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      • 호텔環境認識이 호텔經營成果에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究

        오승철 제주대학교 경영대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Korea has experienced drastic changes in most fields including the economy in the last 50 years or so. And it is going through a current of changes such as financial aid from IMF and new Phase of WTO. It is high time that hotels should do something to survive and advance under these rapidly changing circumstances, domestic and international. More than anything else, it is essential for hotel managers to perceive changes sensitively and plan strategies for hotel management thoroughly. It can have a direct impact on the performance of tourist hotels. External changes for hotels are inevitable. The question is whether they will survive by changing themselves and coping with those changes. In other words, for some hotels the changes may end up prosperous and for others it may result in failure. It depends mainly on the managers' response. The purpose of this study : One is to analyze the environmental factors, to plan strategies, and to grasp possible achievements. Another is to prove and analyze the interrelation among the environments, the strategies, and achievements. The third is to suggest some possible strategies the hotels in Cheju can come up with. To accomplish these purposes, investigation for this study was conducted from August 20, 1999 till September 10, 1999 (for 22 days). The subjects for this study are 178 executive employees working in 43 tourist hotels in Cheju, 250 questionaries were distributed. 190 were returned. 178 out of the 190 were chosen for this study. 12 questionaries were filled out improperly. This study is composed of 5 parts. 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background: environment factors, management strategy and consideration of the achievements of management 3. The current condition of the hotels. 4. The corroborative evidence and its analysis about environment factors and strategies for hotel. 5. Conclusion The actual evidence of this study verifies the hypotheses by using SPSS for Window (Version 8.0). The hypotheses are as follows: 1) The extent to which managers perceive external changes varies depending on the type of strategies in hotels. 2) The possible achievements of management varies depending on the extent to which managers perceive external changes. 3) The achievements vary depending on the type of strategy. 4) The type of strategy varies depending on the characteristics of the hotel, 5) The extent t? which managers perceive external changes varies depending on the characteristics of the hotel. 6) The achievements vary depending on the characteristics of the hotel. The analysis of the actual evidence indicates as follows: First, the extent to which managers perceive external changes varies depending on what kind of strategy a hotel emphasizes. In particular, it is found that the hotels stressing analytic strategy are the most positive about external changes such as competition environment, the complexity and diversity of markets, computerization and investment environment, and regulation and business condition. Second, the hotels which stress the uniqueness strategy in terms of computerization and investment environment but stress intensive strategy about regulation and business condition are more positive about external changes. Third, the external changes have an interrelationship with the achievements of hotels, financial and non-financial. They are also vital variables (or a returning system making it possible to anticipate achievements, Regulation and business condition, along with computerization and investment environment influence the financial achievement. Fourth, super deluxe hotels are found to emphasize both analytic strategy and uniqueness strategy. Fifth, hotels which have task-oriented managers stress mainly uniqueness strategy and low-price strategy. Sixth, super deluxe hotels rather than lower level hotels react positively to changes such as regulation and business condition. Seventh, the more employees a hotel has, the more positively it reacts to changes such as the complexity and diversity of markets, computerization and investment environment, regulation and business condition. Eighth, the extent to which managers perceive external changes doesn't varies depending on which department they belong to. Ninth, super deluxe hotels are better than lower class hotels in both financial and non-financial achievements. Especially, the hotels lower than the 2nd class are higher than deluxe or 1st class hotels in financial achievement. Tenth, hotels run in a franchise system are better than those run in a independent management system in both financial and non-financial achievement.

      • 濟州市 在來市場의 經營合理化 方案에 관한 硏究

        유태복 濟州大學校 經營大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        본 연구는 제주시 재래시장의 경영 합리화 방안에 관한 연구를 하기 위한 목적으로 작성되었다. 이러한 연구 목적을 위해 소비자와 재래시장 상인들을 대상으로 재래시장의 경쟁 관계가 있는 슈퍼 및 전문점, 대형할인마트, 백화점 등에 대한 이용 실태 조사를 하여 시장간에 비교 분석을 통한 재래시장의 문제점을 도출함에 있다. 연구의 이론적 기초로 소매업태 및 재래시장에 관한 일반적 고찰로 시장 및 소매업의 정의, 소매업의 전략 및 운영, 소매업의 종류를 살펴보았으며, 재래시장의 개념과 역할 기능, 우리 나라 및 제주도 재래시장의 발전 과정, 재래시장의 시설 및 유통 근대화 과제, 제주시 재래시장의 현황 조사로서 제주시 지역에서 가장 오래된 동문시장, 서문시장, 보성시장, 민속오일시장 등 4개 시장 상인과 제주시 거주하는 소비자들을 대상으로 조사하였다. 실증적 자료는 설문지를 통하여 논자가 직접 조사를 하였으며, 이 조사를 광범위한 빈도분석과 기술분석, 교차분석을 이용하여 소비자와 사업자의 경영 합리화에 관한 여러 가지 실태를 파악하기 위하여 모든 자료의 처리와 분석은 SPSS/PE+ 사회과학 통계 패키지를 이용하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 위와 같이 조사하여 본 결과 제주시 지역 대다수 소비자들은 일상 용품을 구입함에 있어서 재래시장 보다 교통상 접근이 편리하고 쇼핑 분위기와 구매 활동에 편한 대형 마트를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 그 이유로는 재래시장이 도심에 위치한 관계로 자동차의 이면 도로 정체와 주차장 미비, 소비자를 위한 편의시설 부족, 점포밖에 상품 진열로 인하여 통행에 불편등으로 인한 시장 주변 쇼평 분위기가 열악하여 전반적으로 경쟁 열위를 나타내고 있었다. 따라서 소비자가 불만족한 사항에 대한 재래시장의 개선 방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시장 현대화가 필요하다. 소비자가 상품을 구매 행동함에 있어서 통행에 불편함이 없는 편리한 공간 확보와 깨끗한 위생 상태, 밝은 조명, 등이 필요하다. 둘째, 교통편이 시설이 부족하다. 지금은 자동차를 이용하여 쇼평을 하는 시대로서 주차장 시설이 시급하다. 셋째, 상인들에 대한 판매 및 친절 교육 등이 필요하다. 여기에는 상인들 모임인 번영회가 보다 활성화 되여야 하고 아니면 조직적인 상업조합단체 등이 결성되어야 한다 넷째, 전문화가 필요하다. 대형마트에 없는 차별된 상품이 있어야 한다. 제주도 재래시장 고유의 특색 있는 품목을 재개발하여 업종별로 특색 있고 전문적인 상품을 판매하여야 한다. 제주의 특득한 토속적인 음식과 주류, 그리고 고유의 차별화된 생활용품 등을 판매하고 관광객에는 관광함에 있어서 불편이 없도록 택배 서비스까지 하여야 한다. 다섯째, 제주도는 관광지로서 관광객을 겨냥한 재래시장이 되어야 한다. 그리고 다방면으로 관광객들에게 광고 및 홍보 그리고 안내가 반듯이 필요하다. 끝으로 본 연구 결과가 재래시장의 활성화하는데 유용한 정보가 되어 보템이 되었으면 하는 바램이다. asThe importance of vitalizing Cheju's export cannot be emphasized enough in the present national economic hardship, influenced by the international trade system of WTO and by the IMF system. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate strategies for promoting export of live Cheju flatfish to the Japanese market. The study presents a preliminary analysis of the current status if live Cheju flatfish export and of flatfish import by Japan. It also provides an empirical analysis of live Cheju flatfish export to the Japanese market. The present live Cheju flatfish export status is as follows. The produce of live flatfish by nurseries on Chejudo amounts to 30% of the total domestic nursery-produced live flatfish in 1997. Live Cheju flatfish were first exported to Japan in the early 1990s and its export has steadily been increasing ever since. In the first half of 1998, it was recognized as the most promising export item among different Cheju seafood items of which the Japanese market demands had been growing fast. The future export prospect is very positive due to naturally favorable environmental settings flatfish Cheju nurseries are endowed with, Cheju's geographical adjacency tp Japan, high-quality of Cheju flatfish. With respect to trends in Japanese import of flatfish, Japan is the biggest seafood importer and its import is continuously increasing. Especially, Japanese consumption of live fish is on the rise and thus the prospect of their live flatfish import is very bright. Under the circumstances described above, this study describes problems in exporting live Cheju flatfish to Japan and promotional strategics. Firstly, it is important to foster the "marketing mind" of live flatfish producers on Chejudo so that adequate supplies may be produced and secured for export. Additionally, support for smaller-sized exporting companies, which typically have limited information on the Japanese market, need to be provide. Secondly, in addition to expanding new markets in Japan, continual publicity campaigns are called for in order to highlight uncontaminated Cheju seas. Thirdly, direct transportation between Cheju and Japan should be resumed so that fresh live Cheju flatfish can be exported at low surface rate transportation fees, which will allow Cheju exporters to provide the fish at more favorable prices. Fourthly, concerted efforts need to be made for size standadization, quality ranking system, and upgrading the fish quality. Research is needed in order to promote the quality and gr wth rate of the flatfish thus to promote its quality. Fifthly, more favorable export conditions should be fostered by supporting live flatfish producers of Chejudo with low-interest funds, secure supply of live fish feed, lowered standard for discharging sediment water, and no-tax fuel and low-rate electricity. Lastly, it is advisable to form an exporting business association through which further research, strategy development, informative education, and publicity raising may be boosted. Through the above promotional strategies, the competitiveness of live Cheju flatfish may be lightened and steady increase in exporting of live Cheju flatfish may be expected.

      • 銀行의 顧客滿足經營에 관한 硏究 : 濟州市 소재 C 市中銀行을 中心으로

        한재봉 濟州大學校 經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        These days the circumstances of Korean and foreign finance industries have been drastically changed. Therefore, it is important for a bank to secure fixed customers through their satisfaction of the bank service and in addition to manage the customers not to desert the bank in order to survive the competition with domestic and foreign financial institutions. This research has been made for the purpose for analysis of practical cases on the basis of theoretical facts centering on the bank of C, a commercial bank, in Cheju City. Surveys have been made to confirm how much customers were satisfied with the bank service. The survey of customers' satisfaction degree by the characteristic of population statistics shows difference according to job, while that of their satisfaction degree by formal characteristic shows difference in satisfaction degree about the service of accompanying facilities. There is difference in the satisfaction degree of bank service on the basis of degree of importance and also difference between satisfied group and dissatisfied group concerning the customers' using the bank continually in the future. General analysis shows that the security of savings is the most important element in the bank service and that the convenience of parking facilities is the most important factor in customers' satisfaction degree. The main reason for customers' frequenting the bank is to deposit and withdraw money. When the motivation of customers' choice of the bank is considered, distance is the most important factor. The development of goods to sponsor jobless people as financial goods bank will have to make urgently has the largest percentage of the response. In conclusion, this research presents sectors banks will have to focus on for customers' satisfaction after revealing important factors influencing bank service and reviewing customers' satisfaction degree.

      • 農協의 顧客滿足經營에 관한 硏究 : 濟州地域을 中心으로

        오명수 濟州大學校 經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Domestic financial(banking) facilities should devise survival strategies through reasonable management and competition reinforcement in the rapidly changing financial environment. Therefore they need the positive marketing strategy complying with diversified demands of customers and the customer-oriented & satisfaction management should be propelled as the first assignment in the current management of a company. I strived to grasp the contents and the actual condition of the customer satisfaction management, which is promoted by Agricultural Cooperative, to strengthen the competition in the financial business. I also presented things which should be improved. I applied two following methods to the study : research on theories by documents and data from the inside and outside of the country and positive analysis through research on the actual condition. For this study, I made three customer satisfaction factors such as the products, service, and image of Agricultural Cooperative, then hypothesized the followings : the satisfaction on the products, service, and image of Agricultural Cooperative would be different according to the regular customers, the business period, and the statistical feature of the population. To analyze practically, I gave questionnaires 400 people who is customers of NACF in Cheju and then 344 copies were used for the study except 56 inappropriate copies. As a result of the study, the total average satisfaction degree on Agricultural Cooperative was given 3.388 of 5, the standard degree, and the image on Agricultural Cooperative was given the highest degree, 3.674 in three satisfaction factors. I presented several improvement strategies which was discovered by the dissatisfaction of customers according to the result of the research. Here are strategies : the improvement strategy of the product satisfaction degree, service satisfaction degree, and image satisfaction degree on Agricultural Cooperative. This study, however, has a few problems such as followings : concentrated more on monetary service-oriented management, which is outside customers than employee-oriented management, which is inside customers, and the survey was only completed in Cheju, so there was a limitation in research on opinions of all korean customers. Therefore the study of these two problems should be pursued constantly to analyze customer satisfaction management in detail and find out the way of improving the management.

      • 信用協同組合의 顧客滿足經營에 관한 硏究 : 濟州信協을 中心으로

        김정균 濟州大學校 經營大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Recently the environment of the finance industry has been changed dramatically by the IMF impact. As we know, because of the closing, merger and abolition of financial agencies that we have never experienced before, the banks are trying harder as well as restructuring. Through these efforts, the banks try to recover the survival ability strengthen the competition and attack retail banking market actively. This study is for looking for the strategy of survival and growth, and presenting the plans to overcome the problems. As there is a saying that 'successful banking facilities offer much more convenience to the customer'. Credit Union has considered people its first priority over money, and practiced the management of considering the members of the Union as its hosts a long time. However, we need to pay attention to other banks that practice the smiliar ideas and traditions. The customer satisfaction management is the main concept in the modern marketing and practice. Customer-centered thinking and marketing concepts emphasize that satisfying the customers makes long-term benefits. Cheju Credit Union should deeply analyse the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that the actual proof analysis show, and it should develop the factors of satisfaction and improver the factors of dissatisfaction for the customers satisfaction management. Also Cheju Credit Union needs to change the scale-centered management to the benefit-centered management and make efforts to make customer satisfaction management a priority at Cheju Credit Union. This customer satisfaction management only will be welcomed by local citizens and take a stand as a popular local financial agency.

      • 情報戰略計劃 수립과 업무시스템 再設計 方法에 관한 硏究

        김종훈 제주대학교 경영대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        눈부신 발전을 거듭하는 정보기술은 기업의 업무프로세스- 구매, 생산, 판매, 사후관리, 자금, 회계, 인사 등-의 연계 및 수행에 있어 필수요소로 자리하고 있으며, IT는 비용적인 측면을 넘어 글로벌 경쟁환경에서 기회를 선점하고 새로운 사업영역을 개척하는 기업의 전략에 중요한 수단으로 활용되기도 하며, 예전의 기술적 측면 보다 고객만족, 기업비전과 같은 경영측면에 더 많은 영향을 받고 있다. 이와같은 이유에서 많은 기업 및 공공부문에서 기존의 단편적이고 임시방편적인 IT개발 프로젝트에서 벗어나, 경영기법의 PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action)의 과정의 따른 조직의 목표와 업무현황 그리고 기술현황 등에 관한 종합적이고 체계적인 분석에 기초한 전사적인 마스터플랜을 수립을 위해 정보전략계획(ISP)를 도입하고 있다. 정보전략계획 수립과정도 Plan의 단계만을 가지는 것은 아니며, 이를 실행하고 통제?보완하는 과정을 수반하게 되며, 전체 프로젝트의 관리와 최종 산출물인 정보전략계획의 유효성 및 경영비전 정합성을 위해서는 단순 정보시스템 부문만을 위한 마스터플랜이 아닌 경영전략, 조직, 프로세스 부문을 포함하는 체계적인 방법론을 필요로 하고 있다. 경영 관리도구로서의 정보시스템이 경영전략과의 접목에 대한 필요성이 증대함에 따라 전사적 Plan으로서 정보전략계획의 중요성이 증대되고 있으며, 이의 실행(Do)으로서 전사적자원관리(ERP)의 도입이 본격적으로 추진되기도 한다. 그러나 정보전략계획과 ERP의 도입에 있어 정형화되고 획일적인 절차는 존재하지 않으며, 각 기업의 조직적?제품적 특성과 경쟁상황 및 법규제 등 외부환경에 기인한 요인에 의해 선후 또는 동시 추진의 경향을 나타내고 있다. 또한 경우에 따라서는 두 프로젝트의 수행 시점의 시간차(Time-lag)로 인해 그 내용, 범위, 전략이 변질되기도 하는 경우를 볼 수 있다. 이와 같은 문제를 고려함에 있어 무엇보다 중요한 것이 정보전략계획에 관한 전 구성원의 정확한 이해를 바탕으로 목적과 범위를 명확히 설정하고, 이를 체계적으로 관리?수행할 수 있는 정보전략계획 방법론이 필요하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 경영전략, 조직, 프로세스 분석?재설계 그리고, 정보시스템 구축방안을 포함하면서도 최대한 단순화된 정보전략계획 방법론의 제시를 통해 정보전략계획의 이행가능성과 효율성을 높이고자 하였다. 또한, 정보전략계획과 ERP의 사례를 중심으로 그 범위 및 추진방안을 상호비교하고 이를 통해 효율적인 프로세스 구축 및 재설계 방안으로서 정보전략계획 연계모형을 제시하고, 정보시스템 담당자와 의사결정자로 하여금 IT전략 수립과 프로세스 재설계?리엔지니어링 추진에 따른 체계적인 접근방법의 제시를 목적으로 연구를 수행하였다. Fast-changing IT technology is playing a pivotal role in collaboration and performance of corporate operation processes comprising purchase,production, sales, post-management, accounting and human resource management. IT is utilized as a means of getting opportunity in globally competitive environment and developing business area beyond cost factors. It is more influential in management factors such as customer satisfaction, enterprise vision than technological ones. For this reason, most companies and public sectors are employing Information Strategy Planning(ISP) to establish enterprise master plan, not implementing confined and make-shift IT development projects. The purpose of enterprise master plan is to implement comprehensive and systematic analysis on mission statement, operational and technological status of the organization according to the PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) in management field. Not undergoing "Plan" stage alone, the implementingprocess of Information Strategy Planning(ISP) involves control,complement process. It also requires systematic method including management strategy, organization, process to control overall project and conform to the ISP unlike the master plan for simple information system. As the need for converging information system as a management tool with management strategy is growing, the importance of ISP as a enterprise plan is being emphasized, which explains the introduction of full-fledged Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) at "Do" stage. However,fixed or limited procedure in introducing ISP and ERP does not exist and it tends to occur concurrently or with time lapse due to external factors like product properties of companies, competitive situations and regulations. Sometimes, the time-lag of performing two projects can change those contents, scopes and strategies. Taking these into considerations, it is imperative to employ ISP that can set clear objective and scope, eventually managing and performing ISP under the clear understanding of all organization members involved. This study provides the most simplified ISP method while involving management strategy, organization, process analysis & redesign and information system implementation strategy to enhance the feasibility and the efficiency of ISP. The study compared the scope and the development projects of ISP and ERP. Through this, it provided a ISP connection model as a solution to effective process implementation and redesign and conducted study to provide systematic access method according to IT strategy implementation, process redesign & reengineering.

      • 경영자특성과 회계정보이용, 그리고 경영성과의 관련성

        박혜영 제주대학교 경영대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        본 연구는 최고경영자의 특성 및 회계정보시스템의 이용이 경영성과에 미치 는 영향을 살피는데 목적이 있다. 최고경영자의 특성은 최고경영자의 건설 전 문성과 리더십으로 나누어 살펴보았으며, 회계정보이용은 재무회계정보의 이용과 원가관리회계정보의 이용으로 나누어 살펴보았으며, 마지막으로 경영성과는 재무 적 성과와 비재무적 성과로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 대상은 제주도내 전문건설업 매출 순위 100위 업체이며, 최종 54부 의 설문지를 회수하여 분석에 사용하였다. 회귀분석을 이용한 가설검증 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 건설업 경영자특성(건설 전문성, 리더십)은 회계정보이용(재무회계정보 의 이용과 원가관리회계정보의 이용)에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나 타나 가설 1은 채택되었다. 둘째, 회계정보의 이용(재무회계정보의 이용과 원가관리회계정보의 이용)은 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 가설은 세부가설에서 상이한 결과를 보였 다. 우선, 재무회계정보의 이용은 재무성과에 부정적인 영향을 미치지만, 원가관 리회계 정보의 이용은 재무성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났 다. 한편, (회계정보의 이용이 비재무성과에 미치는 영향에 대해서는) 재무회계정 보의 이용은 비 재무성과와는 아무런 영향이 없는 것으로 나타났지만, 원가관리 회계 정보의 이용은 비재무성과에 양(+)의 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 회계정보이용은 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 가설 2는 부분 채 택되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 전문건설업의 경우 재무회계정보의 이용보다는 원가관리회 계정보를 많이 활용할수록 경영성과가 향상된다는 것을 보여준다 This research targets the Jeju construction industry, and the research purpose is to examine the impacts that the CEO characteristics and the management (or the use) of the accounting information system have on the business performance. The research divided the CEO characteristics into the CEO’s professional competence(the expertise in the construction industry) and the leadership. The accounting information use(i. e. AIU) was divided into the use of financial accounting information and the use of cost management accounting information. Lastly, the business performance was divided into financial performance and non-financial performance. The research targets the 100 best sales companies in the Jeju professional construction industry, and the 54 questionnaires were collected and used for the analysis. The results of the hypothesis test based on regression analysis are as follows. First, Hypothesis 1 was adopted as the CEO characteristics in the construction industry(the CEO’s construction expertise and their leadership) were found to have positive impacts on the AIU. Second, the hypothesis that the AIU have positive effects on business performance showed different results. The use of financial accounting information was founded to have negative impacts on financial performance, but the use of cost management accounting information was found to have positive impacts on financial performance. Meanwhile, the use of financial accounting information was found not to have any effect on non-financial performance, but the use of cost management accounting information was found to give positive impacts on non-financial performance. Hence, Hypothesis 2 was partly adopted that AIU have positive effects on business performance. The results of this research show that the use of cost management accounting information rather than the use of financial accounting information better improves business performance in the professional construction industry.

      • 電力産業의 品質經營 特性과 品質認識 水準에 관한 硏究 : 韓國電力 電力系統建設을 中心으로

        최만식 제주대학교 경영대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Recently, many companies including KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Company) have responded to the volatile business environment such as technological change, high customer expectation, increased competition by embracing a broad view of quality. As TQM can be viewed as the effort that the business enterprise has recently made to enjoy excellent competitive advantage within the market by strategically responding to the dynamic change of the environment, it can be one of the best answer. The purpose of this study is to inquire the factors of quality management in electric power company, examine the worker's level of quality management and relationships among total service quality, factors of quality management and recognition factors of quality management. To accomplish these purposes, 103 workers in electric power company were given questionnaires of which 100 were returned of which 80 were used for empirical analysis. This study consists of 5 chapters: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Backgrounds: TQM 3. Theoretical Backgrounds: TQM of Electric Power Industry 4. Empirical Research 5. Conclusions Frequency, reliability, Factor, T-test, Oneway ANOVA and Regression by a statistical package, SPSS(Ver.10.07) were used to analyze each variable. The result of hypotheses test can be summarized as follows: 1. Factors of quality management are same according to demographic variables such as educational background and age, while some factors of quality management are not same according to variables such as working place and the type of job. 2. The degrees of satisfaction for wage and promotion are significantly different according to the variables such as educational background and age while the degree of satisfaction for working environment is significantly different according to working experience in other companies. 3. Some recognition factors of quality management are related with the factors of quality management. Especially activities for quality improving are the most greatly influencing factor for manager's effort of quality management and communication while leadership and support for improving system. 4. Recognition factors of quality management have positive relationship with the total service quality of KEPCO. 5. Factors of quality management have poor relationship with the total service quality of KEPCO while activities for quality improving has signigicant relationship with the total service quality of KEPCO.

      • 제주지역 호텔의 객실 수익률 관리에 관한 연구

        강용협 濟州大學校 經營大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The guest room commodity of hotel has been the simultaneous characteristics as a production, sales, and consumption at the same time and the guest room commodity which isn't be sold on the day reveals to be an invisible loss. Occupancy of guest rooms and average room rate have been used as the measure of the estimate in evaluating Room division. Food & beverage and the other revenue are depending on guest room occupancy rate of hotels which have little background of the market size of resort region. The hotels in Cheju have revealed the peculiarity of the resort hotel that the room revenue has been higher than that of F&B and other revenue. Therefore the management of hotels is carrying out the priority of the occupancy rate. But the hotels in Cheju suffer from the management side because of the numerical decrease of the foreign tourists and the preference of the honeymoon tourists to foreign countries. The annual repetitious increase of the payroll cost has no choice but to come to a new crisis. Accordingly to make profits and grow as the developmental hotel enterprise, Yield management policy is strongly required to change from the management policy focused on the priority of the occupancy rate. Yield management has been developed for the first time in America by the airlines which had been suffered from the extreme competitive system after the amendment of the Airline Deregulation Act at the end of 1970s and the level of the supply was so uniform that it had been widely applied to the industry which had severe fluctuations. This thesis consists chapters and the 1st chapter Introduction, the 2nd chapter the theological background on the theory about the decision of guest room rate and Yield management, the 3rd chapter has been analyzed to inquire an instance of the room division management in Cheju. The instance study has been used as a method of such study as policy of guest room rate of hotels in Cheju, and the reality of the management, potential revenue, the actual revenue, the comparative analysis of occupancy rate and Yield. In chapter 4, the lack of recognition about the policy of such reservation, marketing, and Yield management which are the weak point has been found and then the method to renovate such problems has been shown. In chapter 5, the synopsis of this study and the limit point of the study have been described as a conclusion. Yield management is the policy to maximize revenue in supplying rooms to the customers with rack rates or low discount rates in high demand period and to improve profits effectively increase occupancy rate with high discount rates in low demand period. Therefore Yield management is the way to maximize the room revenue by the forecast of demand and inventory management. That is, the purpose is to improve room revenue by providing the right message to the right kind of customer at the right time. So Yield management is the method to provide the art of information system, the statistics of the probability, the theory of the organization, the experience of the enterprise and the integrity of knowledge. To carry out Yield management, proper data and processing system, reservation optimization model, and the forecast of demand in target market through segmentation should be required. In the hotels of Cheju region, the reservation policy and the demand should be strongly required to increase the occupancy rate of individual guests who tends to make more profit than the group tour relatively. Especially the employees should recognize Yield management newly. The competitive power should be strengthened by the marketing strategies for nitch market and activating the value-added rooms, and finally preparing hotel information system.

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