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      • 벤자민 브리튼의 《전쟁 레퀴엠 Op. 66》(1962)에 관한 연구

        ZHANG HONGTAO 삼육대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 232271

        本杰明.布里顿《战争安魂曲》 Op. 66(1962) 的分析研究 HONGTAO ZHANG 三育大学研究生院 综合艺术学院全球人才 艺术学 音乐专业 本研究分析了布里顿的《战争安魂曲》,作品66,以确认为何该作品被视为20世纪合唱音乐的领导作品之一,以及本杰明·布里顿为何是英国代表性作曲家。 英格兰最知名的作曲家之一是亨利·普赛尔(1659-1695)。普赛尔之后,出现了爱德华·埃尔加(1857-1834)、拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉姆斯(1872-1958)和古斯塔夫·霍尔斯特(1874-1934)。他们的继任者,本杰明·布里顿(1913-1976),获得了全世界声誉。从对《战争安魂曲》,作品66的构成技术、使用人声和合唱,以及歌词分析,从形式、结构和音乐元素的角度得出以下结论。 从形式和结构角度看,1)六部曲展示了传统和新概念同时存在的各种形式结构。2) 根据管弦乐元素以及是拉丁语歌词还是英语歌词进行划分。在女高音独唱、男童合唱和混声合唱中演唱拉丁歌词,以及在男高音和男中音独唱中演唱英语歌词的歌唱者中划分作品形式结构。3)特定短语或旋律的动机和重复,给整个作品赋予了统一性。 从分析音乐元素的角度看,1)音乐表达是通过结合从过去到现在的各种作曲技巧来实现的,如中世纪的教会调式、巴洛克时期的赋格和复调技术以及现代音乐的和声。2) 该作品展示了偏离传统和声和调性概念的现代音乐特征。3)在节奏和节拍系统中尝试了现代技术,如频繁变换节拍和复杂节拍。另外,布里顿对每个部分都使用了不同的节拍。4) 通过像低声歌唱一样的音色效果,以及使用不和谐和超过八度的音程,找到了一种现代的声乐技术。5) 管弦乐队与声乐和合唱声部具有同等重要性。 关键词:英国音乐,本杰明·布里顿,安魂曲,合唱乐,教会调式,巴洛克时期的赋格和 复调技术,现代音乐的和声。 This study of Britten's War Requiem, Op. 66 was analyzed to confirm why the work can be pointed out as one of the leading repertoires of choral music in the 20th century and that Benjamin Britten is a representative Britsh composer. One of the most famous composers representing England is Henry Purcell (1659-1695). After Purcell, Edward Elgar (1857-1834), Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), and Gustav Holst (1874-1934) appeared. Their successor, Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), attained worldwide fame. Analyzing the composition technique, use of vocal and chorus, and lyrics for War Requiem, Op. 66, the conclusions from the perspective of form, structure, and musical elements were as follows. From a view of form and structure, 1) The six pieces showed various formal structure in which traditional and new concepts are simultaneous. 2) The form was divided according to the orchestral elements and whether it was Latin lyrics or English lyrics. A singing voice who sang the Latin lyrics within a Soprano solo, Boys choir, and a mixed chorus and who sang the English lyrics within a Tenor and Baritone solo divided formal structure of works. 3) Leitmotiv and repetition of specific phrase or melodies gave unity to the whole pieces. From a perspective of analyzing musical elements, 1) Musical expression was achieved by combining various compositional techniques from the past to the present, such as church mode in the Middle Ages, fugue and contrapuntal techniques in the Baroque period, and harmony in modern music. 2) This piece showed the characteristics of modern music that deviated from the traditional concept of harmony and tonality. 3) Modern techniques such as frequent change meter and complex meter were attempted within rhythm and meter system. Also, Britten used a different meter for each part. 4) It was able to find a modern aspect technique of vocal that is singing like a whisper for timbre effects, and that use dissonance and the interval over the octave. 5) The Orchestra had the same importance as the vocal and choral voices. Key words : england music, benjamin britten, requiem, choral music, leitmotif, contrapuntal techniques, modern technique. 본 논문은 벤자민 브리튼의 《전쟁 레퀴엠 Op. 66》(War Requiem, Op. 68, 1962)을 분석연구하여 작품이 20세기 합창 음악의 주요 레퍼토리 중 하나로 지목될 수 있는 이유와 그가 영국을 대표하는 작곡가임을 알아본 연구이다. 또한 브리튼이 영국 음악의 합창음악 전통을 이어받아 20세기에서 중요한 위치를 차지하며, 다양한 시대적, 지역적 음악을 자신만의 음악 어법으로 소화해내고 보수적, 진보적, 진취적 음악성과 예술성을 보여 주는지 밝히는데 목적이 두었다. 영국을 대표하는 가장 유명한 작곡가로 헨리 퍼셀(Henry Purcell, 1659-1695)을 손꼽을 수 있다. 헨리 퍼셀 이후 에드워드 엘가(Edward Elgar, 1857-1834)와 본 윌리암스(Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958), 홀스트(G. Holst, 1874-1934)가 등장하게 된다. 그들을 이은 벤자민 브리튼(Benjamin Britten, 1913-1976)은 세계적인 명성을 얻는다. 《전쟁 레퀴엠 Op. 68》의 작곡 기법, 성악과 합창의 사용, 가사를 분석하여 형식 및 구조, 음악 요소의 측면에서 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 형식 및 구조의 측면에서 1) 《전쟁 레퀴엠 Op. 68》의 6개 악곡은 전통적 개념과 새로운 개념이 공존하는 다양한 형식 구조를 보였다. 2) 형식은 관현악적 요소와 라틴어 가사인지 영어 가사인지에 따라서 구분 되었다. 라틴어 가사는 소프라노, 소년합창, 혼성합창 중 누가 노래하는지, 영어 가사는 테너와 바리톤 독창자 중에서 누가 노래하는지에 따라 형식이 구분되었음을 알 수 있었다. 3) 라이트모티브의 개념은 악곡 전체의 통일성을 부여하기 위해 활용하였고 특정 악구나 선율을 반복하였다. 음악 요소의 측면에서 1) 음악 표현은 중세시대의 교회선법, 바로크 시대의 푸가와 대위법적 기법, 현대 음악의 화성 등 과거부터 현대까지 다양한 작곡 기법의 결합으로 이루어졌다. 2) 이 작품은 전통적인 화성과 조성의 개념에서 벗어난 현대음악의 특징을 보였다. 3) 리듬과 박자에서는 변박과 복합박자의 빈번한 사용으로 현대적 기법을 시도하였다. 또한, 브리튼은 성부별 다른 박자 체계를 사용하였다. 4) 성악 연주법은 음향적 효과를 위해 속삭이듯 노래하는 창법의 활용과 불협화 음정과 완전 8도를 넘나드는 도약 음정 진행으로 현대적인 모습을 찾을 수 있었다. 5) 관현악 성부가 성악 및 합창 성부와 동등한 역할을 하였다. 주요어 : 영국음악, 벤자민 브리튼, 레퀴엠음악, 합창음악, 라이트모티브, 교회선법, 대위법적 기법, 현대적 기법

      • Statistical methods for correlated data from observational studies

        Zhang, Hongtao The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Randomized clinical trials are generally considered the 'gold standard' in establishing causal relationship due to its ability to balance distributions of subject characteristics across treatment groups. Since the treatment assignment is not confounded with the patient's baseline characteristics, treatment effect can be estimated simply by comparing outcomes between treated and untreated groups. Due to ethical and other concerns, randomized trials are not always an option. Researchers sometimes rely on observational study designs to investigate the relationship between outcome and exposure and other covariates. In this dissertation, we investigate statistical methods for analyzing correlated data from observational studies. First, we consider case-cohort studies with multiple disease outcomes. The case-cohort design is widely used in large cohort studies when it is prohibitively costly to measure some exposures for all subjects in the full cohort, especially in studies where the disease rate is low. To investigate the effect of a risk factor on different diseases, multiple case-cohort studies using the same subcohort are usually conducted. To compare the effect of a risk factor on different types of diseases, times to different disease events need to be modeled simultaneously. Existing case-cohort estimators for multiple disease outcomes utilize only the relevant covariate information in cases and subcohort controls, though many covariates are measured for everyone in the full cohort. Intuitively, making full use of the relevant covariate information can improve efficiency. To this end, we consider a class of doubly-weighted estimators for both regular and generalized case-cohort studies with multiple disease outcomes. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are derived and our simulation studies show that a gain in efficiency can be achieved with a properly chosen weight function. We illustrate the proposed method with a data set from Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. Second, we investigate marginal structural Cox model for clusters of correlated failure time observations. In causal inference, marginal structural Cox model has been widely used to analyze time-to-event data arising from observational studies, where observations are independent. In many studies, subjects in the same community or clinic form natural clusters and are thus correlated. For example, in INSPIRIS Inc. home visiting provider program, participants from the same region are considered in the same cluster. We formulate marginal structural Cox model for this type of data and prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator. Simulation studies show that marginal structural Cox model perform properly by yielding unbiased estimate and satisfactory confidence interval coverage. The proposed method is implemented using a claim data assessing the effectiveness of INSPIRIS home visiting health care program. Third, we study cluster-based probability-dependent sampling (PDS). As all studies are conducted with a limited budget, the maximum study sizes are often restricted by the cost of the exposure ascertainment. When the outcome is continuous, the two-stage PDS is an appealing sampling scheme that allows investigators to over-sample the two distributional tails of the continuous exposure and to obtain a more informative sample than simple random sample (SRS), without knowing the functional form of the underlying relationship between exposure and outcome. In the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP), subjects are clustered within each participating clinic. Statistical method needs to properly account for cluster-level random effects under PDS scheme. We propose estimation and inference procedures based on a semiparametric profile likelihood function. We show that our estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. In simulation studies, our cluster-based PDS method provides more efficient estimators compared to linear mixed effect models on an SRS of the same size. We also apply the method to a data set from the CPP.

      • Nitride semiconductor surface and interface characterization and device design

        Zhang, Hongtao University of California, San Diego 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        With the rapid improvement of nitride semiconductor epitaxial growth technology, the precise and accurate electrical characterization of MBE grown nitride semiconductors and its alloys is essential for nitride device analysis and design. In the first part of the dissertation, a variant of the conventional capacitance-voltage profiling technique is developed and applied to deduce interface charge densities and band-offset values at InxGa 1-xN/GaN heterojunction interfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Conduction-band offsets of 0.09 +/- 0.07 eV and 0.22 +/- 0.05 eV, and polarization charge densities of (1.80 +/- 0.32) x 10 12 e/cm2 and (4.38 +/- 0.36) x 1012 e/cm2 are obtained for x=0.054 and x=0.09, respectively. The measured polarization charge densities are lower than those predicted theoretically, but are in good agreement with values inferred from optical data reported for InxGa1-xN/GaN quantum-well structures. The second part of the dissertation focuses on reverse-bias leakage current analysis of Schottky diode fabricated on MBE-grown GaN and Al0.25Ga 0.75N/GaN heterojunction field effect transistor (HFET) devices. By combining temperature-dependent current-voltage measurements with conductive atomic force microscopy and analytical modeling, we conclude that below 150K, the leakage current is dominated by tunneling transport; while at higher temperatures, it is dominated by dislocation-assisted Frenkel Poole emission mechanism. In the third part of the dissertation, we develop heterostructure design strategy, implemented using a GaN cap layer atop a conventional MBE Al xGa1-xN/GaN HFET structure, based on engineering the electric field at the metal-semiconductor interface of a Schottky contact. The Frenkel Poole emission of electrons into conductive screw dislocations is thus suppressed and the measured reverse-bias leakage currents are reduced by one to three orders of magnitude. Scanned probe measurements of local, nanoscale current distributions confirm directly that current flow via conductive dislocations is suppressed in structures incorporating the GaN cap layer. In the appendix, possible applications of negative index material (NIM) in resonator structures are analyzed and followed by a discussion of a new NIM structural design and preliminary fabrication studies.

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