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      • Black Collegiate Athletes at Historically White Institutions: Perceptions of Holistic (Under) Development in Academic, Athletic, and Community Settings During the BLM Era (Post-Summer 2020)

        Jolly, Shannon University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 185119

        The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Black collegiate athletes and their holistic development in the context of historically white institutions (HWIs). The BLM era (post-Summer 2020) was particularly selected for this study to understand the implications of the current socio-cultural mo(ve)ment on the experiences of these athletes in academic, athletic, and campus community settings. A qualitative exploratory case study design was used in this dissertation. The theoretical framework that guided this research investigation was critical race theory. The methods used comprised two focus group interviews. Fifteen semi-structured individual interviews were conducted, with photo elicitation being incorporated into the individual interviews for triangulation purposes. The participants in this study were comprised of Black men and women athletes who attended DI HWIs in the southeastern region of the United States. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques to determine emergent themes to make up the findings of this dissertation. The findings revealed that Black collegiate athletes at DI HWIs in the BLM era (post-Summer 2020) experienced the following: a). unconscious adaptive behavior as resistance; b). Black feminine liberation c). BLM social reckoning of cancel culture; and d). BLM resurgence of the bridge builder. The implications of this dissertation include the development of policy changes and programming that center the development of Black collegiate athletes at DI HWIs. .

      • An Analysis of the Pedagogical Practices in Online Physical Education

        Waller, Sophie University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        The purpose of this study was to analyze online physical education (OLPE) teachers’ pedagogical practices. The three primary research questions guiding the study were: (1) What are the pedagogical practices of experienced OLPE teachers? (2) How are the pedagogical practices implemented in OLPE courses? (3) Why do experienced OLPE teachers use these pedagogical practices? To provide a theoretical foundation for the study, the Community of Inquiry (Garrison, Archer, & Anderson, 1999) framework was utilized to identify the pedagogical practices and inform the OLPE environment. Implementing a qualitative single case study design, data were collected via semi-structured interviews, video-recorded observations, and document analysis. The participants of the study were composed of five experienced OLPE elementary teachers from one statewide virtual school in the southeast region of the United States. A thematic analysis of the data generated the following findings, (a) Underscoring the ‘E’ in PE, (b) Minimizing Distance by Cultivating Connections, and (c) Navigating the Inherent Constraints and Demands. The findings indicated that although the OLPE teachers displayed a desire to emulate the traditional setting of PE, the pedagogical practices were bounded by the limitations of the online setting, such as teaching space and reliance on student independence. Therefore, they emphasized the cognitive and affective domains of learning, with a limited number of practices to develop a movement-orientated environment. Additionally, the OLPE teachers navigated the demands of the job, the school, and the expectation of the parents, which also influenced why they taught the way they did. Overall, this study has provided an initial exploration of the pedagogical practices of OLPE; however, concerns and questions remain. Further research is warranted to provide comprehensive evidence on how to design and deliver high-quality OLPE courses.

      • The Development and Initial Validation of a New Instrument Measuring Perceptions of School Counselor Grief and Loss Competencies

        Wood, Katherine M. University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        The purpose of this study was to initiate the development and validation of an instrument measuring perceived grief and loss competencies in professional school counselors. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (1979) and Multicultural Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC; Ratts et al., 2015) provided the theoretical framework and the instrument development process was guided by Crocker and Algina’s (2008) application of classical test theory. Exploratory factor analysis was used begin testing the items using a large-scale field test. Reliability and validity were examined and found to be adequate for convergent and discriminant validity. An exploratory factor analysis performed on the sample (n = 477) revealed that a five-factor model demonstrated the best fit to the data. The factors consisted of 21 items over five factors: 1) Multi-Tiered Support Services (MTSS), 2) Cultural and Social Justice Considerations, 3) Attitude toward Grief, 4) Systems Advocacy, and 5) Theoretical Knowledge. The School Counselor Grief and Loss perceived Competencies (SCGLC) scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency according to Cronbach’s alphas and adequate internal consistency according to inter-item correlations. Implications and recommendations for school counselors, counselor educators, and future research are provided.

      • Helitron Dynamics in Zea Mays

        Giarratano, Rocco University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        Helitrons are a type of ancient mobile DNA in eukaryotes. Previous studies have shown that Helitrons are abundant within the maize genome, comprising more than 2.2% (over 50 Mb) of the total nuclear genome. Their presence throughout the tree of life suggests early evolutionary beginnings. Due to their ability to capture genomic DNA fragments and rearrange functional genic sequences, these transposable elements (TEs) have the potential for de novo gene creation. This dissertation gives insight into evolutionary dynamics of Helitrons in the maize genome. I identified, de novo, presence-absence variation of Helitrons in the fully sequenced genomes of 26 diverse maize inbreds. Each inbred in the population was predicted to have ~67,000-72,000 Helitrons by the software HelitronScanner, yet only about 25% (~17,000-18,000) of these were confirmed in my more detailed analysis. I randomly selected one Helitron from each of the ten chromosomes in the inbred B73 to serve as loci for comparison across the entire inbred data set. Genes flanking these ten Helitrons were analyzed to confirm Helitron orthology, to investigate the phylogenetic history of the genome segments containing these Helitron insertions, and to determine the rates and nature of sequence change. Neither the Helitrons nor the flanking genes across the ten loci yielded phylogenies that were identical to the overall phylogenies that relate these 26 inbreds, showing that segmental introduction from many (and often distantly related) maize genome resources were involved in the construction of these inbreds. Mutations were identified in Helitrons and in flanking gene coding regions, intronic regions, and within 500bp of the 3’ ends. Polymorphic insertion/deletion (indel) sizes and natures within Helitrons were rigorously described. Among identified indels, TE insertions were prominent. Phylogenetic analysis of these Helitrons allowed for determination of the direction of specific mutations (e.g., G to A versus A to G or insertion versus deletion), discovering that small deletions were particularly common and that C/G to T/A transitions were much more common than any other transition or transversion. Indels and point mutations were most common, showing moderate abundance in introns, and were least common in coding regions and 3’ trailer regions of genes.

      • Investigating the Role of Rida Family Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

        Whitaker, Gregory H University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        RidA proteins are conserved enamine/imine deaminases found in all domains of life. In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic model organisms, deletion of ridA causes a number of phenotypes, including growth defects. Accumulation of 2- aminoacrylate (2AA) occurs in the absence of RidA and results in the respective phenotypes. The reactive 2AA enamine attacks pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (PLP, a B6 vitamer) in the active site of PLP-dependent enzymes, and covalently inactivates the enzyme. The metabolic impact resulting from damage to PLP-dependent enzymes varies depending on the specific metabolic needs of the organism.The role of RidA in cellular metabolism has been best characterized in prokaryotes such as Salmonella enterica, in which its 2AA deaminase activity was first identified. Even among closely related prokaryotes, consequences of ridA lesions vary, from inconsequential to crippling. Disruptions caused by 2AA accumulation are dependent on the needs of the organism and metabolic flux through relevant pathways. The work described herein was undertaken to improve understanding of the RidA paradigm in the eukaryotic model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and by extension eukaryotes in general. The S. cerevisiae genome encodes two RidA homologs (Mmf1, Hmf1), but only one generates known phenotypes when deleted. The mitochondrially localized Mmf1 protein was previously shown to prevent 2AA accumulation and deleterious effects. Work presented here built upon prior knowledge to identify Hem1, a PLP-dependent enzyme, as a definitive target of 2AA in the S. cerevisiae mitochondria. Damage to Hem1 accounts for a portion of the disruptive effects of 2AA accumulation, including decreasing intracellular heme levels. Beyond the study on Hem1, a role for the cytosolic RidA homolog, Hmf1, was investigated. In total this work not only furthers our understanding of cellular metabolism in yeast, but also lays the groundwork for defining the role of RidA homologs in complex organisms, about which little is known. Yeast bears many similarities to higher eukaryotes, not least of which is the presence of mitochondria and a mitochondrially localized RidA homolog. Having identified a previously unknown impact of 2AA accumulation on heme biosynthesis, we make the reasonable assumption that this may occur in the mitochondria of other eukaryotic organisms. .

      • Using Expectancy Violations Theory to Examine Environmental-Sustainability-Related Stadium Naming Rights Sponsorships as a Possible Form of Greenwashing

        Chou, Wen-Hao Winston University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        This dissertation explores the impact of an environmental-sustainability-related stadium naming rights sponsorship on consumer perceptions of greenwashing and attitudes toward the sponsor. Drawing on Expectancy Violations Theory, the study examines the effects of company type, naming method, and sponsor behavior on consumer evaluations in the context of green stadium naming rights sponsorships. Using the fictional company FROV, participants are presented with eight vignettes that manipulate the three independent variables while maintaining consistent information. Through this experimental design and subsequent statistical analyses, the study found that sports fans who prioritize environmental issues are more likely to perceive a green stadium naming rights sponsor as engaging in greenwashing when the sponsor is a non-green product producing company. Additionally, the study revealed a negative relationship between breaking a promise and attitudes toward the sponsor, highlighting the importance of maintaining consistency between promises and actions. The findings also indicate that perceived greenwashing mediates the relationships between company type, sponsor behavior, and attitudes toward the sponsor. These results contribute to the understanding of consumer perceptions in the context of environmental sustainability sponsorships and provide insights for organizations seeking to enhance their green image through naming rights sponsorships. By demonstrating genuine commitment to sustainability and avoiding greenwashing, sponsors of green stadium naming rights sponsorships can foster positive consumer perceptions and maintain a strong reputation as environmentally responsible companies.

      • Discuss Amongst Yourselves: Critical Discourse Analysis and a Dynamic Model of Food and Culture

        Worley, Barbara Louise University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        Food and culture are inextricably woven. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a conceptual framework in which critical discourse analysis (CDA) can be applied using two approaches to support and examine the creation of discursive spaces; spaces that serve as formative areas for honoring foodways, acknowledging cultural histories, and addressing injustices. These formative areas thereby constitute and situate the value of a model that can be utilized for understanding the multifaceted relationship between food and culture. Food as a critical component of culture is thus positioned in the Dynamic Model of Food and Culture (DMFC) which is comprised of three independent yet interrelated constructs: Heritage (the origin of cuisine and the manifestation of foodways), Practice (the representation and interpretation), and Power (the structural, systematic, and evocative nature of food and culture). Development of this model is predicated on the following rationale: in order to understand the relationship between food and culture to create formative discursive spaces, one must understand: (1) the facets related to, and extending from, the origin of the food and culture of inquiry; (2) the way in which food is (mis)represented within, or as an aspect of, or adjacent to, culture; and (3) structural and systematic forces that influence tangible and intangible aspects of food and culture. As a lens of inquiry, Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina barbecue, a cuisine central to Southern food culture, is examined through application of the discourse historical approach and dialectical- relational approach, used concurrently with the DMFC, to demonstrate the model for the critical study of food and culture. Through the theoretical tradition of postcolonialism, an interpretation of the data is presented as related to the dialectic relationships of the constructs of Heritage, Power, and Practice, while attending to the fundamental aspects of critical discourse analysis: critique, power, and ideology. The overall results show that the interconnectivity between food and culture can be determined using paradigmatic methodologies such as critical discourse analysis (CDA) with the DMFC.

      • Uncovering Microbial Activities and Characteristics Underlying Cockroach Gut Microbiome Function and Homeostasis

        Dukes, Helen University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        Microbial communities are responsible for global and local chemical cycling in the environment and in association with larger organisms. Microbial communities found in the digestive system of animals play particularly important roles in the health of their host. However, our understanding of forces driving microbial community dynamics and stability in these complex ecosystems is limited.The American cockroach is an omnivorous insect with complex microbial community found in its hindgut that contains lineages related to those found in mammalian omnivores, although with phylogeny indicating an evolutionary history of insect association. As these organisms are represented by few published isolates, our ability to infer the functional potential of these microbes is limited. To characterize phylogenetic and functional aspects of these taxa in vivo, we sequenced 96 high-quality single cell-amplified genomes (SAGs) of cockroach gut microbes and mapped hindgut metagenome and metatranscriptome sequence libraries to our SAGs. Our results provide a valuable set of cockroach-specific reference genomes and uncovers new insights in functional specializations of taxa found here and creates a framework for future studies of stability in hindgut metabolism.Diet-shift studies of the 16S rRNA gene profile in the hindgut of the American cockroach have revealed remarkable stability of this community. To discover sources of this stability, we analyzed transcriptional activities of microbial groups in cockroaches on diets with divergent nutritional profiles. We discovered that dietary complex carbohydrate and fat content were drivers of community’s response, including its overall stability and transcribed functions. These results uncover dynamic activities underlying the homeostasis of the cockroach gut microbiome and introduce avenues for furthering our understanding of stability in this environment.

      • Using Aided Language Modeling to Support Language Learning in an Individual With Complex Communication Repertoires

        Wei, Xing University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        In language learning, aided language modeling refers to the method by which communication partners provide models of the communication system used by individuals with complex communication repertoires that involving both symbols and speech. Providing aided language models creates opportunities for individuals with complex communication repertoires to be immersed in an environment in which their communication systems are used. This study examined how aided language modeling was implemented by two caregivers of a child with Rett syndrome who used an aided augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device during story reading activities. I explored the use of aided language modeling to facilitate receptive comprehension and expressive communication of individuals with complex communication repertoires, shed light on how aided language modeling could be implemented by caregivers during story reading activities, and provide specific implications for future practice in language and literacy education for individuals with complex communication repertoires. This study used a qualitative single case design to explore how aided language modeling was implemented by a parent (Dr. B) and a babysitter (Hannah) of a 5- and 6-year-old child (Kalika) with Rett syndrome, a rare progressive neurodevelopmental disorder, who used an aided AAC device during story reading activities. Multiple data sources were collected and analyzed including two semi-structured interviews, participant observation of 20 story reading activities, and heat map recordings conducted by the aided AAC device used by the child participant. The results of this study indicate that aided language modeling in conjunction with rich scaffolding holds promise for supporting receptive comprehension and expressive communication in individuals with complex communication repertoires and for facilitating the participation in story reading activities. The types of aided language modeling used by the two caregivers; the factors that may influence the implementation of modeling; the types of language modeled by the caregivers; the effects of repetition, reading rate, and providing models of alternative words; the three types of prompting used by the caregivers in combination with aided language modeling; the child participant’s responses to the aided AAC models; and the factors that may influence the child participant’s communication were discussed.

      • Building Teacher Efficacy Related to Guided Reading Instructional Practices in an Urban School

        Rice, Fricretia University of Georgia ProQuest Dissertations & The 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 184863

        This research examined how teacher efficacy impacts the delivery of instructional practices. Teachers' self-efficacy influences critical academic outcomes and well-being in the working environment. Teacher efficacy is their belief in their ability to effectively handle the tasks, obligations, and challenges related to their professional activity. Furthermore, a significant correlation exists between teachers' self-efficacy and their ability to teach and improve student outcomes. The potential impact of building teacher efficacy related to guided reading could support teachers and build their self-efficacy in the process. In this study, school leaders provided teachers with professional development related to guided reading instructional practices. Guided reading is a small group instruction designed to provide differentiated teaching that supports students in developing reading proficiency. The action team collaborated to design a professional learning program to improve teacher practices. A combination of instructional and facilitative leadership models guided this study. The research study found that when provided with consistent professional learning, teacher efficacy within guided reading and the instructional delivery of guided reading practices improved based on data.

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