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      • Comparison of the Original Operetta Arizona Lady, by Emmerich Kalman, with its 2015 Adaptation Performed by Arizona Opera

        Leyva, Elizabeth Lynette ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215868

        Emmerich Kalman (1882-1953) was a leading composer during the Silver Age of Viennese operetta. His final work, Arizona Lady (1954), premiered posthumously, on Bavarian Radio, January 1, 1954. The stage premiere followed on February 14, 1954, at the Stadttheater in Bern, Switzerland. It is his only operetta that is set entirely in the United States, in Tucson, Arizona. Arizona Opera commissioned and produced a new adaptation of Arizona Lady, which was performed in October 2015, in both Tucson, Arizona, and Phoenix, Arizona. The libretto was heavily revised, as well as translated, primarily into English with some sections in Spanish and German. Through comparison of the original and adaptation, this study examines the artistic decisions regarding which materials, both musical and dramatic, were kept, removed, or added, as well as the rationale behind those decisions. The changes reflect differences between an Arizonan audience in 2015 and the European audience of the early 1950s. These differences include ideas of geographical identity from a native versus a foreign perspective; tolerance for nationalistic or racial stereotypes; cultural norms for gender and multiculturalism; and cultural or political agendas. Comparisons are made using the published piano/vocal score for the original version, the unpublished piano/vocal score for the adaptation, archival performance video of the Arizona Opera performance, and the compact disc recording of the 1954 radio broadcast premiere.

      • Intergroup Contact: Arizona School District and Charter School Leaders

        Johnson, Jody L ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215855

        Arizona's district and charter communities have a history of conflict, including working against each other when advocating policy positions at the state legislature. The purpose of this research was to improve the relationship between the district and charter communities through an intervention based on intergroup contact theory. Through her personal network, the researcher formed and facilitated the Arizona Initiative for Public Education Dialogue (AZ iPED), comprised of eight district superintendents and charter leaders. This mixed-methods, action research study explored what happened when Arizona school district superintendents and charter school leaders were brought through intergroup contact to discuss potential policies they could jointly support. This study addressed the following three research questions: To what extent does intergroup contact increase allophilia (positive attitudes) between Arizona school district and charter school leaders? In what ways do participants voice allophilia during in-group dialogue? How do school district superintendents and charter school leaders socially construct and negotiate narratives that support the conflict between their two communities? The members of AZ iPED met four times from October through December, 2016. Allophilia (positive feelings toward the outgroup) data included an Allophilia Scale administered at the beginning and end of the study and transcripts of first and second in-group district and charter focus groups. Results are reported through descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon signed ranks of matched samples, and content analysis. Findings indicated a non-statistically significant increase in allophilia. Content analysis also indicated increases in the quantity and quality of allophilia talk. Narrative analysis of conflict talk generated the four following themes: competition sets the stage for conflict, actions construct conflict, perceptions sustain conflict, and conflict causes feelings. Those themes provided structure for compiling a collective District Narrative and collective Charter Narrative, which were further analyzed through the lens of conflict-sustaining collective narratives. Narrative analysis of select portions of the transcript suggested processes through which conflict-sustaining narratives were constructed and negotiated during intergroup contact.

      • Arizona's Mature Education Market: How School and Community Stakeholders Make Meaning of School Choice Policies

        Potterton, Amanda U ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215855

        School choice reforms such as charter schools, vouchers, open enrollment, and private and public school tax credit donation programs have expanded throughout the United States over the past twenty years. Arizona's long-standing public school choice system enrolls a higher percentage of public school students in charter schools than any state besides Washington D.C. A growing number of Arizona's charter schools are managed by for-profit and nonprofit Education Management Organizations (EMOs). Advocates of school choice argue that free-market education approaches will make public schools competitive and nimble as parents' choices place pressures on schools to improve or close. This, then, improves all schools: public, private, and charter. Critics are concerned that education markets produce segregation along racial and social class lines and inequalities in educational opportunities, because competition favors advantaged parents and children who can access resources. Private and for-profit schools may see it in their interest to exclude students who require more support. School choice programs, then, may further marginalize students who live in poverty, who receive special education services, and English language learners. We do not fully understand how Arizona's mature school choice system affects parents and other stakeholders in communities "on the ground." That is, how are school policies understood and acted out? I used ethnographic methods to document and analyze the social, cultural, and political contexts and perspectives of stakeholders at one district public school and in its surrounding community, including its charter schools. I examined: (a) how stakeholders perceived and engaged with schools; (b) how stakeholders understood school policies, including school choice policies; and (c) what influenced families' choices. Findings highlight how most stakeholders supported district public schools. At the same time, some "walked the line" between choices that were good for their individual families and those they believed were good for public schools and society. Stakeholders imagined "community" and "accountability" in a range of ways, and they did not all have equal access to policy knowledge. Pressures related to parental accountability in the education market were apparent as stakeholders struggled to make, and sometimes revisit, their choices, creating a tenuous schooling environment for their families.

      • Concert as Catalyst: Duke Ellington's Sacred Concert and Its Lasting Impact in Phoenix, Arizona

        Downey, Ryan ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215853

        A poster advertising two 1966 performances of Duke Ellington's First Sacred Concert at Trinity Cathedral catalyzed research into several storylines that stem from the jazz great's time in Phoenix, Arizona. Ellington's arrival on the weekend of November 10th, 1966, was surrounded by controversy within Trinity Cathedral, the Diocese of Arizona, and the diocesan relationship to the national Episcopal Church. Because Phoenix had recently passed civil rights legislation, race relations remained on unstable footing when Ellington's sacred jazz music---performed by Ellington's black band members---filled the nave of the historic cathedral. This concert stimulated research into Duke Ellington's connection to the Episcopal Church; from Ellington's influential reading of the Episcopal publication Forward Day by Day (1935 -- current) to his lifelong friendships with Episcopal clergy, his connection to the Episcopal Church illuminates a spirituality that was influenced by a denomination in constant transformation. Rather than homing in on a single topic throughout this work, this study brings together the distinct, but interrelated, spheres of church, artist, jazz, and locale in a politically and socially charged moment in recent history. Informed by documents not before examined, this research adds a new spiritual dimension to the existing Ellington biography and contributes to the local history of Phoenix and Trinity Cathedral in the 1960s.

      • Institutional Management for Infrastructure Resilience

        Gim, Changdeok ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215853

        To improve the resilience of complex, interdependent infrastructures, we need to better understand the institutions that manage infrastructures and the work that they do. This research demonstrates that a key aspect of infrastructure resilience is the adequate institutional management of infrastructures. This research analyzes the institutional dimension of infrastructure resilience using sociotechnical systems theory and, further, investigates the critical role of institutions for infrastructure resilience using a thorough analysis of water and energy systems in Arizona. Infrastructure is not static, but dynamic. Institutions play a significant role in designing, building, maintaining, and upgrading dynamic infrastructures. Institutions create the appearance of infrastructure stability while dynamically changing infrastructures over time, which is resilience work. The resilience work of different institutions and organizations sustains, recovers, adapts, reconfigures, and transforms the physical structure on short, medium, and long temporal scales.To better understand and analyze the dynamics of sociotechnical infrastructure resilience, this research examines several case studies. The first is the social and institutional arrangements for the allocation of resources from Hoover Dam. This research uses an institutional analysis framework and draws on the institutional landscape of water and energy systems in Arizona. In particular, this research illustrates how institutions contribute to differing resilience work at temporal scales while fabricating three types of institutional threads: lateral, vertical, and longitudinal threads. This research also highlights the importance of institutional interdependence as a critical challenge for improving infrastructure resilience. Institutional changes in one system can disrupt other systems' performance. The research examines this through case studies that explore how changes to water governance impact the energy system in Arizona. Groundwater regulations affect the operation of thermoelectric power plants which withdraw groundwater for cooling. Generation turbines, droughts, and water governance are all intertwined via institutions in Arizona. This research, finally, expands and applies the interdependence perspective to a case study of forest management in Arizona. In a nutshell, the perilous combination of chronic droughts and the engineering resilience perspective jeopardizes urban water and energy systems. Wildfires caused by dense forests have legitimized an institutional transition, from thickening forests to thinning trees in Arizona.

      • Casas Montezumas: Chorographies, Ancient Ruins, and Placemaking in the Salt and Gila River Valleys, Arizona, 1694-1868

        Caproni, Linnea K. E ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215852

        This dissertation uses the narrative practice of chorography as a genre for assessing the history of placemaking in the Salt and Gila River region of central Arizona from the late seventeenth century through the mid-nineteenth century. Chorography concerns the descriptive representation of places in the world, usually of regions associated with a particular nation. Traditionally, chorography has served as a written method for describing geographical places as they existed historically. By integrating descriptions of natural features with descriptions of built features, such as ancient ruins, chorography infuses the physical landscape with cultural and historical meaning. This dissertation relies on a body of Spanish- and English-language chorographies produced across three centuries to interpret how Euro-American descriptions of Hohokam ruins in the Salt and Gila River valleys shaped local placemaking. Importantly, the disparate chorographic texts produced during the late-seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries reflect 'discursive continuity'---a continuity of thought spanning a long and frequently disregarded period in the history of central Arizona, in which ruminations about the ruins of ancient cities and irrigation canals formed the basis for what people knew, or thought they knew, about the little-known region. When settlers arrived in the newly-formed Arizona Territory in the 1860s to establish permanent settlement in the Salt and Gila River valleys, they brought with them a familiarity with these writings, maps, and other chorographical materials. On one hand, Arizonans viewed the ancient ruins as literal evidence for the region's agricultural possibilities. On the other hand, Aztec and Cibola myths associated with the ruins, told and retold by Europeans and Americans during the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, offered an imaginative context for the establishment and promotion of American settlement in central Arizona.

      • A Comparative Analysis of the Health Status of Hispanic Children: The Cases of Washington State and Arizona

        Hill, Vanessa Nelson ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215852

        For the last quarter century, Washington State has been ranked in the top third of the United States in health status while Arizona has been consistently around the bottom third. This gap can be partly explained by data related to traditional determinants of health like education, income, insurance rates and income. Moreover, Washington State invests three times more resources in the public health sector than Arizona. Surprisingly, however, Hispanic children in Washington State have poorer health status than Hispanic children in Arizona. This dissertation explores possible explanations for this unexpected situation, using as a conceptual framework the cultural competency continuum developed by Cross. The study consisted of analysis of health-related data from Washington State and Arizona, and interviews with state health administrators, local health departments, community-based organizations and university administrators in both states. This research makes a modest contribution to the role that cultural competence plays in the development and implementation of health policy and programs, and the potential impact of this approach on health status. The dissertation ends with recommendations for health policy-makers and program planners, particularly in states with a significant proportion of minority groups.

      • Atmospheric Sounding Data as Tools for Forecasting Severe Hail and Ozone Accumulation in Arizona during the North American Monsoon

        Malloy, Jonny William ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215852

        Monsoon hazards routinely affect the community, economy, and environment of the American Southwest. A common link for hazard development during the North American Monsoon concerns the interplay between temperature, moisture, and wind in the vertical atmosphere controlled by an unstable monsoon circulation. This dissertation investigates vertical atmospheric patterns using in-situ sounding data, specifically, 1) environments favorable for severe hail on the Colorado Plateau, 2) significant parameters distinguishing unhealthy versus healthy ozone days in Phoenix, Arizona, and 3) vertical profile alignments associated with distinct ranges in ozone concentrations observed in Phoenix having defined health impacts. The first study (published in the Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science) determines significant variables on Flagstaff, Arizona 12Z rawinsonde data (1996--2009) found on severe hail days on the Colorado Plateau. Severe hail is related to greater sub-300 hectopascals (hPa) moisture, a warmer atmospheric column, lighter above surface wind speeds, more southerly to southeasterly oriented winds throughout the vertical (except at the 700 hPa pressure level), and higher geopotential heights. The second study (published in Atmospheric Environment) employs principal component, linear discriminant, and synoptic composite analyses using Phoenix, Arizona rawinsonde data (2006--2016) to identify common monsoon patterns affecting ozone accumulation in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Unhealthy ozone occurs with amplified high-pressure ridging over the Four Corners region, 500 hPa heights often exceeding 5910 meters, surface afternoon temperatures typically over 40 °C, lighter wind speeds in the planetary boundary layer under four ms--1, and persistent light easterly flow between 700--500 hPa countering the daytime mountain-valley circulation. The final study (under revision in Weather and Forecasting) assesses composite atmospheric sounding analysis to forecast Air Quality Index ozone classifications of Good, Moderate, and collectively categories exceeding the U.S. EPA 2015 standard. The analysis, using Phoenix 12Z rawinsonde data (2006--2017), identifies the existence of "pollutant dispersion windows" for ozone accumulation and dispersal in Phoenix. Ultimately, monsoon hazards result from a complex and evolving vertical atmosphere. This dissertation demonstrates the viability using available in-situ vertical upper-air data to anticipate recurring atmospheric states contributing to specific hazards. These results will improve monsoon hazard prediction in an effort to protect public and infrastructure.

      • Teacher Satisfaction Among Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

        Peshlakai, Jennifer L ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215852

        Teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing have served Arizona since 1912 when the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind opened in Tucson, Arizona. Several decades later the Phoenix Day School for the Deaf was established in the Phoenix metropolitan area. To reach deaf and visually impaired students in the rural areas of Arizona, itinerant teachers travel from school to school, providing instruction and consultation with families and school personnel. The purpose of the study was to examine the perceptions and attitudes of itinerant teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing as to job satisfaction. Four research questions addressed the roles and responsibilities of itinerant teachers: extent of teacher participation in professional development activities; the opinions and attitudes of teachers toward their work; and additional comments and concerns. To answer these questions, 43 participants from five cooperatives established by the Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind responded to a modified version of the 2007-2008 Schools and Staffing Survey regarding itinerant teacher job satisfaction. Two open-ended questions made this survey a mixed methods study of both quantitative and qualitative data. It was found itinerant teachers worked with students with a variety of hearing losses and educational needs; worked with regular classroom teachers and other school personnel; planned, assessed, and kept records; coordinated and conducted consultation and IEP meetings; worked with parents; provided technical support; traveled to different schools to work with students; provided accommodations and modifications; and provided direct instruction to DHH students. As to professional development, participants found language strategies and content of subjects taught to be useful and most attended. Ninety-one percent of the cooperative teachers seemed satisfied as a teacher. They felt support from administration, were satisfied with how the cooperatives were managed, and agreed that they were recognized for their efforts. Some of the concerns from teachers were their salary, the paperwork involved with itinerant teaching, and the limited amount of resources available to them. Overall, the findings of this study provided a baseline of information that suggest more work needs to be done related to job satisfaction of itinerant teachers.

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