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      • Traffic Crash Prediction Utilizing Geospatial Analysis, Machine Learning, and Connected Vehicles’ Basic Safety Messages

        Elrayah, Yassir E Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235295

        Traffic crash prediction using different techniques and methodologies is essential for road safety. While many researchers have evaluated road safety using historical crash data, there are a few traffic crash prediction studies that predict the likelihood of crashes using emerging technology such as connected vehicles. This technology enables a connected vehicle to broadcast driving behaviors, in the form of basic safety messages, at a frequency of 10 Hz to a nearby connected vehicle. Additionally, different geospatial analysis techniques and prediction methodologies, such as machine learning, can support the analysis, visualization, and prediction of the traffic crash frequency. The primary objective of this study was to predict the likelihood of crash incidents using connected vehicles’ real-time driving behavior rather than historical crash data by developing and comparing different statistical and supervised machine learning predictive models. In addition, this study explored spatial and spatiotemporal patterns of crash incidents using geospatial analysis and unsupervised machine learning methodology. Moreover, it explored micro-level factors, such as road characteristics, and macro-level factors, such as population or points of interest density, which may impact traffic crash frequency. This study was based on a 3,000 connected-vehicle dataset, which was collected from the Safety Pilot Model Deployment Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The spatial analysis results using kernel density estimation showed that the city center and major road intersections were the most statistically significant high-risk locations. Additionally, the spatiotemporal analysis using emerging hotspot analysis showed that most of the city center roads had persistent hotspots, with some intensifying hotspots near road intersections and highway interchanges. Further, parametric and non-parametric correlation analysis and hierarchical regression models showed that some micro-level driving behavior variables and macro-level variables such as population, in relation to crash count, were statistically significant. Moreover, the results showed that the multinomial generalized mixed model with 91% prediction accuracy performed better than other statistical models. Finally, classification prediction, using supervised machine learning techniques, showed that both classification and regression tree and support vector machine algorithms, with multiple crash outcomes, performed well, with a high (94%) classification accuracy.

      • Trajectory of Trauma: The Experiences of Black Girls in the School-To-Prison Pipeline

        Nicholson-Bester, Heather Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        This critical ethnographic research utilizes participatory action research (PAR) and case studies to explore the impacts that zero-tolerance policies have had on the lives of Black girls and women. This work contributes to a small but growing body of work on the intersectional struggles faced by Black girls within the School-to-Prison Pipeline. An aim of this research was to work with the participants to amplify their voices and center them as experts on their own lives. Working with a small sample of three girls and women enabled the creation of detailed narratives of their experiences. These narratives point to the fact that for many Black girls and women, it is the experience of trauma that leads them to becoming involved in the pipeline, as their responses to such trauma become criminalized on a daily basis. Further, their experiences at schools within the context of zero-tolerance policies serve to exacerbate their levels of trauma, creating a unique web wherein school itself becomes a sight of trauma and terror for young Black girls. These findings point us to the necessity of implementing trauma-based educational programs and provide guidance for making the changes required to ensure that Black girls are given the space and opportunity to thrive in schools.

      • The Pursuit of Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy: A Case Study of Community Police Officers' Perceptions of the Perceived Benefits of Higher Education

        Kane, Tara M Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        This is a case study of suburban community police officers and their perception of benefits of higher education as it relates to outcomes of procedural justice and legitimacy. Acknowledging controversial, high-profile incidents which have caused the police profession to be generalized in a negative manner, this study sought to examine community-policing initiatives as an effective strategy for promoting positive community-police relationships. Community police officers were queried about academic and professional preparation they perceived as necessary for the demands of the 21st century community police officer.Previous literature on community policing and procedurally just policing has primarily focused on the perceptions of the public. This study hoped to contribute to the literature as the authentic police officer voice. Analysis of the data revealed several themes and found that a redefined model of community policing is a promising answer to restoring trust between the community and the police. This new model shall be referred to as the Procedurally Just Community-Policing Model and concludes that when intentional community-policing efforts are intertwined with procedurally just policing practice, trust is maximized, therefore resulting in legitimacy.

      • A Study of Sense of Belonging and Its Relationship with Engagement, Persistence, and Intersectionality in Higher Education

        Lancaster, Christine Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        A majority of institutions of Higher Education are seeking ways to provide environments that support student persistence in light of the overwhelming evidence of the impact of postsecondary degree attainment and life opportunities for individuals and communities. This study examines the relationships between student engagement, sense of belonging, identity, intersectionality, and student success indicators. For purposes of this study, 561 undergraduate students at a public regional institution provided demographic information, access to student success indicators, and completed a 47- question survey on student engagement and sense of belonging. Factor analysis determined five distinct dimensions of sense of belonging. Structure equation modeling suggests interactions with dimensions of sense of belonging and student engagement enable or inhibit each other and influence student success. In particular, students’ engagement was influenced by the level of sense of belonging they felt with other students and community as well as their sense of belonging with faculty and staff. In turn, time with faculty as well as engagement in activities related to the student’s academic major and minor influenced sense of belonging as well as student success indicators. Continued studies further exploring dimensions of belonging with diverse populations using the tenets of QuantCrit are recommended.

      • Student Success and Geography: An Analysis of Contributing Factors That Determine College Academic Achievement and Persistence of Black Males

        Howard, LaMarcus D Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between academic and nonacademic determinants of academic achievement and persistence and to identify how university geographic location influences the likelihood of Black male persistence. Quantitative data was drawn from the 2012/14 Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS) Longitudinal Study (BPS: 12/14) conducted by the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) to explore third-year academic achievement and persistence for Black males. This study identified two research questions, guided by the theoretical frameworks of Tinto’s student institutional departure model and Astin’s Input-Environment-Output model to assess Black male decisions to stay or leave college.Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the means and percentages for all independent and dependent variables included in this analysis. Additionally, a multiple regression was used to predict the relationship between academic and non-academic determinants of academic achievement for Black males. Furthermore, a binomial logistic regression was used to predict the probability that university geographic location influences the likelihood of Black male persistence.The findings from this study indicated that when controlling for academic achievement (third-year), high school GPA had a positive effect on Black male third-year persistence, while financial aid (federal and private student loans) had a negative effect on Black male GPA their third year of college. Additionally, this study indicated that geographic location did not influence the likelihood of third-year persistence. In fact, the findings in this study demonstrated that having a job on campus during the first year of college positively influenced Black male third-year persistence.

      • The Relationship Between Internet Usage Habits and Student Achievement

        Duley, Jonathan L Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        The invention of the Internet has brought countless advancements in communication, research, knowledge, and entertainment. Over the course of time, and as the Internet expanded, there have been mixed opinions in regard to the Internet’s place in schools. This has brought on the need for schools to develop policies to monitor and regulate student Internet activity in order to teach students to use the Internet as a tool to increase academic achievement. Michigan has consistently been one of the lowest performing states in regard to the SAT; thus, it is important for teachers and administrators to determine why. Through an Internet use survey adapted from The Pew Research Center’s Internet and Technology report titled “Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015,” this study surveyed 12th grade students at Blueville High School in Blueville, MI, to determine their levels of Internet access, Internet usage habits, and overall opinions of the Internet. Additionally, a focus group interview was conducted to further gain an understanding of Internet usage impact on student achievement. Survey results were compared to individual composite and component SAT scores, grade point averages, and socioeconomic factors (free/reduced lunch status). Results indicate some connection between Internet usage habits and student achievement, especially for those students who use the Internet for school-specific work.

      • Reimagining Schools: A Descriptive Analysis of Effective Practices for Educating Marginalized Students

        Brown, Tamela D Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        Educational equity is the most imperative civil rights issue we face today. While the demands and interjections of social movements have strengthened many practices, structures, and laws related to educational equity, the ultimate shift in the tide has yet to be fully realized. Quality education is still not fully accessible to marginalized populations, specifically Black students who are also considered low socioeconomic status. The educational system in the United States has historically imposed segregation, discrimination, and other various forms of oppression as a means to limit educational access for people of color. The results of such depravities are evidenced by the achievement gap, which is merely a symptom of a more substantial issue, the opportunity gap. The opportunity gap results in further issues that affect communities of color, specifically related to quality of life and overall level of educational attainment. Education, or the lack thereof, has major implications on communities and society as a whole. Such implications include generational poverty; increases in criminalization and incarceration rates; and a lack of opportunities for community development, business growth, and sustainable commerce. The “same old” approach to education has not, and does not, work for Black, as well as other racially and ethnically marginalized, children because the system was never designed for them to succeed. A new approach to educating our children is needed; one that is effective, equitable, and culturally relevant. This analysis will identify and define the cultural norms and values, instructional best practices, and success factors used in institutions that are successfully educating marginalized students in order to inform educators and educational pedagogues how to be successful with these students. The purpose of this study was to analyze effective practices and strategies, from a whole-school perspective, that would inform educational leaders and teachers on successfully educating African American students that are low-socioeconomic status. The data collected from 11 interviews, a focus group including three parents, and over 15 hours of participant observations, led to the development of a new theory, the E3 Strategy: Engagement, Experience, and Exposure. This strategy provides guidance and direction for district and building leaders alike.

      • Culturally Responsive School Leadership: Examining White Male Principals’ Practices

        Schukow, Alex Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        K-12 principals must enact culturally responsive school leadership to close the opportunity gaps Black students and economically disadvantaged students experience. Critical race theory, the key model, and culturally responsive school leadership theory form the conceptual framework for this phenomenological study. The overarching research question for the study is as follows: How do Whiteness and masculinity influence the enactment of culturally responsive school leadership by White male K-12 principals in exurban school settings? Interviews, school handbook policy analysis, and examinations of participants’ professional social media posts provide data to critique the actions of four White male principals in Midwestern, exurban public schools. Four cross-cutting themes emerged as study results: personal to instructional critical reflection, social justice professional development, challenging an exclusionary school practice, using school based communication, and viewing White masculinity as privilege and a responsibility to support Black students and economically disadvantaged students. Conclusions suggest that participants acknowledge White heterosexual male privilege without deliberately using it to create humanizing school environments, unintentionally engage minoritized students and families, and implement superficial inclusive practices. Implications can inform pedagogical choices of university education leadership preparation programs and educational leaders’ and White male principals’ actions.

      • Maternal Factors in the Disordered Eating of Adolescent Girls: Proposing and Evaluating a New Model

        Goldstein, Miriam Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        Disordered eating behaviors occur at high rates among adolescent girls of all ethnicities and are associated with increased risk of eating disorders. Maternal influences such as maternal disordered eating, childhood feeding practices, and the mother-teen relationship quality have been implicated as risk factors for disordered eating in adolescent girls, but few studies have examined the interplay of these influences within a single model, controlling for adolescent age. To address this gap, the current study proposed a theoretical model and tested a series of moderated mediation pathways from maternal disordered eating to disordered eating behaviors in female adolescents. The model was examined using an existing dataset from a diverse sample of 100 mother-daughter dyads, with adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. Contrary to expectations, mothers’ and adolescents’ disordered eating were not significantly related. Results provided partial support for paths between disordered maternal eating and unhealthy feeding, as well as unhealthy feeding and disordered adolescent eating. Specifically, model paths were supported when both variables were reported by the same informant (i.e., mother or daughter) but not when variables were reported by different informants (i.e., mother and daughter). Mother-daughter closeness moderated the feeding–adolescent eating association, such that greater emotional feeding was associated with more emotional eating among adolescents reporting average or low closeness, but not high closeness. Mother-daughter discord was not a significant moderator of model paths. Findings suggest that a close mother-daughter relationship may serve as a buffer against the negative impact of unhealthy feeding behaviors in adolescent disordered eating. In addition, results underscore the importance of informant perspective in dyadic research and suggest that individuals understand and interpret their own and others’ behaviors through an internally consistent lens.

      • The Lived Experiences of First-Generation African American Males During Their Freshman Year at a Rural, Middle Atlantic Predominately White Institution

        Procter, Sharon E Eastern Michigan University ProQuest Dissertations 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 235039

        There has been a great deal of scholarly research over the past 50 years concerning the disparities in education for minority populations. Research relating to African American males specifically has increased over the past decade, highlighting the disparities and plight of Black males in kindergarten through postsecondary education. Additionally, the body of literature regarding this population of scholars has been from a deficit model. This is a phenomenological study that investigates the lived experiences of five first-generation African American male students during their freshman year at a rural, mid-Atlantic predominately White institution (PWI). The study specifically sought to learn about the lived experiences of first-generation African American males who completed their freshman year of college at a rural, mid-Atlantic PWI in regard to their transition to the college environment as it relates to their level of preparedness, adjustment, persistence, support systems, and racial experiences on campus. African American male theory (AAMT) was the theoretical framework that was used as the lens to study the experiences of the Black male study participants. A qualitative methodology was used, with counter-storytelling to allow the study participants to tell their stories in their voices. Purposeful sampling was used to identify the study participants. Individual interviews and a focus group were conducted to gather the rich, thick descriptions of the participants’ experiences. Thematic analysis was used to identify the seven themes that emerged from the data: preparedness for college, adjustment, motivation and persistence, challenges, support systems, social integration, and microaggressions. The themes were analyzed through the lens of the six tenets of AAMT to show how they intersected. Findings showed that the five study participants had positive experiences that contradicted the extant body of literature, except for racially related issues and microaggressions. Racial issues and microaggressions that were described by the students continue to exist at PWIs. Educational leaders need to work toward eradicating such issues as students of color continue to enroll at their institutions. Additional research is recommended to determine if the experiences described by the study participants are consistent at similar PWIs.

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