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      • (A) study on performance of economics graduate students, Korea University : who is a good human capital in graduate school?

        김경현 Graduate School, Korea University 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 234319

        The purpose of this investigation is to do determine a prediction model for selecting graduate students in economics area. Although economic graduate course in South Korea is similar to the one in Britain and the United States, little attention has been given to examine a student performance. Athey, Katz, Krueger, Levitt and Poterba(2007), who studied a research on economics graduate school of the United States, even said that economists devote considerable effort to graduate students education but have conducted relatively little research on the determinants of student performance or placement in the job market. As the authors' opinion, a study on performance of graduate students should be an important and urgent problem. But this paper is not concerned here with the determinants of student performance in labor market, the study will be supplemented by previous studied in section Ⅱ. The main objectives of this study were : firstly, to do a study on human capital in economics, secondly, to do a study on a group of the highest education level, and thirdly, to do a prediction on graduate students performance using pre-admission data of applicants. By analyzing this paper, we examine the sequentiality between economics required subjects of undergraduate and graduate course. And the paper can be concerned with what factors have an effect on economic graduate performance. It is important for selection process of pre-admission to cultivate outstanding scholars in graduate school. Hence, the results are expected to help screening graduate students in admissions committee.

      • Essays on the effects of early school enrollment and legal drinking age on risky behaviors and health outcomes

        신유식 Graduate School, Korea University 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 234303

        본 논문은 취학 시기의 효과에 대한 연구와 청소년 음주 규제의 효과에 대한 연구로 구성되어 있다. 1장에서는 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 2장에서는 자녀의 취학 시기가 어머니의 정신 건강에 미치는 전이 효과에 대해 분석한다. 3장에서는 한국의 청소년 음주 정책이 개인의 음주 행위에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 세계의 여러 나라들은 아동이 태어난 이후 몇 개월이 되었는지에 따라 학교에 입학할 수 있는 자격을 부여한다. 새 학기가 시작하는 시점에 최소 입학 연령을 가까스로 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 경우, 반에서 나이가 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 이로 인한 불이익을 피하고자, 일부 부모는 해당 아동의 입학 시기를 1년 연기하는 선택을 한다. 이 경우, 해당 아동은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 위와 같은 입학 시기의 선택이 아동에게 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 파악하기 위해 현재까지 다수의 실증 연구들이 실시되어 왔다. 1장은 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 구체적으로, 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 입학을 미루지 않고 바로 입학하는 선택이 음주, 흡연, 성관계 행위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 분석을 위해, 우리나라 12월 출생자들이 1월 출생자들에 비해 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 점을 이용한다. 12월 출생자들은 1월 출생자들에 비해 1년 빠르게 입학하지만, 반에서 상대적으로 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 반면에, 1월 출생자들은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 두 집단은 비슷한 시기에 출생했음에도, 외생적인 상황으로 인해 입학 시기에 차이가 발생하기 때문에 위의 효과를 추정하는 데 이용될 수 있다. 회귀불연속 방법론을 사용하여 추정한 결과, 학교를 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 음주, 흡연 시작 시기를 앞당기는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 최근 30일 동안 음주, 흡연했을 확률을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 남학생과 여학생 모두에게 나타났다. 2장은 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 선택을 하는 것이 어머니의 정신 건강에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 다수의 문헌에 따르면, 해당 아동은 정서적, 신체적 발달 상태에 이점이 있는 급우들과 경쟁하기 때문에, 학업 성취도와 학교 적응에 있어 어려움을 겪는 가능성이 높은 것으로 보고되어 왔다. 이러한 부정적인 영향은 아동에게 국한되는 것이 아니라 가족 구성원에게도 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 특히, 대부분의 가정의 주양육자인 어머니의 정신 건강에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있다. 본 연구는 이를 분석하는 위해 호주의 학교 입학 규정에 따라 발생되는 외생적인 상황을 이용하였다. 분석 결과, 자녀의 1년 빠른 입학은 어머니의 불안감을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이질성 분석 결과, 이러한 영향은 여학생의 어머니와 소득이 낮은 가구의 어머니에게 두드러지는 것으로 나타났다. 자녀의 응답을 통해 분석한 결과, 여학생과 소득이 낮은 가구의 학생인 경우, 실제로 학교 적응에 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것이 아동에게 부정적인 영향을 미치고, 어머니의 정신 건강에도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사한다. 3장은 한국의 청소년 음주 규제의 효과성에 대해 분석한다. 한국의 청소년 보호법에 따르면, 만 19세가 되는 해의 1월 1일을 맞이하기 전까지는 청소년으로 규정되며, 주류 구입과 주류 판매 업소 출입이 제한된다. 이 정책의 효과성을 분석하기 위해 소위 빠른 년생 제도가 시행되던 시기의 1, 2월 출생자를 이용한다. 3월~12월생과 이듬해 1, 2월생은 같은 해에 초등학교에 입학하여 같은 해에 고등학교를 졸업한다. 3월~12월생은 대학교 1학년이 되는 해의 1월 1일부터 청소년 음주 규제의 적용을 받지 않는다. 반면에, 이듬해 1, 2월생은 해당 연도에 여전히 음주 규제를 적용 받게 된다. 따라서, 해당 연도의 3월~12월생과 1, 2월생의 음주 행위를 비교하여 청소년 보호법의 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 1, 2월생이 음주 규제의 적용을 받음에도 불구하고, 음주 참여 여부와 횟수에 대해서 3~12월생과 크게 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. In the first chapter, I investigate the impacts of early school enrollment on students’ risky health behaviors. In South Korea, those born in December begin school almost one year earlier than those born in January. Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design which exploits the school entry rule in South Korea, I find that early school entry leads students to begin drinking and smoking earlier. In addition, it increases the likelihood of drinking and smoking participation over the previous 30 days. However, early school entry has little impact on lifetime sexual intercourse experience. The results of subgroup analysis indicate that my main findings are driven by both girls and boys. The robustness of my results is supported by the use of data from earlier years and various specifications. The second chapter examines the spillover effects of a child’s early school enrollment on their mother’s nervousness. Research has shown that early schooling may have an adverse impact on child development in the short run. If there is such an impact, it may spill over onto mothers, especially in relation to the mother’s mental well-being. To investigate the spillover effects, we utilize the data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. A fuzzy regression discontinuity design is exploited to explore the spillover impacts of a child’s early schooling. We find that a child’s early enrollment increases the level of their mother’s nervousness in the year their child becomes seven. The impact is primarily detected among mothers of girls and mothers from low-income households. Using the responses of the children, we provide suggestive evidence that girls and children from low-income households were suffering from early schooling, and that the impacts might spill over into their mothers. In the last chapter, I analyze the effects of the legal drinking age laws in South Korea on alcohol consumption. In South Korea, an individual is legally allowed access to alcohol from January 1st of the year they turn 19. To investigate whether the regulation effectively restricts alcohol consumption, I compare those who were born around January, but who vary in terms of their status with regard to legal access to alcohol during one specific year. I find no impacts of the regulation on participation in and frequency of alcohol consumption. The findings indicate that strict enforcement and sanctions need to accompany the policy to prevent youth from accessing alcohol.

      • (A) comparative analysis of English teacher training qualifications in Turkey and Korea

        Gun, Havva Graduate School, Korea University 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 234303

        The aim of this study is to compare qualification of English language teachers based on policies, curriculum of English Language education departments and teacher pre-service practicum in Turkey and Korea. This study, focusing on the English language teacher education system, explores ways to prepare teachers for new standards and policies which could be set between English language teaching professionals and education policy makers. Suggestions are made about English Language teacher qualification and teachers’ satisfaction on the basis of the study’s findings. This research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The process of qualification, activities and administration in the two education systems were investigated through interviewing, 5 likert-scale survey and e-mail responses of English language teachers who studied in the department of English at Korea University, Seoul National University in Korea, Marmara University and Gazi University in Turkey. The findings indicate there are vast differences between the two countries’ English language education not only in terms of the English teacher training policy but also the satisfaction regarding the evaluation and training process of English teachers and senior students based on curriculum and practicum in English language education department of the universities. There are big differences between Turkey and Korea in regards to curriculum contents, teaching practicum implementation and teacher employment test method. While most of Korean participants prefer the Turkish practicum stage as an alternative, Turkish participants approached the Korean practicum in a positive light, but most participants revealed that duration of the practicum is quite short. On the other hand, both nations’ participants stated that they were satisfied with their own curriculums but Turkish participants’ satisfaction was seen higher than Korean participants in English language departments. Bu çalisma, Türkiye ve Kore’nin İngilizce oğretmenliği eğitimini, üniversite müfredati ve öğretmenlik stajerliği alanında analiz yaparak iki ülke arasındaki İngilizce öğretmenliği bölümlerinin müfredatını inceleme ve karşılaştırmayı amaç edinmiştir. Yabancı dil öğretmeni eğitimi üzerine odaklanan bu calisma, İngilizce öğretimi profesyonelleri ve politika oluşturanları tarafından gerçekleştirilebilecek yeni standartlar ve uygulamalar için iki ülkenin İngilizce öğretmeni yetiştirme yollarını incelemekte ve öneriler sunmaktadır. Bulgular orta ve lise İngilizce öğretmenliği eğitimini inceleyerek yabancı dil öğretmen niteliğine bir bakış açısı sunmaktadır. E-mail yanıtları, repörtaj ve de 5-likert soru kalıbıyla ölçülen üniversitelerin İnligizce öğretmenliği bölümü müfredatı ile stajerlik uygulamaları karşılaştırılmıştır ve bu programda eğitim görmüş katılımcıların memnuniyetleri analiz edilmiştir. Sorular Türkiye’de Marmara ve Gazi Üniversitesinde, Kore’de Seoul Ulusal Devlet Üniversitesi ile Korea Üniversitesi öğrencileri üzerinden uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda iki ülkenin İngilizce öğretmenliği programları müfredat ve stajerlik açısından açık fark göstermektedir ayrıca bu programda eğitim görmüş olan kişilerin memnuniyetleri de farklı alanlarda görülmüştür. Koreli öğretmenler Türk stajerlik sistemini alternatif olarak daha fazla tercih ederken, Türk öğretmenler Kore stajerliğine pozitif yaklaşırken süreç olarak yeterli bulmamışlardır.

      • 북한의 영어교과서 분석 : 중학교 1,2,3학년을 중심으로

        김단솔 Graduate School, Korea University 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 234303

        The purpose of this study is to understand the goal of North Korea's English education and the reality and its changes per period through analysis of North Korea's English textbooks. This study was conducted based on six textbooks in middle school first grade(2004/2007), middle school second grade(2001/2008), and middle school third grade(1999/2002), which are important periods of foreign language education. The structure, vocabulary, grammar, communicational function, and subject and context are analyzed. First, the textbooks' outer and inner features have developed as time passed but still need improvements. The quality of paper, print condition, and illustration still need to be improved. For the inner feature, reading, listening, writing, and speaking are all covered. However, reading and writing have much bigger portion than communication and speaking, which shows the need for improvement in communicational function. Second, the level and number of vocabularies show significant changes by different years. This indicates the level of North Korea's English textbook has improved. Vocabularies in North Korea's textbook largely reflect its culture. The very scarce use of foreign words, preference of British English, frequent use of uncommon words such as Generalissimo, Marshal were shown. Third, grammar of North Korea's English textbook has been emphasized, with the explanation and examples of grammar rules. North Korea’s English education is same as the Grammar translation method of South Korea's third and fourth curriculum. Grammar part was separated and explained in its native language, which shows grammar is recognized as one part of English education rather than assistant tool for communication. Thus, reinforcement of grammar education for communicational function is required. Forth, North Korea's English textbook has shown attempts for changes to reinforce the communicational function, but it still shows a great tendency of explaining the rules of grammar and repeated practice of them rather than the practice of conversation with English speaker Finally, the materials and content of North Korea's English textbook markedly shows that English education in North Korea is a method to maintain and reinforce its political system, not an acquisition of language. Textbooks have the most emphasis on idolization of Kim, Il Sung and Kim, Jong Il and cover the topics of Juche, communism, and science technology. This shows that cultural education, the essential part of foreign language education, is absent or distorted in North Korea’s English education. To sum up, It is shown that North Korea’s English textbook does not follow the trend of the world and accomplish the purpose as a tool for language education. There needs to be a change in teaching method and improvement of textbooks for better language acquisition and communicational function.

      • Identifying resilient college students in school-to-work transition : characteristics and outcome of resilience group

        김소린 Graduate School, Korea University 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 234287

        The current study aims to identify the resilient among college students in the school-to-work phrase, and investigate their characteristics and outcomes. The data was collected twice with the interval of 6 months. Latent profile analysis was used to identify resilience group on 557 senior university students in South Korea. Next, multinominal logistic analysis was conducted in order to reveal distinctive characteristics of the resilient from the maladaptive. After participants’ graduation, 321 graduates completed the second survey. Standardized residuals of outcome variables such as career satisfaction, sense of control, and desire for control was calculated, and one-way ANOVA was used in order to compare the resilient with the other groups. The results of the present study are as follows. Four groups were identified by using exposure to adversity and adjustment: the resilient (n = 196, 35.2%), the semi-challenged (n = 212, 38.1%), the competent-unchallenged (n = 63, 11.3%), and the maladaptive (n = 86, 15.4%). The distinctive characteristics of the resilient young adults compared to the maladaptive was frequent uses of certain cognitive emotion regulation strategies such as refocus on planning and positive refocusing, and higher scores of optimism. As for the outcomes of the resilient, the change of career satisfaction was not significantly differentiated the four groups. The implication of this study is that the representativeness of sample, longitudinal study, and identification of the characteristics of the resilient in school-to-work transition, and outcomes. The sample had a variety of location and reputation in South Korea. Also, the data was collected before and after participants’ graduation, which is longitudinal and reflect dynamics of change. Furthermore, characteristics of resilient young adults were discovered as well as outcomes of resilience in the sample of individuals in school-to-work transition. However, longer interval, include of high school graduates, and more accurate measure of adaptation will be needed in the future study. 본 연구는 사회진출전환기에 있는 대학생을 대상으로 탄력성 집단을 선별하고, 탄력성 집단의 특징과 결과를 도출해내는데 그 목적이 있다. 자료는 두 번에 걸쳐 수집되었으며, 6개월의 간격을 두고 실시되었다. 먼저 한국의 대학졸업예정자 557명을 대상으로 잠재프로파일분석을 실시하여 탄력성 집단을 선별하였다. 다음으로 다항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 사용하여 탄력성 집단을 부적응집단과 구별하는 개인적 특성을 밝혔다. 6개월이 지나 연구참여자들이 대부분이 졸업을 한 이후, 321명이 2차 설문에 참여하였다. 2차 설문을 바탕으로 진로만족의 표준화된 잔차를 구해 해당 변인들의 변화량을 독립변수로 두고 일원배치분산분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 탄력성 집단 (n = 196, 35.2%), 반역경 집단 (n = 212, 38.1%), 역경부재-유능성 집단 (n = 63, 11.3%), 그리고 부적응 집단 (n = 86, 15.4%)이 도출되었다. 사회진출전환기에 있는 대학생 중 탄력성 집단은 계획 다시 생각하기와 긍정적 초점 변경과 같은 인지적 정서조절전략을 자주 사용하며, 낙관성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 탄력성의 결과로, 각 집단의 진로만족의 변화량이 유의미하게 차이가 나진 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 함의로 표본의 대표성, 종단연구라는 점, 초기 성년의 탄력성집단을 구별하고 그들의 특징을 살펴보았다는 점을 들 수 있다. 본 연구의 표본은 그 지역과 대학의 평가수준에서 다양하며, 자료를 2번에 걸쳐 수집해 변화량을 고려하였다는 의의를 지닌다. 또한, 아동이나 청소년이 아닌, 초기 성년의 탄력성을 연구했다는 점에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있으며, 특히 탄력적인 성인의 특성을 밝혔다는 점에서 함의를 지니고 있다. 그러나 본 연구의 한계점으로 사회진출전환기에 있는 고등학생을 포함하지 않았고, 다소 짧은 간격으로 자료를 수집했으며, 자기보고식 설문을 사용했다는 점을 들 수 있다. 후속연구에서는 보다 다양한 표본을 수집하고, 1년 이상의 간격을 두고, 자기보고식이 아닌 방법을 사용하는 것이 필요할 것이다.

      • (The) effect of restricting the cram school operation time on the private education market in Korea : empirical evidence using DID

        정승연 Graduate School, Korea University 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 234287

        This paper attempts to estimate whether restricting the operation hours of cram schools (hagwon) has an effect on private education consumption in Korea. From 2009, each city independently enacted an ordinance to regulate business hours of hagwon. The time variation of policy implementation provides a setting for difference-in-differences estimation. This paper uses data from Private Education Expenditure Survey (PEES) between 2009 and 2013. The DID estimates imply that the regulation was ineffective in reducing private education expenditure for both high school and middle school students. The effect was robust under allowing the after-time effects to vary by year. This paper further suggests that directly suppressing the demand side of the private education is not an effective way of dealing with overheated private education market.

      • Validation of the criterion-referenced English assessment in the college scholastic ability test (CSAT) in Korea

        서원화 Graduate School, Korea University 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 234287

        ABSTRACT Validation of the Criterion-referenced English Assessment in the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) in Korea Wonhwa Seo This study is aimed at validating the English domain of the newly implemented Criterion-referenced College Scholastic Ability Test (CR-CSAT). As the English section of CSAT greatly influences on test-takers, English classrooms, and general English education in Korea, validation of the CSAT is required for successful implementation of the CR-CSAT. This study investigated the new criterion-referenced English test in the CSAT (CR-CSAT) in terms of the framework of test usefulness by Bachman and Palmer (1996). Usefulness consisted of six qualities: reliability, construct validity, authenticity, interactiveness, impact, and practicality. The study first explained the specifications of the test, including test environment, format, and language input, and evaluated its usefulness regarding five tests qualities of the CR-CSAT: reliability, construct validity, authenticity, interactiveness, and the impact on test-takers, teachers, and education. To evaluate construct validity of the CSAT, CSAT samples from 2014 to 2018 were selected and examined. Regarding lexical input over time, there were fluctuations observed in tokens, types, and type token ratio of all sections examined. Such fluctuations and inconsistencies have an adverse effect on the exam fairness and reliability as they fail to consider that the same test-taker who did well in one test could face failure in the next. The task types employed throughout the exams are very limited: both tests include multiple-choice questions which may enhance objectivity and reliability but fail to measure ‘true communicative skills.’ The language input of listening subtest was composed of mainly low level vocabulary while the vocabulary of reading subtest was high. To examine reliability of the CR-CSAT, the researcher conducted a number of analyses. Grade level and test score data from 1,226 students who participated in the simulated CSAT in June, 1,218 students who participated in the simulated CSAT administered in September, and 1,195 students who took the 2018 CSAT were analyzed. Analyses included qualitative analyses of test content and quality, a correlation analysis of the test scores, and an item analysis based on CTT and IRT collected from the two mock CSATs and the 2018 CSAT. Results of this study based on CTT and IRT analyses revealed that the difficulty and discrimination of the listening subtest items were very low whereas some reading test items were extremely difficult but their discrimination power was very low. These items need revision. Items with the low degree of difficulty and discrimination were allocated three points while some difficult items were assigned two points. As a result of this problematic score scaling, test-takers within a higher ability parameter obtained a lower scaled score than those within a lower ability parameter. It is desirable to revise test items which are extremely easy or difficult and inappropriately discriminate in order to design more reliable test items. Three native English-speaking instructors were invited to examine the test items of the CSATs from 2014 to 2018. The results revealed that although the CSAT had relatively high internal reliability, the consistency between the tests of different years and the test discriminability did not reach a satisfactory level. Some test items that require revision were found through both quantitative and qualitative item analyses. For the evaluation of the authenticity and interactiveness analysis, six raters were asked to score the degree of authenticity and interactiveness of test item types of the 2018 CSAT and indirect speaking type was found to have the lowest degree of authenticity and interactiveness. On the other hand, the item types of understanding details and understanding context in both listening and reading comprehension displayed high degrees of authenticity and interactiveness. Overall the reading subtests’ authenticity and interactiveness were higher than those of the listening subtest. Raters’ qualitative review supported the results of quantitative analysis. Concerning the representation of national curriculum, the subject matters of the listening subtest were confined to general and familiar topics whereas subject matters of the reading subtest were concentrated on specified academic topics such as social studies or natural sciences. A diversification of topics needs to be considered when designing the CSAT. Finally, a survey of teachers’ and students’ perceptions toward the 2018 CR-CSAT was conducted using a questionnaire survey collected from 372 high school students and 102 secondary school teachers. A descriptive analysis of the questionnaire results was completed. It indicated that the CSAT has substantial impacts on English teaching and learning in high schools. The survey results revealed that high school students and English teachers’ perception of the CSAT in terms of test usefulness: reliability, construct validity, authenticity, interactiveness, and impact. One noticeable result was that the two groups both did not think that the 2018 CSAT contributed the equality of English education, decreased private education cost, or changed language teaching and learning. From the qualitative analysis of the high school English teachers’ responses, the number of students who applied to English in after-school program reduced significantly after the implementation of the 2018 CSAT. Also, the number of English class hours decreased. English teachers who participated in the written interview provided alternatives for successful implementation of the CR-CSAT and normalization of the public English education. The findings from this study provide opportunities to explore pedagogical implications for entrance test developers and education policy makers in Korea in regards to exam quality and methods. The CSAT should be developed by including test items more related to the current national English curriculum and by fulfilling the need for construct validity, authenticity, and positive impacts on both candidates and society. It is important that the various voices of the stakeholders are known to the public in order to promote further discussion on how to improve test quality and to normalize public English education. This study will contribute to validate the first implemented 2018 CR-CSAT based on the Bachman & Palmer’s test usefulness framework. Finally, it is hoped that the study’s comprehensive investigation of the test qualities of construct validity, reliability, authenticity, interactiveness, and impact by analyzing quantitative and quantitative data will raise the awareness of different stakeholders of the CSAT.

      • Three essays on trade and investment in North KoreaThree Essays on Trade and Investment in North Korea

        조성택 Graduate School, Korea University 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 234287

        As the tension on the Korean peninsula is eased, discussions on economic cooperation between the two Koreas are resuming. Since 2000, South and North Korea have experienced a qualitative change in economic cooperation from a simple processing contracts to Kaesong industrial complex in 2004. Considering a constant political stability in the future, economic cooperation between the two Koreas can develop into economic integration, which is expected to have an impact on the two Koreas as well as Northeast Asia. The effect of economic cooperation can be predicted more accurately only when we understand the characteristics of trade of South and North Korea. Most of North Korea's trade is known to be done through China, which means that the structure of North Korea's trade can be understood only through the trade between North Korea and China. The features of North Korea's trade can be observed clearly through the patterns of North Korea's trade after economic sanctions, which suggest that the changes in North and South Korea trade can occur when political tensions are resolved and inter-Korean economic cooperation deepens. Also, South Korea is connected to each country through a global production network in Asia region. Therefore, when the economic cooperation between the two Koreas is intensified, there will be the change in the trade volume of intermediate and final goods. In turn, it can affect its neighboring countries as well as South-North Korea. Accordingly, before analyzing the effect of economic integration between two Koreas on its surrounding regions, understanding the features of South-North Korea trade is a factor to consider first. Unlike South Korea, in the case of North Korea, it is difficult to know the structure and characteristics of its trade. Therefore, we should find out the trade features through North Korea-China trade. However, most of the existing researches on this subject have analyzed the strategy of the economic integration of the two Koreas from various perspectives, but the scope of the analysis is confined to the economies of South and North Korea. Due to this limitation, the economic effects of the economic integration between South and North Korea are not properly analyzed. Therefore, in an effort to handle this limitation, my dissertation examines the effects of UN economic sanctions, the trade patterns and features through North Korea-China trade. I also analyzes the effects of economic integration on the neighboring countries including South and North Korea through actual transaction data that reflect the characteristics of North Korea 's trade. In addition, I analyze the productivity of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, which is a symbolic model of inter-Korean economic cooperation, to suggest implications for the establishment of desirable policies for inter-Korean economic cooperation in the future. The details of this study are as follows. The first essay examines the effect of economic sanctions on North Korea and China trade. This essay examines the effects of UN sanctions on North Korea-China trade through four types of trade. The trade data of North Korea and China was collected through China Customs and the analysis period was set from 2001 to 2008. China Customs data includes import and export data between North Korea and China classified by four types of trade: general, processing, bonded warehouse and border trade. The results show that after UN sanction, North Korea-China trade increased across all types of trade. Particularly, North Korea’s imports of sanction-sensitive items from China increased after the sanctions. Before the economic sanctions in 2006, more than 50% of North Korea's total exports came from the mining sector, and its proportion sharply increased after the sanctions. North Korea imported fuel and food through border trade, and the luxury goods specified by the United Nations as sanctioned items were secured through general trade after the sanctions. Strategic materials that can be used for weapons development were imported through bonded trade. Based on these results, the results show the following two implications. First, after the economic sanctions, North Korea’s economic dependence on China had increased. It can be explained as a factor that can weaken the sanction effect. Second, after the sanctions, the features of North Korea's trade can be observed more clearly, and thereby we can expect the changes in import and export items when inter-Korean economic cooperation deepens. As North Korea mainly has exported mining products and imported light industry products such as daily necessities, North Korea can convert parts of export of mining sector to South Korea as economic integration between progresses, and there is the possibility to import from South Korea in light industry sector. The second essay examines the impact of economic integration between South and North Korea on Northeast Asia using WIOT. There has so far been a wealth of research on economic integration between the two Koreas, however most of the studies are confined to the two Koreas. In the case of South Korea, it is connected with many countries through the production network, and a change in the trade volume of intermediate and final goods due to inter-Korean economic integration may affect neighboring countries. Therefore, in order to establish a specific economic integration policy between South and North Korea, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of trade between South and North Korea and the foreign trade environment based on the present point of view. In the second essay, to establish a desirable strategy, I extend the scope of analysis to Northeast Asia by using the World Input Output Table(WIOT) that contains actual transaction data and examine the effect of the economic integration between the two Koreas on both countries and neighboring countries respectively. Since most of the foreign trade in North Korea, which is a closed country, is carried out through China, it is possible to understand the structure of North Korea's import and export by observing the features of North Korea-China trade. The structure of North Korea-China trade explains that North Korea's exports are mostly made in the mining sector and imports are made in the light industry sector including daily necessities. Accordingly, if the two Koreas is economically integrated, North Korea can shift its exports from China into South Korea in the mining sector and import from China into South Korea in light industry. Based on these prediction, I calculate the production and value-added inducement effect using WIOT. The results show that as North Korea shift its exports from China to South Korea, the production inducement effect of the World is declined by a billion dollars in the long term. In the long term scenario, the production inducement effect of South Korea is more than three times higher than that in the short term, and the production inducement effect of China decrease. In addition, value added inducement of the World increases across all scenarios. However, its effect is not great. In addition, South Korea and China show a significant decrease in the value added inducement effect. The production inducement effect of South Korea's conversion of imports to North Korea increase to $ 3.4 billion globally. South Korea show a great increase in the production inducement effect, while Indonesia show a great decrease. The value added inducement effect increases globally across all scenarios, but it size is not large. In sum, this study shows that, as shown in the production inducement effect of major countries, if the trade between South and North Korea is converted from existing trading partners in Northeast Asia to both countries, the production inducement effect of the World can be greatly decreased. Accordingly, the economic integration of South and North Korea needs to be achieved sequentially, focusing on industries of North Korea that has strengths over Northeast Asian countries. The third essay analyzes a participation in the Kaesong Industrial Complex(KIC) and its impact on productivity with a focus on South Korean textile firms’ experience. Presently, the resumption of the Kaesong Industrial Complex(KIC) is unclear, however, as inter-Korean relations are being thawed, economic discussions on inter-Korean economic cooperation is becoming more active. the Kaesong Industrial Complex has already reached consensus on business procedures and legislative measures between the two Koreas during the construction phase and has accumulated the unique experience of inter-Korean joint operation. Accordingly, a fundamental evaluation of the Kaesong industrial complex can provide an insight for enterprises contemplating a participation in North-South economic cooperation. Thus, Analyzing the performance of firms in the Kaesong Industrial Complex has great value as a basic information for discussing the future economic cooperation and establishing related policies. Therefore, I examine the effect of participating in Kaesong industrial complex on firm’s productivity using firm-level data from 1996 to 2016. And, the research scope is limited to the textile sector. To do this, I implemented PSM estimations employing the radius matching method with 0.01 caliper and 10nearest-neighbor matchings with replacement. For each treated firm, I find matches except one firm. For 5 treated firms that have opened factories in Kaesong, and I find 49 matched firms in control groups(Domestic firms). For methodology, this study uses Difference-in-Differences(DID) framework and also extends the basic DID framework to event study framework of Gathmann, Helm, and Schönberg(2018). The results report that the treated firms experienced its productivity improvement after investment to Kaesong. This result can be found in DID event study as well as DID analysis. However its effects did not last long. These results show that the participating of Kaesong Industrial Complex is influenced by the infrastructure and institutions conditions supported by South Korea. For example, Government of South Korea exempted corporate tax firms operating for more than 15 years from the year in which they earn profits up to 5 years and gives 50% of tax reduction from 3 years thereafter. Besides, government gives different measures equivalent to domestic industrial complexes such as infrastructure support. Therefore, it is necessary to consider establishing a strategy of attracting firms to effectively utilize the strengths of labor costs and industrial relations in North Korea for the purpose of economic operation and growth.

      • (A) comparative analysis of the English writing ability of Chinese and Korean university students

        鄭翠 Graduate School, Korea University 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 234287

        This study attempts to present a general picture of contrast between the English writing ability of Chinese university students and that of Korean university students. More specifically, by examining the English essays written by Chinese university students (henceforth CE) and those written by Korean university students (henceforth KE) in a writing assessment, and by examining students’ responses to questions in questionnaires, the study expects to find some similarities and differences in rhetorical and linguistic aspects and in students’ writing strategies as well. All of these analyses and findings are expected to be elucidating best practices for the teaching and learning of English writing in EFL contexts. A total of 178 subjects participated in the present study. 84 Chinese university students, 84 Korean university students and ten English native speakers have been required to write an English argumentative essay with the same topic within the given 30 minutes. Their essays were then collected, rated and analyzed from linguistic aspects (fluency, grammatical and lexical complexity, structural analysis, and error analysis for only CE and KE) based on Bachman’s (1990) communicative language ability model and Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaski, and Kim’s (1998) linguistic measurement method. In addition, two questionnaires were designed. The first introspective questionnaire was implemented just after the subjects finished their essay writing, while the second set of questions collected basic information about each subject, including age, gender, major, English learning habits and attitudes, etc. Differences and similarities of subjects’ strategies were compared based on these two questionnaires via some statistical methods. The result proves differences and similarities do exist between CE, KE and essays written by English native speakers (henceforth EE). CE and KE are less fluent (fewer words in each T-unit and clause), less accurate (more errors) and less varied lexically (more K1 words, less academic words) than EE. However, there is no major difference in the structure between CE, KE and EE. Chinese and Korean university students preferred a direct way to express their opinion, just as what English native speakers did. Error analysis of CE and KE shows run-on sentence and omission of conjunctions are major problems for Chinese university students, whereas sentence misodering and omission of articles are serious for Korean university students. Writing strategy analysis shows there is a positive correlation between English reading and writing practice and writing test performance. Both Chinese and Korean university students should spend more time on English writing practice and gain more confidence as well. All of these main findings should have some help for the English writing teaching and learning in EFL contexts especially in China and Korea.

      • (A) comparative analysis of university students' perception of digitalization in English learning between India and Korea

        Ahuja, Shivani Graduate School, Korea University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 234287

        The emergence of growing technologies in language learning has left a massive impact on our learning and teaching patterns. With the changes introduced, it is crucial to consider students’ perception of digitalization since they are the beneficiaries of our education system. Yet, very little is known about their beliefs, requirements and expectations. This study aims to compare and contrast university students’ perception of these innovations in language classrooms in both India and Korea. It focuses to gain an in-depth insight into students’ cognizance of technology embedded instruction, its benefits and how it differs from old traditional classroom methods. The experiment was conducted on 220 participants and data was collected by questionnaire. The study is quantitative in nature and a cross tabulation (chi-square) was used to analyze the results. The results revealed that a) in-class technology access in India is relatively low as compared to Korea, b) both the nations’ students prefer technology-based learning to traditional learning, c) despite the positive attitude towards technology use, students still prefer using paper handouts instead of digital handouts, d) students have mixed perception of the benefits of digitalization in both the countries due to varying learning strategies (ESL vs. EFL context). However, there were no significant differences in students’ perception according to their level of education for most of the test items. Overall, both Indians and Koreans are open to innovations and want to keep pace with the advancing technological society.

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