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      • 마아케팅 컴뮤니케이션에 關한 硏究

        정택성 全南大學校 經營大學院 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        The purposes of this thesis are as follows; in addition to getting the theoretical knowlege on marketing communication through the observation of the documents, it is intended to help all firms take effective decisions for promoting marketing activity and to improve marketing communication in the future presenting elementary materials on applying it to the activity of marketing communication in a firm. This paper consists of six chapters. Chapter two deals with the concept and the process of marketing communication and then suggested one model. It is very important in the marketing communication that a firm provides the information, its products and services to the garget customers. In communication process, E.J.McCarthy's theory was reviewed. In his theory communication process was divided into three types; a simple type, a stair one, and a synthetic one. The first one is a basic type and is so called the stimulus-response theory. This is, for instance, said to be response of customer when a salesman induce a customer to buy. The second process is the psychological stair type which is based on the selling formula theory. It is so much effective theory that every kind of customer has his own different need and desire at the same target market because the proper discovery of the customer's desire and performance of prominent salesmanship must be presupposed. The model suggested below is the synthetic one that two-step communication model has been complemented. The communication channel that a firm persuades the customer through an opinion-leader is called a tow-step flow of communication. In case of applying the two-step flow of communication model to marketing practice, Some problems were found. In order to solve these problems, a synthetic model which is complemented to promote its efficiency can be suggested. Chapter three analyses the channel of marketing communication, its message, its effect on the response string, and marketing communication strategy. In the sense of marketing, communication channel is divided into a formal one and informal one. The formal one is usually considered as advertisement or publicity through mass media, as sales appeal through the salesman, and as factors which can be controlled by marketer. The informal one is that is affected by group, meeting group, and family, etc. It is significantly dealt with in the process of receiving and diffusing new devised products. J.A.Howard and J.N.Sheth have already explained the function of the content of the message dividing into three kinds. 1. The message almost changes the buyer's comprehension about the kinds of products and special brand. 2. The message is used as a recognized means so that may achieve its purpose that the brand satisfies buyers. 3. Another effects of the massage are as follows; by increasing the fundamental motive, the message changes, the intensity of choice standard or, the contents of choice standard which may provoke the specific and useful motive. In a firm, marketing communication strategy is a series of activity that is seeks the project of performance, chooses the purpose & establishes the policy to accomplish the purpose, considers the factors and finally decides the mission of the their firms. In this kind of strategy, there are A product benefit strategy. B image identification strategy, and C product positioning strategy, etc. Chapter four analyses the real marketing state of korean marketing communication realities, and the real state of the foreign marketing communication with the questionnaire method. In chapter five, some problems and measures to improve the marketing communication in korean businesses were arranged. Many korean firms fail to connect their old image with the increase of profitable sales. The Directions they should make efforts towards are as follows. First, when building the structure, customers needs and desires be reflected on the marketing mix variables of manufacture plan, second, In order to establish extended and strategic marketing communication project, the marketing communication from top management should be supported. Third, To use the firm's image for sales promotion and so on, Some specific techniques must be supplemented specially in the field of advertisement. In conclusion, despite the harsh conditioning of domestic and international economy, korean firms must cope with these conditions, maintain and develope themselves as going concerns. Now to solve some problems from state analysis of foreign marketing communication. some countermeasures can be recommended as follows; 1. The quality of products must be improved. 2. The thought of top management should be renewed. 3. The information gathering system must be rapidly established. 4. The choice of target market must be rationalized.

      • 社會志向的 마아케팅믹스 戰略에 關한 硏究

        문용 전남대학교 경영대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        This essay is a study on concept of societal marketing and its application for marketing mix decision making. To deal with these questions, this essay examines the background of appearence of societal marketing and reviews its necessity and nature in accomplishing business purposes. The advent of societal marketing is due to limit of manegerial marketing, consumerism, quality of life, and growth of interest in the environment issues. The societal marketing is required for enterprises promoting the social reponsibility and ethicality of marketing in the post-industrial society, accepting the changes of social values and taking advantage of them for enterprise activities. Therefore, the societal marketing has serveral characteristics: introduction of societal marketing concept, implementation of consumer-citizen marketing, and expending of boundary of marketing decision marking. The major thoughts of societal marketing are socio-ecological orientation, human value orientation, social responsibility orientation, ethics orientation. The possible marketing mix approaches to implementing societal marketing are integration of socio-ecological considerations into products decision and pricing, orientation toward consumer-society type of distribution channel strategic planning, and complex operating of marketing communication with sociality. The characters and major ideas of societal marketing which are studied in this essay give the following important values for enterprises' social roles and accomplishment of their business purposes. First, the boundary of marketing decision making must be expended in order to carry out the societal marketing mix strategy. Secondly, there must be organic relations between enterprises and goverment and consumer. Thirdly, a new method for implementation of societal marketing mix strategy must be studied continuously.

      • 外來觀光客에 對한 韓國의 觀光 마아케팅에 關한 硏究

        신연수 全南大學校 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        In Todays, tourism population in the world is being increased gradually because of popularization of tourism. Especially, it is expected this business in Korea. Income of tourism is influenced in national income. In addition to, the development of tourism industry is caused employment's choice and the other relative industry. In past, tourism market in Korea is maldistributed generally in Asia. Especially degree of defendence for Japan is very high. The market of Japan is little in day of staying and amount of consumption. So Korea must establish target market of tourism in Europe. And We must develop marketing strategies for new tourism market. For that, we must develop tourism product in target market and enforce appropriate policy of price and develope the act of promotion. Following strategies according to each marketing mix are suggested for expanding overseas marketing share of the Korean tourism industry, maximizing foreign dollar attainment, marking use of the market segmentation and developing characteristic Korean tourism Products for their sale increase. First, in tourism product's strategy. We must develop tourism resoruces, clutural items, regional products and folk materials as tourism products and upgrade functional services and high quality. Second, in tourism product's price strategy, it is necessary to evelop the products of absorption price in order to penetrate the targer market. They are high price, low price and price difference and must be used appropriately in each condition. Third, in tourism place (distribution) strategy, we must simplify tourist inducement channels and expend overseas tourism agencies and diversify and decentralize domestic tourist sitis. Finally, in tourism Promotion strategy, we must carry out sales promotion according to the target market unit and directed to tourism wholesalers and retailers. Especially we must develop characteristic symbol as standard of advertising of Korea. As is stated above, we must carry out exact marketing strategies and will participate in developed nation of tourism.

      • 社會的 마아케팅의 實踐方案에 관한 硏究 : 韓國 自動車産業을 中心으로

        조찬석 檀國大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        목표뿐만 아니라 企業經營戰略, 理念, 그리고 기업의 社會的 投割까지 변화시켜 버린다. 이처럼 기업이 주위 환경변화에 예민한 것은 바로 기업을 둘러쌓고 있는 주변환경에 대해 열려있는 開放體制(Open System)로서 조직적 특성을 갖기 때문이다. 따라서 기업의 마아케팅 이념과 활동범위 그리고 기업의 책임이 변하여 모든 産業에 적용해야 할 새로운 마아케팅전략의 대두를 초래하고 있다. 과거 傳統的 마아케팅이념이 지배하던 1950년 이전에는 기업마아케팅은 企業經營으로 간주되었다. 소비자들의 불만이나 건의사항에 너무 무감각하여 마아케팅 활동은 기업의 利潤取得에 촛점을 맞추어 이루어졌고,기업은 단지 경제주체로서만 부담하는 經濟的 效率의 극대화에만 책임을 졌다. 그래서 기업마아케팅은 能率性과 利潤極大化를 위해 존재하였다. 그러나 기업은 그 자체로써 고립된 獨立體가 결코 아니다. 산업이 고도화되고 大量生産으로 大量消費가 필요한 가운데 시장에서 消費者를 인식하는 기업의 태도에 큰 변화가 일어나고 있다. 기업은 소비자의 지지와 희생하에 존립하기에 소비자의 이익을 침해하면서 까지 이윤추구를 더 이상 할 수는 없게 되었다. 또한 교육수준이 높아지고 정보획득 가능성이 많아 소비자는 과거처럼 消極的이고 우둔하지 않은 존재이다. 명확한 제품선택으로 기업이 피동적으로 옹호해주던 「消費者主權」의 의미는 사라지고 自己利益은 스스로 주장할 수 있는 능력을 소유하고 있다. 이제 소비자는 기업의 마아케팅을 좌우할 수 있는 힘까지 견비하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이런 경향은 Con- sumerism의 ?頭로 본격화 되었다. 이제 기업은 새로운 마아케팅 이념을 정립하여 소비자에게 적극적으로 접근·봉사해야 할 責務를 지고 있다. 社會的 責任을 느끼고, 消費者의 權利와 利益도 보장해야 하면서 동시에 企業利潤을 추구해야 한다. 바로 社會的 marketing 理念의 실천이다. 이것은 消費者中心主義, 環境中心主義,社會福社中心主義를 기본이념으로 하여 소비자이익,사회이익 그리고 기업이익까지 동시에 확보하려는 포괄적 마아케팅전략이다. 社會的 marketing 理念을 모든 산업에 적용해야 한다. 정상이윤이상을 추구하는 獨占,寡占市場에 우선적으로 도입하여 소비자의 不利 益을 보호해야 한다. 이런 사장을 규제 통제하여 소비자이익과 사회 가치를 옹호할 수 있어야 하겠다. 韓國自動車産業은 몇개의 大企業에 의해 주도되고 있다. 價格談合으로 자동차가격이 아주 비싸게 책정되고, marketing 과정에서 소비자의 건전한 구매행위를 저해하고 있다. 사회적 마아케팅 이념에 매우 둔감한 상태이다. 자동차에 대한 소비자의 수요가 폭발적이어서 기업이 판매과정에서 특별히 소비자 및 사회이익까지 고려할 여지를 잡지 못하고 있다. 시장에 출고만하면 모두 판매가 가능하므로 색다른 마아케팅전략을 사용할 필요가 작아 우리 자동차산업의 마아케팅수준은 傳統的 마아케팅 단계에 머물고 있는 상태이다. 가장 우려하는 것은 企業의 社會性 상실이다. 자동차 관련업체가 모두 大企業이어서 사회에 미치는 영향은 막대하다. 따라서 단순한 經濟的利潤에만 골몰 한다면 소비자와 기업은 필연적으로 對立·葛?的 관계에 놓여지고 만다. 가장 먼저 自動車産業에서 社會的 marketing 理念을 도입·실천해야 한다. 자동차부문에서 이를 도입하기 위해서는 다음 세가지 방향을 잡을 수 있다. 첫째, 企業構造의 變化 및 經營者의 思考刷新이 전제되어야 한다. 기업이 個人의 所有物이라는 관념에서 탈피하여 關聯消費者와 地域社會의 공유물로 인식할 수 있는 경영자의 意識的 變化가 수반되어야 한다. 또한 외부에 대하여 폐쇄적인 조직구조를 거부하고 開放的·彈力的 조직체제를 구축해야 한다. 이러한 변화 가운데서 企業 스스로는 社賣的 마아케팅 이념을 실천해야 하는데 인색하지 않아야 한다. 企 業內部에서부터 이를 실행할 수 있는 制度的 裝置가 마련되어야 한다. 自律監査制度의 도입과 Consumerism에 對應한 企業戰略의 시행 등이 바로 그것이다. 둘째, 소비자는 主權을 소유하고 있다. 自由意志에 따라 제품을 선택할 수 있는 권리를 갖고 있다. 이것이 「 消費者主權 」 이다. 소비자 주권이 오늘날 새로운 사회환경과 부합하면서 Consumerism으로 나타나고 있다. 소비자들이 조직적인 힘을 갖추면서 기업에 對抗할 수 있는 주체가 되었다. Consumerism은 消費者主義 또는 消費者運動 이라 풀이할 수 있다. 해석이 어떻든 Consumerism의 중심사상은 소비자의 이익을 기업으로부터 보장받으려는 것이다. 소비자가 직접 기업에 위협적 존재로 부각되면서 기업이 사회적 마아케팅 이념을 적극적으로 실행하도록 만드는 역할을 한다. 셋째, 기업의 준립기반인 地域社會는 기업에게 다양한 요구를 한다. 地域文化의 保存,生態系 파괴를 자초하는 공해,소음, 오염물 등의 배출금지를 희망한다. 소비자와 지역주민들은 이를 위하여 기업의 마아케팅 계획수립이전에 미리 關聯情報를 기업에 授入하여 이 정보에 의거 marketing 戰略이 만들어지게 하는 feedforward 방식의 도입을 유도하고 있다. 消費者利益, 企業利益, 그리고 社會利益을 동시에 보장받기 위하여 事前情報授入 (feedforward) 을 꾸준히 해야 한다. 기업의 마아케팅 전략이 소비자 및 사회이익을 파괴하지 않고 기업 활동에 타당하게 기여할 수 있는 기회를 제공하려는 것이다. 그리고 feedforward 방식은 기업으로 하여금 社會的 marketing을 하도록 하는 지렛대로 작용한다. The existent value of societal marketing can be promoted when it is adopted in business activities. This study based on this viewpoint focuses on the practical method of societal marketing in korean automobile industry. To practice effectively social marketing, first of all, several prior conditions for practice must be solved. Namely, the company which is subject of marketing, consumer who forming the most mutual relations with marketing, government which regulate of promote marketing, and major public relations institutions must form preconditions for practicing of societal marketing in organic interrelations. The marketer should consider the environmental impacts in product development and design the so-called Socio-ecological products, try to maintain adequate prices in all levels of society and desclose full informations necessary for consumer's purchasing decision making, develop an reverse channels of distribution for recycling wasters, understand the social implications, truth elevation. On the other hand, business in societal marketing is to introduce the socio-business concept to management decision making, to integrate social goals into corporate planning process, to establish a permanent department of social affairs in its organizations, and to establish the social audit system. Korean automobile industry has been developed with economic development planning since 1960s and highlighted as a export strategy industry while the automobile manufacturer advanced into north American market at a mid of 1980s. Especially the automobile industry is comprehensive mechanical industry both technological and capital-intensive so it is necessary to foster politically, for it has it's influence ever the allied industries. And the automobile industry is necessary to consider in the political aspect because it has an important effect upon the allied industries. On these bases, as methods for practicing social marketing, this study presents (1) Practical method by reviviscency of consumerism (2) Practical method by feed forward system (3) Practical method by performing of self-audit system and (4) Practical method by build-up of management strategy against consumerism.

      • 우리나라 生命保險産業의 마아케팅 戰略에 관한 硏究

        원수희 東亞大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        Finally, we should make full consideration preferentially independence and convenience of contractors in all relation of between development of goods, selling & maintaining, etc. in order to protect the contractors' rights and interests and enable them to enjoy it as well as to take negative effort to remove the inconvenience of contract groups occurred from the relation of making and maintaining the contract. Korean Life Insurance Industry is faced with a turning point due to the wave home and abroad thrusted recently to life insurance industries. This change recently is a new challenge which our life insurance industries haven't never passed through until now and also a subject which our said industries should accept in future. In that respect, we must grope for a new management strategy, in particular, marketing strategy in order to get and maintain priority in 1990's life insurance industry and, therefore, thesis is to set up the marketing strategy as follows; First, in view of goods we should develop goods in consideration of the change of populational composition, the degree of GNP & the attitude of life insurance user in future. Second, in view of selling course, we should select new employees & workers who have proper qualification through attitude test in recruiting newcomers and educate them practically about complicated and various content of goods and, in addition, train them for selling technics to give users goods and information sufficiently according to the need users want. Third, in selling technics, companies should provide the newcomers sufficiently with the information about market and customer, so that they may not waste more time than needed due to lack of information. Fourth, for the purpose of raising earning rate of investment of life insurance industry, we should have the personnel taking charge of inve tment/loan dept. participate directly in capital market and obtain and accumulate professional knowledge for the job-site and know-how.

      • 社會마아케팅과 企業行動

        김춘기 全南大學校 經營大學院 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        Until about the 1960s, marketing concept and practice had been developed by customer or consumer orientation. In the 1970s marketing concept have led to the conceptually broadened correction. This reason seems that marketing concept in the 1960s failed to achieve its accomplishments,or wants of marketing to society in the 1970s and 1980s have been beyond the level of the pastor both of the two may be the reason. Social and economic conditions in the 1960s have led to the social responsibility and human orientation stage in the evolution of marketing concept. Marketing must strive for a balance over the long-run among satisfying the wants of customers, satisfying the societal wants which are affected by meeting the company's profit goals. Consumerism, started in the 1960s, was inevitable,partly because of the success of the economic machinery. Consumerism wilt be enduring, beneficial,ultimately profitable, Consumerism have helped marketing concept to be broadened. So, the new directions for marketing are toward the goal of reestablishing consumer faith in marketers, and solving the social problems related to marketing. Social marketing have been emerged by the close-up of the social problems in 1970s, that is, Consumerism, quality of life environmental protection, legislative regulation, socially extended applicability of marketing tool. Social marketing emphasizes that the social mission of marketing must be rerecognized, and that also marketing concept may be applicable to the achievement of social goals. But social marketing is not a replacement, but a broadening and a logical extention of managerial marketing. But there are some major differences between social marketing and managerial marketing in the aspects of the target market approach, aiming to serve the interests of target, and methods of communicating ideas. For the effective practice of the social marketing concept in business, first of all, manager's thought and management organization should change applicable to social marketing orientation, Product development in social marketing aims at the social products, the desirable products, and the socio-ecological products. In social marketing, the main issues of advertising and promotion are the consideration of social implications, truth elevation, and changing directions of contents, place management is considered arranging for accessible outlets which permit the translations of motivations into action for the convenience of all the consumers and social needs. Price includes money costs, opportunity costs, energy costs, and psychic costs. The main point of price decision is that social marketing requires that careful thought is given to the manner in which desirable and convenient solution to a perceived need or problems are presented to its potential buyers. For the practice of social marketing concept in business, it is also desirable that the social cooperation system is established:the major marketing institutions: high schools, colleges, and universities make effort to enlarge marketing education to business: mass media of communication cooperate and urge the, practice of social marketing: Consumerism will be stronger than before, and all the consumers should participate positively in consumer movement: and it is also necessary to increase the government regulation for the purpose of all the consumers and social needs. Business efforts and social cooperation, for the faithful practice of social marketing, can be greatly contributed to the achievement of social objectives and thesolution of many social problems. It seems that social marketing can form the sphere of coexistence, Community life, and mutual prosperity to make consumer, business, and social profit,

      • 우리나라 표고産業의 輸出 마아케팅 戰略에 관한 硏究 : 對美輸出 마아케팅을 中心으로

        안세균 전남대학교 경영대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        Oak mushrooms are given much weight in forestry as a source of the income rise of agicultural and mountain villagers by allowing to get over economic weaknesses due to a long-term investment for forests and use intenxively forest land. Recently, however, very rapld mass- production of Oak mushrooms has become an unstable factor an account of inefficient marketing structures as well as cause a reduced income of agricultural and mountain villagers with a fall in price. It is an undeniable fact that Korean Oak mushroom industry has so rapidly grown up since 1960 and made great contribution to the growth of national economy through the export expansion. As of 1990 the amount of the percapita consumption of Oak mushroom has increased 20 times as much as that of the consumption of Oak mushroom in 1960. This phenomenon results from the increase of export markets of Oak mushrooms. The amount of Oak mushrooms produced in 1990 was 1.648M/T, which is 20 times as much as that produced in 1960. which was 76 M/T. In order to perform effective export marketing activities as well as to cope with the aggravating environment in foreign markets, Korean Oak mushroom industry should establish comprehensive export marketing strategies as in the following : 1. As a subject of Oak mushroom marketing activities, the produ joint-group of marketing group must be organized and fostered. 2. The forced brokers system must be abolished to improve the market structure and to introduce the managerial marketing mix concept. 3. Marketing functions by the procuders' cooperatives should be strengthened and product quality improvement with concentrated research and development activivies by using high technology. 4. An extensive export market survey should be made to diversity export markets and extend market share in overseas markets. 5. Physical distribution functions such as transportation, storing, packaging should be improved. 6. Systematic sales channels and networks to enchance export product demands should be diversified and established. 7. Systematic and steady export promotion activities by selecting effective advertisement media should be intensified.

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