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      • 단체급식 식단작성 컴퓨터 프로그램의 개발

        김현진 東國大學校 産業技術大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        다양한 데이터 베이스 프로그램중의 하나인 Microsoft Access 97을 이용하여 단체급식 식단작성 프로그램을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서는 식단 작성의 가장 중심이 될 수 있는 밥, 국, 주반찬의 조합을 기본으로 하였으며 주재료, 조리방법, 주양념의 중복을 피하고 계절 감각을 고려하였다. 또한 단체급식에서 가장 어려운 문제중의 하나인 식재료비의 관리를 위하여 총원가를 게시하였다. 프로그램의 개발은 우선 Excel에서 기초 데이터를 구성한 후 Access로의 변환을 통하여 데이터를 이동시킨 후 레이블을 구성하였다. 이렇게 만들어진 테이블을 토대로 질의, 폼을 구성하고 질의를 토대로 하여 보고서를 만들었다. 선택질의, 명령버튼 마법사, 폼마법사등 각종 마법사를 이용하여 프로그램을 활성화시켰다. 본 프로그램으로 인하여 보유하고 있는 데이터의 조회 및 활용이 용이해 졌고, 식단작성 시간이 단축될 수 있으며 다양한 데이터를 자유롭게 활용함으로써 변화있는 식단을 제공할 수 있게 됨으로 피급식자의 만족도가 높아질 것으로 기대된다. A computer program for menu plan of institutional food service was developed with Microsoft Access 97 which is one of the most useful software for dBase. Main factor was based on the combination of cooked rice, soup and entrees. The overlapping of main material, recipe and main condiment was avoided and seasonal preference was considered. In order to manage the total expenses of food, the cost was estimated as a report. The procedures to develop the computer program were as follows. First, basic data was built with Excel software and were concerted into file compatible with Microsoft Access 97. The data file was made as table form. Second, query and form were made with the table and report was from the query. Third, the final program was built by select query, command button wizard, form wizard, etc. The computer program could make the looking up of data available easily. The process time for menu planning was shorten and various approach for the data became possible. Finally it is expected to enhance the consumer's satisfaction by using the computer program.

      • 식사 메뉴 안내용 전문가 시스템의 개발

        오혁수 東國大學校 産業技術大學院 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        전문가 시스템(expert system) 개발용 software 프로그램 중의 하나인 "EXSYS Professional"을 이용하여 일식(日式)의 "기사 메뉴 안내용 전문가 시스템"을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서는 식사 메뉴에 관한 전문가 지식을 컴퓨터 프로그램화하여, 컴퓨터로 하여금 인간 전문가와 같이 이해하고 판단케 하여, 고객에게 메뉴를 안내할 수 있는 식사 메뉴 안내용 전문가 시스템을 개발하였다. 이 과정에서 고객이 메뉴를 선택할 때 일반적으로 고려하는 요인들을 전문가의 질문으로 만들었고, 그러한 고객의 상황과 계절, 건강 및 기타 특성 등을 종합하여 고객의 선호에 알 맞는 메뉴가 안내되도록 하였다. 본 시스템은 호텔의 경우, 각 업장별로 이용할 수도 있지만, 호텔 전체식당의 메뉴를 한대의 컴퓨터가 고객에게 사람처럼 대화 식으로 안내해 줄 수도 있다. 또한, 각종 연회나 행사의 계획용 전문가 시스템으로도 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 이 전문가 시스템은 현재 경영, 제조, 의학, 기술, 군사 등 기타 여러 분야에서 개발, 연구되어 왔으나 식품 산업 분야에서 전문가 시스템의 활용을 위한 연구는 아직 미진한 상태이므로, 식품산업에서도 전문가 시스템을 적용하면 경영, 제조, 판매에 이르기까지 전 과정에 걸쳐 크나큰 발전을 기대할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. A computer expert system for guiding Japanese style meal menu has been developed by using EXSYS Professional which is one of expert system developing software tools. The expert system understands the situations of clients, and can guide the menu as human experts do by its software program with expert knowledge about the meal menu. In developing the expert system, the elements the clients consider when selecting menu were arranged as questions of the expert system, and the final outcome of the expert system resulted in selecting the final menu appropriate for the client demand, weather, health, etc. In hotel, the expert system can be shared by whole restaurants, and be directly a computer guider to the clients to tell the best choice of the menu. Besides, it can be used for various kinds of bangquets and events. Expert system has been developed and studied by business managers, manufacturers, medical fields, and military field. But the studies for applying the expert system in the fields of foods have been scare. Through this study, therefore, the expert system is going to be applied more widely in many fields of food events.

      • 수류탄의 크기에 관한 연구 인간공학을 중심으로

        강도영 東國大學校 産業技術大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        This has been studied regarding to the size and the safety of the hand grenade that Korean army are using, so that the hand grenade can fit their hand and the accidants can be minimized during the training of throwing the hand grenade. The hand grenade(K400) that Korean army are using has been made based on the size and the weight of American hand grenade(M61,M67). On comparison of both sizes, the size of American hand grenade(M61,M67) is larger than that of Korean soldier's hand and so this has imposed burden on human factors. This focused on the design for the human engineering of the human grenade by analyzing items caused by human errors during the training of throwing the hand grenades. The methodologies of study are as follows. First, Survey was performed to find out the size, the surface, foolproof design and the safety problems of the hand grenade fitting on Korean soldier's hand and then to investigate the needs for improving the problems of the hand grenade. And, it could be focus on the surface handing for preventing the sliding during the throwing of the human grenade and, the design the foolproof design is available. Second, the hand grenade throwing experience has had it found out that hand grenade fitting the size of the hands can be thrown away farthese. Third, the measurement of passing or failing rate which the hand grenade are throwing inside 1m. circle within 30m has had it found out that the accurancy(an everage error and passing rate) of hand grenade fitting the size of hands. Fourth, SD(semantic difference) survey with 13 of hand grenade throwing member has been perfomed for the size, surface, foolproof design, safety and the type of hand grenade. Therefore, this study has found out that the design for human engineering of hand grenade can minimization of the safety accidents, also it helf and the farther and the more accurate throwing of the human grenade during the training of the hand grenade.

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