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      • 갑오농민전쟁』과 『녹두장군』의 比較 硏究 : 歷史的 環境과 作中 人物의 분석을 통하여

        박병오 공주대학교 교육대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        This study began with the aims to find out how Donghak Peasant War is reflected in 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 and 「Nokdu-jangguri」 - the greastest historical novels of north and south Korean literature - through the analysis of their historical environments and characters and to draw what relation the differences between two novels have to the literary views in the structure of north and south Korean societies as well as the writers' historical views. A research of the historical environments was focused on political, economic, social, and cultural environments(including the thoughts). In other words, it was focused on the formation of the causes of Donghak Peasant War. The analysis factors are : a) political environment : central government by royal family and ministers, local government by local officials and their petty officials, international situations and Choson's confrontation to them, and many popular uprisings. b) economic environment : common people's miserable lives, tax system and the tax exploitation by local officials, economic trends of the late period of Choson, and the aspects of the invasion of foreign capitalism. c) social environment :status system, tenant system, and robbers' movement. d) cultural environment : religion(thought), Court culture and governing system, education, customs, language, and people's lives. How were the factors of the political environment described in the two novels? In 「Nokdu-janggun」, the Court and central government were usually described to show the change of events and the government's confrontation to the proceeding aspects of the Peasant War. In 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 , however, the description of central government shows motives of the Donghak Peasant War much better than the former and it occupies as much as people's life-bond. Both novels described the local officials' tyranny and the people's uprising concretely because the tyranny was the most concrete motive of the Peasant War. The former has much more descriptions about economic invasion by imperialism than political invasion. On the contrary, the latter described the political agressive ambition very strongly. 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 described the common people's lives Concretely and directly whereas 「Nokdu-janggun」 did symbolically and abstractly with a dramatic method. The former writer gave evidence of Chinese(Ch'ing Dynasty) and Japanese economic plunder and cultural invasion with his unique description and tedious narration. The latter writer gave evidence of the seriousness by showing some pieces of fact with a dramatic method. 「Nokdu-janggun」 didn't describe Yangban(nobleman)'s arrogance and the contradiction of status system as completely as 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」. Lee, Ju-ho in 「Nokdu-janggun」 is not a character who can assimilate both sides of dignity and exploitation. On the contrary, Lee, Jinsa in 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 , who is a landlord and noblem an, is a typical vicious landowner in a north Korean old revolutionary novel and this character shows the contradiction of feudalism very well. The thought background of 「Nokdu-janggun」 is much broader in quantity and quality than that of 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 . It is not too much to say that it is a museum of oriental religions because it is made up of so many thoughts and beliefs - there are not only Catholicism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism around Donghak (Eastern science) but also popular beliefs such as Chonggamrok, the Merciful Buddhism, the theory of geomancy and Namhae-jinin-sul and even Cheungsanism and Pochonism. Among the cultural factors of governing class in 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」, the Court culture is the best described in its quality and quantity. But 「Nokdu-janggun」 is short of the description of a governing class culture. The aspects of popular culture are similar in both of them but that of 「Nokdu-janggun」 is superior in its quantity and depth. The common popular culture described in both of them are Dure(farmer's cooperative group), Pansori, Sadangpae(a troupe of song-and-dance girls), Deungso, folk remedies, and so on. The analysis of characters had the aims to draw their heroism and popularity by analyzing the features of characters in class and to examine distinguishing marks and differences in shaping the characters of the two novels. I divided the characters into two groups, populace class and governing class and analyzed the each character's action, Personality and the role in the novels. In result, the characters in both novels are divided into populace class and governing class. And these novels show their antagonistic relationship that are hostility and struggle, though there are dual characters such as the conscientious intellectuals from the governing class, who are in favor of Peasant War, and the populace class who work for the governing class as their faithful servants and hands. On the basis of the above analysis, I investigated the two novels' qualities and differences that appeared in the process of creation and description of characters. First, here are some common qualities : 1. There was used the dualistic method of character classification. There were two types of person - the governing class and the populace class. 2. 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」used a telling method and 「Nokdu-janggun」used a showing method in describing characters. 3. In establishing characters, they held to the principle of bloodline that faithful family makes a loyal subject and rebellious family makes a rebel. 4. The character plot established the successors clearly. 5. The description of appearance are in accord with that of personality. And it has some formation by classes. Second, here are some uniqueness of 「Kabo-nongminjonjaeng」 : 1. Characters were classified. Each character didn't have his individual personality, so the character's personality, class and role were simplified and unified in classes. There were not individuals but classes. 2. The description of character's appearance and personality was subjective because of emotion interruption 3. Too much broad description of characters' intercommunication raises the reader's doubt. 4. The plot was progressing around one hero. Common people and the leader, Chon, Bong-jun were made like heroes and they seems to be supermen. 5. The establishment and description have more romantic tendency than realisdc. Last, here are the uniqueness of 「Nokdu-janggun」: 1. The characters were established in triple system. Main characters leading the Peasant War were divided into three types - rational, neutral, and passionate persons. 2. The description of common people's Personality and action is realistic and concrete. The characters were bestowed marked individualirics and show many various popular features. And it keeps the balance by arranging the positive and negative aspects of common people.

      • 북한의 갑오농민전쟁사 연구 -동학의 영향에 대한 인식을 중심으로-

        주영민 북한대학원대학교 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249726

        본 연구는 갑오농민전쟁에 대한 북한 역사학계의 연구에서 보이는 동학의 영향에 대한 인식을 확인하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 갑오농민전쟁은 남북한 모두에게 큰 역사적 의의가 있는 사건으로 ‘농민대중이 동학 조직을 이용하여 일으킨 반침략, 반봉건적 성격의 농민전쟁’이라는 공통된 역사적 평가가 이루어져 왔다. 본 연구는 북한의 갑오농민전쟁 관련 문헌을 시기별로 분석하는 방법으로 실시되었다. 시기는 해방 이후부터 한국전쟁 이전까지, 휴전 이후부터 주체사관 형성 이전까지, 주체사관 시기부터 ‘조선민족제일주의’ 정신의 등장 이전까지, 조선민족제일주의 시기부터 현재까지 총 네 시기로 구분하여 북한 역사학의 간략한 전개 과정과 갑오농민전쟁사 연구 경향, 동학의 영향에 대한 인식을 살펴보았다. 북한의 역사학은 해방 이후부터 한국전쟁의 발발 전까지는 소련의 영향을 받으며 식민사관 극복을 위한 민족주의적 연구와 함께 맑스-레닌주의에 입각한 유물사관적 연구가 시도되었다. 휴전 이후부터 주체사관 성립 이전 시기까지는 김일성 중심의 유일 지도체제 구축과 함께 기존의 사관이 ‘주체’적으로 변용되며 시대구분과 같은 문제가 활발하게 논의되었다. 수령제 확립 이후에는 주체사관이 형성되면서 주체사관이 유일한 역사관으로 작동되기 시작했고 1980년대에 대내외적 위기 고조로 ‘조선민족제일주의’ 정신이 강조되면서는 ‘우리식 사회주의’의 강조와 함께 민족적 요소의 우수성 강조 등이 이루어지기도 했다. 이러한 북한 역사학의 전개 과정에서도 갑오농민전쟁은 그 뚜렷한 역사적 성격 때문에 학계의 연구 경향이 크게 변하지는 않았다. 갑오농민전쟁사 자체에 대한 북한 학계의 인식변화는 없었지만, 동학의 영향에 대한 인식은 시기별로 미묘한 차이를 보였다. 해방 이후 초기 연구에서는 동학의 조직적 영향만을 인정하는 ‘종교 외피론’적 인식으로 농민대중의 투쟁이라는 사건의 본질적 성격을 강조하였다. 이후로도 동학의 조직적 영향에 대해서는 분산된 농민운동을 하나로 묶어 대규모 농민전쟁을 가능하게 했다는 인식이 현재까지 변함없이 이어지고 있다. 동학의 종교적 영향에 대해서는 그 미신적 성격으로 농민대중에 깊숙이 침투했지만, 종교적 한계성 때문에 농민전쟁을 더욱 혁명적 차원으로 이끌지 못했다는 지적이 이어지다가 조선민족제일주의 시기에 들어서 ‘민족종교’로서의 평가와 함께 부정적 인식이 축소되는 경향을 보였다. 동학의 영향 중 사상적 측면의 영향은 그 인식의 변화 폭이 비교적 크다. 초기의 연구에서는 진부한 사상으로 새로운 것 없는 유학의 아류로 치부하며 그 영향을 축소했지만, 휴전 이후 연구부터 점차 동학사상의 반침략, 반봉건적 성격을 평가하며 주체사관 시기에 정립되는 경향을 보였고 조선민족제일주의 시기에는 ‘애국애족’적 성격이 강조되기도 했다. The purpose of this study is to identify the perception of the influence of Donghak in the study of North Korean historians on the Gabo Peasant War. The Gabo Peasant War is a significant historical event for both the two Koreas, and has been evaluated as a ‘anti-invasion, anti-feudal peasant war caused by the peasant public using the Donghak organization.’ This study was conducted by analyzing the literature related to the Gabo Peasant War in North Korea and examined by time. From the liberation to the Korean War, from the armistice to the formation of the Juche view of history, from the formation of the Juche view of history to the emergence of the ‘Korean National Firstism’ spirit, from the period of ‘Korean National Firstism’ to the present, The four periods were divided into four periods to examine the brief development of North Korean history, the trend of research on the history of the Gabo Peasant War, and the perception of the influence of Donghak. North Korea's history was influenced by the Soviet Union from liberation to the outbreak of the Korean War along with nationalist studies to overcome colonial historical views, historical studies based on Marxism and Leninism were attempted. From the armistice to the period before the establishment of the Juche Historical View, along with the establishment of a unique leadership system centered on Kim Il-sung, existing history was transformed into a ‘Juche’ and issues such as the division of the times were actively discussed. After the establishment of the dictatorship, the Juche view of history began to work as the only view of history, in the 1980s, the spirit of ‘Korean National Firstism’ was emphasized due to the heightened internal and external crises, and the emphasis on the excellence of ethnic elements was made along with the emphasis on ‘our style socialism.’ Even in the course of this development of North Korean history, the Gabo Peasant War did not change much in academic research due to its distinct historical nature. There has been no change in North Korean academic perception of the history of the Gabo Peasant War itself, the perception of the influence of Donghak differed from time to time. Early research after liberation emphasized the essential nature of the struggle of the peasant public with the ‘religious cladding’ perception that only recognized the organizational influence of Donghak. Since then, the perception of organizational influence that the distributed peasant movement has been united to enable a large-scale peasant war has remained unchanged, and that religious influence of Donghak has not led the peasant war to a more revolutionary level due to religious limitations, during the period of ‘Korean National Firstism’ negative perceptions tended to be reduced along with evaluation as a ‘national religion.’ The ideological impact of the influence of the Donghak is relatively large in its perception. Early studies reduced the impact by dismissing it as a cliche of study abroad, but after the armistice, the study gradually assessed the anti-invasion and anti-feudal nature of Donghak ideology and tended to be established during the period of Juche Historical View, during the period of ‘Korean National Firstism,’ the ‘patriotic’ character was emphasized.

      • 개항이후 자본주의의 농촌 침투와 농민운동 : 1894년 갑오농민전쟁을 중심으로

        윤현수 이화여자대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        이 논문은 개항 이후 자본주의 농촌 침투가 농민저항에 미치는 영향을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 개항을 기점으로 변화되기 시작한 시장구조와 무역구조를 살펴보고, 이러한 변화가 농업의 상업화 과정에 어떠한 영향을 주었으며, 그 결과 농민들의 저항 참여 양상이 어떻게 달라졌는지 분석하였다. 농민저항에 관한 기존의 연구는 주로 저항의 원인과 과정을 고찰하고 그 저항에 대한 정치·사회적 평가를 하는데 초점을 둔 내용이 많았다. 이 연구들은 농민저항의 주된 원인으로서 전통적인 사회·경제적 모순에 주목하거나 개항과 상업적 농업의 진전을 주요한 원인으로 꼽는다. 농민저항의 원인을 밝히려는 기존 연구들의 성과로 농민저항을 야기 시키는 요인들에 대하여 대부분 밝혀졌다. 그러나 기존 연구들은 거시적인 관점에서 농민저항의 원인을 밝히는데 주력하였기 때문에 실제적으로 지역마다 농민저항에 참여하는 양상이 달랐다는 것을 간과하였다. 즉, 무엇이 농민들을 행동하도록 만드는지, 그리고 농민을 움직이게 하는 원인이 실제적으로 농민 생활에 어떠한 영향을 초래하는지에 대한 분석이 결여되어 있었던 것이다. 본 논문은 이러한 점들을 보완하기 위하여, 1894년 갑오농민전쟁 시기의 농민 참여 양상을 주요 분석 대상으로 선택하였고, 부산항과 그 배후지를 구체적인 연구 지역으로 선정하였다. 1894년 갑오농민전쟁은 19세기말 조선의 대표적인 농민저항이었으며, 그 농민전쟁이 일어났던 지역이 전라도, 경상도, 충청도를 포함하는 삼남지역이었다. 때문에 이 지역을 배후지로 하고 있는 부산항을 중심으로 자본주의로의 편입 과정을 살펴봄으로써 자본주의의 농촌침투가 농민저항에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 조선은 개항 이전부터 화폐의 유통과 조세제도의 금납화, 잉여 상품의 유통 등의 원인으로 장시라고 불리는 시장구조를 형성하고 있었다. 장시에서는 농민들의 일상 생활을 위한 상품들이 유통되고 있었는데, 기존의 자급자족을 기본으로 하는 물물 교환의 단계는 벗어났으나, 자본주의적 상품 유통의 성격을 띠지는 않았다. 1876년 부산항 개항을 기점으로 세계 자본주의에 편입되기 시작한 조선은 장시 위주의 시장구조에서 벗어나 포구와 개항장 중심의 시장권을 형성하게 되었다. 이는 개항장에서 활동하는 객주들과 내지까지 영역을 넓힌 외국 내지 행상들의 활동으로 가능하게된 변화였다. 이들은 개항장과 포구, 그리고 지방의 장시에까지 자본제적 상품을 유통시켰으며, 이를 계기로 일반 농민들까지 이전에는 볼 수 없었던 상품을 구입할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 이러한 변화가 조선의 시장구조를 확대시키고 다양한 상품을 유통시키게 했다는 긍정적인 측면만을 초래하지는 않았다. 당시 조선은 자본주의적 상품 경제 체제를 향한 준비가 되어있지 않은 상황이었기 때문에, 불평등한 조약에 의한 개항은 조선의 상인은 물론 일반 구매자이며, 생산자인 농민에게까지 타격을 가하였다. 개항 이후 쌀, 콩, 우피와 같은 원료를 수출하고, 면제품, 성냥 등의 2차 상품을 수입하기 시작하면서, 조선의 무역구조는 자본주의 세계에 대한 원료 공급지와 상품 시장으로서의 성격을 탈피하기 어려워졌다. 이러한 무역구조는 쌀과 콩 같은 곡물의 수요를 증가시켰다. 실제로 개항이후 1887년을 기점으로 조선의 곡물 수출은 50-60%를 육박하게 된다. 반면 면제품의 수입도 일층 증가하는데, 총 수입액중 면제품이 차지하는 비율은 거의 매해 60%에 육박하였다. 그 결과 쌀과 콩을 상품화하여 경제적 이윤을 획득하는 지역이 생기는 반면, 기존에 면작을 하던 지역은 자본주의적 면제품과 경쟁을 해야하는 부담을 안게 되었다. 실제적으로 이러한 무역구조가 고착화되면서 지역별로 여러 작물을 재배하기 보다는 주요한 상품작물을 위주로 경작하는 단작화 현상이 생겨났다. 개항이후 대표적인 상품 작물이 된 콩의 경작은 수전지대보다 한전지대가 많아 지주제가 발달하기 보다는 소농들이 주를 이루었던 경상도지역에서 집중되었다. 반면 쌀의 경작은 지주 소유의 수전지대가 많은 전라도 지역에 집중되어 지주를 중심으로 하는 상품화가 진행되었다. 면의 경우는 전라도와 경상도에서 모두 재배되었는데, 생산량과 생산지의 비율로 보면 전라도가 압도적으로 우세했다. 그런데 이와 같은 상품 작물의 지역적 분화는 개항 이후 자본주의의 농촌침투가 진행될수록 일반 농민들에게 직접적인 영향을 가져왔다. 예컨대 일본으로부터 수요가 급증하면서 상품 작물로서의 성공이 보장되었던 콩 재배지역의 농민들은 상품 작물 재배로 인한 이윤 획득이 가능하였다. 그러나 지주 혹은 부농 중심으로 상품화되기 시작한 쌀 경작지의 농민들은 상업적 농업의 이윤으로부터 배제되었던 것이다. 한편, 자본주의적 수입 면제품에 의하여 타격을 받기 시작한 면 재배지역의 농민들도 상업적 이윤에서 점차 소외되어가기 시작하였다. 그러나 면작의 경우는 생산되는 상품의 질에 따라 수입 면제품과의 경쟁에서 다소간 우위를 차지하는 지역이 생겨나기도 하였다. 이러한 지역은 조선 제1, 2의 면작지역으로 생산량은 물론이고, 생산되는 면제품도 상등의 제품이었다. 자본주의가 농촌으로 침투되면서 상업적 농업이 지역적으로 재편되고, 그 작물들이 특화되면서, 어떠한 작물을 재배하느냐가 농민들의 상업적 이윤을 결정하게 되었다. 특히 상업적 농업화에 성공한 지역과 그렇지 못한 지역이 분화되기 시작하면서, 어느 지역에서 어떠한 작물을 재배하는지가 농민으로 하여금 농민전쟁에 참여여부를 결정짓게 한 것이다. 즉 개항 이후 상품 경쟁에서 타격을 받기 시작한 면작 지역의 농민들과 쌀을 상품화함으로서 생기는 상업적 이윤의 혜택을 받지 못한 농민들이 농민전쟁에 참여하였다. 이는 대표적인 면작 지역이며, 지주에 의한 쌀 상품화가 진행된 지역인 전라도가 1894년 갑오농민전쟁에 격렬히 참여하는 것에서도 드러난다. 반면 소농과 같이 아래로부터의 상품화가 가능하였던 콩 경작지역의 농민들은 농민전쟁 참여에 소극적이었다. 경상도의 콩 경작지에서 1894년 갑오농민전쟁의 참여가 이루어지지 않았다는 것이 이를 뒷받침한다. 자본주의 농촌침투 자체가 농민저항 운동과 직결되는 것은 아니다. 농민들로 하여금 1894년 갑오농민전쟁에 참여 여부를 결정하게 하는 것은 단순히 자본주의의 농촌 침투라는 요인이 아니었다. 그보다는 자본주의에 편승하여 상업적 농업의 성공여부가 농민들의 실질적인 행동을 결정하였다. 즉 콩을 재배하여 상업적 농업의 성공 기류를 탔느냐, 면을 재배하여 상업적 농업의 실패를 맛보았느냐가 농민 전쟁의 참여 양상을 결정하였던 것이다. 또한 같은 소농들도 어떠한 작물을 재배하였는지에 따라 농민전쟁에 참여여부가 결정되었다. 즉 콩과 같이 소농들에게 상업적 이윤이 돌아갈 수 있었던 작물을 재배하였던 소농들은 1894년 갑오농민전쟁에 소극적이었다. 반면 쌀의 상품화 경우에서처럼 일반 소농들에게는 상업적 이윤이 돌아가지 않았던 경우에는 1894년 갑오농민전쟁에 적극적으로 참여하였던 것이다. 이러한 결과는 1894년 갑오농민전쟁에 있어서 농민저항의 참여 여부가 단순히 자본주의 농촌 침투에 의하여 결정되는 것이 아니라, 이를 계기로 심화된 상업적 농업화의 성공 여부에 의해 영향받는다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 자본주의 농촌 침투와 연관하여 농민저항과 친화력을 가지는 특정한 계층이 존재하지 않았다는 것을 알려준다. The purpose of this study is to find out what impact the penetration of capitalism into agrarian markets had on agrarian movement in Korea after the opening of trade ports during the latter part of the 19th century. This study attempts to answer the questions as to why the Korean farmers actively participated in agrarian movements; and what social factors had contributed to lead such a farmers uprising as "1894 Peasant Uprisings." The studies on the agrarian movement in Korea have focused on the processes and causes of uprisings, and given more attention to the historical evaluation of the movement which was based on the socio-political perspectives. Most of these previous studies suggest as the causes of the events an ineffective traditional socio-economic operation and a commercialization of agricultural crops after the opening of trade ports in Korea. These overlooked the micro-level phenomena of farmer's participatory behavior in agrarian uprisings, since they pursued their studies from the macro-level observation of superficial trends of the events. Namely, these lacked in answering to such questions as to what social and economic factors contributed toward motivating farmers to react to changes in farming practices. The previous studies also lacked in their concerns in analyzing how farmers' motivation had changed practical farm life. This study, thus to meet the needs to do micro-level analysis, has its analytical level at the farmer's participatory behavior in the 1894 Peasant Uprisings. Farmers activities to be observed in this study are geographically limited to the areas where the commodity trades were conducted through the Busan Port, which is the first port open to Japan. The opening of the Busan Port affected on traditional farm markets in three provinces, such as Cholla-Do, Kyungsang-Do and Choongchung -Do. Since its opening of the Busan Port in 1876, Korea experienced a lot of changes in economic life. Korea's primitive farm market had to enter into the system of world capitalism. Imported commodity goods, particularly imported from Japan, had been traded not only in the port area, but also in small markets of the farm area. Most of the commodity items were daily consumer goods, some of which were already commercialized by the Korean farmers and merchants in the Korean farming areas. One of the major imported commodity goods was cotton that was produced massively with a better quality by Japan. It is quite natural that farmers in Cholla-Do, whose major cash crops were cotton at that time, were affected mostly in their market trading. Farm families in Cholla-Do had gradually been affected in their economic life since the cotton importation through the Busan Port. Other major agricultural products were soy bean and rice, which were exported to Japan at the beginning of the trade port opening. Particularly farmers in Kyungsang-Do and farmers in the other areas, who cultivated soy bean in their land, initially gained their surplus crops and cumulated some wealth by exporting them. These new patterns of commercialization of cash crops had led to changes in the patterns of farm products. Some farm families in Kyungsang-Do had an advantage in having mountain hillside for soy bean plantation, but some farm families in Cholla-Do were mostly tied up with landlords of rice paddy, and therefore, could not find extra dry field for bean cultivation. These differences in farm land condition had caused farmers in the two farm areas to have different economic life in their income and market activity. Farmers in Cholla-Do produced more cotton and farmers in Kyungsang-Do produced more soy bean. As the farm markets developed, the prices of cash crops were changed and economic life of farmers eventually became differentiated by their extra income. Through a micro-level analysis on the effect and process of spreading capitalism in the rural areas of Korea, this study finds two important points: one is that there is a clear relationship between the cotton cultivating areas and the farmers massive revolt areas during the 1894 Peasant Uprisings. However, this study finds the farmers in the soy bean cultivating areas have rather passive or conservative behaviors in participating in the Peasant Uprisings of 1894. The other finding is that the peasant uprisings in the 19th century Korea does not give us an impression that it is a class struggle. Farmers participating in the uprisings had participated in revolt because they were peasant, whose profit sharing was hardly expected from the sales of cash crops like rice and soy bean. However, the study also finds that farmers in the soy bean areas had more income out of cash crops, because the dry land of the mostly small areas did not belong to the landlord. The soy bean farmers profit was all theirs. They did not have to share it with the landlords. This situation might trigger the soy bean farmers reluctant to participate in the uprisings. Instead, farmers in larger rice field were naturally felt more deprived, because any surplus crops sold in market were not shared with farmers at all. This deprivation of expected share made the farmer participate more actively in the agrarian uprisings. In conclusion, this study finds that farmers' participatory behaviors in an agrarian uprising at the opening of trade port in Korea are very much depended upon the farmers success in integrating themselves .into a newly developed capitalist market system. It is evident that farm families in the areas of commercialized rice products had joined actively in revolt in Cholla-Do during the 1894 Peasant Uprisings, due to their deprivation of profit sharing. However, those in Kyungsang-Do, where soy bean had also been successfully commercialized by the soy bean farmers, were relatively very reluctant in participating in any uprising. What is important in the process of agricultural commercialization is that agrarian uprising does not occur simply due to the penetration of capitalistic market system, but whether or not how successfully farmers integrated into new market with their cash crops is a determinant factor for the occurrence of the peasant uprising.

      • 제1차 갑오농민전쟁기의 차병론과 경장론

        김명섭 단국대학교 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 249710

        1894년에 일어난 甲午農民戰爭을 계기로 한반도에는 청국군과 일본군이 출병하였고, 이틀 사이에 일어난 淸日戰爭은 조선에 대한 지배권을 일본이 장악하게 되는 전환점이 되었다. 또 내부적으로는 한국 역사상 가장 큰 개혁이라 할 수 있는 甲午更張이 추진되는 계기로 작용하였다. 청일전쟁의 발발과 갑오경장 추진의 직접적 동기가 농민전쟁에서 비롯되었다고 할 때, 당시 정부의 대응책을 검토하는 작업은 농민전쟁의 전개과정과 역사적 의의 뿐만 아니라, 이후 한국근대사의 진로를 규명하는데 있어서도 주요한 연구 과제가 된다고 하겠다. 본 논문에서는 농민전쟁 당시 조선정부가 취한 대응책에 대하여 검토하였다. 연구의 범위는 1894년 3월 20일 茂長 奉起 이후부터 일본이 내정개혁안을 권고하기 시작한 5월 말까지로 하였으며 이 시기 조선정부내에서 대두.논의편 차병론과 경장론을 중심으로 분석하였다. 정부가 취한 이 두 案의 고찰을 통해 얻을 수 있는 결론은 대체로 다음의 세가지로 요약될 수 있겠다. 첫째, 1893년 報恩集會 때부터 이미 계획된 바 있던 淸軍 借兵論을 관군 자체진압의 한계 뿐만 아니라, 대원군 집정을 요구하는 농민군의 정치적 목표와 서울 봉기설 등 정권의 위기감으로 인해 민씨척족과 高宗에 의해 추진되고 채택되었다. 청군차병은 곧 일본의 예기치 못한 대군의 출병, 러시아 출병설 등 국제적 분쟁화의 위험을 불러 들였다. 결국 청군 차병안은 곧 민씨정권의 쇠락 뿐 아니라 淸日戰爭을 불러 들이는 동기가 되었다. 둘째, 정부의 更張論은 民亂期에서부터 지방관의 기강확립과 인재등용 등의 '矯正策'으로 제기되었다가, 農民戰爭 과정에서는 체제전반에 걸친 내정개혁의 방법논쟁으로 확대·발전해간다. 更張論은 정부의 강경진압과 淸軍借兵에 대해 강한 반발을 보인 한편, 효유 책임자의 인선을 주장해 全羅 觀察使 金鶴鎭을 비롯한 많은 중도적 인사들을 수습책임자로 임명하는 데 기여하였다. 또 5월 12일 고종의 '更張 칙유' 이후 소장 개혁파들이 등용되는 분위기속에 조정내에서 게혁방법에 관한 논쟁을 벌이는 등 개혁의당위성에 대한 논의를 주도해 나갔다. 이러한 흐름은 6월 11일 矯正廳의 설치와 폐정개혁안 부분 수렴 등 자주적 개혁에 대한 나름의 노력을 보여 주었다. 세째, 중앙정부에서의 更張論은 지방차원에서도 집강소 설치로 대변되는 대농민 수습책을 가져왔다. 집강소의 설치는 새로 임명된 지방관의 효유책으로써 구상되어 농민군에게 권유되었다. 하지만 이는 농민군이 무장한 채 둔취함에 따라 무기반납과 歸化安業을 종용하기 위한 정부 증심의 수습책이었기 때문에, 폐정개혁을 실행하려는 농민군과는 마찰이 잦았다. 때문에 농민군이 이 기관을 적극적으로 활용한 시기는 일본의 경복궁 점령 이후 김학진과 전봉준의 담판 이후이다. 이상에서 살펴 보았듯이, 1차 농민전쟁기에 제기된 淸軍 借兵論과 更張論은 농민전쟁의 전개 뿐만 아니라 淸日戰爭과 甲午更張 등 이후 조선정부의 진로에 중대한 영향을 미쳤다. The study on response and settling policy about the First Gabo peasant war (from armed uprising on 2oth March in 1894 to retreatment from Chonju castle on 9th May) is generally treated as a secondary in peasant army's activities-oriented study, and is practically poor. This study trend can be seen as resulted from the negative recognition on then ruling Min family's anti-grass roots, foreign country dependant policies such as violent suppression of peasant army's reformative will and borrowing of Ch'ing army. But the study on leadership then is not neglectful subject because course of the peasant war was related to the counterpolicy of government, and was a inner background of the Gabo Reform and the Sino-Japanese War. Until now, the study on borrowing of Ch'ing army has been focused on its promoting power and procession. So, it's not sufficient to prove political and economic causes, and then ruling class' primary counterpolicy in detail. Besides it overlooked Kap-o Refonn plan in government, seen in historical materials, and presented as passing temporary remedy. Needless to say, the Kap-o Refonn plan was dismissed after occupation of Chonju castle owing to the decision of borrowing of army. But it was a reform plan by government itself to take causes of peasant uprising, such as reform of three taxes, disciplinary punishment of corrupt official and acceptance of maladministration reform idea. The Kap-o Reform plan can be helpful to prove not only initiative of the independant reform including establishment of reform agency, Kyojong-chong, rejecting Japan's advice for domestic affairs reform, but also inner background of the Kap-o reform. Considering army borrowing idea and reform idea in government with its counterpolicy on rising peasant army uprising in 1894, the conclusion resolves itself largely the following two points. Firstly, army borrowing idea in government was selected suddenly by King Gojong with the feeling of regime crisis, Proposed from Boeun Convention in 1893, before occupation of Chonju castle. Also retreatment plan was promoted by the borrowing of army supporters. That is to say, foreign army borrowing was the last choice of Min family with regime crisis, who was objects of political and economic removal by peasant army. Japanese advance, following Ch'ing anny, made it worse and promoted retreatment together. But the frustration of joint retreatment plan meant not only powerless situation in front of Japanese military power but also failure of the borrowing amy supporters. Secondly, according to eruption of grass roots uprising, government's reform plan was proposed as a reform policy from 1890, and was widened and developed into the reform plan of all social structure in accordance with control process of peasant war in 1894. At first government's reform plan was mainly consisted of disciplinary punishment of corrupt official and appointment of incorruptible men as responsibility debate on peasant war, and was a improvement policy in social structure itself, In the pace of deepening of peasant uprising and occupation of Chonju castle, it responded with opposition against Ch'ing army borrowing, appointment of incorruptible men and joint retreatment of Ch'ing and Japanese army. And it reached to reform method dispute on every social structure in the last situation.

      • 갑오농민전쟁에 나타난 정치사상 연구

        장윤영 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 249695

        This paper is a study on the 1894’s peasant war and its political thought. Dong Hak and the peasant war have been most important part of this study. Some researchers argue that Dong Hak and 1894’s peasant war are deeply related each other but other researchers argue that both have no relation each other. In this paper, the point of view on the relation between Dong Hak and 1894’s peasant war is that Dong Hak was deeply related to the peasant war and Dong Hak encouraged many peasants to rise up in the 1894’s war. The purposes of the study are as follows; First, what are the basics of Dong Hak? Second, how did Dong Hak have effects on 1894’s peasant war? Third, what are the contents which the leaders of the 1894’s war hoped to reform Chosun society? The backgrounds of Dong Hak’s birth are the collapse of the Chosun dynasty system and crisis of foreign invasion. The corruption of the nobility’s rule, government’s exploitation in taxation brought pains and helplessness to people. Moreover, wide-spread of Catholicism and the threat from western powers made people plunge into a crisis and horror. Accordingly, people came to hope the downfall of present world and advent of a new ideal world by the power of a transcendental being. Choi Jae Woo, the founder of Dong Hak, offered modern thought of equality which means people are all equal and noble as the same being as Hananim(God). The thought of the advent of a new world was a prophesy, which shows Dong Hak’s political and social character well, for the coming ideal world at a degenerate age after the downfall of the present world full of vice and injustice. Dong Hak gave many peasants belief that ideal world would come someday. Therefore, many Dong Hak followers increased more and more. Dong Hak believers participated in the armed revolt because Dong Hak was a religion influenced by the thought of the coming Messiah and the omen of dynasty change. Dong Hak did not stay in the domain of religion any more but led the strongest political and social movement in the midst of historical upheaval at the end of the 19th century. The peasant war or the Dong Hak movement closed the pre-modern society of our country and at the same time headed toward a new modern society. However, not all the armed peasants are Dong Hak followers. Also Some leaders of the peasants used Dong Hak only as a way of organization of peasant forces. Though some leaders had a nonreligious intention, Dong Hak had many followers, and many people were influenced by Dong Hak. What are the factors of Dong Hak that had effects on many people? First, the democratism of Dong Hak captured many people’s hearts. Second, Dong Hak’s equality captured many people’s hearts. Third, Dong Hak’s humanism that regard human as Hananim(God) captured many people’s hearts. Fourth, the prophecy that new ideal society will come soon captured many people’s heart strongly. Fifth, the nationalism and anti-aggressive policy is the Dong Hak’s points that had effects on many people. Therefore, many peasants joined Dong Hak, a new world in which they are treated nobly and equally, and their social and economical desires appeared distinctively and was pursued more strongly. Finally in 1894, Jun Bong Joon, the leader of Dong Hak, brought about peasants’ uprising against high taxes at Go Boo in January, 1894. Peasants’ forces defeated district forces in Jeon Ra Do, and ruled many areas by Jipgangso, an organ of self government by peasant forces. Then, what is the society that peasants’ forces intended to? They intended to break the feudal system in Chosun dynasty and let some celebrities rule the nation. Though the leaders of peasant’ forces didn’t have a negative attitude toward existence of King itself, they had a very pioneering thought. They intended to oust old political power and make a parliamentary government. Also, they intended to change absolute monarchy into constitutional monarchy. Though the rule of the peasants’ forces is not all the areas of Chosun, it was very epoch in Korean history. For the first time, peasants held real power and centered about politics.

      • 朝鮮甲午農民戰爭與中國太平天國農民戰爭的比較硏究

        오윤수 延邊大學 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 249695

        The nineteenth century is a century with upheaval to eastern Asia. Under the invasion of global capitalist big powers, China -the central country of eastern feudal academic civilization circle and Korea called mini-China by herself fell into semi-colonial and semi-feudalism society continually. The invasion sharpened the contradictories between the landed class and peasantry of both countries, at the meanwhile; it brought about new national contradictories between two countries and foreign big powers. Therefore, under such circumstances, the modern peasant uprisings of Korea and China broke out Similar circumstances make the peasant uprisings of both countries comparable. The thesis consists of three parts: the preliminary remarks, main discussion and the conclusion. The first part: In this part, the peasant uprisings of Korea and China are briefly described. And the author briefly explains the research purpose, objects and methods of the thesis. The second part: This part is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, it deals with the social backgrounds of peasant uprisings in Korea and China. The social backgrounds of both countries are very similar, and they are described in the first and second sections of the first chapter. In the third section, the author analyzes the social backgrounds of peasant uprisings in two countries by comparison, and he tries to find out their similar and specific parts. The similar parts have three points: 1. Both the peasant uprisings broke out under the circumstances in which the invasion by foreign capitalist big powers sharpened the original class contradictories. 2. The intensification of social contradictories made Korea and China awakening from the Confucius thoughts and finding the way to save the countries and people. 3. The intensification of social contradictories increased the national crisis consciousness of two countries' people, and they raised the banners of anti-capitalism and anti-feudalism. The second chapter deals with the uprisings creed of Korea and China. In the first and second sections of this chapter, it mainly deals with the reasons and causes of Jiawu peasant uprising of Korea and Taiping Tianguo peasant uprising of China respectively, and deeply analyzes the revolution creeds of each uprising. The third section analyzes the leaders of two uprisings-Quan Fengzhun and Hong Xiuquan and the revolution creeds of two uprisings by comparison. The third chapter deals with the end of two uprisings. In the first and second sections of this chapter, it deals with the failures and their reasons of two uprisings. In the third section, it mainly expatiates on the comparison of the failures and their reasons of two uprisings. The common grounds lie in three points: 1. The faction of the leader group. 2. The great lapse on strategy. 3. The limitation of peasantry. The differences lie in: 1. The differences of the time of uprising and the strictness of the organization. 2. Jiawu peasant revolution cannot compete with Taiping Tianguo revolution in the construction of the ideology. 3. Jiawu peasant revolution didn't setup its independent regime compared with Taiping Tianguo revolution. The fourth chapter deals with the historic status and its comparison of two uprisings. In the first and second sections of this chapter, it deals with the historic status and its meanings. Two uprisings reached climax of anti-capitalism and anti-feudalism and formed the liberation tide on ideology in each country, and strongly improved the course of modernization in each country respectively. By comparison, the common grounds of two uprisings' historic status are: 1. Both the uprisings provided their revolution creeds. 2. Both the uprisings strongly improved the course of modernization in each country respectively. 3. Two uprisings reached climax of anti-capitalism and anti-feudalism and promoted the ideology of class and nation in each country. 4. Both the uprisings gave a heavily blow to their feudal governor, and provide opportunities for the future reform inside the gerentocratic. The third part is the conclusion. It summarizes the whole contents of the thesis.

      • 朴泰遠의 '갑오농민전쟁' 硏究 : 세계인식과 창작기법을 중심으로

        서덕순 慶熙大學校 1996 국내박사

        RANK : 249678

        이 논문은 박태원(1909-1986)의 「갑오농민전쟁」에 대한 문학적 분석을 그 목적으로 한다. 박태원의 작품들은 그 기법과 내용에 있어서 전통과 새로움에 대한 이중의 경도 를 보인다. 그는 모더니즘 소설의 대표적 작품으로 꼽히는 「소설가구보씨의 일일」(19 34)을 발표하면서 동시에 「오양피」, 「손무자병법외전」, 「두십랑」, 「부용병」 등 野談類의 작품을 쓰는가 하면 사회주의 역사소설 「갑오농민전쟁」에서도 모더니즘적 인물을 기용하는 유연성을 보여 준다. 이 논문은 박태원의 작품세계의 다양한 變異의 최종모습과 그 변화의 動因을 「갑오농민전쟁」과 그 전편, 「계명산천은 밝아오느냐」 의 분석을 통해 밝히는 데 주력하였다. 분석결과 ① 작품세계의 변천과정을 살펴 볼 때 박태원의 작가적 관심은 인물의 의식에서 세태의 풍경으로, 다시 세태에 의미를 부여할 수 있는 능력을 가진 인물로 옮아갔다고 할 수 있다. ② 「갑오농민전쟁」은 사회주의 리얼리즘의 전형창조라는 항목에 충실한 인물들로 구성되어 있으나, 이 인물들의 형상 화방식은 모더니즘적 기법으로 이루어져 전체작품의 경직성을 완화시킨다. ③ 여타의 서술기법에서도 박태원은 단순한 사회주의 리얼리스트라 할 수 없는 다양한 면모를 보 여 준다.

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