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      • 부모의 양육태도와 아동의 삶의 만족도와의 관계에서 자아존중감과 우울의 다중매개효과

        박찬미 전북대학교 일반대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        Purpose: This study carried out a descriptive correlation to confirm the effect of parenting attitudes on children's life satisfaction by verifying the multi-mediating effects of children’s self-esteem and depression in the variables’ relationship, through secondary data analysis study. Methods: This study used panel data of 2,596 fourth-grade elementary school children from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (2018). The collected data were analyzed using the statistical software, SPSS 25.0, and hypothesis testing was done using Hayes’ (2012) Process Macro Model 6. Results: The findings showed that the more positive the parenting attitude, the higher the children's self-esteem (B=0.20, p<.001) and life satisfaction (B=0.09, p<.001). The more negative the parenting attitude, the lower the child's self-esteem (B=-0.22, p<.001) and the higher the depression (B=0.14, p<.001). Furthermore, the higher the child's self-esteem, the lower the depression (B=-0.54, p<.001) and the higher the life satisfaction (B=0.23, p<.001). Positive parenting attitude did not influence children's depression (B=-0.06, p=.001), while negative parenting attitude (B=-0.02, p=.036) and depression (B=-0.03, p=.001) did not affect children's life satisfaction. In the relationship between positive parenting attitudes and children's life satisfaction, self-esteem (B=0.045, Bootstrap 95% CI=.035∼.056) and depression (B=0.002, Bootstrap 95% CI=.000∼.004) had simple mediating effects, respectively, and the sequential mediating effects of self-esteem and depression were also significant (B=0.004, Bootstrap 95% CI=.001∼.006). In the relationship between parents' negative parenting attitudes and children's life satisfaction, self-esteem (B=-0.049, Bootstrap 95% CI=-.059∼-.040) and depression (B=-0.005, Bootstrap 95% CI=-.008∼-.001) had simple mediating effects, respectively, and the sequential mediating effects of self-esteem and depression were also significant (B=-0.004, Bootstrap 95% CI=-.007∼-.001). Conclusion: The findings indicate that self-esteem and depression are important variables capable of increasing or decreasing children's life satisfaction through simple or sequential mediating. Particularly, self-esteem among the parameters has the greatest mediating effect. Based on the research results, parents should raise their children by raising positive attitudes, lowering negative attitudes. A parent education program that takes into account the parenting attitude, alongside the child's self-esteem and depression to confirm their effect on the improvement of children's life satisfaction, should be developed. Moreover, a self-esteem improvement program that promotes children's self-esteem should be implemented, while also evaluating the effectiveness of such interventions.

      • 식민지 시대 환상적 동화 연구

        신혜순 숙명여자대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        Children’s literature has its distinctiveness in the fact that it targets children. Children are self centered, have animistic thinking, and these characteristics are similar to the fantasy world of fairy tales. Therefore, as stories that are illustrated for children, fairy tales aim to portray a world for the children and a world that is needed and can be enjoyed by children. A fairy tale can be generally classified as a fantasy fairy tale and realistic fairy tale according to the presence of fantasy elements and writing technique. Therefore “Fantasy” is without question an important element of fairy tale but it is not a requirement in fairy tale composition. Korean fairy tales was born and developed over the colonial period which was a time of special circumstances in Korea’s modern history. “Bawinari Wa Agibyeol” written by Ma Hae Song in 1923 is a fantasy fairy tale and is probably Korea’s first creative fairytale. Thenceforth, with independence of Korea 1945 as the year of reference, 1908 &#8211; 1945 is classified as the first generation of children’s literature movement and from 1945 and on is classified as the second generation of children’s literature movement. This study was conducted targeting fairy tales composed in the first generation that posses fantasy elements. During this period is when changes in perception of children and aesthetic function of fairy tale began being recognized and is also important from the perspective that it is during this period that creative fairy tales were first introduced. Even more so, because studies on early fantasy fairy tales have not been conducted, revealing the characteristics of fantasy fairy tales from the colonial period can be considered the most fundamental and at the same time must urgent project in Korea’s literary study of fairy tales. The reason this study places its focus on fantasy fairy tales is because fantasy fairy tales are closer to universal fairy tales than realistic fairy tales with strong sense of purpose. Another reason is, there is a severe lack of fantasy fairy tales in Korean creative fairy tales written in recent times, and their characteristics are also very limited. If so, if fantasy is well suited for the nature of children and is also an important element in creative writing, why isn’t it able to produce significant results in Korean fairy tales? And what characteristics do Korean fantasy fairy tales have? This study began by asking such questions. Study pieces were selected focusing on “Eorini (Children)”, the most representative magazine from the colonial period, and taking into account the large proportion of children’s novels in “Eorini”, other magazines and newspapers were used as additional reference. In the case in which no materials were released, selections from modern children’s literature were used as reference to select a total of 19 pieces. As study method, in order to explain the relationship between fairy tales and fantasy, the concept of fantasy, characteristics of children, and fantasy in fairy tales were examined, and fantasy of creative fairy tale and traditional folk tale were distinguished. Analysis of pieces were conducted by analyzing the characteristics of writing technique, characters, time and space, event, theme, and abstraction based on narrative theories, and aspects and problems of fantasy fairy tales were organized. When characteristics of fantasy fairy tales from the colonial period are examined, first, they possess characteristics of customary introduction and sovereign intervention of the author in the method of writing. The introduction that leads into the fantasy world has poetic expressions that are suggestive, and it was discovered that there is a prescribed rule in the process where the boundary of reality and fantasy become clear. Sovereign intervention of the author signifies the way the author induces and controls the reaction of the reader while the story is being told, and even decides the emotion of the reader. Majority of characters are typically portrayed as weak characters. The main characters in the pieces are often crying, and this is similar to the attitude of children in an effort to fulfill their wants and desires. However, children were rarely used in the stories, and when children were used in the story, they were used as secondary characters rather than as main characters of the story. With time and space of the stories, movement and diversity are extremely restricted, and the timeline of the stories were limited to changes in season based on growth process of plants or night time as the stories progressed. Especially, children who are playing and the lack of magical existence are also characteristics of fantasy fairy tales from the colonial period. As with scenarios, image of the main character maturing through the process of farewell and waiting, and authoritative actions and violence of adults could be seen frequently. The themes that were established through such scenarios were of the emphasis of giving and sharing. Although in a world of hardship, the stories showed what it is to experience happiness of helping each other. The stories correct the behavior and thoughts of wrongful people, and heal the characters that are lonely, isolated, and neglected. Also, in the historical reality, image of main characters of dreaming of freedom from oppression reveals injustice of the realities of the colonial period. This signifies that although they are fairy tales for children, they cannot steer away from historical and social realities. Last, fantasy fairy tales from the colonial period are rarely long pieces. When the cause of imbalance between fantasy fairy tale and realistic fairy tales are identified based on such characteristics, first, it is because of the 36 years of colonial period and the historical circumstance of the Korean War. Second is because of Korea’s traditional ideologies and Confucianism that did not consider fantasy important. Third is because of the kinship centered family system that emphasizes blood lines. Fourth is because thoughts about fantasy and fantasy writing techniques were different from those of the western world to begin with. Fairy tales have their own characteristics based on their country of origin. But characteristics of Korean fantasy fairy tales could not be recognized as Korean fantasies. By attempting a more specific and diverse approach by focusing on fantasy fairy tales of the creative fairy tales from the colonial period which are the starting point of modern fairy tales, this study aimed to revealed their characteristics. In addition, from the historical, societal, and structural context, an effort was made to reveal aspects and problems of fantasy fairy tales and to find reasons fantasy fairy tales were not able to produce significant results in Korea. It is hoped that this will be an opportunity to make Korean creative fairy tales more abundant, and it is revealed that it was a project for preparing a foundation on which studies on Korean children’s literature can be conducted with diversity. Key Words: 아동문학은 아동을 대상으로 한다는 점에서 특수성을 갖는다. 아동은 자기중심적 사고와 물활론적 사고를 갖고 있으며 그 특징이 동화의 환상적 세계와 닮아있다. 그래서 동화는 아동을 대상으로 꾸며진 이야기로 아동의 세계, 아동에게 필요하고 아동이 좋아할만한 세계를 담아내려고 한다. 동화는 환상의 유무와 기법에 따라 환상적 동화와 사실적 동화로 나누는 것이 일반적이다. 따라서 ‘환상’은 동화의 중요한 요소임에는 틀림없지만 동화 창작의 필수조건은 아니다. 한국 창작동화는 한국 근대사의 특수한 상황이었던 식민지 시대를 거치면서 태동, 발전해 왔다. 1923년 마해송의 「바위나리와 아기별」은 환상적 동화로 우리나라 최초의 창작동화라고 할 수 있다. 이후 1945년 광복을 기준으로 1908년~1945년을 제1기 아동문화운동시대, 1945년 이후를 제2기 아동문학운동시대로 크게 나눈다. 이 연구는 제1기에 창작된 동화로 환상적 요소가 있는 작품을 대상으로 하였다. 이 시기는 아동에 대한 인식의 변화와 동화의 미적 기능이 인정되기 시작한 시기이며 창작동화가 처음 등장한 시기라는 점에서도 중요하다. 더구나 초기 환상적 동화 연구는 이루어진 것이 없어 식민지 시대 환상적 동화의 특징을 밝히는 일은 한국 동화문학 연구의 가장 기초적인 작업이며 시급한 과제라고 하겠다. 이 연구가 환상적 동화에 주목하는 것은 환상적 동화가 목적의식이 강한 사실적 동화보다 좀 더 보편적 동화에 가깝기 때문이다. 또, 한국의 근대 창작동화는 지나치게 환상적 동화가 적으며, 특징 또한 제한적이었기 때문이다. 그렇다면 환상이 아동의 특성과 잘 어울리고 창작의 중요한 요소인데도 한국의 창작동화에서는 왜 큰 성과를 거두지 못하고 있는 것일까. 한국의 환상적 동화는 어떤 특징을 갖고 있을까 등의 문제로부터 이 연구는 시작되었다. 대상 작품은 식민지 시대 가장 대표적인 잡지 『어린이』를 중심으로 선정하고 『어린이』가 아동소설의 비중이 큰 것을 고려하여 그 외 잡지나 신문을 참고로 하였다. 공개된 자료가 없을 경우에는 한국 근대 아동문학 선집이나 아동문학 전집을 참고로 총 19편을 선정하였다. 연구 방법은 동화와 환상의 관계를 설명하기 위해 환상의 개념과 아동의 특성, 동화에서의 환상을 정리하였으며 창작동화와 전래동화의 환상을 구분하였다. 작품 분석은 서사이론에 근거하여 이야기의 서술 방식, 인물, 시·공간, 사건, 주제와 사상 등으로 나누어 특징을 분석하고 환상적 동화의 양상과 문제점을 정리하였다. 식민지 시대 환상적 동화의 특징을 살펴보면 먼저, 관습적 도입과 서술자의 주권적 개입이라는 서술 방식의 특징을 갖는다. 환상적 세계로 유입되는 도입 부분은 대부분 함축성이 있는 시적 표현으로 이루어지며 현실과 환상의 경계가 분명해지는 과정에서 일정한 규칙이 있음을 발견했다. 서술자의 주권적 개입이라는 것은 이야기가 서술되는 동안 서술자가 독자의 반응을 유도하고 감정을 조절하는가 하면 독자의 감정을 결정해 버리곤 하는 태도를 말한다. 인물은 대부분은 나약한 인물 유형을 갖는다는 것이다. 작품 속에서 주인공은 대부분 눈물을 흘리고 있는데 이것은 자신의 욕구를 충족시키려는 아동의 생활 태도와도 닮은 점이다. 그러나 이야기에 아이가 직접 등장하는 경우는 극히 드물며 아이가 등장한다고 해도 주동적 인물보다는 부수적인 인물에 불과했다. 시·공간의 경우 이동성이나 다양성이 극히 제한적이어서 식물의 성장 과정을 기준으로 한 계절의 변화로 한정되거나 밤이라는 시간적 제한을 두어 이야기가 진행되었다. 특히, 노는 아이와 마법적 존재가 부족하다는 것도 식민지 시대 환상적 동화의 특징이다. 사건에 있어서는 이별과 기다림의 과정을 통해 성숙되어가는 주인공의 모습과 어른의 권위적인 행위와 폭력 등이 작품 곳곳에서 발견되었다. 이러한 사건을 중심으로 드러난 주제는 우선 베풂과 나눔의 강조였다. 어렵고 힘든 세상이지만 서로 돕고 사는 즐거움이 어떤 것인지 보여주고 있었다. 다음으로 치유와 교정이라는 주제를 갖는다. 옳지 못한 인물의 행동과 생각을 바로 잡으며 외롭고 고독하며 소외된 인물의 내면을 치유한다. 또 역사적 현실에서의 핍박으로부터 해방을 꿈꾸는 주인공의 모습에서 식민지 현실의 억울함을 발견하게 된다. 이것은 아동을 대상으로 하는 동화라 해도 역사적, 사회적 현실에서 벗어날 수 없었음을 의미하는 것이다. 마지막으로 식민지 시대 환상적 동화는 장편이 극히 드물다는 것이다. 이러한 특징을 바탕으로 환상적 동화와 사실적 동화의 불균형 원인을 찾아보면 첫째, 36년이라는 식민지 기간과 6·25 전쟁이라는 역사적 상황 때문이다. 둘째, 환상을 중요하게 생각하지 않은 한국의 전통 사상과 유교적 이념 때문이다. 셋째, 핏줄을 강조하는 혈연중심의 가족 제도 때문이다. 넷째, 환상에 대한 생각이나 환상적 기법이 서구와 처음부터 달랐기 때문이다. 동화도 각 나라마다 특징이 있다. 그런데 한국 환상적 동화의 특징을 한국적 환상으로 인정하지 못했던 것이다. 이 연구는 근대 동화의 출발기인 식민지 시대 창작동화 가운데 환상적 동화를 대상으로 좀 더 구체적이고 다양한 접근 방법을 시도하여 그 특징을 밝히고자 하였다. 또 역사적, 사회적, 구조적 맥락에서 식민지 시대 환상적 동화의 양상과 문제점을 밝히고 환상적 동화가 우리나라에서 큰 성과를 거두지 못한 이유를 찾고자 노력했다. 이것이 한국의 창작동화를 좀 더 풍성하게 만드는 기회가 되기를 바라고 한국 아동문학 연구가 다양하게 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련하기 위한 시도였다.


        강현아 Graduate College of the University of Illinois 2004 해외박사

        RANK : 2943

        Children in out-of-home placements experience a wide range of educational problems. Despite the seriousness of the problem, little systematic research has been conducted regarding the role of substitute parenting practice in overcoming the educational deficits of the children in care. The purposes of the dissertation study were to examine whether substitute caregivers’ educational expectations and involvement positively affect children’s educational performance. In addition, the study investigated whether the quality of the relationship between the substitute caregivers and children increases the degree of the caregivers’ investment in and the effect of their expectations on children’s educational achievement. The study used secondary data of the Illinois Subsidized Guardianship Waiver Demonstration, Chicago Public Schools data, and administrative data of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (IDCFS). The Demonstration data provided information regarding substitute caregivers’ parenting practice and relationships with children in their care. Information regarding children’s educational achievement was obtained from Chicago Public Schools data. Multiple regression analysis was the main statistical method. Study results revealed a positive effect of caregivers’ expectations and involvement on educational achievement of children without disabilities. However, there was no evidence of indirect effect of expectations transmitting via caregiver involvement. No evidence of interaction between caregivers’ expectations and the quality of the relationship was found. Among the three indices of the quality of the relationship, the presence of kinship ties, permanence achievement, and the level of affection between caregivers and children, the presence of kinship ties showed a unique prediction of higher level of supervision reported by caregivers. The level of affection showed a unique positive association with the level of supervision reported by children and with that of direct educational activities. Discussed are the study findings and their implications for social work practice. The findings indicating the positive effects of caregivers’ expectations and involvement call attention to the importance of caregivers’ role in children’s education. In addition, the findings highlighted the affectionate relationship between substitute caregivers and children as a major factor influencing children’s education.

      • A Study on Development and Application of a Course based on SCERTS Model to Improve the Language and Communication Ability for Children with ASD in China

        원여홍 세한대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        The purpose of this study is to develop a course to improve the language and communication ability of children with ASD based on SCERTS model, and to verify its effect. In this regard, this study analyzed the SCERTS model proposed by Prizant et al. (2006) and previous researches using this model, and came up with a theoretical framework of the course and an 8-week course teaching plan. The developed course was applied to eight autistic children aged 5 to 6 years, four of whom were assigned to the experimental group and the remaining four to the control group of the traditional course. This study verified the effect of SCERTS model-based teaching on the language and communication ability of children with ASD through the Language and Communication Assessment Form for Children with ASD, and interviews with parents and teachers. Various research methods such as literature review, experiment and interview are used in this study. The results of the study are as follows. First, based on the SCERTS model, the course developed in this study includes three components, SC (Social communication), ER (Emotional regulation) and TS (Transaction support). In the SC component, this course is designed to improve the capacity of joint attention and symbol use in children with ASD. In the ER component, this course is designed to improve self-regulation and mutual regulation of emotions in children with ASD. In the TS component, the course provides learning and educational support, interpersonal support for children with ASD, and educational and emotional support for families. Second, after verifying the teaching effect of the development course, it is found that the language and communication ability of children in the experimental group based on the SCERTS model is significantly improved than that of the control group. In this study, the Language and Communication Assessment Form for Children with ASD was used to evaluate the experimental group and the control group in three times, baseline period evaluation, intervention period evaluation, and maintenance period evaluation. Results analysis showed that compared with the control group, the experimental group's language and pre-communication ability, language imitation ability, language understanding ability and language expression ability were significantly improved, and the intervention effect remained good after intervention. The four children in the experimental group made significant improvements in language and communication. Child A is able to accurately understand the meaning of personal pronouns and carry on conversations in complete sentences. Child B can follow the teacher's eyes and gestures. He also increased the amount of positive communication. Child C is able to fully describe sentences, understand the meaning of personal pronouns, and apply them to actual communication. In addition, the repetition of sentences is significantly reduced. Child D enhanced the will to express actively and mastered the method of language communication. Parents of children with ASD and teachers involved in teaching indicate in interviews that compared with traditional intervention courses, the SCERTS model-based course has a richer, more novel format and more teaching places, which improves children's participation. Keywords: Children with ASD, SCERTS model, Language and Communication Ability, Comprehensive Intervention

      • 집단미술치료가 시설보호아동의 문제행동에 미치는 효과

        배진희 목포대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        <Abstract>  The children protected in facilities who are deficient in parental affection have a tendency to result in emotional instability. They usually have difficulties in expressing their feelings and deficits and deficits in their emotional growth due to sustained uneasiness and enhanced stresses caused by negative interactions with their environments. What are reasons that may be causing children to have these problems? Although there are inter-individual differences, a child undergoes many processes before he/she enters into a facility, and he/she acquires emotional, psychological, and social problems during those processes. Sometimes a child shows problematic behaviors because of the structural characteristics of the facilities. The life of the children protected in facilities should be pursuant to group life norms due to the structural characteristics of facilities. In the life unified as such, it is difficult to expect that children will think in diversified manners based on their ages, genders and personalities and take responsibilities for their lives on their own. As a result, children show certain characteristics such as internal retardation, impaired learning abilities, insufficient creativity, simple thinking, and insufficient concentration from the cognitive development standpoint. Due to the inferior economic environments of facilities, the facilities cannot help but open time to the external organizations that are willing to provide financial supports and this repeated opening can cause distracted attentions and uneasy emotions in the children. Also, they show very passive and negative attitudes in accommodating others and require a lot of time to form reliable relationships in the context of formation of human relations. In conjunction, sustained supports cause them to have facility syndromes such as the habit of not appreciating others and dependence on others. The objective of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of art therapy programs in reducing externalization, internalization and entire problematic behaviors of the children protected in facilities. Twenty elementary school students, between 3rdgrade and 6th grade, living in study rooms in Y-gun and M-city located in the Jeonnam province were recruited for the study. The therapy was executed 12 times in total, 60 minutes each, once a week from August 2005 to February 2006 in treatment rooms and in the study rooms, in order to test the effect of the study beforehand? Ex post facto tests regarding externalization, internalization and entire problematic behaviors were executed for each of the experimental groups and the control groups using K-CBCLL indices. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0. Paired sample t-test's were used beforehand? Ex post facto analyses, an independent sample t-test was used for the analyses of the differences between the experimental group and the control group. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, the children protected in facilities did not show a significant difference in externalization, internalization and entire problematic behaviors between groups, thus the uniformity was verified. Second, positive changes were brought about in theentire problematic behaviors of externalization of the children protected in facilities. Third, the problematic behaviors of internalization of the children protected in facilities were decreased. Fourth, entire problematic behaviors of the children protected in facilities were effectively improved. To consolidate the results of the study as above, entire areas of externalization, internalization and problematic behaviors did not show a significant difference at the level of p<.05, verifying the uniformity between the two groups. After the execution of group art therapy program, significant differences are shown between experimental and control groups in entire areas of internalization, externalization and problematic behaviors at the levels of p<.001, and the experimental groups showed lower scores compared to the control groups. Therefore it was verified that art therapy was effective in improving internalization, externalization and entire problematic behaviors. In summary, the group art therapy program described in this study is judged to have been effective in reducing overall problematic behaviors of the children protected in facilities. <국 문 초 록> 시설보호 아동들은 정서적 양육이 충분치 못하여 적절한 감정 표현이 어렵고, 환경으로부터 오는 부정적인 반응이 상호 작용하여 지속적 불안과 스트레스가 높으므로 정서적 성장에서 문제를 보인다. 과연 많은 아동들이 이러한 문제를 가지게 된 원인은 무엇일까? 한 아동이 시설에 입소하기까지 아동마다 차이가 있기는 하나 여러 과정을 거치면서 정서․심리․사회적으로 문제를 가지고 있고, 이러한 아동들은 시설의 구조적 특성 때문에 문제행동이 나타나기도 한다. 시설보호아동들의 생활은 시설의 구조적 특성으로 단체생활규범에 따라야 한다. 이렇게 획일화된 생활 속에서 아동들은 연령과 성별, 개성에 따라 다양한 사고를 하고 각자의 삶을 스스로 책임지는 상황을 기대하는 것이 어려운 실정이다. 이 결과로 아동들은 인지발달 측면에서 내적 지체, 학습장애, 창의성 부족, 단순 사고, 집중력 부족의 특성을 나타낸다. 시설의 열악한 경제적 환경은 후원을 하려는 외부단체에게 언제든지 시설을 개방 할 수밖에 없고 이러한 반복된 개방은 아동의 주의 산만, 정서불안을 초래할 수 있다. 또한 타인을 수용하는 면에 있어 매우 수동적이며 소극적인 태도를 나타내고, 대인관계를 형성하는데 있어서도 신뢰관계를 형성하기까지 많은 시간이 소요되는 편이다. 그리고, 지속적인 후원은 감사할 줄 모르는 습성과 의타심 등 시설병을 갖게 한다. 이에 본 연구는 시설보호 아동을 대상으로 집단미술치료 프로그램을 통해 시설보호 아동의 외현화, 내현화, 문제행동전체를 감소시키고자 하였고, 이를 통계적 분석을 통해 효과성을 검증하고자 하였다. 본 연구대상은 전라남도에 소재한 Y군과 M시 공부방에 거주하고 있는 초등학생3학년에서 6학년 20명을 대상으로 2005년 8월에서 2006년 2월까지 주1회 60분씩 총12회에 걸쳐 공부방치료실에서 실시하였으며, 연구의 효과를 검증하기 위해 K-CBCL척도를 활용하여 외현, 내현, 문제행동전체 관계의 사전 ・ 사후검사를 실험집단과 통제집단별로 실시하였다. 분석방법은 SPSS 12.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였고 사전 ・ 사후 분석은 대응표본 t검증을 사용하였으며, 실험집단과 통제집단간의 차이분석은 독립표본 t검증을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시설보호 아동의 외현, 내현, 문제행동전체의 관계에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않아 동질성이 검증되었다. 둘째, 시설보호 아동의 외현화 문제행동전체에 긍정적 변화를 가져왔다. 셋째, 시설보호 아동의 내현화 문제행동이 감소하였다. 넷째, 시설보호 아동의 문제행동전체가 효과적으로 개선되었다. 이상의 연구결과들을 종합해보면, 외현화, 내현화, 문제행동전체의 전 영역 모두 p<.05 수준에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않아서 두 집단의 동질성이 검증되었고, 집단미술치료 프로그램을 실시한 이후 실험집단과 통제집단에 집단 간 비교를 살펴보면 내현화, 외현화, 문제행동전체의 전 영역에서 p<.001 수준에서 유의한 차이를 보이고 있고 실험집단이 통제집단에 비해 낮은 점수를 보이고 있어 즉 미술치료가 내현화와 외현화 문제행동전체에 효과가 있음이 검증되었다. 따라서 본 연구의 집단미술치료 프로그램은 전체적으로 시설보호 아동의 문제행동을 감소하는데 효과가 있었다고 판단된다.

      • A one-year prospective study on bone mineral density, physical fitness, skeletal maturity in children and adolescents

        채주희 경희대학교 2009 국내박사

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        본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 신체구성, 골밀도, 체력에 대한 아동과 청소년의 1년간 변화를 규명하고 둘째, 체지방과 골격성숙 수준에 따른 체력을 비교하고 셋째, 뼈나이, 골밀도, 체격, 체력 사이의 관계를 평가하기 위해 실행되었다. 연구대상자는 경기도에 소재한 Y초등학교에 재학중인 남녀 79명과 B중학교에 재학중인 남녀 123명이었다. 그러나 1년 후 초등학교에서 68명(남 32, 여 36) 중학교에서 111명(남 47, 여 64)이 계속적으로 참여하였다. 모든 대상자들은 체지방 정도에 따라 비만(≥30%), 과체중(<30%~≥25%), 정상체중(<25%)집단과, 뼈나이 수준에 따라 미성숙(생활나이>뼈나이:-1세), 보통(생활나이≒뼈나이), 성숙(생활나이<뼈나이:+1세)집단으로 분류되었다. Paired t-test를 이용하여 성별에 따른 종속변인의 1년간 변화를 분석하였다. 시간에 따른 성별 상호작용을 알아보기 위해 반복이 있는 이원변량분석을 이용하였다. 뼈나이, 신체구성, 체력과의 관련성을 알아보기 위해 상관분석을 실시하였다. 체지방과 뼈나이에 따라 나눈 세 집단에 따른 체력의 1년간 차이를 알아보기 위해 공분산분석을 실시하였으며 나이, 성별, 체중, 신장을 공변인으로 하였다. 뼈나이와 골밀도에 영향을 주는 요인들을 알아보기 위해 회귀분석을 이용하였다. 아동과 청소년의 체격은 1년간 증가하였으나, 여자 아동의 상완배부 피부두겹두께(p<.01)와 남자 청소년의 대퇴 피부두겹두께(p<.05)는 1년간 유의하게 감소되었다. 남녀 아동의 신체구성(p<.001)과 골밀도(p<.001) 변인은 1년간 증가하였다. 남자 청소년의 체지방률은 21.5%에서 19.1%로 감소하였으나 제지방조직과 골밀도는 남녀 청소년 모두 유의하게 증가하였다. 체력의 경우 손민첩성, 순발력, 심폐지구력에서 남자 아동과 청소년이 유의하게 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 여자 청소년은 손민첩성과 순발력이 1년간 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 아동과 청소년의 제지방조직과 제지방+골미네랄함량에서 시간에 따른 성별 상호작용 효과가 각각 나타났다. 연령, 성별, 체중, 신장을 공변인으로 설정한 후 아동은 손민첩성, 유연성, 순발력, 근지구력, 민첩성에서 차이를 보였고, 청소년에서는 모든 체력요인에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 뼈나이, 종아리둘레, 신장은 아동의 총골밀도 예측변인으로, 각각 31%(p<.001), 45.2%(p<.001), 49%(p<.01)로 나타났다. 청소년에서도 뼈나이, 종아리둘레, 신장이 총골밀도의 예측변인으로 나타났고, 각각 31%, 40.1%, 42.6%의 설명력을 보였다. 결론적으로 아동과 청소년의 체격, 신체구성, 체력변인은 1년간 다양한 변화를 보였다. 특히, 성차는 아동기에는 보이지 않다가 청소년기에 두드러지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 체지방과 골격성숙 수준에 따라 체력변인이 유의한 차이를 나타낸다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 뼈나이, 종아리둘레, 신장은 아동과 청소년의 총골밀도의 예측변인이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. The aims of the study were to analyze changes of body composition, bone mineral density and physical fitness in children and adolescents over one-year period, to evaluate differences in physical fitness according to levels of fatness and skeletal maturation, and to determine the relationship between bone age, bone mineral density, anthropometric characteristics and physical fitness. Participants were recruited from one public primary school in Suwon city and one public secondary school in Yongin city, Gyeonggi province. Seventy-nine children and one hundred twenty three adolescents participated at the baseline from the primary and secondary school, respectively. However, sixty-eight children including 32 for boys and 36 for girls were followed for the study and one hundred eleven adolescents (47 for male and 64 for female) remained during one-year period. Therefore, subjects of the study were a total of one hundred seventy-eight children and adolescents. All measurements were performed at baseline and one-year later. Anthropometric characteristics included body weight, body height, sitting height, skeletal breadths taken at humerus and femur, circumferences taken at the sites of upper arm, flexed upper arm, chest, waist, hip, thigh, and calf and skinfold thicknesses taken at the sites of triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh, and medial calf. Body composition parameters and bone mineral density (BMD) were measured by DXA (Hologic, QDR-4500, USA). Skeletal maturity was assessed by TW3. Physical fitness tests included flamingo balance, plate tapping, sit and reach, grip strength, sit-ups, standing long jump, bent arm hang, 50m shuttle run and 20m multi-stage endurance run. Statistical analyses were performed separately for the two groups of subjects, children and adolescents. Changes over time in anthropometric, body composition, and physical fitness were analyzed with paired samples t-tests. To evaluate interaction effects of time and group on body composition, bone mineral density and physical fitness two-way repeated measures ANOVA was applied. Correlation analysis was applied to assess the relationship between skeletal maturity and body composition and physical fitness. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to evaluate differences in physical fitness, entering age, gender, body weight and body height as covariates. Linear forwards multiple regression analysis was applied to identify the relationship between skeletal maturity and bone mineral density and anthropometric and body composition parameters. A level of significant was set at p<.05. The results of the study showed that significant increases could be observed for anthropometric characteristics in children and adolescents over one-year period. On the other hand, triceps skinfold (p<.01) for primary school girls, and thigh skinfold (p<.05) for male adolescents were significantly decreased during the study period. There were significant increases for body composition parameters (p<.001) and bone mineral density (p<.001) in boys and girls. For male adolescents percent body fat was significantly decreased (21.5% to 19.1%) but lean tissue and bone mineral density increased significantly for both male and female adolescents. For physical fitness tests significantly better performance was obtained for plate tapping, standing long jump and 20m multistage endurance run in boys and male adolescents. Also, plate tapping and standing long jump were significantly improved for female subjects during one-year period. There were significant interaction effects of time and gender for lean tissue and lean plus bone mineral content in children and adolescents, respectively. After controlling age, gender, body weight and body height, significant difference were found for plate tapping, sit and reach, standing long jump, sit-ups, bent arm hang and 50m shuttle run in children and all physical fitness parameters in adolescents. Multiple regression analyses showed that bone age, calf circumference, body height were the variables with the highest predictive value for total BMD and explained 31% (p<.001), 45.2% (p<.001), and 49% (p<.01) in children. For adolescents, bone age, calf circumference and body height were the variables to total BMD and explained 31%, 40.1% and 42.6%, respectively. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that there are great changes in most anthropometric characteristics and body composition and physical fitness parameters in children and adolescents over one-year period. There are also significant differences for physical fitness parameters according to the levels of body fatness and skeletal maturity. Bone age, calf circumference, and body height are consistent predictors of total BMD in children and adolescents.

      • 아동의 창의성 발달을 위한 미술활동 프로그램 연구 : 만 3세~ 5세를 중심으로

        김여원 수원대학교 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        The individual creativity that can adapt well to various environments and cultures is needed more than anything else today in the information age, the IT competition era and the globalized age. It is a recent trend that the creativity education is more important in line with the flow of the times in this way. Especially, the importance of educational efforts to develop creativity in childhood is drawing more attention in the future. Art activity has a great significance in the process of exploring and representing through the activity process with freely expressing own idea. An interest comes to be felt with acting on own initiative centering on the rich imagination and the varied expression. Many scholars are stressing that the particular period dubbed childhood is crucial in the development of creativity. This study tried to inquire into the art activities of children aged 3 to 5 in full as the art program for the development of children's creativity with the connected expansion activity in conformity with the Standard Childcare Curriculum and the Nuri Curriculum. Targeting young children who correspond to the most critical period with the rapid development of expression, vocabulary & inquiry skills and the creativity development along with the holistic development, the research and suggestion were made on what the art activity with a more integrated and new way of concept deviating from the existing uniform style of art education can lead to the educational meaning & necessity of creative expression activity and the educational effect, and to the positive impact of art activity. Through researching into this program, the activities were presented in line with the stage of child development while children experience emotion, creativity, aesthetic formative function, sensitivity and personality education with their bodies in addition to the category contents required by the play-oriented and child-centered education. The expansion activity linked with other development areas with doing art activities led to having examined a meaning that children’s expressive characteristic and creativity have on the basis of a research on the theory of the existing child art scholars, to having thought about various materials and activities to enhance children's creative expression based on this, and to having inquired into a teaching method for children's creative art activities. For the creative art activity, there is a need to have a good understanding about the stage of child development, to propose a variety of materials and activities suitable for this, and to make children available for exploring and expressing freely and for representing their thoughts. It is necessary to support what young children need by preparing a minimum play plan rather than a teacher-led class, by allowing children to participate directly in a play and to plan activity, and by reflecting teachers’ opinions and children’s comments. Children’s art activity was shown a positive change in young children in the process of being developed the connected & expanded play together with the integration of play and made children’s play become more abundant. The play of being actively progressed by young children had a different depth of play and brought about more discussions of sharing information with friends. The impact of play could be known by reflecting the elements of interest in play and operating a program such as creative expression, a sense of achievement, etc. Through the process of experiencing, young children come to be possibly made evenly developments such as basic life, physical exercise & health, social relations, nature exploration, and art experience that are presented by the Standard Childcare Curriculum while playing and experiencing through using their bodies with helping the holistic development. Also, children proceed with growing by sensory stimulation through feeling with their bodies and through their five senses. Thus, there is a need to provide environment so that young children can think for themselves, express the creativity and open the thinking ability. The integrated art activity that is conducive to the growth of creative talents with the human image of the future society leads to suggesting the directivity of the timely education and to finding a solution in keeping with the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Thus, the creative art program is expected to be applied to the actual educational field for young children, thereby being helpful for the educational development.

      • 초등학교 아동과 학부모의 진로인식에 관한 연구

        신영택 서남대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

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        The purpose of career education is to cope with future society and personal problems. So teachers should give systematic career education to the students and help them choose their career wisely and try to develop their career. The career education of elementary school, middle school and high school, however, has not been carried out properly. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the condition of the career recognition of the 6th graders and their parents of elementary school in Jeollabukdo and offer the data to improve the content and method of career education by verifying if there is any significant difference in the career recognition according to the various backgrounds. The study problems are as follows. Firstly, what is the recognition of subarea of the 6th graders and their parents of elementary school in Jeollabukdo? Secondly, is there any significant difference in recognition of subarea of the career recognition and career education of the 6th graders and their parents of elementary school in Jeollabukdo according to the various backgrounds? In order to solve these problems, the writer examined 367 elementary school students and 302 parents and used the questionnaire「Career Consciousness」by Seo Dongseong(1999) and the 「Career Consciousness Tool」by Lim Gyudon(1989). The data was compiled by SPSS/pc+ and the results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the elementary school students recognized their special ability poorly in the subarea self-recognition, so the students need special help to develop their special ability and aptitude. The level of career recognition of children in urban area was higher than that of children in rural area and boys' recognition level was higher than girls'. Parents recognized that their children's will power was weak. In addition, children were interested in playing computer games and watching TV. Secondly, children thought career education is necessary for the job suitable for their aptitude and wanted career guidance and development of special ability and aptitude. Likely, parents also thought so, the higher their educational background was, the higher the rate of response was and they recognized the career education in schools negatively. Thirdly, children recognized the necessity of job, but considerable number of them didn't recognized it if they had rich parents or there were not any jobs suitable for their aptitude. Children's favorable prospective job was a professional and the children in an urban area had such a trend more than the children in an rural area did. Parents recognized that every children should have a job in the future. They also thought favorable prospective job was a professional. Fourthly, most of children's standard to choose a job was ability and aptitude and the higher the level of the children was, the more they preferred their parents as an adviser when their parents' educational background was good. Parents' standard to choose a job was also ability and aptitude and women had such a trend more than men did. Finally, most of children and their parents thought that all legitimate trades are equally honorable and the better their grade was, the stronger such a trend was. Besides, the best reason that children should have a job was a worthwhile life and boys had such a trend more than girls did. 진로교육은 미래의 사회와 개인적 문제들에 대하여 슬기롭게 대처하기 위한 교육이다. 그러므로 어려서부터 체계적인 진로교육을 실시하여 개인이 진로를 현명하게 선택하고 선택한 진로에서 지속적인 발전을 위한 노력을 할 수 있도록 도와주어야 한다. 그러나 우리나라 초ㆍ중ㆍ고등학교의 진로교육은 아직까지도 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 진로인식 단계에 있는 전라북도 소재 초등학교 6학년 아동과 학부모의 진로인식의 현황을 조사ㆍ분석하고, 이들 진로인식이 배경변인에 따라 의의 있는 차이가 있는가를 검증함으로써 초등학교의 진로교육의 내용과 방법을 개선하기 위한 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위한 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전북지역 초등학교 6학년 아동과 학부모의 진로인식의 하위영역(자아인식, 진로교육, 일의 세계, 직업선택의 기준, 직업에 대한 태도 및 가치관)에 대한 인식도는 어떤가? 둘째. 전북지역 초등학교 6학년 아동과 학부모의 진로인식의 하위영역과 진로교육에 대한 인식도는 배경변인에 따라 유의한 차이가 있는가? 이와 같은 연구문제를 해결하기 위하여 전라북도 내에 소재하고 있는 초등학교 6학년학생 367명과 학부모 302명을 표집 조사하였으며, 조사도구는 서동성(1999)의 「진로의식 설문지」와 임규돈(1989)의 「진로의식 검사도구」를 바탕으로 본 연구에 맞게 수정ㆍ보완하여 제작한 설문지를 사용하였다. 본 연구에 수집된 자료의 통계처리는 SPSS/pc+ 프로그램을 이용하여 전산처리 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진로인식의 영역 중 자아인식 영역에서 초등학교 아동들은 자신의 특기에 대하여는 비교적 낮게 인식하고 있어 아동의 특기ㆍ적성 발굴을 위한 지도가 요구되었다. 배경별로는 도시지역 아동이 농촌지역 아동보다 인식도가 약간 높게 나타났으며, 성별로는 남학생이 인식도가 약간 높게 나타났다. 학부모들은 아동들 의지가 약한 것으로 인식하였다. 자녀의 특기가 있다고 인식하는 학부모는 고학력일수록 자녀의 특기에 대한 이해도가 높았다. 또한 아동의 흥미가 많은 것은 ‘컴퓨터 오락’과 ‘TV 시청’으로 나타났다. 둘째, 진로교육의 필요성에 대하여 아동들 소질에 맞는 직업을 선택하기 위함이라고 하였으며, 진로교육의 희망 내용은 주로 소질과 관계 있는 직업 안내와 소질과 특기를 계발시키는 내용을 원했다. 학부모들 역시 아동과 같으며, 고학력일수록 높은 반응을 나타냈으며, 학교에서의 진로교육은 매우 부정적인 인식을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 일의 필요성 인식은 하고 있지만, 재산이 있거나 소질에 맞는 직업이 없으면 일의 필요성을 인식하지 않은 아동도 상당수 있었다. 장래 유망직업으로는 전문가 직종으로 나타났으며, 도시 아동이 농촌 아동보다 그 경향이 강했다. 학부모들의 일의 필요성 인식은 역시 모든 사람이 직업을 가져야 한다고 하였다. 장래 유망 직업 인식도 아동과 비슷하게 전문가 직종을 꼽았다. 넷째, 직업선택의 기준에 대한 인식에서 아동들은 ‘자신의 능력과 적성’을 대부분 선택했고, 상위그룹 아동일수록 직업 선택 시 상담 대상으로는 부모님을 가장 많이 선호하였고, 고학력 학부모 자녀일수록 부모님 선호도가 더 높았다. 학부모들의 직업선택 기준에 대한 인식에서도 역시 자신의 능력과 적성 중시하였고, 여자가 남자보다 높게 반응했다. 다섯째, 직업에 대한 태도 및 가치관에 대한 인식에서는 대부분의 아동과 학부모들은 직업에 대한 귀천이 없다고 긍정적이었으나. 성적이 우수한 아동일수록 더욱 긍정적이었다. ‘직업을 갖는 이유로는 ‘삶의 보람을 얻기 위하여’가 가장 높게 나타났으며, 여학생이 남학생보다 더 높게 나타났다.

      • 중국 가정의 사회자본과 부모의 양육방식이 유아 사회성에 미치는 영향

        왕정 창원대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        The study analyzed the differences and relationship between Chinese family social capital and parental rearing patterns, what is more, it analyzed the effect of Chinese family social capital and parental rearing patterns on children's sociality. There are some research questions in the thesis. Firstly, what’s the current state of Chinese family social capital? Secondly, what’s the current state of parental rearing patternsin Chinese family? Thirdly, what’s the current state of Chinese children's sociality? Fourthly, what’s the effect of Chinese family social capital and parental rearing patterns on children's sociality? The questionnaire was conducted in five national kindergartens located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China. The investigation objects are 374 parents to probe the relevant information about129 children who is 3-4 years old, 122 children who is 4-5 years old and 123 children who is 5-6 years old. The dates are analyzedwith Descriptive Analysis, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Multi Regression Analysis and SEM. ANOVA is mainly to analyze the difference between family social capital and parental rearing patterns on children's sociality, and SEM is mainly to analyze the relationship between them. The conclusion is as follows. Firstly, there is no obvious difference in social capital within the family, meanwhile, there are some significant difference in social capital outsides the family. Secondly, about parental rearing patternsin Chinese family, parents are younger, the more they tend to adopt self-disciplinedrearing patterns, while the higher the degree of respondents' education, the more they tend to adopt controlling rearing patterns, and the higher the degree of the spouse of respondents' education, the more they tend to adopt acceptance rearing patterns, while more of the respondents with high school diplomatend to adoptrejecting rearing patterns. Thirdly, about the children's sociality, it turned out that a number of girls are better understand others than boys, and the group whose age is over 6 years old have a higher abilities in the areas of others’understanding. In the social area, the group whose age is 5-6 years olds have a higher social ability, and when the number of kids is more, or parent is younger, or the earning is higher, the self-disciplinedability is higher. It is important for parents who raise children by self-disciplined method, and, especially, for children's understanding of respect and communication with parents. At the same time, it is also concluded that children whose parents earn more money aremoreself-disciplined. The closer the age between the children and their parents, their interactivity is better. This is because there are many interactive activitiesheld in the class of 5-6 years olds in Chinese kindergarten. Fourthly, it is positive correlation between social capital within the family and sociality, and it is positive correlation between sociality and self-disciplined methods, while it is negative correlation between sociality and negative methods, and there iscorrelation between family social capital and parental rearing patterns. Fifthly, from the process, social and economic status of a family and social capital have a great influence on children’s sociality. Personal background and parental rearing patternshave a direct influence on sociality, and parental rearing patterns have the biggest influence on children's sociality, and because social and economic status of a family and social capital have an influence on parental rearing patterns, it also have an influence on children's sociality indirectly. Family social capital is the main reason that changes parental rearing patterns independently. As a result, the important channels for the independent variable of the effect on children's sociality isfamily social capital→parental rearing patterns→children's sociality. Social and economic status has a fixed influence on parental rearing patterns. keywords: Children, sociality, Chinese, family, social capital, Parental rearing patterns, Social and economic status

      • 아동의 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램의 효과

        김현주 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the group counseling program for elementary school children's prosociality and self-esteem. To achieve this goal, the following hypotheses were built. Hypothesis Ⅰ : I assumed that it would show stronger prosociality in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. Hypothesis Ⅱ : I assumed that it would show stronger self-esteem in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. Ⅱ-1. I assumed that it would show stronger general self-esteem in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. Ⅱ-2. I assumed that it would show stronger social self-esteem in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. Ⅱ-3. I assumed that it would show stronger family self-esteem in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. Ⅱ-4. I assumed that it would show stronger academic self-esteem in the children of the experimental group who participated in the group counseling program for children's prosociality rather than in the children of the control group. To test above hypotheses of this study, I firstly selected children through individual counseling and parental consent with teachers' recommendation among 330 six-grade students of D elementary school located in Busan metropolitan city after I explained the purpose and characteristics of this study. For the study object, I selected 16 children who had similar test results after their pretest, and each 8 students were arranged in the experimental group and control group. The students of experimental group were supposed to have the group counseling program for children's prosociality 2 times a week, and each time was fixed for 50 minutes totally making up 10 times per 5 weeks, while control group had no conditions. The test design of this study adopted the pretest and posttest control group design, and the experimental group was supposed to have the group counseling program for children's prosociality including the prosociality pretest and posttest or self-esteem test to define the effects of the program. In this study, the group counseling program for children's prosociality was based on ‘school counseling program for the senior elementary school student’ written by Jin-ryung Kang(2004), and each session was suitably reorganized in terms of regional peculiarity of the school and children's characteristics referring to ‘school life adjustment program’ written by Sung-woo Kim(2001) and ‘school counselling for school adjustment’ published by elementary counselor research association. This study used the 'prosociality measurement scale' made by Seung-hee Huh(2006) as the prosociality questionnaire, and as the self-esteem questionnaire I used the 'children self-esteem inventory' made by Coopersmith(1967), which was later adapted by Chan-gu Hwang(1988) and revised by Kyung-hye Yu(2002) to test the effects of this program. For statistical analysis, I compared the pre-score of the experimental group and control group by t-test, and conducted an analysis of covariance(ANCOVA), which compares the total figure of post-inspection between the experimental group and control group setting pre-inspection as its covariant. After this program was finished, I attached the opinions of children, guider and their teacher to the appendix to make up for the statistical result. The result under this study comes as follows. First, this study showed progressive effects of the group counseling program for children's prosociality on the six-grade students' prosociality. The group counseling program for children's prosociality seemed to have a progressive effect on the six-grade students' prosociality, because it showed a significant difference in the prosociality(F=81.54, p<.001) after comparing the result of the experimental group which had the group counseling program for children's prosociality with the control group which didn't, Second, this study showed progressive effects of the group counseling program for children's prosociality on the six-grade students' self-esteem. The group counseling program for children's prosociality seemed to have a progressive effect on the six-grade students' self-esteem, because it showed a significant difference in the general self-esteem(F=16.41, p<.01), social self-esteem(F=12.61, p<.01), and academic self-esteem(F=5.99, p<.05) after comparing the result of the experimental group which had the group counseling program for children's prosociality with the control group which didn't, As the result of this study, the group counseling program for children's prosociality had a significant effects for improving elementary school students' prosociality or self-esteem. Therefore, it would be required to have a constant interest in the importance of the group counselling for children's prosociality or self-esteem. 본 연구는 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램을 초등학교 아동을 대상으로 실시하여 친사회성과 자아존중감에 미치는 효과를 알아보는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 다음과 같은 연구 가설을 설정하였다. 가설 Ⅰ : 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단아동의 친사회성이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. 가설 Ⅱ : 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단 아동의 자아존중감이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. Ⅱ-1. 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단 아동동의 일반적 자아존중감이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. Ⅱ-2. 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단 아동의 사회적 자아존중감이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. Ⅱ-3. 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단 아동의 가정적 자아존중감이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. Ⅱ-4. 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단 아동의 학업적 자아존중감이 통제집단 아동에 비해 향상될 것이다. 위의 연구 가설을 검증하기 위하여 부산광역시 소재 D초등학교 6학년 아동 330명 중에서 각 담임 교사에게 연구의 목적과 성격을 설명한 후 담임 교사의 추천을 받은 아동 중 개인 면담과 학부모의 동의를 얻어 1차 선발하였다. 이들에게 사전 검사를 실시한 후 검사 결과가 비슷한 아동 16명을 연구대상으로 선정하고 이들을 실험집단과 통제집단에 각각 8명씩 배치하였다. 실험집단에는 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단 상담 프로그램을 10회기에 걸쳐 1주일에 2회기씩 매회 50분간 실시하였으며 실험기간은 총 5주가 소요되었고 통제집단에는 아무런 처치도 하지 않았다. 본 연구의 실험설계는 전후검사 통제집단 설계(Pretest- Posttest Control Group Design)로, 실험집단에는 친사회성 향상 집단상담 프로그램을 실시하였으며 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위해 사전, 사후 친사회성 및 자아존중감 검사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에 사용한 친사회성 향상 집단상담 프로그램은 강진령(2004)의 ‘초등학교 고학년을 위한 학교 상담 프로그램’을 근간으로 하고 김성우(2001)의 ‘학교 생활 적응력 향상을 위한 프로그램’, 초등학교 상담연구회의 ‘학교 적응력 향상을 위한 학교 상담’을 참고하여 연구자 학교 지역 특성과 아동 특성을 고려하여 현장에 맞게 회기별로 재구성하였다. 본 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 사용한 친사회성 검사지로는 허승희(2006)가 제작한 친사회성 측정 도구를 사용하였으며 자아존중감 검사지로는 Coopersmith(1967)가 제작한 아동용 자아존중감 검사지(Children Self-esteem Inventory)를 황찬구(1988)가 번안, 유경혜(2002)가 수정한 것을 사용하였다. 통계적 분석을 위해 실험집단과 통제집단의 사전 점수를 t-검증으로 비교 하였으며 사전검수를 공변인으로 하여 실험집단과 통제집단의 사후 검사 전수를 비교하는 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 하였다. 통계적 결과를 보완하기 위해서 프로그램 종료 후 아동의 소감문, 지도자와 담임 교사의 의견을 부록에 첨부하였다. 이에 따른 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구에서 실시한 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단 상담 프로그램은 초등학교 6학년 아동들의 친사회성을 향상시키는 데 효과가 있었다. 친사회성 향상 집단상담을 실시한 실험집단과 실시하지 않은 통제집단간의 공변량분석 결과 친사회성(F=81.54, p<.001)은 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으므로 본 연구에 사용된 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단 상담 프로그램은 초등학교 6학년 아동들의 친사회성 향상에 도움이 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 실시한 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램은 초등학교 6학년 아동들의 자아존중감을 향상시키는 데 효과가 있었다. 친사회성 향상 집단 상담을 실시한 실험집단과 실시하지 않은 통제집단간의 공변량분석 결과 일반적 자아존중감(F=16.41, p<.01), 사회적 자아존중감(F=12.61, p<.01), 학업적 자아존중감(F=5.99, p<.05)에서 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으므로 본 연구에 사용된 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단 상담 프로그램은 초등학교 6학년 아동들의 자아존중감 향상에 도움이 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이상의 연구 결과 친사회성 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램은 초등학교 아동의 친사회성 및 자아존중감 향상에 유의미한 효과가 있었다. 따라서 친사회성 및 자아존중감 향상을 위한 집단상담의 중요성에 대해 지속적인 관심이 필요하다 하겠다.

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