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      • 經營情報시스템의 構造와 統制

        홍기상 명지대학교 정보산업대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        조직체에서 정보기술을 효율적으로 활용하는 것은 현대조직에 있어서 매우 중요한 과제의 하나다. 그리고 정보기술과 경영조직이 매우 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있는 만큼 효율적인 컴퓨터활용은 일관성 있는 경영조직의 형성을 요구하고 동시에 경영조직에 여러가지 많은 변화를 가져온다. 컴퓨터활용이 경영조직에 미치는 영향은 컴퓨터의 정보지원수준과 정보시스템의 발전 단계에 따라 다르다. 경영조직에 나타나는 변화에 어떻게 대응 할 것인지에 대한 경영층의 태도도 실제 변화에 많은 영향을 준다 분명한것은 컴퓨터 중심의 정보시스템은 조직체의 성과를 향상시키는데 그 목적이 있는데 컴퓨터의 적용으로 조직구조와 조직구조상에 많은 변화를 가져온다. 먼저 인력구조의 변화를 가져오는데 사무직 인력은 감소하는 반면에 관리기술인력은 증가 하게 된다. 그러나 경영층의 인력에는 큰 변화가 없다. 이러한 인력구조의 변화는 조직의 총폐합이라든가 수직적 계층의 간소화등 조직구조에 많은 변화가 수반되며 또한 직무내용이나 환경에도 많은 변화를 가져온다. 현재 우리나라의 조직체에서는 컴퓨터의 활용과 더불어 경영조직의 기본적인 개선이 많이 이루어지지 않고 있으나 점점 바뀌어 갈것이라 예산된다. 우리나라의 조직체가 국제적인 수준으로 발전해 나가려면 먼저 조직체의 각 층에서 실무주도하의 전산개발이 활발히 진행 되어야 하고 정보개발과 실무경영이 통합된 상태에서 정보기술과 정보자료가 높아져야 한다. 그리고 앞으로의 경영조직은 개방적이고 신축적인 조직구조가 요구되며 또한 조직체가 획일적인 조직경영으로부터 소 집단중심의 자율적이고 유기적인 조직행동이 요구된다.

      • 韓國 中小企業의 經營情報시스템 導入과 運營에 관한 硏究

        김득식 명지대학교 정보산업대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248719

        When we introduce MIS to the huge and small and medium sized enterprises, we find that the situation of the latter is very poor. For example, the factilties who can utilize computer and the various development of S/W are not educated properly Even though the construction of MIS is designated as an important and range of MIS is not clear yet. In this resarch, therefore, I suggest the advanced strategy to solve a primary hindrance factor to the promotion of MIS introduction in our small and medium sized enterprises. A driving strategy for the MIS of these enterprises can be divided into a gradual strategy of the MIS introduction and its source. And it may be meaningful to divide the gradual strategy of the MIS introduction of these enterprises into three parts: Introduction of MIS: Extended application of MIS: Entire system of MIS. The application of MIS in today's business field has lots of problems, but it will be used as necessary means of management in the future. As the result of the guestions for this study, we can find that there are many problems in introducing of MIS to these enterprises in Seoul as follows: the wrong slection of H/W, the weak foundation of S/W, employer's indifference, supreme management's lowsponsor, the obstacle of communication, etc. These problems have a priority of order for the successful construction of MIS. To solve these problem, it is necessary to follow the order as follows: first, to bring up experts and practise new skills ; second, to get employer engage actively; third, to establ ish the control system and test standards; forth, to get supreme management sponsor actively; fifth, to make a clear of the purpose and area of MIS; etc. According to the demonstrative investigation, it is important to recognize MIS as a supreme management tool. In order to compare with other countries in this curent situation, we should build up the competitive power of the technics, the quality, and the price, which is the most immediate and necessary task we have. And the shortcut of these goals is the reduction of the high costs and the advencement of the quality and productivity. If all circumstances get mature, the MIS construction of the small and medium sized enterprises will become popular and proceed to a successive direction through the education training in rust of outer institution and S/W supply which has a various ability as well as the direct or indirect support of the government and the public institution. When we introduce MIS to the huge and small and medium sized enterprises, we find that the situation of the latter is very poor. For example, the faculties who can utilize computer and the various development of S/W are not educated properly Even though the construction of MIS is designated as an important and range of MIS is not clear yet. In this resarch, therefore, I suggest the advanced strategy to solve a primary hindrance factor to the promotion of MIS introduction in our small and medium sized enterprises. A driving strategy for the MIS of these enterprises can be divided into a gradual strategy of the MIS introduction and its source. And it may be meaningful to divide the gradual strategy of the MIS introduction of these enterprises into three parts : Introduction of MIS: Extended application of MIS: Entire system of MIS. The application of MIS in today's business field has lots of problems, but it will be used as necessary means of management in the future. As the result of the guestions for this study, we can find that there are many problems in introducing of MIS to these enterprises in Seoul as follows : the wrong slection of H/W, the weak foundation of S/W, employer's indifference, supreme management's lowsponsor, the obstacle of communication, etc. These problems have a priority of order for the successful construction of MIS. To solve these problem, it is necessary to follow the order as follows : first, to bring up experts and practise new skills ; second, to get employer engage actively; third, to establish the control system and test standards; forth, to get supreme management sponsor actively ; fifth, to make a clear of the purpose and area of MIS ; etc. According to the demonstrative investigation, it is important to recognize MIS as a supreme management tool. In order to compare with other countries in this curent situation, we should build up the competitive power of the technics, the quality, and the price, which is the most immediate and necessary task we have. And the shortcut of these goals is the reduction of the high costs and the advencement of the quality and productivity. If all circumstances get mature, the MIS construction of the small and medium sized enterprises will become popular and proceed to a successive direction through the education training in rust of outer institution and S/W supply which has a various ability as well as the direct or indirect support of the government and the public institution.

      • 經營情報體系의 中小企業에의 導入과 效率的 運營에 關한 硏究

        장충일 明知大學校 情報産業大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        Recently, numerous small and medium-sized companies need the introduction of management information system.But owing to the lack of manpower and money, these companies dare not introduce MIS. The role of top management for the introduction and developpment is critical to overcome the constraints of these companies. The purpose of this study is to present a direction for MIS' introduction and development of these companies for the standpoint of top management.

      • 意思決定에 있어서 MIS의 機能에 관한 硏究

        유병직 명지대학교 정보산업대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Contemporary enterprise should enhance its decision-making in more objective and scientific way by employing MIS(Management Information System) for the sake of its maintenance, growth and development as a business entity. MIS can be defined as a system which provides members of each organization with needed information to help make scientific and rational decisions through gathering, classifying, and processing data that are produced in its internal and external environments. In particular, recently-developed MIS has been based on highly functional and automatic computers. The computer-based MIS should suit the characteristic of each organization so as to promote more efficient, precise and optimal decision-making It follows that MIS should be developed in terms of the size and structure of the organization. Particularly noteworthy is the way in which members of the organization flexibly perform their functions with the MIS. In this respect, it can be said that the successful decision-making lies in the correct understanding and utilization of the MIS. For this reason, the MIS should be designed in such a way as to meet the conditions and other relevant factors of the organization. It is true that the MIS, since its introduction, has had a far-reaching influence upon various aspects of the organization. In conclusion, the MIS should be positively adopted as part of more efficient business administration.

      • 國內企業의 事務自動化 推進方案에 관한 經驗的 硏究

        김재석 명지대학교 정보산업대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        This study is conducted, extracting the basic concept of OA from its general examination, to test the hypotheses and seek its promotion ways cued from its Korean present state and problems through a survey. The results which analyze and evaluate the contents and effects of OA by classifying a business as to its size and industrial structure respectively are as follows Under the significant level(P0.05), the survey is proved that the effects of education and productivity are not interrelational in conformity with the industry classification, two independent samples extracted from each different population. To the contrary, in case of top management, middle management and lower management which is extracted from the same population, it is showed that interrelationship about the understanding of OA is high. Nowadays, OA in a high degree of information society is indispensable for strengthening the competitive power of organization and the productivity improvement of office. Swimming with the current, this study is trying to locate problems concerned with OA through the survey of its present situation and to explore promotion ways. Problems in driving OA are as follows. First, the station within an organization is wanting that makes OA propulse efficiently and systematically. Second, office tools are very high in price and reciprocity and integratedness connecting between the tools are needing. Third, training & education which should be based on a firm support reshort of satisfying the present demand level. Fourth, it is required to improve the environment which helps use OA efficiently. And it is demanded to develop software which fits our Korean business situation and is easy to use. At last, for the advancement of OA's productivity and the cutailment of expenditure, OA of top management that much personnel expenditures are required of is called for impendingly. Under the future-oriented society of information, it is necessary road for a firm to exist, maintain and develop that OA should be in force after the above-mentioned problems are examined enough. Accordingly, a firm should try for the recognition of OA to take a favorable turm and establish the foundation of OA, and it is desirable to advance OA step by step. In compliance with the present situation, I think it is high that Korean firms, strived to build up a comprehensive OA plan to use resources efficiently.

      • MRP SYSTEM에 관한 연구

        김상윤 明知大學校 情報産業大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        MRP has become a new way to make vitality in inventory management, displacing order methods such as statistical inventory control techniques, and nowadays, is a well defined technique to synthesize the systems of production. Tea former relaters to the applications of an integrated data base to tea entire company while tea latter pertains to a specific modular part of tea concept known as Material Requirement Planning. Integration becomes vital to enable tea communication of top management's production plan to tea entire organization. The functioning of various unit within a company such as manufacturing, marketing, finance, and engineering sways towards a conflict in goals through tea nature of their own independence. The stock of goods of an enterprise forms a large proportion of whole asserts, the stock of manufacturers forms about 25 - 50% of tee whole asserts. It brings on the reincrease of invested capital to tea increasing conversion rata of capital, so the efficient inventory management is necessary, and important. Nowadays, the problem with which most of enterprise's confronted is how to solvate surplus of stocks or lack of team. The MRP is tea most efficient schedule planning and inventory management to arrange product schedule. The MRP system approach has been developed as the new inventory management system, which can lower the safety stock thoroughly has controlled the right materials quantity which can be applied to the right place at the right time, and bring the greatest efficiency. This paper is structured as follows: The first chapter provides introduction. The second chapter deals with the developing of the theoretical model of the MRP. The third chapter provides design of MRP system. The forth chapter provides problems in the inventory management system the J enterprise and provides the improvement of the inventory management system in the J enterprise. The fifth chapter is to point out overall contents of this study which presents the limits of this research and it directional the future. Results of the study are the following: MRPS is related to other business systems. Therefore, MRPS should be designed to reflect the related system in the view of the management information system. The MRPS is applied to the production of the J company developing the program and alputalg the data computer. We can obtain the MRP report containing useful information about production and inventory problem solving. I derive the total quantity of inventory in each part by computer. As a result of making a comparative analysis of the derived material, the inventory decrees of 30% was shown. This proves that the MRP system is an efficient way to increase the productivity in a manufacturing firm.

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