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      • The relationship between school district funding and student achievement in the public school districts of South Carolina

        Lee, Patricia Askins University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200527

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study was designed to examine the relationship between school district funding and student achievement in the public schools districts of South Carolina. Through correlational analysis of aggregated data and the study of documents published by the South Carolina Department of Education, the relationship between student achievement and specific indices of school funding are examined to determine what correlation, if any, exists between or among them. The study addressed three research questions: (1) What is the relationship between current school district per pupil expenditures and student achievement in South Carolina? (2) What is the relationship between the current amounts of school district revenue from local, state, and federal sources and student achievement in South Carolina? (3) What is the relationship between school district fiscal capacity (per pupil district wealth), the district poverty index, and student achievement in South Carolina?. The measure of achievement used for this study was the district Absolute Rating, a numerical rating used to compare performance among South Carolina's school districts. Negative correlations were noted between student achievement and per pupil expenditure (r = -.52, p < .01); state revenue (r = -.59, p < .01); federal revenue (r = -.60, p < .01); and district poverty (r = -.88, p < .01). Positive correlations were noted between student achievement and per pupil district wealth (r = .26, p < .05); and local revenue (r = .30, p < .01). Partially due to the design of the state funding program, there were significant and complex relationships across the variables. Therefore, controls (for poverty) were utilized. Consistently, the poverty index emerged as the only predictor of student outcomes. While it cannot be said that poverty directly causes poor achievement, many components of poverty have be identified as effecting learning. The results of the study suggest that when it comes to student achievement, money does not matter as much as the poverty level. More research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between these factors.

      • The extracurriculum of the University of South Carolina: The first century, 1805--1906

        McCormick, Jacob L University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200527

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This historical study investigates, describes, and analyzes the University of South Carolina's extracurriculum, explains this extracurricular history within the context of the City of Columbia and the University community, relates this extracurricular development to regional and national trends, and interprets the significance of the University's extracurriculum. The primary topic of this research is to examine the first century of the University of South Carolina's extracurriculum and scrutinize how this extracurricular history affected the nature of the collegiate experience at the institution. Evidence indicates that the students of the University of South Carolina developed the institution's principle extracurricular forms largely devoid of administrative input or oversight, and the extracurriculum they created significantly influenced the fundamental nature of the institution as a whole. The students fashioned, through the extracurriculum, the basic forms and patterns of collegiate life that dominate the habits and ways of campus existence to this day. In doing so, they helped established the basic identity of the modern institution.

      • Does race matter: The relationship between race and principal selection and/or placement

        Long, Jeffery E University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Although legislation was enacted during the 1970's and 1980's to extend equal opportunities at jobs and promotions to minorities, there still remains an under-representation of African Americans and other minorities in principalships in this country. The under-representation of African Americans in the principalship in South Carolina is likely due to several forces such as institutional and attitudinal barriers, discrimination, racism and desegregation. The barriers against minorities in school administration can be more overwhelming than those faced by women. Significant shortages of African American teachers certainly impact the pool of African American school administrators. Historically, African American principals led majority African American student populated schools that were under performing. Nearly half of the school age children in South Carolina are African American (42.1%), yet only 26.5% of the principals are African American throughout the state. The purposes of this study were to gather information about minority administrators' placement in South Carolina's public schools as principals and to determine the extent to which race plays a role in where principals are placed. Additionally, it was to determine the extent to which the phenomenon is influenced by school and district geographical location, school level, school and district rating/achievement, size, student population and school and district social economic status. The study investigated data from reports generated at the South Carolina Department of Education and included all 1,047 public elementary, middle, and high schools in the state and included all 84 school districts. Data were disaggregated by the variables studied and analyzed using frequencies, percents, cross tabulations, and chi squares. Also, a multivariate, analysis using the logistic regression was used to analyze the level of significance of the variables. The study revealed that three variables have more influence in regards to African American principals' assignments in the public schools in South Carolina: student population, school and district location and school and district report card rating.

      • The impact of teacher efficacy on the academic achievement of third-grade students

        Byrd, Laverne Scurry South Carolina State University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to analyze whether teacher efficacy affected the academic achievement of students in third grade, and to examine if efficacy and achievement differed in terms of award winning schools and non-award winning schools in select districts of South Carolina. The sample for this study was drawn from third grade teachers in award winning and non-award winning schools in South Carolina. Eight school districts were randomly selected from various regions of South Carolina. Forty-nine elementary schools were selected based on a stratified sample. The target population was third grade teachers and students from South Carolina. The sample consisted of 156 third grade teachers and 3945 third grade student's PACT scores. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Series Ten (SPSS-X), the <italic>t</italic>-test for Independent Mean, Analysis of Variance Procedures, and the Newman-Keuls Test. The following hypotheses were tested: Ho:1, which predicted no significant difference in teaching efficacy between award winning schools and non-award winning schools was accepted. Ho:2, which predicted no significant difference in self-teaching efficacy between award winning schools and non-award winning schools was accepted. Ho:3, which predicted no significant difference in teaching efficacy between rural schools and urban schools was accepted. Ho:4, which predicted no significant difference in self-teaching efficacy between rural schools and urban schools was rejected. Ho:5, which predicted no significant difference in academic achievement of third grade students based on teaching efficacy and award status of schools was rejected. Ho:6, which predicted no significant difference in academic achievement of third grade students based on teaching efficacy and location of schools was rejected. Ho:7, which predicted no significant difference in academic achievement of third grade students based on self-teaching efficacy and award status of schools was rejected. Ho:8, which predicted no significant difference in academic achievement of third grade students based on self-teaching efficacy and location of schools was rejected. Ho:9, which predicted no significant main and interaction effects of teaching efficacy, award status, and school location on the academic achievement of third grade students was rejected. Ho:10, which predicted no significant main and interaction effects of self-teaching efficacy, award status, and school location on the academic achievement of third grade students was rejected.

      • A perceptual study of relationships among quality professional development, school culture, and student outcomes in South Carolina K--5 schools

        Fields, Erica Lavette University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between quality professional development, school culture, and student outcomes. A review of the literature indicated that there is a positive connection between school culture and quality professional development that engages teachers and administrators in professional dialogue with colleagues and the sharing of knowledge and techniques. The research also indicated that the quality of instruction and student achievement is impacted when school cultures are permeated by collaboration and systemic reflective practice over an extensive period of time. Data for this study were obtained through a 58-item survey mailed to 253 elementary principals in South Carolina. The survey consisted of four sections: the first section asked questions pertaining to the degree to which their schools were engaged in professional development initiatives. The second section sought information about their perception of their school culture. The third sections included questions about their school culture. The fourth and final section asked personal and professional information to include demographic school information. Findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between quality professional development and school culture. The findings also indicated that schools across the state of South Carolina are frequently engaged in professional development initiatives that are identified by the National Staff Development Council as being effective professional development strategies. The findings indicated that quality professional development was not related to the absolute ratings schools received on the S.C. report cards, which in this study was used to measure student outcomes. The researcher concluded that South Carolina is moving in the right direction of improving the quality of instruction through extensive professional development initiatives, however, more has to be done to continuously improve student achievement to meet the 2010 national goals established by the S.C. General Assembly.

      • A study of the differences between alternatively and traditionally certified teachers in South Carolina based on performance evaluations

        Harvey, Mary Falicia Hart University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to determine if any teaching performance differences exist between traditionally and alternatively certified teachers. The study focused on alternative route participants and traditionally trained teachers who were in their second year of teaching for the 2003-04 academic year in South Carolina. The study was limited to the second year teachers in South Carolina school districts that used the Assisting, Developing, and Evaluation of Professional Teaching (ADEPT) Team-Based Evaluation and Assistance Model (TEAM). Based on information provided by the South Carolina State Department of Education, 47 of South Carolina's 85 school districts had used the TEAM evaluation model for the 2003-04 academic year. Of the 932 teachers who were formally evaluated in those school districts, 768 (82.4%) were traditionally certified and 164 (17.6%) were alternatively certified. The intent of this study was to answer three research questions. The first question addressed differences in pedagogical knowledge based on the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) examination. The mean score for traditionally trained teachers was 174 and for alternatively trained teachers was 169. The analysis indicated there was a significant difference between the mean scores. The second question addressed differences in the evaluation of teaching performance based on the ADEPT school district level evaluator's perception of teachers' performance on the individual performance dimensions and the sum of ratings on the performance dimensions. The analysis determined there was not a significant difference between any of the mean scores for the individual performance dimensions nor the sum of the mean scores for the individual performance dimensions. The final question addressed differences between alternatively and traditionally certified teachers' performance when compared by the demographic variables. The analysis determined there were no significant differences in mean scores based on age, gender, or race at the .05 level. The analysis of the demographic variable highest degree earned revealed there was a significant difference in the performance between teachers who had a master's degree and teachers who had a master's with additional graduate hours or a doctorate. However, this difference was true for both alternatively and traditionally certified teachers.

      • Geophysical Study of Gold Mineralized Zones in the Carolina Terrane of South Carolina

        Alarifi, Saad Saud University of South Carolina ProQuest Dissertation 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The goal of this study was to calibrate and test geophysical methods for the detection of geological structural and disseminated sulfides in the area of the four largest gold deposits in the Southern Appalachian of South Carolina. The Coastal plain sediments, vegetation and saprolite covering the mining areas remain the most challenging in this region. The work focused on the calibration of high-resolution gravity, and helicopter electromagnetic (EM) and magnetic data provided by OceanaGold over the Haile and Brewer Mines; then calibrating the regional gravity and aeromagnetic data over the four gold mines in South Carolina. Observed geophysical fields are correlated with rock properties: resistivities, susceptibilities and mineral concentrations are measured for 40 samples from 16 drill holes, as well as densities and mineral concentrations for 49,183 samples from 448 drill holes in the Haile ore zone. While high resolution potential field data (gravity and magnetics) has not been proven to be effective at small scales in exploration for disseminated sulfides, there is a strong regional correlation between high amplitude gravity and magnetic anomalies and the most productive gold mines in the Carolina terrane. Helicopter EM methods have been shown to be effective in distinguishing sedimentary from volcanic-dominated sediments in the metamorphic rocks of the Carolina terrane. The interpretation of the gravity and magnetic data utilized tilt derivatives, vertical derivative, reduced to pole anomalies (RTP), shaded relief, frequency spectrum, 3-D Euler deconvolution, core drilling and 2-D forward modeling. The most surprising result was that over the Haile Mine, the residual gravity anomalies, tilt derivatives, and vertical derivative show positive anomalies correlated with the location of a disseminated ore body. The gravity field over the ore body can be interpreted as produced by 4% pyrite and molybdenite. Electromagnetic (EM) anomalies are spatially associated with the Haile ore bodies. The edges of a granite pluton are clearly illuminated by the shaded relief, tilt derivative, and Euler deconvolution of the potential fields. The magnetic fields do not show correlations with the mineralized zones but are instead dominated by granitic and gabbro plutons and northwest trending diabase dikes. The integration and interpretation of the results indicate that metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration destroy magnetite and cause demagnetisation anomalies for the Carolina terrane. East-northeast trending linear anomalies have been sampled and dated as Alleghanian lamprophyre dikes providing the first magnetic map of these intrusions at Haile. Finally, we calculated the probability of detecting a geophysical anomaly of the required minimum dimensions with a given survey spacing over the Haile mine area to reduce the risk of missing the target anomaly.

      • High school physical education curriculum in the state of South Carolina

        Pebworth, Katherine Paige University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In spite of the importance of curriculum and curriculum planning to the educational process, research on curriculum and curriculum planning is limited (Jewett, Bain, & Ennis, 1995). This is particularly true in physical education. We know little about how teachers organize physical education curriculum or the effectiveness of different curriculums. In South Carolina, high school physical education teachers collected and submitted assessment data on the four state mandated performance indicators as part of a state level assessment program. This study focused on the intended/written curriculum (school assessment plans) and the learned curriculum (school score) of 112 high schools in South Carolina. While it is assumed that teachers intend more than what is designated and described in their assessment plans and that students learn more than what is measured by assessments of performance indicators, this study can begin to establish relationships between what is intended and what is learned. The purpose of this study was to describe the high school physical education program in South Carolina and relationships between program characteristics, program effectiveness and other teacher and school characteristics. Issues including the Sport/Activity Competency Score, the written curriculum, differences between cycles and Physical Education Institute and teacher development sessions were investigated. Data sources included school assessment plans and data for Performance Indicator One that were submitted to SCPEAP, school score on the physical education report card, and attendance at the Physical Education Institute (PEI) and assessment training sessions (1996--2003). Results revealed that team sports/activities was taught more often than any other category, however weight training (fitness) was the most taught sport/activity. Even though the schools were still using a multi-activity curriculum model the majority of schools were going to longer units of instruction. A Sports/Activity Competency Score was created from the scores of accepted data from each Performance Indicator One class submitted. While there was not much difference in the over all sport categories being taught from Cycle One to Cycle Two there was a slight shift in a reduction of individual sports to an increase in fitness and dance. No real difference in curriculum offerings between small (1A) and large (4A) schools was found. Curriculum characteristics and teacher attendance at Physical Education Institute and teacher assessment training sessions identified that the Low Teacher Development (LTD) spent more time on team and individual sports/activities than did the High Teacher Development (HTD). This study will serve as a baseline for curricular change over time.

      • The political life of Stanley Fletcher Morse

        Richards, Jeremy Monroe University of South Carolina 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200495

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This is a political biography of Stanley Fletcher Morse. Morse, an agricultural expert, became a political activist in the early 1930's and continued his activism for much of the next forty years. Studying his political activities shed light on conservative resistance to political, social, and economic changes in twentieth-century America. Born in 1884, Morse, a Massachusetts native, graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Morse's agricultural consulting work took him to several foreign countries as well as different parts of the United States. He married Elizabeth Fenn Leonard and raised one son, Stanley Morse Jr. The couple moved to South Carolina in 1926, where Morse remained for most of the rest of his life. Morse, a conservative Republican, did not become consistently politically active until the Great Depression and the arrival of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal program. Morse publicly opposed the New Deal, focusing much of his criticism upon its agricultural policies. He joined the American Liberty League in its opposition to the New Deal and in 1935 became the Executive Vice-President of an offshoot organization called the Farmers' Independence Council of America. Before U.S. entry into World War II Morse joined the America First Committee to oppose American involvement. During the war he worked for the Foreign Economic Administration in French North Africa. After World War II Morse opposed Harry Truman's Fair Deal program. In 1952 Morse became one of the key players in both the Citizens Grass Roots Crusade and the South Carolinians for Eisenhower organization. Both groups worked towards the election of Dwight Eisenhower as president. As a staunch segregationist Morse opposed the Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling. In September 1954 the Citizens Grass Roots Crusade became the Grass Roots League of South Carolina. Morse served as President of the new anti-Communist, pro-segregation organization. Though the League's membership apparently was never very large, it had considerable influence among segregationists through its literature. Elizabeth Morse passed away in 1962. Morse remarried in 1964 to Carolyn Erskine Gillespie Mellette. In the 1960's, to Morse's dismay, legal racial segregation collapsed. In the last decade of Morse's life he became less politically active. He died in 1975.

      • Giving Voice to Black Gay and Bisexual Men in the South: Examining the Influences of Religion, Spirituality, and Family on the Mental Health and Sexual Behaviors of Black Gay and Bisexual Men

        Carter, Jarvis W., Jr University of South Carolina 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200495

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Background: Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately impacted by HIV in the United States. Previous research documents the association between unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) and psychological distress; however, neither the causes of the distress nor factors outside of individual characteristics driving sexual behaviors have adequately been explored. Moreover, research on Black MSM has yet to holistically address social and contextual factors influencing HIV-related risk and protection among this population. The purpose of this study was two-fold. One object was to explore social and contextual factors contributing to the psychological distress of Black MSM and determine how those factors influence their engagement in UAI. The other objective was to examine how intersecting identities of Black MSM influence their mental health and sexual behaviors through their experiences with family dynamics, religion, and spirituality. Utilization of intersectional frameworks assist in providing in-depth understanding of factors driving or curtailing the HIV epidemic within this population. Methods: A qualitative inquiry was conducted using one-on-one in-depth phenomenological narrative interviews among self-identified Black gay and bisexual men (n=32) residing in Columbia, South Carolina. Participants were interviewed on their experiences with social and contextual factors such as family dynamics, religion, and spirituality. Participants also discussed how the intersection of their racial, sexual, and gender identities impacted their mental health and sexual behaviors in certain contexts. For the intersectional analysis, participants were categorized into four distinct groups of sexuality and racial identity expression to decipher trends in sexual behaviors resulting from psychological distress. Results: Participants also experienced elevated stress from tensions between their familial and religious beliefs and their sexual identities. Most men's experiences with family and religion negatively impacted their perceptions of gay and bisexual identities and their mental health. Some men exhibited gay- and bisexual-affirming perceptions through the utilization of coping mechanisms that buffered psychological distress encountered. Participants also experienced increased psychological distress due to non-conformity with cultural and social norms based on race and sexuality. Family and religion and the collective experiences with family and religion were identified as sources of distress. Individuals with high expressions of sexuality and race (HH) as well as men with low expressions of sexuality and race (LL) reported more psychological distress. The effects of family dynamics, religion, and spiritualty on the engagement in UAI varied across groups. Conclusions: These findings suggest that religious and familial discord were sources of psychological distress for Black gay and bisexual men. Negative religious and familial encounters during formative years appeared to increase the psychological distress of the participants. Over time, spirituality aided in lowering psychological distress and increasing condom use self-efficacy. The findings also highlight the importance of considering socially-constructed identities and their interplay with social and contextual factors in increasing psychological distress and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors for Black gay and bisexual men. Black gay and bisexual men and their families may benefit from comprehensive sex education interventions. Future studies should incorporate holistic and comprehensive frameworks in methodological designs to enhance understanding of social drivers influencing the mental and sexual health of Black MSM and to inform intervention development and social services of targeted at this population.

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