IT technology enables Down-sizing administrative hierarchy and reduction of administration cost. Administration Reform at level of Eup·Myon·Dong is functional change and one of the 100 topics of Kim Dae jung Administration. According to the plan of Eup·Myon·Dong functional change, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs introduces a community center in Dong region as a model in 1999. Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs is implementing community centers Eup·Myon region after 2001. Local community center in Korea Local governments designed by central governments from 1999 proves to be inadequate for the jntroduction/implementation process. ① The Introduction of Local Community Centers are not the needs of local governments and citizens, but the outcome of central governments'policy. ② As the long-lasting sub institution(Eup·Myon·Dong) are replaced with Local Community Centers, accessibiliy to administrative services are reduced. So local residents appealed uneasiness of daily lives. ③ There was wanted the appropriate staffs, finance for practicing diverse programs. This paper attempts to evaluate the intention of the central governments and the operation of local community centers and to suggest policy reform agenda. the policy reform agenda in this paper are ① diversification and differentiation of program of community centers. ② performing comprehensive function including residents' welfare.

      • 평생학습도시만들기사업에 있어서의 주민자치센터 활용방안

        이동규 부산대학교 행정대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 3917

        Modern society has being changed over from the paradigm on the focus of School Education to that of Life-long Education. It is being much emphasized that Life-long Education by regional unit for individual inhabitants' life and the development of the community and recently, the necessity of that is increasing. As we can be suggested through the phrase "Think globally, Act locally", the globalization and localization exist together. Under local autonomous entity, this trend of globalization becomes to take concrete shape as the City of Life-long Education for everybody, anytime, anywhere. The recent change of the function of eup·myeon·dong office which are under control of a local autonomous entity into the Resident Autonomy Center gives the local residents various programs and they become to be able to be educated various things which they need for their living in the very place where they are living. This study is intended to suggest the necessity and problems of the connection of the Resident Autonomy Center to play a very important part in a local unit and Making the City of Life-long Education and the efficient way of the connection of them. Two biggest problems are that local residents do not be offered the systematic opportunities in good quality for Life-long Education due to the different competent authorities which are responsible for each project, and that residents' participation is not active as much as expected. In this respect, in order to connect these two projects in efficient way several things are pointed as follows. First, unifying each subsidy from each division of central government. Secondary, making a task-force team which consists of public officials, representative of citizen and specialists from each part. Finally, looking for the way to find the additional source of revenue by itself for its sufficiency not depending on the support of the central government only. But the most important thing is residents' active participation. The essential central operation party of the Resident Autonomy Center should be the residents themselves and this is the ultimate purpose of residents' self-government. These two projects, the Resident Autonomy Center and Making the City of Life-long Education are new policies like babies. As we can reflect the cases from developed countries, making these two works in a short time may not be easy. So, a gradual and moderate way through continuous public relations and systematic support should be taken, the trend of the way of thinking of that the most local is the most global becomes to be the base of the development of the local unit. And it may have to be leaded by local residents' active participation not by government.

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