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      • 文獻情報學 用語의 認知度에 관한 硏究

        박용기 淸州大學校 敎育大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 2941

        Library & Information science, which is frontier field of study, has released plenty of new theories and systems without stopping, there are much of new terms in Library & Information science now and number of new terms will be increasing, so we need to revise dictionary of Library & Information science terms by accepting and adding new terms periodically. As a result of no revision and add of latest terms, there's only 8% of dictionary of Library & Information science terms research ratio showing in 3 major nation-wide using encyclopedia, therefore dictionary must be revised to whole new edition for regaining people's attention. In addition, dictionary has been researched with 66 incorrect information of 1342 cases, which is 0.49% of inaccuracy ratio, that reveals the accuracy problem of [Dictionary of Library & Information science terms], for that reason, dictionary should be revised and complemented with reexamination and comparative analysis, then it will get more trust of public and academy. Dictionary of Library & Information science terms, contains all the terms related with Library & Information science, has absolute importance in study, so it has to be improved and added all the time with process of the rapidly changing science situation and secure people's trust for instance raising accuracy more or recording contributors' name of terms. To make people easy to approach to terms dictionary, it must have well organized terms, mutual reference and index, and for the better comprehension of terms, insult graphs and pictures, make CD-ROM, which has hypertext function and make possible to research on line through internet. All the efforts for the better dictionary of Library & Information science terms like above will make people realize that Library & Information science is not too difficult to access and give a chance for better understanding of Library & Information science. It could lead people's acknowledge up for the Library & Information science. New edition of Library & Information dictionary, which revised and complemented by analyzed and compared to encyclopedia, will regain trust of public and academy, and then finally it will contribute to development of Library & Information science.

      • Study on the Mediating Effects of Psychological Resilience and Coping Style in the Relationship between Learning Stress and Learning Satisfaction of University Students Majoring in Geographic Information Science in China

        마수 세한대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 2940

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between learning stress and learning satisfaction, and to analysis the mediation effect of coping style and the moderator effect of psychological resilience in the relationship between the two variables for university students majoring in geographic information science, including the significant differences between demographic groups in learning stress, coping style, psychological resilience and learning satisfaction, the correlation among the four variables, the mediation effect of psychological resilience and coping style between learning stress and learning satisfaction. On this basis, suggestions to improve the learning satisfaction of university students majoring in geographic information science will be put forward. This study selected university students majoring in geographic information science in six Chinese universities as the research subjects, and used non-probability sampling method to collect questionnaire data. These six universities are representative in the field of geographic information science. Selecting students from multiple universities helps ensure a broad range of disciplines. The research aims to consider individual differences among students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of different student groups. Differences and commonalities in academic stress and satisfaction. Collected data through the "University Students Learning Stress Questionnaire", "Simple Coping Style Questionnaire", "Adolescent Psychological Resilience Scale", "University Students Learning Satisfaction Questionnaire". This study used SPSS 25.0 and Amos 24.0 to conduct statistical analysis of the effective data, the research results are as follows: First, the learning stress and learning satisfaction levels of university students majoring in geographic information science are moderately high while in a reasonable range. This shows that the level of learning stress and learning satisfaction of university students majoring in geographic information science is basically within a reasonable range, and the greater the learning stress, the lower the level of learning satisfaction. Second, in terms of demographic variables. Sociological demographic variables investigated the scores of learning stress, psychological resilience, coping style and learning satisfaction. In terms of gender differences, compared with female students, the learning stress of male students is significantly lower than that of female students; The psychological resilience of men is significantly higher than that of women; The coping style of men is significantly lower than that of women; Men's learning satisfaction is significantly lower than women's learning satisfaction. Third, coping style (positive coping style and negative coping style) has a partial mediation effect between learning stress and learning satisfaction. Psychological resiliencehas a partial mediation effect between learning stress and learning satisfaction. Fourth, psychological resilience and positive coping style act as a multiplemediator between learning stress and learning satisfaction. Psychological resilience and negative coping style act as a multiple mediator between learning stress and learning satisfaction. Recommendations were made to improve learning satisfaction of university students majoring in geographic information science from three aspects. First of all, pay attention to the learning stress of university students and promote their mental health. Secondly, cultivate positive coping style of university students and reduce negative coping style of university students. Finally, improve psychological resilience and promote self-growth. This study can effectively improve the learning satisfaction of of university students majoring in geographic information science, and thus improve the competitiveness of university students. The study can also provide a new perspective for related workers to intervene in the research of learning stress, coping style, psychological resilience, and learning satisfaction for university students. Key words: University students, Geographic information science, Learning stress, Coping style, Psychological resilience, Learning satisfaction

      • The information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying stateless nations

        Meho, Lokman Ibrahim The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2927

        The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the information needs and information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying stateless nations (e.g., the Basques, Chechens, Kurds, and Tibetans) and to examine the feasibility and value of electronic mail interviewing for conducting qualitative research. The study focuses on developing a model that best describes the information-seeking behavior of this user group. This model builds on David Ellis's model of information-seeking behavior of social scientists. Of the 106 faculty members invited, 60 from 18 different countries participated, making a response rate of 57%, In order to provide a “reality check” on the study findings, the investigator conducted in-depth semi-structured face-to-face (FTF) interviews with additional five faculty members located within practical geographical distance. Using content analysis, the interview data and memos resulted in the identification of several concepts, categories, and themes common to the participants. Results of the study revealed that there were some clear and unique patterns of information used by social science faculty studying stateless nations. For example, fieldwork data, archival materials, and grey literature were among the most frequently used and relied on sources of information. Informal sources of information (e.g., colleagues, librarians, and friends) were found to be important as well. Government restrictions are considered the most significant barriers to information gathering. Nine other factors that influence the information-seeking behavior of the faculty were also identified. This study shows that in addition to starting, chaining, browsing, differentiating, monitoring, and extracting—the six categories identified by David Ellis as sufficient to describe the information-seeking activities of social science faculty—four features should be added to the model: accessing, networking, verifying, and information managing. Results indicated that many of the difficulties inherent in face-to-face interviews can be overcome in the electronic medium. Both the researchers and the interviewees were able to take the time to be thoughtful and careful in their responses to each other. Neither the researchers nor the interviewees had to schedule appointments. Although some caution remains regarding the reliability of responses collected in this way, general advantages of interviewing using electronic mail include: reduced cost; convenience; unimportance of geographic location and the possibility for more sampling diversity; the potential for large amount of data to be accumulated; the allowance for thorough and thoughtful follow-up and clarification; the generation of transcribed data; and the ability to continue the interview process until the researcher is satisfied that a saturation point has been reached. A list of guidelines are included for researchers who are considering conducting research via electronic mail using interviews. Implications on library services and suggestions for future research are presented.

      • Exploring Applicability of Scientific Educational Perspectives on Environmental Issues: Focused on Korean and Brazilian Middle School Science Textbooks and TikTok Videos

        브렌다 경북대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 2927

        The general aim of this research is to understand the interface between science education and environmental issues. To achieve this objective, five different studies were conducted. Two investigations examined middle school science textbooks from Brazil and South Korea, while three focused on TikTok videos. In research I, the aim was to identify environmental topics in middle school science textbooks from both countries, examining differences, cultural aspects and specific characteristics of each country. The analysis covered three collections of middle school science textbooks from Brazil (12 textbooks) and South Korea (9 textbooks), using content analysis to identify environmental topics. The results revealed a greater emphasis on environmental issues in Brazilian textbooks (505 mentions) compared to Korean textbooks (175 mentions). Notably, conservation and ethics, and pollution and hygiene emerged as the most frequently cited environmental issues in both countries. However, preservation and ethics were more prominent in South Korean textbooks, while pollution and hygiene received greater attention in Brazilian textbooks. Furthermore, it was found that environmental issues were found differently in textbooks, with South Korean textbooks featuring more mentions in activities, while Brazilian textbooks predominantly discussed them in chapters. Second stage of analysis from research I, the focused on the analysis of the representation of nature of science elements (NOS) related to environmental issues in middle school science textbooks in South Korea and Brazil. Employing content analysis and the reconceptualized family resemblance approach to the NOS (RFN) framework, the study categorized the NOS elements. The results indicated that Brazilian textbooks referenced RFN categories more frequently than South Korean textbooks. Also, professional activities were the most mentioned RFN category in Brazilian textbooks, while social values predominated in South Korean textbooks. Furthermore, certain RFN categories were present exclusively in Brazilian textbooks. However, it was observed that most mentions of RFN categories in textbooks lacked in-depth descriptions. In research II, the study aimed to identify and discuss environmental issues containing misleading information disseminated through TikTok videos, also to identify the themes of videos related to environmental issues on non-misleading TikTok videos and their educational focus focusing on hashtags such as #climate change, #sustainability and #pollution. A total of 29 misleading videos were identified, with content analysis revealing prevalent topics such as energy sources and climate change, along with common misleading claims including the idea of pyramids as clean power plants. For the non-misleading videos, content analysis of 1185 videos revealed a predominant focus on sustainability, followed by pollution and biodiversity. The analysis also highlighted the educational emphasis of these videos, with sustainability often linked to skills development, and pollution and biodiversity focused on knowledge acquisition. The last stage of analysis of research II, focused on identifying NOS elements in TikTok videos using the RFN framework. The results indicated that non-misleading videos featured RFN elements more frequently than misleading videos, with scientific practices being the most mentioned category in non-misleading videos. Overall, these conclusions highlight the importance of critical thinking, science education, environmental education and media literacy in evaluating scientific information. This research contributes to science education by offering insights into the relationship between science education and environmental issues through the analysis of formal (textbooks) and informal (TikTok videos) educational materials. Furthermore, it emphasizes how understanding the principles of NOS can promote critical thinking and skepticism towards information disseminated on social media platforms. Keywords: Science education, Scientific educational perspective, Environmental issues, Textbook, TikTok video, misleading information, Nature of science. 이 연구의 목적은 환경 문제에 과학 교육적 관점이 적용가능한지 그 가능성을 탐색해 보는 것이다. 이를 위해 다섯 가지 연구가 수행되었다. 두 가지는 브라질과 한국의 중학교 과학 교과서에 대한 문헌 연구를, 세 가지는 틱톡 비디오 분석 연구에 대한 것이었다. 연구 1.1에서는 양국의 중학교 과학 교과서에서 환경 주제를 식별하여 각 국가의 차이점, 문화적 측면 및 구체적인 특성을 조사하는 것을 목표로 했다. 환경 주제를 식별하기 위한 내용 분석을 실시하였으며, 브라질(12권)과 한국(9권)의 중학교 과학 교과서 3종을 연구 대상으로 했다. 연구 결과 브라질 교과서(505개 언급)가 한국 교과서(175개 언급)에 비해 환경 문제를 더 많이 강조하는 것으로 나타났다. 양국에서 가장 자주 언급되는 환경 문제는 보존과 윤리, 오염과 위생이었다. 다만 보존과 윤리는 한국 교과서에서 더 많은 언급이 있었고, 오염과 위생은 브라질 교과서에서 더 많은 언급이 있었다. 한편, 한국 교과서에서는 환경 문제를 다룰 때 본문에서 언급하는 경향이 있는 반면 브라질 교과서에서는 주로 보충 설명 부분에서 환경 문제가 언급되는 등 언급되는 부분에서도 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 연구 1.2에서는 한국과 브라질의 중학교 과학 교과서에서 환경 문제와 관련하여 과학의 본성(NOS)이 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 그 표현을 분석했다. 이를 위해 재개념화된 가족 유사성 접근(RFN) 프레임워크를 활용한 내용 분석 방법으로 교과서에 나타난 과학의 본성 요소를 분류했다. 그 결과 브라질 교과서에서 과학의 본성에 대한 언급이 한국 교과서보다 더 많은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 브라질 교과서에서 가장 많이 언급된 범주는 전문적 활동이었고, 한국 교과서에서는 사회적 가치가 우세했다. 또한 몇몇 범주와 관련된 내용은 브라질 교과서에서만 발견할 수 있었다. 그러나 교과서의 과학의 본성과 관련한 대부분의 언급은 심층적인 설명이 부족한 것으로 관찰되었다. 연구 2.1에서는 #기후변화, #지속가능성 및 #오염과 같은 해시태그를 중심으로 틱톡 비디오를 통해 유포되는 허위 정보를 식별하고 논의하는 것을 목표로 했다. 내용 분석을 통해 에너지원 및 기후 변화와 같은 주제와 피라미드가 무공해 발전소로 활용될 수 있다는 아이디어를 포함한 29개의 허위 정보가 있는 비디오를 발견하였다. 연구 2.2에서는 틱톡에 제시된 환경 문제와 관련된 비디오의 주제와 구체적인 내용을 알아보는 것을 목표로 했다. 이를 위해 총 1185개의 비디오에 대한 내용 분석을 실시했다. 연구 결과 지속 가능성에 대한 주제가 가장 많이 나타났으며, 오염 및 생물 다양성이 그 뒤를 이었다. 키워드 : 과학교육, 환경문제, 교과서, 틱톡 동영상, 허위 정보, 과학의 본성.

      • 과학영재학교 학생의 정보이용행태 분석을 통한 학교도서관 서비스 방안 연구

        박해인 연세대학교 교육대학원 2023 국내석사

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        과학영재학교 도서관은 전문화된 과학 탐구 중심의 교수학습활동을 지원할 뿐만 아니라 일반적인 학교도서관의 기능도 동시에 수행하는 특수성을 가지고 있다. 기존 청소년 대상 정보이용자 연구는 보편적인 정보 요구를 파악하여 서비스를 제안하기 위해 진행되어왔다. 그러나 최근 개별화된 학생 맞춤형 교육으로 패러다임의 전환을 맞이한 상황에서 과학영재학교 도서관 이용자를 대상으로 맞춤형 서비스를 제공하기 위한 기초 자료가 매우 부족한 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구는 과학영재학교 도서관 서비스 방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 과학영재 학생들의 정보 요구와 정보이용행태를 탐색하였다. 본 연구에서는 전국 8개의 과학영재학교 중 6개의 과학영재학교에 재학 중인 10명의 학생들을 대상으로 심층 면담을 통해 정보 요구와 정보이용행태 전반을 탐색하였다. 심층 면담 자료는 Colaizzi의 현상학적 질적 탐구 방법으로 코드북을 제작하여 연구 내용을 분석하였다. 과학영재학교 학생들의 정보이용행태는 일반적인 청소년들이 보이는 정보이용행태와 일부 차이가 있었다. 영재의 특성과 더불어 경험하는 교육과정의 차이로 인해 서로 다른 정보이용행태를 보이는 동시에 발달 단계상 유사한 정보 행태를 보이기도 하였다. 본 연구에서 확인한 과학영재학교 학생들의 정보 요구와 정보이용행태, 선호 정보원의 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 과학영재학교 학생들의 정보 요구가 발생하는 동기는 교과 활동과 교과 외 활동 영역으로 나누어졌다. 수업 및 학습, 연구 활동이 포함되는 교과 활동 영역에 대한 정보 요구는 면담에 참여한 모든 과학영재학교 학생들에게 나타났다. 교과 외 활동과 관련한 정보 요구로는 건강 및 여가, 진로, 일반적 정보, 자기 계발 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교과 활동에서 경험하는 정보과정을 Kuhlthau의 ISP모형의 6가지 단계적 특성을 적용해 정보이용행태를 분석하였다. 과학영재학교 학생들은 교과활동 과정에서 ISP 모형에서 단계적으로 제시하는 감정, 사고, 행동 측면의 유사한 특성을 확인할 수 있었다. 더불어 정보 탐색 과정에서 겪는 어려움으로는 자료의 특수성, 자료 접근의 제약, 언어의 장벽, 검색 기술의 미흡, 정보원 평가 순으로 확인할 수 있었다. 셋째, 과학영재학교 학생들이 선호하는 정보원을 분석한 결과 가장 선호하는 정보원은 인터넷 포털로 일반 청소년들과 유사한 행태를 보였다. 그러나 학술정보 데이터베이스, 주제 전문사이트, 커뮤니티 정보원, 연구자료집, 전문가 집단 등의 일부 특수한 정보원을 선호하는 경향성도 확인할 수 있었다. 넷째, 과학영재학교 학생들은 도서관을 주로 정보를 찾기 위해 이용하고 자기주도적 학습공간으로 인식하고 있었다. 특히 학교도서관에서 필요한 자료를 신속하게 이용할 수 있는 것을 긍정적으로 평가하며 다양한 자료 확보, 자료의 재구조화, 교내 리포지터리 구축, 도서관 서비스 홍보가 필요하다는 답변도 있었다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 과학영재학교의 도서관 서비스를 개선하기 위해 정보, 교육, 문화 측면에서 서비스 방안을 제안하고, 과학영재학교 학생들의 정보이용행태의 특이점과 시사점을 논의하였다. 본 연구는 질적연구 방법을 이용하여 과학영재학교 학생의 정보 요구와 정보이용행태, 선호 정보원을 탐색하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 본 연구를 통해 기존 정보 이용자 연구에서 다루어지지 않은 영역인 과학영재학교 학생들의 정보이용행태를 탐색하여 과학영재학교의 도서관 서비스의 개선과 더불어 과학 주제 분야에 심화적인 관심과 재능이 있는 학생들을 위한 정보 서비스 제공에 도움이 되기를 바란다. A library of Science School for Gifted has the unique characteristics of supporting specialized science inquiry-oriented teaching and learning activities and simultaneously performing general school library functions. Accordingly, research on information adolescent users has been conducted to identify everyday information needs and to propose necessary services. However, primary data to provide customized services by the library of Science Schools for Gifted need to be more comprehensive. Therefore, this study explored science-gifted students' information needs and information-seeking behavior to propose a suitable library service plan. In this study, ten students from six out of eight science schools for gifted in Korea were examined for information needs and overall information-seeking behavior through in-depth interviews. The interviews led to content analysis by producing a codebook using Colaizzi's phenomenological qualitative inquiry method. The information-seeking behavior of students at science schools for gifted was partially different from that of general adolescents. In addition, It were differences and similarities in information-seeking behaviors between the gifted and the regular students. The differences might be from the gifted students' inherent characteristics and exposure to the specialized curriculums. The following findings of this study are based on the analysis of the gifted students' information needs, information search habits, and preferred information sources. First, the motives for students' information needs were divided into curricular and extracurricular activities. All students from science schools for gifted who participated in the interview expressed a need for information on curriculum activities, including classes, learning, and research activities. The information needed on extracurricular activities in the order of importance was health and leisure, career, general information, and self-development. Second, the information use process of curriculum activities was analyzed according to the six stages of Kuhlthau's ISP model. As a result, the students could identify similar characteristics of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors presented sequentially in the ISP model. In addition, the gifted students' difficulties faced in the information search process from the most to least frequent were specificity of data, data access restriction, language barriers, poor search skills, and information evaluation. Third, students' most preferred source of information was the Internet, as the one’s of ordinary adolescents. However, the gifted students preferred information sources such as academic databases, subject-specialized websites, community sources, research data collections, and expert groups. Fourth, students visited the library to find information and recognized it as a self-directed learning space. They evaluated the school library positively, as it was possible for them to find the needed materials quickly. Some students suggested that securing various materials, restructuring data, building a school repository, and promoting library services are necessary. A service plan was developed to improve the library services of science schools for the gifted by incorporating the findings. This study also included the peculiarities and implications of the information-seeking behavior of gifted students. Furthermore. this study explored the students' information needs, information-seeking behavior, and preferred information sources of gifted students using qualitative research methods. Thus, the findings could be applied to enhance the library services offered by science schools for the gifted and guide in developing information services for regular students with a substantial interest and passion in science.

      • Information-seeking strategies and science content understandings of sixth-grade students using on-line learning environments

        Hoffman, Joseph Loris The University of Michigan 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

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        This study examined the information-seeking strategies and science content understandings learners developed as a result of using on-line resources in the University of Michigan Digital Library and on the World Wide Web. Eight pairs of sixth grade students from two teachers' classrooms were observed during inquiries for astronomy, ecology, geology, and weather, and a final transfer task assessed learners' capabilities at the end of the school year. Data included video recordings of students' screen activity and conversations, journals and completed activity sheets, final artifacts, and semi-structured interviews. Learners' information-seeking strategies included activities related to asking, planning, tool usage, searching, assessing, synthesizing, writing, and creating. Analysis of data found a majority of learners posed meaningful, openended questions, used technological tools appropriately, developed pertinent search topics, were thoughtful in queries to the digital library, browsed sites purposefully to locate information, and constructed artifacts with novel formats. Students faced challenges when planning activities, assessing resources, and synthesizing information. Possible explanations were posed linking pedagogical practices with learners' growth and use of inquiry strategies. Data from classroom-lab video and teacher interviews showed varying degrees of student scaffolding: development and critique of initial questions, utilization of search tools, use of journals for reflection on activities, and requirements for final artifacts. Science content understandings included recalling information, offering explanations, articulating relationships, and extending explanations. A majority of learners constructed partial understandings limited to information recall and simple explanations, and these occasionally contained inaccurate conceptualizations. Web site design features had some influence on the construction of learners' content understandings. Analysis of data suggests sites with high quality general design, navigation, and content helped to foster the construction of broad and accurate understandings, while context and interactivity had less impact. However, student engagement with inquiry strategies had a greater impact on the construction of understandings. Gaining accurate and in-depth understandings from on-line resources is a complex process for young learners. Teachers can support students by helping them engage in all phases of the information-seeking process, locate useful information with prescreened resources, build background understanding with off-line instruction, and process new information deeply through extending writing and conversation.

      • A study on cognitive learning style, instructional strategies, and gender in information science courses

        Grant, Nancy Susan Indiana University of Pennsylvania 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

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        The purpose of the study was to determine if there were any significant differences in cognitive learning style, instructional strategies, and gender of students enrolled in the discipline of information science. Sixty-seven undergraduate students attending a local university participated in the research study. Each student's learning style was measured using the Kolb Learning Style Instrument (1993). An instructional strategies instrument was also administered to determine if there were any significant differences between cognitive learning styles and instructional strategies reported by the students. Additionally, gender and instructional strategies were also analyzed for statistical significance. Using a two-way ANOVA statistical test, significant differences were found between cognitive learning style and student performance in the information science courses examined. In terms of the research study results, convergers outperformed all of the other cognitive learning styles in the procedure-oriented computer programming course and assimilators outperformed all of the other cognitive learning styles in the object-oriented computer programming course. Using one-way ANOVA statistical testing, significant differences were found between cognitive learning style and instructional strategy six (homework). Further statistical analysis indicated that students with an accommodative cognitive learning style rated this instructional strategy higher than any of the other cognitive learning style groups surveyed. Additionally, regardless of cognitive learning style, the hands-on instructional strategy had the highest overall rating across all of the information science courses surveyed. Gender and cognitive learning style were also examined in various information science courses in which one-way ANOVA statistical testing indicated significant differences between gender and instructional strategy three (group work) and instructional strategy four (auditory). In terms of gender and instructional strategy three, males rated this instructional strategy higher than females. In terms of gender and instructional strategy four, females rated this instructional strategy higher than males. The results of this research study indicated that students with different cognitive learning styles may excel in various computer programming environments, warranting further research, especially in the area of object-oriented computer programming environments. Additionally, since significant differences were found between the constructs of cognitive learning style, instructional strategies, and gender, it provides support for further research in these areas as well.

      • Information in Our World: Conceptions of Information and Problems of Method in Information Science

        Ma, Lai Indiana University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

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        Many concepts of information have been proposed and discussed in library and information science. These concepts of information can be broadly categorized as empirical and situational information. Unlike nomenclatures in many sciences, however, the concept of information in library and information science does not bear a generally accepted definition and does not serve as the basis or assumptions for research studies. Nevertheless, every use of the term 'information' and every conceptualization of information are based on certain epistemological assumptions. How do we understand 'information' as a foundational concept of information science and what are the consequences? Based on the social ontology suggested in the theory of communicative action, this study shows how the understanding of the term 'information' could be communicatively constructed and how it may become 'technicized' due to the systematic collection, storage, and organization of information. Technicized information not only means that the production of information may be subject to control and manipulation, it also entails that users may accept the cultural and social values embedded in information infrastructures without question and criticism. Epistemological and methodological issues are important and crucial because data or information are decontextualized and recontextualized at different levels in information infrastructures and hence should be a primary concern in information, information-related, and data-driven research.

      • Information overload and managerial roles: A naturalistic study of engineers

        Jackson, Wanda Kaye The University of Texas at Austin 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

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        In today's business environments, managers face pressure to quickly process increasingly large quantities of information. Unfortunately, the human capacity to process information has not grown at the same rate as the quantity of information, so managers sometimes find themselves feeling overloaded with information. The goal of this study was to develop a set of theoretical constructs that explain how information overload is related to managerial roles of engineers in a large, multinational oilfield services company. Grounded theory, using layered triangulation techniques, was the methodology employed. Analysis of the data showed that managers utilized both proactive and reactive strategies to manage their environment. These strategies were not sufficient to completely eliminate information overload. This study identified characteristics of information present in information overload situations, the factors that added complexity to the situations, and the context in which information overload was most likely to occur. During overload situations, information flow was bidirectional and constant. Information came from multiple sources and was often incomplete or changed frequently. While multiple factors (managerial roles, decision making, information behavior, and instructional technologies) contributed varying degrees of complexity to information experiences, the single defining difference between information intensity and information overload was quantity of information. The primary managerial role in which information overload occurred was that of disturbance handler. Information overload situations developed when the quantity of information (coming in and going out) and the number of secondary roles played by a manager were more than an individual could handle. The situation was most likely to occur when managers were focused on a single issue (a disturbance) that persisted over a sustained period of time and involved information that was “immediately actionable” (that is, requiring execution of immediate tasks as well as cognitive processing). This study has cross-disciplinary implications for research on information behaviors, characteristics of information, and dynamic interactions in the total information environment in the fields of both information science and management science. Practitioners interested in jobs that require complex logistics and problem-solving activities may also benefit from identifying tasks associated with “immediately actionable” information that could possibly be automated to relieve information overload.

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