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      • A comparative study on the participatory budgeting in Warsaw and Seoul

        PIWKO, Justyna Weronika University of Seoul, International School of Urban 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2879

        본 연구의 목표는 솔루션 적용과 법적 규제가 프로세스 수준에 미치는 영향과 관련해서 글로벌 주민참여예산제도의 분석 및 개발에 기여하는 것이다. 연구는 바르샤바와 서울의 두 프로세스를 비교하는 데 중점을 둔다. 두 도시는 폴란드와 한국이 국가 차원의 주민참여예산제도에 대한 법적 규제가 있는 5개국에 속한다는 점에서 선정하였다. 첫째, 비교 방법으로 Cabannes는 분석 그리드를 사용하여 주민참여예산제도를 시민 참여 영역, 지방 정부 참여 영역, 법적 영역, 영토적 영역의 4영역으로 분류한다. 이후 18개의 변수를 바탕으로 주민과 지방 정부의 참여 수준을 최저, 중간, 최대로 구분했다. 그 결과 바르샤바의 주민참여예산제도는 18개 변수 중 8개에서 최저 수준의 솔루션을 사용하고 있는 반면, 서울은 하나의 변수에서만 최저 수준을 사용하고 있음이 확인됐다. 또한 서울은 11개의 변수에서 최대 수준의 참여 솔루션을 적용하고 있으며, 바르샤바는 9개 변수에서 적용하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 분석에 따르면 서울의 주민참여예산제도는 18개 변수 중 17개에서 중간 및 최대 참여 수준으로 나타났다. 바르샤바는 10개가 그러하였으며, 이와 관련해서 바르샤바의 개발 지역을 표시하였다. 국내법이 두 도시의 프로세스에 미치는 영향도 확인되었다. 바르샤바에서는 12개 정도의 변수가 국내법 조항의 영향을 받았으나, 서울의 경우 5개에 불과했다. 더불어 도시의 특수성과 주민 및 정부의 요구에 따른 국가 차원에서 일반적인 규제를 만들기 위한 권고안을 개발하였다. 주요어: 주민참여예산제도, 참여, 거버넌스, 시민 참여, 바르샤바, 서울 The research aims to contribute to the analysis and development of participatory budgeting in the world regarding applied solutions and the impact of legal regulations on the quality of processes. The study focuses on comparing two processes in Warsaw and Seoul. The cities were selected because Poland and South Korea are among the five countries with legal regulations in participatory budgeting at the national level. First, as a comparison method, an analytical grid was used by Cabannes, which divides participatory budgeting into four areas: citizen participation, local government participation, legal and territorial. Then, based on an additional 18 variables, residents and local government involvement was determined, from minimum to medium to maximum. The results show that in Warsaw, participatory budgeting uses solutions at the minimum level in eight out of 18 variables, while in Seoul, only one variable is at the minimum level. Moreover, in maximum involvement, Seoul applies solutions at this level in eleven variables and Warsaw in nine. The analysis clearly shows that participatory budgeting is average and maximum involvement in 17 out of 18 variables in Seoul, and in Warsaw, only in 10. On this one, areas for development for Warsaw were indicated. The impact of national law on the processes in the cities studied was also checked. In Warsaw, as many as 12 variables are influenced by the provisions of national law; in Seoul, only 5. Recommendations were developed for the general creation of regulations at the national level to be adapted to the specificity of the city and the needs of residents and government. Keywords: Participatory Budgeting, Participation, Governance

      • Elemental analysis of caries-affected root dentin and artificially demineralized dentin

        성영혜 Seoul National University 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2847

        Elemental analysis of caries-affected root dentin and artificially demineralized dentin Younghye Sung Program in Conservative Dentistry Department of Dental Science Graduate School, Seoul National University (Directed by Professor Ho-Hyun Son, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.) Objectives This study aimed to analyze the mineral composition of naturally- and artificially-produced caries-affected root dentin and to determine the elemental incorporation of resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) into the demineralized dentin. Materials and methods Box-formed cavities were prepared on buccal and lingual root surfaces of extracted sound human premolars (n = 15). One cavity was exposed to a microbial caries model using a strain of Streptococcus mutans. The other cavity was subjected to a chemical model under pH cycling. Premolars and molars with root surface caries were used as a natural caries model (n = 15). Outer caries lesion was removed using a carbide bur and a hand excavator under a dying technique and restored with RMGI (Fuji Ⅱ LC, GC Corp.). The weight percentages of calcium (Ca), phosphate (P), and strontium (Sr) and the widths of demineralized dentin were determined by electron probe microanalysis and statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test (α = 0.05). Results Demineralized surface was observed under SEM in all samples. Artificial models induced greater losses of Ca and P and larger widths of demineralized dentin than did a natural caries model (p < 0.05). Sr was diffused into the demineralized dentin layer from RMGI. Conclusions Both the microbial and the chemical caries models produced similar patterns of mineral composition on the caries-affected dentin. However, within the limitation of this study, the artificial lesions had a relatively larger extent of demineralization than the natural lesions. Sr from RMGI was incorporated into the superficial layer of the caries-affected dentin.

      • Associations between hourly PM2.5 chemical constituents and emergency department visits for cardiovascular and respiratory disease

        엄희상 Seoul National University 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 2847

        Introduction : Several epidemiological studies have investigated fine particulate matter (≤ 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, PM2.5) has a risk for adverse effects on human health. Previous studies have focused on the risk associated with the total mass of particles, without considering the chemical constituents of them. In this study, the hourly differences between PM2.5 chemical constituents and emergency visits for cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease were estimated using time-stratified case-crossover design. Methods: The study periods were from January 1 to December 31, 2013 in Seoul, Korea. Hourly health outcome data on emergency department visits for cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease were provided by National Emergency Department Information System (NEDIS). Emergency department visits data were classified according to the discharge diagnosis for cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease (ICD-10, cardiovascular, I00-I99 and respiratory, J00-J99). Hourly data for PM2.5 mass and chemical constituents were measured by real-time monitoring at one sampling site located at Bulgwang-dong, Seoul (37.36° N, 126.56° E). In this study, PM2.5 mass and only 13 chemical constituents (OC, EC, Cl-, Mg2+, Na+, NH4+, NO3-, SO42-, Ca, Fe, K, Pb, and Zn), were selected after QA/QC procedure. The meteorological data such as hourly mean temperature (℃), relative humidity (%), and air pressure (hPa) were adjusted as confounding variable. Time-stratified case-crossover analysis and conditional logistic regression analysis were used to estimate the adverse health effects of fine air particles and to estimate and adjusted odds ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), respectively. The short-term effects were estimated using moving averages in six periods (1-6(h), 7-12(h), 13-18(h), 19-24(h), 25-48(h), 49-72(h)) and adjustments of this association by age (≥ 65 years) and season. Results and Discussion : The strongest adverse effects for cardiovascular disease exacerbations were associated with PM2.5 mass, OC, EC, Cl-, Ca, Fe and Zn after 19-24h lag period and NH4+, NO3-, and SO42- after 25-48h lag period were estimated. The strongest adverse effects for respiratory disease exacerbations were associted with NO3-, K and Pb after short lag periods (0-6h and 7-12h) and PM2.5, OC, EC, Cl-, NH4+, SO42-, Ca, Fe, and Zn after longer lag periods (19-24h and 25-48h). For those older than ≥ 65 years, the strongest adverse effects for cardiovascular disease exacerbations were shown with PM2.5 mass, OC, EC, Cl-, Ca, Fe, and Zn after 19-24h lag period and NO3- after 25-48 h lag period and respiratory disease exacerbations of OC, EC, Fe and Zn after 19-24h lag period were observed. Especially, among PM2.5 chemical constituents, EC showed the strongest association with cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease exacerbations. For all of seasons, significant positive associations for PM2.5 mass and chemical constituents excluding Mg2+ were observed for cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Conclusion : This study found major differences of associations between PM2.5 constituents and emergency visits for cardiovascular and respiratory disease in Seoul. This study will provide robust evidences for the health impacts of PM2.5 chemical constituents.

      • Taxonomy of the Chironomidae (Diptera, Insecta) in Seoul-Gyeonggi Area, Korea : 서울·경기 지역의 깔따구과 (파리목, 곤충강)에 대한 분류

        나국본 The Graduate School of Seoul Women's University 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 2844

        파리목에 속하는 깔따구과는 청정수역에서부터 오염된 도시 하천까지 널리 분포하는 담수생태계의 주요한 수서곤충이지만 한국에서는 아직 충분한 연구가 되어 있지 않다. 현재까지 한국에 깔따구과에 3아과 27속 51종만이 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 서울·경기 지역을 중심으로 조사된 깔따구과의 성충 표본을 이용하여 신종 4종 [Stictochironomus A, sp. nov., Tanytarsus A, sp. nov., Conchapelopia A, sp. nov., Conchapelopia B, sp. nov.], 한국미기록종 15종 [Microtendipes tamaogouti Sasa, Microtendipes truncatus Kawai et Sasa, Paracladopelma tamahikawai Sasa, Polypedilum pedestre (Meigen), Micropsectra shouharasima Sasa, Neozavrelia bicoliocula (Tokunaga), Rheotanytarsus tamaquartus Sasa, Tanytarsus tamaoctavus Sasa, Euryhapsis subviridis (Siebert), Paratrichocladius rufiventris (Meigen), Conchapelopia quatuormaculata Fittkau, Rheopelopia maculipennis (Zetterstedt), Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen), Potthastia montium (Edwards)]을 포함하여 4아과 23속 41종이 검토되었다. 각 종에 대한 진단형질을 작성하였고, 신종과 한국 미기록종에 대한 기재문을 검색형질의 삽화과 함께 제공하였다. 이명과 국명, 분포, 그리고 분류학적 소견을 함께 기록하였다. The non-biting midges (Chironomidae, Diptera) are one of the most important groups of aquatic insect in fresh waters, but have not been well studied in Korea. Fifty-one species in twenty-seven genera and three subfamilies of Chironomidae have been recorded from Korea. In this thesis, forty-one species in four subfamilies of Chironomidae are recorded from Seoul-Gyeonggi area in Korea including four new species [Stictochironomus A, sp. nov., Tanytarsus A, sp. nov., Conchapelopia A, sp. nov., and Conchapelopia B, sp. nov.] and fifteen new Korean records [Microtendipes tamaogouti Sasa, Microtendipes truncatus Kawai et Sasa, Paracladopelma tamahikawai Sasa, Polypedilum pedestre (Meigen), Micropsectra shouharasima Sasa, Neozavrelia bicoliocula (Tokunaga), Rheotanytarsus tamaquartus Sasa, Tanytarsus tamaoctavus Sasa, Euryhapsis subviridis (Siebert), Paratrichocladius rufiventris (Meigen), Conchapelopia quatuormaculata Fittkau, Rheopelopia maculipennis (Zetterstedt), Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen), and Potthastia montium (Edwards)]. Diagnoses are provided for all examined species; full descriptions are provided for new species and new Korean records with line-drawings of key characters. Synonymy, material examined, distribution, and taxonomic remarks are also provided.

      • Comparative research on copyright protection of reality television programs in China and Korea

        치신 Seoul National University 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 2831

        ABSTRACT Comparative Research on Copyright Protection of Reality Television Programs in China and Korea Qi Xin College of law, law The Graduate School Seoul National University With the fast development of Television broadcast and Internet technologies, there are various ways provided for people to enjoy interesting TV programs. Nowadays, it shows an increasing demand of people for high-quality TV shows. Both China and Korea governments are encouraging and promoting culture and entertainment industries by setting political strategies and legislation. On one hand, highly developed contents industry can bring a thriving and happy mental life for people and make a country identical and reputable in international societies. On the other hand, compared to manufacture industry, with a comparatively low invest, a highly developed contents industry brings out huge monetary benefits for one country in a very environmental-friendly way. It’s said by a research institute that contents industry is one of the most promising industry in near future days. As a country which has a relatively strong and developed contents industry, Korea manufactures and exports to other countries movies, dramas and TV programs every year. The legislators and policy makers paid attention to and made related laws and policies to support entertainment industry of Korea. The main laws are as below: Copyright Law(저작권법); Contents Industry Promotion Law(콘텐츠산업 진흥법); Culture Industry Promotion Basic Law(문화산업진흥 기본법) and so on. China is really a huge market for TV broadcasting operators with a large number of population and a wide land. But in the aspect of protection of TV programs, the law is vague and uncertain. Copyright Law or Unfair Competition Law is the main tool for TV program producers to seek protection for their works. In recent years, especially from 2013, china TV broadcasting stations begin to buy the license of copyright of Korean TV programs. In 2014, Chinese TV stations imported nearly 70 foreign TV shows, among which Korean TV shows charge 10, nearly 15% of the total amount. <Running man><I’m a singer><Where are you going, dad> and other TV programs made great success and became the hottest TV shows in China. As the show is getting more and more popular, the copyright license royalty is also increasing. As reported, before 2014, the license fee to Korean stations is usually between 10 to 30 thousands US dollars per episode. After a big success, some TV programs even cost as expensive as 10 times. China has the condition to buy copyrights, whereas Korea aims at the huge market of China, both of which contribute to the explosive growth of copyright transaction. In this thesis, I will concentrate on arguing the following things. Firstly, I will analysis the definition and legal character of format. Should it be protected by copyright law? Secondly, I introduce the situation of legal protection of format in China, Korea and U.S. Lastly I will provide some practice strategy for format holders to protect the format besides the Copyright Law.

      • Effects of tannic acid on Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels in peripheral sensory neurons

        김성아 Seoul National University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2831

        말초 감각신경세포에서 탄닌산이 과분극과 고리형 뉴클레오티드에 의해 활성화되는 이온통로에 미치는 영향 탄닌산 (tannic acid)은 떫은맛을 가지며 수용성인 식물성 폴리페놀 화합물의 일종이다. 탄닌산의 생의학적 효과는 비신경세포에서 연구된 바는 있으나, 말초 감각신경세포에 대한 탄닌산의 영향에 대해서는 알려진 바가 거의 없다. 과분극과 고리형 뉴클레오티드에 의해 활성화되는 이온통로 (HCN 이온통로)는 심장 리듬을 결정하고 신경세포의 전기적 흥분성 조절에 관여한다고 알려져 있으며, 최근 연구에서 HCN 이온통로가 신경병증성 통증에도 중요한 역할을 한다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는, 탄닌산이 마우스 척수 후근 신경절 신경세포의 HCN 이온통로 전류(Ih)에 미치는 영향을 확인하여 탄닌산의 신경병증성 통증을 조절할 수 있는 가능성을 확인하고자 하였다. 마우스(Adult C57BL/6)의 척수 후근 신경절 신경세포를 단일 세포로 분리한 후, 전-세포 패치 클램프 레코딩(whole-cell patch clamp recording) 기법을 이용하여, 탄닌산 (Tannic acid, T0200, Sigma-Aldrich, m.w. 1701.20)이 HCN 이온통로에 미치는 전기생리학적영향을 관찰하였다. 5 μM 탄닌산은 Ih 전류 크기를 58.9 ± 4.2 %로 감소시켰으며, 전압 sag를 현저히 줄어들게 하였다. 탄닌산 (0.05 ~ 50 μM)은 –120 ~ -50 mV 사이의 모든 전압 범위에서 Ih 전류를 농도 의존적으로 억제시켰다. 억제 중간값 (IC50)은 0.9 μM이었으며, 최대 억제 효과는 78 %까지 보였다. 이러한 TA의 억제 효과는 cAMP 비의존적이었다. 여기서 흥미롭게도, 탄닌산은 작은 크기의 세포에서 Ih 전류를 더 강력하게 억제하는 효과를 보였다. HCN 이온통로 네 가지 아형 중 HCN2는 주로 작은 크기의 통각 수용성 척수 후근 신경절 신경세포에서 가장 높은 발현을 보인다. 그러므로, 탄닌산의 억제 효과는 HCN2에 주로 작용하였을 것으로 보이나, 특정 아형에 대한 특이적 효과가 있는지 확인을 하는 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. 이 연구는 척수 후근 신경절 신경세포에 분포하는 HCN 이온통로를 표적으로 작용하는 새로운 약물의 발견으로, 탄닌산이 신경병증성 통증을 차단할 수 있는 새로운 가능성을 확인하였다는 점에서 매우 의미가 있다. ---------------------------------------------------------- 주요어 : 탄닌산(tannic acid), 과분극과 고리형 뉴클레오티드에 의해 활성화되는 이온통로 (HCN channel), Ih, 척수 후근 신경절 신경세포 (DRG neuron) 학 번 : 2000-22805 Effects of tannic acid on hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels in peripheral sensory neurons Kim, Seong Ah Major in Neurobiology, Department of Dentistry, The Graduate School, Seoul National University Tannic acid (TA) is an astringent and a type of water-soluble plant polyphenolic compound. The biomedical effects of TA have been demonstrated in non-neuronal cells, however, little is known about its effects on peripheral sensory neurons. Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability by generating a pace-making current, Ih. In this study, I examined the effect of TA on Ih in mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons using whole-cell patch clamp recordings. TA (5 µM) significantly reduced the amplitude of Ih to 58.9 ± 4.2 % and alleviated the voltage sag mediated by HCN channels following hyperpolarization in DRG neurons. In addition, TA (0.05 to 50 µM) inhibited Ih in a concentration-dependent manner over the entire voltage ranges (-120 to –50 mV), with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.9 µM and a maximal inhibitory effect of 78 %. Interestingly, TA had a stronger inhibitory effect on Ih in small-sized DRG neurons through a cyclic AMP (cAMP)-independent pathways. Together, these results suggest that TA could directly block HCN channels in DRG neurons, independent of cAMP signals. These new findings highlight a potential novel drug for targeting HCN channels in DRG neurons. -------------------------------------------------------- Keywords : Tannic acid, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels, Ih, dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons Student Number : 2000-22805

      • (The) role of the international criminal court in peace development in D.R. Congo since 2004

        Asianande, Thierry Kisukulu Seoul National University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2831

        논문초록 본 연구는 지각적 측면에서 국제형사재판소의 콩고민주공화국 평화구축과정에대한 역할을 조사하고자 한다. 특히, 본 연구는 콩고의 국내기구 강화를 통한 평화보장에 있어 국제형사재판소의 역할과 영향에 대한 콩고 시민들의 인식을 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구의 방법론으로는 양적 및 질적 접근 방법 동시에 사용하는 삼각 측량 설계를 채택하였다. 또한, 인권 운동가, 변호사, 지역 오피니언 리더 및 학생으로 구성된 150 명의 응답자를 샘플링하기 위해 목적 및 층화 샘플링 기술을 조합하여 사용하였다. 수집 된 데이터는 백분율 및 빈도와 같은 설명 분석 통계를 사용하여 분석되었으며 SPSS, 버전 20 소프트웨어의 기여와 함께 그래프 및 표 형식으로 제공되고 국제형사재판소의 대표 및 언론인, 시민단체 대표 등의 인터뷰를 통해 수집된 전문가의 견해에 의해 뒷받침되었습니다. 이 연구의 핵심 연구 결과는 세 가지 가설을 입증했다. 첫째, 콩고 시민의 태도와 국제형사재판소의 역할 사이에 부정적인 관계가 있음을 발견했다. 시민들의 부정적인 태도는 국제형사재판소로부터의 높은 기대와 카빌라 대통령의 권력에 대한 대안으로 간주되는 콩고 인물인 장 피에르 벰바 (Jean Pierre Bemba)를 체포하겠다는 법원의 결정에 기인 한 것이다. 둘째,이 연구는 국제형사재판소의 개입이 평화 보장을위한 국내 기관의 강화에 중요하다는 사실을 발견했다. 국제형사재판소는 콩고의 국내법을 국제형사재판소의 협약에 적용하기 위해 도입 된 다양한 제도 개혁으로 콩고 법령 전체를 수정했다. 마지막으로이 연구는 국제형사재판소가 콩고 민주 공화국에 개입 한 것이 전반적인 평화 구축 과정에 영향을 미쳤음을 입증했다. 군대와 민병대에서 아이들을 사용하는 주요 범죄자들의 체포는 아이들이 군대에 사용되어서는 안된다는 인식을 높이고있다. 따라서 다른 무장 단체 등에서 아동의 사용을 줄이는 데 기여했다. 본 연구의 실질적인 의미는 콩고 민주 공화국의 평화 구축 과정에서 국제형사재판소의 역할이 효과적인지 확인하는 것이다. 실마리어: 국제형사재판소, 평화구축, 분쟁 후 사회 ABSTRACT The Role of the International Criminal Court in Peace Development in D.R. Congo since 2004 Thierry KISUKULU ASIANANDE International Area Studies Graduate School of International Studies Seoul National University The purpose of this study was to understand whether or not the role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is effective in peace building process in DR Congo. Specifically, the study looked at the attitudes of Congolese citizens towards the work of ICC, the influence of ICC on strengthening domestic institutions to guarantee peace, as well as the overall promotion of peace in DR Congo. The study adopted concurrent triangulation design that promoted the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A combination of purposive and stratified sampling techniques was used to sample 150 respondents comprising of: human rights activists, lawyers, local opinion leaders, and students. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive analysis statistics like percentages and frequencies, and presented in form of graphs and tables with the contribution of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, Version 20) software, and backed up by views of experts such as representatives of civil society, representatives of ICC, and journalists, collected from interviews. The study key findings proved two hypotheses out of three. Firstly, the study found a negative relationship between attitudes of Congolese citizens and the role of ICC. The negative attitude of citizens was attributed to their high expectations from ICC, and the court’s decision to arrest Jean Pierre Bemba, a Congolese personality considered as the alternative to power of President Kabila. Secondly, the study accepted that interventions by ICC were significant in strengthening domestic institutions to guarantee peace. Further findings revealed that ICC has modified the entire Congolese legal order with a range of institutional reforms, introduced to adapt Congolese law to the agreement of ICC. Finally, the study judged the ICC’s involvement in DR Congo influential in overall peacebuilding processes. It found that arrests of key criminals for use of children in armed forces and militia groups has increased awareness that children should not be used in armed forces; therefore, contributed to narrowing use of children in different armed groups, etc. The substantial implication of this study is the acceptance of the role of ICC as effective in peacebuilding process in DR Congo. Key Words: International Criminal Court, Peace Development, post-conflict Society

      • (A) study on the marine prokaryotic diversity and antibiotic resistome using high-throughput sequencing and functional metagenomic analysis

        장광일 Seoul National University 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2831

        Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) play a significant role in global biogeochemical flux of biologically important elements in marine ecosystems. It has been firmly established that prokaryotes are major primary producers and heterotrophic consumers. Despite prokaryotes have significant roles in the biogeochemical flux in marine environmets, it has been estimated that more than 99% of the bacteria are non-culturable, leading to limited information of prokaryotic diversity because of an inability to mimic proper environmental niches. The relation between prokaryotic communities and their roles in the biogeochemical cycle is a topic of central research in environmental microbiology. Knowledge of the prokaryotic community compositions has rapidly increased due to development of molecular techniques based on amplification of the 16S rRNA gene and sequencing. This thesis includes studies on i) seasonal and spatial distribution of diversity of marine prokaryotes in the East Sea using pyrosequencing, ii) marine bacteria can be dispersed in the atmospheric environments, and iii) diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in the water column of the East Sea using the functional metagenomics approach. i) To understand in-depth prokaryotic diversity using high-throughput sequencing technique, we applied a pyrosequencing approach to study spatial and seasonal distribution of prokaryotes in the East Sea during 2011-2014. This study demonstrates that bacterial and archaeal communities varied along horizontal scale from coastal to offshore as well as vertical scale along depth, and furthermore their distribution patterns were different between seasons. Bacteroidetes, Alpha- and Gamma-proteobacteria dominated from epipelagic to mesopelagic zones in the East Sea. However, the discrepancy must be resulted from the low coverage of used primer for a major Alpha-proteobacteria group (SAR11). Thaumarchaeota and Euryarchaeota were dominant archaea in the epipelagic zone (0-100 m). Euryarchaeota decreased gradually with increasing depth. We found that dominant archaeal groups such as Nitrosopumilaceae and Halobacteria were more dynamics of distribution patterns in the epipelagic zone than in the mesopelagic zone. ii) Rainwater is an important natural resource to study airborne marine bacteria. Rainwater samples were collected during three heavy rain events at a suburban site in Seoul. Bacterial community compositions (BCCs) of rainwater samples, analyzed by using 16S rRNA gene-based pyrosequencing, differed considerably among the three rain events. Presumable marine bacterial OTUs which formed a robust clade with marine bacteria Lacinutrix spp. were at high concentrations in rainwater in April, likely reflecting origin from saline environments. Most of the Flavobacteria sequences were unusually high in April rainwater, which presumed to be of marine origin. Thus, these results suggest that some marine bacteria can be disseminated as aerosol particles and precipitated on land via rain. iii) The antibiotic resistance (AR) issue has critically increased. With the increasing use of antibiotics, resistance to antibiotics is developed by bacteria having AR mechanisms to defend themselves and survive from the antibiotic-polluted environments. Functional metagenomic approach is more useful to discover novel AR genes and resistance mechanisms rather than culture-dependent approaches, PCR and sequencing methods. We found a variety of AR genes conferring resistance to ampicillin, polymyxin B, rifampicin, fosfomycin and gentamicin in the East Sea. Among antibiotics, the majority (53.4%) of the cloned resistant genes was resistant to ampicillin, 18.8% to polymyxin B, 16.1% to rifampicin, 7.2% to fosfomycin and 4.5% to gentamicin. The source of host organisms inferred from the annotated AR genes was mainly marine bacterial taxa. This thesis suggested that bacteria might play a more significant role in marine environments. Bacterial community compositions in the East Sea varied across space and seasons. Furthermore, some marine bacteria can disperse in the atmospheric environments. Marine environments may be potentially global reservoir of AR genes.

      • (An) analysis of interactive media ettect in exhibition

        선태영 Seoul National University of Science and Technolog 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 2831

        The trend of cultural art spaces is changing due to the rapid advance in technology. The purpose of this study is to understand which kind of interactive exhibition technology is being used in exhibition space and to gain a foothold for applying technologies in exhibition spaces effectively. The range of the study is limited due to the exhibition spaces which are focused on interactive exhibitions. Through exhibition what will the visitors learn and gain through education. In this essay, eight cases are chosen for the target exhibition space in Seoul. The study is understanding interactive exhibition and present conditions of exhibition environment. Also, research and survey on whether the type of interaction design performs an effective function and role of exhibition space which the visitors want. Second, the study was to know what types and functions of an interactive exhibition based on the understanding interactive exhibition are the methods. The third way is to analyze and synthesize the characteristics of exhibition spaces through the case investigation. In conclusion, interactive exhibition spaces were displayed in various ways. The results of the case investigation varied and had some limits. However, more items of the interactive exhibition should be developed to stimulate more senses and to make exhibitions more effective in spaces in the future. 문화예술 공간의 추세는 기술의 급속한 발전으로 인해 변화하고 있습니다. 본 연구의 목적은 전시 공간에서 어떤 종류의 전시 기술이 사용되고 있는지를 이해하고 전시 공간에 효과적으로 기술을 적용 할 수 있는 기반을 확보하는 방법을 찾고자 합니다. 전시회를 관람을 하는 방문객들이 인터랙티브 정보를 통해 무엇을 얻을 것인가에 대해 연구하였습니다. 이 연구에서는 인터랙티브 전시 공간으로 연구 범위를 제한하였습니다. 이 연구에서는 서울 전시 공간을 대표하는 8 가지 사례를 선정하였습니다. 우선, 아날로그 전시 및 인터랙션 전시 환경의 현상에 대해 알아봤습니다. 또한 인터랙션 디자인 유형의 전시가 방문자가 원하는 전시 공간의 효과적인 기능과 역할을 수행하는 여부에 대한 조사를 했습니다. 인터랙티브 전시 공간 방식에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 인터랙티브 전시의 유형과 기능을 파악해보았습니다. 이러한 사례 조사를 통해 전시 공간의 특성을 분석하고 종합하였습니다. 그리고 대화형 전시 공간은 다양한 방식으로 전시되고 있었습니다. 사건 조사의 결과는 다양했고 몇 가지 한계가 있었습니다. 그렇기 때문에 더 많은 감각을 자극하고 미래의 공간에서 전시회를 보다 효과적으로 만들기 위해 더 많은 양방향 전시가 개발되어야합니다.

      • Observation of energy and baseline dependent reactor neutrino disappearance in the RENO experiment

        최원국 Seoul National University 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2831

        The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation (RENO) began gathering data in August, 2011. The RENO is designed to measure the neutrino mixing angle Theta13 and mass squared difference |Delta m^2_ee| which is the electron neutrino weighted average mass square difference |Delta m^2_31| and |Delta m^2_32|. The experimental site of RENO is the Hanbit nuclear power plant, which is 280 km away from the capital city of Koera, Seoul. There are 6 reactors in the Hanbit nuclear power plant, equally spaced in a single line. The Experiment used two identical detectors. The near detector (far detector) is located at 294 m (1384 m) from the cen- ter of this six reactor array. and the flux-weighted average distance between the reactors and the far (near) detector is 408.6 m (1444.0 m). The experimental has analyzed about 500 live days of data in the period between August 2011 and January 2013. In this period, the far (near) detector observed 31541 (290775) electron antineu- trino candidate events with a background fraction of 4.9% (2.8%). The measured prompt spectra has an excess of reactor e of approx- imately 5 MeV relative to the prediction from the most commonly used model. The excess is proportional to reactor thermal output power, therefore the excess is the neutrino signal coming from reac- tor cores and not a background. To aviod this problem, the data are analysed based on the measured far-to-near ratio of prompt spectra. A clear energy and baseline dependent disappearance of reactor e is observed in the decit of the observed amount of e. From this decit, we can determine sin^2 2theta_13 = 0.082 +- 0.009(stat.) +- 0.006(syst.) and |Delta m^2_ee| = 2.62+0.21-0.23(stat.) +0.12 - 0.13(syst.) (X10^-3eV^2) based on a rate and spectra analysis. The precise measurement of Theta_13 would be a important milestone in determination of the leptonic CP phase if combined with a result of an accelerator neutrino beam experiment.

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