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      • Learning, Identity, and Power: Tensions and Possibilities in Equity-Oriented Computer Science Education

        Vakil, Sepehr University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Computer science is rapidly emerging as a distinct feature of K-12 public education in the United States. Calls to expand computer science education are often linked to equity and diversity concerns around expanding access to girls and historically underrepresented students of color. In this dissertation, I argue that in addition to expanding access to the field, equity-oriented researchers and educators must also attend to how dominant discourses and ideologies are shaping the character of computer science education. Through a mixed-methods study combining ethnographic and social design experiment approaches, I examine (a) the current state of computer science education at a large, racially diverse high school in the San Francisco Bay Area, and (b) possibilities and tensions for computer science learning rooted in critical pedagogy and social justice traditions. The dissertation is organized as three distinct articles. Chapter 2 reviews extant literature in the field and advances a framework for computer science education rooted in sociopolitical theorizations of equity. In this chapter I also provide a case study and introduction to the Computer Science and Technology (CST) Academy, where studies presented in the next two articles are also based. Chapters 3 and 4 report on a social design experiment that provided students an opportunity to create socially relevant technology that addressed educational equity issues in their school. In Chapter 3, I draw on student surveys, artifacts (final project portfolios, student sketches, memos, presentations, and posters), artifact-based interviews, and field notes, to analyze the complex interplay between students' social identities and disciplinary identities in computer science. I argue that the kinds of learning opportunities provided in computer science classrooms have significant implications for how students come to view their own social identities and futures within the discipline. In Chapter 4, drawing upon video data of a particular episode from the class, I argue that a conflict between a white male student and a Black female student was rooted in a lack of trust and solidarity between the students. The conflict and other moments of tension between students limited opportunities for collective learning and action, and more critically, led to the Black student and other students of color experiencing discomfort and feeling violated. Ultimately, I argue that in addition to expanding curriculum to include culturally relevant or social justice topics, equity-oriented approaches must also attend to the quality of student relationships, particularly in racially diverse contexts. Taken together, the articles in this dissertation contribute to a vision of computer science education rooted in educational equity and social justice traditions. This research has implications for the design of computer science learning contexts that aim to prepare young people to address the increasingly complex local, global, environmental, human rights and sociopolitical issues of the 21st century.

      • '컴퓨터과학Ⅰ'교육과정의 개선방안

        박두갑 慶尙大學校 敎育大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        The purpose of this study is to search for methods of improving computer science education of science high school. To achieve this purpose, this study looked into the status of the curriculum of 'Computer Science Ⅰ' for the school, and investigated and analyzed if the contents and levels of the textbook are suitable for the learners and the original aims of the subject. For this purpose, four research questions were established. First, what is the status of teachers for this subject? Second, what is the current environment for computer education? Third, are the contents and levels of the textbook suitable for students of the school? Finally, what are the ways of improving computer education? To answer these questions, 21 teachers and 320 students in 16 science high schools were set up as samples and answered questionnaires about the status of the curriculum and ways of improving the textbook. The results of the study are as follows. First, for computer science to be the subject which can develop speciality, higher thinking, application abilities, and creativity, professional teachers who majored in computer education at university should be appointed. Second, at least 3 hours a week should be secured to provide sufficient practice, and systematic support is needed in admission for university, such as giving additional points for certificates related to computer. Third, according to the results of the textbook analysis, the contents of the textbook are not suitable for the students. 1) Basic concept of computer should be reduced because students have learned a lot at middle school. 2) Algorithm and programming languages should be strengthened to deal with a variety of creative contents. In the practice and experience units, programming should be expanded and strengthened to fulfill the original aims of computer science. In conclusion, to improve 'Computer Science Ⅰ' textbook, basic concept of computer should be reduced. The unit of algorithm and problem solving should be established as an independent part. So should be the unit of data expression and structures. The unit of programming should provide opportunities for students to learn specific programming languages. Finally, in the present curriculum, 'Computer Science Ⅰ' textbook should be modified and reformed to be suitable for the level and reality of students.

      • Exploring How and Why Girls Engage in High School Computer Science

        Grossett-Dale, Georgia J ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of West 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In our technology-based society, the field of computer science is integral to the economic, scientific, and security-related arenas of the United States. Despite efforts to diversify the domain of computing, most computing professionals are male. Consequently, girls rarely see female role models working in computing. The disparity between male and female representation in the computer science profession is also evident in high school computer science classrooms where girls participate in lower numbers. To support the work of bringing more girls into computer science, it is important to understand the experiences of girls in the computer science classroom. In this basic qualitative research study, I used the frameworks of social role theory and self-determination theory to explore high school female students' motivations, perceptions, and learning experiences related to taking a computer science course as well as female students' intentions of pursuing future computer science opportunities. I conducted semi-structured interviews with a sample population of 15 high school female students in the United States. I used thematic analysis to categorize and code the data. The findings of this study revealed that girls wanted to change the perception that computer science was a male profession; they perceived that high school computer science was a male-dominated course. Once girls enrolled in computer science, their engagement and interest increased in the coursework. Girls’ motivations were driven by their autonomy, desire to do well in the course, and encouragement from family, school staff, and peers. Girls desired to continue learning more computer science beyond high school.

      • How Do K-8 Teachers Conceptualize and Practice Teaching Computer Science?

        Guo, Meize ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Indiana University 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2941

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The consistent prevalence of computer science in our society and the urgent need for STEM professionals in the U.S. raised the need for computer science education at the K-8 level. Researchers have examined the challenges, possible approaches, and contents of teaching computer science. However, there has been limited research on teachers’ conceptualization and practice of teaching computer science in their classes at the K-8 level. This study aimed to examine K-8 teachers' conceptions and practices of teaching computer science in Indiana. To this end, the research question focused on how K-8 teachers conceptualize computer science and how K-8 teachers practice teaching computer science. This study utilized an explanatory sequential mixed method embedded with a multiple case design to answer the research questions. From kindergarten to eighth grade, nine teachers who had computer science teaching experience participated in this study. The data collected from the participants included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, class observation, and teaching materials. Thematic analysis procedure and constant comparative analysis procedure were employed as the data analysis approaches.The results showed that the participants of this study used computers and technology indistinguishably. In addition, the participants viewed computer literacy and digital citizenship as the essential parts of computer science. However, the participants’ teaching practice emphasized coding and computer literacy more than digital citizenship, which was not alien to their concepts of computer science. The participants of this study have taught computer science as separate activities as opposed to a sustained curriculum. Moreover, the participants of this study relied on free and ready-to-use teaching materials, especially those that included hands-on activities. The participants of this study agreed that computer science should be a separate class and taught by specialists, even though they all have plenty of computer science teaching experience and have valued integrating computer science with other subject areas. Furthermore, the participants of this study integrated computer science with other subject areas without being aware. The participants of this study discussed the influential factors that impact computer science teaching: (1) computer science curriculum resources, (2) time to learn computer science, (3) priority of computer science in teaching, and (4) professional development on computer science.It is recommended that clarification on what computer science is and how to teach the computer science concepts need to be delivered to K-8 teachers. More accessible and ready-to-use computer science curricula are needed, especially the curricula that include hands-on computer science activities and integrate computer science with other subject areas. Based on the results of this study, I suggest facilitating K-8 teachers’ computer science teaching by enhancing teachers’ computer science knowledge and competence and integrating computer science with other subject areas. More longitudinal studies capturing teachers’ conceptions and practices of teaching computer science will need to be conducted in the future.

      • The duality principle and its role in the undergraduate mathematics of computer science

        Dixon, Gayle Elaine Columbia University Teachers College 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2940

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study investigates the Principle of Duality as a pedagogical tool in mathematics instruction within standard undergraduate computing curricula. Since the duality principle appeared to be a mathematical concept widely evident within requisite computing mathematics, a review of relevant literature was performed to examine the development and application of the concept of duality within mathematics and computer science. A duality-based study guide was developed to demonstrate the practical value of the notion of <italic> duality</italic> in computing mathematics instruction. The survey of instructional materials revealed that the Principle of Duality was introduced within several contexts in the foundational and discrete mathematics of computer science. It was determined that the Principle of Duality could be used to introduce formal methods and to teach certain traditional computing applications. Specific pedagogical examples of useful duality-related computer science applications such as expression simplification and digital circuit construction were developed. Also several duality-based sample lessons concerned with student background, motivation, level and content issues were generated. Another major outcome was the creation of the duality student study guide for ancillary use by teachers of computer science mathematics. The artifact was submitted to a three-member jury of experienced teachers of computer science mathematics for review. Their evaluations indicated that duality could be a viable, useful concept in teaching computing mathematics. The results of this study indicate that mathematically and pedagogically sound use of the Principle of Duality, as evidenced within the theoretical tools of computer science, is possible. It appears that a duality student study guide can be a beneficial supplemental tool in teaching undergraduate computing mathematics supplying level appropriate instructional materials with a duality focus.

      • Examining Women-in-Computer Science Groups as a Means for Diversifying STEM: A Cross-Level Analysis

        Wu, Jue Northwestern University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2927

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The gender imbalance in computer science is getting worse, with computer science being the only Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) field in which women’s representation has steadily declined throughout the past few decades. Rectifying this gender imbalance is an urgent need, both because of fundamental issues of equity and because leaving most women out of the labor market in computer-related industries dramatically lowers the number of American workers to fill these roles. Although many efforts have proved to be effective in increasing women’s participation in computer science, many of those may be difficult to replicate on a large scale, as they relied on a great deal of investment of time and money from high-level administrators. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider alternatives. My dissertation focuses on one attempt to redress the lack of women in computer science—Women-in-Computer-Science (Women-in-CS) or Women-in-Computing (WiC) college clubs. Drawing on organizational change theories, I ask: What are some characteristics of the Women-in-CS clubs and how do students engage them? Do they engender changes? If so, how? I explored these research questions through two theoretically connected but methodologically different studies, using thematic network analysis and ethnography respectively. Through a cross-level analysis, I argue that Women-in-CS clubs’ mission statements and practices directly speak to the challenges of gender inequality in computer science. For students, Women-in-CS club is an identity, a community, a safe space, and the beginning of a career-long practice of mentoring future women in computer science. Moreover, changes driven by such clubs have brought impacts to both the individual level female computer science students and the organizational level computer science departments. Both top-down and bottom-up leadership approaches have been used by these clubs to overcome resistance and obstacles related to social cognition and cultural and institutional theories of change. Furthermore, design principles have been derived and identified to shed light on best practices for college clubs with similar goals. This dissertation offers a new perspective on applying organizational change theories in the context of college clubs and contributes to the broader research community on diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education.

      • Applications of Out-of-Domain Knowledge in Students' Reasoning about Computer Program State

        Lewis, Colleen Marie University of California, Berkeley 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2927

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        To meet a growing demand and a projected deficit in the supply of computer professionals (NCWIT, 2009), it is of vital importance to expand students' access to computer science. However, many researchers in the computer science education community unproductively assume that some students lack an innate ability for computer science and therefore cannot be successful learning to program. In contrast, I hypothesize that the degree to which computer science students make productive use of their out-of-domain knowledge can better explain the range of success of novices learning to program. To investigate what non-programming knowledge supports students' success, I conducted and videotaped approximately 40 hours of clinical interviews with 30 undergraduate students enrolled in introductory programming courses. During each interview, a participant talked as they solved programming problems, many of which were multiple-choice problems that were highly correlated with success on an Advanced Placement Computer Science exam. In the analysis of the interviews I focused on students' strengths rather than the typical decision to focus on students' weaknesses. I documented specific competencies of the participants and applied analytic tools from the Knowledge in Pieces theoretical framework (diSessa, 1993) to attempt to understand the source and nature of these competencies. I found that participants appeared to build upon several kinds of out-of-domain knowledge. For example, many students used algebraic substitution techniques when tracing the state of recursive functions. Students appeared to use metaphors and their intuitive knowledge of both iteration and physics to understand infinite loops and base cases. On the level of an individual students' reasoning, a case study analysis illustrated the ways in which a participant integrated her linguistic knowledge of "and" into her reasoning about the computer science command "and." In addition to identifying these specific applications of out-of-domain knowledge, this dissertation applies learning theories that had not previously been applied to computer science education. Through this application I extend the learning theories to the domain of computer science, propose refinements to the theories, and provide insights into participants' reasoning about particular computer science topics.

      • Voices of African American Women in Computer Science: Implications for K-12 Stem Education and Beyond

        Sanders, Yolanda Loyola University Chicago ProQuest Dissertations & 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2924

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Voices of African American Women in Computer Science is a qualitative dissertation about African American women who have successfully completed a computer science degree. This research explored how computer science education departments in predominantly White institutions (PWIs) contribute to the oppression of African American females. Critical race feminism (CRF) provides the platform that places the voices of women of color who have successfully obtained a computer science degree despite difficulties that have been imposed by the reality of racial biases that are present throughout the American education system and American culture at large.This research was guided by the following primary question: What are the unique experiences that have influenced the success of African American females, who have obtained degrees in computer science from PWIs? In order to establish fulfilling narratives of the participants' experiences the following secondary questions are also relevant: What factors have influenced participants' decision to major in computer science? What were the experiences of the participants during their time in their computer science program? How do these women make meaning of their experiences?Both narrative analysis and analysis of narrative was used to interpret data gathered using detailed interviews. Findings were presented using both methods in an attempt to show a detailed use of data, as well as to also push the boundaries of CRF with the creation of guidelines for CRF methodology. The results show that African American women in computer science have unique but powerful stories. This study highlights both positive, and negative factors that influenced these women during and after their academic experiences and fills gaps left by previous research in this area. Overall, this study holds implications for K-12 and higher education institutions as well as policymakers, and those who would simply pick up the torch of mentorship.

      • Extending Text-Based Programming Languages to Embed Computing into Middle School Science Classrooms

        Xu, Yang ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Boston College 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2911

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The demand for talent in the technology sector and the notion of computational thinking as everyday skills propel computing to enter middle school classrooms. The growing popularity of physical computing in educational spaces also infuses computing with elements of creativity and joy. Despite these recent movements, computing remains primarily in informal spaces due to a shortage of computer science teachers and the increasing focus on standardized testing. Arguing that computing and science share practices, this study views computing as problem-solving tools for science and proposes an integrated approach to teaching computing in science classrooms that takes advantage of the affordances of modern physical computing devices. Based on this perspective, a set of physical computing tools was developed to de-emphasize the mechanisms of computer science and shift focus to problem-solving and authentic scientific practices. This study aims to investigate the experiences of two science teachers and 16 students who learned to build self-regulated smart tabletop greenhouses with these tools as complete novices and critically evaluate the principles that undergird the design of the tools.With a qualitative, multiple case study design, this study answers two questions: 1) how did the teachers implement and reflect on their instruction? 2) how did the students engage with computing and science? Data from interviews and observations suggest that although the teachers shared similar instructional practices, their conceptualizations of the interplay between computing and science differed initially. They also had different instructional focuses and followed different trajectories in teaching, which may have produced subtly different understandings of computing-science relationships from their students. Despite these differences, all participants’ understandings of computing-science relationship conformed to a reciprocal pattern, which augmented the shared-practice argument for the integrated approach found in the literature. The challenges that the participants experienced contributed to the revision of the design of the computing tools. Based on these findings, the study recommends future directions in disambiguating the role of computing in middle school classrooms and in working with science teachers who are often simultaneously content experts and computing novices.

      • Randomness extractors for independent sources and applications

        Rao, Anup The University of Texas at Austin 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2911

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The use of randomized algorithms and protocols is ubiquitous in computer science. Randomized solutions are typically faster and simpler than deterministic ones for the same problem. In addition, many computational problems (for example in cryptography and distributed computing) are impossible to solve without access to randomness. In computer science, access to randomness is usually modeled as access to a string of uncorrelated uniformly random bits. Although it is widely believed that many physical phenomena are inherently unpredictable, there is a gap between the computer science model of randomness and what is actually available. It is not clear where one could find such a source of uniformly distributed bits. In practice, computers generate random bits in ad-hoc ways, with no guarantees on the quality of their distribution. One aim of this thesis is to close this gap and identify the weakest assumption on the source of randomness that would still permit the use of randomized algorithms and protocols. This is achieved by building randomness extractors. A randomness extractor is an algorithm that computes a function Ext : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} m, with the property that for any defective source of randomness X satisfying minimal assumptions, Ext(X) is close to uniformly distributed. Such an algorithm would allow us to use a compromised source of randomness to obtain truly random bits, which we could then use in our original application. Randomness extractors are interesting in their own right as combinatorial objects that look random in strong ways. They fall into the class of objects whose existence is easy to check using the probabilistic method (i.e., almost all functions are good randomness extractors), yet finding explicit examples of a single such object is non-trivial. Expander graphs, error correcting codes, hard functions, epsilon biased sets and Ramsey graphs are just a few examples of other such objects. Finding explicit examples of extractors is part of the bigger project in the area of derandomization of constructing such objects which can be used to reduce the dependence of computer science solutions on randomness. These objects are often used as basic building blocks to solve problems in computer science. The main results of this thesis are: Extractors for Independent Sources. The central model that we study is the model of independent sources. Here the only assumption we make (beyond the necessary one that the source of randomness has some entropy/unpredictability), is that the source can be broken up into two or more independent parts. We show how to deterministically extract true randomness from such sources as long as a constant (as small as 3) number of sources is available with a small amount of entropy. Extractors for Small Space Sources. In this model we assume that the source is generated by a computationally bounded processes---a bounded width branching program or an algorithm that uses small memory. This seems like a plausible model for sources of randomness produced by a defective physical device. We build on our work on extractors for independent sources to obtain extractors for such sources. Extractors for Low Weight Affine Sources. In this model, we assume that the source gives a random point from some unknown low dimensional affine subspace with a low-weight basis. This model generalizes the well studied model of bit-fixing sources. We give new extractors for this model that have exponentially small error, a parameter that is important for an application in cryptography. The techniques that go into solving this problem are inspired by the techniques that give our extractors for independent sources. Ramsey Graphs. A Ramsey graph is a graph that has no large clique or independent set. We show how to use our extractors and many other ideas to construct new explicit Ramsey graphs that avoid cliques and independent sets of the smallest size to date. Distributed Computing with Weak Randomness. Finally, we give an application of extractors for independent sources to distributed computing. We give new protocols for Byzantine Agreement and Leader Election that work when the players involved only have access to defective sources of randomness, even in the presence of completely adversarial behavior at many players and limited adversarial behavior at every player. In fact, we show how to simulate any distributed computing protocol that assumes that each player has access to private truly random bits, with the aid of defective sources of randomness.

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