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      • Social development in Cambodian rural areas : clean water supply and appropriate sanitation challenges in the Tonle Sap lake area

        한승우 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 234255

        This thesis analyses water and sanitation impacts on social development of Cambodian rural areas. The focus is put on the poor conditions of water supply and sanitation at different level. International and regional conditions of water supply and sanitation are discussed. And, the national conditions are highlighted as a way to understand the impact on the Cambodian rural areas. Based on various data, this study presents quantified impacts and descriptive approach is used as an analytical tool in order to put light on various potential social impacts. Theoretically, the Millennium Development Goals are adopted in that it gives rationale to provide water supply and sanitation services to people. Water supply and sanitation services are indispensable since they are some of the crucial elements helping people realize human dignity, equity and equality that the MDGs stress. Particularly, people living in Tonle Sap Lake region cannot have access to those services. So, providing water supply and sanitation services to the rural population can help realize the MDGs principles. This thesis finds out significant social costs coming from poor conditions of water supply and sanitation services, which push Cambodian people into poverty. Financial and economic as well as immeasurable losses of absence of those services bring about social costs significantly. All of these costs of poor conditions of water supply and sanitation services hinder the social development in Cambodian rural areas. Particularly, the conditions of water supply and sanitation in Tonle Sap Lake region is critical. Recently, however, the Tonle Sap Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector project by Asian Development Bank has brought meaningful outcomes. To begin with, the project has provided the local people with better water supply and sanitation services. In addition, local people’s participation and decision making has been implemented. Technical transfer has helped build institutional capacity. As a result, it has brought about aid effectiveness through local and institutional ownership as well as alignment with domestic plans. Besides positive outcomes, this thesis implies challenges and opportunities. Consistent aid is needed for water supply and sanitation services to the local people because the poverty rate is quite high in that region. Without consistent help, those people cannot benefit from the advantages and live in poor living conditions persistently. Moreover, capacity building needs to be more focused since when a proper implementation capacity is formulated, the investment will be more effective. In this sense, clear strategy and effective implementation of the strategy are very much needed. Cooperation with different sectors and private sector involvement should be considered, which are meaningful in that they will facilitate plans for providing water supple and sanitation services. Eventually, these commitments help realize the MDGs principles and help rural population live in better living environment.

      • Regional environmental governance in Northeast Asia : the UNDP/GEF YSLME's role in fostering regional cooperation

        신정수 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 234255

        Despite the stark increase in the number of bilateral interactions between countries in Northeast Asia, development of multilateral institutions and other forms of regional cooperation have remained quite modest. This paper explores the reasons why it is difficult for countries in the region to cooperate, and also examines a case that has important implications for better governance and international cooperation in Northeast Asia. Historical animosity and mistrust are major obstacles to forming highly institutionalized forms of governance. The effectiveness of governance is assessed and measured across three dimensions – the issues, actors and forms. The paper argues that the element of trust is important in all three dimensions, and that it is crucially necessary in a region that is tainted by mistrust. The UNDP/GEF YS LME Project was selected as a case study because it has important implications for building better governance and trust amongst countries in Northeast Asia. The case demonstrates that the appropriate selection and combination of options under the three dimensions of governance can help build better governance and also build trust amongst the participating actors.

      • (The) new prospects of Korea's green ODA to Africa : technology development and policy implications of the solar energy

        장하나 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 234015

        This thesis analyzes the overall policies of South Korean green ODA and implications for the development of South Korean green ODA abroad. It is based on the result of qualitative analysis of the case studies and policy implementations from KOICA and international assistance organizations. The analysis shows that South Korea has concentrated 50% of its green ODA on the Asian region and not identified its core sectors. However, 34 out of the 50 poorest nations in the world are located in Africa, and the low level of technology, human capital, and infrastructure needs more proper and effective development assistance than any other regions. Africa has considerable energy potential which could be a valuable asset for its development. In particular, an increasing number of African countries presently concentrate on renewable energy development. This potential needs to be appropriately harnessed through green ODA. In this context, the thesis appraises South Korean green ODA for solar energy development in Africa and explores the suitability focusing on three factors generally accepted by international assistance organizations in the process of green ODA implementations. The thesis also argues that South Korea should establish its own aid strategies. Most of the green ODA to Africa have been provided in the form of construction, temporary projects, and the emergency aid. The “software” forms of support and applies the policy development model to Korean green ODA which requires the importance of policy reform in the aspect of aid effectiveness. The thesis deals with the new prospects of South Korean green ODA to Africa, which is distinguished from the existing aid models or patterns.

      • Is sport an effective means for international development? : analysis on Kenyan sport NGOs

        이현아 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 234015

        Sport has been progressively more utilized as a tool for international development in the last two decades. As the cooperation between international organizations and NGOs grows in sport, aid and other resources are increasingly flowing into sport-in-development. However, it still remains an unproven method in mainstream development practice due to a lack of research. With growing input in sport-in-development, it is a necessary step to verify whether sport is effective for development or not. For background information this paper has a look at the way sport emerges in development and the overview of sport-in-development. Through analysis on the project process and results of two sport NGOs in Kenya and comparison of two organizations, it finds suggestive evidences on the effectiveness of sport-in-development. Analysis shows that sport attracts the youth to development projects and how participants increase life chances and develop life skills through sport activities. Even if it has a limitation to measure the degree of effectiveness in a quantitative way, consequently, it suggests that sport has potential to be an effective partner of development to achieve specific goals.

      • (An) analysis of hydropower development in the Mekong river basin through hydro-hegemony theory

        최승지 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 233999

        This thesis aims to analyze the interactions between China and the four lower basin countries—Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam—in the Mekong River Basin with a special reference to hydropower development and the role of China in shaping the regional development agenda. Through application of the hydro-hegemony approach as a theoretical framework, the thesis addresses the three following questions: i) is China a hydro-hegemon? ii) how do the downstream countries respond to the Chinese hegemonic order? iii) are their interactions leading towards conflict or cooperation? China, the basin hegemon, has unilaterally pushed forward its hydropower plans since the late 1980s. Since then criticism over its possible negative impacts downstream has continued. While the costs and the benefits of the Chinese dams will likely be shared unevenly by the downstream countries, there are mixed feelings about them in the lower basin. In the meantime, China has started to get involved in a number of dam projects in the downstream countries, and owing to the influx of investment from China, the downstream countries have progressed on their hydropower plans. Consequently, economic and political ties between China and the downstream countries have been strengthened and the discussion on the downside of hydropower development has taken a back seat to regional economic development. Enhanced political and economic cooperation between China and the downstream countries can facilitate negotiations to create a transboundary regime to uphold sustainable and rational use of the transboundary river, but whether China has any incentive to do so remains in question.

      • (The) role of agricultural cooperatives in fostering rural community development : the case of Tanzania

        Fyitta, Essau Edward Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 233999

        The agriculture sector is the main source of employment and income in rural areas where the majority of the world’s poor and hungry people are located. Poverty being a rural phenomenon in most developing countries such as Tanzania, the mechanism to be used should target the recipients. One of these methods which are widely used is to organize people in form of associations or cooperatives based on the value of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality and responsibility. Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in supporting small agricultural producers and marginalized groups such as young people and women. They offer small agricultural producer’s opportunities and a wide range of services, including improved access to markets, natural resources, information, communication, technologies, credits and training. They also help small holders to participate in decision making at all levels, supporting them to secure the rights to use land, and negotiate for agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and equipment. Through this support, small holder produces can improve their livelihoods and play a great role in meeting the growing demand of food on local, national and international markets, thus contributing to poverty alleviation, food security and rural community development. Therefore, this paper is focused to assess how agricultural cooperatives can be used to promote rural community development as well the necessary conditions and policies for agricultural cooperatives to achieve the desirable outcomes.

      • Korean ODA for technical vocational education & training (TVET) to Latin America : suggestions for public-private partnerships (PPP)

        성유저 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 233999

        Latin America is a large emerging market for Korea and politically home to many friendly nations. Therefore, it is an important continent for Korea’s expanding market and for maintaining amicable relations in world politics. Yet Korean ODA, which is growing quantitatively as well as qualitatively, is still focused mainly in Asia, and the portion of Korean ODA reaching Latin America is still very small despite gradual increases. In order to achieve high aid- effectiveness with a relatively small amount of aid, Korea should select the sectors in which it can implement aid well and practice efficient methods for implementation. In line with this approach, Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) is the best sector in which Korea has a comparative advantage in relation to other donor countries. Moreover, Latin American countries’ demand for Korean TVET is high. In terms of the method for implementation, this thesis suggests that Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are an efficient method for implementing TVET ODA. PPP has recently emerged as a new paradigm for achieving high aid-effectiveness because it encourages the cooperation among government, private companies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). As such, this research begins from the question ‘As Korea is practicing TVET ODA in Latin America, is it more efficient and effective to implement it through PPP.’ In the case of Latin America, discussion about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is lively and more and more Korean companies are entering the emerging markets in Latin America. Given this background, this study will contribute to the discussion on how to achieve high aid-effectiveness by suggesting the possibilities for implementing PPP and the efficient ways to practice PPP through Korean TVET ODA in Latin America.

      • Mainstreaming climate change in sustainable development agenda : the case of Indonesia's development policy

        임한나 Graduate School International Studies, Korea Unive 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 233999

        The conventional development paradigm mainly focuses on economic growth while economic, social and environmental sustainability of development has been largely overlooked. As a result of such an unsustainable development paradigm, the global climate change has been amplified, thereby making poorer countries more vulnerable to climate variability and change than richer countries. Adverse impact of climate change consequently poses great challenges to sustainable development. Climate change is now perceived as economic as well as social issue beyond merely being an environmental concern. Addressing climate change is sine qua non for achieving sustainable development. Climate change should be therefore mainstreamed into sustainable development agenda in order to accelerate paradigm shift to low-emission climate-resilient development. Indonesia, the world’s 8th largest greenhouse gas emitter, has particular relevance to the extent to which the country internalizes climate change objective of emission reduction into development policy underlying sustainable development. The government of Indonesian places reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) at the core of its sustainable development policy, recognizing the potential of economic growth from the REDD+ but also the climate change challenges in pursuing a fast-paced growth. In the case of Indonesia, flexibility in policy-making and high level of policy coherence contribute to the mainstreaming of climate change into sustainable development agenda. However, there is more room for advancing Indonesia’s low emission climate resilient development pathway by balancing mitigation and adaption.

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