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      • 특수교사의 교육과정 재구성 관련 내적 변인에 관한 구조 관계 분석

        장오선 국립공주대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship between curriculum literacy pedagogical beliefs, teaching expertise, and curriculum restructuring, which are internal variables that influence curriculum restructuring, by dividing the population of special teachers who mainly apply the basic curriculum into special schools and special classes. To fulfill these research objectives, the following research questions were set. [Research Question 1] What are the factors and items of a scale related to variables that influence curriculum reconstruction for special education teachers? [Research Question 2] What are the structural relationships among variables that influence special education teachers' curriculum reconstruction? 2-1 How will curriculum literacy impact special educators' instructional expertise? 2-2 How do educational beliefs affect special educators' instructional expertise? 2-3 How will instructional specialization affect the restructuring of curriculum for special education teachers? 2-4 How will curriculum literacy influence curriculum restructuring through the lens of instructional expertise? 2-5 How will pedagogical beliefs influence curriculum redesign through the mediation of teaching expertise? [Research Question 3] What are the results of the comparison of latent means between the special school and special classroom teacher populations? A literature analysis and Delphi survey were conducted to solve [Research Question 1], and a structural equation model was utilized to solve [Research Question 2]. To solve [Research Question 3], we performed latent mean analysis. As a result of [Research Question 1] of this study, the Curriculum Literacy Scale was divided into three sub-factors: Recognizing Curriculum(5 items) as a sub-factor of Understanding Curriculum. Knowing the curriculum structure(5 items) and knowing the meaning of the curriculum(5 items) were derived as sub-factors of the using the curriculum domain, and interpreting the curriculum(5 items), expressing the curriculum(5 items), and criticizing the curriculum(5 items) were derived as sub-factors of the using the curriculum domain. The teaching beliefs scale was derived as follows: teaching beliefs(3 items), learner beliefs(5 items), and teacher-learner beliefs(5 items). The Teaching Expertise Scale is composed of teaching knowledge(5 items), teaching practice(4 items), and teaching attitudes(6 items). The curriculum redesign scale was derived from understanding curriculum redesign(3 items), designing curriculum redesign(3 items), implementing curriculum redesign(4 items), curriculum redesign expertise(5 items), and evaluating curriculum redesign(5 items). The results of [Research Question 2] of this study showed that 2-1 Curriculum literacy has a positive effect on special education teachers' instructional expertise. 2-2 Educational beliefs have a positive effect on special education teachers' instructional expertise. 2-3 Instructional specialization was found to have a positive(+) effect on special educators' reorganization of classroom curriculum. 2-4 Curriculum literacy was found to have a positive(+) effect on curriculum restructuring, mediated by instructional expertise. 2-5 Teaching beliefs were found to have a positive(+) effect on curriculum reorganization, mediated by teaching expertise. The results of [Research Question 3] of this study showed that the difference in latent means between the special school and special classroom teacher groups was not significant when comparing latent means between the special classroom and special school groups. Based on the results of this study, we discussed the development of a scale of internal variables affecting curriculum reorganization of special teachers, the analysis of structural relationships, and the comparison of latent means between special schools and special classroom groups.

      • 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제 연구 : 제2 언어로서의 한국어 교육과정을 중심으로

        박정아 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        본 연구는 교육과정 내적 타당성 평가의 일반적 특성과 언어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 이론적으로 고찰하고 언어 교육과정이 지닌 실제적 특성을 파악하여, 이를 토대로 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 설계하는 데 목적이 있다. ‘교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가’는 교육과정 계획과 개발, 운영, 순환이라는 활동 단계 간의 인과 관계를 통해 교육과정의 목표와 내용이 얼마나 타당하게 개발되었는지를 평가하는 것을 의미한다. 이 개념은 학습자의 성과 측정을 중심으로 교육의 목표 달성도를 평가하는 ‘교육과정 외적 타당성 평가’와 대비된다. 지금까지 한국어 교육에서는 교육과정의 외적 타당성 평가 위주로 논의가 이루어져 왔으나 한국어 교육과정을 개선하고, 교육의 질을 향상하기 위해서는 교육과정의 모든 활동 단계를 종합적으로 바라보고 이에 관계하는 교육과정 변인을 고려하여 평가하는 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가가 요구된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 한국어 교육과정을 계획하고 개발할 때 어떤 범주와 구인으로 평가하여야 하는지를 교육과정 활동의 전(全) 단계에 따라 종합적으로 설계하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 평가 이론을 통한 방법 주도 평가와 실제 교육과정의 귀납적 분석 방법을 함께 결합하여 포괄적으로 접근하는 방법론적 다원주의를 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 종합적으로 설계하기 위하여 언어 교육과정에서의 내적 타당성 평가의 개념과 속성, 교육과정 평가에 영향을 미치는 변인, 그리고 평가 체제를 이론적으로 고찰하였다. 일반적으로 교육과정은 전개 과정에 따라 계획, 개발, 운영, 순환의 네 단계로 구성되며, 각 단계가 유기적으로 연관성을 가지고 순환할 때 교육의 질이 향상된다. 그리고 교육과정의 각 단계에 영향을 미치는 변인으로 ‘학습자’, ‘교사’, ‘교육 내용’, ‘환경’을 살펴보았다. 특히, 이 변인들 가운데 개별 교육과정을 특징짓는 요인인 ‘교육 내용’을 구성하는 기본 요소(목표, 내용, 방법, 총평) 간 논리 관계를 고찰하였다. 그리고 교육과정의 전개 단계와 변인, 교육 내용의 기본 요소를 바탕으로 언어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 이론적으로 탐색하였다. 또한, 국외 주요 언어 교육과정의 체제를 분석하여 이들 교육과정에 내재하는 공통 항목과 인과 관계를 중심으로 한 언어 교육과정의 맥락 목록을 도출하였다. 이처럼 이론적 고찰과 맥락 목록을 결합하여 평가 단계와 영역, 평가 범주 및 평가 구인을 도출하였다. 이렇게 도출된 언어 교육과정의 평가 체제를 국외 주요 언어 교육과정(WIDA 기준, 캐나다 언어 기준, 유럽공통참조기준)에 적용하여 분석함으로써 평가 체제의 수정․보완을 위한 개선점을 도출하였다. 그리고 이 체제를 10명의 한국어 교육과정 전문가를 대상으로 반 구조화된 설문과 인터뷰를 통하여 검증‧보완하는 과정을 거쳐 최종적으로 본 연구에서 제안하는 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 설계하였다. 이상의 논의를 종합하여 본 연구에서는 평가 목적, 평가 수준 및 평가 체제와 같은 세 가지 측면에 기반한 평가 모형의 설계 원리를 제시하고, 세부적으로 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 설계하였다. 평가 체제의 설계 원리로 한국어 교육과정의 내적 논리를 도출해야 하고, 다양한 이해 당사자가 참여하는 숙의 평가로 실시하여야 하며, 각 단계의 평가 결과가 상호작용하는 회귀적 평가로 실시되어야 함을 밝혔다. 이러한 설계 원리에 따라 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제를 평가 단계(계획, 개발, 운영, 순환), 평가 영역(상황 평가, 투입 평가, 과정 평가, 산출 평가), 평가 범주(4개의 대범주와 15개의 소범주) 및 범주별 평가 구인으로 설계하였다. 마지막으로 본 연구에서 구축한 한국어 교육과정의 내적 타당성 평가 체제의 유용성을 보이기 위해 국가 수준의 한국어 교육과정인 ‘한국어(KSL) 교육과정(교육부, 2017)’에 적용하여 분석하였고, 이를 통해 한국어(KSL) 교육과정의 개선점도 확인할 수 있었다. 한국어(KSL) 교육과정의 질적 개선을 위하여 계획 단계에서는 교육과정의 성격을 제고하고 개발 원리를 명시할 것, 개발 단계에서는 성취 기준을 상세화하여 제시하되 이를 다양한 현장에서 적용할 수 있도록 유연하게 조직할 것, 운영 단계에서는 교육과정의 운영 요건과 실행 가능성을 향상시킬 것, 마지막으로 순환 단계에서는 지속적인 교육과정 평가와 교원 연수를 실시해야 한다는 것을 파악할 수 있었다. This study aims to design the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum by investigating theoretically the general characteristics of the internal validity evaluation and the internal validity evaluation framework of language curriculum and by understanding the practical nature of language curriculum. ‘The Internal Validity Evaluation of a Curriculum’ refers to evaluating how valid the goal and the contents of a curriculum are developed by investigating the causal relationship among the stages of a curriculum, such as planning, development, implementation and recycling. This concept contrasts with ‘the External Validity Evaluation of a Curriculum,’ which evaluates the educational achievement based on the assessment of learners’ performance. While the discussions on Korean language education have been mainly about the external validity evaluation, in order to improve the quality of education, it is required to conduct the internal validity evaluation of a curriculum, which maintains a synthetic view on the whole process of the curriculum and makes an evaluation with consideration of the relational variables of the curriculum. In this light, this study is to synthetically design the criteria and the construct of the evaluation which are required in planning and developing a Korean language curriculum in accordance with the whole process of the curricular activity. To this end, the study applies methodological pluralism that makes a comprehensive approach and combines method-oriented evaluation through the evaluation theory with the inducive analysis of the actual curriculum. This study first conducts a theoretical investigation on the concept and the nature of the internal validity evaluation of a language curriculum, the variables affecting the evaluation of a curriculum to synthetically design the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum. In a general sense, a curriculum consists of four stages of planning, development, implementation and recycling, and their organic recycling improves the quality of education. The study also examines several variables affecting each stage of the curriculum, including ‘learners’, ‘teachers’, ‘subject matter’, and ‘milieu.’ What this study investigates with particular focus on is a logical relation among basic elements of the ‘learning contents,’ (objectives, contents, method and assessment) which characterize the individual curriculums. The internal validity evaluation framework of a language curriculum is theoretically investigated, based on stages, variables and basic elements of a curriculum. In addition, by analyzing major foreign language curriculums, the study draws a context inventory of a language curriculum with commonplaces and causal relationship inherent in those curriculums. In this wise, the study, by combining the theoretical investigation with the context inventory, draws an evaluation area, evaluation criteria and a evaluation construct. This evaluation framework drawn is applied to the major foreign language curriculums (according to WIDA, Canadian languages and European common reference) for analysis, so as to revise and complement the evaluation framework. Moreover, this framework has been verified and complemented through semi-structured surveys by and interviews with 10 experts in Korean language curriculum, which has finally led to the design of the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum suggested by this study. Putting the investigations together, this study suggests the design principle of the evaluation model based on 3 factors, such as evaluation objectives, evaluation levels and evaluation framework, and establishes the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum in detail. In this regard, the study proposes that the internal logic of Korean language curriculum be established as the design principle of the evaluation framework, the evaluation be conducted in deliberation of various stakeholders, and the regression analysis be performed in interactions of evaluations in each stage. In accordance with the design principle, the study designs the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum in four stages, including evaluation stages (planning, development, implementation and recycling), evaluation areas (context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation and product evaluation), evaluation criteria (4 large criteria and 15 small criteria), and evaluation constructs by criteria. Finally, to demonstrate the utility of the internal validity evaluation framework of Korean language curriculum designed in this study, it has been applied to and analyzed in the ‘KSL Curriculum (MOE, 2017)’, a national level Korean language curriculum, which has also shown some improvement points of the KSL Curriculum. To improve the quality of the KSL Curriculum, the study suggests that the characteristics of the curriculum be enhanced and the development principle be specified in planning stage; The achievement standards be specified as well as maintain flexibility to apply them to various fields of education in development stage; The implementation requirement and feasibility be improved in implementation stage; Continuous evaluation on curriculum and teacher training are necessary in recycling stage.

      • Bloom의 新敎育目標分類學에 基盤한 初等 國語科 敎育課程 目標 分析

        김명옥 경북대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        Educational objectives clearly show what teachers and instructors should teach in the class and how they lead the class, focusing on a certain activity for their students in the class. Clear educational objectives are a prerequisite for teachers to accomplish effectively (or successfully) their curriculum. The purpose of this research is to classify the educational objectives of Korean language text books in elementary school according to the revised curriculum in 2007 based on Bloom's revised taxonomy of educational objectives. The educational activities have certain objectives which provide instructors with educational guidance and specific instructions regarding the contents, what to teach and ways how to set and organize the procedure. It also presents the students what they will learn clearly and encourage their learning. This classification of educational objectives is to classify the objectives that teachers expect students to learn from lessons. This helps teachers to state and classify the objectives effectively. By classifying class objectives, teachers are able to better understand about their teaching. They can make better decisions about what to teach and how to evaluate. The system of Bloom's revised taxonomy table comprises of the two dimensions. One is the knowledge dimension consisted of nouns. The other is the cognitive process dimension consisted of verbs. In other countries, they classified the objectives based on Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives and applied them to their teaching. This resulted in improvement of student's ability and performance. But in our country, up to now, most of the research have been about Bloom's taxonomy table. Elementary school curriculum is the first stage of national curriculum and standard of the whole Korean language education. The subject of Korean language is not only a basic subject but also a tool in order to learn other subjects. Therefore it is needed to analyze how Bloom's revised taxonomy table is applied to Korean language curriculum of elementary school across the grades. The research based on Bloom's revised taxonomy table is useful and worthy these days when we need to change our view point about learning, teaching and assessment. The procedure of this research contains basic research stage, classification of educational objectives and conclusion. Research contents and methods of each stage goes follows. First, as basic research stage, I studied Bloom's revised taxonomy table theoretically, surveyed and did in depth interviews and case studies for analysis of the objectives in the Korean, American and Japanese language curriculum. Second, in the stage of classification of educational objectives, expert decoder used Delphi method to analyze the educational objectives in Korean language text books. The results were measured to find out the degree of agreement through Nvivo statistic program. And a focus group interview was done to verify the classification of the analysis. Third, in the conclusion stage, I concluded about the result of analysis of the educational objectives. In Korean educational objectives in elementary school, the objectives categorized 'Apply Factual Knowledge' make up a large portion across grades. Results of analysis of Korean language educational objectives are as follows: First, in the first grade, the statement of objectives categorized 'Factual Knowledge and Apply' make up a major portion. But there is no objective categorized 'Create'. The first grade is the basic stage for learning how to use language. So it requires abilities to understand and express effectively and accurately. It also needs basic thinking power and creativity. Therefore, even though it is the first grade, the objectives for high leveled thinking should be included. Second, in the second grade, a majority of the educational objectives are categorized into 'Factual Knowledge and Apply' the same as the first grade's. There are no educational objectives categorized 'Conceptual Knowledge’. It is notable to mention that the educational objectives 'Meta Cognitive Knowledge' and 'Create' appear for the first time in this textbook, which reflects the spirit of 2007 revised curriculum. Third, in the third grade, a majority of the statement of educational objectives fall into the category 'Remember Factual Knowledge’. When it comes to statement of educational objectives, it should include knowledge dimensional and cognitive dimensional objectives. It is desirable that the statement of educational objectives matches with the objectives of the curriculum that pursues acceptance and production of critical and creative knowledge. Fourth, in the fourth grade, the educational objectives categorized into 'Apply Factual Knowledge' make up a major portion. Fifth, in the fifth grade, the educational objectives categorized into 'Remember Factual Knowledge' make up a major portion. For higher grade, there should be more objectives categorized into 'Conceptual and Meta Cognitive’. Objectives in textbook are affected by the curriculum. So they should reflect the spirit of the curriculum to enhance language skills in order to use them creatively. Sixth, in the sixth grade, 'Remember Factual Knowledge' objectives make up a major portion even though it’s a higher grade, there are still a lot of statement of objectives based on understanding simple factual knowledge. Results of analysis of objectives according to fields are as follows: First, in the listening section, the objective 'Remember Factual Knowledge' make up a major portion. There are no objectives 'Conceptual Knowledge’. Second, in the speaking section, the objective 'Apply Factual Knowledge' make up a major potion. Third, in the reading section, the objectives mainly fall into the 'Apply Factual Knowledge' category but there are no 'Create' objectives. Fourth, in the writing section, most objectives are in the 'Remember Procedural Knowledge' category. Fifth, in the grammar section, the objectives mainly fall into the 'Remember Factual Knowledge' but no 'Meta-cognitive Knowledge’. Sixth, in the literature section, the objectives are in the 'Apply the Factual Knowledge category. There needs to be more objectives categorized as 'Meta Knowledge, Analyzing Assessment, Creating to drag up students' activities to a higher level. For further research of analysis of Korean educational objectives based on Bloom's revised Taxonomy of educational objectives, I suggest. First, contents taken from the curriculum should be reflected in the text book. Second, with reference to this research, further research in Korean language objectives in text book in 2009 revised curriculum should continue. Third, research of how much portion of knowledge dimensional and cognitive dimensional objectives is needed. Fourth, research of analysis the objectives according to the purpose of setting units and use of language is needed. Fifth, research of analysis of objectives according to schools, elementary school middle school, high school is needed. Sixth, it is also needed to research analysis of subordinate patterns of knowledge dimensional and cognitive dimensional objectives. Seventh, teachers should refer to this research in process of re-oganizing korean lessons. Eighth, teachers should consider that it is the most important to match teaching and learning activities with the objectives when they analyze the objectives. Therefore, educational objectives aimed towards improving ‘procedural’ and ‘meta-cognitive knowledge’ should be emphasized in order for students to develop higher-order thinking skills and to reduce the loss of interest in Korean. During the cognitive process, teachers should introduce diverse categories of educational objectives to encourage creative thinking and cater to individual learning abilities.

      • Curriculum---a palette for the mind: Modeling reflective curriculum inquiry for curricular content

        Starkes, Kathryn Elizabeth The University of Texas at Austin 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        Curriculum is a means by which the medium of thought finds expression. It is a palette for the mind. Curriculum is a device by which thoughts are given form that can be shared. In the hands of a curriculum artist, symphonies of thought are conceived, composed, and performed. Like a palette in the hands of a master, curriculum in the hands of a teacher can transform minds. This dissertation seeks to examine, through reflective inquiry, the efficacy of an integrative, concept-driven curriculum framework for novice elementary teachers, and, thereby, posit a generalized model of reflective curriculum inquiry to generate a deeper understanding for the researcher and her readers. The emergent model is not a curriculum, but when viewed as a framework, this model can become a means to facilitate design and to further support the development and evaluation of curricula. This dissertation is a story of how a teacher was made, not born. It is a story of how students learned conceptually and performed purposefully. It is also a story of roles and relationships found between students, teachers, parents, administrators, and curriculum. Throughout this dissertation, actor-network theory (ANT) was used to help describe these relationships between the various roles that I assumed in relation to others, resources, and educational settings. Finally, this dissertation reveals a significant and direct relationship between standards-derived concept vocabulary, subject matter integration, and literacy development that emphasized the need for a configurable curriculum framework to serve as a model for curriculum inquiry.

      • Market-Driven Education Reform And Curriculum Commodification

        성열관 University of Wisconsin - Madison 2004 해외박사

        RANK : 247807

        연구목적: 본 논문은 미국 교육과정 개혁의 특징을 역사적·논리적·이론적으로 분석하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 1983년 레이건 대통령이 발표한 「위기에 처한 국가」(A Nation at Risk) 이후 오늘날 「전원성취교육법」(No Child Left Behind) 까지 약 20여 년 간 교육과정 거번넌스(governance) 변화를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 이에 있어서 연방의 역할을 강화하고 경제학적 원리를 도입해온 미국 교육개혁을 분석하고 이것이 교육과정과 교실의 실제에 어떤 영향을 주었는지 살펴보는 것을 논문의 목적으로 하였다. 또한 분석결과에 기초하여 바람직한 미국 교육과정의 방향을 제안하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 이상의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 이 논문은 주로 문헌분석을 활용하였다. 분석한 문헌은 매우 광범위하나 대체로 교육과정 개혁에 대한 연방통제를 강조하는 입장과 지역통제를 강조하는 입장(주로 교육과정 교수들)을 살펴보았다. 교육과정 표준, 국가교육과정, 국가학력평가 등을 주장하는 문헌들은 주로 E. D. Hirsch의 『문화적 문해: 모든 미국인들이 알아야 할 것들』(Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know)(1987)과 『우리가 원하는 학교: 어찌하여 소유하지 못하는가』(The Schools We Want & Why We Don't Have Them)(1996), Allan Bloom의 『미국 정신의 종말』(The Closing of the American Mind)(1987), William Bennett의 『덕의 책』(The Book of Virtues)(1994)과 『교육받은 아이』(Educated Child)(1999), Diane Ravitch의 『뒤에 남겨져 있다』(Left Back)(2000) 등을 분석하였다. 뿐만 아니라 교육과정 개혁을 둘러싼 광범위한 담론, 정책, 개혁안을 분석하였다. 연구개요: 첫째, 역사적으로 볼 때, 지난 20여 년 동안 미국 교육과정사에서 현저한 변화가 있었는데, 그것은 교육과정 표준 또는 성취기준 운동이라고 할 수 있다. 특히 듀이를 비판하고 전통으로 돌아갈 것을 강조하는 논평가들과 일부 학자들은 미국 교육과정 지역통제가 오늘날의 교육위기를 초래하였다고 보면서 교육과정 표준화, 중핵지식 교육과정, 훈육, 표준화 시험으로의 복귀를 주장함을 알 수 있었다. 미국에서 교육은 일차적으로 주정부의 책임이며 연방정부는 매우 제한적인 영향력을 가지고 있다. 그리고 약 1만 5천 개의 학교구들이 자치를 하는 방식의 교육제도를 운영하고 있다. 그러나 획일적으로 표준화된 방식을 가지고 있지 아니한 교육과정 거번넌스에 대한 비판에 따라 연방정부는 스스로의 영향력을 확대하고자 하였다. 둘째, 논리적으로 볼 때, 교육과정 표준은 바람직한 교육과정 개발을 위해 반드시 필요한 것이지만 그것을 환원적으로 개념화할 때 교육과정의 내재적 복잡성으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 정보전달 곤란성 문제를 살펴보았다. 또한 경제학적 원리를 채용한 교육과정 전수는 논리적으로 의도하지 않은 제로-썸 결과를 가지고 있었다. 미국 브루킹스 연구소, 중핵지식재단 등을 중심으로 제안되는 연방중심 교육개혁은 주로 시장 원리를 공교육에 도입하는 것으로 많은 경제학자들이 논의에 참여하였다. 본 연구자는 구성의 오류(fallacy of composition)라는 논리학적 개념을 원용하여 개발한 방법론적 도구를 기초로 공교육을 경제학적 대상으로 삼는 것은 자칫 의도하지 않은 결과를 낳는다고 주장하였다. 셋째, 교육과정 이론적으로 볼 때, 교육과정 표준화나 국가평가 등 연방정부의 영향력을 강화시키려는 전통주의적 노력에 대해 교육과정 교수(curriculum professor)들이 어떻게 반응하고 있는지 미국교육학회 교육과정연구회(Division B)를 중심으로 분석하여 보았다. 교육과정 교수들은 타일러 이후 교육과정 교수들이 축적해온 이론적 발전을 연방주도 교육개혁이 무시한다고 보는 경향이 강하였다. 그렇게 된다면, 교육과정에 대한 정의를 학교구 지침, 교과서, 수업에 쓰이는 교구 및 교재에만 한정하게 되는데, 이 경우 현상학적, 미학적, 인종적, 자서전적, 정치적, 보호적 학습환경에 대한 교육과정적 주제들을 잃어버리게 됨으로써 그동안 교육과정 교수들이 이룩한 학문적 발전을 도외시할 가능성이 있음을 지적하였다. 미국에서 국가 성취기준을 개발하는 교과 전문가 단체들(예를 들어, NCTM이나 NCSS 등)은 그들이 표준을 개발하여도 이것이 교사들의 교육과정 의사결정을 조력하는 것이지 표준화하도록 유인하기 위한 것이 아님을 분명히 명시하고 있으며, 실제 성취기준 개발에 있어서도 전통주의자들이 미국 교육의 위기를 초래했다고 비판하는 듀이 전통과 구성주의적 교육원리에 기초하고 있음도 발견하였다.

      • Faculty Beliefs of Curriculum and the Contexts in Which They Enact Those Beliefs in Practice

        Lopez, Kari Schueller Michigan State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        Curriculum, and the teaching and learning that stem from it, is at the heart of each higher education institution. Faculty have the responsibility for developing curriculum in higher education contexts, yet little is known about the beliefs faculty hold of curriculum that underpin how they engage in the curriculum development process. Using qualitative methodology and Grundy’s (1987) theory of curriculum as product, curriculum as practice, and curriculum as praxis as a conceptual framework, this study explored the following research question with eleven faculty participants: What are faculty beliefs of curriculum and in what contexts do they act on those beliefs?Findings reveal faculty hold a myriad of deeply held beliefs about curriculum. They associate curriculum with their own courses, as well as with their academic programs or majors. Faculty beliefs center on the process of teaching and learning and the transformative possibility of the curriculum for students. They outlined both philosophical and practical goals for student learning, including preparing students for their lives as critical thinkers and engaged citizens, while also instilling applied skills to use in the workplace. Faculty enacted their beliefs when engaging in individual and/or group curriculum development work, and through pedagogy, teaching, and assessment. Faculty also discussed challenges to enacting curriculum and outlined administrative barriers, access to large-scale curriculum processes, tensions between teaching, research, and service responsibilities, and department culture. The discussion addresses these themes and includes recommendations for future research to examine the relationship between faculty beliefs of curriculum and accreditation bodies, the impact of department culture, faculty appointment type, and the COVID-19 pandemic on how faculty enact their beliefs of curriculum. Suggestions for practice include more training for faculty to engage in curriculum development work, more self-reflection opportunities, and recognition of curriculum-related work in the reappointment, promotion, and tenure process.

      • 중학교 사회과 교육과정의 변천에 관한 연구

        서지현 순천대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

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        This thesis compared and analyzed characteristics of the changes of Social Studies curriculum of the middle school in Korea with reference to theories on social studies education. The characteristics of changes from Gyosuyomok period up to the 7th middle school social studies curriculum are as follows. Gyosuyomok period is a founding period of social studies established in accordance with the children-based curriculum. The 1st period corresponds to the subject-centered curriculum. The 2nd period is a settlement period constituted with empirical curriculum. The 3rd is an indigenous period focusing on academic-oriented curriculum. The 4th is a period of maturity with human-centered curriculum. The 5th period extends to preparation for localization and liberalization by mature period. The 6th period might be the essence embodiment period stressing the problem-solving ability. The 7th period directs grades curriculum aiming at holistic growth and nurturing creative human being. The holistic person as a desirable human suggested in the 7th curriculum can be summarized as morality and integrity. However, integrated social studies curriculum is lacking knowledge-centered study and integrity. Accordingly it is highly recommended to reinforce education on moral values and integrity to develop the subject.

      • K-12 Curriculum Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Cosmonomic Idea : 다중지능 이론과 우주법적 이념에 근거한 K-12교육과정

        Agus Susanto 고신대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        There are two main pedagogy learning theories known widespread in the education field around the globe. They are subject-centered learning and student-centered learning. The former has been known and used widely prior the latter one. While the former is rather focusing on subjects’ accomplishment than learners’ background or situations, the latter’s focus is on the contrary. Since the appearance and preference to the student-centered learning theory, there has been debate in education circle on which learning theory is more appropriate and effective to educate children. However, Christians do not choose between the two, because the center of human’s life including education must be God, the Creator of the cosmos. Neither subjects nor students are the center of education. In Christian perspective, both subject-centered and student-centered learning are equally important as tools for educating students but they are not the absolute objects of education. In corresponding to pedagogy learning theories’ terms, the author finds fifteen spheres proposed by Herman Dooyeweerd in the Cosmonomic Idea as representing subject areas focus in subject-centered learning, and nine intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner in the theory of Multiple Intelligences characterizing student focus in student-centered learning. From alternative view point, based on reformational perspective’s adage: ‘All truth is God’s truth’, Dooyeweerd’s the Cosmonomic Idea has represented ‘special revelation’ with body of knowledge philosophy, while Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory has represented ‘general revelation’ with body of knowledge psychology. Based on the two theories, from Dooyeweerd and Gardner, the author has attempted to create K-12 curriculum for Christian education. For this purpose, the author has organized the fifteen spheres from Dooyeweerd’s the Cosmonomic Idea into seven core subjects any students must encounter as follows: 1) Mathematics, 2) Natural Science, 3) Health & Sports, 4) Social Studies, 5) Language, 6) Arts and 7) Bible, then matched each of these seven core subjects with all nine intelligences from Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory. The pairing of core subjects and nine intelligences that build the curriculum has intended to fulfill the purpose of both: 1) integrating Dooyeweerd and Gardner’s theories as the curriculum foundation and 2) bridging pedagogy learning theories of subject and student-centered learning as tools for Christian education. The author has named the K-12 curriculum based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Cosmonomic Idea as ‘Shalom Curriculum’ with hope that the curriculum could provoke students to strive completeness, soundness, welfare and peace to all creation both in their localities and globally as well for the Creator’s glory such as the Hebrew meaning of the word suggested. 세계 교육학 분야에 널리 알려진 두 가지 중요한 교육학 학습이론이 있다. 그것은 과목중심 학습과 학생중심 학습이다. 전자는 후자보다 잘 알려지고 광범위하게 쓰였다. 전자가 학습자의 배경이나 상황보다 과목 수행에 초점을 둔 반면에 후자의 초점은 정반대였다. 학생중심 학습이론에 대한 출현과 선호도 이후 교육진영에서는 아동과 청소년을 교육하기 위한 더 적절하고 효과적인 학습이론에 대한 논쟁이 있어왔다. 그러나 기독교는 교육을 포함한 인간의 삶의 중심이 반드시 우주의 창조주 되신 하나님이 되셔야 하기 때문에 두 학습이론을 선택하지 않았다. 과목과 학생도 교육의 중심이 아니었다. 기독교 관점에서 과목중심 학습과 학생중심 학습 모두 학생을 교육하는 도구로 똑같이 중요하다. 그러나 그들 모두 교육의 절대적인 목적들은 아니다. 교육학 학습이론 용어와 관련해서, 본 연구자는 우주법적 이념(The Cosmonomic Idea)에서 헤르만 도예베르트(Herman Dooyeweerd)에 의해 제안된 15가지 영역을 과목중심 학습이론에서 초점이 되는 과목의 범위를 나타내는 것으로 보고, 다중지능 이론(The Theory of Multiple Intelligences)에서 하워드 가드너(Howard Gardner)에 의해 제안된 9가지의 사고력을 학생중심 학습이론에서 초점이 되는 학생을 특징화하는 것으로 보았다. 모든 진리는 하나님의 진리라는 개혁주의 관점의 명제에 기초한 대안적인 관점에서 보면 가드너의 다중지능 이론은 심리학 지식의 체계를 가진 일반계시를 나타내는 반면, 도예베르트의 우주법적 이념은 철학지식의 체계를 가진 특별계시를 나타낸다. 헤르만 도예베르트와 가드너의 두 이론에 기초해서, 본 연구자는 기독교 교육을 위한 K-12 교육과정을 만드는 시도를 했다. 이러한 이유로 본 연구자는 도예베르트의 우주론적 법이념의 15가지 영역을 학생들이 따라야 하는 7개의 핵심과목, 즉 1)수학 2)자연과학 3)건강과 스포츠 4)사회과학 5)언어 6)예술 그리고 7)성경으로 조직화했다. 그리고 가드너의 다중지능 이론에 기초한 9가지의 사고력에 따라 이러한 7개의 핵심과목을 맞추었다. 교육과정으로 구축된 핵심과목과 9개의 사고력의 짝짓기는 두 개의 목적을 성취하기 위한 것이었다. 1) 도예베르트와 가드너의 이론을 교육과정의 기초로 통합하기, 2) 교육학의 과목중심 학습이론과 학생중심 학습이론을 기독교 교육의 도구로 다리놓기이다. 본 연구자는 교육과정이 학생들로 하여금 의미를 전달하는 히브리 사람들의 말처럼 다중지능 이론과 우주법적 이념에 근거한 K-12 교육과정을 창조주의 영광을 위하여 그들의 지역과 세계에 있는 모든 피조물에게 완전, 건전함, 복지 그리고 평화를 위해 애쓰도록 자극할 수 있는 소망을 담아서 샬롬 커리큘럼(Shalom Curriculum)이라 이름을 지었다.

      • Curriculum implementation as lived teacher experience : two cases of teachers

        조재식 Ohio State University 2000 해외박사

        RANK : 247807

        The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how teachers "made sense" of the process of curriculum implementation from their own perspective. To this end, the study examined the way in which teachers used newly adopted reading curriculum materials. Pursued over two years, the research was qualitative in its description of varied meanings of experiences of two female elementary teachers in interaction with the intent and planned resources of the curriculum developers. Given Aoki's view of situational praxis in which teachers were viewed as active "meaning makers," the situated meaning of mutual adaptation between self and the intent of the developers was investigated in the context of each classroom. Phenomenology, based upon the work of van Manen, undergirded this study of curriculum implementation in relation to lived teacher experience. Data were collected by multiple methods such as conversational interviews, observations, document analysis, and the reflective journal of the researcher. These data were analyzed and interpreted to search for the essential structure of each teacher's experience. Research findings revealed that both teachers had a significantly different view of the value of the curriculum. As a consequence, they demonstrated different meanings of fidelity of implementation in their everyday classroom situations. One participant, who was a beginning teacher, faithfully used new curriculum materials based primarily upon the intent of the curriculum developer. Her account of what worked best for student learning was one of guaranteeing that the "right things" were covered at "right times" and in an organized manner. For her, this implementation process was highly meaningful because she saw herself in need of new skills and knowledge for teaching reading. In contrast, the other participant considered the new curriculum materials as "teaching tools." In effect, she adaptively used the ideas of the curriculum developer. The critical decisions she made were directly related to her interpretation of students' needs as she perceived them. The nature of the teacher's curriculum guideline in the change effort of this school should have been re/developed in a way that helped different teachers (in this study, e.g., years of teaching experience) meet their different professional development needs. This suggests a redefinition of the in-service support system to collaboratively include teachers, the principal, and representatives of the textbook company. This study of the teachers' complex role and work in the curriculum implementation process clearly demonstrated the need for further theory development to achieve a significant redefinition of that role and work.

      • Curriculum deliberations of a teacher planning group

        Reid, Mark Joseph The University of Texas at Austin 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        The qualitative case study explored the curriculum deliberations of three fourth-grade teachers at Raye McCoy Elementary School in Georgetown, Texas. The documentation of their interactions occurred in the spring semester of the fourth year of the group's regularly scheduled planning sessions. The researcher audiotape recorded eleven planning meetings and interviewed the primary participants weekly. The resultant transcripts were coded for meaning using conceptual frameworks from curriculum deliberation, group theory, and micropolitics. The teachers engaged in formal curriculum deliberations for slightly more than half of the planning meeting transcripts. The analysis with Walker's System for Analyzing Curriculum Deliberation revealed that Brainstorm episodes dominated the group's deliberations. In contrast, Issue episodes appeared few times. The teachers' curriculum deliberations consisted mostly of suggestions and the mutual building of ideas and potential courses of action. The interactions rarely displayed a contentious tone. Implementation of Bale's Interactive Process Analysis indicated that most of the teachers' verbal exchanges focused on their central task of the construction of a plan for their weekly lessons in science and social studies. The micropolitical analysis revealed a power structure that primarily assisted the group's deliberations. Many of the findings of the case study pointed to a group that operated with a maturity that resulted from four years of work as unit. In their first year, they struggled to find successful curriculum activities and worked on the formation of relationships. By the fourth year, the teachers valued each other as friends and colleagues. They no longer seriously labored to discover useable curriculum choices. In the documented planning sessions, the group relied on plans constructed the prior year. They capitalized on their past work as they deliberated about their curriculum. Even though they identified their fellow deliberators as friends, these teachers insisted that each one still maintained autonomy about the final choices in her classroom. This study focused the constructs of curriculum deliberation on the practical decisions of teachers. These findings add to the sparse available literature on the research of curriculum deliberations. The report concludes with suggestions for future research that include longitudinal studies on teacher groups and their curriculum deliberations.

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