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      • 기업체 전문비서의 직무만족이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향

        손숙 연세대학교 교육대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 233343

        이 연구는 기업체 전문비서의 직무만족과 조직시민행동 수준에 대해 살펴보고 직무만족이 조직시민행동에 대해 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 이 연구결과를 통해 기업체 전문비서의 경력개발, 교육방법의 다양성을 모색하고 개인과 기업의 유효성을 높이는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 네 가지 연구문제가 설정되었다. 기업체 전문비서의 직무만족은 조직시민행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 가정하에, 직무만족의 9가지 요소가 조직시민행동 4가지 요소에 영향을 미치는 주요변인을 밝힘으로써 본 연구에서 설정한 주요 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기업체 전문비서의 직무만족을 9개의 하위요인(임금, 승진기회, 상사, 복리후생, 보상, 업무, 동료, 업무절차, 조직 내 의사소통)이 비서의 유형이나 형태에 따라 어떠한 차이 나타나는지를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 조직시민행동의 구성요인 4가지 요소(충성 및 참가, 이타행동, 자기개발, 관계지향) 별로 비서의 조직시민행동이 비서의 개인특성에 따른 차이가 나타는지를 살펴보았다. 셋째, 조직시민행동의 하위요인별로 비서의 직무만족이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 자료를 수집하기 위해 서울 지역의 특정 기업체에서 종사하는 전문비서와 온라인 비서 커뮤니티에서 활동하는 기업체 전문비서를 조사대상자를 선정하여 2008년 1월17일~2월23일까지 설문하여 308명을 회수하였다. 이 연구를 통해 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상사와 동료, 조직 내 의사소통 요인에서 직무만족도가 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 전문비서들 중 고용형태가 정규직인 비서와 근무년수가 10년 이상 된 비서의 직무만족이 높았고, 임금, 승진기회, 보상, 조직 내 의사소통 등의 하위요인들에서는 비서의 직급에 따라 직무만족도에 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, 기업체 비서의 조직시민행동을 4가지 하위요인(충성 및 참가, 이타행동, 자기개발, 관계지향)별로 구분하여 그 수준을 살펴본 결과 관계지향 요인에서의 조직시민행동 수준이 가장 높았다. 기업체 비서의 조직시민행동을 고용형태 별로 구분하여 살펴본 결과, 전반적인 조직시민행동에서는 정규직이 비정규직에 비해 조직시민행동 수준이 높았다. 비서의 직급별로 조직시- viii -민행동의 수준을 살펴보면 비서들 중에서는 과장 직급에 있는 비서들의 조직시민행동 수준이 가장 높았다. 근무년수 별로 조직시민행동의 수준에 대해 살펴보면, 비서직 근무년수가 길수록 조직시민행동이 높아졌다. 셋째, 직무만족을 독립변인으로 하고 조직시민행동을 종속변인으로 한 회귀분석 결과, 직무만족의 하위요인들 중 업무, 동료, 조직 내 의사소통, 업무절차의 순서로 조직시민행동을 예측해 주는 변인으로 나타났다. 이는 업무와 동료, 조직 내 의사소통, 업무절차에 대해 만족할수록 조직시민행동을 더 많이 한다는 것을 보여주는 것이다. 또한 직무만족의 9개 하위요인들과 조직시민행동과의 관련성을 살펴본 것과 비교하면 직무만족의 하위요인은 차이가 나타나지 않았고, 개인특성변인 중에는 연령만이 조직시민행동을 예측해 주는 것으로 나타났다. 연령이외에 다른 개인특성 변인은 조직시민행동을 유의미하게 예측해 주는 변인은 나타나지 않았다. 위의 연구결과를 통해 첫째, 비서 직무 특성에 맞는 인사평가와 경력개발을 통해 기업조직은 물론 나아가 사회조직에서 인적자원으로서의 자리를 잡을 수 있도록 도와야 한다는 시사점을 얻을 수 있다.둘째, 기업체 비서는 비전공자가 61.7%이며 비전공자를 위해 전문적인 지식과 능력이 향상 될 수 있도록 기업 특성에 맞는 전문비서 교육 프로그램 개발에 많은 투자와 연구를 지속적으로 실시되어야 하겠다.셋째, 국내 많은 기업들이 조직시민행동에 대한 관심이 지속적으로 커지고 있는 현실에 비해 전문 비서의 조직시민행동 선행연구가 매우 부족함으로 매개변수, 독립변수, 종속변수로서 다양한 연구가 이루어져야 한다. This study looks at the job satisfaction of professional secretaries in enterprises and the level of organizational citizenship behavior, along with the influence of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior. The purpose of this study is to find out the various ways for career development of secretaries in enterprises and help them improve their efficiency through the result. I look at nine factors of job satisfaction that influence four factors of organizational citizenship behavior on the assumption that the job satisfaction of professional secretaries in enterprises has positive influence on organizational citizenship behavior. The main categories for research that I use for this study are as follows:First, I looked into the difference of nine subordinate factors (wages, chance of advancement, superior, benefits, reward, duty, colleague, procedure of duties, intra-organizational communication) of job satisfaction of professional secretaries in enterprises depending on the type of secretary. Second, I looked at the difference of organizational citizenship behavior as characteristis of secretaries classified by four component parts (loyalty and participation, altruistic behavior, self-improvement, relative orientation) of organizational citizenship behavior. Third, I tried to find what influence job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior classified by subordinate factors has. I inspected the factors which have influence on the job satisfaction of secretaries in enterprises, and on the organizational citizenship behavior through these three approaches.I chose the professional secretaries in specific companies in Seoul and on-line community members for professional secretaries in enterprises to collect the data. I sent out questionnaires to secretaries in the companies from January 17 to February 23 in 2008 and received 308 responses.The results of this study are as follows:First, the job satisfaction was high in the factors regarding superior, colleague, and communication relatively. The job satisfaction of full-time secretaries and the secretaries who have worked over 10 years was high, and there was the difference of job satisfaction depending on the positions of secretary in subordinate factors such as wages, chance of advancement, reward, and communication.Second, I classified organizational citizenship behavior of secretaries into four subordinate factors (loyalty and participation, altruistic behavior, self-improvement, relative orientation) and looked into those levels. As a result, the level of organizational citizenship behavior in relative orientation was the highest. I classified organizational citizenship behavior of secretaries by type of employment. In overall organizational citizenship behavior, the level of regular workers was higher than non-regular workers. In the level of organizational citizenship behavior classified by secretaries' positions, the secretaries as department chief were the highest. In the level of organizational citizenship behavior classified by length of service, the level got higher as length of service was longer.Third, as the result of regression analysis assuming that job satisfaction was independent variables and organizational citizenship behavior was dependent variables, organizational citizenship behavior for job satisfaction, variables, that we can predict organizational citizenship behavior, appeared in order of duty, colleague, communication and procedure of duties from subordinate factors of job satisfaction. It implied that the more satisfied their duty, communication and procedure of duties, they would perform more organizational citizenship behavior. And also, there was no difference of subordinate factors of job satisfaction compare with relation between nine subordinate factors of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior. It indicated that only age from personal character variable predicted organizational citizenship behavior. The other personal character variable besides age did not predict it meaningfully.The following are suggestions based on the implications of the study:First, we should help secretaries to find their own level as human resources in enterprises and society by assessment of employee´s performance and development of career which is appropriate for the characteristics of secretary duty.Second, 61.7% of secretaries in enterprises are not permanent payroll professionals. Therefore, we should constantly invest and study education program for professional secretaries, as needed by the enterprise, to improve their ability and professional knowledge for non-permanent payroll secretaries.Finally, despite the fact that many enterprises in Korea are constantly becoming more interested in organizational citizenship behavior, pilot studies on organizational citizenship behavior of professional secretaries are insufficient. Therefore, it is more studies in this field are called for using a variety of parameters, independent variables, and dependent variables.

      • 간호사의 조직시민행동에 관한 구조모형

        장경화 경희대학교 대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 233343

        In today, clients greatly have expectations of service quality as a means to increase their awareness of rights and knowledge of health. Nursing service quality plays an important role of organizational effectiveness. Voluntary and active organizational citizenship behaviors of nurses are therefore needed in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relationship among organizational citizenship behavior, transformational Leadership, Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment. The subjects consisted of 310 registered nurses who had over six- month-experience in the same department at university hospitals in Seoul and Kyunggido. Survey data were collected from February 9 to February 27, 2009. The data were analyzed by discrpitive statistics, Cronbach's α using SPSS WIN 15.0 program and confirmatory factors, the development of Measurement Model and Structural Model were analyzed by using AMOS 16.0 program. The result of structural model accepted construct reliability, convergent validity and discriminent validity. Fit measures of the structural model evaluated the data (χ2/df=143.810/67, p=.000, CMIN/df=2.146, RMSEA=.061, RMR=.019, GFI=.938, AGFI=.903, NFI=.922, CFI=.956) The squared multiple correlations(R2) indicated that modified model explains 47.1% for organizational justice, 34.7% job satisfaction, 76.5% organizational commitment, and 77.2% organizational citizenship behavior of the variance. Five of the ten hypotheses were statistically supportive. Detailed results were as follows; 1) Transformational leadership had a strongly direct effect on organizational justice. 2) Transformational leadership had an indirect effect on job satisfaction and organizational justice had a direct effect on job satisfaction. 3) Transformational leadership had an indirect effect on organizational commitment, organizational justice had both a direct and an indirect effect on organizational commitment and job satisfaction had a direct effect on organizational commitment. 4) Transformational leadership, organizational justice and job satisfaction had an indirect effect on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment had only a direct effect on organizational citizenship behavior. In conclusion, transformational leadership behavior makes an important contribution to inducing and maintaining an organizational citizenship behavior of nurses. Establishment of organizational justice in nursing department affects both job satisfaction and organizational commitment for nurses to achieve organizational citizenship behavior. The implication of these findings may lead to a strategy for the adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors of nurses and efficient management of human resources. Key word : organizational citizenship behavior, transformational leadership, organizational justice, job satisfaction, organizational commitment

      • 변혁적 리더십과 거래적 리더십이 대학직원의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 : 임파워먼트의 매개효과와 조절효과 검증

        최충식 강원대학교 대학원 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 233342

        오늘날 경쟁이 심한 대학사회에서 대학조직의 발전을 위해 요구되는 대학직원들의 조직시민행동에 대한 연구관심이 증대되어 가고 있는 추세이다.최근 연구들은 조직원들의 조직시민 행동이 상사의 리더십과 관련이 있으며 조직시민행동을 증진시키기 위해 변혁적 및 거래적 리더십을 발휘함에 있어 임파워먼트가 매개 및 조절변수로서 주목되고 있다.그러나 리더십과 임파워먼트 및 조직시민행동 간의 관계에 대한 연구는 아직 미흡한 상태이다.이에 리더십,임파워먼트,조직시민행동에 대해 문헌을 고찰하고 이를 토대로 리더십과 조직시민행동 사이의 관계에서 매개 및 조절변수의 하나로 임파워먼트에 관한 통합적 연구를 통해 조직시민행동을 증진시키는 리더십이 무엇이고 리더십과 임파워먼트가 조직시민행동에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지를 파악하여 대학 구성원들의 조직시민행동을 증진시켜 조직의 효율성을 증진시키기 위한 정책수립에 근거를 제공하기 위해 충청남도에 있는 18개 대학에 근무하는 일반직원 356명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1.일반적 사항에 따른 제 변수의 차이를 분석한 결과,성별,연령,결혼유무,고용 상태,학력 및 경력에 따라 대체로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 2.각 변수간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과,대체로 유의한 상관관계를 가지고 있었다. 3.가설을 검증한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1)가설 I.‘상사의 변혁적 리더십은 부하의 조직시민행동에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것이다’와 가설 II.‘상사의 거래적 리더십은 부하의 조직시민행동에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것이다’는 부분적으로 지지되었다. 2)가설 III.‘상사의 변혁적 리더십은 부하의 임파워먼트에 긍정적 영향을 미칠것이다’와 가설 IV.‘상사의 거래적 리더십은 부하의 임파워먼트에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것이다’는 부분적으로 지지되었다. 3)가설 V ‘임파워먼트는 조직시민행동에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것이다’는 부분적으로 지지되었다. 4)가설 VI.‘상사의 변혁적 리더십이 부하의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 있어서 임파워먼트는 매개역할을 할 것이다’와 가설 VII.‘상사의 거래적 리더십이 부하의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 있어서 임파워먼트는 매개역할을 할 것이다’은 부분적으로 지지되었다. 5)가설 VIII.‘(조절효과)상사의 변혁적 리더십이 부하의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향은 임파워먼트의 수준에 따라 달라질 것이다’와 가설 IX.‘(조절효과)상사의 거래적 리더십이 부하의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향은 임파워먼트의 수준에 따라 달라질 것이다’는 부분적으로 지지되었다고 할 수 있다. 5.본 연구결과의 시사점 1)오늘날 대학을 운영하는 주체로서의 조직구성원들은 지적 탐구열이 높으며 리더의 카리스마보다 개별적 배려를 더 선호하고 자신의 행동에 대해 확실한 보상을 원하지만 엄격한 예외적 관리는 원하지 않았다. 2)리더의 지적자극과 상황적 보상은 부하직원들의 조직시민행동의 형성에 중요한 요인이었다. 3)임파워할 내용에 따라 유연하게 변혁적 리더십 또는 거래적 리더십을 활용하는 것이 필요하다는 것을 보여주었다. 4)대학관리자의 입장에서 조직구성원들의 자발적인 조직시민행동을 촉진하기 위해서는 조직구성원들을 임파워하는 다양한 전략을 수립하는 것이 필요함을 시사해주고 있었다. The environment of the university in Korea is changing rapidly. In order to survive competitive environment, the universities should have competitive human resources and they need organizational citizenship behavior of university officers. In order to increase the organizational citizenship behavior of the university officers, the leader should take major roles in empowering university officers. Empowered officers will do more organizational citizenship behavior. Thus, it needs to identify the influencing factors on the organizational citizenship behavior and to improve the organizational citizenship behavior of university officers for increasing university competing power. Recent researches reported that organizational citizenship behavior was related with leadership. And empowerment was reported as a mediating and moderating variable. This study examines the relationship between the transformational and transactional leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior as well as between the empowerment and the organizational citizenship behavior, and testing the mediating & moderating effect of the empowerment. The results of this study were as follows; 1.This study had 356 subjects. 57% of the subjects were men and 43% were women. The subjects were from 21 and 57 years old. 57.9% of the subjects were in the bachelor group. 56.5% of the subjects were in married group. 62.4% of the subjects were employed full time. 53.9% of the subjects had fewer than 5 year of job experience. 2. The reliability test of the measures ranged between Cronbach's Alpha .6823 and 8770. The validity of measures was analyzed with factor analysis. 3. There were significant differences of variables by sex, age, marriage, job experiences, education and employment state. 4. There were significant correlations among most variables. 5. The intellectual stimulation of transformational leadership and the contingent reward of transactional leadership were most effective factors on altruism, courteousness, citizenship and sportsmanship of the organizational citizenship behavior of the university officers. The significant factor that affects the conscientiousness of organizational citizenship behavior was the individual consideration of transformational leadership. The significant factor that affects the conscientiousness of organizational citizenship behavior was the management by exception of transactional leadership. 6. Empowerment had mediating roles generally between the transformational & transactional leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior. 7. Empowerment had moderating roles partially between the transformational & transactional leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior. From the above results, it can be concluded that; 1. The managers of universities need leadership to empowering university officers that can do organizational citizenship behavior. 2. The managers of universities need to develop the empowering programs for university officers that can do organizational citizenship behavior.

      • Examining the Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Performance

        천스위 동국대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 233341

        Emotional intelligence is seen as a significant predictor of key to organizational outcomes especially in the times of ‘affective revolution’ in management studies. As it related to perceive and regulate and use employees and their surrounding people emotion, it also proved to be an important contributor to explore and motivate employees’ active behavior for their workplace which we see as active organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational support has been found as a good moderate variable in many previous researches. In this paper, we test the relationship between emotional intelligence, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior and perceived organizational support; empirically examined the mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior on emotional intelligence and job performance using survey data collected from 372 respondents who worked for several kinds of service companies and organizations in China. Spss19.0, Amos17 and Smart PLS were used in this paper for data analysis. Results reprove that emotional intelligence has significant influence on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, organizational citizenship behavior has significant influence on job performance; Organizational citizenship behavior play a mediate role between emotional intelligence and job performance. Employees who show high level of emotional intelligence will increase job performance and are willing to do more organizational citizenship behavior when they perceive their company’s caring about them. When choosing employees who will serve customers directly, it’s a wise choice to pick high emotional intelligence workers. Giving support and adopting different strategies to different kinds of workers at an appropriate time is one of way to motivate workers showing more positive organizational behavior instead of feeling pressure and be negative. Limitation and suggestion were given for future study. Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Performance, Mediating effect

      • 중국 중소기업의 변혁적 리더십이 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향: 주도적 성격의 조절된 매개효과

        이사 세명대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 233341

        At present, China’s economy is in the stage of rapid development. Under the great situation of social change, Chinese enterprises are facing both opportunities and challenges. After the reform and opening up, China’s small and medium-sized enterprises show a rapid development trend and play an irreplaceable role in the market economy. Therefore, vigorously promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises will become an economic development trend. In the face of fierce competition for survival, small and medium-sized enterprises also put forward higher and higher requirements for employees’ work performance. For one thing, enterprises hope that employees are loyal to the organization and have a high degree of organizational commitment to the organization. For another, enterprises hope that employees can show more proactive behaviors for the survival and development of enterprises while completing their work, namely organizational citizenship behavior, to improve the development speed of enterprises. In the process of development, leaders are the decision-makers and the core of enterprises. If small and medium-sized enterprises want to be invincible in the market, they should also pay attention to the leadership of managers to attract and retain talents. Prior studies have shown that transformational leadership is an important antecedent variable affecting employees’ attitude and behavior. However, there is still a lack of research on the internal mechanism of transformational leadership influencing employees’ organizational citizenship behavior in China’s small and medium-sized enterprises, which needs further exploration. From the perspective of leadership behavior, this study explores the influencing mechanism of transformational leadership on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior. As a manager in an organization, his or her leadership style has an important impact on employees’ emotional attitude and behavior. Transformational leadership will influence employees through positive behaviors and ways, so that employees can complete more organizational citizenship behaviors beyond their job responsibilities. At the same time, combined with employees’ emotion and personality traits, organizational commitment has a mediation effect in the influence of transformational leadership on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior. Proactive personality moderates the mediation relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Firstly, this study uses the method of literature analysis to sort out the relevant theories, and puts forward the research hypotheses and conceptual model; secondly, with the help of SPSS and Mplus statistical software to analyze the data, the structural equation model is constructed. The conclusions are as follows: 1. there are significant positive correlations among transformational leadership organizational commitment, organizational commitment organizational citizenship behavior and transformational leadership organizational citizenship behavior; 2. organizational commitment has a mediation effect between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior; 3. proactive personality positively moderates the relationship between transformational leadership organizational citizenship behavior and transformational leadership organizational commitment; 4. proactive personality moderates the indirect effect of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior via organizational commitment. The conclusions of this study have implications for enterprise management: small and medium-sized enterprises should change the traditional way of leadership, pay attention to the cultivation of transformational leaders, make employees gain organizational identification and improve organizational commitment through leadership behavior, so that employees can show more organizational citizenship behavior in order to achieve higher personal and organizational performance. At the level of talent selection, priority should be given to the screening and selection of employees with high proactive personality, and attention should be paid to the cultivation of their enthusiasm in work, to promote the development and progress of employees. 신속하게 발전하는 중국경제와 사회적 변혁의 대 추세 하에 중국기업들은 새로운 기회를 맞이하였을 뿐만 아니라 수 많은 도전에도 직면해 있다. 중국의 중소기업들은 개혁개방이후 급속한 발전을 가져왔으며, 시장경제중에서 대체 불가의 역할을 해왔다. 때문에 중소기업의 발전을 대대적으로 촉진시키는 것은 필연코 경제발전 중의 하나의 추세로 되어 있다. 치열한 생존경쟁에 직면하여 중소기업들은 종업원의 업무 태도에 대하여 갈수록 높은 요구를 제기하고 있다. 기업은 종업원들에게 조직에 대한 충성과 고도로 조직 몰입을 기대하고 있을 뿐 만 아니라, 종업원들이 각자의 업무를 완성함과 동시에 기업의 생존과 발전을 위해서 더욱더 적극적인 주도적 행동을 보여줄 것을 기대하고 있다. 즉, 조직시민행동을 통한 기업의 발전과 발전 속도의 향상을 기대하고 있다. 기업의 발전에 있어서, 리더는 정책의 결정권자이며, 기업의 핵심이다. 중소기업이 시장경제 중에서 불패의 입지에 놓이려면, 관리자의 리더십을 중요시하여 인재를 끌어 들이고 붙잡아 둘 수 있어야 한다. 기존의 연구들에서 이미 변혁적 리더십은 종업원의 태도와 주도적 행동에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인이라는 것이 입증되었다. 그러나 현재, 중국의 중소기업을 연구대상으로 하여 변혁적 리더십이 종업원의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 대한 탐색은 미약하며, 진일보된 탐색이 절실히 필요한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 리더의 행동에 대한 시각에서 출발하여, 변혁적 리더십이 종업원의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 탐색하고자 하였다. 리더는 조직의 관리자이며, 리더의 품격은 종업원의 정서적 태도와 행동에 중요한 영향을 미치고 있다. 변혁적 리더십은 적극적인 행동과 방식을 통하여 종업원에게 영향을 줄 수 있으며, 또한 종업원으로 하여금 업무에 대한 책임 이외의 수 많은 조직시민행동을 완성할 수 있게 한다. 따라서 종업원의 정서, 성격과 결합하여 조직몰입이 변혁적 리더십과 종업원의 조직시민행동사이에서 매개 역할이 가능하지 않을까? 또한 종업원의 주도적 성격이 조직몰입의 매개 효과에 대해 조절 작용이 가능하지 않을까 의문을 제기하게 되었다. 본 연구는 우선, 문헌분석방법으로 상관된 이론에 대해 정리하고, 연구의 가설과 모형을 설계하였다. 그 다음, SPSS와 Mplus 통계시스템을 통하여 데이터분석을 진행하고 구조방적식을 도출하였다. 연구를 통하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다: 1. 변혁적 리더십과 조직몰입사이에서, 조직몰입과 조직시민행동사이에서, 변혁적 리더십과 조직시민행동사이에서는 모두 현저한 상관관계가 존재하였다. 2. 조직몰입은 변혁적 리더십과 조직시민행동사이에서 매개적 역할을 하였다. 3. 주도적 성격은 변혁적 리더십과 조직시민행동사이에서, 변혁적 리더십과 조직몰입사이에서 긍정적인 조절 작용을 하였다. 4. 주도적 성격은 조직몰입이 변혁적 리더십과 조직시민행동사이에서의 매개 효과에 대해 긍정적인 조절 작용을 한다. 본 연구의 결과가 기업경영에 주는 시사점은 다음과 같다. 중소기업은 전통적인 리더십에서 전환하여 변혁적 리더십을 갖춘 인재를 중점적으로 배양해야 한다. 리더의 행동을 통하여 종업원으로 하여금 조직에서의 인정 및 조직몰입을 높일 수 있게 할 것이며, 종업원들은 더욱 높은 개인 성과와 조직성과를 실현하기 위해서 더욱더 많은 조직시민행동을 표현하게 될 것이다. 인재 선발과 채용에 있어서 우선적으로 주도적 성향이 강한 종업원을 선별하여 채용하여야 한다. 또한 업무 중에서도 주도적 행동을 배양하도록 함으로써 종업원의 성장과 발전을 촉진가능하게 하여야 한다.

      • 중국 민영기업의 책임 리더십이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향

        호검분 목원대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 233341

        With the increasingly fierce global market competition, organizations face increasing challenges in their survival and development. Chinese private enterprises are confronted with rapid changes in both internal and external environments. To achieve sustainable development, taking on social responsibility becomes increasingly important as it serves as a driving force for the continuous growth of enterprises. Consequently, enterprises undertaken social responsibility management activities which are garnering widespread attention from the society. Among the various extra-role behaviors exhibited by employees, organizational citizenship behavior plays a unique role in enhancing individual and organizational performance. How leaders can influence subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior through their own actions has become a point of organizational management research. Previous research has not effectively linked the impact of enterprises fulfilling their social responsibilities on employee attitudes and behaviors. This paper selects responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior as the research subjects. Employees' work behaviors may depend on their attitudes towards the organization and job satisfaction, so this paper introduces organizational identification and job satisfaction variables. A theoretical model is constructed to explore the effect of responsible leadership in Chinese private enterprises on organizational citizenship behavior. The paper investigates the effects among responsible leadership, organizational identification, organizational citizenship behavior, and job satisfaction, with the emerging field of responsible leadership being relatively under-researched. According to the cultural background of Chinese private enterprises, this paper divides the dimension of responsible leadership into four variables: self-discipline, social sentiment, interactive decision-making, and long-term strategic orientation. Organizational citizenship behavior is further categorized into citizenship behaviors for the individual and organization. each variable selected the questionnaires for empirical analysis. The paper employs a questionnaire survey method to collect data from private enterprise employees, gathering a total of 505 valid samples. SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 29.0 software were utilized to test the data for reliability and validity, and examined all hypotheses of main effects, mediating effects, and moderating effects. The results indicate: firstly, responsible leadership has a significant positive effect on organizational identification. Secondly, the four-dimensional categorization of responsible leadership is scientifically credible and has passed reliability testing. Thirdly, organizational identification has a mediating the positive effect between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. Fourthly, job satisfaction has a partial moderating effect between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. Job satisfaction moderates the effects on organizational citizenship behavior within the responsible leadership behaviors of self-discipline and social sentiment. However, the positive influence of long-term strategic orientation and interactive decision-making on organizational citizenship behavior under the moderating effect of job satisfaction was not confirmed. This research establishes a theoretical model that extends the scope of CSR management research. By introducing the variable of organizational identification and utilize structural equation modeling for quantitative analysis, it contributes to a deeper understanding of the outcome effects of responsible leadership, the mediating role of organizational identification, the moderating role of job satisfaction, and the antecedent variables of organizational citizenship behavior. In the practical management of private enterprises, the theory of responsible leadership provides scientific ideas for managers on how to further motivate employees to engage in various organizational citizenship behaviors for the organizational development. At the same time, managers of private enterprises should strive to improve employees' organizational identification and job satisfaction. This process will guide employees to produce a variety of integrated effects in aspects such as organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, and organizational identification, thereby improving organizational efficiency.

      • 조직공정성이 종업원의 조직시민행위에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : 조직몰입의 매개효과를 중심으로

        WANG LEI 경희대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 233340

        최근 몇 년 동안, 조직의 발전에서 사람의 역할은 끊임없이 대두되고 있다. 사람과 관련된 조직의 공평성, 조직시민행위 등은 오늘날 학자들이 연구하는 뜨거운 문제 중 하나가 되었다. 현재 조직과 조직 간의 경쟁은 주로 인재의 경쟁이라고 할 수 있다. 기업이 건강하고 지속적인 발전을 이루기 위해서는 공정하게 건설된 조직이어야 하며, 인재를 보유하고, 약속을 잘 지키고, 직원들이 많은 역할과 맡지 않은 역할까지도 할 수 있도록 장려해야 한다. 기업은 직원들이 일반적인 업무에서 하는 행동이 조직에 유리할 때에만 치열한 경쟁 환경에서 기업의 발전에 적합한 전략을 빨리 찾을 수 있다. 조직의 공정성과 시민행위 사이의 관계에 대한 연구는 모두 큰 가치가 있으며, 조직의 발전에 중요한 의의가 있다. 본 논문의 연구 대상은 기업의 직원으로, 연구에 조직몰입이라는 중개 변수를 도입하고, SPSS 분석 방법을 사용하여 둘 사이의 관계를 논증한다. 본 연구는 모두 다섯 부분으로 구성되어 있다. 제1장은 서론으로, 이 장에는 논문의 배경과 목적, 연구 내용 및 연구 방법이 포함되어 있다. 제2장은 주로 이전의 연구를 정리하여 본 논문의 연구의 기초를 다지다. 제3장은 모델을 구축하고 가설을 제시하고 분석을 진행한다. 그리고 답이 같거나 불완전한 설문지 답변을 제외한 유효 데이터를 보존하고, SPSS 21 를 이용하여 분석한다. 제5장은 본 연구를 총결하여 이전 연구 결과와 다른 점을 도출하고, 이러한 차이의 원인을 분석하고, 조직공정성, 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인이 무엇인지 분석해 목표 대책을 제시한다. 그리고 조직이 직원들에게 더 많은 조직시민행위를 지원할 수 있도록 한다. 마지막으로, 앞으로 이 과제에 대해 심도 있는 연구를 할 수 있도록 본 연구의 한계를 파악한다. 본 연구에서 존재하는 부족을 이끌어 낸다. 본 연구는 분석을 거쳐 다음과 같은 결론을 얻어냈다. (1) 조직공정성은 조직시민행위에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 조직의 문화, 업무 분위기가 비교적 좋으면 직원들에게 공정하고 차별받지 않는 느낌을 줄 수 있다. 따라서 직원들은 조직에서 더 적극적이고, 자진해서 자신의 업무 책임 범위 밖의 일을 하고, 더 많은 조직 시민 행위를 보여줄 수 있다. (2) 조직몰입의 각 차원과 조직시민행위 사이에는 긍정적인 관계가 있다. 그동안의 연구에서 조직공정성과 조직몰입이 조직시민행위에 어느 정도 영향을 미친다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 하지만 조직공정성이 조직시민행위에 미치는 영향은 조직몰입이 조직시민행위에 미치는 영향보다 더 컸다. 따라서 조직공정성은 직원의 업무 태도에 영향을 미치는 핵심 요소라고 할 수 있다. (3) 조직공정성과 조직몰입은 또한 긍정적인 관계이다. 조직의 문화가 직원들을 공정하게 만든다면 직원들은 조직에 더 많은 신뢰를 갖고 의지하게 될 것이다. 이에 따라 직원들의 조직에 대한 자발적 몰입도 높아질 것이다. (4) 조직공정성은 조직몰입을 매개하여 종업원의 조직시민행위에 정(+)의 영향을 미친다. 이전 연구에서 조직공정성은 조직시민행위에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌지만, 본 연구에서 조직몰입이라는 중개 변수를 가입한 결과 조직공정성이 조직시민행위에 미치는 영향이 증가한 것으로 밝혀졌다. In recent years, the role of people in organizational development has been increasingly prominent, and organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior related to people have become one of the hot issues studied by scholars today. At present, the competition between organizations is mainly the competition of talents. If an enterprise wants to achieve healthy and sustainable development, it must promote the fair construction of the organization, reserve talents, improve the commitment of the organization, and encourage employees to take more actions within and outside the role. Only when the behavior of employees in their daily work is beneficial to the organization can enterprises quickly find a strategy suitable for their own development in the fierce competitive environment. The research on the relationship between organizational justice and civic behavior is very valuable and of great significance to the development of organizations. The research object of this paper is the employees of enterprises, and the intermediary variable of organizational engagement is introduced in the research, and the relationship between them is demonstrated by SPSS analysis method. This study consists of five parts. The first chapter is introduction, which includes the background, purpose, research contents and research methods. The second chapter mainly sorts out the previous research and lays the foundation for the research of this paper. The third chapter constructs the model, puts forward the hypothesis and analyzes it. Firstly, the invalid questionnaires with the same or incomplete answers are eliminated, and valid data are kept, and SPSS21 is used for analysis. The fifth chapter summarizes this research, draws the differences from previous research results, analyzes the reasons for this difference, analyzes the main factors affecting organizational justice, organizational input, and organizational citizenship behavior, and puts forward the target countermeasures to provide more organizational citizenship behavior support for employees. Finally, in order to look forward to the in-depth study of this topic in the future, it leads to the shortcomings in this study. After analysis, this study draws the following conclusions. (1) Organizational justice has a positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior. If the organization's culture and working atmosphere are good, and employees can give people a sense of fairness and non-discrimination, then employees can do things outside their job responsibilities more actively and actively in the organization, showing more organizational citizenship behavior. (2) There is a positive relationship between organizational immersion and organizational citizenship behavior. It is found that organizational justice and organizational input have certain influence on organizational citizenship behavior, but organizational justice has greater influence on organizational citizenship behavior than organizational input. Therefore, it is said that organizational justice is the key factor affecting employees' work attitude. (3) Organizational justice and organizational input also have a positive relationship. If the organization's culture makes employees fair, employees will have more trust and dependence on the organization, so their investment in the organization will also increase. (4) organize fair and open organizational investment, which affects employees' organizational citizenship behavior. Previous studies have found that organizational justice has a direct impact on organizational citizenship behavior, but in this study, organizational input is added as an intermediary variable, and the results show that the impact of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior has increased.

      • 중국 대학교 학장의 진성 리더십, 자기효능감, 직장 내 신뢰, 조직시민행동의 구조적 관계: 조직 공정성의 조절된 매개효과

        유교매 전주대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 233340

        本文研究的目的是探讨中国大学院长的诚信领导力,教师的自我效能感,职场内信赖以及组织公民行为的结构性关系以及组织公正性有调节的媒介效应.为了达到研究目的,提出了以下研究问题: 第一,基于中国大学教师的背景变量(性别,学历,教育经历,职称),中国大学院长的诚信领导力,组织公正性,自我效能感,职场内信赖,组织公民行为有何差异? 第二,中国大学院长的诚信领导力,教师的自我效能感,职场内信赖,组织公民行为之间的结构性关系是什么? 第三,院长的诚信领导力和教师的组织公民行为关系之间教师的自我效能感在是否具有媒介作用? 第四,院长的诚信领导力和教师的组织公民行为关系之间职场内信赖在是否具有媒介作用? 第五,在中国大学院长的诚信领导力和教师的组织公民行为的关系中,通过自我效能感的媒介效应,组织公正性有调节的媒介效应如何? 第六,在中国大学院长的诚信领导力和教师的组织公民行为的关系中,通过职场内信赖的媒介效应,组织公正性有调节的媒介效应如何? 为了验证上述问题,本文以中国十所大学的567名高校在职教师为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方法, 通过使用SPSS 25.0软件通过t检验, F检验及事后检验的方法对教师的背景特性进行了差异分析.以先行研究为理论基础建构了研究模型,使用使用AMOS25.0软件通过验证性因子分析,结构模型分析及bootstrapping显著性检验以及Process Macro 等方法,对变量间结构关系,中介效应,调节效应进行了检验分析. 本文的主要研究结果总结如下: 第一,中国大学院长的诚信领导力在教师的教育经历,学历,职称方面存在显著差异.组织公正性认识在教师的性别,教育经历,学历和职称方面存在差异. 教师的自我效能感在性别, 学历,职称方面存在差异. 职场内信赖在教师的教育经历, 学历, 职称方面存在差异. 组织公民行为在教师的教育经历和职称方面存在差异. 第二,中国大学院长的诚信领导力对教师的自我效能感,职场内信赖和教师的组织公民行为有积极的正向影响. 教师的自我效能感对职场内信赖和教师的组织公民行为有积极影响,职场内信赖对教师的组织公民行为有积极的正向影响. 第三,中国大学院长的诚信领导力与教师的组织公民行为之间存在着三个中介效应:分别是教师自我效能感的中介效应,职场内信赖的中介效应,自我效能感和职场内信赖的双重中介效应. 第四,在诚信领导力和组织公民行为的关系中以自我效能感为媒介,组织公正性的有调节的媒介效果成立;但是,在诚信领导力和组织公民行为的关系中以组织信赖为媒介,组织公正性的有调节的媒介效果不成立. The purpose of this study is to explore the structural relationship among the dean's authentic leadership, professors' self-efficacy, the workplace trust and organizational citizenship behavior: the moderated mediating effect of organizational justice in Chinese University. In order to achieve the research objectives, the following are proposed research problem: First, based on the background variables of Chinese university professors(gender, degree, education career, professor position), what are the differences among Chinese university dean's authentic leadership, organizational justice, self-efficacy, workplace trust, and organizational citizenship behavior? Second, what is the structural relationship among the dean's authentic leadership, professors' self-efficacy, workplace trust, and organizational citizenship behavior? Third, what is the media effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between the dean's authentic leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese university? Fourth, what is the media effect of workplace trust in the relationship between the dean's authentic leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese university? Fifth, the relationship between the dean's authentic leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior through the media effect of self-efficacy, what is the media effect of the mediation of organizational justice? sixth, in the relationship between the dean's authentic leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior of professors, what is the media effect of the mediation of organizational justice through the media effect of workplace trust? In order to verify the above problem, This paper takes 567 in-service professors from ten universities in China as the research object, uses the method of questionnaire survey, and uses SPSS 25.0 software to pass the t-test, F-test and back testing methods to analyze the differences in the background characteristics of the professors, and conduct the first research. A research model was constructed for the theoretical foundation, and the AMOS 25.0 software was used to test and analyze the structural relationship among variables, mediation effects, and moderating effects through confirmatory factor analysis, structural model analysis, bootstrapping significance test, and Process Macro. The main research results of this paper are summarized as follows: First, There are significant differences in the professors' education career, degree and professor position in the dean's authentic leadership in Chinese university professors. The perception of organizational justice differs in professors' gender, degree and professor position. There are differences in professors' gender, degree and professor position in Self-efficacy. There are differences in professors' education career, degree and professor position in workplace trust. There are differences in professors' education career and professor position in organizational citizenship behavior. Second, The dean's authentic leadership in Chinese university has a positive impact on professors' self-efficacy, workplace trust, and organizational citizenship behavior. professors' self-efficacy has a positive impact on workplace trust and organizational citizenship behavior. Workplace trust has a positive influence on professors' organizational citizenship behavior. Third, There are three mediating effects between the dean's authentic leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior as recognized by Chinese professors: they are the mediating effect of professors' self-efficacy, the mediating effect of workplace trust, the chain intermediary effect of self-efficacy and workplace trust. Fourth, Under the premise that self-efficacy is used as a medium in the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, organizational justice has a moderating media effect established; but under the premise that workplace trust is the media in the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, the mediating effect of organizational justice does not hold.

      • 조직문화가 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향

        박광하 중앙대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 233340

        Today, organizations and companies are focusing on organizational culture to promote sustainable growth by emphasizing communication within the organization and removing risk factors in advance. In particular, to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of public enterprises, human resource management policies are being introduced to operate mainly on capabilities using organizational culture as a means. Organizational culture has a direct and positive effect on the relationship with organizational citizenship behavior, which could affect the thinking and behavior of organizational members. Moreover, organizational culture has an indirect effect in that organizational citizenship behavior can be derived from it again. Therefore, organizational culture is one of the important antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior and is also a variable that affects the attitudes and behaviors of organizational members. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to confirm whether the direct and indirect influence relationship between organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment in government appears similar to the results of previous studies. The study verified the mediating role of organizational commitment in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, and secondly, in the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Thirdly, in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behavior. The contactless survey was conducted among the members of government offices in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. A total of 202 responses were used for the final analysis. When the research results were summarized, all hypotheses were partially accepted. According to the result of Hypothesis 1-1 (organizational culture will be related to Affective Commitment), market culture among sub-items of organizational culture had a significant negative (-) effect on affective commitment. Hypothesis 1-2 (Organizational culture will be related to the continuous commitment of organizational commitment) showed that community culture and hierarchy culture had a significantly positive (+) effect on continuousness commitment. Hypothesis 1-3 (Organizational culture will be related to normative commitment of organizational commitment. It confirmed that market culture had a significant negative (-) effect on normative commitment, and Hypothesis 1-4 of organizational culture (organizational culture will be related to organizational commitment) had a significantly positive (+) effect on the entire organizational commitment to community culture Affective commitment, among the items of organizational commitment, was found to have a statistically significant positive (+) effect on all items of organizational citizenship behavior, such as altruism (Hypothesis 2-1), conscientiousness (Hypothesis 2-2), sportsmanship (Hypothesis 2-3), courtesy (Hypothesis 2-4), citizenship (Hypothesis 2-5), and overall organizational citizenship behavior (Hypothesis 2-6). The verification results of Hypothesis 3(organizational commitment will have a mediating effect on the relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behavior) about the mediating effect of organizational commitment are as follows. It was confirmed that the continuous commitment of organizational commitment had a statistically significant partial mediating effect on the relationship between the hierarchical culture of organizational culture and the altruism of organizational citizenship behavior. It was found that there was a full mediating effect in the relationship between conscientiousness, citizenship, and organizational citizenship behavior as a whole. In particular, the affective commitment of organizational commitment clearly showed an effect through the mediation of organizational commitment in the relationship between the hierarchy culture of organizational culture, the conscience of organizational citizenship behavior, and the entire organizational citizenship behavior. However, Hypothesis 3 was also partially adopted as a result due to variables that did not meet the statistical level. In this study, factors affecting the organizational commitment of public office workers at a statistically significant level were classified into personal and organizational levels, and comprehensively examined and analyzed. In particular, by identifying the role of organizational commitment as a parameter of organizational citizenship behavior, improvements and positive changes are needed in more diverse ways than now in managing the organization. The study is meaningful in that it attempted an approach to promote organizational citizenship behavior in a way that can contribute. The results derived from this study will establish a desirable organizational culture at the overall level considering rapidly changing environmental changes inside and outside companies and organizations and the acceptance of organizational members’ values. Also, it will provide academic and practical implications for improving organizational effectiveness by inducing organizational citizenship behavior. 오늘날 조직과 기업들은 조직 내부에서의 소통을 강조하고, 위험 요소를 사전에 제거함으로써 지속 가능한 성장을 도모하기 위해서 조직문화에 집중하고 있다. 특히, 공기업의 경쟁력과 효율성을 높이기 위해서 조직문화를 수단으로 삼아 능력 위주로 운영하기 위해 인적자원 관리정책이 도입되고 있다. 조직문화는 조직시민행동과의 관계에서 보면, 직접적이면서 동시에 긍정적인 영향을 미치기도 하는 것으로, 조직문화는 조직구성원의 사고와 행동에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 조직문화는 다시 조직시민행동으로 발현될 수 있다는 점에서 간접적인 영향도 미친다. 따라서 조직문화는 조직시민행동의 중요한 선행요인의 하나가 되는 것이고, 조직구성원이 가지는 태도 및 행동에 영향을 주는 변수이기도 한 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 조직문화와 조직시민행동, 그리고 조직몰입 간에 형성되는 직·간접적 영향 관계가 관공서라는 조직에서도 선행연구들의 결과와 유사하게 나타나는지를 확인하는 것에 목적을 두었다. 연구는 크게 첫째, 조직문화와 조직몰입의 관계 둘째, 조직몰입과 조직시민행동의 관계 셋째, 조직문화와 조직시민행동의 관계에서 조직몰입의 매개역할에 관한 검증으로 진행되었고, 서울 및 경기 지역 소재 관공서에 종사하는 구성원을 대상으로 비대면 설문조사로 이루어졌다. 총 202개의 응답이 최종 분석에 사용되었고, 연구결과를 정리하면 모든 가설은 부분 채택 되었다. 가설 1-1(조직문화는 조직몰입의 정서적몰입과 관계가 있을 것이다.)의 결과를 보면, 조직문화의 하위항목 중 시장문화는 정서적몰입에 유의미한 부(-)의 영향을 미쳤고, 가설1-2(조직문화는 조직몰입의 지속적몰입과 관계가 있을 것이다.)는 공동체문화와 위계문화가 지속적몰입에 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤다. 가설1-3(조직문화는 조직몰입의 규범적몰입과 관계가 있을 것이다.)은 시장문화가 규범적몰입에 유의미한 부(-)의 영향을 미쳤고, 조직문화의 마지막 가설1-4(조직문화는 조직몰입과 관계가 있을 것이다.)는 공동체 문화에서 조직몰입 전체에 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인 되었다. 조직몰입의 항목 중 정서적몰입은 조직시민행동의 항목인 이타주의(가설2-1), 양심성(가설2-2), 스포츠맨십(가설2-3), 예의(가설2-4), 시민의식(가설2-5) 그리고 조직시민행동 전체(가설2-6)모두에서 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인 되었다. 조직몰입의 매개효과에 대한 가설 3(조직문화와 조직시민행동과의 관계에서 조직몰입은 매개효과를 가질 것이다)의 검증 결과는 다음과 같다. 조직몰입의 지속적몰입은 조직문화의 위계문화와 조직시민행동의 이타주의와의 관계에 통계적으로 유의한 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 확인되었고, 조직몰입의 정서적몰입은 조직문화의 위계문화와 조직시민행동의 양심성, 시민의식, 그리고 조직시민행동 전체의 관계에서 완전매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 조직몰입의 정서적몰입은 조직문화의 위계문화와 조직시민행동의 양심성, 조직시민행동 전체와의 관계에서 조직몰입의 매개를 통한 효과가 확실하게 있음을 나타내었다. 단, 통계적인 수준을 충족하지 못한 변수들 때문에 가설3도 결과적으로는 부분 채택 되었다. 본 연구에서는 관공서 근무자들의 조직몰입에 통계적으로 유의한 수준에서 영향을 미치는 요인들을 개인적 차원과 조직적 차원으로 구분하여 총체적으로 살펴보고, 분석하였다. 특히, 조직시민행동에 미치는 매개변수로서의 조직몰입의 역할을 규명함으로써 조직을 관리함에 있어 지금보다 다양한 방식으로의 개선 및 긍정적 변화가 필요하고, 이를 통해 조직에 대한 구성원들의 조직몰입도를 높여 조직에 기여할 수 있는 방향으로 조직시민행동을 증진시키기 위한 접근을 시도했다는 점에서 연구 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 본 연구로부터 도출된 결과는 오늘날 급변하고 있는 기업 및 조직 내외부의 환경적 변화와 조직구성원의 가치 수용을 고려한 총체적 수준에서 바람직한 조직문화를 정착시키고, 조직시민행동을 유도하여 조직효과성을 향상시키기 위한 학문적이고, 실무적인 시사점을 제공하게 될 것이다.

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