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      • 昌原市 駐車行政의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        신민철 昌原大學校 行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Though the parking space is relatively bigger than other cities, Changwon city's parking disturbance level is very serious. Especially, the parking disturbance at the downtown business areas and large apartment areas during the night time is more serious than any other cities, in terms of, entrance interruptions of emergence vehicles and disputes between neighbors. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to present countermeasures of the parting administration through parking facility supplies and parking demand suppressions by analyzing the present conditions and realilies about parking managements. To do so, the researcher understood domestic and foreign cases and academic articles, studied the notions and theoretical contexts of the parking administration, and conducted interviews with officials and investigated of officials' and residents' cognitions with survey questionnaires. The content extent of parking administration was divided eight fields. They are parking reality, parking space, parking policy, parking facility, parking demand, parking control, and new system induction and personal characteristics. Each content field was studied by two to four detailed contents. Personal characteristics, such as, gender, age, education, income, job, etc. are studied by comparing the detailed contents. The divided reason is to present the causes and solutions of the parking disturbance because these field are related logically. The results of the study are the followings: First, cognition differences between officials and residents were obviously significant, in terms of, the degree of parking disturbance, the preference of parking policy, the need of parking control, and the agreement of new system induction. Second, the relationships between officials' personal characteristics and the cognitions about general parking administration were relatively insignificant because officials have similar cognitions in the same public organization culture. Third, the relationships between residents' personal characteristics and the cognitions about general parking administration wore very significant because residents have different cognitions in the diverse social cultures. To improve the parking administration, therefore, the enlarged supplies of parking lots, the expansion and consolidation of annexed parking lots, the extermination of illegal parkings lots, the efficient application of existing parking lots, and the improvement of parking management systems are inevitably necessary. In company with these improvements, the induction of resident first parking systems, the expansion of a completely charged parking management department and its staffs, and the establishment of rational parking consolidation plans must be accomplished as soon as possible.

      • 지방의회 행정사무감사의 발전방안에 관한 연구 : 창원시 의회를 중심으로

        김철곤 창원대학교 행정대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        The key role of city council is to manage an administrative body by determining policies or plans, approving expenditures and inspecting or auditing. Two of their roles such as determining policies and approving expenditure need speciality to perform, and this makes city council take less leading position against an administrative body. In spite of this, the city council is still regarded as an essential body to determine policies and plans because city councilors are responsible as a voting members of Council to represent and balance the interests of its citizens. Along with an administrative environment has recently been specialized, the importance of the role of 'check and balance' of a city council has also been growing. The most important role of council are direction and approval, and city councilors are bestowed to inspect a local government. The performances, however, are less evaluated to be a successful and satisfying than we expect. This research analyzes the present conditions of the way which an administrative inspection is being done and also present comprehensive ways to improve its role. (This research focuses on the case of Changwon City Council.) The whole process of an administrative inspection is divided into two steps, which are an Inspection-preparation step and a real-Inspection. There are three analyzing factors at an Inspection-preparation step such as 1) which organization will be inspected, 2) what questions councilors ask to local government for a effective inspection and 3) how to train councilors and advisory groups to be prepared for a real inspection. At a step of a real-Inspection, three things like 1)how long councilors spend inspecting 2) how many days councilors attend the meeting and 3) what results from their performances councilors get are dealt with.

      • 창원시의 세계화 추진 실태 및 정책 방안

        박상범 창원대학교 행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to examine the globalization policy of Changwon and make some suggestions for the change of the policy. As a literal study, many theories on the globalization, the background of the policy, and the response of the local government were studied. For the actual state and the policy change, the requisites for globalization: the foundation of the city, the administration system, and the program are examined. Generally, the globalization means the pursuit of the first in every fields in the world. In other words, it also means the pursuit of the universal values such as the conscious of the community, democracy, respecting people's life and dignity, and the market economy by leading the world order. The strategy of a local government for the globalism is to open the door to the world completely and not to loose the unique features of the local. The city of Changwon is the first planned city in Korea and has the provincial government of Gyeongsangnam-do. It is now developing as a international city with the infrastructure which is the most competitive in Korea. The administrative system is modifying to meet the requirements of the globalization. It has many overseas training programs for the city officials. In addition, as part of the globalization policy, the city has many programs; academic and cultural exchanges with other countries, attempts to host international sports games, and founding Union of Machinery Industrial Cities in Northeast Asia. The city is also trying to be a member of The Alliance for Healthy Cities. However, although the government is trying hard, people of Changwon does neither raise their awareness of the globalization nor participate in the globalization. Foreign workers in Changwon city has been neglected. Their working environment is very poor and they live in impoverished neighborhoods. People are worrying that because of these, there might be so many crimes. Nowadays, it is demanded to have a new specialized local business which involves with the high tech in Changwon industrial park. The smaller business needs to have support systems from the government. In September of 2005, Changwon Convention Center will be open. Thus, there will be many foreigners to take part in international conventions. Dealing with these events, it is requested to have the event personnels volunteers trained. After examining the issue, it is concluded that the globalization of the local government is an surviving strategy in the time of localization and decentralization. The local brand should be a product to make known to the world. To take part in the globalization, people need to become aware of the active participation and the open mind that the world is their neighbour.

      • 행정환경 변화에 따른 통·반제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 창원시를 중심으로

        신인철 창원대학교 행정대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Tong·Ban system has existed before local entity system was enforced. Because of the reason, it is expected to play a role as roots for local entity in Korea. We can see Tong·Ban is a junction or a point of intersection where administration ideas of local government and citizens' ideas will be able to contact and harmonize each other. So it is one of stratums which will be able to play an important role in local administration. Moreover it can be stage where grass-roots democracy will be realized so-called and by which execution plan can be suggested for citizens' discussed and integrated common interest. Even if Tong·Ban system must be changed according to the transition of administration environment, there was lack of will for change in government policies as well as few studies for this field. Therefore, the study for this field is very important to enhance efficiency of local entity system. Firstly, from this point of view, the study searched for actual transition about duty and role of Tong·Ban's head according to change of administration environment and examined role of Tong·Ban system as sub-structure of Dong system at present. Secondly, the research found out problems of Tong·Ban system managed in city government synthetically and finally it drew desirable reformation plan of the system.

      • 자치행정에 대한 주민참여 실태에 관한 연구 : 창원시민에 대한 의식조사를 중심으로

        황양원 창원대학교 행정대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        To improve the local autonomy, it is required to have citizens participate in decision making. Under this assumption, this study looked at the problems and elements of the current policy regarding to citizens' participation in order to better participations of citizens. This study aims to find ways to improve the local autonomy through the participations of citizens. It was analyzed the problems and participations of Chanwon citizens in order to initiate more participation of citizens. The findings are followed.. First, the participations of citizens can be effective when there is an positive environment of participating. Next, to initiate more participations, citizens' need to have positive attitude toward the local government. Spite that, the attention to the government was very low. Changwon citizens had deep understanding about the local government but they had vague ideas about how to act on according to their understanding and to the local development. Fourth, citizens who had been participating the decision making were few. Authority is the next problem found in this study. The citizens were motivated to participate in decision making but they were approaching it unofficially. This says about how deep the roots of attitude toward authority in Korean government administration is. Last, limiting citizens' participation were caused by citizens themselves and the adminstration government. Based on these problems, the followings are suggested to make more participations. At first, the local autonomous government needs to provide the conditions to the citizens, in which the local government shall respect the compound needs and voices of citizens. Then, it assumes that citizens should take heed of the local government administration in order to make more participations among citizens. Additionally, it is needed to use and reorganize the mass media, including public education, booklets, advertisements in press, to make citizens understood deeply about the government administration. Next is how to bring citizens voluntary participation, To do this, it required that the government provide a development plan for better neighborhood: an educational opportunity to have voluntary participation and to raise the awareness: and a new way of thinking that all ideas from citizens should be respected equally. Fifth, the citizens' participation should be institutionalized in any form. In conclusion, the quality of citizens' participation is decided by citizens themselves. No matter how much policies are changed, informations are on public, decentralization is on going, or the bureaucracy has changed to have more participation, there won't be no hope for citizens participation with the leadership and attentions of the citizens.

      • 민원행정서비스에 대한 고객만족도 분석 : 경상남도청을 중심으로

        여태성 창원대학교 행정대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Currently various administrative agencies show high levels of interest in administrative services to increase customer satisfaction. Moreover, providing quality civil services has become a priority among government agencies that even offer identical civil services to the public. Both central government agencies and regional government agencies are not free from this phenomenon. Thus, not only central government agencies regularly examine window customers' levels of satisfaction with civil affair services but also many regional governments that have interests in improving civil affair services continuously analyze customer satisfaction. In addition, as the needs for administration of regional governments are changing rapidly, it is imperative for the governments to actively deal with such demands by prudently examining levels of customer satisfaction with those civil services that regional governments provide to the public. Accordingly, this study was initiated to closely examine factors affecting levels of civil affair administration services in Gyungsannamdo Provincial Office and thus to analyze the causal relationship between civil affair service factors and customer satisfaction. To effectively accomplish such purposes of study, this study attempted to apply both literature review and survey methods. Survey was conducted with the provincial residents that visited the office's civil affair administration service window in order to acquire a variety of authorization and or permission from the regional government. The survey questionnaire was developed through reviewing literature that deals with civil affair administration services and factors. The data collected were analyzed by using SPSS and following findings were derived from the study. The core service among the provincial office's civil affairs was relative to processing passports of the residents and thus most of civil affair administration services are accruing from processing passports. Among other service factors, accurate and fair treatment had the highest level of satisfaction in horizontal impartiality factor. Therefore, the office is required to improve the current administration system and thus provide fair administration system to the public. It is also important for the office to increase levels of customer satisfaction with civil affair services and thus the office needs to regularly examine levels of customer satisfaction with what it is offering to the public, to create factors conducive to the improvement of administration system and operation system and thus to construct appropriate administration process as a whole. Horizontal impartiality among civil affair service factors had the direct effect on level of customer satisfaction and thus the office needs to create an administration organization that successfully cope with negative environmental service factors, to effectively handle with public complaints and thu to improve relationship with the public. In conclusion, the current study also had several limitations and future research ideas are suggested as follows based on them. First, this study attempted to collect data through a questionnaire survey. Future study can verify the quantitative results by employing in-depth interview and in-field observation. Second, literature review has implied that a variety of factors are relative to civil affair administration services and thus more comprehensive sets of service factors can be applied to better examine the civil affair service construct. Finally, by examining civil affair administration service factors and customer satisfaction with them, models for civil affair administration services can be established for regional government agencies to apply to the field and improve levels of civil affair administration service.

      • 韓ㆍ日 地方自治團體의 監査制度에 관한 比較 硏究

        諸潤億 昌原大學校 行政大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        최근 참여정부의 지역균형발전 정책에 따라 중앙의 권한이 지방정부에 대폭 이양되고 자치행정에 대한 자율권이 대폭 확대되는 등 자치행정에 대한 책임성과 투명성이 그 어느 때보다도 요구되고 있다. 그러나 아직도 지방자치단체장의 독단적 · 전횡적 행정운영, 선거를 의식한 선심성 · 과시성 행사와 지방공무원들의 줄서기, 인 · 허가업무 등 자치행정의 고질적 병폐가 줄어들지 않고 있다. 이러한 병페적 요인을 근절하기 위해서는 대부분의 자치단체들이 감사의 필요성을 인정하면서도 실제 수감 시에는 이를 거부하는 사례가 발생하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 부정적 현상을 해결하기 위해서 한 · 일간의 감사제도 및 양태에 대한 비교 연구를 통해 본 논문은 다섯 가지 유의미한 이론적 성과를 도출할 수 있었다. 첫째, 한국의 국정감사는 국정조사권과 더불어 국정전반에 대하여 감사가 이루어지지만 일본에서는 특정사안에 대해서만 이루어지는 국정조사권만을 가지고 지방자치단체의 자율권을 대폭 인정하고 있다. 둘째, 한국 감사원의 감사범위는 법령의 규정을 떠나 현실적으로 기관위임사무, 단체위임사무, 자치사무, 직무감찰 등 지방자치단체에 대한 포괄적인 감사가 이루어지는데 반해 일본의 회계검사원은 국가가 직접 또는 간접으로 재정 지원을 하는 사무에 대해서만 회계검사를 실시한다. 셋째, 일본의 중앙 성 · 청의 감사는 중앙 성 · 청과 관련된 특정사안과 민원이 제기된 사안에 대하여 회계검사를 주축으로 하면서 성과감사를 포괄하는 일원적 체제로 이루어지지만 한국의 감사는 회계검사와 직무감찰로 이루어지며 회계검사 내용에 성과감사를 포괄하는 이원체제로 이루어져 있다. 넷째, 한국은 자치단체 내부에 자체 감사담당 부서를 두고 주로 하급기관이나 직속기관과 사업소에 대하여 복무감찰과 회계감사를 실시하지만 일본은 복무감찰과 회계감사를 이원화 하고 있다. 복무감찰은 행정 감찰실에서 회계검사는 감사위원회에서 담당하고 있다. 다섯째, 한국은 주민의 행정에의 간접참여 방식으로 주민감사청구제도와 시민감사청구제도를 취하는 반면에 일본은 주민의 직접참여의 방식을 시행하고 있다. 위와 같은 한 · 일간 지방자치단체의 감사제도 및 양태에 대한 비교 연구로부터 한국 감사제도 발전 방향에 대한 조감도를 추출할 수 있었는데, 이를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지방자치단체 내 준 독립적 감사기관 설치를 검토해 보아야 한다. 한일간 지방자치단체 감사제도 중 가장 두드러진 차이는 집행부 내 독립된 감사위원회의 설치를 들 수 있다. 한국의 집행부 내에 설치되어 있는 감사담당 기구를 일본의 경우처럼 준 독립적인 지방자치단체 내의 감사위원회 설립을 신중히 검토해야 한다. 감사위원은 재무관리, 경영관리, 행정식견이 있는 자나 지방의회의원 중에서 지방의회의 동의를 얻어 단체장이 임명함으로써 어느 정도 독립적인 지위를 얻을 수 있다. 지방자치단체 내에 감사위원회를 설치하여 자치단체의 회계 · 경리를 감사함과 더불어 각종 시책을 평가하는 감사와 평가를 일원화 하는 시스템으로 바꾸어야 한다. 그리고 그 동안 감사의 실효성 문제로 논란이 많은 지방의회의 행정사무감사를 폐지하고 대신 지방의회는 감사위원회에 감사를 청구할 수 있게 하여 집행부의 예산 집행을 견제하고 회계의 전문적 지식이 필요한 부분은 감사위원회에 감사를 전담하게 함으로써 감사의 효율성을 높일 수 있다. 지방자치단체의 감사위원회의 설치 운영은 지방자치단체의 국정감사 및 지방의회의 행정사무감사와 연계하여 제도적으로 개선해 볼 필요가 있다. 한국의 감사제도 하에서는 같은 내용을 국회, 감사원, 중앙행정기관, 지방의회가 감사하는 제도상의 중복이 시정되지 않는 한 감사의 중복감사 논란은 계속될 것이다. 둘째, 지방행정의 활성화를 위한 외부 감사인제도를 설치 운영해야 한다. 지방분권화 추진으로 지방자치단체의 행정 운영에 큰 변화를 가져오고 있다. 많은 중앙사무가 지방으로 이양되어 중앙정부의 권한과 책임이 지방자치단체로 이전되었다. 지방자치권의 활성화는 곧 중앙정부의 감시 기능이 약화될 수밖에 없다. 따라서 중앙정부의 감기기능 저하로 초래되는 지방행정의 폐해를 지방행정의 감사기능 강화로 보강되어야 한다. 지방행정의 원활한 추진과 자체감사 기능을 강화하기 위해 외부감사인제도을 신중히 검토해 보아야 한다. 외부감사인제도는 자치단체 감사의 공정성과 독립성, 전문성을 확보할 수 있다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있다. 지방자치의 본질이 중앙정부로부터 상대적 자율성을 가지고 중앙통제가 아닌 주민 스스로의 통제를 의미하므로 감사 역시 중앙감사를 줄이고 주민이 스스로 자치 감사를 강화하는 제도적 개혁이 필요하다 셋째, 지방자치단체에 대한 국회의 국정감사 제도를 폐지해야 한다. 지방자치단체의 활동에 대한 합법성, 합목적성에 대한 통제는 일차적으로 지방자치단체의 자체감사나 지방의회, 주민을 통한 감사에 의해 이루어지는 것이 바람직하다. 지방자치단체는 국정감사 및 조사에 관한 법률 제7조와 지방자치법 제36조 제3항에 근거하여 국가의 위임사무와 재정지원 사업에 대하여 국회로부터 수감하고 있다. 현행법상 자치단체의 고유사무라도 국가의 재정지원을 받는 사업은 국정감사의 대상이 된다. 하지만 자치단체의 고유사무는 그 지역적 문제를 그 지역의 주민의 뜻에 따라 결정하고 집행하는 것으로 국가의 재정지원을 이유로 국가가 개입하는 것은 삼권분립의 취지와 자치단체의 본질을 손상하게 된다. 지방자치단체의 자율성과 자기 책임성을 확보해 주기 위해서는 국회의 국정감사권을 폐지하는 것이 바람직하다. 넷째, 감사요원의 전문화를 위한 제도가 마련되어야 한다. 신규 공무원 선발 시에 감사업무를 수행할 필요한 자격증이나 전문적인 지식과 기술을 가진 사람이 선발되는 제도적 장치가 없는 한 지자체내에서의 전문 감사관 선발은 현실적으로 어렵다. 또한 기존의 감사요원으로 감사를 수행하기 곤란한 전문지식이 요구되는 전문분야 감사에 대하여는 외부의 전문 감사인력을 일정기간 계약직으로 채용하여 합동감사를 하는 것도 좋은 방법이 되겠다. 다섯째, 적발위주의 감사에서 성과위주, 시책감사 위주로 감사의 정향이 전환되어야 한다. 현재 감사는 회계감사 및 직무감찰이 중심이 되고, 지나치게 합법성을 강조하는 적발위주의 감사를 수행하고 있다. 처벌위주의 감사를 지양하고 합목적성과 성과달성도를 측정하는 위주로 감사방향이 전향되어야 한다. 여섯째, 상급 감사결과에 대한 구속력 확보하는 근거를 마련해야 한다. 중앙 감사기관의 감사 결과 또는 광역자치단체의 감사결과 등 상급기관의 감사결과 처분지시에 따라 하급 지방자치단체에서는 징계처분 등의 후속 조치를 하게 되어 있다. 그러나 상급 기관의 감사처분 지시가 구속력이 없기 때문에 하급 지방자치단체에서는 처분 지시상의 조치를 제대로 반영하지 않거나 아예 무시하는 경우가 발생하고 있다. 아무리 전문적 감사를 실시한다 하더라도 처분지시가 적절하게 이루어지지 않으면 부정한 행정처분은 개선되지 않을 것이다.

      • 지방의회 의정활동의 실태분석 - 창원시의회를 중심으로 -

        김주일 창원대학교 행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        In the era of localization, the role of local council is very important for the development of local government. Local government takes various roles as citizen's representative entity. Local council, mainly try hard to enhance citizen's welfare and improvement of local community, and it is done by exercising power given to local council. The main rights of local council are law-making, decision budget, administration-watch roll through administrative audit, investigation, petition etc. These activities of local council requires regular analysis and evaluation. Because development will be done with accurate analysis on the real world, and by put the proper solution into actual life. There were lots of criticism about activities of local council mainly from news medea. But there wasn't thorough analysis on exercise of their right and couldn't reach in preparing solution. Though it has passed 15 years since local council has been formed, there were lack thorough analysis on activities of local council as citizen's representative entity. This analysis on activities of local council present chance to evaluate previous council's activities and guide to establish ideal council's activities, furthermore. It can be a good guideline to recover it's position, positively, as decision maker of local policy. Therefore this study arms to find out the way to activate future roles of local council, based on the analysis of situation of local council, as representative body. For this purpose, this study analyzed Changwon City Council, and compared the result with account of all country. Through these analysis, the author could suggest various policy for the development of local council.

      • 地方議會의 機能活性化方案에 관한 硏究 : 昌原市議會를 中心으로

        정한식 昌原大學校 行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Local autonomy means that habitants of a certain area organize local autonomous authority based on laws and legal power and habitants themselves elect their own representative and solve their local issues where they have independence from central government. We can find systematic core from local council. Local council is systematic provision and inevitable authority which enable local autonomy as absolute existence. The biggest good point of local autonomy is to overcome uniformity of central government and eventually, to place municipal policies which meet its local situation, of which require local leader in order to do it. Even thought councilmen need capability and specialization as representative of local habitants, in fact, they have lots of unsatisfactory points. Additionally, during past several years and even though local council have lots of developments, local council have still lots of inadequate points. During past 12years, when we see legislative activity of local council, Changwon city council has devoted to lots of efforts to set up complete settlement of localization which develops decentralization of local authority accordingly and finally, authority and role of local council are improved while it is trend that status and position are more improved. However, it is true that there are somewhat insufficient points of local council's functional activities which are not better than local inhabitants expect due to various problems. This means that citizens' role expectations toward city council are enlarged and strengthened greatly but, role and function of local council does not reach expectations that citizens wish. Therefore, in order local council come up with expectations of citizens' changes positively, legislative activities until today should be evaluated and correct assessment should be taken. Based on them, it should be established desirable council activity's image. And internally, sound competitions between each council members should be induced in order to proceed active legislative activities. Past time is period that local council's existence itself is meaningful while today is period that local council is doing more materialized procedures of it authority and function and finally, it finds out meaningness of council's existence through results of its activities as administration watch-dog, policy maker and person who solve habitants' issues. By this authority and function, local council could get respect and confidence as representative authority and could proceed active, efficient right on accelerative globalized era. The society of future will be the society that competitive power of localization is competitive power of its nation. It is said that globalized world's future will be era of single economic belt where border disappear. Therefore, Korea's future of 21st century depends on competitive power of local self-governing authorities. However, like current situation, unless consciousness and attitude of central government are changed, local self-governing authority's future in Korea will be hopelessness. Per local self-governing authority, measures for local competitive power improvements have not been existed but, measures for restraints and regulations have been continued. Even though figures of public officials are not important, thinking method and activities of public officials are the matter. Structure and figure of organizations and authorities are not the question. It is the question that what kind of work and how much of work are mentioned authorities doing? From now on, persons in charge of policies reform at central government should be changed more truly and practically.

      • 地方議會의 行政事務監査에 관한 硏究 : 慶尙南道議會를 中心으로

        최진옥 昌原大學校 行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to analyze local council's inspection of the administration with special reference to Gyeongnam Provincial Council This study has revealed that there are many problems in the local council's inspection. These problems are as following. First, the amount of councillors' demand for the written data is too much. To solve this problem, all data needs to be computerized. Data can be accessed everytime. So, the executive body can minimize inspection data to enhance the effectiveness of administration and to be possible for councillors to collect data without difficulty. Second, every year the period of council's inspection of the administration is within 10 days. Compared to the time given, there are often too many agencies to be inspected. These may lower the effectiveness of council's inspection of the administration. To solve this problem, agencies for inspection should be distributed to the standing committees evenly. Third, there is little professionalism among local councillors. This occurs because of lack of experiences in council activities, background differences, short knowledge of a local administration, and lack of supporting person. It is needed for local councillors to have attaining knowledge of self-governing administration, knowing laws, continuous education, supports in collecting data, and more aids for their assembly activities. Fourth, there is a need to run effective inspection of the administration. It needs some plans to reduce times for field inspections and to focus on only policies for inspection. Fifth, after the inspection, all members of the standing committee may need to participate and to discuss self evaluation to improve and develop better local council's inspection of the administration in the future. Sixth, local council's inspection of the administration is not only to point out the problems of administration works. It is to inspect what policies the executive agency has been doing and how well the chairperson has kept his election promise. Seventh, administrative staffs in the council are not personnel for aiding council activities. What they do is only preparing and aiding for a proceeding. To solve this problem, the right of personnel management in council staffs should be changed from the executive to the council chairman. And the aid system needs to be established so that their aiding ability can be reinforce. Lastly, local council's inspection of the administration is often overlapping with other inspections. We should reform current inspection policy to reduce duplicated inspection.

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