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      • 한국 군체육행정의 역사적 고찰

        강병원 동국대학교 행정대학원 조직관리전공 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        The purpose of this thesis with a title, "A historical study on the national military physical Administration", is to reveal the im[rotance for my historical consciousness. The term 'history' has a characteristic forming a two cycle of "a phenomenon of repetition of problems and solutions." But the torning point of the cycle is not always same because of the short of historical consciousness of each of our peopleit could be resulted from the egoism that pursues a private interest instead of a public one. Such a result has claimed many lives and properties of our people. In the 'Sonja war tactics', there is a word which says "prepared well and no anxiety". The most important thing is to prepare before well enough to stop any kind of conflict or war. In 1961, the north korean puppet regime signed a mutual assistance treaty with both Red China and Soviet Russia, forming their own system of safety assurance. Their GNP of the year of 1974 was 350 million dollars, yet their defence bugdet were 77 million, dollars, which fact clearly tells us that they are just crazy to prepare for another aggression. Dr P.V. Allen at the Hooner Research center in the U.S.A. and another military experts once warned that Korea could become the second pearl Harbour in history judging from the fact of North Korean aggressive war preparation, the imcompleteness of defence situation of south Korea, and the tunnel incident under the D. M. Z. highly increasing offensives of North against South evezy year and the infiltration spy to South. In this report a study was made to observe the present administrative structure in national defence physical education breaking down into personnel, organization, and appropriated budget. A comparison was also made between our physical education and many of actual condition of other countries in the world. It is very hard, from the viewpoint of administrative limitation to control and manage the forces of army, navy, and air force with existing physical educational structure and actual function above fact, and the short of physical training, leaders makes it real hard to achieve the training objectives as of today. Imcompleteness of training facility, the sense of employment after military service duty also addes problems to this field. Such a conclusion judging from the historical consciousness makes me feel it essential to establish a military physical educational school. Furthermore, it will make us pos sible to cultivate instructors and helpers of physical education. So that military educational administration will take strong steps in developing physician's circumstances as a means of contributing to national security system. And it will make good progress in efficienty and ability to distribute a instructor and a helper as a unit for the purpose of all forces with Oan in Taekwondo. To prepare efficiently for the North seeking aggressive to South every minute, I am sure that establishing Military Educational school will greatly contribute to the strengthening of personal power and military potentials.

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