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      • 만주지역 대한국민회 회장 具春先 연구

        배정현 수원대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232444

        Gu Chun-Seon is an independence activist who represents the anti-Japanese movement of manchuria around the 1919 3‧1 Independence Movement. As president of Korean National Association, a representative independence movement organization in North Gando, he was a figure who led the anti-Japanese movement in North Gando. Gu Chun-Seon was born in Onseong, Hamgyeongbukdo in 1860. He worked as chief gatekeeper at palace before moving to North Gando from 1878. He moved to Yianji, North Gando with his families in 1899 although he was a solider for the Korean Empire. After moving there, he accepted Christianity by Robert Grierson, missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He established a Yongjeongsi church in 1906 and helped with establishing Hapmadang Church in 1913. As shown above, he led in establishing an early Christian church in Yongjeong, North Gando and played a big role in spreading Christianity in North Gando. Christianity also exerted a big influence on his national movement and independence movement as well as formation of his national consciousness. In late 1900s, the people in North Gando felt the necessity of an organization which would protect and educate them and show national competence as more and more Koreans were immigrating. As a result, Ganmin(people in North Gando) Educational Organization was formed in 1909 and he participated in establishing this organization. In 1911, he engaged in educational activities when he worked as assistant administrator of Gil-Dong Christian Village School erected by Lee Dong-Hui. In 1913, Ganminhoe, the first legal Koreans' Self-Governing Unit was established. Gu Chun-Seon was one of the promoters of Ganminhoe and also undertook the position of head of branch. As seen above, he consolidated his position as national leader in North Gando and expanded his influence. Independence demonstration began in Seoul on Mar. 1, 1919, followed by 3·13 movement in Yongjeong, North Gando. He planed 3·1 movement in Yongjeong with the nationalist leaders of North Gando and led demonstration movement with immigrated Koreans. He took the position of president of the Korean Independence Preparatory Association organized after then and simultaneously led the 3·1 movement in North Gando. On April 1919, he became the president of the Korean National Association that succeeded the Korean Independence Preparatory Association. Korean National Association was the representative independence movement organization in North Gando together with Bukrogunjeongseo(armored unit for independence movement). As president of the Korean National Association, he sent a petition, warning, etc to the Chinese Government for carrying on negotiations with China and exerted an excellent ability in such negotiating activities. He determined that performing independence movement in North Gando required cooperation from the Chinese Government. This is why he stressed that both Chinese people and Koreans should join forces to resist against Japanese imperialism because Japan was the common enemy of them. He also maintained in Proprium that many independence movement organizations in North Gando should unite together to perform more effective independence movement. In such an effort to unite the independence movement organizations in North Gando, General Management Division(called as Chongpanbu) that combined many small organizations in North Gando in Oct. 1920 was organized. He was appointed as head of the Chongpanbu. After Battle of Qingshanli, he moved to Russia to avoid the Japanese attack and returned to Manchuria when Free City Disaster happened in June, 1921. Then he joined Goryeo Communist Party, a communism based independence movement organization. In Dec, 1921, he organized Integrated Division(called as Chonghapbu), an independence movement organization and worked as the head of the Chonghapbu. Although he committed himself to national movement and independence movement in North Gando, he returned to Wangcheng District, North Gando and spent the remainder of his life in engaging in religious activities around churches. In 1944, his life ended in Wangcheng District.

      • 1910년대 북간도 지역의 민족운동과 민족주의 교육

        전주연 연세대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 232410

        Following the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910, the region of North-Gando became an important center of anti-Japan independence movements. Prior to that point, the immigration from china and Joseon into North-Gando was forbidden by the decree of the Ching dynasty. Yet the abundant resources of the area still enticed many Joseon people to settle in the region. During the late Joseon era, famine and oppression had degraded the lives of people in the northwest region and lead to a boom of migrants into North-Gando in defiance of the anti-immigration policies. Furthermore, the Japan-Korea treaty of 1905 spurred many anti-Japan independence activists to move to the region to further the political and social campaigns of reclaiming independence. However, the population surge of North-Gando was mainly due to people searching for their livelihoods after their lands were seized by the Japanese empire. With the onset of the 1910s, the patriotic enlightenment movement and the righteous army sought to integrate their respective independence efforts into a single ‘War Strategy for Independence’ North-Gando was the site of the first non-domestic station for the independence movement. Various events had cultivated a strong sense of national consciousness in the Korean population of North-Gando, resulting in anti-Japan demonstrations being held on March 13, 1919. The efforts to build an independence movement base included the building of many nationalist schools in North-Gando. In particular, Seojeonseosuk and the Myeong-dong School were the nucleus of modern education within the region and these institutions notably produced many independence activists. The schools taught modernly inclined subjects in order to integrate new learning as well as practical subjects in order to help immigrants with their realistic issues. Additionally, the school emphasized subjects that encouraged patriotism, in accordance with its overarching goal of furthering the anti-Japan independence movement. The subject of history was especially vital to the nationalist education. For instance, the ��Choesindongguksa�� compiled by the Ganmin Educational Organization was the most widely distributed textbook in nationalist schools and contained markedly anti-Japanese contents. For language studies, many schools chose the textbook ��Yunyeonpildok�� written by Hyeon-Chae related to its era-appropriate concern with the concepts of ‘rights and patriotism of nation and people.’ Regarding the subject of ethics, schools commonly taught from the ��Osubumang�� which detailed the history of Japanese aggressions and the Japanese colonialism chronologically. The anti-Japanese nationalist proclivities of education in North-Gando were evident in the music education as well. Examination of the ��Choesinchanggajip�� textbook confirms its emphasis on concepts such as ‘independence, physicality, fidelity, and marching.’ In conclusion, educational philosophies of the nationalist schools of North-Gando in the 1910s can largely be organized into two branches –influenced by modernity and striving to embrace new learning, and influenced by nationalism and striving for national autonomy. These philosophies stemmed from the historical context of the era and were the efforts to overcome the crises and restore the standing of the deposed country. As such, the nationalist schools of North-Gando fostered patriotism through history, language, ethics, and music and aimed to produce a generation of leadership for the sake of recovering national sovereignty. 北間島는 한일병합 이후 항일독립 운동의 중요한 근거지가 되었다. 본래 북간도 지역은 청조의 봉금정책으로 인해 중국인과 조선인의 이주를 금지하는 곳이었다. 그러나 이 지역은 자원이 풍부하여 조선인들의 越江이 빈번하였고, 조선후기 서북지방에 대한 차별대우와 흉년 등으로 인하여 민생이 도탄에 빠지자 빈민들이 월경죄를 무릅쓰고 이주하는 경우가 급증하였다. 또한 1905년 을사조약을 기점으로 항일독립운동가들이 국권회복을 도모하기 위하여 정치·사회적인 이유로 이주하는 경우가 늘어났다. 하지만 당시 북간도 인구가 급증한 주된 이유는 일제에 농토를 빼앗겨 새로운 생활근거지를 찾아 이주한 수가 증가하였기 때문이다. 한편, 1910년대로 접어들면서 애국계몽운동과 의병의 항일전을 통합시킬 방향을 모색한 ‘독립전쟁론’이 제기되었다. 이와 관련하여 1910년 이후 국외 독립운동기지 건설이 가장 먼저 시도된 곳이 북간도였다. 독립운동을 위한 일련의 과정을 겪으며 북간도 지역 한인들은 강한 민족의식을 함양할 수 있었고, 이는 1919년 3월 13일 반일 시위운동으로 나타났다. 또한 독립운동기지 건설의 일환으로 북간도에는 많은 민족주의 학교가 설립되었다. 특히 瑞甸書塾과 明東學校는 북간도 근대교육의 중심이자 독립운동가를 많이 길러낸 대표적인 학교였다. 이 학교들은 새로운 학문을 받아들이고자 근대 지향적인 과목을 설치하였고, 이주민들의 현실 문제를 해결할 수 있는 실업교육 과목들을 설치하기도 했다. 그리고 학교 설립의 목적이 항일독립운동을 전개하기 위한 것이었던 만큼 애국심을 고취시킬 수 있는 교과목을 가장 강조하였다. 이러한 교육과정 중에 특히 역사과목은 민족교육의 핵심이었고, 간민교육회에서 편찬한 ��最新東國史��는 가장 많은 학교에서 사용한 교과서로 배일적인 내용을 다수 포함하고 있었다. 당시 국어교재로 많은 학교가 채택한 현채 저술의 ��幼年必讀��은 주로 시대적으로 요구되는 ‘국가·국민의 권리·애국’ 등에 대한 내용이 수록되어 있었고, 수신과목에서 일반적으로 사용된 ��吾讐不忘��은 일제강점시기까지 연대순으로 일제의 배신적 침략 행위를 기술하였다. 북간도 교육의 항일애국적인 성격은 음악교육에서도 뚜렷이 나타는데, ��最新唱歌集��을 통하여 ‘독립·체육·절개·행진’ 등의 내용을 확인할 수 있다. 이렇게 1910년대 북간도 민족주의 학교의 교육이념은 크게 신학문을 받아들이고자하는 근대지향적인 부분과 민족의 자주독립을 위한 민족지향적인 부분으로 나눌 수 있다. 이는 시대적 배경에서 비롯된 것으로 당시 처해있던 망국이라는 상황 속에서 국가 위기를 극복하기 위한 방안이었다. 아울러 북간도 민족주의 학교는 역사, 국어, 수신, 창가 등의 교육을 통하여 애국정신을 함양하고 국권회복을 위한 독립운동에 필요한 인재양성에 그 목적을 두었다.

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