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      • 國際廣告 效率化 方案

        곽치근 慶北大學校 經營大學院 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        Korea has concentrated her economic policy and economic planning on exportation and its promotion for about twenty years She aims total exporting system for export promotion by internationalization of all industries, exportation of all goodsand making the whole world her market place. As exportation expanding we should recognize that the international advertisement is a method of its promotion. We can't deny that so far the international advertisement of Korea has executed in the lack of macroscopic planning and scientific data. This paper intends to analyze its problems and to find out efficient way of international advertisement of the Korean in dustries. First chapter is the introduction. Second chapter has described general considerations about the international advertisement and the environment which affect on the tactics of it. Third chapter has analyzed the condition of the advertisement compared with U.S., Japan and England by the oredr of exportation amount to advance Korean goods in abroad. Chapter four has analyzed the condition of Korean industries' international advertisement and suggested their problems. Chapter five has described several methods for efficient international advertisement tactics and details of practical international advertisement. And chapter six is the conclusion of this paper and it includes the suggestions of international advertisement for Korean industries. We can summarize the problems and their solutions of the international advertisement of Korean industries. 1. Korea has exported 21600million U. S, dollars in 1982, but the cost of international advertisement was about 21400 million Won (0.05%). This figure says that they recognize the necessity but the investment for it is not sufficient. There fore the cost of international advertisement of Korean industries should be promoted to the level of industrialized countries, for example Japan, 0.3% of her exportation. 2. The exporting companies of Korea use for their advertisement mainly magazine, trade paper, and newspapers but they scarcely use the media of TV and Radio. It is recommandable to promote the use of the radio media. 3. Exportations performed mainly by the foreign buyer. So it is claimed that for inform and let foreign consumers buy our goods we should make internationalization of advertisemeet for more direct and perspective marketing circumstances. 4. Foreing advertisement faces various obstaclesand economic difficulties unlike international advertisement. We can overcome these kinds of difficulties by coorperations among exporting companies, local affiliated companies and branches or by the cooperations with the local distribution corm panies. 5. It is also required to make the adverting agency big and multinationalize. There are three adverting agency which prepare to organige the department of international advertisewent and ready for the internationalization. It is necessary to bring up and assist the advertising agency for the establishment of international advertising agency and specialized international advertising agency in the perspective of exporting corntry. 6. Few of the exporting companies of Korea has specializ ed department for international advertisement. It is absolutely necessary to make good structure of exporting companies for the continuous export promotion. 7. As the diversification of exporting markets it is also necessary to diversify and expand the region of international advertisement of advertising agency to promote international advertisement.

      • 新製品의 消費者 受容過程과 促進戰略

        백연수 慶北大學校 經營大學院 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        This study is based on the fact that development of new products and promotional activities, designed to facilitate the consumer adoption process of the new products, have never been viewed as improtant determinants for a company to grow and to survive a keen competition among business enterprises in todays highly industrialized society. The purpose of this study is to seek a new turning point for promotional strategies with an emphasis on the growth of company, by means of examining how new products into which business enterprises invest a huge amount of money are adopted by consumer, and what promotional strategies are must suitable to arrest the attention of consumers, and what promotional strategies are at an early stage of sales promotion. The way new products are adopted covers five stages-awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption. If the characteristic of innovation affecting the rapidity of consumer adoption provides consumers with relative advantages, compatibility, divisibility and communicability, the process of adoption on the part of consumers is significantly expertised. When the consumers responses in the adoption process are differentiated by several periods of time. We find the process composed of innovator category, early adopter category, early majority category, late majority category and laggard category. Therefore, it is imperative for marketing manager to locate consumers in early adopter category, and hence come the necessity of mixture of adequate promotional strategies. Promotional strategies include personal selling, advertising, sales promotion and publicity. Given the fact that different companies have different characteristic of products, product life cycle, promotional budget and others. We must make the aforesaid conditions of every individual business enterprises. Possible promotional stragegies to be employed in varried stage of consumer adoption process are as follows; (1) The stage of awareness requires more impressive promotional strategies, which spark an interest of mass-media, and have a shocking description of new products. (2) In the stage of interest, it is required the strategies which distinguish themselves from other existing environmental element of promotional activities. (3) The stage of evaluation needs strategies which have clearness and credibility. They will have to create consumers curiosity and make promise of rewards to the target consumer group. (For example; a problem-solving approach) (4) The trial and adoption stage requires promotional strategies leading to comsumption with an emphasis on point of purchase advertising, price appeal and dealer advertising. In the final analysis, ;promotion managers considering environmental element of every business enterprises, characteristic of new products consumer goods or industrial goods, as the case may be, promotional budget, PLC and others, are asked to mixed promotional strategies establish that can vast contribute to the growth of their enterprises.

      • 釜山市內 百貨店의 落後要因에 관한 硏究

        노태호 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1970 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        The torn pusan Department " distribution polcies" is commonly used to denote the rules of action that marketing organizations adopt with to the selection of channels of distribution and to the diuision of the marketing task among the various participants is some understood or agreed manner. This category of palicies include moreover, the performance that one party expects from avother the support to be given, and the compensation to be provided in one way or another for functions performed. Any vertical level of a distribution channel may be the fous for the formulation of distribution policy. a manufacture, for example may establish distribution policy by deciding to sell through on type or class of retail outlet an not though another or to reach the retail level of the channel by exclusive utlization of wholesale distribution rather than by performance of wholesaling functions within his own organization.

      • 寶石마아케팅 戰略에 관한 硏究

        배대기 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1981 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        This study has been carried out for the whole strategies for jewel marketing. Jewel industry has not been developed in Korea. Therefore, the nation still has no proper importing Channel for rough stones, the raw resources of jewel production. The social distribution condition of jewel products is in an unsafe state because of many long-standing customary factors. Due to such factors, jewel managements are done by closed and premodern methods, so much so that the introduction and development of new managing method is much necessary. More over, the demand for more jewel shops in the nation is supposed to increase, when the imports of jewel goods or rough stone are made free along with the increase in the number of overseas travelers. It is also expected that the products and purchasing motives may diversify. Therefore, to cope with such environmental changes properly, the theory of modern marketing and method should be introduced and practised for the management of jewel shop. From an analysis of theoretical and actual circumstances, the present writer believes that a research into the special character of jewel is necessary, before examining the backwardness in the management of jewel shop in Korea. Jewel marketing strategy, then, will come next. The results of this thesis are as follows : 1) Strategy of Credit-raising for Jewel shop 2) Location strategy of Jewel shop 3) Display strategy 4) Strategy of Forming of Goods 5) Advice Strategy for Customers The writer believes that these strategies may help much in rationalizing modern-style management methods in Korea.

      • 販賣廣告와 消費者와의 硏究 : 廣告와 需要의 關係를 中心으로

        오태봉 전남대학교 경영대학원 1971 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        Korean business enterprises are confronted with the great task of performing modern marketing, An increasingly complex technology on the hand and rapidly changing business and economic environment in which companies operate on the other, have caused marketing to become more imperative to. the business concerns in our nation just as in the advanced counteries. Among the various tools of marketing advertising is one of the most important things to be used. This study attempts to recognize the present conditions of advertising management by the Korean firms and to find the way to improve it. (1) As a whole, advertising is still regarded by a lot of firms in our nation as a minor supplepnent to other forms of selling, which hinders them from performing real advertising's functions as a formidable marketing tool. (2) In regard to settting the advertising appropriation, most of the companies studied depending upon "the percentage of sales method." Being conscious of its weakpoints, they hardly find the best way to determine the optimum amount to spend on advertising. (3) Another of the important problems facing the advertiser is, the selection of media. Korean companies also make the best use of socalled four main media, but unfortunately they have littie scientific data for them to select media intelligently. Consequently we see the general phenomenon that they do not select media for themselves but are merely persuaded by media representatives mostly on sentimental basis, (4) Every advertiser may want to find a better way to measure advertising effectiveness. However, a great deal of advertising in Korea have been rather intuitive and untested. It was revealed that they did not have accurate but easy techniques to evaluate the advertising effectiveness, though they were well conscious of the necessity for it, So far as advertising remain untested, we can not expect desirable results in marketing activity. I believe neither of the extreme assertion, that advertising is all wasteful or a panacea of a company, is true. In fact, almost every critic of advertising has attributed to its qualities which lie deeper than advertising itself. Therefore, the most important thing is how to achieve its scientific application to modern business in the sense of effective marketing coordination. On this point many companies in our nation, where the field of advertising as well as of marketing is in its infancy, leave much to be desired except a few ones that have made an encouraging start. In conclusion, the following suggestions could be made; (1) Modern marketing concept should be established among businessmen including ad-men. (2) Consideration should be given to the business organization so that advertising can perform its real functions. (3) Advertisinq should be controlled in accordance with the managerial principle. (4) Efficient art directing system should be introduced as soon as possible. (5) Professional agencies including advertising agencies and other institutional aid are needed. (6) They should be more positive in developing ethics of advertising with the belief that it is the true way of company's perpetual prosperity. (7) Keen attention should be payed to the matter of international marketing and export advertising.

      • 인터넷뱅킹 서비스품질이 고객만족 및 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향

        이동수 영남대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248622

        The Study on the Effect of the Internet Banking Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction and Reusing Intention Dong-Soo Lee Dept. of Business Administration Graduate School Yeungnam University (Directed by Professor Yeung-Bong Park) Abstract Internet banking is the system where the consumer is offered a variety of financial services through PC and the arrangement of the host computer in the bank. In 1999, the Shinhan bank first started to arrange the internet banking service in Korea. Nowadays, the internet banking is one of the most important services of the bank industries. Because of the evolution and expansion of communication through internet and the merit of internet banking, the share of internet banking in bank is enlarging. Many domestic banks have been deeply interested in the establishment of a strong customer relationship to acquire advantages due to severer competition in bank industries. Customer satisfaction and reusing intention, which as an important strategic goal can be realized through marketing practices, is absolutely crucial for steady and superior economic expansion. Therefore, this study identifies internet banking service quality, customer satisfaction, reusing intention, characteristic of internet banking user. Additionally, investigate the determinants of service quality and empirically investigate relationships among the service quality, customer satisfaction and reusing intention . For this study, existing references regarding service quality, customer satisfaction, and reusing intention were reviewed, and research model was then created. To that end, population that is over 18 years adults using internet banking in Daegu Metropolitan City is established, 250 samples were selected with convenience random sampling method and finally 212 samples were used of this study. After executing pilot study and verifying construct validity and reliability, questionnaire were filled out by the samples with self-adminstration method. The statistical methods for this study were descriptive analysis, reliability, factor analysis and regression analysis using SPSS/PC Windows 12.0. From the result of statistical analysis, it was appealed that 6 service quality factors(tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, conviction, empathy, and stability) are affected to customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction affected reusing intention. The study provides following suggestions, Although the 6 factors deciding service quality show difference in regression factor score, it generally provides customers with positive affect. Also, it was found that customer satisfaction acted as the significant mediating variable to reinforce the relationship between service quality and customer reusing intention in internet banking. As suggested by the results of this study, we provide brief discussion of strategic guidelines about domestic internet banking and further researches are suggested. Key wards : internet banking, internet banking service quality, customer satisfaction, reusing intention. 인터넷뱅킹 서비스품질이 고객만족 및 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향 이동수 영남대학교 대학원 경영학과 마케팅 전공 (지도교수 박영봉) 요 약 본 논문은 전통 은행 서비스품질과 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스품질에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명함으로 은행의 서비스품질 향상에 도움을 주고, 이러한 요인들이 인터넷 뱅킹 고객들의 고객만족도와 재이용의도에 어떻게 영향력을 행사하는 가를 실증적 연구를 통해 비교분석함으로 은행 마케팅전략의 계획과 실행에 실무적 도움을 제공하고, 더 나아가 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스품질에 대한 유용한 통찰력과 전략적 시사점을 제공하는 것을 목적으로 진행되었다. 이를 위해 서비스의 정의와 특징, 서비스품질, 고객만족 및 인터넷뱅킹과 관련된 문헌연구를 충실히 수행하였고, 이를 토대로 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스품질 결정요인들을 추출한 다음, 인터넷뱅킹 서비스품질요인을 독립변수로, 재이용의도와 만족도를 종속변수로 두고 변수들간의 인과관계를 회귀분석을 이용해서 검증하였다. 연구결과, 인터넷 뱅킹을 주로 이용하는 고객층은 10대 후반-40대의 연령층으로 대학생 또는 경제활동에 직접 참여하는 사람들이며, 인터넷뱅킹에 대한 수요는 점점 증가하고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 인터넷뱅킹 서비스품질요인중 신뢰성에 가장 주력하는 것이 고객만족도를 높이며, 이러한 고객만족도는 재이용의도에 정(+)의 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 최근 고객만족과 충성도를 연구하는 다른 연구결과와도 일치한다. 요약하면, 인터넷뱅킹 서비스품질의 6가지 결정요인들은 고객만족에 모두 정의 영향을 미치며, 고객만족은 고객의 재이용의도를 이끈다는 연구결과를 토대로 은행들은 탁월한 서비스품질을 지속적으로 제공하기 위한 노력에 경주할 필요가 있음을 시사하고 있다.

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