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      • 첨단의료복합단지 정주환경 만족도 연구 : 충북 오송과 대구 신서를 중심으로

        김경희 충북대학교 산업대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Many employees at the high-tech medical complexe reside in government-provided housing. These workers live at the complexes during weekdays and return to their family homes during weekends due to insufficient human settlement. This research aims to analyze the human settlement at the Osong BioHealth Science Technopolis in Chungbuk and Sinseo Innovation City in Daegu by conducting a survey on employees' level of satisfaction with their human settlement in order to suggest methods for improving human settlement based on user opinion. Five aspects were considered to form the basis of the human settlement: transportation, residence/safety, education, welfare/medical service and culture/ recreation. Data were collected on thirty seven facilities and their surrounding infrastructures with regard to the social environment and the high-tech medical complex. Also, the sitemap of the internet portal site Daum was used to analyze the human settlement. A Likert scale was used to measure the level of satisfaction with the human settlement. Chi-square testing was used to determine whether marital status affected the settlement satisfaction levels by studying the most satisfying and the least satisfying factors. In terms of the factors affecting satisfaction in settlement, the railroad network and administrative agencies were important in Osong Chungbuk, whereas in Sinseo Daegu, the factors were road and air networks, the police station and patrol division, the fire station and 119 emergency center, social welfare centers, hospitals, clinics, health centers, libraries, art galleries and museums. As for the factors in which marital status influenced the human settlement, these were museums in Osong Chungbuk and air network and houses, elementary schools, middle schools and museums in Sinseo Daegu. Transportation and resident safety were ranked as the first and second most important factors, respectively, influencing user satisfaction levels at both locations. The least important factor was culture/recreation at both locations. The second and third to the least influential factors at Osong Chungbuk were transportation and welfare/medical service, respectively, while at Sinseo Daegu these were welfare/ medical service and education. The reasons for dissatisfaction with human settlements were inadequate or insufficient availability of cultural venues, such as theaters, and poor medical infrastructure, such as hospitals, in both areas. Further reasons were insufficient transportation between Cheongju and Osong in Osong Chungbuk and lacking educational institutions and inadequate school districts in Sinseo Daegu. Participants in the survey suggested improving cultural infrastructures, providing transportation, building hospitals, stabilizing housing prices and building educational institutions. For Sinseo Daegu, reducing the noise level and the amount of fine dust surrounding the airport, building a fire station and expanding public physical-education centers, such as swimming pools, were recommended.

      • 이산화규소가 코팅된 산화아연 입자의 제조 및 자외선 차단 효과

        김원종 충북대학교 산업대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Skin exposure to an appropriate amount of sunlight allows for vitamin D synthesis, thus strengthening the bones. However, excess exposure to sunlight can have a negative effect on the skin because of ultraviolet(UV) light. Recently, the destruction of the ozone layer has led to an increase in the amount of UV rays that reach the surface of the earth; and its negative effects such as corneal burn, cataract, and skin cancer have been widely discussed. Zinc oxide has a high refractive index and high UV light scattering; therefore, it is frequently used in sunscreen cosmetics. However, these cosmetics could have problems including grainy texture, white effect, and decreased photocatalytic activity caused by the high composition of inorganic powders such as zinc oxide. To overcome these regulations and develop a better sunscreen cosmetics, zinc oxide coated with fatty acids, amino acids, lecithin, silica, and alumina has been used. In this study, we aimed to develop a new composite powder to block UV rays that cause photoaging. We used micro sized zinc oxide, widely used in the cosmetics industry, coated with silica, frequently used for industrial purposes using sodium silicate. Hydrothermal method with sodium silicate and acid hydrolysis were used to coated silica. The process variables for the production of silica coated zinc oxide included the type of acid catalyst, pH, molar ratio of zinc and silicon, volume of solvent, reaction temperature, and reaction time. The physical and chemical properties of silica coated zinc oxide particles were analyzed by XRD, FT-IR, XPS, EDS, SEM and PSA. Furthermore, we assessed the UV protection effect of the composite powder using UV-Vis and In-vitro test. We subjected the newly produced composite powder to user test to determine the advantages for practical use of this powder as a cosmetics, comparing with uncoated zinc oxide. The results show that the composite powder has a high UV protection effect, sensory feeling, adhension feeling, and spreadability for use in cosmetics.

      • 저압 모터제어반의 모듈형 분산제어시스템 설계

        송인찬 충북대학교 산업대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Low-voltage Motor Control Center(MCC) to protect and control low-voltage motor of the factory in the power system is one of the most essential fields in the industrial facilities. It is recently the trend is being applied to miniaturization and multifunction technology. Also, to compensate shortcomings of the motor system, including monitoring, control and protection in a single integrated and centralized system, Distributed Control System(DCS) is required to be divided as several of the centralized system with separate the function into one centralized system. This compose the whole system to throughout the communications network by connecting a centralized system of each. Thus, in this study, low-voltage MCC produced wiring cost savings, reduced working time and to drastically reduce the costs to make a control panel, also, in order to use communication networks to enable to take control and monitoring of the motor remotely, by using I/O device built-in communication module and power module in general low-voltage MCC, suggesting application technology for the provision of the modular DCS of the low-voltage MCC. To present the application technology, the actually used to produce a housing according to a schematic diagram of a system was proved the effect on approximately 50% cost savings and two times increase of productivity. In addition, creating a table for the selected main unit by outputting the motor rating, users were easier access to these systems. 전력계통에서 일반 공장의 저압 모터를 보호, 제어하는 시스템인 저압모터 제어반은 산업설비 중에서 가장 핵심적인 부분 중에 하나로 최근에 요구되어 지는 소형화 및 다기능화에 적합하게 기술이 전환되고 있는 추세이며, 또한 모터의 감시, 제어, 보호 등을 하나로 집중화하여 관리하는 시스템의 단점인 높은 제작비용과 모터 적용 용량의 한계를 보완하기 위해서, 하나의 중앙처리 장치를 기능별로 분리하여 여러 개의 작은 중앙장치로 세분하고 각각의 시스템을 통신으로 네트워크를 연결하여 전체 시스템을 구성하는 분산제어시스템이 요구되고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 저압 모터제어반 제작시 배선비용 절감, 작업시간 단축 및 외함 비용을 대폭 절감하고, 상위 감시반에서 네트워크를 활용하여 원격으로 모터의 제어 및 모니터링이 가능하도록 하기 위해, 기존의 일반적인 저압 모터제어반에 I/O Device 내장형 통신 모듈과 파워모듈을 사용 함으로서, 저압모터제어반의 모듈형 분산제어시스템 제공을 위한 제어 방식을 제시하였다.

      • 산업용 LNG 보일러실의 폭발위험장소 설정방안

        안태진 충북대학교 산업대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Recently, there have been frequent domestic small and large accidents by explosions in petrochemical industry and at home and businesses using gases, causing extensive damage to properties and loss of life. Accidents by explosion, leading to big gas explosion or fire, are of increased social concerns. City gas, flammable gas, is a material that forms explosive atmosphere and causes explosion when released. It is used as fuel for boiler or heating furnace in the industrial world, and in the course of replacing diesel fuel used in the past. Electric machines and appliances installed inside a boiler room using city gas, subject to occupation safety and health acts, should be maintained by establishing explosion hazardous area and preparing classification map. Accordingly, through case studies based on KS C IEC 60079-10-1 and IP15, the extent of zone can be accurately determined by performing calculation process for explosion hazardous area classification. Electric facilities related to boiler should be installed explosion proof appropriate for the classification after establishing explosion hazardous area in accordance with standards set by occupation safety and health acts. Especially, it is desirable to apply reasonable explosion hazardous area calculation method due to routine excessive design of city gas facilities. It is concluded that it can be zoned as explosion non-hazardous area because the extent of zone, in establishing explosion hazardous area, was confined at less than 0.1m based on accident impact assessment using KS C IEC 60079-10-1 as a calculation formula, with less than 0.1m hypothetic volume. In industries requiring constant use of boiler steam, such as display and semiconductor process, boiler operation must be ceased when attempting to enhance facilities with general electric machines and appliances to those with explosion proof, within the extent of zone with explosion risk of LNG boiler room. In case of such interruption, extensive production damage is expected. In this study, we presented how to make enhancements using enclosed local exhaust while operating boiler. In establishing explosion hazardous area, KS C IEC 60079-10-1 has priority for application. If unable or insufficient to apply this, it is presumed that standards of other countries or organization cannot be utilized as normative references. We concluded that explosion hazardous area can be reasonable established without difficulties of setting release hole size at field if suggested values by both KS C IEC 60079-10-1 and IP15 are used.

      • 자동차유리 제조공정의 휴먼에러 예방을 위한 작업개선 비용의 타당성 평가

        이승훈 충북대학교 산업대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        If anyone wants to prevent similar accidents with the basis of industrial accidents already occurred in industrial plants, it would be possible only after true causes are grasped. Unfortunately, however, most accident investigation carried out with the basis of legal regulation failed to grasp them so that similar accidents have been repeated without cease. This thesis aimed to find out differences between results from conventional accident investigation and those from human error analysis, and to draw out effective and practical counter-plans against industrial accidents occurred repeatedly in Autoglass manufacturing Process. As for analysis, about 110 accident cases that occurred for last 7 years were collected, and by adopting the integrated human error analysis technique developed by the previous researchers, not direct causes but basic fundamental causes that might induce workers to human errors were sought. In consequence, the result showed that facility factors or environmental factors such as improper layout, mistakes in engineering design, and malfunction of interlock system were authentic major accident causes as opposed to managerial factors such as personal carelessness or failure to wearing personal protective equipments, and/or improper work methods. In addition, based on the accident cost analysis, it could be said that the enterprise would be get major payments in relation to production loss including stoppage of manufacturing lines, and that indirect cost would be 10 times as much as direct costs. To write down about accident type especially, crush would be the most dreadful accident type since indirect cost was about 19 times as much as direct cost. Therefore, it was concluded that the conventional estimation of accident cost with the base of 1:4 ratio developed by Heinrich would be no longer applicable, and that the enterprises should invest for work improvements more aggressively if they really want to effective accident prevention. 각 사업장에서 동종재해의 재발을 방지하기 위해서는 정확한 사고조사에 따른 근본적인 대책수립이 우선시되어야 하나, 현재 사업장에서는 재해조사표 또는 사고원인조사양식에 의한 단면적인 사고 조사만이 이루어지는 것이 현실이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 선행 연구자들에 의하여 기존 사고 조사 방식보다 효용성이 높다고 보고된 통합모델의 분석방식이 실제 산업현장에서의 활용의 가능성에 대하여 확인하고, 산업재해로 인해 발생하는 손실비용을 추정함에 있어서 소홀하게 취급되기 쉬운 비용 항목들을 도출하는 한편, 실제 기업체에서 사고 예방을 위한 지출액의 기준이 되는 작업개선 투자비용의 실제적인 범위를 제시하고자 하였다. 연구대상으로는 중소규모의 자동차유리공장이 선정되었고, 통합모델 분석방식을 이용하여 사고원인조사를 재수행함으로써 사고와 관련된 지출비용을 재집계하여 기존의 정형화된 분석기법에 의한 결과와 비교하였다. 연구결과, 과거에 자동차유리공장의 경우 작업자 부주의, 보호구 미착용, 작업 방법 불량 등 관리적 원인이 주로 제기되었던 반면, 통합모델에 의한 분석결과는 작업 공간의 배치나 설계미흡, 인터록 불량 등 설비적인 요인이나, 환경적인 요인이 더 크게 제기되었다. 또한, 사업장에서 발생한 사고 처리 과정을 6단계로 구분하여 검토한 결과, 기업의 경우에는 사고로 인해 발생하는 생산손실과 연관된 항목들이 가장 중요한 것으로 분석되었으며, 간접비가 직접비의 평균 10.10배에 달하여 기존의 4배수 추정방식이 타당하지 못함을 알 수 있었다. 사고유형에 따라 간접비의 변화에도 많은 차이가 있었는데, 그중 협착사고는 직접비의 19배에 달하여 사고 예방 대책과 투자가 집중되어야 하는 대상임을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 충북지역 건축문화재 유형별 보수관리 특성연구

        이동규 충북대학교 산업대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Since the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom, the term ‘Cultural Assets’ was coined in the first place which is culturally valuable product or things worth preserving in the process of voluntary protection in order to prevent the destruction of nature and deterioration of the historical and cultural heritage. Moreover, it means resources as cultural activity by human being and it can be deduced as real estates and actual chattels that contain cultural spiritual value. In short, to assign this value according to appropriate protocol made by either nation or local government is called ‘Designated Cultural Assets’. There are 156 designated cultural properties by national level and 447 province-designed cultural assets and there also have been 85 cultural materials and 22 registered cultural resources as well. Overall, total 710 assets are consisted of traditional cultural properties in ChungBuk area. Hence, it can be inferred that there is an assessment to conserve all these assets for us and we also have got a duty to transfer it to our next generations. The objective of this dissertation is to examine current type of cultural assets and status in ChungBuk region and it is also to look into current position of conservation and maintenance for architectural heritages according to classification on pattern of cultural properties. Next, it can be clearly noticed that the government usually offers budget supports in order to manage cultural assets in terms of entire ChungChungBuk-Do area based on planned budget. However, when looking at city-county level, it appears that there might be a phenomenon of budget deficit because all cultural assets have got diverse scale, kind and number in itself. For this reason, it is very important to give some efforts to minimize this kind of problem and then establish institutional measures which are not only systematic but also reasonable. With regard to state-designated cultural property which is based on conservation and management of traditional cultural assets in ChungBuk county, a variety of cultural property preservation have been carried out, on top of that, the protection buildings on the ruins is revealed most highly. What is more, the roof repair action was completed mostly of the architectural heritage. Also, those cultural properties which specified by the state-designated have been done many repairs to the tiling where the most severe exposure externally for the reason that there are a lot of buildings has been a long time. On the other hand, a large number of cultural property can be existed as belonging to the ruins of buildings if the type of cultural assets is not so various as City-Province cultural heritages. As for the architectural heritage of City-Province level, the massive budget is a need for conservation of surroundings rather than the architecture itself. These buildings of ruins have been existed at almost whole ChungBuk area, and it accounts for 42% of total amount in ChunChungBuk-Do. Likewise, the conducted maintenance business is accomplished at higher rate, followed by this, religious beliefs as Buddhism and nature of political defense prominently showed up as for selected buildings of ruins by nation. Regarding City-Province buildings of remains, it is clearly noticeable to come out educational culture and institution as well as portrait event and commemorative figures. As mentioned above, having looked at reconsidering current position and trends of cultural property maintenance business, this is slightly limited as a small part of it and it looks like a huge statistical error to adjudge totality of that. Furthermore, in background of several region, it should be amended the problems concerning cultural property maintenance enforcement and by trial and error and then must be developed. Lastly, our first ancestors preserved more safely and managed our traditional cultural assets which entirely contained our real lives and spirits. That is why I genuinely reckon that the government, local community and the people need to show some sincere efforts to pass down to next our cherished descendants for the future.

      • 도시 개발에 따른 홍수 유출특성의 평가 : 청주 무심천, 충북

        윤정환 忠北大學校 産業大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        This research analyzed the changes of runoff by urban development with SCS-CN and HEC-HMS. Based on the developmental history of MuSim River of Cheongju-si, basin sluice model reflecting the changes of land using characteristics was established. Each calibrated model with parameters are retained as catchment model for simulations of design rainfall, which 100, 200 and 500 year return period rainfalls are estimated with standard method of FARD. The HEC-HMS-2000’s is also established in same way. These two groups of simulations in 1990’s and 2000’s are comparing a response of catchment in terms of flood peak and time to peak. The results of this research can be abstracted as follows. The first, in case of the land using changes by the development of MuShim River–Cheongju basin, the peak flood discharge and occurrence time of 2000s showed respectively the tendency of 100-year frequency (3%~78% increasement, 10.2~16% reduction), 200-year frequency (2.3%~18% increasement, 10.2%~16% reduction) and 500-year frequency (8.5% reduction~78% increasement, 10.3% reduction). The second, runoff characteristics by housing site development of southeast area of Cheongju in 2018 were analyzed. As the result, in comparison with 2000, peak flood discharge was increased by 100-year frequency (0.23~0.73%), 200-year frequency (0.24~0.66%), 500-year frequency (0.22~0.62%). The occurrence time of peak flood discharge was certain. This study examines the effects of land use changing with long term observed data and suggests that the catchment model is useful tool to estimate the effects of land use change on flood characteristics.

      • 충북대학교 토목공학과 학생의 직업유형과 진로선택의 분석 : 홀랜드식 적성탐색검사

        김미경 충북대학교 산업대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        HOLLAND Career Search Inventory on job type and career was tested and analyzed with 4th year(60) students of civil engineering department, Chungbuk National University. The results of HOLLAND aptitude test have a distribution of Realistic type (41%), Social(23%), Enterprising(13%), Conventional(12%), Investigative(6%) and Artistic(5%), and 41% of the students(Realistic type) are suitable for civil engineering. After the analysis up to second code, 70% of the students were categorized in three types(Realistic, Social, Investigative types), which are essential requirements for civil engineering. This group of students could follows in general career program. The results also show that 55% of the students in the civil engineering department have high career identity, 37% average, and 8% low in terms of career identity. And 88% of the total students were above average in career maturity. According to the survey for the career selection among the students in civil engineering department, 73% of the students answered that they are preparing for that with a plan, but 42%, 33%, and 18% of the students answered that they can't prepare well with the resume, self-introduction letter, and interview respectively, which are essential for their career. And 63% of the students answered that they will get a job even thought the job is not related to their major. 49% of the students realize the difficult situation in getting a job currently, and 81% of the students answered that their professors are doing an important role in their finding a job. But in reality, the students are finding the information about the job through the Internet(44%), from their seniors or minors(32%), and from their professors(10%), which shows that active career counselling from the university and professors is necessary. Although more comprehensive analysis is difficult to achieve due to the limited number of students, this study figures out a group of students who need career counselling, and can provide a core data to the department of civil engineering which enable the department to provide a specified career advice to the students based on their personality.

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