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      • Essays on the Macroeconomics of Housing Markets

        Abramson, Boaz ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Stanford Universit 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2635

        This dissertation studies the macroeconomic implications of government policies and household decisions for housing market outcomes. To do so, I combine tools from macroeconomics, finance, and urban economics to model these markets, and I construct novel microlevel datasets to inform the models.The first chapter, “The Welfare Effects of Eviction and Homelessness Policies”, studies the effects of various rental market policies that address evictions and homelessness. Examples are “Right-to-Counsel” reforms, which provide tenants with free legal counsel in eviction cases, rental assistance programs, and eviction moratoria. While these policies provide a form of insurance to tenants who cannot pay rent, they can also affect equilibrium rents and housing supply. To study these equilibrium effects, I develop a dynamic general equilibrium model of the rental market in a city and quantify the model to match micro data on evictions and homelessness as well as shocks to income and family structure. The key new feature of the model is that households can default on rent and face the risk of eviction, and that rents and housing supply reflect the default risk of tenants.I find that “Right-to-Counsel” drives up rents so much that homelessness increases, and welfare is dampened. While lawyers make it harder to evict delinquent tenants, they are unable to prevent evictions because defaults on rent are driven by persistent shocks to income that cannot easily be smoothed across time. In contrast, rental assistance lowers tenants default risk and as a result reduces both homelessness and evictions and increases welfare. Finally, an eviction moratorium following an unemployment shock can prevent a spike in evictions and homelessness, as long as it is used as a temporary measure and therefore has little effect on equilibrium rents.While the first chapter focuses on the rental markets, the second chapter, “Self-Assessed Financial Literacy in Housing Markets”, studies the role of financial knowledge in homeownership decisions. Using survey data, we show that households who self-assess themselves to be more financially literate are more likely to own a house and take a more levered position on their house. We then develop a heterogeneous agent portfolio choice model to infer the role of mortgage terms and of expectations on future house prices for the empirical patterns. We find that household with higher levels of self-assessed financial knowledge have access to more accommodating mortgage terms and better risk-return tradeoffs in the housing market. Our results show that by ignoring heterogeneity in financial literacy, standard models introduce quantitatively substantial biases in evaluating housing policies. For example, housing demand elasticity with respect to wealth is downsized by approximately 40% when taking financial literacy into account.

      • Litigating the Housing Crisis: Legal Assistance and the Institutional Life of Eviction in Los Angeles

        Nelson, Kyle Robert ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2588

        This dissertation examines the institutional and interactional determinants of eviction case outcomes in the Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) system. Tenants defending themselves against eviction encounter a classic sociological paradox: how the state tasks bureaucracies with managing eviction (allocating justice equitably) rarely resembles how they do so in practice (efficiently processing large volumes of cases). This contradiction expresses itself in a legal process that efficiently enforces landlords’ property claims at the expense of tenants’ due process rights. When tenants go to court alone, they often lose or settle on disadvantageous terms, but tenants represented by lawyers can hold the LASC system accountable to its commitments to equitably allocating substantive and procedural forms of justice. By counseling tenants in clinics, negotiating settlements, and trying cases, lawyers use their expertise to strategically link tenants’ interests in protecting their housing with courts’ pragmatic commitment to efficiently processing cases. In doing so, lawyers’ interventions help tenants find justice in a biased legal system and defend their homes in an uncompromising housing market.

      • Informal settlements in the process of urbanisation : a case study of Garden Hills and ATS Samarai Block in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

        Wilson Gusamo 서울시립대학교 국제도시과학대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2570

        Informal settlements are an eyesore but are inevitable products of urbanization. In the process of urbanization, so many informal settlements have sprung up in city precincts, suburbs, and peri-urban areas. At least 83 informal settlements have sprung up in Port Moresby, the capital city of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Given that Port Moresby receives the most migrants, this study discusses informal settlements in the city as it undergoes urbanization using the typical cases of Garden Hills and ATS Samarai Block. The study aims to investigate the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of dwellers of Garden Hills and ATS Samarai Block, examine the rate of population changes in Port Moresby and determine why settlers choose to live in informal settlements, look into the affordability of housing and land, assess the state of informal settlements and the direction of city growth, and identify challenges for governments brought on by informal urbanization for policy interventions. The study also aims to take a closer look at the issues pertaining to land (both State and Customary) and law and order issues. Residents of informal settlements are interviewed to gain insight into their motivations for moving to Port Moresby. In-migration, population change, urbanization and city-directional growth, the status of informal settlements, housing affordability, and land issues at the study sites are the main subjects of the study. The study employed a sample biased technique for both convenience sample and purpose response sample. The 40 household respondents were selected from the total population of the area using random sampling to grasp the different socio - economic characteristics because both settlements were comprised of people from all over PNG living in Port Moresby city. The result indicates that younger people are coming to Port Moresby for school and enjoying city bright lights and employment. Majority of the residents of both communities, 43% and 35%, respectively, are from the Milne Bay and Eastern Highlands Provinces. Public sector salary pay structure the least paid worker (PS01) gets 633 PGK per month; 30% is 190 PGK, worker at median (PS10) gets 1, 660 PGK; 30% is 498 PGK and a highly paid worker (PS20) gets 6087.93 PGK; 30% is 1826.37 PGK. There is a need for Policy or Regulatory Framework to regulate housing, real estate, land prices and the upgrading of informal settlements into city suburbs. The Vagrancy Act must be reviewed, and proper control mechanisms must be put in place to control city movements and orderly settings of the city areas. The Papua New Guinea National Housing Policy 2021-2030 must be reviewed and put into place an effective implementation mechanism to deal with city’s housing issues. To ensure that the city's design and expansion are managed and administered in an orderly and planned manner, the Port Moresby Towards 2030 Plan must be resourced and efficiently implemented. 눈살을 찌푸리게 하는 비공식 주거지는 도시화의 불가피한 산물이다. 도시화 과정에서 도시 구역, 교외, 도시 주변 지역에 수많은 비공식 주거지가 생겨난다. 파푸아뉴기니의 수도 포트모르즈비에는 최소 83개의 비공식 주거지가 있다. 이 연구는 파푸아뉴기니에서 가장 많은 이주민을 수용하는 도시인 포트모르즈비의 가든힐스(Garden Hills)와 ATS 사마라이 블록(ATS Samarai Block)의 대표적인 사례를 통해 포트모르즈비의 비공식 주거지를 논의한다. 이 연구의 목표는 가든힐스와 ATS 사마라이 블록 거주자의 사회경제적, 인구통계적 특성을 조사하고, 포트모르즈비의 인구 변화율을 조사하여 정착민들이 비공식 거주지를 선택한 이유를 파악하고, 주택과 토지의 경제성을 조사하고, 비공식 주거지의 상태와 도시 성장 방향을 평가하고, 비공식 도시화로 인한 정부의 정책 개입 과제를 파악하는 것이다. 이 연구의 또 다른 목표는 토지(국영토지, 관습토지 모두 포함)와 관련된 문제와 법과 질서 문제를 면밀히 살펴보는 것이다. 포트모르즈비로 이주 동기를 파악하기 위해 비공식 주거지 주민들을 인터뷰했다. 연구의 주요 주제는 이주, 인구 변화, 도시화 및 도시 방향 성장, 비공식 주거지 현황, 주택 경제성, 연구 대상지의 토지 문제다. 이 연구는 편의 표본과 목적 응답 표본에 표본 편향 기법을 사용했다. 두 주거지 모두 파푸아뉴기니 전역에서 온 이들로 구성되어 있기 때문에 다양한 사회경제적 특성을 파악할 수 있도록 해당 지역의 전체 인구에서 무작위 표본 추출을 통해 응답자로 40가구를 선정했다. 연구 결과는 젊은 사람들은 진학을 위해 포트모르즈비로 이주하고 도시의 밝은 불빛과 일자리를 향유함을 시사한다. 가든힐스의 43%, ATS 사마라이 블록의 35% 등 지역 주민 다수가 밀른베이 (Milne Bay)와 이스턴하이랜드 프로빈스(Eastern Highlands Province) 출신이다. 공공부문 급여 구조 최저임금 노동자(PS01)는 월 633키나(30%는 190키나), 중간임금 노동자(PS10)는 1,660키나(30%는 498키나), 고임금 노동자(PS20)는 6087.93키나(30%는 1826.37키나)를 받는다. 주택, 부동산, 토지 가격 및 비공식 주거지의 도시 교외로의 업그레이드를 규제하기 위해서는 정책 또는 규제 프레임 워크가 필요하다. 부랑자법(Vagrancy Act)을 검토하고, 도시 이동과 도시 지역의 질서 정연한 환경을 통제하기 위한 적절한 통제 메커니즘을 마련해야 한다. <파푸아뉴기니 국가 주택 정책 2021-2030(Papua New Guinea National Housing Policy 2021-2030)>을 검토하고 도시의 주택 문제를 처리하기 위한 효과적인 실행 메커니즘을 마련해야 한다. 도시의 설계와 확장을 질서정연하고 계획적인 방식으로 관리하고 운영되려면 <포트모르즈비 2030 계획(Port Moresby Towards 2030 Plan)>을 지원하고 효율적으로 시행해야 한다.

      • Eviction by Design: The Role of Court Documents, Self-Help Materials, and Judicial Actors in the Tenant Experience of Summary Eviction

        Bernal, Daniel W ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1855

        This purpose of this project was to understand how Arizona tenants experience the judicial process of summary eviction and whether that experience might be meaningfully improved. While the psychological, social, and economic effects of eviction are currently in the national spotlight, few scholars have investigated the legal documents that quietly shunt tenants out of their houses and the justice innovations designed to help them resist. In addition, there has been surprisingly little qualitative research of tenants during the eviction process that investigates why they choose to attend their hearing, how they perceive housing court, and whether they are able to accomplish their stated goals through their attendance and participation. By comprehensively analyzing the tenant experience, I provide court practitioners with recommendations for redesigning housing court more equitably. This project is comprised of four stand-alone studies. Chapter 1 describes a linguistic and rhetorical analysis of the documents that evict. As a case study, I analyze the notice and pleading documents most filed in an Arizona housing court, measure their real-world impact, and present model eviction notice and pleading forms. Chapter 2, written with Margaret Hagan, integrates existing expert-oriented and user-centered approaches to designing justice innovation and presents a first attempt at establishing a standard methodology for creating and vetting new justice interventions. We present the methodology used to create the eviction self-help materials used in this project as an example and argue that a human-centered, participatory approach should become the standard in justice innovation design. Chapter 3, written with Andy Yuan, describes the results of a randomized study to provide self-help information to tenants facing eviction in one Arizona court. We find no evidence that provision of self-help improved court attendance or case outcomes; in contrast, treated tenants were significantly more likely to owe their landlords more money. In Chapter 4, I present findings from qualitative interviews with tenants after their eviction hearing and posit recommendations for housing court redesign.

      • Proactive management of flow table of SDN using hidden markov model and fuzzy logic

        Huang, Gan Sungkyunkwan university 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 1852

        With the development of Software Defined Network (SDN), numerous researches have been conducted for improving its performance. In SDN flow table is used in the switch for the routing of the packets. Due to the space limitation of flow table and switch capacity, various issues need to be resolved for effectively dealing with a large number of incoming flows. The existing schemes typically employ a reactive approach such that evicted entries are decided only when timeout or table miss occurs. In this dissertation a proactive approach is studied in which decision is made based on the prediction of the probability of matching of the entries. Here eviction occurs proactively when the utilization of flow table falls below a threshold, and the flow entry of the lowest matching probability is evicted. The matching probability is estimated using hidden Markov model (HMM). Computer simulation reveals that it significantly enhances the prediction accuracy and decreases the number of table misses compared to the standard Hard timeout scheme and the existing proactive scheme. Another proactive eviction scheme is also proposed to enhance the performance of the HMM-based scheme. Here, if the unmatch probability exceeds the preset threshold, fuzzy logic is used to select the entries for eviction considering match priority, idle time, and the number of unmatched flows via a new notion called eviction index. The proposed scheme is for efficient flow entry eviction before table miss actually occurs, which eventually increases the speed of flow management in SDN switch. Extensive computer simulation reveals that the proposed scheme substantially increases the match probability and prediction accuracy, and reduces the number of misses at least 10% compared to the existing eviction schemes. SDN (Software Defined Network)의 개발과 함께 SDN 의 성능 향상을 위한 수많은 연구가 수행되어왔다. SDN 플로 테이블은 패킷의 경로배정을 위한 OpenFlow 스위치에 사용된다. 플로 테이블과 스위치 용량의 공간 제한으로 인해 많은 수의 플로를 효과적으로 처리하려면 다양한 문제들을 해결해야한다. 기존 방안은 일반적으로 시간 초과 또는 테이블 미스가 발생할 때만 제거된 항목이 결정되는 반응적 접근 방식을 사용한다. 본 논문에서는 출품작의 일치확률 예측에 근거하여 결정을 내리는 사전적 접근법을 연구한다. 여기서 제거는 플로 테이블의 사용률이 한계점을 초과하고 일치 확률이 가장 낮은 흐름 항목이 제거될 때 발생한다. 일치 확률은 숨겨진 마르코프 모델 (HMM)을 사용하여 추정된다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션은 기존 하드 타임아웃 방식과 사전 예방적 방식에 비해 예측 정확도를 크게 향상시키고 테이블 미스 횟수를 줄인다는 것을 보여준다. 또 다른 사전 제거 방식 또한 HMM 기반 계획의 성능을 향상시키기 위해 제안되었다. 여기서 불일치 확률이 미리 설정된 임계 값을 초과하는 경우 퍼지 로직을 사용하여 일치 우선순위, 유휴시간 및 제거색인이라는 새로운 개념을 통해 일치하지 않는 흐름 수를 고려하여 제거할 항목을 선택한다. 제안된 방식은 테이블 미스가 실제로 발생하기 전에 효율적인 흐름 항목 제거를 한 것이며, 궁극적으로는 SDN 스위치에서 흐름 관리 속도를 증가시키는 것이다.광범위한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 제안된 방식이 일치 확률과 예측 정확도를 크게 높이고 기존 퇴거 방식에 비해 최소 10 %의 누락회수를 줄인다는 것을 알 수 있다.

      • Financial Matters: Housing Security and Eviction during the Transition from Foster Care to Adulthood

        Tully, Brenda Ann ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1852

        Secure housing contributes to individual and family well-being and full participation in life (Bratt, 2002). Securing housing in early adulthood can be difficult for young people earning low incomes and with little or no family support, including youth exiting foster care to adulthood (Dworsky et al., 2012). The life course perspective suggests that perceived relationship quality with birth parents, economic social role transitions, and social stratification based on race are key factors in housing security during the transition to adulthood (Britton, 2013; Gillespie, 2020; Lei & South, 2016). However, these factors have not been studied among young adults aging out of foster care. Additionally, literature gaps on young adults’ housing outcomes after exiting care require a further inquiry into multidimensional housing trajectories and initiating investigation into eviction. This dissertation aimed to fill these gaps using Midwest Evaluation of Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth data. Analyzing longitudinal data collected between 2002 and 2011, during the Great Recession, this study identified young adult’s latent housing trajectories after foster care exit, established an eviction rate and count of repeated evictions, and examined the relationships between young adult’s perceived relationship quality with their birth mothers and fathers, time-varying economic measures, race and ethnicity, and housing trajectories and eviction. The multidimensional housing measure identified three housing trajectories: insecure, precarious, and secure. State of foster care residence, sex, education, children, housing subsidy, and income at wave 4 were associated with housing trajectories (i.e., secure versus precarious). Young adults’ eviction rate was 21%. Among the evicted group, 79% of young adults were evicted once and 21% experienced 2 to 4 evictions. The study demonstrated compelling evidence for relationships between economic hardship at ages 21, 23 or 24, and 26, and eviction. Homelessness, occupancy type at wave 3, and food insecurity at wave 4 were related to eviction also. Perceived quality of relationship with birth mothers and fathers and race and ethnicity were not associated with housing outcomes. Implications highlight the need to expand housing subsidies for youth transitioning from foster care to adulthood to mitigate precarious housing trajectories and universal guaranteed income to reduce economic hardship.

      • Optimizing Content Distribution Network Caches With Machine Learning

        Song, Zhenyu Princeton University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1578

        Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) play a pivotal role in Internet traffic. A key part of this caching mechanism is the eviction algorithm that handles the replacement of old cached objects. The effectiveness of the eviction algorithm significantly influences CDN performance.This dissertation explores the application of machine learning (ML) to optimize cache eviction algorithms in CDNs. The central questions addressed in this work are: how to utilize ML to devise an eviction algorithm that surpasses existing heuristics on byte miss ratio, and how to mitigate the CPU overhead while enhancing the robustness of a learned cache in large-scale deployment.Two major challenges faced in the design of a learning-based cache eviction algorithm include heterogeneous user access patterns across different locations and times, and computational and space overheads. To address these challenges, we developed two ML-based eviction algorithms, Learning Relaxed Belady (LRB) and Heuristic Aided Learned Preference (HALP).LRB is the first CDN cache algorithm to directly approximate the Belady MIN (oracle) algorithm by learning access patterns, providing a significant improvement over traditional eviction algorithms. It demonstrated a WAN traffic reduction of 4-25\\% across six production CDN traces in our simulation. HALP, on the other hand, achieves low CPU overhead and robust DRAM byte miss ratio improvement by augmenting a heuristic policy with ML. It has shown to reduce DRAM byte miss during peak by an average of 9.1\\%, with a modest CPU overhead of 1.8\\%, while deployed in YouTube CDN production clusters.This study contributes towards using machine learning to develop robust cache eviction algorithms with low miss ratios and low overheads, thereby enhancing the efficiency of CDNs. The findings of this research have been applied in industry deployment with significant production impact.

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