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      • 商業系 高等學校 會計分野 敎育課程 改善에 關한 硏究

        권창순 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to give the basic data to need in improving curriculum in order to elevate accountants' working ability efficiently by comparing and analyzing the need degree for the present state, for the value in evaluating of the future and for improvement of business teachers and accountants about the account field's curriculum in business high school. The survey tools which made through the preparatory inspection were written as 40 inquiries according to curriculum objectives, curriculum subjects, teaching-learning process, and evaluations. 350 teachers and 350 accountants were inquired. The result acquired from 250 teachers and 236 accountants is as follow. 1) Teacher evaluated actual condition of account curriculum afirmatively than accountant. 2) Teacher evaluated direction for the future of account curriculum highly than accountant. 3) The result which analyzed teacher's the need degree for improvement of account curriculum is as follow. (1) In the need degree of improvement curriculum objectives, emotion area is stronger than functional, and cognitive area. (2) The need degree to improve curriculum subject appears in the order of tax account, commercial book-keeping, manufacturing booking. (3) The need degree to improve teaching-learning process is comparatively strong. 4) The result analyzed accountant's need degree to improve account curriculum process is as follow. (1) The need degree to improve curriculum objectives appears strongly in the order of emotion, function, cognitive area. (2) The need degree to improve curriculum subject appears weakly in the order of tax account, manufacturing book-keeping, booking-keeping account text, commercial book-keeping (3) The need degree to improve teaching-learning process appears comparatively strongly. (4) The need degree to improve evaluation appears strongly. 5) Teacher's the need degree to improve account curriculum was compared to accountant's. The need degree to improve curriculum objectives appears in the order of function, cognitive, emotion area. The need degree to improve curriculum subject appears strongly in the order of tax account, manufacturing book-keeping, commercial book-keeping book-keeping and account text. Accountant's need degree of improvement for teaching-learning process is much stronger than teachers'. 6) Teachers' need degree of improvement for account curriculum is affected by sex and career. 7) Accountant's need degree of improvement for account curriculum is affected by sex, career, types of business, scale of business, and origin of account knoweledge. In short, account field's curriculum in business high school should be improved to meet the standard of anticipation in industry getting out of curriculum objective, curriculum subject, and teaching method using in these days. That is, account curriculum should be improved to reduce the differences between industry and business school.

      • 韓國畵 敎育에 관한 調査 硏究 : 忠南·大田地方 中學校를 中心으로

        김정목 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The objective of this research aims at showing the basic direction of the desirable education of Korean painting with studying and analyzing the consciousness structure of art teachers in the middle school and the realities of art classes of Korean painting. The study on the consciouness structure include boty the point of view on the proffession of education and the relation between the teachers' consciousness structure and art education. As for the realities of classes of Korean painting, the curriculum and the problems in instructing Korean painting, the degree of interest for them and educational environment of art have been dealt with. The methodologies take for this research are questionaries the objects of the research are 104 out of 176 middle school in Taejon and Chungchungnam-do that responded to it. The processing of the data is made based on the percentage of reply frequency by each item. The results of the data analysis are as follows; 1. The are teachers' viewpoint on th profession of education. 1) Most of art teachers choose the profession of art teacher to develop their inborn talents and aptitude. 2) As for the degree of satisfaction on the profession of education 28.8% of all the answers are "satisfiel". The younger ones are satisfied less than the older. Women satisfied more than men. The reason of their satisfaction is their feeling of the worth of teaching, while the dissatisfaction is due to the shortage of the opportunities for their work as well as lots of works to be done and too much classes to be given. 3) If they would have opportunities to switch their profession, 22.1% of them hope to have professions not to be concerned with art. Only 26.9% have pride concerning their profession comparing with their artists. 4) As for the ideal image of art tearchers, most of them like the teacher with good personalities and the next is the teacher who continues to produce their works. 2. The relation between the teachers' consciousness structure and art education. 1) Most of teachers have the negative expectation on the achievements of the objective of art education. As the reason for it, they point out their losts of works and too much classes. Moreover, the pressure of students' having to take the entrance examination of high school causes the biased phenomena to teach the theories of art, they say. 2) The presuppositions for the desirable art classes are the teacher's good nature and personality as well as the educational philosophy of art, sufficient educational facilities and the reduction of too much works and classes. 3) Most of teachers respond that the periodical reorientation such as a training abroad or in the university is needed for a certain period for the improvement for the art teacher's talents. 3. The survey of the contents of guidance on Korean painting. 1) The amount of hours assigned to Korean painting on the current art curriculum is insufficient and the normal guidance on Korean painting is not made in more than 50% of all the schools because of many kinds of reasons such as the shortage of educational facilities, materials and the teachers's major in another field of art...etc. 2) A careful guidance for the students with special talents of Korean painting has rarely given. Because of various kinds of reasons, a number of students have rarely visited the exhibition for th appreciation of Korean painting. The appreciation activities are confined to reffering to the works only in the textbook instead. 4. The educational environment and the degree of interest in Korean painting 1) The problems that almost all the schools meet in the face are the shortage of the art room and the teaching aids essential to the art education. Also, as for the degree of interest in Korean painting, in comparison with the teacher's high interest, only 41.3% of the students show the interest. This is because of the shortage of opportunities of appreciation of Korean painting in their primary school days and the inconvenience in preparing for the materials. 2) The rate of students preparing for the materials in the class of Korean painting is usually 53.8% and 22.1% don't prepare for the classes. Also, in the survey of the contents of the textbook, 68.3% of answers point out the necessity of the presentation of basic technique and 21.1% the necessity of the addition of the existing unit. With findings stated above, for the desirable education of Korean painting, first of all, the review of the entrance examination system of high school for normal art classes in the middle school is required. Schools are also requested to secure various facilities needed for art classes. But it is the most important thing that teachers have the positive attitude for the study of textbooks as well as continuous self-training for the improvement of their instructing abilities.

      • 우리나라 市民敎育을 위한 社會科敎育의 役割에 관한 硏究

        박진상 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is that how much Social Studies contribute to Citizenship Education in Korea, and whether or no it helps to bring about social development in future. Here, Social Studies is used for the meaning of integrated Social Studies containing Geography, History, Politics, Economics and Socialogy. Citizenship Education is indentified as education for development the quality of citizen which is required by the society today. This study is accomplished through the theoretical method based on analysis of literature, the subject of investigation is attached to the Social Studies after liberation and I refered to the varios theory which have been widely used in Japan and U.S.A. to emphasize the theoretical basis. I investigated the follows through this study. First, the education of Social Studies is the most important of Citizenship Education in Korea. Second, Citizenship Education is a representative education containing the needs of times. Third, when a country decides on the idea and details of Citizenship Education, it must select the best democratic method. Fourth, what we have to do now is not only to revaluate the relationship between the education of Social Studies and Citizen Education but also to attempt to study to synthesize the whole field of learning.

      • 高等學校 環境敎育의 强化 方案에 關한 硏究 : 地球科學 敎科를 中心으로

        정희 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        These years our country has attached importance to economic development focused on the rapid economic growth. Also our country has made light of the problems of the nature preservation and the environmental pollution. Therefore, the environment of our country has become influential in a serious actuality. In this light of my opinion, I presented the various ways which can improve and develop the teaching methods focused on the earth science in high school. The first of all, I inquired into the environmental education of the world. As a result, I chose, organized and prosented the environmental infomation and dealt with the teaching method.

      • 高校 現行 物理敎育課程의 實驗을 爲한 補充資料開發

        한준동 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        In the current-curriculum of physics in high school begining from 1984, th intensifid factors to be taught are as follows; reconstruction of the present experimental apparatuses, moderate manufactures of necessry applicance, the collection of proper materials dewlt on characteristics of the communities. It is an urgentp problem that we should devise the new physics apparatuses and improve them to reform the inquiry physics experiments effectively. These days, a current physics curriculum needs various experimental methods such as necessary, optional and extracurricular experiments, and so on. So it is necessary to devise and improve the experimental apparatus which can be diversified experimental method. The purpose of this study is to devise and improve the new qualitative experimental apparatuses suitable to the students' intellectual level in inferior group and the new quantitative experimental one in superior group as well, through the analysis of experimental contents for the current physics curriculum. These apparatuses corrected several times through feed fack in the pilot course. In this paper, the apparatuses devised and improved are as follows; 1. Apparatus for observation of simple harmonic motion. 2. Apparatus for gerneration of circular stationary wave. 3. Apparatus for observation of charge particle motion in the magnetic field. 4. Apparatus for observation of refraction of wave. 5. Apparatus for interaction force between the two paralled currents.

      • 勤勞靑少年敎育을 爲한 産業體 附設學校의 實態에 대한 調査硏究 : 大田·忠南地域을 中心으로

        이강국 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        It has been emerged as a tacing task of current education that it helps adolescents, who will make our future society, find themselves and lets them grow in the right way, even though they are in complex social environment. the number of industrial high school students working at day and studying at right under the different cultured circle from that of other general high school students' is up to 33,237 at 38 schools all around the nation. The system which has given the opportunity as a desirable system in the astects of individuals as well as the society and ration. But industrial high school students are lacking in time for study. Tired of physical libors during the day time, they have difficulty in studying. In additions the units of curriculum barely keep two thirds of general high school students'. Also there rise so many problems to industrial high school students because of the conflict of different values between the school life and the job life. Thus, enterprises themselves established the industrial high schools, making every effort to improve their welfare by giving the opportunity of education to working abolescorts who have played a great role in the economic development of our country. But they have revealed problems and limits in terms of the traits of their won educational system even though they have grown remarkably. By investigating the demands of students and teachers and analyzing the present educational circumstances and problems, in this thesis. I will offer some helpful data for the educational of industrial high school.

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