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      • The Cell Group Ministry of Chonan Galilee Methodist Church : Its Impact on Church Growth

        Cleto, David Paul T Graduate School of Theology Hoseo University 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 232204

        The central research issue of this study is the impact of cell group ministry on the growth of Chonan Galilee Methodist Church. This study has the following specific objectives: first, to understand the role of the cell group ministry as it relates to the Church, particularly the Chonan Galilee Methodist Church; second, to discover essential variables associated with the growth of the cell group ministry; third, to describe its impact on church growth; fourth, to find out its weaknesses; fifth, to solicit suggestions from the respondents for improving more its operation. Based on the major findings of the study, pastoral Implications were done in relation to what the church is, what it does, how it grows, and how it is nurtured. There are nine general research questions being sought in this study which serve as basis of forming the final questionnaire. They are enumerated as follows: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following: age, gender, civil status, and educational attainment? 2. What is the respondent's status in the church in terms of being baptized or non- baptized member, as how the respondents come to know Chonan Galilee Methodist Church, years of attendance, and specific role in the Church? 3. What is the respondent's status in cell group ministry in terms of cell group attendance, their mode of attendance, range of years as cell members, and their role in cell group meeting? 4. What is the respondent's perception to the growth of the cell group ministry in terms of attendance and cell multiplication? 5. How do the respondents perceive its role in terms of witnessing, social nurturing, spiritual nurturing, and outreach? 6. What are the related factors to the growth of cell group ministry in terms of leadership aspect, curriculum, reaching in activities, and reaching out activities; 7. How do the respondents perceive the impacts of cell group ministry in terms of attendance, divine and human relationship, witnessing, leadership, outreach, stewardship, and management? 8. How do the respondents perceive the weaknesses of cell group ministry in terms of its setting, cell leader's aspect, cell participants, curriculum, and Management? 9. What are the respondent's suggestions for improving the cell group ministry of Chonan Galilee Methodist Church? The total universe of this study is the total number of adults and young adults in Chonan Galilee Methodist Church which is 2, 154. Two hundred seventeen respondents represented as the sample size of the total universe. The size of the sample brought a resulting efficiency of 95.75% to the study and the degree of error is 4.25%. This is high considering that 15% error is allowed. The Descriptive Method was employed with the questionnaire checklist as the primary tool in gathering the data needed. By purposive sampling, the researcher chose the sampling units judged to be typical of the population assuming that the errors in the judgement of selection will tend to counter balance each other. Random interview method was used to validate the data and for clarification. Interpretation and analyzation were done through the use of Weighted Mean, Percentage, and Ranking. The findings based from the gathered data became the basis for conclusions. This study demonstrated a clear relationship between cell group ministry and the growth of Chonan Galilee Methodist Church. Its cell group ministry is performing various services which have brought strong impacts to the growth of the church in terms of quality and quantity. Specifically, its impacts were described through the improvements of church attendance, increased of church members, active participation of lay members in church activities; in terms of relationship, its impact is perceived through many people receiving Jesus as their Lord, having more answered prayers, becoming more interested in God's Words, experienced healing, close relationship with other believers, and experienced changed of life; the impacts in witnessing are shown through more strong witnesses of Jesus in cell group; impacts in leadership can be described in terms of increased church leaders, Sunday school teachers, church workers, and pastors, becoming more interested in leadership training, and receiving more visions of growth; in outreach, the impacts can be seen through increased of awareness in helping others, more outreaches, more participation in outreach, and more cared lives; in terms of stewardship, there are more givers, improved church facilities, more lay participation; in management, impacts can be seen in terms of manageable church activities, more accomplished programs and activities, delegated works, and cooperation among church members in doing ministries. Factors which strongly prompt the growth of the cell growth are the following: first, in terms of leadership, that the church leaders prepare themselves spiritually to preach God's Words, have dedication to prayer and visitation, clear goals for cell growth, training of assistant cell leaders, good devotional life and testimony; second, in terms of curriculum, there is a balance cell activities and open group discussion; third, there are reaching in activities such as group visitation, praying for sick members, interceding each other's need and problems, team building through giving of support and encouragement, assigning and reinforcing, and group oriented members by attending the cell meeting even the cell leader is absent; fourth, reaching out activities such as praying, giving of reliefs, invitation, visitation, and contacting new members. It is not possible to say that one of these factors is more important than the other. However, taken together, they provide needed information about how to realize success in cell group operation. Other related factors were interpreted as Fairly Agree and were considered as areas which need to be improved. They are the following: the cell leader's ability to teach, and a sensible cell lesson. The study also revealed some weaknesses of cell group ministry. These are the following: in terms of teacher's aspect, Fairly Serious problems are item no. 1, “Lack of skills in listening and giving of advise," item no. 2, “Lack of focus in the lesson or topic, and item no. 3, “Lack of giving motivation in the discussion." There are Fairly Serious problems regarding the cell group curriculum such as item no. 3, “Lack of reading materials such as tracks and pamphlets for members," and item no 1, “Lack of meaningful illustrations to the lesson." There are Fairly Serious problems about the cell group management. These are item no. 2, “Lack of group evaluation," item no. 3, “Lack of giving progress group reports in financial and attendance," and item no. 6, “Graphing and charting are not employed to show the progress of the cell group." All these imply that a growing cell group needs more monitoring and evaluation in order to maintain its growth. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were drawn for enhancing the growth of the cell group ministry: First, there is a need to create different cell group committees. which will evaluate and meet its present felt needs. According to the findings of this study, there is a need to create a special committee on Cell Group Curriculum Planning to meet its need in terms of cell lessons and reading materials. Because the study showed that there is a need to train cell leaders in the area of counseling, it is therefore necessary to form the Cell Group Counseling Committee who will provide the cell leaders with the basic tools and skills in counseling, so they can effectively facilitate in working through the life's issues. There is also a need to form a Committee on Cell Group Management and Information who is responsible for making cell group progress reports such as increase of cell members, leaders, assistant leaders, cell multiplication, and activities. A monthly issue of cell group news regarding its progress can be done through internet, news paper, pamphlets, journal, and bulletin board. Second, the senior pastor, assistant pastors and cell leaders must give more attention to initiate evaluation in their cell group ministry in order to meet its arising needs. Third, the cell leaders must increase their awareness on how to enhance the growth of their respective cell groups. This could be done by providing them with the information taken from the findings of this study. Fourth, assistant and cell leaders should be more frequently trained, especially in teaching the cell lesson and in counseling. Seminars and training must be programmed to provide them with tools and skills on how to further enhance their cell growth Lastly, follow up similar studies must be conducted in order to further enhance the cell group ministry of Chonan Galilee Methodist Church.

      • Historical approaches of christian mission in India : among the Tangkhul nagas

        Jajo, Kenan Hoseo University 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 231967

        ABSTRACT HISTORICAL APPROACHES OF CHRISTIAN MISSION IN INDIA: AMONG THE TANGKHUL NAGAS Kenan Jajo Department of Church Historical Theology, United Graduate School of Theology Hoseo University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea (Supervised by Professor Dr.Dong Joo Kim, Ph.D.) The entire Research of this thesis is based on the historical approaches of Christian mission in India and in particular among the Tangkhul Nagas of North East India. This chapter begins by exploring the purpose of the study on a three principle issues such as foreign incursion and their contributions, the origin of Christianity and the Influence of western views, traditional aspects, and socio political characteristics of Indian Christianity will cover in this studies. Chapter two, open the coming of Aryans, invasion to India by Alexander the Great, follows by various groups such as the Scythians, the Huns, the Arabians, Persians, Afghans, and East India Company has colonized India. They have also contributed to the growth of socio-political, cultural, education, and religion in India too. The arrival of Christianity has become one of the major questions in terms of origin. The Apostolate of Apostle Thomas and Apostle Bartholomeus origin of Christianity to India has been discussed in this chapter. By traditional views, western views and church father, scholars, and Apostle Thomas Christians. After considering all the evidence concluded that Apostle Thomas from 52 A.D till 72 A, D. became the Apostolate of Indian first origin. In the third chapter, the influence of Roman Catholic mission to India was a part of the universal Catholic Church under the guidance of the Pope and the curia in Rome. The arrival of Portuguese in southern part of India invites the missionary to India. And the age of monks which influence in trying to find meaning in contemplation by seeking spiritual practice in which one leaves worldly quests to fully devote one's life to spiritual life. The Jesuit Mission, by Francis Xavier a missionary who joined with Ignatius Loyola and five others brotherhood known as “Jesuits” or “Society of Jesus” on 15th August 1534, started the mission which was approved in 1540 by the Pope. It was under the Padroado that sent Xavier to India in 1541, carrying the letter of approval from Pope as an appointing Apostle. Chapter four, explains the Protestant Mission in India on (Halle-Mission), the Serampore Mission (William Carey) and other denominations during the 18th and 19th Century. The conditions of the missions entered, encountered and transformation in the field of literature, education, social impact and Socio-cultural encounter by the missionaries. In Chapter five, the arrival of William Pettigrew as a missionary was first invited by the Anglican Mission in Calcutta. In 1894, Pettigrew converted to Baptist Faith and he joins the Assam Conference in 1895 and was appointed as Missionary to Manipur State. And the formation of North-East Christianity under which major Protestant Christianity work together by established the field works. This has been brought under the ministry of the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI).


        D. Manohar Chandra Prasad Graduate School, Hoseo University 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 231965

        Foremost, I thank God almighty for all the mercies He has shown to me in pursuing my studies and for the loving caring hosts, faculty at the Hoseo University and the wonderful people I met in Korea. I am deeply indebted to them for taking so much care and concern. I am most thankful and grateful to Prof. Dr. Yim Tae Soo for inviting me to Korea and for guiding me all through my time in Hoseo for my thesis. I thank our Bishop Rt. Rev. S Vasanth Kumar who has been instrumental in guiding me and supporting me to articulate Dalit concerns. I thank my friends who helped me to print this thesis, my Minjung friends and Moksanim's in Korea, faculty members of the Graduate School of Theology, Hoseo University, Dalit friends from Dalit Christian Federation, and all Dalit brothers and sisters who inspired and sustained me in working for Dalits. A special thanks to Rev. Stanley Thangaraj, Dr. Anand, and Rev Prem Mitra for their support. Finally, I express my heartfelt thanks to my parents, brothers and sisters and my wife Clera for their unstinting support and prayers to pursue my studies. There are many other friends who have contributed in many intangible ways, and to all of them, I say a big THANKS. THY WILL BE DONE, THY KINGDOM COME


        아키아파오 Hoseo University 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 231951

        ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to analyze the narrative in Genesis 3 focusing on the theophany in verse 8. The topic of theophany is often neglected in biblical and theological studies, though it is one very important characteristic of biblical thoughts. While there are some interpretations of Genesis 3:8, it has not been given much attention as a theophany by many Bible scholars in the past. Those who took notice of the text as a theophany addressed it as a storm theophany conveying usually the message of judgment. However, this paper aims to establish that the theophany in Genesis 3:8 is not just a storm or judgment theophany. A new concept of theophany can be extracted from it by studying the narrative using literary critical approach. The literary devices to be considered are the setting, characters, mood and emotions in the text. Although God manifested himself in different forms and types, I believe that God has been consistently showing his love and grace in his appearances and manifestations to the people as individuals or as a congregation. This paper then will introduce a new type of theophany called the Love-Grace Theophany. Theophany is defined as a temporary appearance or manifestation of God or “gods” to humans in different forms. The self- disclosure of God can be found in the ancient Near East religions and in the Old Testament. The God in the Old Testament initiates his appearance to communicate and bring his message to his chosen people. We can find theophanies in the Pentateuch, Historical and Prophetic books and the Wisdom Literature. In these appearances and manifestations of God it was usually to initiate a covenant with Israel, to commission someone as his prophet or messenger, or to bring a message of judgment or hope.To understand the theophany in Genesis 3:8, we have to read and listen carefully to the discourse in the whole chapter of Genesis 3. The dialogue between God and Adam and the woman brings out the message of the theophany. Structural and narrative analysis and the use of type-scenes are the literary vehicles that the research will use to come up with new insights on the theophany of Genesis 3:8. The theology of theophanies is also presented and they are the theology of compassion, theology of communication and the theology of salvation. After a thorough examination of Genesis 3, this thesis shall be resulted to show that all along these theophanies, God’s love, grace, compassion, faithfulness, mercies, kindness and salvation are the outstanding messages that we can freshly experience as we go deeper in studying God’s disclosure of himself in the Old Testament.

      • A Study on the Mission Strategy for Foreign Workers in Korea

        아날도 Hoseo University, United Graduate School of Theolo 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 231951

        This study entitled” A Study on the Mission Strategy for Foreign Workers in Korea” aims to discover the various mission strategies of the Korean Church for the foreign workers, to assess how effective are those mission strategies in term of uplifting the spirituality, emotional stability, moral and social responsibility of the foreign workers, and to suggest an effective mission strategy for foreign workers to the Korean Church. This study adopted the descriptive method using the questionnaire as the main tool in gathering important data. The questionnaires were distributed to 600 respondents to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the study. Moreover, the instrument used in this study was developed by the researcher after a thorough discussion with his adviser on the principle of formulating the questionnaire. There were two groups of respondents in this study namely, the foreign workers who are living in the Incheon Metropolitan and nearby cities, and the foreign workers who are registered and are attending the foreigners church of the Soong Eui Methodist Church. The first 300 sets of the questionnaires were administered to the 300 members of the Soong Eui Methodist Church and the other 300 sets were executed to the foreign workers living in Incheon metropolitan and nearby cities. The following items were investigated with the use of the questionnaire: Personal information of the respondents, their most difficult experience while living in Korea, their perception of needs, perception on foreigners cultural values, respondents perception of the church climate which magnifies foreign workers religious activities, respondents perception on the missionary works, and respondents perceptions on the volunteer services provided by the Korean church. In the process of computing, accounting and analyzing the data, the researcher took advantage of the Microsoft Excel spread sheet computer software to ensure the accuracy of data tabulation, and accurate frequency and percentage computation of the data. The researcher is delighted to give some recommendations based on the conclusion which could be applied to help improve the status of the foreign workers work places through Korean church initiatives. First, there is a need to plan for sufficient education period for volunteer workers. The reason is to learn the necessary basic language and then acquaint themselves through meeting and conversation with the foreign workers real situations. And when these are adequately understood, the efficiency of mission is augmented. The mission for foreign workers residing in Korea is different from the mission of one on one or two missionaries dispatched abroad. Mission for foreign workers is special mission that consist of laymen and volunteer workers who received training. Secondly, education in the mission that supplies information about the foreign workers’ life need to be prepared faithfully. When the mission workers do not know the life information of the foreign workers, efficiency of mission is dull. But, when the mission workers understand the life information of the foreign workers, mission can be efficient. The research for a mission area in Korea for foreign workers had been progressing by one kind of method and that it is to import the information of the foreign workers. This may be very profitable in setting up and evaluating an effective strategy of foreign workers’ mission. Likewise several mission areas that were seen to be working for foreign workers when closely compared and analyzed will become better research. Thirdly, there is a need to remove the obstacle factor for mission by executing education that recognizes Korean life to foreign workers. There are many cases of misunderstanding because of Korean common thinking on the matter of language and on the features of foreign workers. The foreign workers and their own culture, customs, and etiquette or manners were accepted. Therefore, there is much need for foreign workers to know the usual life of Koreans. Fourthly, it is desirable that mission education be executed to all believers. It was realized that in mission there is a great difference between the Believers who received education from those who did not receive education. Therefore, education is needed for all believers as well as for volunteer workers to have efficiency in the mission for foreign workers. If the education of foreign workers’ mission helper is executed, not only the degree of interest for mission goes up but also the number of church attendance increases, and it brings activation of the mission for foreign workers and new place of mission is opened.

      • The Implication of Pastoral Care and Counseling of Isabela Central Area Methodist Church : Philippines Pastors in the Life of the Youth

        Ventur, Bonifacio S.a Hoseo University Chonan Campus Graduate School of 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 231951

        The researcher rolls into two main discussions: a) On the pastors' role and perceptions on pastoral care and counselling, and b) the implications and significance of pastors pastoral care and counselling. Basically, the study is survey discovering the role and perceptions of Isabela Central Area Methodist Church pastors in Isabela-Philippines on their pastoral care and counselling ministry. This includes perceiving the implications of their pastoral care and counselling in the lives of the youth in Isabela Central Area. The writer used several instrument to achieve the necessary data like questionnaires for both pastors and the young people, personal interviews, e-mail and internet discussion and observations; and reading of published and unpublished materials. The study seeks to examine the basic biblical foundation of pastoral care and counselling; pastors role as counselor; their means and methods of doing pastoral care and counselling; pastors perception on pastoral care and counselling; youth basic problems that need pastoral care counselling; and the implications of pastoral care and counselling on the lives of youth of the church in today's society. The researcher is equipped with a proposed pastoral care and counselling program for youth, and training program for pastors to widen their knowledge in pastoral care and counselling. The training has the purpose of helping pastors become competent counsellors of the community of faith and especially to respond for the need further training to effective helpers and care-givers for the youth of the society especially in the church.

      • Brain stimulation of elderly with dementia using virtual reality home

        Bilal, Ahmed Hoseo University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 231951

        The virtual reality (VR) is an immerging technology used in the serious games industry to treat psychological disorders like dementia. We created a system named as Virtual Reality Home (VRH) for the elderly who lived with Alzheimer’s disease (or another form of dementia) and cognitive impairment using virtual reality technology. The purpose of our study is to measure the long-time immersion and retention of VRH on the moods and apathy, enhancement in physical and brain stimulation as well as a decision making with peoples of dementia and explore the experience of aged care home staff’s member. The VRH shows a positive impact on the elderly participants and staff members. During the VRH experience, excitement and a great level of alertness were observed among the participants but few of them were feeling anxiety. Furthermore, we observed the improvement in physical, memory and brain stimulation, but the participants have a low focus on decision making because they wanted to explore all interactable objects in the VRH. This study suggests that the VR may have the potential to improve the quality of life, and these results can assist to expand the future development in the enhancement of efficiency of people with dementia.

      • A Critical Reflection On Youth and Youth Leadership Programs For Social Change in Filipino Community Context

        쉘리 Hoseo University 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 231951

        This research study reviewed and examined the function of youth and youth leadership programs in the Philippines in relation to community development and how its progress would provide a significant attribution in the twenty-first century. Biblical, theological, theoretical, and historical understandings and related literature about youth and youth leadership in general were conducted to establish the foundations of this study. In the Bible, the leadership of those mighty leaders was very apparent in their youth. They played an enormous role and immense contribution in the history that can be applied and emulated in this contemporary society especially by the young generations. The theories of Abraham Maslow, Julian Rotter, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Carol Gilligan were used to provide necessary theoretical framework that gives idea on what to develop adolescents’ leadership potential and abilities. It also provides understanding of what motivates youth to do well and determines the sense of control over their lives. The following conclusion has been derived from the secondary sources the researcher has reviewed. First, youth leadership program in the Philippines has few accomplishments but have positive outcome on developing their skills and knowledge such as; time management, knowledge of legal matters, decision-making skills, prioritization skills, management skills, leadership skills, parliamentary procedures, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and teamwork. Second, the youth and youth leadership programs have favorable contribution but the programs should be further enhanced and meticulously implemented in a way that youth were exposed to corruption as its negative effect in their behavior. Third, the status of youth and youth leadership is weak practically but formally and legally empowered. Based on the findings of this study the researcher proposes the following recommendations for the government, church, academe, and the youth. First, the government should provide youth program that emphasize experiential learning and give opportunities for them to exercise genuine leadership. Leadership is learned by observing, involving, and doing. Respect for youth as leaders implies trusting them to exercise leadership within the program itself. The government should focus on the program that will involve youth in exercising real leadership by designing, conducting, and evaluating programs and activities in real life situations. As leaders, they should be encouraged to take prudent risks, learn from their successes and failures, and continue their growth and development in the future. Second, for the church to have effective youth leadership programs youth should be involved in significant relationships with mentors, positive role models, or other nurturing adults in the church that will draw them to be a better individuals. Mentors and role models play a powerful role in launching young people in positive directions. Significant relationships with mentors, role models, and other nurturers are a key factor in the development of leadership. Therefore, effective leadership programs should include the development of such positive relationships. Third, the academe should increase youth involvement and efforts by providing youth with specific skills that will improve their participation in political and civic events, create partnerships with schools and other groups that provide real life experiences and recognize their possible contributions. Fourth, youth should develop their individual strengths and personal characteristics. There is not one successful leadership style, or a single set of personality traits that make for a successful leader. Youth must come to understand and accept themselves as unique and valuable individuals, have compelling appreciation of their strengths and weaknesses, and be aware of moral values and beliefs which guide their behavior. They should involve in leadership programs that enable them to process and reflect upon what they learn in order for them to be better individuals that could give positive impact in the society now and for the future.

      • Band gap tuning of two-dimensional layered GeAs via liquid exfoliation

        차승환 Hoseo University 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 231951

        Two-dimensional layered structures have recently drawn worldwide attention because of their intriguing optical and electrical properties. Monoclinic phase GeAs is a new two-dimensional (2D) material that has been predicted by first-principles calculations. In the present work, GeAs nanosheets were produced by a liquid phase exfoliation method. As the number of layers decreases, the band gap increases significantly by about 1 eV and approaches 2.1 eV, which is consistently explained by our rigorous first-principles calculation on the layer-dependent band gap. Measurements of electrical properties was performed on individual GeAs nanosheet to show the 2D carrier transport behaviors with a hole mobility of 8 cm2 V-1 s-1. We also observed the large photocurrents under visible light irradiation from the individual GeAs nanosheet, which promises high-performance optoelectronic nanodevices. We fabricated a photoanode by depositing a few layered GeAs nanosheets onto n-type Si nanowire array, which showed high-efficiency photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting under visible light irradiation. Based on the band edge positions using the first-principles calculation, we predicted effective p-GeAs/n-Si heterojunction band alignment for the high photocurrent and low onset of PEC cells.

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