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      • 정보사회 진입을 위한 한국의 상황 분석 및 대처 방안 연구

        김수성 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Some Futurists have a common opinion that the future society could be the 「Information Society」. Their perspectives, however, are largely divided into optimistic and pessimistic views in term of how the Information Society will effect the human beings. According to the recent studies, there are quite a few problems followed by the Information Society that possibly appear in underdeveloped information countries. Furthermore, the globalization of the developed information countries with transnational corporations could enhance the informational dependency of the underdeveloping countries such as information gap and invasion of privacy. Therefore, we have to make our own way into the information society by ourselves. To do this, the study has considered the 「Industrialization of Information」 and 「Socialization of Information」 in two steps for the ideal movement toward the Information Society in Korea. As a conclusion, Korea has relatively well structured hardware sectors of the Information Society, even though Korea has poor software sectors like human resources, education and the law system that can be a structural flame of the Information Society. To solve this imbalance of hardware and software, the study suggests that Korean has to promote the political, governmental system to build the desirable Information Society. Added to this, the study concludes that Korea has to build 「Information Society by its own style」 after utilizing its present situations and limitations.

      • 內部者去來規制에 관한 硏究

        박재홍 慶星大學校 政策情報大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        Considering the actual circumstances in our country where there is neither the Securities Exchange Act like the United States, nor the accumulation of judicial precedents, nor detailed laws and regulations like Japan, nor the independent special law like England, it is doubtful whether various regulations of such Securities transactions law could be satisfactory results or not. In this thesis, the improving directions for the problem points based on research and examination executed until now are presented as follows : First, the efficient exercise of investors' claims for damage shall be guaranteed. For this, only when Class Action System of the United States or Verbankdsklage of Germany is induced and the method to be able to exercise claims for damage shall be studied for all the insiders and the contrary buyers and sellers, the effect of the purport of legistration for protection of investors can be attained. Second, for the system of regulation of the insider trading in accordance with the Securities Exchange Law in force, the enumerating method of the range of insiders shall be converted to the exemplifying method, and the range of information receivers shall not be limitted to the first iformation receivers but shall be expanded. For the range of inside information, the concrete standard of financial information shall be exemplified as above mentioned, and the market information shall be included in the inside information. Third, it is desirable to induce the subsidy system being applied by the United States Law in order to aim activation of investigating right of the Securities and Exchange Comndssion. According to the Regulation of the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act(ITSFEA) enacted in 1988 in the United States, SEC shall pay a subsidy within 10% of civil fine at its diseretion to those who furnish useful information regarding the insider trading, and it is considered that it has come to the time to induce it to our law, too. Fourth, it is necessary to enact a special law in order to regulate the insider trading. Considering that many countries in the world are strengthening the law and regulation concerning the insider trading, the effciency of regulation of the insider trading shall be attained by a single law like Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act., March 11, 1985 of England. Lastly, in view of the reality that our securities market is propelling rapid opening and glovalizing under the IMF organization, the effective countermeasures for the insider trading shall be studied by building up cooperstive systems between multi-countries th many Western countries and inducing advanced technical support.

      • 여성단체 활동 실태와 활성화 방안 : 복지활동을 중심으로

        정현숙 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the activities of the women's groups. Among the various goals stated in the article of association by each group, the major concern in this study has been anchored in those which are welfare-related. Those goals identified then will be examined if they are actually carried out by the groups' operations. The results of this analysis would contribute for planning activation schemes of women's groups in the area of welfare. The research subjects of this study are 20 women's groups which are enrolled in the Association of Women's Groups in Pusan, Korea by the time October the 1st, 1996. These groups report their annual operational activities and plans to the Association of Women's Groups. Although this study utilizes the groups in one metropolitan area, it would not be too much problem to generalize the results from this study to other groups in other areas which are operating in similar environment. The major research method in pursuing the study goals stated above is content-analysis technique. The articles of association and annual operational reports of those 20 groups are analyzed by content-analysis method, and they are further probed by using face-to-face interviews and/or telephone interviews with the reporters of those documents. The results of this study are as follows ; 1. 85% of the groups analyzed in this study have some kind of stated goals of welfare in their articles of association. 43% of the goals stated by the articles of association are identified as the ones which are related to welfare activities : for example, women's quality and welfare improvement, community welfare improvement, contribution to improving national health & welfare, various consultations on women's problem. Additionally, 26% of them have further specific goals on welfare-related activities as in operation of community welfare centers and welfare institutions, vocational education and fee-free job referral services, research activities on social welfare problems, welfare activities for the victims of nuclear bomb, disaster-relief activities, et cetra. 2. The major activities related to welfare and actually carried out by the groups (about 22% of the activities) are the visiting services to the institutions of the aged, orphanages, and correctional institutions, the helping hands for the needy neighbors like unfortunate juveniles, single-mother families, living-alone aged, and so on, which can be defined as charity activity. 3. Most of the professional association groups give their major concerns in the areas of membership trainning, professional skill improvement, and welfare improvement of the members. Although most of these groups have increased their activities annually, the area of welfare-related activities is not expanded. More specifically speaking, increased are the activities as in environment preservation work, interchange programs among association groups, continuing education for members, women's quality improvement, international exchange programs, and so on. Welfare related activities are, however, not followed by those increases. It is required for the women's groups to give their concerns and efforts in the welfare-related activities. It is required because their articles of association state to pursue those goals. As follows are the activation schemes for the welfare activities of women's groups: 1. New members should be kept to be supplied in order to make the women's groups to vitalize. The attitude and capacity that new members would bring into the groups are essential for this purpose. It is also essential for the groups to make better and efficient management of existing members. 2. Democratic leadership should be established. By doing that, members' opinions will be reflected to the operation of the groups. 3. Proper incentives and educational opportunities should be given for the line-staff of the groups. 4. For sustaining and developing the women's groups, financial self-reliance is required.

      • 재가노인 가정봉사원의 활동 실태에 관한 연구

        김태백 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        This research is on the actual condition of activity of both paid and unpaid home helpers who are offering services to the old staying home. therefore, this research is basearch is based on the questionaire made by 188 home helpers working attached to 6 social welfare facilities for the old located in pusan from Febuary 25th to March 27th in 1977. the main result of questionnaire are as follows. First, all respondents are consist of 85.8% of women and 14.2% of men, most of whom are women. Wholly, their school career is higher than high school graduates and most of them have no jobs, including housewives. While home helpers whose staet of living is relatively stable show higher rate of participation in activity, paid helpers have lower standard of living than unpaid servers. Most of them have more than 2 children and people whose children's age is more than that of middle-school student have a tendency to take in activity more energetically. When considering these result, I could find that housewives who have lots of spare time. were spending much time on social service activity. Second, it is said that most of home helpers became to know this srevice program through the introduction of religious group rather than public institutes or social welfare facilities, which results from the lack of publicity by those institutes. Home helpers' activity period is becoming shortened, because their sense of duty is decreasing on the contrary their economic burden and assigned time are increasing. Consequently, measures are to be taken in many aspects to continue long-term activity. Helper's visiting number of times per week is once in the case of unpaid servers, more often than three times in the case of paid servers, Moreover, the higher their children's age is, the longer their service time is. third, in their degree of satisfaction about activity, the higher their living standard is and the younger they are, the higher degree of satisfaction they have. it they are faced with some conflicts or difficulties during the activity, they usually solve the problem with the help of the person in charge of dealing with social welfare. However, there are a lot of troubles in the way of connection with the old who are supposed to get services. It shows that helpers' opinions are never reflected In the procedd of selecting service receivers, in addition, policy of institutes in charge is poor in it. Most of female helpers feel uncomfortable to old men and male helpers to old women, so home helpers' opinions essentially must be reflected in choosing service receivers. Fourth, their services are limited to non-specialized services, serving meal, execution for administrative tasks etc. not satisfying changing demand ofthe old, even if it is a medical services(27.7%) that they really want to get from servers. thus, social welfare facilities or government should give positive aids to let the old enjoy satisfactory nursing service by offering them expert human resources and strengthening the area of services to search the ways to fulfill their desire especially related to health problem. Fifth, to activate this service system, finding out home helpers who have strong service mind, making best use of supportters' committe, encouraging continuous education for home helpers, economic aid and active public relation and so forth must be done by govermment or social welfare facilities. Sixth, in terms of payment, most of respondents considered it positive to pay helpers, specificallt, older people and those who earn higher income agreed, while those who earn low income expressed negative attitude about it. Also, home helpers hoped that government or non-profit organization should take charge of payment problem. Seventh, it is said that they want to get a substantial reward for their services such as obtaining a certification of qualification, tax benefit, government's economic support, and society's recognition of their experience in getting a job and in terms of activity cost, unpaid servers want to get just small amount of money like traffic cost or food expense, while paid servers are feeling the lack of expenses. Therefore, it is very desirable to adjust the amount of pay properly in order to keep and manage human resources for a long period. And also, because many of them want their educational curriculum to be composed of practical knowledge(37.0%)and exercise. it must be supplemented by education of practical exercise which enables them to approach skillful nursing training, rather than simple assistance to house chores. Untill now, I have described about the actual condition of home helpers' activity and its problems. In conclusion, systematic and effective plans must be taken into deep consideration continuously to solve these problems, ultimately in order to make this home service activity vigourous.

      • 수형자의 개방처우에 관한 연구 : 가석방예정자 생활지도소(관)를 중심으로

        이병렬 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        Today vigorously discssing matter, Open Treatment is opposite to Closed Treatment old Rehabilitation type. Open Treatment have been proved that it could not only humanize the execution of a sentence but also lower a second offense rate and contribute to criminal political measure object that is, smooth rehabilitation of inmate Therefore Korean correctional welfare policy is going in taking a serious view of improving edfication to inmate. This Study extracts some samples of facilities operating Open Treatment Chon-an Kun-san, Masan Correctional institution, educes 100 inmates in there, analyze the actual conditions and desire of Open Treatment and acquire the way to help inmate readjust himself to society. This dissertation consists of totally five chapters and if we summarize some important survey results, it will be like after. First, one chapter one suggests the aim or way of inquiry, and the extent or limitation of inquiry. Second, chapter two as a theorical part observes examination of good conduct and concept, developed course, form of Open Treatment. Third, chapter three describes way of investigation including goal, choice of survey target, handing the data and way to analyze. Fourth, chapter four analyzed each level training program through survey results and analysis, it appeared that short-term inmates were chosen to be prospective parolees more than long-term inmates. As a improvent about it is change of Open Treatment that is prospective parolees have to be long-term inmats. Who are superior in execution grade. We have to prolong training period from two months to six months and settlement of training program, human resources must be supported preferentially. In addition to we must go side by side with selection of job that can help inmates readjust to society after they liberate as to outside work program, and by operating furlough system and more active operation of the self-governing committee, institutional devices that handle the pain of inmates must be prepared. Somewhat, by introducing Conjugal Visiting System and Weekend Imprisonment in a Guidance Center for Prospective Parolees, it can prevent not only sex problem of inmates but also disharmony caused by being detained in facility for a long time. Fifth, chapter five as a part of conclusion. A Guidance Center for prospective parolees fundamental goal is through level treatment for each inmate to readjust to society, and emphasize that it must be effective and real Open Treatment through improving training program or using useful resources from community by better relationship with a community. On the basis of These results, to activate a guidance center for prospective parolees, a certain type of Open Treatment, We can recommend two ways as follows. First It's the political access to Correctional Welfare. ① Level training operating in a guidance center for prospective parolees have a great expectation in preventing second offense. Level training have to be runned as the unit of the Regional Correction Headquarters so that it can play a role as pre-release Guidance Center with prolonging training period and exploitaiting program. ② Most of the inmates in a guidance center for prospective parolees are approaching release. So, in the selection of prospective parolees, We had better choose a long-term inmates, superior in execution grade, as the prospective parolees than short-term inmates. ③ To run effective correction program to readjust society in each level education, I think it is desirable to employ professional technique or Correctional Social Workers. ④ About a problem of magnifying Open Treatment, inducing Conjugal Visiting System and Weekend Imprisonment must be considered. Second, it is practical access to Correctional Welfare. ① For preparing a design of his lift after liberatioa Keeping relationship with family, solving sex problem of inmate, we must help them readjust to socity after they liberate, through perfect being under sentence by using the rehabilitation of the inmate. ② A guidance center for prospective parolees each level training program is a readjusting training to society, in preparation for liberation, and it must be closely connected with a community. To achieve this, there must be activation in vocational training after inmate liberates, and more we must make the most of resources from community so as to identify acommunity with a correcting institution. ③ In conclusion, when a inmate has a trouble while he is under sentence, exploitation of the consulting skill must go side by side with education of the professional consultant so that they may properly counsel the inmate.

      • 都·農 統合型 行政區域 改編의 評價와 課題 : 統合 金海市 中心으로

        백웅영 慶星大學校 政策情報大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of changes are appearing in the administration and whether expected effects of Urban-Rural Integration are really appearing after Integration in case of Kimhae city that was converted to Urban-Rural consolidated city on May 10, 1995 and to consider the problems Kimhae city should solve thereafter. With regard to the scope of this study. The meaning and background of reorganization of administrative district were considered and for which administrative changes and problems were grasped through the process of Urban-Rural consolidated city and the assessment of administration of Kimhae city. And then, that the developmental problems Kimhae city should solve thereafter were discussed. As a study method, documentary records, interviews were referred to. Especially, research reports and stenographic records of local congress as documentary records were used and informations through interviews with related of officials and inhabitants were collected. The notion of Urban-Rural Integration appeared concretely from when Fridman and Douglas of America suggested a model of Urban-Rural development of Growth Pole Development Theory and Basic Need Theory. Originally, Urban-Rural Integration is a positive regional development strategy to attain the aim of regional development on national land level through mutually complementarily connected development of the function and role of city area (industrial part) and rural area( agricultural part) getting out of usual practice of regarding them as separated area. Especially, the meaning and problems of Urban-Rural Integration were pointed out in this study. The whole process until the integration of Kimhae city was also explained and then investigated the changes and shift of administrative district. The re-distribution of manpower by means of reorganization of administrative institution in the respect of administration was considered, (financial structure and credit reduction in the respect of finance was analyzed, the installation and management of Public facilities and the actual condition of investment for district development were investigated, and the inhabitants 'unification and their consciousness in respect of inhabitants' participation and consciousness were considered, some of which were required for the times after the integration based on Kimhae city by assessing the operation of Kimhae city after the integration. In developmental stage of Kimhae city after Urban-Rural Integration, as it is converted to local self-government, it needs to stress efficiency that is suitable for local management times along with the pursuit of democratic administration. Kimhae city, therefore, in the process to solve, from now on, should raise political and administrative capability and form flexible organization by of official renovation and improvement of administrative organization as well as it should points out the direction to strengthen the function of department in respect of policy and administration. In respect of finance, it should raise the balance of distribution of services and financial sources, expand its finance and relieve its financial straits. In respect of regional development, it should overcome local egoism by means of improvement of land use through rearrangement of living space and functional reinforcement of continuance. In respect of inhabitants' participation and consciousness, its raise of cooperation system of inhabitants and officials, civilization and maximization of participation passage were considered by arranging the foundation of inhabitants' participation. As a result, in Kimhae city, effort and wisdom that maximize the good function and minimize dysfunction are required in order to make it a chance to develope as being faced with new administrative changes. And, because, in Kimhae city, only about 2 years have passed since representative institution was organized, which was elected by civil through local election, it may be too early to discuss the result of the operation of local government and Urban-Rural Integration, However, in this study, in order 13 set up competitive administrative system that can cope with the changes of future society, and especially in the local government times, and because there are many possibilities that contrast and conflicts among various interests (between urban and rural, center and periphery, among civil self-governing bodies, inhabitants and government, local congress and executing institutions, head and sub-head of a body, and etc.) could be aggravated all the more, it is important to establish a new administrative system along with changes from disbelieving and conflicting relation to believing and cooperating one by reorganizing those between the concerned parties.

      • 태화고무장갑 커뮤니케이션 전략 수립 프로젝트 보고서

        최근식 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        1970년대 말 국내 고무장갑 업계는 영세한 가내공업수준으로 20여社가 산재하여 나름대로 시장을 구분하여 영업하고 있었다. 이에 1979년 태화라텍스(주)는 기존 고무장갑 업계에서는 차별적인 기술력과 재력으로 고무장갑 시장에 뛰어 들어 오늘날까지 마켓 리더의 자리를 고수하여 오고 있다. 그러나 현재 태화라텍스(주)는 IMF 체제로 인한 전체 시장 규모 축소 및 경쟁사들의 공격적인 마케팅활동으로 인한 시장 잠식 등 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 태화라텍스(주)의 공장 가동율은 1998년 9월 현재 전체 설비의 50% 수준으로 떨어질 정도로 전체 생산량이 축소하였으며, 경쟁사 "마미손"으로 브랜드 스위치가 증가하면서 시장점유율도 줄어드는 상황이다. 태화라텍스가 이러한 위기를 극복할 수 있는 새로운 커뮤니케이션 전략이 절실히 필요한 때라 판단되어 본 전략을 수립, 제안하게 되었다. 이 전략안은 태화고무장갑이 처해있는 환경 분석을 바탕으로 문제점과 기회를 도출하고 마케팅 전략을 재검토하여 커뮤니케이션 기본전략을 수립, 이를 바탕으로 크리에이티브 전략과 매체 전략을 수립하고자 하였다. 전략안은 현재까지의 관행과 경험을 바탕으로 한 기획 방법이 아니라, 가능한 이론적 근거(광고전략모델, 광고이론)에 기초를 두는 전략적인 광고 기획 과정을 도입하여 태화고무장갑의 문제점을 체계적으로 해결할 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 하였다. ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 광고기획의 흐름은 환경 분석을 통해 회사(태화라텍스)의 강점과 약점, 그리고 태화고무장갑의 제품 특성과 가격 경쟁력, 유통, 광고 등을 분석하고 이러한 환경 분석에서 나타난 분석 자료를 기초로 광고 전략을 수립했다. 광고 전략은 광고의 목표, 목표 소비자의 세분화, 브랜드 컨셉트 설정 등으로 수립된다. 이렇게 수립된 광고 전략은 광고 표현 전략으로 집행된다. 또한 표현 전략은 각 광고 표현의 목표, Theme, 전략/전술로 작성되며, 이를 효율적으로 전달 할 매체 전략으로 이어진다.

      • 불교 조계종 승려들의 노화관련 욕구분석

        황혜진 경성대학교 정책정보대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The problems of the old age treated as the social ones today are characterized such four pains as poverty, disease, loss of duties and loneliness. The problem of the Buddhist monks' aging, though they are independent groups, doesn't have an alternative plan of the Buddhist religious order, nor any national alternative plan like the general old people. This thesis surveys the monks' desire-analysis connected to aging based on the physical economic, psychological, and social aspects with the theory even the monks' countermeasure after aging. The target of this fact-finding survey is two hundreds thirty-one male and female monks over fifty years old at the Chogye temples located in the national five cities. This thesis has the aim to classify the problem of the Buddhist elderly monks which hasn't been systematized until now through the research on the actual condition, and then I hope that the Buddhist circles will utilize this as the basic data to deal with the problem of the elderly monks as a important policy. There are the alternative plans, centering on the result of the desire-analysis connected to the aging. 1. The General Characterization: male monks were 48.9%, female monks were 51.1%, and the average age was 66 among the whole respondents. 2. The Physical Problems: though most of the monks were healthy, the rest of them had geriatric diseases such as arthritis, hypertension, duodenal ulcer, and so on. They preferred to go to drugstores rather than go to hospitals and it took much time to use a medical institution. The religious order has to enlighten the importance of health care, to establish the policy for a medical examination as a precautionary measure institutionally, to organize a religious hospital each ares, and to settle the trasmit system of medical service for the monks who have the diseases of the aged. 3. The Economic Problems: 72.7% of the monks said they provided for their old age, by storing up, receiving their pension, and insuring. The elderly monks' economical problems seem no to be serious because of the money collected from offerings at a Buddhist temple unlike the general old people. Yet the elderly monks need support and settlement, so the religious should prepare for unexpected accidents. Because clergymen' aging guarantee, especially an old-age pension, have been carried into effect in the other religious systems, the Buddhist circle should solve the elderly monks' problem of income-guarantee. 4. The Psychological-social Problems: the monks want to get a monk' body in the next world, so they have the positive view upon death. The urgent problems among them connected aging were that the first was health, the second ascetic practices, the third economy and the last loneliness. The half of the monks said that the responsibility for the duty of supporting after aging was up to themselves, but the rest of them said the responsibility was that the first was the religious order, the second a monk who was first in line to succeed his master, the last the dwelling temple. The religious order has the responsibility of the social welfare service for monks to the highest degree, and so it has to establish a welfare system to give service through intervening and consulting the monk client's practical problems. As the subject of the public welfare is a government, the subject of the public welfare of the Buddhist has to be the religious order. The religious order has to take steps for the monks' welfare in the view of the public welfare for their guarantee after aging. And it has to strengthen the effort to establish the welfare measures from the dimension of the religious order that tries to systemize the welfare operation for a middle or long period. The ideal world, Pulkookto, which the Buddhism longs for, isn't far away. I hope they will fulfill the welfare society by activating the Buddhist public welfare and then achieve the Land of Happiness(Perfect Bliss) in realities of life we live now.

      • 지장신앙에 나타난 사회복지사상

        정광채 경성대학교 정책정보 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        ZIZANG faith means the teachings of ZIZANG Bodhisattva, one of the many types of Bodhisattvas. Whatever temples one were to visit in Korea, one would immediately see the many shrines within the temple complex. One of these shrines would be called ZIZANG-JEON or MONBU-JEON, These shrines' main Buddhist statue is called ZIZANG Bodhisattva. In Korea, Mahayanist Buddhism is widely spread and deep-rooted, that is developed by Bodhisattvas' various swears. Among the swears, ZIZANG's swear is focused on the saving people; he wanted to save the last one in the hell and to help them could be delivered from anguish. For this reason, he decided not to become a Buddha. His swear of saving the last one in the hell is similar to purpose of social welfare in the view of people respect. Purposes of social welfare are liberating people from anguish and poverty, and offering more comfortable and peaceful life. As a monk who defies ZIZANG Bodhisattva, I want to make cleat what are similar points between a basic thought of ZIZANG faith and that of social welfare. Then, I'll establish a theoretical frame of social welfare that is in ZIZANG faith. To attain this purpose, studying the Buddhist sutras is used. First, I want to define the basic thought of ZIZANG faith. I studied "The Buddhist sutras concerning the ZIZANG Bodhisattva" that include 『DAESEUNG DAEZIP ZIZANG SHIPRUNKYOUNG』, 『ZIZANG BOSAL BONWONKYOUNG』, 『SUNAK UPBO ZUMCHALKYOUNG』. I also studied books and records of precedent studies concerning ZIZANG faith. Second, for defining the basic thought of social welfare, I studied many books, research papers and research reports. about social welfare. In the contents of my study, first, there are philosophical backgrounds of the basic thought of social welfare, and studying various theories of many social welfare scholars. Although the scholars' theories are various and different in their focuses, all of them are sharing these basic concepts; people respect, offering opportunities based on freedom and equality and nation's responsibilities for human life. Second, there is general understanding of ZIZANG in whole fields of Buddhism. The basic thought of ZIZANG faith consists of four concepts; the concept of the last times, the concept of the netherworlds, the concept of the promise of saving all sentient beings and the concept of sharing the power of the enlightenment. Among these concepts, I study two; the concept of the promise of saving all sentient beings and the concept of sharing the power of the enlightenment, because these concepts are based on mercy theory. Mercy theory is the Buddhism's basic thought that is the most similar part to the basic thought of social welfare. Third, I study the correlation between the basic thoughts of social welfare and those of ZIZANG faith. The thoughts of social welfare consist of people respect, equality and nation's responsibilities. The thoughts of ZIZANG faith contain mercy theory, the concept of the premise of saving all sentient beings and the concept of sharing the power of the enlightenment. After studying the correlation, I find that there are similar parts between them. Although I study only ZIZANG faith, I really hope more study about another Bodhisattvas is done in the future.

      • 佛敎社會福祉의 基本思想에 關한 硏究

        전준호 경성대학교 정책정보 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        Nowadays Korean Buddhism seems to have little interest in the society. But the idea of Buddhism is to be realized in So-ciety. So that the Buddhist theory of social welfare as one method for more active socialization of Korean Buddhism is necessary to be establsihed. Human being must stant at the point of defining the concretive objets focusing on the fact that they have particular principles as human beings while under the control of uniform and universal laws in the restriction of social existence in the general social walfare, the economic and social measures meet-ing poverty,disease and adaption in the phenominal aspect of man's life, based onthe social welfare. Social services need the gradual and variable extension according to the shiftness of the man's high degree desire from the basic degree through the increase of income and high scholarship and emphasize the spiritual and social psychololgical aspects along with material aspects not only in the curative and post aspect through material support which are main concerns of the social welfare up to now but the preventive aspect cent- ering on the preventing poverty. In Chapter Ⅱ, An Outline of general theories for social welfare and definition of buddhist welfare. This study observes the concepts and practical meaning of social welfare, and buddhist social welfare commensurate with it. There are serveral important factors in order to understand the existing theory of social welfare as follow. This study considers the how to define the concept of welfare itself in the special characteristice of buddhism. In Chapter Ⅲ, The substance of Baddhism and the concept of welfare. That is needed to get rid of the mental and the corporeal afflictions with the charity of buddha. In Chapter Ⅳ, This chapter observes the concepts and practical meaning of social welfare of the West, and buddhist social welfare. The Study considers the concepts such as living things and mercy, gratitude, equality, bodhisattva based on Satras. Besides on the ideal types in the Satres of welfare state at which buddhism aims through the West's view on Sukkavati. In Conclusion, this study presents a relif measure in the the sense of the word which can be acquired from the execution by mutual cooperation among buddhist cicle, social state civil bodies, individuals.

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