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      • Nb2O5 nanowire array photoanode sensitized by composition-tuned CdSxSe1-x shell

        강준하 Graduate School, Korea University 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 235343

        Vertically-aligned Nb2O5 nanowires (NW) were grown by the thermal oxidation of Nb foils. The thermal chemical vapor transport of CdS/CdSe powders produces Nb2O5-CdSxSe1-x core-shell NW arrays with complete composition tuning. In the alloy composition, CdSe-like and CdS-like phases exist in the outer and inner regions of the shell, respectively, forming unique multi-shell structures. As x increases, the thickness of the CdSe-like outer shell decreases, while that of the CdS-like inner shell increases. We fabricated photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells using the as-grown Nb2O5-CdSxSe1-x NW arrays and measured their photocurrents and hydrogen generation rates under AM 1.5G irradiation. The PEC cells showed excellent photoconversion efficiency, which is comparable to that of TiO2-CdSxSe1-x NW arrays. It indicates that the present Nb2O5 NW array promises an excellent photoanode of solar cell devices. The multi-shell structures increase the PEC performance by producing novel band alignment for efficient electron-hole separation following enhanced visible-range photon absorption.

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