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      • The Effect of Employee Training and Compensation on Ground Staffs Job Performance in Airline Industry

        Chesda Kong Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235023

        The airline industry refers to organizations that provide air transport services to paying customers. The airline industry is also known as a “passenger business”. Both flight crew and ground staff's organizations underperform, still deliver insufficient services, and provide limited facilities compared to similar businesses in the same field. This can have a negative impact on the airline industry and its performance. Potentially, HRM contributes to employee work performance in the airline. The performance of ground staffs in airline industry can be judged or measured by their friendliness, their attentiveness, their attitudes, their appearances, and the way they implement and perform their assigned tasks. Most of the respondents feel that their airlines create the conditions through which they are motivated to work harder. The airline industry recognizes the value of training in relation to their work performed. The major factor that brings about high level of job motivation and performance is salary. Keywords Ground Staffs, Employee Training, Compensation, Work Environment, Employee Performance.

      • A Filter Approach of Feature Selection and its applications for Mass Spectrum Data

        트렁니아 korea Aerospace university graduate school 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 235023

        Recently, new methods based on mass spectrometry such as SELDI-TOF MS (surface-enhanced laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrum) are emerging as an alternative to traditional methods in disease diagnosis and biomarker identification. However, feature selection methods need to be used to solve the “curse of dimensionality” before classification algorithms could be applied. In this thesis, we proposed a new filter method of feature selection for SELDI-TOF MS datasets. In the method, the relevance value of a feature representing how well the value of a feature helps to separate a sample from a given class was defined based on the difference between the numbers of samples in the given class with greater and less feature value than the sample. Using the relevance value as a basic factor, several ranked feature lists were established. Searching strategies find out optimal feature sets by utilizing the relevance indices of features without using learning algorithms. The proposed method can deal with not only two-class but also multiple-class problems. The experiments were applied to clinical datasets from NCI/CCR and FDA/CBER Clinical Proteomics Program Databank: Ovarian 4-3-02, Ovarian 8-7-02, two-class Prostate and four-class Prostate cancer datasets. The results suggested that the proposed relevance index was comparable to conventional methods using top ranked features for classification; and the optimal feature sets found by proposed searching algorithms were apparently more effective than top ranked features.


        Eva Luyiga The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        Air traffic management (ATM) generally capitalizes on achieving a safer, more efficient, and a more economical air traffic system. Worldwide, the current airspace has become increasingly constrained due to the increase in air traffic demand and the Entebbe airspace is no exception. The trend shows a resilient growth and recovery from pandemic effects and other mishaps in the travel industry. This automatically triggers an increase in delays and congestion in the airspace and at airports as well, leading to a complexity within the Terminal Control Area (TMA); a very critical part of the airspace where traffic climb through after departure and where they descend through, as they approach to land. The air traffic controller (ATC) and the physical system resources, such as the airspace, are the two fundamental components of air traffic resources. The basis and cornerstone of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of air traffic management systems is a reasonable appraisal and effective management of ATC and airspace resources. Many large airports are considering ground infrastructure and operational improvements to boost capacity and safety while reducing delays caused by growing throughput demand. The step to reduce delays in aviation is a very important one as it reduces on company losses, improves customer satisfaction and the entire level of service quality enhanced. Many studies have been done on delay management within various TMAs. This study focuses on determining the practical capacity of the Entebbe TMA by using Total Airspace and Airport Modeler (TAAM) simulation model and using delay as the performance parameter that is used to derive the value of practical capacity by using statistical analysis. The first step was to retrieve a previously used traffic schedule from the AMS and then a fast-time simulation model built using the available STARs and SIDs within the TMA, and then the simulation was run, increase in traffic was done and delay data collected. The analysis was done using Microsoft excel and the practical capacity hence determined. The total delay was modelled using a regression model. The findings of the model present a statistical approach for airspace designers and air traffic flow planners. Keywords: Airspace, TMA, Capacity, TAAM, Delay, STARs, Demand, SIDs


        Celestino Obiang NGUEMA BINDANG The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        This research material is about identifying valuables Airports Profitability Improvement Strategies for Developing Countries, through their constraints, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities recognitions, particularly, the Bata International Airport profitability improvement in Equatorial Guinea. Aviation sector provides the only worldwide transportation network, which makes it essential for global business and tourism. It plays a vital role in facilitating economic growth, particularly in Developing Countries. The sector is considered one of the world’s most important industries. Its development, technical and service achievements make it one of the greatest contributors to the advancement of modern society (Air Transport Action Group ATAG-2005). Due to their importance and direct implication in the aviation industry activities, Airports as other actors need to suffer massive and deep metamorphosis to meet the actual era´s demands and requirements, as to answer the needs of passengers, airlines and other customers’ behaviors, in which the world is directed to digital transformation of the sectors, characterized by new challenges in term of innovations and integrations. Based on information gathered from Bata International Airport (BSG) in Equatorial Guinea and other Developing Countries airports, and knowing the difficulties existing in most of those countries, in which one of the industries that still need to be addressed by all means is the aviation one, due to its poor technology, bad conditions of airport infrastructures, low or null compliance of international aviation Standards and Recommendation Practices (SARPS), limitations in human resources and their capacitation, national airlines poor management and their international market weakest integration, etc., but mostly the lack of good governance, specifically the non-sector accorded importance from their respective governments. All these leads the industry to remain unprofitable and expect governments implications economically for the airports sustainability. Knowing that Developing Countries haves a high potential growth in population, businesses and thus the future of air transportation, our objective is to shift this actual trend by learning from other countries successful development experience models, and suggest specific actions and strategies, adapted to Developing Countries Different contexts for their aviation profitability, and so contribute in their national economic sustainable growth. Three Cases Studies from different countries have been done in other to come out with the proposed strategies, Incheon International Airport (ICN) from South Korea, Singapore International Airport (SIN) and Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). Those were chosen due to their time record rapid growth. At some point in the past, they were just or worst like many developing countries now days, but because of the good governance, commitment, determination, future vision, mission and value creation for their citizens, they could come out with strong decisions and smart forward move, as to set-up their sustainable development strategies, from which, other countries can have an insight learning experience for their success. From those cases studies, we came out with 12 strategies, divided in 3 categories, which are being suggested to Developing Countries for their development plans set-up, most particularly the aviation profitability improvement plans. It should be under everybody’s interest to have Developing Countries’ air transport in good conditions, specifically airports, for their Efficiency, Self-Sustainability, Secure and Safe, with Innovative Technologies and High Quality Human Resources, so that they can meet the actual sector profitability global trend requirements. In this case, all together will achieve a good air transport system that contribute in those countries sustainable growth and in air transport safe and secured Globalization and Liberalization. Keywords: Developing Countries, Strategies, Airports, Profitability Improvement, Self-Sustainability, Economic Growth, Air Transport, Cases Studies. 이 연구 자료는 개발 도상국의 제약, 약점 및 강점 인식, 특히 적도 기니의 바타 국제 공항 수익성 개선을 통해 가치있는 공항 수익성 개선 전략을 식별하는 것에 관한 것입니다. 항공 부문은 전 세계적으로 유일한 운송 네트워크를 제공하므로 글로벌 비즈니스 및 관광에 필수적입니다. 특히 개발 도상국에서 경제 성장을 촉진하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 산업은 세계에서 가장 중요한 산업 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 개발, 기술 및 서비스 성과는 현대 사회의 발전에 가장 큰 기여자 중 하나입니다(항공 운송 활동 그룹 ATAG-2005). 이 부문의 다른 행위자로서 공항은 항공 산업 활동의 중요성과 직접적인 의미로 인해 실제 시대의 요구와 요구 사항을 충족하고 승객, 항공사 및 기타의 요구에 응답하기 위해 거대하고 깊은 변형을 겪을 필요가 있습니다. 혁신과 통합이라는 측면에서 새로운 도전을 특징으로 하는 부문의 디지털 혁신을 지향하는 고객의 행동. 적도 기니 및 기타 개발 도상국 공항의 바타 국제 공항(BSG)에서 수집한 정보와 아직까지 반드시 해결해야 할 산업 중 하나가 항공 산업인 대부분의 국가에서 존재하는 어려움을 알고 있음 , 열악한 항공 기술, 공항 인프라의 열악한 조건, 국제 항공 SARPS(표준 및 권장 사항)의 낮은 또는 무효 준수, 인적 자원 및 역량의 제한, 국영 항공사의 열악한 관리 및 국제 시장 취약성 통합 등으로 인해 ., 그러나 대부분은 좋은 거버넌스의 부족, 특히 각 정부로부터 중요성을 부여받은 비 부문. 이 모든 것이 업계를 계속해서 수익성이 없게 만들고 정부가 공항의 지속 가능성에 경제적으로 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대합니다. 이들 국가는 인구, 비즈니스 및 항공 운송의 미래 성장 가능성이 높다는 점을 인식하고 다른 국가의 성공적인 개발 경험 모델을 학습하여 이러한 실제 추세를 전환하고 항공 수익성을 위한 구체적인 조치 및 전략을 제안하는 것이 목표입니다. 국가 경제의 지속 가능한 성장에 기여합니다. 한국의 인천 국제공항(ICN), 싱가포르 국제공항(SIN), 홍콩 국제공항(HKIA)의 세 가지 사례 연구가 제안된 전략을 제시하기 위해 다른 국가에서 수행되었습니다. 그들은 시간 기록의 빠른 성장으로 인해 선택되었습니다. 과거의 어느 시점에서 그들은 오늘날 많은 개발 도상국과 같거나 최악의 국가이지만 좋은 거버넌스, 헌신, 결단력, 미래 비전, 사명 및 시민의 가치 창출 덕분에 그들은 강력한 결정과 다른 국가가 성공을 위한 학습 경험을 가질 수 있는 지속 가능한 개발 전략을 수립하기 위한 현명한 전진. 이러한 사례 연구에서 우리는 개발 도상국, 특히 항공 수익성 개선 계획 수립을 위해 개발 도상국에 제안하고 있는 3가지 범주로 분류된 12가지 전략을 도출했습니다. 저자는 그의 국가 사회경제적 발전 계획에 기여하기 위해 특히 바타 국제공항에서 그의 모국에서의 시행에 중점을 두었습니다. 개발 도상국의 항공 운송, 특히 공항의 효율성, 자체 지속 가능성, 보안 및 안전을 위해 혁신적인 기술과 고품질 인적 자원을 갖추고 있어 실제 부문 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있도록 하는 것은 모든 사람의 관심 하에 있어야 합니다. 또는 수익성에 대한 요구. 이 경우, 모두 함께 해당 국가의 지속 가능한 성장과 항공 운송의 안전하고 안전한 세계화 및 자유화에 기여하는 우수한 항공 운송 시스템을 달성할 것입니다. 핵심 단어: 개발도상국; 전략; 공항; 수익성 개선; 자체 지속 가능성; 경제 성장; 항공 운송; 사례 연구.

      • "The Impact of Aviation-related Industrial Development on National COmpetitiveness in Timor-Leste" National COmpetitiveness Model of Michael E. Porter

        Guilhermino Camoes Hornay The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        In this 4th industrial revolution, the aviation industry become one of the potential contributors for elevating the country’s economy through its supply chain activities since deregulation policy was implemented. For which the aviation sector can stimulate other related industries to grow and provide jobs, increasing productivity, enhancing the living standard, and eventually alleviating extreme poverty. After a long-struggling from Portuguese colonial and Indonesia’s occupation. Finally, Timor-Leste claimed its independence in May 2002. However, infrastructure and services in the aviation industry remain challenged since the restoration of the independence. The essential objective for conducting this research is to recognize and discuss the determinant factors that can impact the aviation-related industry in a developing country, especially for Timor-Leste. As many countries considered the air transport industry can stimulate other sectors like tourism and agriculture sector to contribute boosting country’s economy. For the purpose mentioned, the researcher uses the case study method by comparing the strategic implications that impact aviation-related industries. By using Michael E. Porter’s Diamond Model to identify and analyze in-depth the strategic implications from selected benchmarking countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Those benchmarking countries were selected based on their historical background, geographical location, demographic, governance, economic, and air transport infrastructures, which referred to the Porter’s Diamond Model. After identifying, comparing, and in-depth analysis, the most determinant strategic implications that impact the competitive advantage of the nation based on the Porter’s Diamond model consist of (1). Role of Governance, which is referred to the Government policy and leadership of the ruling man in the country which has and can be influenced in all determinant factors, followed by (2). Factor condition which referred to competence and availability of human resources, physical infrastructure, and capital resources. (3). Related Supporting industries like Agriculture sector, manufacture sector, tourism industry (4). Firm strategy structure and rivalry referred to how the firm establish, managing, and competes for its rivalry, (5). Availability of the demand or users of the product and (6). Role of chance which is referred to the creation and entrepreneurship of a new product and an especial event that transform a firm. To sum up, the researcher concluded that, among the determinant factors for the competitive advantage of the nation, the government role is highly considered especially in developing countries like Timor-Leste as the government policy and leadership strategies mostly influence all other determinants factors. Additionally, the competitive advantage is based on the human competences on choosing the right strategy for managing and transforming its limited resources for the benefit of the people. Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Diamond Model, Strategy Implications, Technology& Innovation, Governance & Leadership, Factor Endowment, the Industrial Revolution, Air Transportation, Human Resources, Infrastructures Development, Supply-demand, Alliances & Rivalries, Investment. 규제완화 정책 이후 변화를 거듭하던 항공운송산업은 4차 산업혁명 시대가 도래하면서 국가의 경쟁력을 결정하는 중요한 요인으로 부각되고 있다. 항공 부문은 다른 관련 산업을 성장시키고, 일자리를 제공하며, 생산성을 높이고 생활 수준을 향상시키는데 기여하는 핵심산업으로 개도국이 극심한 빈곤을 타개하기 위해서는 필수적으로 육성해야 할 산업이다. 동티모르는 포르투갈 식민과 인도네시아의 점령에서 오랜 투쟁 끝에 2002년 5월 독립을 선언했지만, 독립 회복 이후 항공 산업의 기반 시설과 서비스는 취약한 상태이다. 본 연구를 수행하는 본질적인 목적은 개발도상국, 특히 동티모르의 항공 관련 산업에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 결정 요인을 인식하고 논의하기 위한 것이다. 많은 국가에서 항공 운송 산업이 관광 및 농업 부문과 같은 연관 부문을 자극하여 국가 경쟁력을 높이는데 기여한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 항공 관련 산업에 영향을 미치는 전략적 시사점을 비교사례 연구를 통해 도출하였다. 본 연구는 Michael E. Porter의 다이아몬드 모델을 활용하여 싱가포르, 말레이시아 및 인도네시아와 공항산업을 벤치마킹하여 그 전략적 시사점을 도출하였다. 벤치마킹은 Porter의 다이아몬드 모델을 적용하기에 적합한 국가를 선정해서 진행했다. 역사적 배경, 지리적 위치, 인구 통계, 거버넌스, 경제 및 항공 운송 인프라를 분석하였다. Porter's Diamond 모델을 기반으로 국가의 경쟁 우위에 영향을 미치는 가장 결정적인 전략적 시사점은 식별, 비교 및 심층 분석의 프로세스이다. 국가경쟁력에 영향을 미치는 (1) 국가의 인적요인, (2) 물리적 기반 시설 및 자본 자원의 능력 및 가용성을 언급하는 요인 조건, (3) 농업 부문, 제조 부문, 관광 산업과 같은 관련 지원 산업, (4) 기업 전략 구조 및 기업이 경쟁을 위해 경쟁하는 방법, (5) 제품 수요 또는 사용자의 가용성, (6) 기회의 역할 및 새로운 제품의 창조와 기업가 정신 등으로 구성되고 운도 영향을 미친다. 분석결과 국가의 경쟁력을 결정하는 요인 중 정부의 정책과 리더십 전략이 다른 모든 결정요인 보다 우선한다는 것이다. 특히 동티모르와 같은 개발도상국에서는 정부의 역할이 더더욱 중요하다. 나아가 경쟁력을 결정하는 것은 궁극적으로 사람이기 때문에 적합한 인재를 육성하는 것이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 키워드: 경쟁 우위, 다이아몬드 모델, 전략 시사점, 기술 및 혁신, 거버넌스 및 리더십, 요소 부여, 산업 혁명, 항공 운송, 인적 자원, 인프라 개발, 수요 공급, 동맹 및 경쟁, 투자


        Esther Teimle Moncar-Obeng The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        Four-dimensional trajectory-based operations, data communications, performance-based navigation have been pegged as the ATM systems of the future and currently the focus for active research in developed countries. As ATM systems of the future, global acceptance and standardization implies a change in requirements for support systems. Information is a valuable resource in ATM, connecting all components and collaborators of the ATM system. Its management is critical to the functionality of the system and the ability of ATM information management to evolve in tandem with the ATM system will form the technological basis for the deployment of future ATM concepts. It has been observed by the researcher however that, both ATM and support system development is concentrated in developed nations with little to no contribution from developing nations who must embrace such developments once global standardization is attained. It happens that implementation within such systems is done in an unstructured manner leading to technical inefficiencies which affect global output. The study therefore sought to seek out the gaps in ATM information management in a developing nation and make recommendations for breaching the gaps in terms of attaining the idealized information management system for one future ATM concept that is trajectory-based operations. The study analysed three information management enablers: people, process and technology using the task-technology fit theory and gap analysis tools. The study found that people and technology were significant influencers of performance in the ATM and recommendations were made to improve these variables as well as develop a research culture within the system. Keywords Information, information management, trajectory-based operations, air traffic management, conformance gap.


        AGBORSONG MBIWAN The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between locus of control and the work related behavioural measures of job stress and job satisfaction on the Personnel at the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA). The objectives are to assess how locus of control impacts individuals and behaviour in the workplace in three primary areas: job stress, job satisfaction and may be job performance; to identify and analyse the effect locus of control has on the personnel at the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) and; to propose possible solutions to address stress issues in the working environment. The questionnaires workplace stress survey’, ‘job satisfaction survey’ and ‘work locus of control scale’ were adopted from Paul E. Spector and The American Institute of Stress respectively for the study. These questionnaires were distributed to seventy-five (75) personnel at the CCAA both at the head office and at the airports: out of the seventy-five (75) expected responses, only fifty-four (54) responses were received. T-test statistics were used to determine if there is a significant difference of locus of control, job satisfaction and stress in male and female. In addition, A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was also used to examine the association between locus of control, job satisfaction and stress. Therefore, according to the t-test, only the difference between male and female respondents concerning job satisfaction found to be statistically significant. And according to A Pearson product-moment correlation a strong negative correlation was observed between work locus of control and job satisfaction as well as between workplace stress and job satisfaction. Whereas, a strong positive correlation was observed between work locus of control and workplace stress. With these, one would realize that locus of control affects workplace stress and job satisfaction at the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA); as individuals with a higher locus of control exhibit a higher workplace stress; also individuals with a higher locus of control showed less job satisfaction; individuals with a higher workplace stress displayed a low job satisfaction. Conclusively, it would be important for the management of the CCAA to improve on the working conditions so as to help workers to easily adapt at work: such can be done by having clear and defined goals, also by giving employees rooms to develop their skills so as to boost their job satisfaction and increase work efficiency and initiate work-life balance programs. Key words: Work locus of control, Workplace stress, Job satisfaction: personnel at the CCAA


        Alula Gebru Atsbeha The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        As we all know, Different efforts carried out by various experts to reduce incidents and accidents in aviation & other industries so far, though they were not adequate, continuous, and comprehensive. But now, there is an emerging concept called safety culture, which fosters safe practices and safe working conditions and addresses safety-related issues. So, establishing a culture of safety within an organization is the most effective and efficient approach to tackle unsafe behaviors and unsafe conditions, which are the leading causes of fatalities and property damage in aviation and other sectors. The purpose of this research was to assess the safety culture and associated factors in Addis Ababa bole international airport. A survey questionnaire was adapted from the Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50), which has two parts (the first containing socio-economic, Demographic, and Behavioral factors and the second containing 50 questions from the Nordic safety climate questionnaire). A total of 134 employees have participated in this study with a response rate of 100%. Out of the 134 respondents, 117 participated in the survey, and 17 participated in key informant interviews. Data were collected from 10 departments where an Institutional based Cross-Sectional Qualitative & Quantitative design study was employed using simple and stratified random sampling methods. Questionnaires, observations, and interviews were used as data collection tools. Secondary data was also collected from journals, research reports, books, ECAA and ICAO documents & company databases (the accident incident and occurrence reporting trend), and unpublished reports. Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social science) version 16.0 were used for data analysis. The airport mean safety culture score was 2.89≈2.9 which is a calculative level (2.70 –2.99), and 52.1 % of participants responded above the mean score. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient & simple linear regression was employed to investigate whether safety culture can be positively affected significantly based on monthly income, work experience, family size & age. In addition, Cross tabulation Eta squared statistics were used to examine the association between nominal variables (education level, Shift, Marital Status, Job Satisfaction, Safety Awareness, Physical Exercise, Home Proximity, Gender, & Position) & interval variable (Workers Safety Culture). Therefore According to the linear regression, an individual with higher monthly income, work experience, family size & age showed a significant positive relationship with higher safety culture. And according to the cross-tabulation eta squared statistics used, a significant association was observed between education level, marital status, safety awareness, & position with workers safety culture whereas, other variables like shift, job satisfaction, physical exercise, gender & location of the workplace from home showed an insignificant low-level association. Keywords; Safety culture, NOSACQ-50, Safety management system, work experience, family size, educational level, job satisfaction, safety awareness.


        ASUERIMEN MIKE The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        A descriptive research was conducted to evaluate the current training strategies on emergency in the simulator for air traffic control students in KAU. Using Knowles’s model and theory of adult learning, andragogy, the objective was to determine if emergency training facilitate positive learning among the students. A questionnaire was administered and a total of 48 air traffic control students completed the questionnaire. Data analysis utilized Excel software and results were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and mean. The result from the survey based on 5 principles of andragogy revealed that firstly, readiness, mean = 4.61 with frequencies within the range of 91% to 97%, secondly, need to know, mean = 4.57, frequencies from 83% to 97%, thirdly, experience, mean = 4.46, frequencies from 87% to 96%, fourthly, self -directedness, mean = 4.42, frequencies from 84% to 90%, and finally motivation, mean = 4.39, frequencies from 83% to 97% of strongly agreed to agreed, which indicated that emergency training facilitated adult learning as stipulated by the principle of andragogy. However, additional research will be needed to validate these initial findings regarding emergency training program in the simulator. Keywords; Air traffic control students, Emergency, Andragogy, Training, Learning.


        BABACAR LO The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 235022

        With the rapid development of the air transport industry we assist of the creation of new airlines, airports and routes. It’s urgent to manage delays for reduce economic losses, and increased safety issues in air transportation systems. Due to increase of passenger demand, it’s important to identify the key element that hinder the efficient management of air traffic in order to protect air traffic controllers to overload and optimizing airspace operation. Capacity is the attitude of an airport to manage a number of operations in a given time interval within a fixed maximum delay. Due to a significant growth in air traffic activity, airspace capacity has become a limitation over the previous decade. Capacity estimation is a key technology in the implementation of effective designing and planning airspace also rational allocation of daily air traffic resources. Capacity estimation methods can be divided into 2 different groups: • Capacity estimation methods based on workload modelling • Capacity estimation methods based investigating impact of weather and geometrical constraints on airspace capacity. This thesis focuses on the simulation model to assess the capacity of the Terminal Maneuvering Area, using TAAM, taking into account restrictions as separation minima between aircraft, restrictions and approach procedure (ILS or GNSS). The model is used to evaluate the future performance of the airport in terms of capacity and the level of congestion that could be reached in the TMA.

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